The ONLY 5 SKILLS You'll EVER NEED In 2025.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @finwithfun
    @finwithfun 3 години тому +37

    1) Digital marketing
    2) clear thinking
    3) meta learning
    4) decision making
    5) negotiation

    • @maxx-bz8vo
      @maxx-bz8vo 3 години тому +2

      bro got the points in 2 minutes

    • @21-426VadlaSuresh
      @21-426VadlaSuresh 3 години тому

    • @deepakkrishna2998
      @deepakkrishna2998 17 хвилин тому

      Digital marketing was not necessary. Instead consider, problem solving!

  • @tathunglung
    @tathunglung 2 години тому +181

    मेरे पास अब 200k XAI105K है। अगली बुल में? यह टोकन बाकी सबको धूल चटाने वाला है 🔥

  • @sbgsubhash
    @sbgsubhash Годину тому +5

    Timestamps (Powered by Merlin AI)
    00:04 - Digital marketing: the essential skill for career success in 2025.
    02:08 - Focus on niche digital marketing skills for career growth.
    04:10 - Digital marketing skills are essential for success in 2025.
    06:07 - Clear thinking enhances communication skills essential for 2025.
    08:11 - Observational skills and clear thinking are crucial for success in 2025.
    10:18 - Learning how to learn is essential for skill development in 2025.
    12:27 - Master decision-making to improve productivity and optimize life choices.
    14:27 - Understanding purpose drives decision-making for long-term success.
    16:31 - Master negotiation and influence for success in 2025.
    18:29 - Effective communication and influence are key skills for success in 2025.
    20:22 - Encouragement to engage with the video and community.

  • @shreyaanitra
    @shreyaanitra 2 години тому +192

    आपकी सलाह से अब XAI105K में गहरे से निवेश किया है। अब मैं देखना चाहता हूँ कि यह कहाँ जाता है।

  • @NandaniDadhich-dc1bk
    @NandaniDadhich-dc1bk 2 години тому +14

    You are so real at sharing everything you know to make us learning too ❤️currently loving your this ability , a seventeen years old girl from Rajasthan having really big dreams in eyes and head and hope you will become one of the asset for me in my journey ✨ thank you for such real and helpful content 🙏 love you from your fan ⭐🥰

    • @Suresh-vj8cs
      @Suresh-vj8cs 2 години тому

  • @CodeDaily365Days
    @CodeDaily365Days Годину тому +1

    No fluffy talk like AI or any other skills to learn. Just shares experience at what he is good at😊
    Huge Respect to You Ishan Bhai

  • @Arnab11223
    @Arnab11223 Годину тому +2

    Communication is a key to success

  • @VinayakPatil-j7v
    @VinayakPatil-j7v 2 години тому +6

    Tq ishan bhai
    I am 16 years old
    My aim is very big
    I am struggling very hard someday
    I hope I will success in me in my life

    • @rajurepalle
      @rajurepalle 18 хвилин тому

      You will don't worry !
      just slow down

  • @Farid-Khan
    @Farid-Khan 20 хвилин тому

    0:48 digital marketing
    6:03 clear thinking

  • @dpanshu_19
    @dpanshu_19 2 години тому +2

    I watch till the end. And it's mind blown 🎉❤

  • @MrWolverine744
    @MrWolverine744 2 години тому +1

    Ishan aap wo creator hn, Jisse itna kuch seekhne ko mila h jitna meko 3yrs college me nhi mila ! Thank you so much for being with me ❤❤

  • @MuhammadSamiArt
    @MuhammadSamiArt 2 години тому +1

    You have addressed so many important things in a single video. Hats off 👏

  • @vaibhav-t1u
    @vaibhav-t1u 2 години тому +3

    I am 18 year old guy, love you bhaiya

  • @diyapramanik5206
    @diyapramanik5206 Годину тому +1

    Thanks for saying

  • @AspirantToday
    @AspirantToday Годину тому

    Your way of speaking and communicating is definitely we can see and learn. Learning some of these skilss will build our life and make fhings easy.

  • @rohancherry
    @rohancherry 2 години тому +1

    i watched till the end, thank you

  • @financialfreedom059
    @financialfreedom059 9 хвилин тому

    Great tips man

  • @user-inspirehub
    @user-inspirehub 54 хвилини тому

    Without any cost I learned more things form Ishan sir. ✅your videos are fully worth it for me. Thankyou 👍

  • @suman92653
    @suman92653 2 години тому +1

    I Watch Tell The End This video Very helpful For me ❤🎉

  • @sarojbarikk6822
    @sarojbarikk6822 Годину тому +1

    You r the motivation speaker way better than SMAHESWARI.

  • @HustleWithShubham01
    @HustleWithShubham01 Годину тому

    Really insightful video ishan I will implement it for sure ❤

  • @kanishkar369
    @kanishkar369 9 хвилин тому

    Fan from Tamil Nadu ❤

  • @jennybothra9471
    @jennybothra9471 Годину тому +2

    What should I actually pursue to get into digital marketing like in educational field?
    Anyone have any idea??

  • @anjalisen7996
    @anjalisen7996 Годину тому

    You are doing such a great thing by motivating us✅♥️
    Can you please make the full video in the topic " how to sell " as you have said in your earlier videos.
    From you also I get to know that the skill to sell is very important.. please make a detailed video for that , it will help us very much ✅
    Thank you so much for posting videos like that ❤

  • @gaerinraj2336
    @gaerinraj2336 Годину тому


  • @inforthevin
    @inforthevin 3 години тому

    Big fan man ❤

    • @Suresh-s7o
      @Suresh-s7o 3 години тому

  • @sagarwings9289
    @sagarwings9289 Годину тому

    Younger you looked handsome and glowing I'm 25 years old and have never got any job in my life but now I'm serious if I learn digital marketing I will get a remote job or not please please one time reply i touch your feet 🙏🐾

  • @khubaibshakeel15
    @khubaibshakeel15 3 години тому

    Thinking per best book recommendation.

