👉🏼For people who found it difficult to understand, lemme simplify it as per I have understood. As from the video description, we get to know that this film JOLKUWORI is a puzzling story that combines elements of two separate narratives. So beforehand, the audiences are advised to watch this story very carefully, paying close attention to each and every dialogue in order to fully understand and appreciate the intricacies of the plot. Now, speaking about the story, it revolves mainly around three central ideas, ie. Tejimola's tale, Jolkuwori's presence & superstition/ blind faith. 1) Firstly, the film provides the essence of the Assamese folktale of 'TEJIMOLA', which we come to know about at the beginning of the short film where the narrator narrates a poem on Tejimola's fate. Even the grandmother's dialogues convey the message that even though the story of Tejimola is over, yet the characters of the tale are still present in the modern time. If we glance carefully, we get to see how beautifully the plot is framed. Viz, Ananya(the female protagonist) ≈ Tejimola Manoj Dada (the secret villain) ≈ Tejimola's step-guardian Just as Tejimola was tortured by her own stepmother, Ananya too gets sexually assaulted by her own family member. 2) Secondly, people might get confused with the concept of Jolkuwori. Basically, in rural villages of Assam, it is believed that a spirit called Jolkuwori (mermaid) resides near water bodies and harms people (mainly teenagers), who suffer from depression. In the film, the girl Ananya suffered from mental suffocation as she felt betrayed, on account of which she ran towards the river and came across Jolkuwori. Since, the film-makers didn't wish to spread the message of superstitious beliefs of Jolkuwori's existence, they did an awesome mind-game here & the main story twist. At the beginning, Ananya witnessed a mermaid(in the form of her best friend Priya), before whom she expressed all her sorrows. And at the end, we can see that for all other villagers (including Ashim), Ananya came in the form of a mermaid. It shows how we can portray the whole concept as a response of the brain in the form of schizophrenia. We tend to express our griefs in the form of our loved/dear ones. So did Ananya express in front of Priya ( but symbolised as mermaid) and Ashim at the end in front of Ananya ( symbolised as mermaid). Finally, it's concluded that it was actually Manoj dada who's the mermaid. That clearly means that Ananya regarded Manoj Saikia as her close one but wicked Manoj Saikia took advantage of her and brought an end to her life. 3) Thirdly, if we pay close attention to the small details, we'll even come to notice how Manoj Saikia took superstition as a tool to get rid of Ashim, by cultivating fear in the minds of the people. Moreover, the trailer and the last dialogue sums up everything (Tejimola+ Jolkuwori+ Superstition) - (Trailer) Xilo nodoliyabi, kaxo nasapibi Kore deka lora toi, Ondo kothat bondho kori, bukur kutume marile Jolkuwori rupot Ananya he moi - (Last dialogue) Xilo nodoliyabi, kaxo nasapibi Kore deka lora toi, Noir parot, Jolkuworir rupot, Manoj dadar hatot, Ghrinonyo Oporadh t Sikar holu moi... Hope this will help 😊
Thank you so much for sharing your insightful point of view on Jolkuori. Your attention to detail and thoughtful analysis truly added depth to our understanding of the film. As viewers are often considered the jewels of a filmmaker's work, we are grateful to you for being the most beautiful jewel. To show our appreciation, the Bluebird team would like to present you with a Please provide us with your email address on our Instagram page so we can send these tokens of gratitude to you. Thank you once again for your valuable input and support. We look forward to staying connected with you. Warm regards, Madhurjya Pratim President Bluebirdfilms.in
The story is an awesome piece of art .Its environment,the dialogues,the tejimola story each an every expect of this art reminds me of my home,its feels really so proud of our assam tht we really do have some good cinema ,cinema which attached with its roots.The story really gave me goosebumps,loved it keep it up❤
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on our film Jolkuori. Your kind words and positive feedback mean a lot to us, and we are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the movie. Your support and appreciation are truly motivating for our team, and we are grateful for your time and effort in sharing your thoughts with us. It is feedback like yours that inspires us to continue creating meaningful and engaging content for our audience. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your support and encouragement. Please stay connected with us for more updates and future projects. Warm regards, Madhurjya Pratim President Bluebirdfilms.in
👉🏼For people who found it difficult to understand, lemme simplify it as per I have understood. As from the video description, we get to know that this film JOLKUWORI is a puzzling story that combines elements of two separate narratives. So beforehand, the audiences are advised to watch this story very carefully, paying close attention to each and every dialogue in order to fully understand and appreciate the intricacies of the plot.
