Doctor, please tell me how to convert qgis hackable b spectral band satellite visuals into a format. gpr. Or ert, of course, after I make the corrections, so that I can make models under the surface to study the structures and remains of ancient buildings buried under the sands using the Qgis program. Please tell me, I specialize in the study of civilizations and antiquities
Excelente vídeo, muchas gracias por compartir su conocimiento. Me ha sido de mucha utilidad para el desarrollo de mi proyecto.
Muy bien explicado.Muchas gracias.
Muchas gracias por el video, muy bien explicado.
Eres muy bueno. Gracias
Doctor, please tell me how to convert qgis hackable b spectral band satellite visuals into a format. gpr. Or ert, of course, after I make the corrections, so that I can make models under the surface to study the structures and remains of ancient buildings buried under the sands using the Qgis program. Please tell me, I specialize in the study of civilizations and antiquities