Thank you to Stanley Meyer & his awesome brother. I am with you all the way, this is exactly what our world need's now!. It is great to see positive comment's. We will be successful, because it is very important for all people on our new wiser & brighter world. Keep up your excellent work please.
I have long suspected that Meyer used a Phase-Locked Loop Circuit to achieve a reliable resonance state. That is evidenced by this video. He is demonstrating the resonance control module in this video. It is not connected to to the feedback sensor from the gas generator, so it keeps scanning up and down looking for the resonance state. That is how he was able to use water from any source. Circuitry on the control module is constantly adjusting current to the generator to maintain resonance.
The big push for electric vehicles have lead me to mr Meyer and man I'm hooked. For anyone looking for ideas the Packard/Studebaker company is for sale, they have designs for a V12 that hydrogen could power.
These engineers are defining a prototype of a fully electronically controlled high efficiency fuel burning reciprocating engine, and are to be congratulated with a putative nobel prize for their efforts. Sadly the Nobel committee are not engineers even tough Nobel himself was a chemical engineer. Keep up the good work, even though the technology is a little out-dated, and a bit flashy. I think micro-controllers could do the job cheaply, effectively and reprogrammably.
Thanks for putting this up. I saw a news story from when he was alive and he showed this system in action. I hope someone can take this knowledge and finally get rid of the coal and fuel consumption on this planet.
Dont you understand ? It was always possible since the beginning but if there comes a car with the acces to very cheap fuel that you can get in your own house or just buy from the storen the oil comoanies will go into history. Its not about the planet bcs if it was this man was never killed
Friend, anybody trying this will also need 5000 bodyguards, a bullet proof vest, and serious "life insurance.' Extremely powerful greedy humans will not like the all.
I am just not wasting my time with lazy people that do not wish to learn. So if someone wants to ague that this is not possible and refuses to do the work to obtain the knowledge then your comment will be removed. Please vote this up.
Ha ha ha. See there are so so many of you that come along and make ignorant statements that are all the same. I can answer your questions but no matter what I tell you your still gonna say the same crap and that it's just not possible or that it's nothing more then electrolysis. So my question to you is how many videos have you watched of Stans seminars? We will start with that.
Andreas Vogler if you read your own comment here, back to yourself, you will have answered many of your own questions, because I do NOT believe you are half as stupid as you are trying to be. You will never be given 100% of anything, and there are very good reasons for that, so use what brain power you do have, to figure the rest out for yourself.
Andreas you wrote "I have read a lot of your comments and in most of them you don't explain anything, you just insult people who don't agree with you." You obviously did not go down far enough. I do offer information. But really I am starting to feel that I should just stop wasting my time. There are a few people I know proving Meyers was right and on of my very good friends is leading the race. I am assuming you do not know the purpose of a patent. To be general in description with out revealing enough information that someone can steal it. If you were to read ALL patents and watch All videos and after that you still have not come to understand it then you must go deeper in to each topic. That's what all of us had to do. In fact if you sub-reference what you do not understand and look it up you may find your understanding there. But classifying Stan's work as pseudoscience just makes me want to remove you. You do not have the obtained knowledge to judge the work. Now as for my work. I did not need to give it away. I did not need to show everyone. But I did and if you read through it and do not know where the energy is coming from then this concludes one of 2 things. Either you did not read it or you do not know how to read. I admit I did not go to school for physics because I have dyslexia and my teachers would have failed me because of it. But by learning all of the technologies I have it has taught me how to strengthen this weakness so if you can not read the document I provided for what it contains rather then it's structure well then that's your loss. NOT mine. I can't believe you mentioned an alternator. LOL wow. You didn't read it. It's not just the government's that and energy companies that are preventing this it's ignorant people like you that would have to go back to school to relearn everything if a over unity device became public. Millions of educations would be a waste. I will tell you that if I am ever given the opportunity to prove my theory I will only do it if it's open source all the way. Companies would not be allowed to reproduce it and scientists would even touch it with a 10 foot pole unless it was already scientifically proven and even at that they would say it's just not possible. I will also admit many claims and no proof. Just like the Frederick Wells/Fast Freddie scam 2004 dodge running on water. You should see my video where I tear it all apart with math because it was a lie and he is con and is gearing up to do it again. So guess who has to waste their time again proving them wrong.
Andreas Vogler You're not alone in feeling that Meyer was a complete fraud, and that his technology was impossible to achieve... There are a wealth of forums online which support an ignorant hatred of his principles by those who indoctrinate themselves with studies and laws which Meyer didn't limit himself to. Hence he left highschool before graduating, and never finished college. YOU are your own worst enemy by living someone else's physics. Go find for yourself what works and what doesn't... You are forcing your 'skills' to abide by restrictions set in-place by the law of thermo-dynamics etc. I'm sure he wasn't poisoned as part of this global fraudulent scheme- and that the Pentagon didn't waste their time flying in to his demonstration simply over a gentleman's bet on whether or not he was a hoax.
Electronics sure have come a long way since the '80s. I could only imagine what the electronics for this system would be with today's technology in electronics.
Thank you for uploading, I wish i could have been a fly on the wall during all this.I hate that there are so many cuts in this video but i am grateful just the same its nice to see footage i thought would never be released.
I understand how it works. I am still learning all the processes. Basically he made a blend of the three gazes to make a highly explosive direct injection. I will be downloading and uploading a few more of stans videos that will answer your questions. He does a much better job then I do.
@@mathhuemcmahon I have got questions. Are you still working on stan meyer project to run hho on low power using with high voltage and low amps? Did you manage to get it to work to run the engine with 100% hho??
@@chris01479 it uses battery. One battery gives the output amperage. You process the amperage and messure it after. Some are presenting they got 4 times bigger amperage after the proccesing but whole story sounds very crazy. The output processed amperage is then used in hho generating and then ejected just the same as a popular hho 30% increased MPG advertisments from internet the only point is that its injected fully without gasoline. I mean you can put the pipe from house electricity gained hho and plug it easily on gasoline engine alone but hydrogen produces great temperature and explosions so not all engines can be fine on it some can get damage. Its not all freud its just too much equipment and a lot failures just to get a buggy that you cant even make a propper licence for it to drive on streets since you need to licence every DIY vechicle more specially then normal bought vechicle and what gives? You might get even some weird expensive taxations for crazy inventions that sounds expensive to poses compared to gasoline. Thats why toyota is making this vechicles for higher prices to make people be safe and secured when they use them.
@@Raychu97 Because pure hydrogen burns far hotter than gasoline, Mr. Meyers as discussed in the video talks about utilizing exhaust gases to dilute and reduce the burn temperature potential going into the cylinder.Without the dilution it would melt the piston. Man was a genius.He earlier had developed a generator using only an ionized gas with some magnetic material and pulsed laser to move that material in a circle using plastic which was rapped with copper winds to form said generator that would not build counter emf and so would have a far great potential for energy output to run the electrolosis machine.
@ , Easy to figure out why it because it does damage to the $800 trillion dollar energy companies who won't able to control it easily ,, you bet these people would kill you in a heart beat to protest their wealth
Direct fuel injection has been around for almost 100 years. If you search When was fuel injection first used in race cars on Google and also when was fuel injection first used. It will give you a little history on it. I think what happened is Meyer saw that the direction of fuel injection and in order to compete and comply with the designs of the ICE. He had to modify the kit from carburated to direct injection. I know many engines were throttle body injection from 90 to 95.
@16:47 they edit out valuable information. but it's starting to look super easy. specially if you've ever heard of mega squirt, new direct injection. the only question is what voltage do they raise it to?
Stan's use of high voltage direct current was so effective at turning water (H2O) into HHO that the water did not even need to be purified. He had even run his dune buggy on urine.
To scientists and engineers, Stan Meyer's explanation on his "water fuel" was simply gob·ble·dy·gook...gibberish....totally without any scientific basis, intended to fool the non-scientific mass population. No one has been able to reproduce his claimed achievement. WATER is the end product of hydrogen combustion, therefore, water contains zero energy.
Does anyone know where Stan Meyers patent applications and drawings are located or is there a website that we can look it up on? Thanks for posting this Stan was the man. Peace be with you all... Because the opposite of it really is nothing you want to ever experience.
The spark, injector, resonator, arrester, is very interesting to me. I believe that is what I am seeing in the place of the spark plug. This seems to be the key to solving all problems associated with a project like this.
Nice Video...For its age. They basically built their own "ECM" to control that eras equivalent of a modern day fuel injection system. Must have been really cool to have a fuel injecteg VW powered sand rail back in their day. They programmed a PLC to do the work that modern day ECMs do.
thanks Mr.Matt McMahon Inventor you had make great effort to relveal this imazing teachnology. no one can deny that water is just a heden energy of hydrogen and oxegen.....
The utilization of the natural phenomenon of 'over unity' of (in phase) Resonant frequencies and the utilization of highly efficient power to energy conversions such as LASER are the crucial factors in these technologies that make them efficient enough to be realistic power supplies on a global scale for many different uses. Visualization of 'Resonance': You are pushing someone on a swing. If you are 'in sync' and 'in phase', they will go higher than the energy that you can put in in one push.
Regular electrolysis is referred to as a dead short or brute force. This is the equivalent of shorting out your batter with a wrench but leaving a little gap in between for some water to separate. This also boils water with in 1 to 5 hours depending on how much amps your putting in to it. Not Stan's the connection was very different it had a series of high voltage transformers. The bottom line was that Stan's system used barely any amps which is what regular electrolysis is and got no heat.
Hey there i believe he did do that used transofrmers but also i believe he used capacitors for high voltage . And he pulsed it Dc By making the A/C that is coming from the transformer/capacitor because direct current is more efficient to make electrolysis ac is not efficient or so ive read .
I hope someone will make the same "mistake" as Stanley did when he discovered the frequencies of the voltage that makes this work, and does so in an open source way so that we, as human beings, can start evolution again.
