It's interesting that here, Ballerini presents the accusations of homosexuality against Valentino as a rage against his Italian-ness yet in the film he makes allusions that Valentino could be gay. BTW, there is no evidence whatsoever that Valentino was ever gay, he was heterosexual, he was sensitive, he loves clothes & fancy things, and he was passionate/romantic (traits only normally associated with women) yet Valentino was also very athletic, loved eating simple spaghetti, was a handyman at home be it as a carpenter, animal husbandry, planting his oranges, or as an electrician, & liked boyish toys like setting up trains & machineries (traits normally associated with men only). You can be a heterosexual and have a variety of traits, you don't have to be or should only have only the generic masculine trait to be heterosexual as a male or have generic feminine traits to be labeled as homosexual. BTW, many heterosexual italian men both in America and Italy itself have a stereotype of loving clothes, jewelry, & are passionate/romantic - yet are not assumes to be anything but heterosexual
audio is poor
It's interesting that here, Ballerini presents the accusations of homosexuality against Valentino as a rage against his Italian-ness yet in the film he makes allusions that Valentino could be gay. BTW, there is no evidence whatsoever that Valentino was ever gay, he was heterosexual, he was sensitive, he loves clothes & fancy things, and he was passionate/romantic (traits only normally associated with women) yet Valentino was also very athletic, loved eating simple spaghetti, was a handyman at home be it as a carpenter, animal husbandry, planting his oranges, or as an electrician, & liked boyish toys like setting up trains & machineries (traits normally associated with men only). You can be a heterosexual and have a variety of traits, you don't have to be or should only have only the generic masculine trait to be heterosexual as a male or have generic feminine traits to be labeled as homosexual. BTW, many heterosexual italian men both in America and Italy itself have a stereotype of loving clothes, jewelry, & are passionate/romantic - yet are not assumes to be anything but heterosexual