Now, speaking about the story, it revolves mainly around three central ideas, ie. Tejimola's tale, Jolkuwori's presence & superstition/ blind faith.
1) Firstly, the film provides the essence of the Assamese folktale of 'TEJIMOLA', which we come to know about at the beginning of the short film where the narrator narrates a poem on Tejimola's fate. Even the grandmother's dialogues convey the message that even though the story of Tejimola is over, yet the characters of the tale are still present in the modern time.
If we glance carefully, we get to see how beautifully the plot is framed.
Ananya(the female protagonist) ≈ Tejimola
Manoj Dada (the secret villain) ≈ Tejimola's step-guardian
Just as Tejimola was tortured by her own stepmother, Ananya too gets sexually assaulted by her own family member.
2) Secondly, people might get confused with the concept of Jolkuwori. Basically, in rural villages of Assam, it is believed that a spirit called Jolkuwori (mermaid) resides near water bodies and harms people (mainly teenagers), who suffer from depression. In the film, the girl Ananya suffered from mental suffocation as she felt betrayed, on account of which she ran towards the river and came across Jolkuwori.
Since, the film-makers didn't wish to spread the message of superstitious beliefs of Jolkuwori's existence, they did an awesome mind-game here & the main story twist.
At the beginning, Ananya witnessed a mermaid(in the form of her best friend Priya), before whom she expressed all her sorrows. And at the end, we can see that for all other villagers (including Ashim), Ananya came in the form of a mermaid.
It shows how we can portray the whole concept as a response of the brain in the form of schizophrenia. We tend to express our griefs in the form of our loved/dear ones. So did Ananya express in front of Priya ( but symbolised as mermaid) and Ashim at the end in front of Ananya ( symbolised as mermaid).
Finally, it's concluded that it was actually Manoj dada who's the mermaid. That clearly means that Ananya regarded Manoj Saikia as her close one but wicked Manoj Saikia took advantage of her and brought an end to her life.
3) Thirdly, if we pay close attention to the small details, we'll even come to notice how Manoj Saikia took superstition as a tool to get rid of Ashim, by cultivating fear in the minds of the people.
Moreover, the trailer and the last dialogue sums up everything (Tejimola+ Jolkuwori+ Superstition)
- (Trailer)
Xilo nodoliyabi, kaxo nasapibi
Kore deka lora toi,
Ondo kothat bondho kori, bukur kutume marile
Jolkuwori rupot Ananya he moi
- (Last dialogue)
Xilo nodoliyabi, kaxo nasapibi
Kore deka lora toi,
Noir parot, Jolkuworir rupot,
Manoj dadar hatot, Ghrinonyo Oporadh t
Sikar holu moi...
Hope this will help 😊
Good observation...
Very much helpful.... Thaank you ❤
Thank you so much for sharing your insightful point of view on Jolkuori. Your attention to detail and thoughtful analysis truly added depth to our understanding of the film. As viewers are often considered the jewels of a filmmaker's work, we are grateful to you for being the most beautiful jewel.
To show our appreciation, the Bluebird team would like to present you with a Please provide us with your email address on our Instagram page so we can send these tokens of gratitude to you.
Thank you once again for your valuable input and support. We look forward to staying connected with you.