@@amselectronicservices905 I don't necessarily buy into any of this stuff. I would need to see real demonstrations of how it works that make sense, or do it myself. However, I could see that somehow it would work on frequency harmonics of whatever the lowest frequency is. So if it works on 11Khz, I might see it working on 22Khz and 44Khz. My knowledge of this field is so fuzzy though. I've only ever dipped my toes into this stuff.
His injector was different because it used a few different gases besides hho that were already present in the system because of the burning of the gas being recycled back in to the engine. In the patents it shows him using injectors that are just like the injectors we use today. But when you look at his water spark plugs you can't see them. I have often wondered if he built the I injector inside of that casing.
It might be the case that it was self inciting by compression and those plugs serve as a feedback loop for the redistribution of the burnt gases to be reintroduced. Or both, spark ignition and gas loop.
Arthur C. Clarke said it best. "If an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible, he is almost certainly right; but if he says that it is impossible, he is very probably wrong."
Watch 6:54 to 7:38 its the key to the whole video. If you look at the diagram it is set up to use a coil pack to bring the voltage up once the coil pack if fully charged it will then discharge a high voltage. This high voltage is sent to the capacitor that makes the hydrogen. So the key to the system is high voltage, short bursts that energizes the capacitor. This is all set up in sequence to the engine.
Mr. Rusky, we have many ways of producing Hydrogen and oxygen. Electrolysis takes some generator power. Could come from solar powered batteries. Metals placed in acids and base also produce hydroxy gas. Hydroxy cells also gives gasoline engines a turbo boost. Giving more power and mpg.
Ya never know who you are talking to on these pages, and how many people just have a need to argue. Physicists would probably disagree with this because they are not able to think like Stan. So, just because someone gets a degree does not mean they are an inventor or have an inventors mind. Most college degree's come from regurgitating so called facts and proving they have learned a process of thinking that is mandated by govt mandated institutions of teaching. To think they actually allow critical and theoretical thinking in school is a waste. They teach known things that work. Tell the wright brothers that humans cant fly? Tell Tesla that radio waves will not send voice over the air. Tell any proven inventor they have an idea that is just crazy, yet somehow they did it. To think as one has been taught is not to think, its to be told what to think. To think outside the box, one must think on their own, learning is learning, thinking is creation. One can learn and get every degree there is and wave them in the air as if they are some smart person, yet they may never have an inventors mind and basically never get anywhere except with what they have been told exists. No inventor takes the stance as if something new isnt possible. If we did, we would not have flying machines or radios. It is those who dare to theorize and think up things that are the creators and inventors which require NO degree... Anyone can go read a book, get tested on these books and get a degree on already KNOWN information. These people are not smart, they can just remember things they have read, Everyone can do that. Well, Most normal healthy people... So if you wave your degree here, you just wave an expensive piece of paper that cost you thousands to read a few books that most of us know, you can get in the library for free.
Quantum Leap Japan announced a water powered car, then the tsunami hit, wiped them all into the sea. Check it out, but i hear ya, Envy, not really. Just really obvious that o2 and hydrogen are more powerful then gasoline. A lot more, 2500 feet per second compared to 40,000 and up..
+Quantum Leap I get the sense Physics may need to learn this. This concept of resonant HHO production and the effects of frequencies / voltages on it are not common teachings.
Coil Smoke There is a reason "This concept of resonant HHO production and the effects of frequencies / voltages on it are not common teachings." it doesn't do anything, if it did, it would be taught.
Rob Monty248 by far one of the best comments on the video. An inventors mind creates possibilities, while an academic mind limits possibilities. They give general information that applies to everything when everything is not nor will ever be the same. 90% of all systems are how ever designed to waste. (not sure if that is actually intentional.) Look at for instance what they are doing with cars now. Making diesels to get 76 mpg in Europe while that same car in the US is only getting 53 mpg. But for the fact that the same vehicle (maybe the same engine?) gets 23 mpg more indicates something. We are being soaked. I can assure you that many inventors could with the same resources as a automobile factory build cars that exceed 100 mpg. I know a few guys like this not to mention my self. It's all about resources and who controls them.
Well you could do direct hydrogen injection. But meyer said in his drawings that he used three substances. I know one was water fuel and the other was non combustible and maybe the a last was water vapor. It's been a long time since. I saw that image. Your right it is to bad what happened to Stan and that the world doesn't have his technology. Your right that's exactly what needs to happen the public needs to come together that's why I open sourced the easiest way to run an engine on water.
Eu imagino que se algum inventor descobrir meios de produzirmos energia livre tais como Stanley Meyer, deve-se faze-lo em silencio e ao comprovar o funcionamento exato,ter a coragem de espalhar os projetos completos para o mundo nas redes sociais e todos os meios de comunicação possíveis para que tornemos o mais difícil possível para os donos do mundo gananciosos e sem vestígios de compaixão pois nós seres humanos de boa vontade que queremos o bem para todos não somos gado e se as Divindades não podem intervir ,não podemos deixar perder uma oportunidade de reagirmos.
This isn't actually a comment from me...I have an electronic engineer with me... Bear in mind when this video was made; he has digitised an older design normally aspirated car engine. He fabricated lots of the parts himself: Optical timing encoder to replace the dizzy cap. Accurate potentiometer to encode amount of accelerator pedal depression Timing circuits to encode accelerator pedal depression into four cylinder spark and injector operation time prior to ignition. This was all necessary to control the timing for the difference in burn rate of hydroxyy vs gasoline. If I'm not mistaken he was killed "in a drive-by shooting" shortly after these videos came to light. What happened to his research and ideas? He actually says in the video that for a consumer unit this would be shrunk down into LSI application...something commonly known now as VLSI (or the microchip). Every modern car works on EFi, controlled by a cpu. I put it to everyone here that he invented EFi so that he could change from gas to water quickly, reliably and consistently; something that would have been necessary to prove the validity of his invention. Big oil stole his idea and applied it to gasoline only, omitting the part allowing any engine to run on hydroxy gas.
you guys we have to trust the oil companies that they have our best interests in mind for us. Why do people always attack them? they are good hard working people trying to make the world and society a good place to live in.
@@vanidioso7706 yeah it's really insane how many great ideas, inventions, innovations have been prevented by mentally ill greedy world wealth Hoarders of money others actually did the work for act like they can take it all with them when they die is just insane
It is a very useful and affordable idea but I just have a question about the incapacity of lubrication of injectors with HHO and the corrosion that can be caused to the motor. I think that some additives to gasoline or diesel are just added for this purpose.
I have no idea about any of this stuff, but it's cool that I was able to watch it. Thanks for the video mate. As a Libertarian and an Economist, I can say that this would likely be the discovery that would lift man kind out from under the repression and the tyrannical control grid that has been built up.
Stan died in 97 and he believed that God gave him the ability to understand and learn the technology. But he learned it from hard lengthy research and applying it. You can not fault him for being a man of God.
Some ppl are just too ignorent to 'think outside the box'...Keep up the great work !! I have been workingon Magnet-generator myself..I will be posting results soon !!
In the last part of the video the biggest component disappeared,, I assume it’s the converter,, just like dr. Dingle here in Philippines,, I was there in the Phil Marines motorpool,!! 92 Toyota Corolla, got interested w/ his 3SM battery size inverter!,, GOD SPEED to YOU!!! Semperfi !!!!!
At 47:20 they pull out the two different modules from the fuel / collection tank... they are both show close up prior to this. Do you know what the difference in function is in them? One is square with a gap for pulsing and the other is rounded with slots that alternate and terminate into the plastic which also seem to be in a pulsing (opposing) configuration? Trying to understand why there are two different designs. You can reply in private if you'd like or here.
Lol what a lot of you guys are not realizing is the fact that this engine was already working and was used for several years by the inventor before he was poisoned to death for not selling his idea to some Arab corporation ... it works , he used it , end of story
Bradley Eversley My own eyes . I seen the thing . I have also built several hydrogen reactors myself , altho the ones I built were not as good as his .
+John Holcomb See sbove, I built a good HHO unit, I am an electronic engineer and my friend is a physicist . Still got 14mpg from my Range Rover 4.0l V8. HHO Does not work to any real effect. Takes a lot of energy to generate the HHO. The above injector drive unit is simple electronics these days. We developed an injection drive unit with variable mark-space ratio injection timing controlled by the engines RPM together with an HHO unit. Result. No worthwhile effect. I now just buy gas. Get a modern turbo diesel Merc if you want MPG.
then perhaps you can use this information ... you need to attain resonance . I think a good place to start is around 5 khrts ... once you get a good resonance the amp useage reduces significantly , voltage increases significantly and HHO production increases significantly .
I don't know when this video was made but that is one huge variable resistor he's using 'to convert the accelerator pedal movement to an electrical signal' . . . I'm sure a MC68K micro-controller could have miniaturised his ignition system even back then.
