On Intensity - Tīvra

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • Sometimes people have the misperception that yoga is about 'chillaxing' or 'going with the flow'. Yoga is about balance. Sometimes of course, taking things easy and going with the flow is the optimal way of being, but if we just go with the flow, it won't be long before we are tipped over a waterfall, lacerated on razor rock or stranded in an oxbow lake...
    Yoga practice is about getting in the flow and working with the intelligence of life.
    If we just flow on with our previously established habits they will not carry us anywhere different from where they have up to now. If we want to move in the direction of yoga, this requires a certain intensity. But how to be 'intense' in a discipline or practice that is long-term, constant, wholehearted, devoted? What does it mean to be 'intent' on yoga? Here are a few initial thoughts.
    If you'd like to sign up for the June online intensive on sādhana, sovereignty and the ocean of practice, here in this link:
    In this course we'll explore principles to help us maintain a yogic intent through the inevitable ups, downs, challenges and opportunities of life, with reference to the Bhagavad Gītā, Yoga Sūtra, Rāmāyaṇa and Purāṇa-ic Mythology.
    More details:
    Online satsang course: June 2024, Tuesdays June 4, 11, 18, 25 6-8pm UK time
    Practical yoga philosophy and mythology
    - gain deeper, more rounded and refined understanding of practical yoga principles so you can integrate them more reliably into your everyday life?
    - Soak in the rich flavour and timeless supports of yogic mythology?
    - Support your yoga practice and inquiry with a satsang community and classes that keep the teachings front of our awareness to help support lifelong learning
    All sessions are recorded and participants will have access to all recordings as well as additional notes.
    The 6-8pm Tuesday sessions will also be preceded by an optional 30 minute Sanskṛt recitation practice (5:30-6:00pm). During these weeks this will focus on chapter four of Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtra.
    Enrol at this link now:
    Session Overview
    1. The royal path of yoga - aṣṭāṅga yoga is rāja yoga.
    With reference to the Yoga Sūtra and drawing especially from the Bhagavad Gītā, introducing the broad, inclusive path of rāja yoga/aṣṭāṅga yoga and how this includes and integrates the mutually supportive paths of karma - action, jñāna - knowledge, wisdom and discernment, and bhakti - devotion and reverence for life.
    Deepen your understanding of how to include your whole being in your practice, cultivate your strengths and address your weaknesses in practical, sustainable and motivating ways.
    Session Two June 11th
    Sādhana - Three is a magic number
    Continuing the exploration of karma yoga, jñāna yoga and bhakti yoga as essential aspects of the royal path. With reference to Yoga Sūtra, Bhagavad Gītā and with stories along the way to illustrate how we can infuse the practical gifts of yoga into all aspects of our lives.
    Session Three June 18th
    Leaping over the ocean of samsāra
    Focusing on Rāmāyaṇa and Hanuman - the crest-jewel of yogis - who is great in karma, jñana and bhakti. The beautiful stories of Hanuman’s exploits and service invite us into deeper understanding of what it means to practice yoga in service of our own inner sovereign for the sake of reconciliation and lasting peace.
    Session Four June 25th
    Churning the Ocean of Milk
    Building on the previous sessions, telling and exploring the myth of the churning of the milky ocean that encodes the process of yoga practice, including key challenges and opportunities along the way.
    Enrol here now:
    The path of yoga practice, or sādhana, is ‘intense’, challenging and sometimes intimidating. It is also empowering, revelatory and its own glorious reward. These days however, yoga is often presented in a somewhat superficial way. Of course, yoga techniques and methodologies can be used with great efficacy to help harmonise the superficial layers of our psyche. But once the harmonisation process begins, we will be called to deeper work that can sometimes seem forbidding. However, the time-proven process of yoga fortifies us for the deepening work and its rich texts and stories offer us a reliable map and compass for this immensely rewarding journey.
    This course, like all James’ online offerings, is a great opportunity to soak deeply in the teachings in clear relation to your own life and practice.