So "universal" that to be a Muslim, one has to recite things in ARABIC...even if one has no idea what one is reciting!! AllHamToAllah the "god" who only understands Arabic!!!!!
@@QuiltzFiltz awww, you are still believing the "standard narrative"?? Haven't you heard by now "that the standard narrative has holes in it"?🤣😂 Anyway, which one of the 30 plus ARABIC qurans muslims have today was "preserved"?? Was uthman preserving the quran when he burned the ones that did not agree with the one he chose? Were the people of 1924 preserving the quran when the drowned differing Arabic qurans? After all of the attempts to hide the fact that there are many different Arabic qurans, muslims still have 30 plus different Arabic qurans. And the most popular quran is based on the "recitation" of a known liar, Haffs!!🤣😂
@@simpleenglish1 Man your a lost case your clearly in too deep , may Allah guide you if your sincere is all I can say. Keep telling yourself that to feel better
Such a deep, connected, and illuminating account of Uthman RA in the context of leadership and Sunnah. Indeed with regard to sunnah, Islam is about unity in diversity, not about uniformity. Accommodation not regimentation. There is tarbiyah in every minute of all these lectures. We are fortunate and grateful to Shaikh Murad.
O Allah We ask your Love, And the love of the ones those whom you Love. Jazakallahu Khairal Jaza for filling our heart with the Love to Sayyiduna Uthman..
JazakAllahu kheiran. Thank Allah Mighty and Majestic for giving us such a Scholar, ma Sha Allah, like Mashayekh Dr Umar Farooq Abdullah, Nuh Ha Mim Keller, Hamza Yusuf Hansen, Suhayb Webb, AbdulHakim Quick, Faraz Rabbani, Faraz Khan, Ibrahim Osi-Efa, AbdulRahman ibn Yusuf Mangera...'Sun rising from the West?' in Sha Allah!
Subhan Allah! What an analysis! Excellent!! I have been studying leadership and Islamic leadership for some time now. No one has even thought about haya as an attribute of leadership given by Prophet (S A.W.) and Hazrat Uthman being his marvelous example. Jazak Allah khairan kathira ya Sheikh. May Allah bless you long and healthy life so that Umma can get benefit from your precious knowledge.
I love the veiled shade the shaykh is giving to the man who complained about the AC 😂 and society in general. It made the lecture quite enjoyable to watch.
Always inspired to hear about the four main caliphs. Jzk and thank you for opening the doors for the flock to dwell in the pasture of knowledge and or practice of this famous shepherd; Uthman (as). Viewpoint is detail oriented and islamically colourful from many sources, with nur being the light reflecting these colours.
ASSALAMUALAIKUM, WaalaikoumAssalaam. Ameen. The End and the Beginning belong to Allah only. Yallah,Bless us with your Blesdings of Deen,Peace,Love,Appreciation of the Gift of Life and The Hereafter.Ameen.
Az-Zumar - Verse 9 أَمَّنْ هُوَ قَـٰنِتٌ ءَانَآءَ ٱلَّيْلِ سَاجِدًا وَقَآئِمًا يَحْذَرُ ٱلْـَٔاخِرَةَ وَيَرْجُوا۟ رَحْمَةَ رَبِّهِۦ ۗ … A. J. Arberry: Is he who is obedient in the watches of the night, bowing himself and standing, he being afraid of the world to come and hoping for the mercy of his Lord..? …: On the authority of Ibn Umar: It is Uthman bin Affan.
No one notice that Ustad muhtaram is not reading or using slides..As a Pakistani I struggle to keep up with the academic language of the Ustad but I get the general picture..Please pray for me yaa Ustad...
Question: If capable, honest, pious and God fearing people don't show their interests in power and leadership, then naturally corrupt, incapable, power greedy people will end up controlling power. This is a common problem in many Muslim countries. These corrupt, incapable people never leave any space for the former group of people.
Ideology is a devalued fragment of mythology. When we regard a way and events, we need to look at the nature of those sayings as to who they are really about. The true fundamentalist can be more than sufficiently prosaic, but hermetically varied. A person can certainly be reserved in approaching extremes and in between.