To anyone read this before you act like you know what your talking about. A reply to someone. I have to say that I am very happy to see the direction that this conversation will go now. In regards to me seeming like I think everyone is stupid that doesn't agree with me. It is nothing to do with agreeing with me. My issue is that people try to apply their own knowledge to this which makes it seem impossible. If you could try to understand how frustrating this is to encounter people like this all the time that just want to say it's not possible with out doing the research. I have tried many method's to attempt having people learn or even do the research but in every case they do not wish to learn. I would have to say you are the first that has actually come up with logical real and scientific questions. So Ty for that. Now let's get to rest of the message. As for hv hf electrolysis it has been proven to work and really there are a few things that are special about it. First is that you can run it all day long and it does not heat up. This is proven by a few people I know. The other unique thing is that it doesn't require a catalyst/electrolyte to allow for the electrolysis to happen. You can use tap water, distilled, rain, or as to quote Stan Meyer you can use any water. This has been proven and is also unique. The reason for this is that in Stan Meyer's electrolysis it does not use the electrodes as a dead short like how regular electrolysis operates. It actually uses the water as a capacitor in the circuit. I have seen experiments that have used 100 v to 400 v and even some that use over 3 kv. In regular electrolysis it is dictated that you must use 2.2 v per plate separation and current must be elevated for desired amount of hydrogen production. But there have been many to prove that you do not need to keep the voltage that low. One thing I am not happy with all of the people that have preformed these hv hf electrolysis experiments is that they are not doing a full data analysis which will state the number that need to be calculated for efficency. Even though they have not done efficency tests so far Stan Meyer has been right with this electrolysis and to clearly point out if the water does not heat up then it must me more efficient. Now on the topic of efficency in regards to regular electrolysis. There are no variables shown in regards to efficiency and surface area. I have a big issue with this. I have talked to hundreds of people who have made electrolysis cells and it seems then larger the cell the less power is required to make the same volume of gas. This is one of the parts that is in my personal design that you mentioned that you read. As a further note on Stans buggy. It wasn't just a hho cell that ran his engine. This is a common misconception because people for some reason do not want to dive deep in to his work they want to think that nope you can not run am engine on a hho cell (that's what us researchers call electrolysis cells). Now for something that I have enjoyed learning about magnetic circuits. So you say they are nothing special and I would have to agree what they taught you about E and C and even single rods in ferrite and laminate steel were nothing special. This is the big problem I have with the scientific community and how it teaches it's students. If you really want to learn from out interactions I will share what I know with you. But you must be willing to look in to the topics. So there is a local man where I live that designed a magnetic circuits that is slightly different from others. In a sense it doesn't allow the back emf to escape from the core like conventional transformers are designed. When I first heard about how it reacts I didn't believe it. Just like I don't think you may. But with science it is never about absolutes it's about testing "all" variables which is not a common practice in science. You can watch this man's video about how the transformer preforms on my channel. His name is Thane Hein. He has shown other experiments. But if you want a good understanding of how these magnetic circuits preform then I suggest you look up on Google "chapter 3 magnetic circuits". I have had a few back yard experimenters come to me and validate this man's findings from similar experimentation. One man came to me and said he is lighting 2000 watts of halogens with only 500 watts. For some reason the transformer design reduces the inductive load so it sort of also acts like a capacitor. That in it's self says something is very different about how this and other designs you will see on that Google look up I suggested. I wasn't intending to be condescending in regards to the perpetual motion. I just would like that word to be removed from physics. But from your response I am wondering if you got what I ment because then you make reference to perpetual motion again. My design will work in regards to running the engine and so will Stan Meyers design. Answering your questions 1. So you said overunity with a controlled closed environment. That statement applies to perpetual motion not overunity. Over unity means that there is more then one on the other end when the energy comes out. So more out then in. Perpetual motion would only be achieved if you controlled the environment that the devices is sitting in so oxidation does not occur. We do also know as another reference to a magnet motor that in a few hundred years the magnet will lose its magnetism. So again the word perpetual motion cripples it's inclusion of over unity. If you were to read everything in my write up even though I know it's not perfect it does give the written details. I wanted to use fuel from water because it will be something to achieve but really what my design entails is an engine that does not waste heat energy. Fuel from water is also more efficient as well as it had highly ionized steam that comes out of the tail pipe that can also be transfered in to electrical every much like how a hydrogen fuel cell operates. It transfers the heat several ways in to electrical energy and at the same time it takes want ever would have been left over after it has been cooled by its heat extraction methods and pulls it right back in to the engine to be reused. I suggest you throughly read my written information. And as you requested, here are my questions: 2. I have only done the calculations on numbers that I knew. I will provide more calculations once the experiment has actually been conducted. That requires over $45k that I don't just have sitting in the bank. 3. In regards to the frequency that's where it gets a bit complicated. The choke needs to have the same resistance as the cell does when it's filled with water. So the resonate frequency is not for just tuning to water. It's more like tuning the choke and capacitor/hho cell in one. But it is really an unusual beast once your cell and choke are tuned to each other you can just continue to increase the frequency and the voltage continues to go up on its own. It does require a lot of research to understand it all. Also no problem I hope anything I wrote didn't seem like I was being rude. I hope you can take a lot from the information I have shared with you so you may begin to start teaching your self as I have a few years ago. You wrote. Btw, blocking me will only show that it is you who doesn't want to learn. In fact it would be what you are accusing the government of doing, preventing the information to get out there. Thats not something people do, who value freedom. In response to this. I have learned a great deal of information on my few years or research. The biggest most valuable thing I learned is to keep an open mind and learn what I can. As for me accusing the government for not allowing information to get out. Well its out my friend so I don't know where that came from. Maybe it is in reference to how the government makes it so the first things you read about Stan Meyer is that he was a fraud. Take care Hope you hear from you soon. Matt
+Quantum Leap if you can read a few paragraphs well I think that says a lot for you. I don't need to play pissing contests with anyone. Your results are 1 tank away from being completed with the unit I am testing right now. I am sincerely concerned for your intelligence level if you can't read. Especially coming from someone that wasn't able to read and write till I was 22 =12 years ago.
+Quantum Leap but isn't wasn't just hydrogen and oxygen. It wasn't just a water fuel cell. You seriously need to invest more time before you continue to sound ignorant.
+Quantum Leap have you ever tried to explain something technical to a non technical person? When he said that it was so the "general" public could understand. If you watch his lectures and read his parents you would quickly discover it's not just the splitting of water that was making the car run. I guess you can just remain a smart ass that is to lazy to read and do research. Have fun with that.
+Quantum Leap have you looked in to each topic that you say makes him not playing with a full deck? You know what if you don't know anything about photons and water you are still doing nothing but wasting my time.
The Meyer Bros. wonderful work gives me hope. It's amazing how ugly the automobile industry's engines are, and what a grip the oil industry has on this nation. The results of which is a dying planet. Let's have more water-powered cars.
If it has been around for that long then how is his fuel injectors' construction different. That is what I'm trying to get to. Was it spindle, spring, solenoid like the modern day injectors and operating in the same manner?
There's something strange in this "conspiracy theory" stuff around Stan Meyer's death/assasination by government/oil companies. Is his brother still alive? Then why hasn't he made (or at least assisted in the development) of a single engine that would prove Stan Meyer's theories? He seems pretty knowledgeable about the techno in this video, fiddling with the oscilloscope knobs and all....Also: where's that Dune Buggy? In Area 51 perhaps?
The dune buggy and circuitry was purchased by people promising to develop the technology - but turned it into a museum instead. They pulled apart the dune buggy and left it in pieces. The injector plans were found in an old filing cabinet from Stan Meyer's Estate. Now they are public domain as of 2012.
Why you bothered to bring up his brother - and then distract people by steering people to think that a murder of a brother wouldn't halt someone's research - makes you sound silly. Shill, the more you try to make people fear this invention - the less people will work on it - so let it happen.
He should have made a step by step video on how to make all parts and how to put it all together so we all could have made one . But no he wanted to make money instead of saving our planet . All his work was done in vain because of the greed money.Where did it get him dead of course .
justliketolook all this hydrogen technology has been nothing but bullshit. Give a gift like gasoline, and leave it to the garage mechanics to perfect. Right?
He has patents which can easily bee requested from the U.S. patent office also he was approached by OPEC and offered quite a lot of money tip sell the idea to them so they could lock it away but declined to do so as his motivation behind making it work for a car was to free America from OPEC and other petroleum companies in order to prevent another gas crisis
***** US4826581 * Aug 5, 1987 May 2, 1989 Meyer Stanley A Controlled process for the production of thermal energy from gases and apparatus useful therefore US4936961 * Jun 16, 1988 Jun 26, 1990 Meyer Stanley A Method for the production of a fuel gas
americancitizenX Evans They killed him because they knew if he got a patent it would put the oil and gas companys out of business.People would stop working so much , causing the government to collect less taxes .
i for one think his system really worked. there are just too many variables for some one to reproduce it exactly as he has it, it would just be plain luck to get all the parameters correct to match what his was running at. for a few you have the size of the chamber diameter x length, type of electrode material, sizes of electrode material length x (width or diameter) x thickness, position of electrodes inside each other or next to each other or a combination of both x distance from each other, voltage, type of current (ac / dc), frequency, pulse width (on / off), polarity of voltage, he stated pure water eg. "rain water", this eliminates the problem of a catalyst. now for what its worth that is all i can come up with just off the top of my head sitting here after having read a lot of these responses.
The Great "Pyramid" works on similar principles. Constant flow of energised water,. reaction chamber (Queens ), Grand Gallery, cavity resonance frequency convertor. Multipliers.? focusing.? The 5 "supposed" stress relieving Slabs. And the only metal, were the electrodes at the tops of the "air shafts" Anybody know how the hydrogen was converted to electricity.???
The only metal from that period is that which nobody could find and loot. It would be a stupid place for electrodes, how would you get the water up there, it doesn't even have an airhole. On the other hand if you attached an antenna there TUTmoses ark they talk about, would havep layed radio luxembourg from our time, even then - don't you think - yeah I know exactly how it works.
The stubs of the electrodes are at the end of the "air-shaft" and only accessible by robot. I don,t think it was water. I don't think anybody knows exactly how it works, but it certainly wasn't a tomb.!!!
Water is NOT a fuel, it is like an ASH. Water is the result of the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen. Like the ashes when you burn wood in a bonfire. Can these catch fire? Nope. So does water. Electrolysis uses ENERGY to turn back the ash into fuel (hydrogen and oxygen). That energy is MORE than what is produced by burning it again.
Nytronymous Melodechnician if you start a fire with a fuel such as magnesium the fuel burns so hot you can not put it out with water. On many chemical fires using water as the extinguisher will only result in an increase of fire and heat. At a certain temperature water will burn and will increase the heat of the fire. So yes water does burn in the right circumstances.
