The US census does not differentiate between Jews of different origin. So this week on Jewish Forum we asked our panel: should Jewish people be considered White?
I'm a black man and I've dated a jewish woman and brought her around my family and my girlfriend told me where did i get white from. And i asked her wait you're not white. She said no I'm jewish. I said hey ok then
Jewish is first a religion, second an ethnicity. This is a ridiculous conversation. Most of the time, unless you announce it, no one knows if you are Jewish or not.
As someone who is ethnically Jewish; here's my take. Whoopi Goldberg is not antisemetic. The long history of oppression has made a sizable group of us to take anyone or anything talking on our self image or identity has caused impulsive and reactionary comments. In otherwords trauma based taking it too personally.
If a black person converts to become Jewish is it a conversion of a religious nature or nationality? If religious then what makes a non-religious white "Jew" to be a Jew? It would seem like there is a different definition for a black and a white person!
That’s likely because you’re identified as White. I’m a man. If I were running for president, my gender would be the last thing on my mind. Every US president has been a man, so why would that even be on my radar? If a woman were running for president, it would be a bigger deal, because we live in a male-dominated society and men are still seen as the most dominant and important especially when it comes to leading the country - we’re a patriarchal society. So, she’d be running against a history where only men have been president. If I’m a child of a White, Jewish mom and a Black father, that makes me Jewish according to Jewish law, right? I’d likely receive oppression, not only from the world, because of my Black identity, but also from Jews - just like the Black woman in this video said. So…color DOES MATTER.
You have to be carefull when you say that because although in your neighborhood or in your household it may not matter. Yet when you go to work or your nephew or cousins in their neighborhoods may have a different perspective.
And 10,000 years ago, we live in Palestine. Said the self proclaimed 10,000 years old immortal Jacob(not the prophet Yaqub a.s) that occasionally yells "If I don't steal your house, someone else will". Palestine is so big, it stretches to Europe continent.
God doesn't see colour. Apostle Paul, former Pharisee and murderer of Christians: There is neither Jew nor Aramaean, neither Servant nor Free person, neither male nor female, for all of you are one in Yeshua The Messiah. Gal. 3:28 Aramaic
Not Sephardim or Mizrahi. That's for sure. Ashkenazi are not genetically related to the Middle East or people of Bible/Torah. They are Eastern European with Turkic roots, so perhaps. But we know they were treated like blacks, so it's tough.
They are not "European". There is nothing European about them, Ashkenazi are a Turkic group. You people need to wake up and spend 3 minutes researching before lumping them in with us.
@someanimefan5990 so? I used to know a girl from NZ that was half Maori and half Norwegian descent. She had light hair and blue eyes. Does that mean she was not Maori?
We have little in common with them. We are indigenous to Europe, they moved here. They moved here from somewhere else, Khazaria, or the Levant. They are like Gypsies who originate in India, they have inherited some European admixture from living here we are different.
Joseph was given a coat of many colours. Now a coat is the garment of a body as a body is the garment of the soul. It's not about the garments it's about the soul. The garment of the soul is the body and it can have a variety of colours. Judaism is not about the garment, it is concerned with the rectifications of the soul and that is the one thing that all Jews have in common, the soul. So, one people, many colours!
This comes from an old European habit of equating national ID as a racial category. You can find a great example with Winston Churchill when he wrote of the Battle of Midway and spoke of the achievement of the "American Race." I lived in Slovenia in the late 90s, and I found that older people still thought and talked this way.
This seems to be more of an American question since, as the guest Chaya has said, the history has been predicated of white racial identity. You don't see that question come up as much in Canada but it does happen on occasion.
There is Jewish by faith and Jewish by blood. All ethnic Jews, yes EVEN Ashkenazi Jews are Middle Eastern. Do some have blonde/red hair and blue eyes? Sure! But so do some Arabs. Race is not JUST about skin colour. If it were, then most Asians should be considered white by that logic . Also, remember there is genetic diversity within ALL races. For example, Black people. Some Black people have EXTREMELY dark skin. While some (few, but some) have light skin to a point where they can even pass for WHITE. And Europeans are another example of this. White people from Scandinavia have EXTREMELY light skin and light blonde hair and blue eyes. On the other hand, white people from countries such as southern Italy or Greece have skin so dark that they can pass for Indian. So to answer your question you can convert to Judaism and be Jewish by faith. But you might have a vastly different experience from a secular Jew who is ETHNICALLY Jewish. Hope this helps.