    • @21-426VadlaSuresh
      @21-426VadlaSuresh 3 години тому

  • @Pixelpulseinnovation
    @Pixelpulseinnovation 3 години тому


  • @vijai7003
    @vijai7003 3 години тому +1

    Ishaan loved your work but do a video on indian education system and syllabus is still relevant to current market, is student wasting their most of the time by studying old syllabus

    • @21-426VadlaSuresh
      @21-426VadlaSuresh 3 години тому

  • @piyushnamdev4212
    @piyushnamdev4212 44 хвилини тому

    Which domain is best for career in Digital Marketing by your opinion I want to work for long term in the field.
    Thank You Buddy ❤

  • @abhinavbhardwaj1007
    @abhinavbhardwaj1007 2 години тому

    I want to know where do you learn the skill of UA-cam marketing and exactly what kind of service you are providing in it

  • @VIMALESHK-zs3uj
    @VIMALESHK-zs3uj 59 хвилин тому

    Where you can learn all this?

  • @FilmFlicksHub07
    @FilmFlicksHub07 2 години тому

    Make a video on UA-cam crash course for beginners who want to start a career in youtube

  • @Yaseenk01
    @Yaseenk01 3 години тому +2

    First waching 🎉

    • @Suresh-s7o
      @Suresh-s7o 3 години тому

  • @MT18mukt
    @MT18mukt 3 години тому

    There has been a boom in demand of video editors from the beginning of 2024 November

    • @21-426VadlaSuresh
      @21-426VadlaSuresh 3 години тому

  • @Tanmoy275
    @Tanmoy275 32 хвилини тому


  • @Rabbannoof
    @Rabbannoof 2 години тому

    Hi ishan bro

  • @suchismitasahoo59
    @suchismitasahoo59 3 години тому

    Can a bsc biology student learn these skills and get a job... Please reply me

    • @21-426VadlaSuresh
      @21-426VadlaSuresh 3 години тому

    @HAMZARAHATULLAH 3 години тому


  • @SuhailNawazHere
    @SuhailNawazHere 3 години тому

    I also want to become freelancer can you guide me personally

    • @21-426VadlaSuresh
      @21-426VadlaSuresh 3 години тому

  • @acaciav0pk
    @acaciav0pk Годину тому

    भाई, तुम XAI105K होल्ड कर रहे हो? यह वही महसूस हो रहा है जैसे Bitcoin के पहले दिनों में था।

  • @shirinsrecipe6827
    @shirinsrecipe6827 3 години тому


  • @nmanish1095
    @nmanish1095 3 години тому +1

    And this is sixth comment!

    • @21-426VadlaSuresh
      @21-426VadlaSuresh 3 години тому

  • @poonamjayswal9026
    @poonamjayswal9026 3 години тому


    • @21-426VadlaSuresh
      @21-426VadlaSuresh 2 години тому

  • @ElijahBieber-r8w
    @ElijahBieber-r8w 2 години тому

    समझ नहीं आता लोग क्यों इंतजार कर रहे हैं। X

  • @Alkais_Irfan
    @Alkais_Irfan 2 години тому

    why would you not consider video editing..😼

  • @Suresh-vj8cs
    @Suresh-vj8cs 3 години тому +1

    First Comment 😅

    • @21-426VadlaSuresh
      @21-426VadlaSuresh 3 години тому +1

  • @kiffanyhzvs
    @kiffanyhzvs 2 години тому

    अगर तुम अब XAI105K नहीं जमा करते, तो बाद में खरीदने के लिए अच्छा भाग्य चाहिए 😬

  • @JabezPaul-m6u
    @JabezPaul-m6u 2 години тому

    Sir want to work with you but i have 0 skill reply a soon

  • @EganHarris-q6q
    @EganHarris-q6q 2 години тому

    XAI105K होने वाला है बहुत बड़ा, भाई। लोग इस पर सो रहे हैं 😤

  • @arun_v_4519
    @arun_v_4519 Годину тому


  • @naimurrahman7972
    @naimurrahman7972 3 години тому

    First comment❤❤❤

    • @VadlaSuresh-z6y
      @VadlaSuresh-z6y 3 години тому

  • @Suresh-vj8cs
    @Suresh-vj8cs 3 години тому +1

  • @Thetradestockss
    @Thetradestockss 3 години тому

  • @Bhavishya_est
    @Bhavishya_est 3 години тому +1

    10:52 I usually don't comment on other videos, But this one was a solid one
    one prompt which I would like to add is " Try explaining this topic just as to a 5 year old one "

    • @21-426VadlaSuresh
      @21-426VadlaSuresh 3 години тому

  • @Thetradestockss
    @Thetradestockss 3 години тому😮😮😮😮

  • @dhirajjain8674
    @dhirajjain8674 3 години тому

    👌💯👍🥸 Dear

    • @21-426VadlaSuresh
      @21-426VadlaSuresh 3 години тому

  • @CeridwenEdwards
    @CeridwenEdwards 2 години тому

    XAI105K होल्ड कर रहा हूँ, मुझे समझ नहीं आता लोग इसे कैसे नहीं देख पा रहे 🚀

  • @VadlaSuresh-z6y
    @VadlaSuresh-z6y 3 години тому