No, water *can't burn* under *any* circumstances. The reason why you shouldn't put out an alkali metal fire (e.g. sodium/lithium/calcium...) with water is that these metals react with water creating hydrogen which will then burn. Water will only "burn" (and that's a huge stretch to call that "burning") above 2400°C, where there is enough energy to split it in half into hydrogen and oxigen (which will burn and create... water again). Sadly this isn't much use because it takes more energy (thermal) to split water than it creates by burning.
Nytronymous Melodechnician you have missed some very critical points. Water vapor super heated begins to thermally break it's bonds at 1200c. The flame from the hydrogen and oxygen can exceed 3200 c. Full thermal separation is 3200 c. The gas can autoignite at 580 c. A care would be able to easily create this thermal reaction by preheating steam then injecting hho in. The numbers are there. Now there is another aspect that you are forgetting water when recombined during ignition releases a little shock wave which influences the water around it to become ionized. There is so much science that hasn't been compiled to over excite water. With the right set up you could heat your home with a pipe jet.
MrOpenGL water is much more then inert chemical ash. Apply heat and water can become so explosively dangerous because it can increase energy output extremely fast.
That project box isnt ONLY for the injectors. It runs everything in the system. The one slot in the box is for the injectors. That is what i was getting at. They have a lot of uneeded equipment in that box as well. And i just noticed that the project box in the video is not the one used in the car. They had a much more compact model in the car itself. This actually does work, but dry cells would be the way to go as they produce hydrogen at a much higher rate and the system would be much smaller.
I understand exactly what he is claiming! That is the problem, I am not saying there isn't a solution out there but he really never revealed the important details or math that would allow us to calculate his claims. Instead he spoke highly of his injection process and I remember being fascinated with the change over from carb/throttle body/fuel injection. His claims were made during such times and the in depth understanding of this so early made him look like a genius. SNAKE OIL?
if you read the patents, then you would know. when the gas was tested, there was a emission test. co2 comes from carbon which can come from oil as well. when a engine runs, the blow by of the piston enters the crank case wich travels past the egr valve and into the intake. thus carbon is emited. gasoline is a lattice of carbon and hydrogen and in the engine oxygen and nitrogen from the air add to the hydrocarbon to set the burn rate of the fuel. gasoline turns into water and co2 when burned
hello sir and I am able elias from Argentina, my curiosity is learning to plumb into my car to run a team to idrogeno, saw your video and what I see is water injection to you? you have good knowledge in installing something I hydrogen in my car?
So I believe it works and I am interested in this system and for those think like me, where will this video lead to? Is there a workshop or seminar for this kind?
my goal is to build some fuctional water/ electrical energy converter, it can be very simple,, ive got 2 weeks of vacation, so alot of time on my hands, built a basic hofmann apparatus with natron and it bubbled a bit,, what would you suggest my next step is.. I have no electrical or chemical backround but am very eager and motivated because this seems like the only logical technology humanity should work on at the moment,, if someone 30 years could do it, I say everyone with internet can also
@koncertLive your frustrations with Stan come from needing to know more about what he did. The tank you see on the buggy is for the water. The engine he used was a 1.6 L 1976 vw. Your going to need to build a lot more then a Hho cell to replicate what he did. Also I can't remember the amount but he said he was producing gallons not liters. The term Hho I believe came after he died. The Hho cell was only one small part of a very big system.
@virgojeep1 I was starting to get in to that but I am horrible with electronics. The biggest problem I was having was funding to continue the research. I pretty much understand the process but I need the electronics.
I do believe that the technology is there to be discovered, but after watching this video I do not think he did. There are so many questions regarding his application of the technology that leads me to this conclusion.
This vid is just incredible... to hear Stan , in his own words, describing his system. I'm SO glad somebody had this video to put up here on our YourTube. h2oplasmaplug, are we going to develop the H2O engine completely independent of technical input and endorsement from the US Auto Industry? I hope so. Design decisions have to be made as if an automobile is a new concept, or else the Auto Industry will buy out the technology AGAIN; and put all developed ideas on the Shelf Of Non-Existence.
carbon can come from recirculating the exhaust, through the egr valve. from oil in the crankcase, on the valves, on the cylinder walls. or oil injection which is standard practice in a gasoline engine converted to hydrogen or natural gas or propane
can you give us some hard numbers like how much energy is required in electricial power to produce a given volume of gas and how mush power is produced by the engine using that same volume of gas and how much losses occour in each step of the process please use the unit of watts (745.7 watts= 1 horsepower)
The only thing he demonstrated was that he made a Electronic Fuel Injection System. He never once ran the vehicle running on his HHO device. He couldn't have, the air flow mechanism designed for his HHO converter wasn't mounted on the intake during any of the times we seen the vehicle running. Most importantly he never discussed his flow rates or even showed HHO being produced. This is the single most important fact we needed to know and he avoided it like a plague.
yes it sounds like a good idea. you know, making the actual cell is not that hard but finding resonance and making fuel injectors is a bit more complicated atleast for me. do you know if there is anywhere i can buy a full conversion set for my car? thank you for uploading this really is part of the future very inspiring.
We still use petrol because they wont let us do anything else. I asked an emissions referee guy on the phone if I could legally retrofit my truck to run on Hydrogen and he about had a fit. So that's the answer I got.
I duplicated this just using a pwm, fuel cell, it works just need to keep the resistance/back feed from heating up the pwm which restricts amps but you need to find a way to increase voltage. Most of what we see and is edited is how he kept if safe to pass laws to make it road worthy. That's how they tried to suppress his work but it failed. You can take a dc battery and produce hydrogen, its that simple and that's what Stanley stood for keeping it simple!
how many lpm would it take to run a 351 cid piston driven engine at 8500 rpm. and do you compress the fuel for injecting. or does it just operate at atmospheric pressures or the pressure that is created by the hho generator. i also saw that you recycle exhaust gasses back to the cylinder via the intake port stream. would the egr valve work for that.
It will work ... no doubt .. his interfacing was masterful .. it does kinda look like antigravity pull on the water dipole as well (ie high electrostatic) I wonder if Stan knew that ....??
I don't know if it does or not, I believe that there might be a possibility for it. I have not done the experimentation to the extend that the Meyer brothers did. I just think its counterproductive for people to bash something that they havent done the work to actually prove it unsuccessful.
Normally, the two electrons? in hydrogen occupy the bonding molecular orbital, with anti-parallel spins. If molecular hydrogen is irradiated by ultra-violet (UV) light, the molecule may absorb the energy, and promote one electron into its antibonding orbital (s*), and the atoms will seperate. The energy levels in a hydrogen molecule can be represented in a diagram - showing how the two 1s atomic orbitals combine to form two molecular orbitals, one bonding (s) and one antibonding (s*). This is shown below - by clicking upon either the s or s* molecular orbital in the diagram - it will show graphically in a window to the right:
I don't know in depth, Physicists claim that recycling stops after 2 or 3 times, not sure, but it acts as if the material has memory, and is because of the laws of thermodynamics, it can be explained by molecular chemistry
Thank you to Stanley Meyer & his awesome brother. I am with you all the way, this is exactly what our world need's now!. It is great to see positive comment's. We will be successful, because it is very important for all people on our new wiser & brighter world. Keep up your excellent work please.
I have long suspected that Meyer used a Phase-Locked Loop Circuit to achieve a reliable resonance state. That is evidenced by this video. He is demonstrating the resonance control module in this video. It is not connected to to the feedback sensor from the gas generator, so it keeps scanning up and down looking for the resonance state. That is how he was able to use water from any source. Circuitry on the control module is constantly adjusting current to the generator to maintain resonance.
The big push for electric vehicles have lead me to mr Meyer and man I'm hooked.
For anyone looking for ideas the Packard/Studebaker company is for sale, they have designs for a V12 that hydrogen could power.
thanks for getting this out; Stan is gone, but the world desperately needs his and your brilliance.
These engineers are defining a prototype of a fully electronically controlled high efficiency fuel burning reciprocating engine, and are to be congratulated with a putative nobel prize for their efforts. Sadly the Nobel committee are not engineers even tough Nobel himself was a chemical engineer. Keep up the good work, even though the technology is a little out-dated, and a bit flashy. I think micro-controllers could do the job cheaply, effectively and reprogrammably.
It works 😊 this isn't new the military use these injector's during ww2......
Thanks for putting this up. I saw a news story from when he was alive and he showed this system in action. I hope someone can take this knowledge and finally get rid of the coal and fuel consumption on this planet.
That someone is you
Dont you understand ? It was always possible since the beginning but if there comes a car with the acces to very cheap fuel that you can get in your own house or just buy from the storen the oil comoanies will go into history. Its not about the planet bcs if it was this man was never killed
Friend, anybody trying this will also need 5000 bodyguards, a bullet proof vest, and serious "life insurance.' Extremely powerful greedy humans will not like the all.
I am just not wasting my time with lazy people that do not wish to learn. So if someone wants to ague that this is not possible and refuses to do the work to obtain the knowledge then your comment will be removed. Please vote this up.
Ha ha ha. See there are so so many of you that come along and make ignorant statements that are all the same. I can answer your questions but no matter what I tell you your still gonna say the same crap and that it's just not possible or that it's nothing more then electrolysis. So my question to you is how many videos have you watched of Stans seminars? We will start with that.
Also I have answered many many questions on here so try to take the time to read them before I waste my time repeating them over and over again.
Andreas Vogler if you read your own comment here, back to yourself, you will have answered many of your own questions, because I do NOT believe you are half as stupid as you are trying to be. You will never be given 100% of anything, and there are very good reasons for that, so use what brain power you do have, to figure the rest out for yourself.
Andreas you wrote "I have read a lot of your comments and in most of them you don't explain anything, you just insult people who don't agree with you."