If they are considered to be white. Then they can not be the true Jews. In a part of the world where melanin is key since creation. Knock it off they are regular white people. Stop the lies
No they’re not. Whites are European. Jews are from the Middle East. Obviously anyone can convert to the religion of Judaism but that’s not what we’re talking about. Jews as an ethnicity are not Caucasian.
Caucasian includes people from the middle east. Its outdated racial science. What people mean when they say Jews are white (Id say like myself but most people confuse me for hispanic for being olive skin toned) is that they enjoy white privilages in western nations.
@@stephenhudik They don’t come from Israel maybe that had a little mix in the past but you are who you are now And that’s white sorry and I don’t know about the rest but I know Egypt is in North-east Africa
This topic is multifaceted an worthy of a much longer program. I24 must consider doing a much longer program. An the host never accepted that not all black Jew are not converts! I'm a so called black or African what ever Jew. An there are right to the point any dark to medium color Jew must explain them selves to lighter skin Jew that have assimilated in the U.S. white culture. Any way we that's us Jews can have a conversation with out it getting heated. There discussion shows that much.
True. As Chaya said, many Jews don't know our history, don't know all that we comprise. Many don't realize how wide the diaspora is and all the places we settled. There are Black American Jews who are not converts. I think more focus can be directed at "colorism" which effects many groups, including the Jewish community.
I have this youtube video next to a race iq video found youtube for the world to see I am sure people are smart enought to link them to your video about are jews white. What does racism mean by the way?
US so called Dinka and Nuer are not Nilotic people; we the descendants of ancient Hebrews. We so ourselves Monyjang and Naath meaning Men of Men, Lords of Men, or Masters of Humanity. During the colonial time, two British anthropologists: E. E. Evans-Pritchard and Godfrey Lienhard throughly studied our cultural and religious practices. They were shock that our cultural and religious practices were pure Hebrew customs: E. E. Evans-Pritchard author of 'Nuer Religion' stated: I am, of course, well aware that Nuer religion is very unlike what we know in general about Negro religions. One cannot even say that it is a typical Nilotic religion. It is certainly very unlike the religion of the Anuak, of the Luo of Kenya, of the Acholi, of the Alur, or of the Shilluk. Indeed, only the religion of the Dinka can be said to have strongly marked affinities with it, and it can be further said that in some respects the religions of these two peoples resemble less other Negro religions than some of the historic religions. They have features which bring to mind the Hebrews of the Old Testament. Professor C. G. Seligman clearly sensed this, as his account of the Dinka and Nuer shows; and Miss Ray Huffman, an American Presbyterian missionary who spent many years among the Nuer, remarks that 'the missionary feels as if he were living in Old Testament times, and in a way this is true' (p. vii). After examining our religion outlook, they discovered that our account of creation, God, sin, and other accounts resemblance Biblical accounts. According to my fathers, Nhialic (whom we referred to as 'Nhialic Wa' meaning God my father) created Garang (man) dust of the ground and breathe his into the man life. And afterwards, Nhialic took Garang rib and formed Abuk (female). The two first couple. According to our fathers, Abuk disobeyed Nhialic and ate of the forbidden fruit and Garang also ate, thus by sin enter to the world. Before this sin, according to our fathers, there was no hardship or death. These came into being to due Garang and Abuk transgression against Nhialic. One reading can see resemblance of Monyjang and Naath to Biblical account of creation of man and the inception of sin in to the world. Also according to my forebears, my ancestors were enslaved in Egypt for 400 years and were delivered by Nhialic's mighty hands. Nhialic used individual by the name of Aiwel Longar to take my forebears out of Egypt to the land of Canaan, Longer divided the Reed Sea with Nhialic helped thus allowing my ancestors to escaped the Egyptian that were pursuing them. Again these these stories are exactly the biblical accounts. Like ancient Hebrews, the Priests whom we call Bany Biths ( hereditary meaning pass down from father to son ) were responsible for performing sacrificial rites. No one but a Bany Bith (a priest) can perform religious duties (sacrificial rites, blessing warriors before war, settling disputes, blood feud, etc). Bany Bith are seen as Nhialic's representative on earth, thus they have the power to bless and to curse and to heal. We also believed in prophets whom we call Raan Nhialic (a man of God). Unlike Bany Biths (priests), prophets (Raan Nhialic) are rare, they only appear during time of trouble, bring massages from Nhialic. Raan Nhialic will explain to the people why Nhailic has brought trouble among the people and what people need to do propitiate the Divine wrath. As one can see our account resemblance the ancient Hebrews is no wonder why Evans Pritchard said that the religion these two people (Monyjang and Naath) " the religions of these two peoples resemble less other Negro religions than some of the historic religions. They have features which bring to mind the Hebrews of the Old Testament." Our cultural and religious practices resemblance ancient Hebrews because we Monyjang and Naath are their descendants who were exiled to Cush. Isaiah 11:11, Amos 9:7, Zephaniah 3:10 and Isaiah 18 all speaks about us the Hebrews that were exiled to Cush sometime referred to in the Bible as (Ethiopia). According to our forefathers, there were three distinct migrations to the Cush land. Monyjang and Nuer consists clans that trace their fathers to these Hebrew tribes: Judah, Levi, Reuben, Benjamin, Dan.
