@@MochiAPFSDS yeah, also the armor being so bad when multiple people working on it said he had a level of armor similar to the 2a5... they could at least add him his inner armor since that's 100% a thing... I hope one day he'll receive the OFL F2, or add the new XLR with the SHARD (a near future arrow that have around 725mm of pen)
In experienced hands, Leclerc is a beast of a tank. Fast reload and even faster mobility make this thing a terror on dynamic, hilly maps. Great optics too, both in zoom and thermals quality (Gen 2 is the gold standard). Loved playing with them even if they survivability is kinda ass
This tank is pretty scary to see when you notice the France players are more experienced compared to USA RUS GER. I do like the Leclerc its pretty solid looking however i never touched France to much.
the Leclerc could be along the very top MBT of the game, but instead gaijin decided it would be a great idea to nerf it...
The fuel tanks so pain
@@MochiAPFSDS yeah, also the armor being so bad when multiple people working on it said he had a level of armor similar to the 2a5... they could at least add him his inner armor since that's 100% a thing... I hope one day he'll receive the OFL F2, or add the new XLR with the SHARD (a near future arrow that have around 725mm of pen)
In experienced hands, Leclerc is a beast of a tank. Fast reload and even faster mobility make this thing a terror on dynamic, hilly maps. Great optics too, both in zoom and thermals quality (Gen 2 is the gold standard). Loved playing with them even if they survivability is kinda ass
This tank is pretty scary to see when you notice the France players are more experienced compared to USA RUS GER. I do like the Leclerc its pretty solid looking however i never touched France to much.
프랑스 뚫을때 내가 이걸 뚫고있다고 생각하면 항상 하기가 싫어지는 전차
섹시빵.. 이쁜것 빼곤 다 하위호환인 전차..
차체 상판 각도와 포방패 이슈만 어떻게 해본다면 화력부족은 눈감고 탈 수 있는 전차
모찌님 컴사양이 어떻게 되나요?
사용하던 노트북이 죽었는데 데탑 들일려구요 ㅎㅎ
CPU : AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor
Motherboard: ASUS TUF Gaming B550-PRO
RAM: 32 GB
Monitor: LG 55SM9800KNB TV
Keyboard: Steel Series APEX Pro
Mouse: Steel Series RIVAL 5
@@MochiAPFSDS 감사합니당
프랑스 키우고싶은데 7~8티어 골탱 언제나올까..돈을 쓰겠다는데 없서....
방금 탑방에서 스웨덴으로 8킬하고 지고왔네요(사유 : 미국이 아군이라)
버프 받을 여지가 있는 장비인데 버프는 안해주는....
그래도 5초장전 낭만 르끌 아니겠습니까
4s for speed shoot, 5sec for shoot normal and 10 sec for exercice crew
아리에테 : 5초
그냥 르클 포탑에 레오2 차체 달린거 내주면 안되나? ㅋㅋㅋ
프랑스랑 독일에 각자 한대씩 받으면 좋을거 같은데 ㅋㅋㅋ
나 샤를드골인데 개추눌렀다
남스웨덴의 안락사
그정도로 르클이 별로에요? 5초라 탈만할거라고 생각했는데.. (본인 스웨덴 이스라엘 소련 유저)
@@kitea1218 앞으론 독일을 유럽 연합이라고 불러줘요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