You obviously did not go down far enough. I do offer information. But really I am starting to feel that I should just stop wasting my time. There are a few people I know proving Meyers was right and on of my very good friends is leading the race.
I am assuming you do not know the purpose of a patent. To be general in description with out revealing enough information that someone can steal it. If you were to read ALL patents and watch All videos and after that you still have not come to understand it then you must go deeper in to each topic. That's what all of us had to do. In fact if you sub-reference what you do not understand and look it up you may find your understanding there. But classifying Stan's work as pseudoscience just makes me want to remove you. You do not have the obtained knowledge to judge the work.
Now as for my work. I did not need to give it away. I did not need to show everyone. But I did and if you read through it and do not know where the energy is coming from then this concludes one of 2 things. Either you did not read it or you do not know how to read. I admit I did not go to school for physics because I have dyslexia and my teachers would have failed me because of it. But by learning all of the technologies I have it has taught me how to strengthen this weakness so if you can not read the document I provided for what it contains rather then it's structure well then that's your loss. NOT mine. I can't believe you mentioned an alternator. LOL wow. You didn't read it.
It's not just the government's that and energy companies that are preventing this it's ignorant people like you that would have to go back to school to relearn everything if a over unity device became public. Millions of educations would be a waste. I will tell you that if I am ever given the opportunity to prove my theory I will only do it if it's open source all the way. Companies would not be allowed to reproduce it and scientists would even touch it with a 10 foot pole unless it was already scientifically proven and even at that they would say it's just not possible.
I will also admit many claims and no proof. Just like the Frederick Wells/Fast Freddie scam 2004 dodge running on water. You should see my video where I tear it all apart with math because it was a lie and he is con and is gearing up to do it again. So guess who has to waste their time again proving them wrong.
Andreas Vogler You're not alone in feeling that Meyer was a complete fraud, and that his technology was impossible to achieve... There are a wealth of forums online which support an ignorant hatred of his principles by those who indoctrinate themselves with studies and laws which Meyer didn't limit himself to. Hence he left highschool before graduating, and never finished college.
YOU are your own worst enemy by living someone else's physics. Go find for yourself what works and what doesn't... You are forcing your 'skills' to abide by restrictions set in-place by the law of thermo-dynamics etc. I'm sure he wasn't poisoned as part of this global fraudulent scheme- and that the Pentagon didn't waste their time flying in to his demonstration simply over a gentleman's bet on whether or not he was a hoax.
Electronics sure have come a long way since the '80s.
I could only imagine what the electronics for this system would be with today's technology in electronics.
They killed the messenger but not the message!!!
Dixon Gutierrez that's right my friend!
"messenger" wanted $$$$$$$$$$$
Mr.soj That's Not True
Dixon Gutierrez q
phigo4kins It's actually very true. You only patent your technology for trade secrets....
He's a genius but was a greedy one.
Once again another brilliant person who wanted to help humanity gets killed by the greedy.
No, he was another person that wanted to steal from humanity.
Stephen Meyers is still alive in Canada someplace. He knew as much as Stan did.
Thank you for uploading, I wish i could have been a fly on the wall during all this.I hate that there are so many cuts in this video but i am grateful just the same its nice to see footage i thought would never be released.
I understand how it works. I am still learning all the processes. Basically he made a blend of the three gazes to make a highly explosive direct injection. I will be downloading and uploading a few more of stans videos that will answer your questions. He does a much better job then I do.
You don't know how it works,sorry to shatter you delusions.
@@gogogeedus I know far more now then you can ever wish to obtain. Dont waste my time with your childish ego.
@@mathhuemcmahon I have got questions. Are you still working on stan meyer project to run hho on low power using with high voltage and low amps?
Did you manage to get it to work to run the engine with 100% hho??
@@chris01479 it uses battery. One battery gives the output amperage. You process the amperage and messure it after. Some are presenting they got 4 times bigger amperage after the proccesing but whole story sounds very crazy. The output processed amperage is then used in hho generating and then ejected just the same as a popular hho 30% increased MPG advertisments from internet the only point is that its injected fully without gasoline. I mean you can put the pipe from house electricity gained hho and plug it easily on gasoline engine alone but hydrogen produces great temperature and explosions so not all engines can be fine on it some can get damage. Its not all freud its just too much equipment and a lot failures just to get a buggy that you cant even make a propper licence for it to drive on streets since you need to licence every DIY vechicle more specially then normal bought vechicle and what gives? You might get even some weird expensive taxations for crazy inventions that sounds expensive to poses compared to gasoline. Thats why toyota is making this vechicles for higher prices to make people be safe and secured when they use them.
@@Raychu97 Because pure hydrogen burns far hotter than gasoline, Mr. Meyers as discussed in the video talks about utilizing exhaust gases to dilute and reduce the burn temperature potential going into the cylinder.Without the dilution it would melt the piston. Man was a genius.He earlier had developed a generator using only an ionized gas with some magnetic material and pulsed laser to move that material in a circle using plastic which was rapped with copper winds to form said generator that would not build counter emf and so would have a far great potential for energy output to run the electrolosis machine.
He had a passion to help the world, thank god for making people like him because without them we would all be living in darkness.
I think that the proof that the water car works is the death of the inventor.
I think that doesn't prove anything.
Neal Davis
Err No. everybody dies.
Wei Zhao
I see you failed high school science.
Hydrogen produced explosion is very high in a confined space and it dose work 3 years off grid...
@ , Easy to figure out why it because it does damage to the $800 trillion dollar energy companies who won't able to control it easily ,,
you bet these people would kill you in a heart beat to protest their wealth
Direct fuel injection has been around for almost 100 years. If you search When was fuel injection first used in race cars on Google and also when was fuel injection first used. It will give you a little history on it. I think what happened is Meyer saw that the direction of fuel injection and in order to compete and comply with the designs of the ICE. He had to modify the kit from carburated to direct injection. I know many engines were throttle body injection from 90 to 95.
The first water fueled engine that my friend found a patent to was in 1935. So it has been around for a very long time.
Which patent is that?
Getting a patent does not mean it actually does what it claims.
@@valveman12 you'd have to look at all the numerous patents to see for your self now wouldn't you?
No... Understanding Physics is all you need.
So with an understanding of physics, I too can know if a patent is viable or not without even looking at it? Physics has come a long way
@16:47 they edit out valuable information. but it's starting to look super easy. specially if you've ever heard of mega squirt, new direct injection. the only question is what voltage do they raise it to?
Stan's use of high voltage direct current was so effective at turning water (H2O) into HHO that the water did not even need to be purified. He had even run his dune buggy on urine.
What about BeePee?
To scientists and engineers, Stan Meyer's explanation on his "water fuel" was simply gob·ble·dy·gook...gibberish....totally without any scientific basis, intended to fool the non-scientific mass population. No one has been able to reproduce his claimed achievement. WATER is the end product of hydrogen combustion, therefore, water contains zero energy.
Keep bringing more info and knowledge out, its been restricted far too long, lets get this working and out to the general public, thank you,
Does anyone know where Stan Meyers patent applications and drawings are located or is there a website that we can look it up on? Thanks for posting this Stan was the man. Peace be with you all... Because the opposite of it really is nothing you want to ever experience.
The spark, injector, resonator, arrester, is very interesting to me. I believe that is what I am seeing in the place of the spark plug. This seems to be the key to solving all problems associated with a project like this.
Nice Video...For its age. They basically built their own "ECM" to control that eras equivalent of a modern day fuel injection system. Must have been really cool to have a fuel injecteg VW powered sand rail back in their day. They programmed a PLC to do the work that modern day ECMs do.
yourone of a kind who is determined to achieve what you believe in so keep going.
thanks Mr.Matt McMahon Inventor
you had make great effort to relveal this imazing teachnology. no one can deny that water is just a heden energy of hydrogen and oxegen.....
Have you considered that producing the electric using Peltier thermoelectric would eliminate the drag on your alternator?
Please comment
Great to hear. Once engines can run on water it will open the doors for many other technologies. I truly believe that.
Excellent, Thanks
They already run on water,Staney Meyer said cars already run on hydrogen, all he was doing is leaving the carbon out of the equation.
The utilization of the natural phenomenon of 'over unity' of (in phase) Resonant frequencies and the utilization of highly efficient power to energy conversions such as LASER are the crucial factors in these technologies that make them efficient enough to be realistic power supplies on a global scale for many different uses.
Visualization of 'Resonance': You are pushing someone on a swing. If you are 'in sync' and 'in phase', they will go higher than the energy that you can put in in one push.
Regular electrolysis is referred to as a dead short or brute force. This is the equivalent of shorting out your batter with a wrench but leaving a little gap in between for some water to separate. This also boils water with in 1 to 5 hours depending on how much amps your putting in to it. Not Stan's the connection was very different it had a series of high voltage transformers. The bottom line was that Stan's system used barely any amps which is what regular electrolysis is and got no heat.
Very interested. Are you still monitoring comments on this video?
Hey there i believe he did do that used transofrmers but also i believe he used capacitors for high voltage . And he pulsed it Dc By making the A/C that is coming from the transformer/capacitor because direct current is more efficient to make electrolysis ac is not efficient or so ive read .
Matt is there a step by step video on how to make this .and how to hook it up in a car .
I hope someone will make the same "mistake" as Stanley did when he discovered the frequencies of the voltage that makes this work, and does so in an open source way so that we, as human beings, can start evolution again.
13.56Mhz radio frequency could be used to dissociate hydrogen and oxygen from a salt water solution
@@amselectronicservices905 Thought it was 22Khz
@@davidwhite2692 more than one frequency can produce the effet, but amplitude required will differ, I assume.
Evolution is a Satanic lie, you dimwits.
@@amselectronicservices905 I don't necessarily buy into any of this stuff. I would need to see real demonstrations of how it works that make sense, or do it myself.
However, I could see that somehow it would work on frequency harmonics of whatever the lowest frequency is. So if it works on 11Khz, I might see it working on 22Khz and 44Khz.