This is nonsense. Have you never read the Talmud or Torah. Read the Mishna, it notes various peoples skin color. It does not use the term white for Jews. It’s not complicated. Jews are not a religion. They are an ethnic group. There is no such people as American.
No they are not and we are sick of being scapegoated for what they do. We are indigenous to Europe, they aren't. Like Gypsies (which originate in India) they also originate from somewhere else.
Every person is the descendant of numerous tribes which no longer are consolidated. Resurrecting one specific dead tribe, at a political level, and obliging people to pretend they are descended only from that tribe is opportunistic in this case. If Judaism is seen as a religion, i.e., more accurate, then there is no basis for a political state that favors its members over others.
do you have proof god is real or proof of the exdous? where is god in the commenting section? would god like it if your deleted my comments if he or she or it is watching?
Semantic is a Farsi word زن مالک (zan-maallek) which means OWNERSHIP of WOMEN (wife). It is the Ideology of Sunni Arabs and Jews. This ideology has given the right to men (husbands) to sell their wife as sex slave for food or exchange them for water wells and land. Other words this was the law or the ideology made by pimps, sex and child traffickers to acquire wealth and property. I am very much against Semantic which makes me the BIGGEST ANTI SEMITIC ever. Shon Mardani
reachmereachme4492 is a Whale word (ububuwawa) which means TOUNGE in STOMACH(lies). It is the ideology of the whale and subhuman. This ideology has given the whale the right to cameo as human and speak human language using tongue exchanged between human and whale. Other words this was the law or the ideology made by hypocrite, liar and disingenuous bastard to spread lies and 3 seconds fantasy euphoria. I am very much against reachmereachme4492 which makes me the BIGGEST ANTI REACHMEREACHME4492 ever. Ukulele Guitar
Some of them are white and some of them are not. But what I admire about them is their hard work for knowledge and high standards (on average), not stereotyping. ~~West African living in the USA.
As blackdreamhunk2 I experience racism here over this subject on youtube. I also experienced racism from Nightrider from Cig the creators of star citizen over this subject. I experience racism here on youtube on race iq over this subject. Then there was this guy named Barros who told me jews being called white was antisemitic. My first encounter was with race iq subjects by other races and people claiming to be jews on youtube. I experience racism on the subject of jews and the slave trade on Disqus and youtube. I also experienced racism on Jesus being white or ancient Hebrews being white. I am of cribbean descent.
Well Israel tribe is white but not white as the USA but LIKE ARAB, but jew is a religion for black and white but in history Israel went to Africa and around the world where black and white put together
AK What if it could be proven that "they" were actually the ones who conceptualized and encouraged slvy in the first place? Then the true mission of this invasion would be understood in its entirety. There is a lot to be unearthed below the surface.
@hyperreal Now race isn't legitimate be real. Race is very legitimate in America and the overwhelmingly majority of American jews are white and select white on all of their documents. Their birth certificates also say white.
richjacobs Every single conversation in the entire world right now is navigated to pander to the so called victims! Question should be:- What's really going on?