Warm regards,
Madhurjya Pratim
Thank you so much 😊
উফ..... কি সাহিত্য.... কি চিত্ৰনাট্য.... কি অভিনয়.... অপৰূপ ❣️❣️❣️❣️
Wah , ki hundor uposthapon , axomiya sobi jogotot ene kuwa kotha sobi saboloi puwa tu bor houbhagyar kotha , ❤
Wow bhut dhuniya story ❤
অপোনাৰ দোৰ ❤ধুনীয়া
👉🏼যিসকলৰ বোজাত কিছু অসুবিধা হৈছে, মই মোৰ ধাৰণা খিনি আগবঢ়াব বিচাৰিছোঁ। ভিডিঅ’ টোৰ descriptionৰ পৰাই আমি জানিব পাৰোঁ যে এই ছবিখন (জলকুঁৱৰী) দুটা পৃথক আখ্যানৰ উপাদানৰ একত্ৰিত এক বিভ্ৰান্তিকৰ কাহিনী। গতিকে ইয়াৰ আগতেই দৰ্শকক এই কাহিনীটো অতি সযতনে চাবলৈ পৰামৰ্শ দিয়া হৈছে, প্ৰতিটো সংলাপৰ প্ৰতি তীক্ষ্ণ দৃষ্টি ৰাখি কাহিনীভাগৰ জটিলতা সম্পূৰ্ণৰূপে বুজিবলৈ অনুৰোধ কৰা হৈছে।
এতিয়া কাহিনীটোৰ কথা ক’বলৈ গ’লে ই মূলতঃ তিনিটা কেন্দ্ৰীয় ধাৰণা অৰ্থাৎ- তেজিমলাৰ কাহিনী, জলকুঁৱৰীৰ উপস্থিতি আৰু অন্ধবিশ্বাসৰ ওপৰত নিৰ্ধাৰিত।
১) প্ৰথমতে ছবিখনে ‘তেজিমলা’ অসমীয়া লোককথাৰ সাৰমৰ্ম আগবঢ়াইছে, যাৰ বিষয়ে আমি চুটি ছবিখনৰ আৰম্ভণিতে জানিবলৈ পাইছো য’ত কথকে তেজীমলাৰ ভাগ্যৰ ওপৰত কবিতা এটা বৰ্ণনা কৰিছে।
আনকি আইতাকৰ সংলাপবোৰেও এই বাৰ্তা প্ৰেৰণ কৰে যে তেজিমলাৰ কাহিনী শেষ হ’লেও আধুনিক কালত সেই কাহিনীৰ চৰিত্ৰবোৰ বৰ্তমানেও উপস্থিত।
ভালদৰে এবাৰ চকু ফুৰালে আমি দেখিবলৈ পাওঁ যে কাহিনীভাগ কিমান ধুনীয়াকৈ ফ্ৰেম কৰা হৈছে।
অনন্যা (মূখ্য নায়িকা) ≈ তেজিমলা
মনোজ দাদা (গোপন খলনায়ক) ≈ তেজিমলাৰ কুটুম
তেজিমলাক যিদৰে নিজৰ সতিনী মায়ে অত্যাচাৰ কৰিছিল, অনন্যাও নিজৰ পৰিয়ালৰ সদস্যৰ পৰা যৌন নিৰ্যাতনৰ সন্মুখীন হয়।
২) দ্বিতীয়তে, দৰ্শকে জলকুঁৱৰীৰ ধাৰণাটোৰ লগত বিভ্ৰান্ত হ’ব পাৰে। মূলতঃ অসমৰ গ্ৰাম্য অঞ্চলত জলকুঁৱৰী নামৰ আত্মা এটা জলভাগৰ ওচৰত বাস কৰি মানুহ (মূলতঃ হতাশাগ্ৰস্ত কিশোৰ-কিশোৰী)ৰ ক্ষতি কৰে বুলি বিশ্বাস কৰা হয়। ছবিখনত অনন্যাই বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা অনুভৱ কৰাৰ বাবে মানসিক শ্বাসৰুদ্ধ হৈ পৰে, যাৰ বাবে তাই নৈৰ পাৰলৈ দৌৰি গৈ জলকুঁৱৰীৰ সন্মুখীন হয়।