My knowledge of this field is so fuzzy though. I've only ever dipped my toes into this stuff.
His injector was different because it used a few different gases besides hho that were already present in the system because of the burning of the gas being recycled back in to the engine. In the patents it shows him using injectors that are just like the injectors we use today. But when you look at his water spark plugs you can't see them. I have often wondered if he built the I injector inside of that casing.
It might be the case that it was self inciting by compression and those plugs serve as a feedback loop for the redistribution of the burnt gases to be reintroduced. Or both, spark ignition and gas loop.
Arthur C. Clarke said it best.
"If an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible, he is almost certainly right; but if he says that it is impossible, he is very probably wrong."
anything is probable!
Watch 6:54 to 7:38 its the key to the whole video. If you look at the diagram it is set up to use a coil pack to bring the voltage up once the coil pack if fully charged it will then discharge a high voltage. This high voltage is sent to the capacitor that makes the hydrogen. So the key to the system is high voltage, short bursts that energizes the capacitor. This is all set up in sequence to the engine.
Education is controlled just like out food medication and money. You have to know that there is a reason they don't teach about all science right.
Mr. Rusky, we have many ways of producing Hydrogen and oxygen. Electrolysis takes some generator power. Could come from solar powered batteries. Metals placed in acids and base also produce hydroxy gas. Hydroxy cells also gives gasoline engines a turbo boost. Giving more power and mpg.
Ya never know who you are talking to on these pages, and how many people just have a need to argue. Physicists would probably disagree with this because they are not able to think like Stan. So, just because someone gets a degree does not mean they are an inventor or have an inventors mind. Most college degree's come from regurgitating so called facts and proving they have learned a process of thinking that is mandated by govt mandated institutions of teaching. To think they actually allow critical and theoretical thinking in school is a waste. They teach known things that work. Tell the wright brothers that humans cant fly? Tell Tesla that radio waves will not send voice over the air. Tell any proven inventor they have an idea that is just crazy, yet somehow they did it. To think as one has been taught is not to think, its to be told what to think. To think outside the box, one must think on their own, learning is learning, thinking is creation. One can learn and get every degree there is and wave them in the air as if they are some smart person, yet they may never have an inventors mind and basically never get anywhere except with what they have been told exists. No inventor takes the stance as if something new isnt possible. If we did, we would not have flying machines or radios. It is those who dare to theorize and think up things that are the creators and inventors which require NO degree... Anyone can go read a book, get tested on these books and get a degree on already KNOWN information. These people are not smart, they can just remember things they have read, Everyone can do that. Well, Most normal healthy people... So if you wave your degree here, you just wave an expensive piece of paper that cost you thousands to read a few books that most of us know, you can get in the library for free.
Quantum Leap Japan announced a water powered car, then the tsunami hit, wiped them all into the sea. Check it out, but i hear ya, Envy, not really. Just really obvious that o2 and hydrogen are more powerful then gasoline. A lot more, 2500 feet per second compared to 40,000 and up..
+Quantum Leap I get the sense Physics may need to learn this. This concept of resonant HHO production and the effects of frequencies / voltages on it are not common teachings.
Coil Smoke
There is a reason "This concept of resonant HHO production and the effects of frequencies / voltages on it are not common teachings." it doesn't do anything, if it did, it would be taught.
What did Stan ever think of? Nothing useful as far as anybody can tell.
Rob Monty248 by far one of the best comments on the video.
An inventors mind creates possibilities, while an academic mind limits possibilities. They give general information that applies to everything when everything is not nor will ever be the same. 90% of all systems are how ever designed to waste. (not sure if that is actually intentional.) Look at for instance what they are doing with cars now. Making diesels to get 76 mpg in Europe while that same car in the US is only getting 53 mpg. But for the fact that the same vehicle (maybe the same engine?) gets 23 mpg more indicates something. We are being soaked. I can assure you that many inventors could with the same resources as a automobile factory build cars that exceed 100 mpg. I know a few guys like this not to mention my self. It's all about resources and who controls them.
Well you could do direct hydrogen injection. But meyer said in his drawings that he used three substances. I know one was water fuel and the other was non combustible and maybe the a last was water vapor. It's been a long time since. I saw that image.
Your right it is to bad what happened to Stan and that the world doesn't have his technology.
Your right that's exactly what needs to happen the public needs to come together that's why I open sourced the easiest way to run an engine on water.
Eu imagino que se algum inventor descobrir meios de produzirmos energia livre tais como Stanley Meyer, deve-se faze-lo em silencio e ao comprovar o funcionamento exato,ter a coragem de espalhar os projetos completos para o mundo nas redes sociais e todos os meios de comunicação possíveis para que tornemos o mais difícil possível para os donos do mundo gananciosos e sem vestígios de compaixão pois nós seres humanos de boa vontade que queremos o bem para todos não somos gado e se as Divindades não podem intervir ,não podemos deixar perder uma oportunidade de reagirmos.
thank you for posting this, pardon my ignorance but you said "Unfortunately things are being released very slowly." who is releasing this?
This isn't actually a comment from me...I have an electronic engineer with me...
Bear in mind when this video was made; he has digitised an older design normally aspirated car engine. He fabricated lots of the parts himself:
Optical timing encoder to replace the dizzy cap.
Accurate potentiometer to encode amount of accelerator pedal depression
Timing circuits to encode accelerator pedal depression into four cylinder spark and injector operation time prior to ignition.
This was all necessary to control the timing for the difference in burn rate of hydroxyy vs gasoline.
If I'm not mistaken he was killed "in a drive-by shooting" shortly after these videos came to light.
What happened to his research and ideas?
He actually says in the video that for a consumer unit this would be shrunk down into LSI application...something commonly known now as VLSI (or the microchip).
Every modern car works on EFi, controlled by a cpu.
I put it to everyone here that he invented EFi so that he could change from gas to water quickly, reliably and consistently; something that would have been necessary to prove the validity of his invention. Big oil stole his idea and applied it to gasoline only, omitting the part allowing any engine to run on hydroxy gas.
you guys we have to trust the oil companies that they have our best interests in mind for us. Why do people always attack them? they are good hard working people trying to make the world and society a good place to live in.
What would the public world be like today had this tech not been stolen and Stanley Meyer alive today!
No wars over oil
@@vanidioso7706 yeah it's really insane how many great ideas, inventions, innovations have been prevented by mentally ill greedy world wealth Hoarders of money others actually did the work for act like they can take it all with them when they die is just insane
It is a very useful and affordable idea but I just have a question about the incapacity of lubrication of injectors with HHO and the corrosion that can be caused to the motor. I think that some additives to gasoline or diesel are just added for this purpose.
I have no idea about any of this stuff, but it's cool that I was able to watch it. Thanks for the video mate. As a Libertarian and an Economist, I can say that this would likely be the discovery that would lift man kind out from under the repression and the tyrannical control grid that has been built up.
Stan died in 97 and he believed that God gave him the ability to understand and learn the technology. But he learned it from hard lengthy research and applying it. You can not fault him for being a man of God.
I thank Stan for his developments and discoveries and hope to not let him down as another inventor....RIP
No person with any intelligence is going to say rip your a nobody just like the rest don’t try and up play on an actual genius dumbass
Some ppl are just too ignorent to 'think outside the box'...Keep up the great work !!
I have been workingon Magnet-generator myself..I will be posting results soon !!
i hope people are still working on this in secret from the bits of evidence they can get
In the last part of the video the biggest component disappeared,, I assume it’s the converter,, just like dr. Dingle here in Philippines,, I was there in the Phil Marines motorpool,!! 92 Toyota Corolla, got interested w/ his 3SM battery size inverter!,, GOD SPEED to YOU!!! Semperfi !!!!!
Why does the video now go silent at 37:50...That's how it was uploaded or youtube is in on alternative energy censorship?
It maybe that there was copyrighted music?
At 47:20 they pull out the two different modules from the fuel / collection tank... they are both show close up prior to this. Do you know what the difference in function is in them? One is square with a gap for pulsing and the other is rounded with slots that alternate and terminate into the plastic which also seem to be in a pulsing (opposing) configuration? Trying to understand why there are two different designs. You can reply in private if you'd like or here.
Lol what a lot of you guys are not realizing is the fact that this engine was already working and was used for several years by the inventor before he was poisoned to death for not selling his idea to some Arab corporation ... it works , he used it , end of story
+John Holcomb proof?
Bradley Eversley My own eyes . I seen the thing . I have also built several hydrogen reactors myself , altho the ones I built were not as good as his .
+John Holcomb See sbove, I built a good HHO unit, I am an electronic engineer and my friend is a physicist . Still got 14mpg from my Range Rover 4.0l V8. HHO Does not work to any real effect. Takes a lot of energy to generate the HHO. The above injector drive unit is simple electronics these days. We developed an injection drive unit with variable mark-space ratio injection timing controlled by the engines RPM together with an HHO unit. Result. No worthwhile effect. I now just buy gas. Get a modern turbo diesel Merc if you want MPG.
then perhaps you can use this information ... you need to attain resonance . I think a good place to start is around 5 khrts ... once you get a good resonance the amp useage reduces significantly , voltage increases significantly and HHO production increases significantly .
he died of a brain aneurysm
I don't know when this video was made but that is one huge variable resistor he's using 'to convert the accelerator pedal movement to an electrical signal' . . . I'm sure a MC68K micro-controller could have miniaturised his ignition system even back then.
To anyone read this before you act like you know what your talking about.
A reply to someone.
I have to say that I am very happy to see the direction that this conversation will go now. In regards to me seeming like I think everyone is stupid that doesn't agree with me. It is nothing to do with agreeing with me. My issue is that people try to apply their own knowledge to this which makes it seem impossible. If you could try to understand how frustrating this is to encounter people like this all the time that just want to say it's not possible with out doing the research. I have tried many method's to attempt having people learn or even do the research but in every case they do not wish to learn. I would have to say you are the first that has actually come up with logical real and scientific questions. So Ty for that. Now let's get to rest of the message.