@@onlythetruth883 the truth is everybody wants to be white because white is more beautiful. Some people that aren't white are full of hatred and bigotry
The tribes of Judah and Benjamin were the Khazars. Today they are in Ukraine and Russia, and this is the end of the age. At the beginning of the book of Revelation, you will see in Christian bibles, the seven churches, but they were not churches. They were seven large settlements in Western Asia Minor (Turkey) that left the land before the siege of Jerusalem, in 70, and the 3.5 years that followed. The seven settlements are the remnant of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. These people were light skin, light hair and light eyed people. Their brothers are throughout Europe. The Khazars migrated from Turkey, and became horse archers fighting the Arabs through the Caucuses, and settled in Europe. The Revelation was written to them, warning them of the Western Roman kingdom, with the western Roman religion. All these people claiming to be Israelites are frauds. The war getting ready to happen will destroy the whole western kingdom. The US will be utterly burned with fire, and Britain will go under a tsunami of radiated water. Five months later, the European armies will be destroyed, and the nations burned. Those in Israel today are the enemies of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin who were killed by the Romans. Romans were black hair, brown eyed and aquiline nose people. The people in the land today are Romans. The land of Israel today is also western Roman kingdom. The Messiah is returning to destroy those who pierced him. The Roman is a fornicating whore: “come out of her my people.”
@@briankaz8786Please double up on your anti psychotics. Your mental illness is quite extreme. I got an idea! Put on your power ranger outfit and speak your Shalawammy ding dong “Hebrew” on the street corners. You guys look so smart when you do that. Another thing, the Jewish nation never laughs at you and really respects your King Jimmy bible preaching.
I'm a black man and I've dated a jewish woman and brought her around my family and my girlfriend told me where did i get white from. And i asked her wait you're not white. She said no I'm jewish. I said hey ok then
Jewish is first a religion, second an ethnicity. This is a ridiculous conversation. Most of the time, unless you announce it, no one knows if you are Jewish or not.
Well said. Anyone can practice Judaism.
Ashkenazis, Mizrahis and Sephardim are all vastly different races.
So what are the original religion of the original Jews?
The real question is are you a cacazoid. Answer. Yes
Wrong, you can’t change the religion to fit your false narrative
They are white. If not then where is their melanin. Enough of the dumb stuff.
Answer: No
Their skin is literaly white
The white once are white the black once are black and the arab once are also white
@@נקניק-ה4דquit that crap Arabs aren't white never will be they brown
What colour is the area of the brain that handles intellect and abstract thought? Asking for a friend.
That's what whoopie Goldberg said...and she was called antisemitic
As someone who is ethnically Jewish; here's my take. Whoopi Goldberg is not antisemetic. The long history of oppression has made a sizable group of us to take anyone or anything talking on our self image or identity has caused impulsive and reactionary comments. In otherwords trauma based taking it too personally.
Like all religions they have many races.
yeah, said the outsider whom convert to other race based religion, and thus changing the religion and their race. KEKW
No not like all religions. 🤦♂ You cant just go out and decide you are whatever religion you like, it does not work like that.
I am Jewish, and I do not care about what colour I am or what colour my family is. Why does “colour” matter? It does NOT matter.
If a black person converts to become Jewish is it a conversion of a religious nature or nationality? If religious then what makes a non-religious white "Jew" to be a Jew? It would seem like there is a different definition for a black and a white person!
Cuz your white
That’s likely because you’re identified as White. I’m a man. If I were running for president, my gender would be the last thing on my mind. Every US president has been a man, so why would that even be on my radar? If a woman were running for president, it would be a bigger deal, because we live in a male-dominated society and men are still seen as the most dominant and important especially when it comes to leading the country - we’re a patriarchal society. So, she’d be running against a history where only men have been president. If I’m a child of a White, Jewish mom and a Black father, that makes me Jewish according to Jewish law, right? I’d likely receive oppression, not only from the world, because of my Black identity, but also from Jews - just like the Black woman in this video said. So…color DOES MATTER.
You have to be carefull when you say that because although in your neighborhood or in your household it may not matter. Yet when you go to work or your nephew or cousins in their neighborhoods may have a different perspective.
@@nicholasmutisya2658 Great Question!!! Please asking questions like that!