These lectures are based on the Ommayad written history, Othman is one of them, the history is in contradiction to many Quranic Ayaat. Shaba, Khulafa Rahedoon, the first generation is the best, reverting back on deen. Killing Ahl albayt, changing the prayer, the wodhoo, introducing Bidah taraweeh, rejecting rules. Obeying tyrants, following 4 contradictory Imams
@@zubayergillarkyckling7832 It is not a title just handed out randomly. He is a professor in Islamic studies and seen of the college. That is his role. What I find fascinating this is the only thing you got from watching this entire lecture. Basic common sense is important here. Has the shaykh ever bragged about his credentials?
هذا الحديث رواه ابن عبد البر في "جامع بيان العلم وفضله" (895) وابن حزم في "الإحكام" (6/244) من طريق سلام بن سليم ، قال : حدثنا الحارث بن غصين ، عن الأعمش ، عن أبي سفيان ، عن جابر قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( أصحابي كالنجوم بأيهم اقتديتم اهتديتم ) وسلام بن سليم ، ويقال ابن سليمان ، متروك متهم قال ابن معين : ليس حديثه بشيء ، وقال ابن حبان : يروى عن الثقات الموضوعات كأنه كان المعتمد لها . "المجروحين" (1 /339) وأخرجه الخطيب في " الكفاية في علم الرواية " ( ص 48 ) والبيهقي في " المدخل " ( 152 ) والديلمي ( 4 / 75 ) من طريق سليمان ابن أبي كريمة عن جويبر عن الضحاك عن ابن عباس مرفوعا بلفظ : ( إن أصحابي بمنزلة النجوم في السماء ، فأيها أخذتم به اهتديتم ، واختلاف أصحابي لكم رحمة ) وهذا إسناد ضعيف جدا : سليمان بن أبي كريمة ضعيف ، وجويبر هو ابن سعيد الأزدي ، متروك ، كما قال الدارقطني والنسائي وغيرهما ، وضعفه ابن المديني جدا . "ميزان الاعتدال" (2/222) - "التهذيب" (2/106) والضحاك هو ابن مزاحم الهلالي لم يلق ابن عباس ، وقال البيهقي عقبه : " هذا حديث متنه مشهور ، وأسانيده ضعيفة ، لم يثبت في هذا إسناد " . ورواه ابن عساكر في "تاريخه" (19/383) والديلمي في " مسنده " (2/190) من طريق نعيم ابن حماد حدثنا عبد الرحيم بن زيد العمي عن أبيه عن سعيد بن المسيب عن عمر بن الخطاب مرفوعا : ( سألت ربي عز وجل فيما اختلف فيه أصحابي من بعدي فأوحى الله إلي : يا محمد إن أصحابك عندي بمنزلة النجوم في السماء ، بعضها أضوأ من بعض ؛ فمن أخذ بشئ مما هم عليه من اختلافهم فهو عندي على هدى " وهذا إسناد تالف ، نعيم بن حماد ضعيف ، وعبد الرحيم بن زيد العمي كذاب . "التهذيب" (6/274) وذكره ابن عبد البر معلقا ( 2 / 183) من طريق أبي شهاب الحناط عن حمزة الجزري عن نافع عن ابن عمر مرفوعا به . ثم قال ابن عبد البر : " وهذا إسناد لا يصح ، ولا يرويه عن نافع من يحتج به " . وحمزة هذا هو ابن أبي حمزة ، قال ابن معين : لا يساوى فلسا ، وقال البخاري: منكر الحديث ، وقال الدارقطني : متروك ، وقال ابن عدى : عامة ما يرويه موضوع . "ميزان الاعتدال" (1 /606) وقد تواردت نصوص أهل العلم بعدم صحة هذا الحديث : فقال الإمام أحمد : " لا يصح هذا الحديث " . "سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة" ، للشيخ الألباني (1 /145) . وَقَالَ الْحَافِظ أَحْمد بن عَمْرو بن عبد الْخَالِق الْبَزَّار : " هَذَا الْكَلَام لم يَصح عَن النَّبِي صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسلم " . "البدر المنير" (9 /587) . وقال ابن حزم : " باطل مكذوب من توليد أهل الفسق لوجوه ضرورية " . "الإحكام في أصول الأحكام " (5 /61) . وقال ابن الملقن : " جميع طرقه ضعيفة " . "البدر المنير" (9 /587) وقال ابن القيم : " روي من طرق ، ولا يثبت شيء منها " . إعلام الموقعين [2 /242] وقال الشوكاني في"الفتح الرباني" (5/179) " صرح أئمة الجرح والتعديل بأنه لا يصح منها شيء ، وأن هذا الحديث لم يثبت عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم " . وقال