যিহেতু, ছবি নিৰ্মাতাসকলে জলকুঁৱৰীৰ অস্তিত্বৰ অন্ধবিশ্বাসী বিশ্বাসৰ বাৰ্তা বিয়পাব বিচৰা নাই, সেয়েহে তেওঁলোকে ইয়াত এক ধুনীয়া মাইণ্ড-গেম কৰিছে আৰু মূল কাহিনীৰ টুইষ্ট এইখিনিতে লৈ আনিছে।
আৰম্ভণিতে অনন্যাই এগৰাকী জলপৰীৰ সাক্ষী হৈছিল(তাইৰ বেষ্ট ফ্ৰেণ্ড প্ৰিয়াৰ ৰূপত), যাৰ আগত তাই নিজৰ সকলো দুখ প্ৰকাশ কৰিছিল।
আৰু শেষত আমি দেখিবলৈ পাওঁ যে আন সকলো গাঁৱৰ মানুহৰ বাবে (অসীমকে ধৰি) অনন্যা আহিছিল জলপৰীৰ ৰূপত।
ইয়াত দেখুওৱা হৈছে যে আমি কেনেকৈ সমগ্ৰ ধাৰণাটোক মগজুৰ প্ৰতিক্ৰিয়া হিচাপে স্কিজ’ফ্ৰেনিয়া (schizophrenia) ৰ ৰূপত চিত্ৰিত কৰিব পাৰো। আমি আমাৰ দুখবোৰ আমাৰ আপোন/প্ৰিয়জনৰ সন্মুখত প্ৰকাশ কৰাৰ প্ৰৱণতা ৰাখোঁ। তেনেকৈয়ে অনন্যই প্ৰিয়াৰ সন্মুখত ( কিন্তু জলপৰী হিচাপে প্ৰতীকিত) আৰু শেষত অনন্যাৰ সন্মুখত ( জলপৰী হিচাপে প্ৰতীকিত) অসীমে প্ৰকাশ কৰিছিল।
শেষত আমি এইটো জানিবলৈ পাওঁ যে আচলতে মনোজ দাদাই আছিল জলপৰী। তাৰ অৰ্থ স্পষ্ট- যে অনন্যাই মনোজ শইকীয়াক নিজৰ ঘনিষ্ঠ বুলি গণ্য কৰিছিল যদিও দুষ্ট মনোজ শইকীয়াই তাইৰ সুবিধা লৈ তাইৰ জীৱনৰ অন্ত পেলাইছিল।
৩) তৃতীয়তে, যদি আমি সৰু সৰু কথাবোৰত ভালদৰে মন দিওঁ, তেন্তে আনকি আমি লক্ষ্য কৰিবলৈ আহিম যে মনোজ শইকীয়াই কেনেকৈ অন্ধবিশ্বাসৰ সাৰথি লৈ ৰাইজৰ মাজত আতংকৰ সৃষ্টি কৰি অসীম হতৰ ঘৰ খন এঘৰীয়া কৰি পেলাইছিল।
তদুপৰি ট্ৰেইলাৰ আৰু শেষৰ সংলাপটোৱে সকলো কথাৰ সাৰাংশ দাঙি ধৰিছে (তেজিমোলা+ জলকুঁৱৰী+ অন্ধবিশ্বাস)
- (ট্ৰেইলাৰ)
অন্ধ কোঠাত বন্ধ কৰি, বুকুৰ কুটুমে মাৰিলে,
জলকুঁৱৰী ৰূপত- অনন্যা হে মই।
- (শেষ সংলাপ)
শিলো নদলিয়াবি, কাষো নাচাপিবি,
কৰে ডেকা ল'ৰা তই?