I agree that the us census should have a own category for middle eastern and north african
I'm an Israelite from the tribe of Judah why would I go to Jewish people to convert???
No your not
Prove what you say devil 😈
@@corey1time897 nobody today can trace their lineage to ancient Israelites let alone a specific tribe.
@jhonayo4887 I'm just keeping the law's of the Old Testament ..... it really shouldn't bother you ... just keep following Paul
@@corey1time897 what are you talking about? You are switching the topic.
Kamen Rider must got inspiration from how one can change their race so easily.
Japanese are so creative.
European *Henshin-> Jew *Henshin -> European
And 10,000 years ago, we live in Palestine. Said the self proclaimed 10,000 years old immortal Jacob(not the prophet Yaqub a.s) that occasionally yells "If I don't steal your house, someone else will".
Palestine is so big, it stretches to Europe continent.
God doesn't see colour. Apostle Paul, former Pharisee and murderer of Christians:
There is neither Jew nor Aramaean, neither Servant nor Free person, neither male nor female, for all of you are one in Yeshua The Messiah. Gal. 3:28 Aramaic
Not Sephardim or Mizrahi. That's for sure.
Ashkenazi are not genetically related to the Middle East or people of Bible/Torah.
They are Eastern European with Turkic roots, so perhaps.
But we know they were treated like blacks, so it's tough.
They are related
You think that Ashkenazi Jews are the same as Slavs?
They are not "European". There is nothing European about them, Ashkenazi are a Turkic group. You people need to wake up and spend 3 minutes researching before lumping them in with us.
@someanimefan5990 because they are Khazarian and the Khazars are Turkic.
@someanimefan5990 so? I used to know a girl from NZ that was half Maori and half Norwegian descent. She had light hair and blue eyes. Does that mean she was not Maori?
We have little in common with them. We are indigenous to Europe, they moved here. They moved here from somewhere else, Khazaria, or the Levant. They are like Gypsies who originate in India, they have inherited some European admixture from living here we are different.
There is no division or hate in The Holy Spirit.
@adamakaru2611 Murder is a work of religion, not The Holy Spirit, so get your facts straight.
Alway short because it's bs. These are cacazoid Europeans. Trying to convince black people there not. Lol
God hates Esau and the Edomites.
Joseph was given a coat of many colours. Now a coat is the garment of a body as a body is the garment of the soul. It's not about the garments it's about the soul. The garment of the soul is the body and it can have a variety of colours. Judaism is not about the garment, it is concerned with the rectifications of the soul and that is the one thing that all Jews have in common, the soul. So, one people, many colours!
This comes from an old European habit of equating national ID as a racial category. You can find a great example with Winston Churchill when he wrote of the Battle of Midway and spoke of the achievement of the "American Race." I lived in Slovenia in the late 90s, and I found that older people still thought and talked this way.
We've begun to mix the pot here. Within a few generations, we could have an "American race" so to speak
This seems to be more of an American question since, as the guest Chaya has said, the history has been predicated of white racial identity. You don't see that question come up as much in Canada but it does happen on occasion.
why did you try to remove my comment or what are you trying to say? do you think I am making lies up?
@@blackdreamhunk3413 If I had a dollar for every comment I’ve had removed, people would prolly think I’m Jewish!
Interview Dr. Umar Johnson for answers
So if someone wants to convert to Judaism, do they also get to convert race ? Can we stop calling a religion a race
There is Jewish by faith and Jewish by blood. All ethnic Jews, yes EVEN Ashkenazi Jews are Middle Eastern. Do some have blonde/red hair and blue eyes? Sure! But so do some Arabs. Race is not JUST about skin colour. If it were, then most Asians should be considered white by that logic .
Also, remember there is genetic diversity within ALL races. For example, Black people. Some Black people have EXTREMELY dark skin. While some (few, but some) have light skin to a point where they can even pass for WHITE. And Europeans are another example of this. White people from Scandinavia have EXTREMELY light skin and light blonde hair and blue eyes. On the other hand, white people from countries such as southern Italy or Greece have skin so dark that they can pass for Indian.
So to answer your question you can convert to Judaism and be Jewish by faith. But you might have a vastly different experience from a secular Jew who is ETHNICALLY Jewish.
Hope this helps.