الألباني في "السلسلة الضعيفة" (58) : " موضوع " . قال الإمام ابن حزم رحمه الله في بيان بطلان هذا الحديث متنا : " من المحال أن يأمر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم باتباع كل قائل من الصحابة رضي الله عنهم ، وفيهم من يحلل الشيء وغيره منهم يحرمه ، ولو كان ذلك لكان بيع الخمر حلالا اقتداء بسمرة بن جندب ، ولكان أكل البرَد للصائم حلالا اقتداء بأبي طلحة وحراما اقتداء بغيره منهم ، ولكان ترك الغسل من الإكسال واجبا اقتداء بعلي وعثمان وطلحة وأبي أيوب وأبي بن كعب ، وحراما اقتداء بعائشة وابن عمر ، ولكان بيع الثمر قبل ظهور الطيب فيها حلالا اقتداء بعمر ، حراما اقتداء بغيره منهم ، وكل هذا مروي عندنا بالأسانيد الصحيحة " انتهى . "الإحكام" (6 /244) . فتبين بما سبق بطلان هذا الحديث وعدم صحته سندا ومتنا ، فلا تجوز نسبته للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، لعموم قوله : ( مَنْ حَدَّثَ عَنِّي بِحَدِيثٍ يُرَى أَنَّهُ كَذِبٌ فَهُوَ أَحَدُ الْكَاذِبِينَ ) رواه مسلم في مقدمة الصحيح (ص 7) . والله تعالى أعلم .
Itmans reign was the most controversial He unfortunately filled positions of power with his relatives many of whom were barbaric like many of the regimes today This led on to the batbaric reign of Banu Ummaiya In which the exception of 1 kind sultan umar bin Abdul Aziz The majority rulers were knee deep in blood through their despotic dictatorships The Abvasids who followed were no less tyranical Nothing different to those in power today THE FACES CHANGE THE NATURE STAYS THE SAME
Can you tell me why he appointed Muawiya father of Muawiya as Ameer of Shaam... ? Can you tell me why he gave majority of funds from Baitul Maal to Bani Ummaya....? Can you tell me by what right he became caliph...? Can you tell me why he sowed the seeds of Murder of Imam Hussain ibn Ali (A.S.) By strenghtening the the enemies of Ali ibn Abu Talib (A.S.)?
This well-spoken professor makes excellent points, but unfortunately includes a number of inaccurate and/or illogical statements here: obsession with the most superficial and culturally-confined details of the Prophet (SAWW), such as the exact details of his kamis, is nothing more than a lovely, selfless 'expression of love;' that all 4 caliphs should be emulated via their own sunnah if one is to emulate the Prophet (SAWW); that only Sunni Muslims are striving to follow the sunnah of the Prophet (SAWW), that Abu Bakr (RA) was the first convert to Islam.
Uthman Ibn Affan may Allah be Pleased with him was against bida'ah. Yet you are a protagonist of sufism in the Western world. Something doesn't quite add up.
the hadith you spent big time to derive from "أصحابي كالنجوم بأيهم اقتديتم اهتديتم" , is extremly weak and scholars has no value to rely upon for anything , so please be careful who you took your dean from
There is progression to this learning. The Sheikh here is touching some of the very subtle matters with depth, and of course, such a discourse looks disconnected if you just encounter it right away. To be able to really appreciate the depth of the discussion here, one needs to first develop some habit of such discussions. If you are genuinely interested in knowing Islam, then please listen to some general discussion on it first (for eg., you could listen to Sheikh Yasir Qadhi for instance) once you feel connected to the narrative then you will understand and appreciate the perspective Sheikh Abdul Hakim brings.