নৈৰ পাৰত, জলকুঁৱৰীৰ ৰূপত,
মনোজ দাদাৰ হাতত, ঘৃণনীয় ওপৰাধত
চিকাৰ হলোঁ মই...
আশাকৰোঁ এইটোৱে সহায় কৰিব 😊
Nice observation 😃...
Very helpful, thanks❣️
Very well explained ❤
Story tu bohut val lagil 👍
কাহিনী খুব ভাল লাগিল। Acting আৰু অলপ impove হ'লে আৰু বেছি ভাল লাগিব। Best wishes ❤
Assamese FILM industry is in good hands👌🏼
Val lagil
Axim lora 2 bht cute 🤗🤭
Such a beautiful and heartwrenching story❤️
Bohut bohut bhal lagil...... bohut interesting hoise....aru background music u bohut dhunia hoise.......make more films like this....
His voice❤️
Dubar sabo loga hol , but finally buji palu , bht vl lgil🌝🧜🏻♀️
Cinematography aru Bgm dhuniya hoise, Excellent way of storytelling.
❤val hoise
Bor hundar hoise de bohut monu ranjan ❤😊😊
আগুৱাই যোৱা তোমালোক🤍
Beautiful ❤
Background music........Ufff 🔥
Bohut dhuniya story❤
জলকুঁৱৰী সংলাপ ভাল নালাগিল। কথাৰ সুৰ অতিপাত কাব্যিক হৈছে। কাহিনী সুন্দৰ কিন্তু বেছিকৈয়ে লোককাহিনীৰ লগত ৰিজাবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰা যেন লাগিল।
What a nice story ❤️love it
Mur bhoi lage saboloi
Background Scoring tu bhaal lagise, kahani tuo bhaal lagise, voice recording tut okonman bhaal koribo paril heten, Aruu Bhauna khono okonman bhaal koribo paril heten.
The story is an awesome piece of art .Its environment,the dialogues,the tejimola story each an every expect of this art reminds me of my home,its feels really so proud of our assam tht we really do have some good cinema ,cinema which attached with its roots.The story really gave me goosebumps,loved it keep it up❤
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on our film Jolkuori. Your kind words and positive feedback mean a lot to us, and we are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the movie.
Your support and appreciation are truly motivating for our team, and we are grateful for your time and effort in sharing your thoughts with us. It is feedback like yours that inspires us to continue creating meaningful and engaging content for our audience.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your support and encouragement. Please stay connected with us for more updates and future projects.
Warm regards,
Madhurjya Pratim
Bohut dinr pist eta val story salu ❤
The story is so nice interesting and the background music as well... I got goosebumps... Keep it upppp🙌
Amazing film ❤ enjoyed it 😌❤️
Buhut dhuniya❤
Val lagil.... Rku buji he napalu
Pinned comment tu porhile bujiboloi xohoj hobo
It takes some time to understand....but at last I can understand the whole story
Lora jn r voice to❤️
Mozaa lagil aru dile bhal Pam 🎉
সঁচাই বৰ সুন্দৰ হৈছে।❤
Loved it ❤️
Omg that was the Lady of The Lake... Anyone noticed ?
You sure , you saw something 😂
Wowwww, awesome ❤.....
First male actor tor voice bom. Smokie voice 🙂
Actor male a thake baideo 😊
@@SaikiaRupambaideo nhoi lora hoi
Nice work...keep it up ..
Content is too good ❤
Got a goosebumps 😮 keep it up ❤
Kahinitu moi val ke buji napalu❤
Olop complicated hoi... Pinned comment tu porhile bujiboloi xohoj hoi kisu
Lora2 cute ase
Voice is so cool ❤❤
Houndor story', new friend holu, mur vedio ata sai friend hoi deba dai.
New subscriber 🔔👍
It would be better if the subtitles was in another colour so that it would be little bit more visible
Thank you so much for your suggestion , next time we will look into this issue very carefully.