As for hv hf electrolysis it has been proven to work and really there are a few things that are special about it. First is that you can run it all day long and it does not heat up. This is proven by a few people I know. The other unique thing is that it doesn't require a catalyst/electrolyte to allow for the electrolysis to happen. You can use tap water, distilled, rain, or as to quote Stan Meyer you can use any water. This has been proven and is also unique. The reason for this is that in Stan Meyer's electrolysis it does not use the electrodes as a dead short like how regular electrolysis operates. It actually uses the water as a capacitor in the circuit. I have seen experiments that have used 100 v to 400 v and even some that use over 3 kv. In regular electrolysis it is dictated that you must use 2.2 v per plate separation and current must be elevated for desired amount of hydrogen production. But there have been many to prove that you do not need to keep the voltage that low.
One thing I am not happy with all of the people that have preformed these hv hf electrolysis experiments is that they are not doing a full data analysis which will state the number that need to be calculated for efficency. Even though they have not done efficency tests so far Stan Meyer has been right with this electrolysis and to clearly point out if the water does not heat up then it must me more efficient.
Now on the topic of efficency in regards to regular electrolysis. There are no variables shown in regards to efficiency and surface area. I have a big issue with this. I have talked to hundreds of people who have made electrolysis cells and it seems then larger the cell the less power is required to make the same volume of gas. This is one of the parts that is in my personal design that you mentioned that you read.
As a further note on Stans buggy. It wasn't just a hho cell that ran his engine. This is a common misconception because people for some reason do not want to dive deep in to his work they want to think that nope you can not run am engine on a hho cell (that's what us researchers call electrolysis cells).
Now for something that I have enjoyed learning about magnetic circuits. So you say they are nothing special and I would have to agree what they taught you about E and C and even single rods in ferrite and laminate steel were nothing special. This is the big problem I have with the scientific community and how it teaches it's students. If you really want to learn from out interactions I will share what I know with you. But you must be willing to look in to the topics. So there is a local man where I live that designed a magnetic circuits that is slightly different from others. In a sense it doesn't allow the back emf to escape from the core like conventional transformers are designed. When I first heard about how it reacts I didn't believe it. Just like I don't think you may. But with science it is never about absolutes it's about testing "all" variables which is not a common practice in science. You can watch this man's video about how the transformer preforms on my channel. His name is Thane Hein. He has shown other experiments. But if you want a good understanding of how these magnetic circuits preform then I suggest you look up on Google "chapter 3 magnetic circuits". I have had a few back yard experimenters come to me and validate this man's findings from similar experimentation. One man came to me and said he is lighting 2000 watts of halogens with only 500 watts. For some reason the transformer design reduces the inductive load so it sort of also acts like a capacitor. That in it's self says something is very different about how this and other designs you will see on that Google look up I suggested.
I wasn't intending to be condescending in regards to the perpetual motion. I just would like that word to be removed from physics. But from your response I am wondering if you got what I ment because then you make reference to perpetual motion again. My design will work in regards to running the engine and so will Stan Meyers design.
Answering your questions
1. So you said overunity with a controlled closed environment. That statement applies to perpetual motion not overunity. Over unity means that there is more then one on the other end when the energy comes out. So more out then in. Perpetual motion would only be achieved if you controlled the environment that the devices is sitting in so oxidation does not occur. We do also know as another reference to a magnet motor that in a few hundred years the magnet will lose its magnetism. So again the word perpetual motion cripples it's inclusion of over unity.
If you were to read everything in my write up even though I know it's not perfect it does give the written details. I wanted to use fuel from water because it will be something to achieve but really what my design entails is an engine that does not waste heat energy. Fuel from water is also more efficient as well as it had highly ionized steam that comes out of the tail pipe that can also be transfered in to electrical every much like how a hydrogen fuel cell operates. It transfers the heat several ways in to electrical energy and at the same time it takes want ever would have been left over after it has been cooled by its heat extraction methods and pulls it right back in to the engine to be reused. I suggest you throughly read my written information.
And as you requested, here are my questions:
2. I have only done the calculations on numbers that I knew. I will provide more calculations once the experiment has actually been conducted. That requires over $45k that I don't just have sitting in the bank.
3. In regards to the frequency that's where it gets a bit complicated. The choke needs to have the same resistance as the cell does when it's filled with water. So the resonate frequency is not for just tuning to water. It's more like tuning the choke and capacitor/hho cell in one. But it is really an unusual beast once your cell and choke are tuned to each other you can just continue to increase the frequency and the voltage continues to go up on its own. It does require a lot of research to understand it all.
Also no problem I hope anything I wrote didn't seem like I was being rude. I hope you can take a lot from the information I have shared with you so you may begin to start teaching your self as I have a few years ago.
You wrote.
Btw, blocking me will only show that it is you who doesn't want to learn. In fact it would be what you are accusing the government of doing, preventing the information to get out there. Thats not something people do, who value freedom.
In response to this. I have learned a great deal of information on my few years or research. The biggest most valuable thing I learned is to keep an open mind and learn what I can. As for me accusing the government for not allowing information to get out. Well its out my friend so I don't know where that came from. Maybe it is in reference to how the government makes it so the first things you read about Stan Meyer is that he was a fraud.
Take care
Hope you hear from you soon.
+Matt McMahon Inventor Good Grief, I cannot read all that. Keep your money in your pocket on this one and buy a gallon of gas.
+Quantum Leap if you can read a few paragraphs well I think that says a lot for you. I don't need to play pissing contests with anyone. Your results are 1 tank away from being completed with the unit I am testing right now. I am sincerely concerned for your intelligence level if you can't read. Especially coming from someone that wasn't able to read and write till I was 22 =12 years ago.
+Quantum Leap but isn't wasn't just hydrogen and oxygen. It wasn't just a water fuel cell. You seriously need to invest more time before you continue to sound ignorant.
+Quantum Leap have you ever tried to explain something technical to a non technical person? When he said that it was so the "general" public could understand. If you watch his lectures and read his parents you would quickly discover it's not just the splitting of water that was making the car run. I guess you can just remain a smart ass that is to lazy to read and do research. Have fun with that.
+Quantum Leap have you looked in to each topic that you say makes him not playing with a full deck? You know what if you don't know anything about photons and water you are still doing nothing but wasting my time.
The Meyer Bros. wonderful work gives me hope. It's amazing how ugly the automobile industry's engines are, and what a grip the oil industry has on this nation. The results of which is a dying planet. Let's have more water-powered cars.
There's too much time effort and money tied up in this stuff in the video to be fake.
The spark plugs appear to have a hole in the upper portion where the fuel is injected down through the electrode. Interesting.
Where is the real science?
bought and paid for and controlled by the same people who own patents on systems and have shares in what they obtain most profit (money) from.
I guess Avatar is real too sense so much time and money went into making it..
tenacious645 dose water have hydrogen? Dose hydrogen is flammable and explosive? Of course water is fuel you like it or not
If it has been around for that long then how is his fuel injectors' construction different. That is what I'm trying to get to. Was it spindle, spring, solenoid like the modern day injectors and operating in the same manner?
There's something strange in this "conspiracy theory" stuff around Stan Meyer's death/assasination by government/oil companies. Is his brother still alive? Then why hasn't he made (or at least assisted in the development) of a single engine that would prove Stan Meyer's theories? He seems pretty knowledgeable about the techno in this video, fiddling with the oscilloscope knobs and all....Also: where's that Dune Buggy? In Area 51 perhaps?
The dune buggy and circuitry was purchased by people promising to develop the technology - but turned it into a museum instead. They pulled apart the dune buggy and left it in pieces. The injector plans were found in an old filing cabinet from Stan Meyer's Estate. Now they are public domain as of 2012.
Why you bothered to bring up his brother - and then distract people by steering people to think that a murder of a brother wouldn't halt someone's research - makes you sound silly. Shill, the more you try to make people fear this invention - the less people will work on it - so let it happen.
Matt Mcmalhon have you been able to reproduce what Stanley did yet . If not are you getting closer . Or has anyone else reproduced what he did .
He should have made a step by step video on how to make all parts and how to put it all together so we all could have made one . But no he wanted to make money instead of saving our planet . All his work was done in vain because of the greed money.Where did it get him dead of course .
Perfect comment!!
justliketolook all this hydrogen technology has been nothing but bullshit. Give a gift like gasoline, and leave it to the garage mechanics to perfect. Right?
He has patents which can easily bee requested from the U.S. patent office also he was approached by OPEC and offered quite a lot of money tip sell the idea to them so they could lock it away but declined to do so as his motivation behind making it work for a car was to free America from OPEC and other petroleum companies in order to prevent another gas crisis
***** US4826581 * Aug 5, 1987 May 2, 1989 Meyer Stanley A Controlled process for the production of thermal energy from gases and apparatus useful therefore
US4936961 * Jun 16, 1988 Jun 26, 1990 Meyer Stanley A Method for the production of a fuel gas
americancitizenX Evans
They killed him because they knew if he got a patent it would put the oil and gas companys out of business.People would stop working so much , causing the government to collect less taxes .
i for one think his system really worked. there are just too many variables for some one to reproduce it exactly as he has it, it would just be plain luck to get all the parameters correct to match what his was running at. for a few you have the size of the chamber diameter x length, type of electrode material, sizes of electrode material length x (width or diameter) x thickness, position of electrodes inside each other or next to each other or a combination of both x distance from each other, voltage, type of current (ac / dc), frequency, pulse width (on / off), polarity of voltage, he stated pure water eg. "rain water", this eliminates the problem of a catalyst. now for what its worth that is all i can come up with just off the top of my head sitting here after having read a lot of these responses.