If they are considered to be white. Then they can not be the true Jews. In a part of the world where melanin is key since creation. Knock it off they are regular white people. Stop the lies
@rapbattlefan2008 your wrong about Asians if their eyes wasn't slanted they would be accepted as white
@@rapbattlefan2008 Agreed. My grandfather was a blonde haired, blue eyed Persian-Iranian Shia Muslim. Middle Eastern people have diverse phenotypes
@@rapbattlefan2008 Wrong. Jews are of a religion and cultural identity. Not a race. Therefore, many Jews can and are white.
No they’re not. Whites are European. Jews are from the Middle East. Obviously anyone can convert to the religion of Judaism but that’s not what we’re talking about. Jews as an ethnicity are not Caucasian.
Caucasian includes people from the middle east. Its outdated racial science. What people mean when they say Jews are white (Id say like myself but most people confuse me for hispanic for being olive skin toned) is that they enjoy white privilages in western nations.
Wrong. Jews are a religion and CULTURAL identity. There are many white Jews but people like you just don't want to admit the fact.
yes they are they come from east Europe the people from the so called Middle East don’t look nothing like them.
@@hollowd9158 They come from Isreal. There’s a whole famous book written about it. “So called Middle East”? Chuckle chuckle. What do you call it?
@@stephenhudik They don’t come from Israel maybe that had a little mix in the past but you are who you are now
And that’s white sorry and I don’t know about the rest but I know Egypt is in North-east Africa
This topic is multifaceted an worthy of a much longer program. I24 must consider doing a much longer program. An the host never accepted that not all black Jew are not converts! I'm a so called black or African what ever Jew. An there are right to the point any dark to medium color Jew must explain them selves to lighter skin Jew that have assimilated in the U.S. white culture. Any way we that's us Jews can have a conversation with out it getting heated. There discussion shows that much.
True. As Chaya said, many Jews don't know our history, don't know all that we comprise. Many don't realize how wide the diaspora is and all the places we settled. There are Black American Jews who are not converts. I think more focus can be directed at "colorism" which effects many groups, including the Jewish community.
I have this youtube video next to a race iq video found youtube for the world to see I am sure people are smart enought to link them to your video about are jews white. What does racism mean by the way?
Jews are not white
US so called Dinka and Nuer are not Nilotic people; we the descendants of ancient Hebrews. We so ourselves Monyjang and Naath meaning Men of Men, Lords of Men, or Masters of Humanity.
During the colonial time, two British anthropologists: E. E. Evans-Pritchard and Godfrey Lienhard throughly studied our cultural and religious practices. They were shock that our cultural and religious practices were pure Hebrew customs:
E. E. Evans-Pritchard author of 'Nuer Religion' stated:
I am, of course, well aware that Nuer religion is very unlike what we know in general about Negro religions. One cannot even say that it is a typical Nilotic religion. It is certainly very unlike the religion of the Anuak, of the Luo of Kenya, of the Acholi, of the Alur, or of the Shilluk. Indeed, only the religion of the Dinka can be said to have strongly marked affinities with it, and it can be further said that in some respects the religions of these two peoples resemble less other Negro religions than some of the historic religions. They have features which bring to mind the Hebrews of the Old Testament. Professor C. G. Seligman clearly sensed this, as his account of the Dinka and Nuer shows; and Miss Ray Huffman, an American Presbyterian missionary who spent many years among the Nuer, remarks that 'the missionary feels as if he were living in Old Testament times, and in a way this is true' (p. vii).
After examining our religion outlook, they discovered that our account of creation, God, sin, and other accounts resemblance Biblical accounts.
According to my fathers, Nhialic (whom we referred to as 'Nhialic Wa' meaning God my father) created Garang (man) dust of the ground and breathe his into the man life. And afterwards, Nhialic took Garang rib and formed Abuk (female). The two first couple. According to our fathers, Abuk disobeyed Nhialic and ate of the forbidden fruit and Garang also ate, thus by sin enter to the world. Before this sin, according to our fathers, there was no hardship or death. These came into being to due Garang and Abuk transgression against Nhialic. One reading can see resemblance of Monyjang and Naath to Biblical account of creation of man and the inception of sin in to the world.