Listening to your lectures I realize how universal the message of Islam is.
Specially CM
So "universal" that to be a Muslim, one has to recite things in ARABIC...even if one has no idea what one is reciting!! AllHamToAllah the "god" who only understands Arabic!!!!!
@@simpleenglish1 Speaks to the preservation of the Quran unlike the bible which lost it’s meaning in its original language
@@QuiltzFiltz awww, you are still believing the "standard narrative"?? Haven't you heard by now "that the standard narrative has holes in it"?🤣😂
Anyway, which one of the 30 plus ARABIC qurans muslims have today was "preserved"?? Was uthman preserving the quran when he burned the ones that did not agree with the one he chose? Were the people of 1924 preserving the quran when the drowned differing Arabic qurans?
After all of the attempts to hide the fact that there are many different Arabic qurans, muslims still have 30 plus different Arabic qurans. And the most popular quran is based on the "recitation" of a known liar, Haffs!!🤣😂
@@simpleenglish1 Man your a lost case your clearly in too deep , may Allah guide you if your sincere is all I can say. Keep telling yourself that to feel better
Can we take sometime to appreciate the shaykh's sense of humor?
Sheikh Abdal Hakim is brilliant and his sense of humour is marvellous!
May Allah give Shiekh a long life and make humanity benefit from his knowledge.
Such a deep, connected, and illuminating account of Uthman RA in the context of leadership and Sunnah. Indeed with regard to sunnah, Islam is about unity in diversity, not about uniformity. Accommodation not regimentation. There is tarbiyah in every minute of all these lectures. We are fortunate and grateful to Shaikh Murad.
I could listen to this brother all day long SubhaanAllah
the depth of his insight, subhanAllah. this is the true islamic paradigm. a truly enlightened soul, subhanAllah. ❤
O Allah We ask your Love, And the love of the ones those whom you Love.
Jazakallahu Khairal Jaza for filling our heart with the Love to Sayyiduna Uthman..
JazakAllahu kheiran. Thank Allah Mighty and Majestic for giving us such a Scholar, ma Sha Allah, like Mashayekh Dr Umar Farooq Abdullah, Nuh Ha Mim Keller, Hamza Yusuf Hansen, Suhayb Webb, AbdulHakim Quick, Faraz Rabbani, Faraz Khan, Ibrahim Osi-Efa, AbdulRahman ibn Yusuf Mangera...'Sun rising from the West?' in Sha Allah!
Subhan Allah! What an analysis! Excellent!!
I have been studying leadership and Islamic leadership for some time now. No one has even thought about haya as an attribute of leadership given by Prophet (S A.W.) and Hazrat Uthman being his marvelous example.
Jazak Allah khairan kathira ya Sheikh. May Allah bless you long and healthy life so that Umma can get benefit from your precious knowledge.
Love Shaykh Abdal Hakim, may God preserve him.
May Allah bless you and protect you for your great efforts to explain and illuminate other people about Islam
Very important and revealing especially, difference between idealogy and Deen.
I love the veiled shade the shaykh is giving to the man who complained about the AC 😂 and society in general. It made the lecture quite enjoyable to watch.
This is as always very informative presentation. Would love to have the same about the rest of the three Caliphs
Look on the CMC playlist/ videos He did on all 4 caliphas
ma sha allah may allah bless you , thank you so much
May Allah bless the sheikh
Always inspired to hear about the four main caliphs. Jzk and thank you for opening the doors for the flock to dwell in the pasture of knowledge and or practice of this famous shepherd; Uthman (as). Viewpoint is detail oriented and islamically colourful from many sources, with nur being the light reflecting these colours.
Thank you so much , I really enjoyed listening to this great lecture 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Mashaa Allah. Thanks for sharing this video
Thank you for this beautiful and enlightening lecture on Saidina Uthman.. I wish there was one on each of the four great Caliphs Ar Rashidin. ♥
The End and the Beginning belong to Allah only.
Yallah,Bless us with your Blesdings of Deen,Peace,Love,Appreciation of the Gift of Life and The Hereafter.Ameen.