The Great "Pyramid" works on similar principles. Constant flow of energised water,. reaction chamber (Queens ), Grand Gallery, cavity resonance frequency convertor. Multipliers.? focusing.? The 5 "supposed" stress relieving Slabs. And the only metal, were the electrodes at the tops of the "air shafts" Anybody know how the hydrogen was converted to electricity.???
The only metal from that period is that which nobody could find and loot. It would be a stupid place for electrodes, how would you get the water up there, it doesn't even have an airhole. On the other hand if you attached an antenna there TUTmoses ark they talk about, would havep layed radio luxembourg from our time, even then - don't you think - yeah I know exactly how it works.
The stubs of the electrodes are at the end of the "air-shaft" and only accessible by robot. I don,t think it was water. I don't think anybody knows exactly how it works, but it certainly wasn't a tomb.!!!
Current affects resonance does it ? 30 years in radio frequency engineering and I've never encountered that one.
if water can fuel you why cant it fuel a car
Water is NOT a fuel, it is like an ASH. Water is the result of the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen. Like the ashes when you burn wood in a bonfire. Can these catch fire? Nope. So does water.
Electrolysis uses ENERGY to turn back the ash into fuel (hydrogen and oxygen). That energy is MORE than what is produced by burning it again.
Nytronymous Melodechnician if you start a fire with a fuel such as magnesium the fuel burns so hot you can not put it out with water. On many chemical fires using water as the extinguisher will only result in an increase of fire and heat. At a certain temperature water will burn and will increase the heat of the fire. So yes water does burn in the right circumstances.
No, water *can't burn* under *any* circumstances.
The reason why you shouldn't put out an alkali metal fire (e.g. sodium/lithium/calcium...) with water is that these metals react with water creating hydrogen which will then burn.
Water will only "burn" (and that's a huge stretch to call that "burning") above 2400°C, where there is enough energy to split it in half into hydrogen and oxigen (which will burn and create... water again). Sadly this isn't much use because it takes more energy (thermal) to split water than it creates by burning.
Nytronymous Melodechnician you have missed some very critical points. Water vapor super heated begins to thermally break it's bonds at 1200c. The flame from the hydrogen and oxygen can exceed 3200 c. Full thermal separation is 3200 c. The gas can autoignite at 580 c. A care would be able to easily create this thermal reaction by preheating steam then injecting hho in. The numbers are there.
Now there is another aspect that you are forgetting water when recombined during ignition releases a little shock wave which influences the water around it to become ionized. There is so much science that hasn't been compiled to over excite water. With the right set up you could heat your home with a pipe jet.
MrOpenGL water is much more then inert chemical ash. Apply heat and water can become so explosively dangerous because it can increase energy output extremely fast.
That project box isnt ONLY for the injectors. It runs everything in the system. The one slot in the box is for the injectors. That is what i was getting at. They have a lot of uneeded equipment in that box as well. And i just noticed that the project box in the video is not the one used in the car. They had a much more compact model in the car itself. This actually does work, but dry cells would be the way to go as they produce hydrogen at a much higher rate and the system would be much smaller.
it was a hoax! deal with it!
Stans diagram at 7:00 looks different from his patents. Are there any clearer images of the white board?
I understand exactly what he is claiming! That is the problem, I am not saying there isn't a solution out there but he really never revealed the important details or math that would allow us to calculate his claims. Instead he spoke highly of his injection process and I remember being fascinated with the change over from carb/throttle body/fuel injection.
His claims were made during such times and the in depth understanding of this so early made him look like a genius.
if you read the patents, then you would know. when the gas was tested, there was a emission test. co2 comes from carbon which can come from oil as well. when a engine runs, the blow by of the piston enters the crank case wich travels past the egr valve and into the intake. thus carbon is emited. gasoline is a lattice of carbon and hydrogen and in the engine oxygen and nitrogen from the air add to the hydrocarbon to set the burn rate of the fuel. gasoline turns into water and co2 when burned
This is a great video to get investors to give you money 40 years ago .
Sure is nice having 2 like minds working together. It's tough going it alone~!
Hi, the diagrams are so difficult to recognized, where can i have the clear diagram of this invention?
my grandpa made a HHO engine back in the early 70s, he was interviewed by Dr. George Fishbeck on LA news.
hello sir and I am able elias from Argentina, my curiosity is learning to plumb into my car to run a team to idrogeno, saw your video and what I see is water injection to you? you have good knowledge in installing something I hydrogen in my car?
So I believe it works and I am interested in this system and for those think like me, where will this video lead to? Is there a workshop or seminar for this kind?
*LOL, the "inventor" was convicted of fraud in 1996 after not being able to demonstrate to investors that it actually worked.*
Truth! There are frauds but there are also real inventors. It was a typo
@@powercomm The INVENTOR was convicted of fraud, not the investors.
my goal is to build some fuctional water/ electrical energy converter, it can be very simple,, ive got 2 weeks of vacation, so alot of time on my hands, built a basic hofmann apparatus with natron and it bubbled a bit,,
what would you suggest my next step is..
I have no electrical or chemical backround but am very eager and motivated because this seems like the only logical technology humanity should work on at the moment,, if someone 30 years could do it, I say everyone with internet can also
priceless video. it's good to see just how genius Stan was.
MathHue, could this be recreated easier now in a digital system , opposed to analog type.
@koncertLive your frustrations with Stan come from needing to know more about what he did. The tank you see on the buggy is for the water. The engine he used was a 1.6 L 1976 vw. Your going to need to build a lot more then a Hho cell to replicate what he did. Also I can't remember the amount but he said he was producing gallons not liters. The term Hho I believe came after he died. The Hho cell was only one small part of a very big system.
@virgojeep1 I was starting to get in to that but I am horrible with electronics. The biggest problem I was having was funding to continue the research. I pretty much understand the process but I need the electronics.
I do believe that the technology is there to be discovered, but after watching this video I do not think he did. There are so many questions regarding his application of the technology that leads me to this conclusion.
This vid is just incredible... to hear Stan , in his own words, describing his system.
I'm SO glad somebody had this video to put up here on our YourTube.
h2oplasmaplug, are we going to develop the H2O engine completely independent of technical input and endorsement from the US Auto Industry? I hope so. Design decisions have to be made as if an automobile is a new concept, or else the Auto Industry will buy out the technology AGAIN; and put all developed ideas on the Shelf Of Non-Existence.
do you circuit diagram not PWM i mean the rest with wiring guide? because this is more complicated than what is available in the net
carbon can come from recirculating the exhaust, through the egr valve. from oil in the crankcase, on the valves, on the cylinder walls. or oil injection which is standard practice in a gasoline engine converted to hydrogen or natural gas or propane
can you give us some hard numbers like how much energy is required in electricial power to produce a given volume of gas
and how mush power is produced by the engine using that same volume of gas
and how much losses occour in each step of the process
please use the unit of watts (745.7 watts= 1 horsepower)
The only thing he demonstrated was that he made a Electronic Fuel Injection System. He never once ran the vehicle running on his HHO device. He couldn't have, the air flow mechanism designed for his HHO converter wasn't mounted on the intake during any of the times we seen the vehicle running.
Most importantly he never discussed his flow rates or even showed HHO being produced. This is the single most important fact we needed to know and he avoided it like a plague.
yes it sounds like a good idea. you know, making the actual cell is not that hard but finding resonance and making fuel injectors is a bit more complicated atleast for me. do you know if there is anywhere i can buy a full conversion set for my car? thank you for uploading this really is part of the future very inspiring.
I know how but can’t reveal it because it’s too dangerous ✔️
We still use petrol because they wont let us do anything else. I asked an emissions referee guy on the phone if I could legally retrofit my truck to run on Hydrogen and he about had a fit. So that's the answer I got.
can salt water be use,
distilled water from salt conversion on board.
or just distilled water?
I duplicated this just using a pwm, fuel cell, it works just need to keep the resistance/back feed from heating up the pwm which restricts amps but you need to find a way to increase voltage. Most of what we see and is edited is how he kept if safe to pass laws to make it road worthy. That's how they tried to suppress his work but it failed. You can take a dc battery and produce hydrogen, its that simple and that's what Stanley stood for keeping it simple!
is there some way we can get this in better quality thank you.
how many lpm would it take to run a 351 cid piston driven engine at 8500 rpm. and do you compress the fuel for injecting. or does it just operate at atmospheric pressures or the pressure that is created by the hho generator. i also saw that you recycle exhaust gasses back to the cylinder via the intake port stream. would the egr valve work for that.
It will work ... no doubt .. his interfacing was masterful .. it does kinda look like antigravity pull on the water dipole as well (ie high electrostatic) I wonder if Stan knew that ....??
I would like to know what about salt water from the oil rigs in Oklahoma would it work on that ?????
I don't know if it does or not, I believe that there might be a possibility for it. I have not done the experimentation to the extend that the Meyer brothers did. I just think its counterproductive for people to bash something that they havent done the work to actually prove it unsuccessful.
Stanley Meyer,genio,cientifico,heroe,el mejor inventor de todos los tiempos.
Normally, the two electrons? in hydrogen occupy the bonding molecular orbital, with anti-parallel spins. If molecular hydrogen is irradiated by ultra-violet (UV) light, the molecule may absorb the energy, and promote one electron into its antibonding orbital (s*), and the atoms will seperate. The energy levels in a hydrogen molecule can be represented in a diagram - showing how the two 1s atomic orbitals combine to form two molecular orbitals, one bonding (s) and one antibonding (s*). This is shown below - by clicking upon either the s or s* molecular orbital in the diagram - it will show graphically in a window to the right:
I don't know in depth, Physicists claim that recycling stops after 2 or 3 times, not sure, but it acts as if the material has memory, and is because of the laws of thermodynamics, it can be explained by molecular chemistry
This video came from Dynodon, just so everyone knows! If you run into him somewhere out there on the web, give him your thanks