Also according to my forebears, my ancestors were enslaved in Egypt for 400 years and were delivered by Nhialic's mighty hands. Nhialic used individual by the name of
Aiwel Longar to take my forebears out of Egypt to the land of Canaan, Longer divided the Reed Sea with Nhialic helped thus allowing my ancestors to escaped the Egyptian that were pursuing them. Again these these stories are exactly the biblical accounts.
Like ancient Hebrews, the Priests whom we call Bany Biths ( hereditary meaning pass down from father to son ) were responsible for performing sacrificial rites. No one but a Bany Bith (a priest) can perform religious duties (sacrificial rites, blessing warriors before war, settling disputes, blood feud, etc). Bany Bith are seen as Nhialic's representative on earth, thus they have the power to bless and to curse and to heal.
We also believed in prophets whom we call Raan Nhialic (a man of God). Unlike Bany Biths (priests), prophets (Raan Nhialic) are rare, they only appear during time of trouble, bring massages from Nhialic. Raan Nhialic will explain to the people why Nhailic has brought trouble among the people and what people need to do propitiate the Divine wrath.
As one can see our account resemblance the ancient Hebrews is no wonder why Evans Pritchard said that the religion these two people (Monyjang and Naath) "
the religions of these two peoples resemble less other Negro religions than some of the historic religions. They have features which bring to mind the Hebrews of the Old Testament."
Our cultural and religious practices resemblance ancient Hebrews because we Monyjang and Naath are their descendants who were exiled to Cush.
Isaiah 11:11, Amos 9:7, Zephaniah 3:10 and Isaiah 18 all speaks about us the Hebrews that were exiled to Cush sometime referred to in the Bible as (Ethiopia).
According to our forefathers, there were three distinct migrations to the Cush land. Monyjang and Nuer consists clans that trace their fathers to these Hebrew tribes: Judah, Levi, Reuben, Benjamin, Dan.
People are so obsessed with race 🙄
This is nonsense. Have you never read the Talmud or Torah. Read the Mishna, it notes various peoples skin color. It does not use the term white for Jews. It’s not complicated. Jews are not a religion. They are an ethnic group. There is no such people as American.
Why does the world have to be reorganized to reflect the hatreds of Hog Anus, Mississippi in 1910?
my experiences on this topic started online and on youtube started with the of race Iq.
you don't really care about my experiences with racism or abuse from other people online that is why deleted what I had to say.
Nobody asks if Jews are black are brown. People only ask if they are white
you delete my comments or what I have say because you really don't care.
No they are not and we are sick of being scapegoated for what they do. We are indigenous to Europe, they aren't. Like Gypsies (which originate in India) they also originate from somewhere else.
Wrong. Jews are a religion and a cultural identity, NOT a race.
Every person is the descendant of numerous tribes which no longer are consolidated. Resurrecting one specific dead tribe, at a political level, and obliging people to pretend they are descended only from that tribe is opportunistic in this case. If Judaism is seen as a religion, i.e., more accurate, then there is no basis for a political state that favors its members over others.
This conversation still has to continue.
Some are some aren’t simple as that
do you have proof god is real or proof of the exdous? where is god in the commenting section? would god like it if your deleted my comments if he or she or it is watching?
What you believe matters more than people lives. Can I ask where was a god or gods during the transatlantic slave trade?
Semantic is a Farsi word زن مالک (zan-maallek) which means OWNERSHIP of WOMEN (wife). It is the Ideology of Sunni Arabs and Jews. This ideology has given the right to men (husbands) to sell their wife as sex slave for food or exchange them for water wells and land. Other words this was the law or the ideology made by pimps, sex and child traffickers to acquire wealth and property. I am very much against Semantic which makes me the BIGGEST ANTI SEMITIC ever. Shon Mardani
reachmereachme4492 is a Whale word (ububuwawa) which means TOUNGE in STOMACH(lies). It is the ideology of the whale and subhuman. This ideology has given the whale the right to cameo as human and speak human language using tongue exchanged between human and whale. Other words this was the law or the ideology made by hypocrite, liar and disingenuous bastard to spread lies and 3 seconds fantasy euphoria. I am very much against reachmereachme4492 which makes me the BIGGEST ANTI REACHMEREACHME4492 ever. Ukulele Guitar
Hebrew is literally Afro-asiatic. Please explain...
Some of them are white and some of them are not. But what I admire about them is their hard work for knowledge and high standards (on average), not stereotyping.