@@bluebirdfilms.. anyways the story is amazing and so good to watch! I enjoyed it fully
Aku buji e npalu
Hosa aku bujiye napale...
Tumi Instagram sua
Same here
Same tu you😊
Gadha je tumi(edited:- thike koisa tumi moiu) 🤗
Acting skill is very poor
Vla lagil actor kntu aku Buji napalu
Pinned comment tu porhile bujiboloi xohoj hobo
Aku buji nepalu
ব্ৰেকগাউণ্ড মিউজিক আৰু মূল কাহিনীটো বাদে একোৱেই বুজি নাপালো। ৰহস্যময় ডায়েৰী পোৱা সেই দৃশ্যটোৰ পিছতনো কি হ'ল? বান্ধৱীয়ে গম পাইয়ো ৰাইজৰ আগত জনাই কিয় ন্যায় দিয়াব নোৱাৰিলে? প্ৰেমিক জন শেষত ক'ত গ'ল? মুঠতে বুজিয়ে নাপালো।
সেয়হে মই ভাৱো অসমীয়া কাহিনীত দৰ্শক কম। অস্কাৰ পাই কিন্তু ইমান সাহিত্য টাইপ যে সাধাৰণ দৰ্শকে চাব ইচ্ছা কৰিলেও একো বুজি নাপায় আৰু অসমীয়া চিনেমা/কাহিনী ভাল নহয় বুলি কয়
কিছুমান দৃশ্য দৰ্শকৰ self conclusion ৰ বাবে ৰখা হয়। সেয়ে সকলো কাহিনীত reveal নহয়।
😮😮imn overacting... Name tu sai sabo ahislu .... Eku vl lga ni
Acting kora manuh bur asomiya nohoi bongali jen lagil kotha kuwa dhong bur pronounce bur.
Xokolu prantore bhaxa r dialect aru accent beleg beleg thake, xeiye hoitu
Background music tu nam ki?
Village Background Music 2022__ Bangla Natok Music
Anor najanu kintu moi holy ako buji napalu
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Aku bujie nplu dei
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Lora jnr ki nme?
Richan Dutta
Nolan or bht film sai dle nki director a 😂
Suali jonik kio mari pelale kahini tut😭😭😭
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Ki nu dile bal eku bujia napalu dheii 😂😂 fotua video bonale vlke bonabo lage
For your kind information, this film has received many national and international awards.
Aku makeup sekeup ny neki suwali jonir face khan iman beya dekhiche
Kahini tur xeituwe demand
বুজি পোৱা নাই একো😕
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Voice koi music loud
Editing tu vaal asil..maje maje alp overacting hoise....😊
Ami tu kisu bujte pari na😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Moi Aku buji e napalu
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Acting vl hni
Ki akou suwalii jniye kio lelaii lelai aru jur kri kine hahe
Tai manoxik pokhyaghat r sikar hoi, xeiye
The laugh at the 11th min is too long
I feel it's because she's suffering from a mental illness (mentioned later in a scene)
Ati nehi guri nehi kahani😂
Atio ase, guri o ase, bujiboloi olop mogoju khotabo lagibo
Ki mne ekku e buji napalu
Pinned comment tu porhi sabo pare
Aku Buji ee napalu 😅😅😅
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Buji a nplu Aku 🤔
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Moi buji napalu😂
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Aku Buji napalu😢
Kindly go through the pinned comment.
Ghoti ²
It's easy to comment
Aku Buji a napalu
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Buji nplu eku🤕
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Sab gol mal hai bhai 😂😂
Itzzz complicated
Aku a buji napalu 😢
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Nbujilu..vl o nlgil
worst color to add subtiles in
bujiye napalu
Pinned comment tu porhile bujiboloi xohoj hobo ❤
Aku Buji a npalu ...val lga ni
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Aku buji nepalu
Pinned comment tu porhile bujiboloi xohoj hobo