~~West African living in the USA.
Not always.
As blackdreamhunk2 I experience racism here over this subject on youtube. I also experienced racism from Nightrider from Cig the creators of star citizen over this subject. I experience racism here on youtube on race iq over this subject. Then there was this guy named Barros who told me jews being called white was antisemitic. My first encounter was with race iq subjects by other races and people claiming to be jews on youtube. I experience racism on the subject of jews and the slave trade on Disqus and youtube. I also experienced racism on Jesus being white or ancient Hebrews being white. I am of cribbean descent.
On forms that require "race" i always fill in Other: "Judean/Samarian"
Everything is complicated when it comes to yts 😊
Well Israel tribe is white but not white as the USA but LIKE ARAB, but jew is a religion for black and white but in history Israel went to Africa and around the world where black and white put together
The semitic Arabs are not white
Jew is a ethno-religion
What if it could be proven that "they" were actually the ones who conceptualized and encouraged slvy in the first place? Then the true mission of this invasion would be understood in its entirety.
There is a lot to be unearthed below the surface.
Ham, Shem, Japheth. 'Jews' are from the lineage of Shem which is mongloid, not white.
😂😂😂 Shem are not mongoloid. Ashkenazi jews are white. Mizrahi jews are middle eastern. Ancients close to mizrahi jews
I have this youtube video on my Disqus page.
Ashkanazi are from Europe
No they are Turkic, Einstein,.
@@NoName-t7e they were in Europe when they converted
What race do the Jews select on any document? I can tell you Jewish is not a race listed.
Race is not a legitimate concept. But people’s bigotry persists
Now race isn't legitimate be real. Race is very legitimate in America and the overwhelmingly majority of American jews are white and select white on all of their documents. Their birth certificates also say white.
@@hyperreal Woke logic: There is only one race the human race.
Also woke logic: There are 72 genders and they all need their own bathrooms.
Gal 3:28
Revelation 2:9
Revelation 3:9
Mossish married a cushite, so no...
Moses married a Ethiopian woman.
Where does the bald gene come from ?
Yes of course
Every single conversation in the entire world right now is navigated to pander to the so called victims!
Question should be:- What's really going on?
@@onlythetruth883 the truth is everybody wants to be white because white is more beautiful. Some people that aren't white are full of hatred and bigotry
Trump is great example of political leader who favors regilion and your skin color. If Trump does it how many other politicians do it globally?
What he say about shithole countries again ? Or Mexican being rapists? Oh it don't matter you don't like facts
I am cribbean descent I am black ⚫️
The tribes of Judah and Benjamin were the Khazars. Today they are in Ukraine and Russia, and this is the end of the age. At the beginning of the book of Revelation, you will see in Christian bibles, the seven churches, but they were not churches. They were seven large settlements in Western Asia Minor (Turkey) that left the land before the siege of Jerusalem, in 70, and the 3.5 years that followed. The seven settlements are the remnant of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. These people were light skin, light hair and light eyed people. Their brothers are throughout Europe. The Khazars migrated from Turkey, and became horse archers fighting the Arabs through the Caucuses, and settled in Europe. The Revelation was written to them, warning them of the Western Roman kingdom, with the western Roman religion.
All these people claiming to be Israelites are frauds. The war getting ready to happen will destroy the whole western kingdom. The US will be utterly burned with fire, and Britain will go under a tsunami of radiated water. Five months later, the European armies will be destroyed, and the nations burned. Those in Israel today are the enemies of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin who were killed by the Romans. Romans were black hair, brown eyed and aquiline nose people. The people in the land today are Romans. The land of Israel today is also western Roman kingdom. The Messiah is returning to destroy those who pierced him.
The Roman is a fornicating whore: “come out of her my people.”
You definitely had fruitloops for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
@@tbishop4961 the truth cannot be tolerated by this world. The end is near.
@@briankaz8786 🤣
@@briankaz8786Please double up on your anti psychotics. Your mental illness is quite extreme.
I got an idea! Put on your power ranger outfit and speak your Shalawammy ding dong “Hebrew” on the street corners. You guys look so smart when you do that. Another thing, the Jewish nation never laughs at you and really respects your King Jimmy bible preaching.
He had Coco Puffs
Khazars is white
They are Turkic. Go research.