بارك الله لنا فيكم استاذنا
Thanks brother
It is very beneficial thank you...Shaikh to relief your throat, drink chamomile and to clear your chest.
Awesome & Pleasureful
Thank you 🙏
Wat a story.. Impressive...
biography starts at @23:00 :)
Az-Zumar - Verse 9
أَمَّنْ هُوَ قَـٰنِتٌ ءَانَآءَ ٱلَّيْلِ سَاجِدًا وَقَآئِمًا يَحْذَرُ ٱلْـَٔاخِرَةَ وَيَرْجُوا۟ رَحْمَةَ رَبِّهِۦ ۗ …
A. J. Arberry:
Is he who is obedient in the watches of the night, bowing himself and standing, he being afraid of the world to come and hoping for the mercy of his Lord..? …:
On the authority of Ibn Umar: It is Uthman bin Affan.
JazakaAllah Sheikh.And have to say the dry wiy makes it even more interesting
No one notice that Ustad muhtaram is not reading or using slides..As a Pakistani I struggle to keep up with the academic language of the Ustad but I get the general picture..Please pray for me yaa Ustad...
Insha Allah the more you listen, the more you will begin to find it more easy to understand
The shaykh took his shahadat 40 years ago? I Wouldn't have put him much more over 50.
Hayaa = Shyness
Caliph Ustman didn't mobilize his army when he got besieged in Medinah, a very democratic example
If capable, honest, pious and God fearing people don't show their interests in power and leadership, then naturally corrupt, incapable, power greedy people will end up controlling power. This is a common problem in many Muslim countries. These corrupt, incapable people never leave any space for the former group of people.
Trying to listen your lectures through cell phone but unable to concentrate due to low sound volume
Ideology is a devalued fragment of mythology.
When we regard a way and events, we need to look at the nature of those sayings as to who they are really about.
The true fundamentalist can be more than sufficiently prosaic, but hermetically varied.
A person can certainly be reserved in approaching extremes and in between.
These lectures are based on the Ommayad written history, Othman is one of them, the history is in contradiction to many Quranic Ayaat. Shaba, Khulafa Rahedoon, the first generation is the best, reverting back on deen. Killing Ahl albayt, changing the prayer, the wodhoo, introducing Bidah taraweeh, rejecting rules.
Obeying tyrants, following 4 contradictory Imams
What is Abdal hakim murads view on evolution?
@@AbuLaith1963 but Abdal hakim murad doesnt like status and what feeds the ego so why call him shaykh?
@Simple Minded Did the streets raise you?
@@ponderingspirit but does it not promote ego? Maybe someone whos nafs want respect wants to be called sheikh
@@zubayergillarkyckling7832 It is not a title just handed out randomly. He is a professor in Islamic studies and seen of the college. That is his role. What I find fascinating this is the only thing you got from watching this entire lecture. Basic common sense is important here. Has the shaykh ever bragged about his credentials?
هذا الحديث رواه ابن عبد البر في "جامع بيان العلم وفضله" (895) وابن حزم في "الإحكام" (6/244) من طريق سلام بن سليم ، قال : حدثنا الحارث بن غصين ، عن الأعمش ، عن أبي سفيان ، عن جابر قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( أصحابي كالنجوم بأيهم اقتديتم اهتديتم )
وسلام بن سليم ، ويقال ابن سليمان ، متروك متهم قال ابن معين : ليس حديثه بشيء ، وقال ابن حبان : يروى عن الثقات الموضوعات كأنه كان المعتمد لها .
"المجروحين" (1 /339)
وأخرجه الخطيب في " الكفاية في علم الرواية " ( ص 48 ) والبيهقي في " المدخل " ( 152 ) والديلمي ( 4 / 75 ) من طريق سليمان ابن أبي كريمة عن جويبر عن الضحاك عن ابن عباس مرفوعا بلفظ : ( إن أصحابي بمنزلة النجوم في السماء ، فأيها أخذتم به اهتديتم ، واختلاف أصحابي لكم رحمة )
وهذا إسناد ضعيف جدا : سليمان بن أبي كريمة ضعيف ، وجويبر هو ابن سعيد الأزدي ، متروك ، كما قال الدارقطني والنسائي وغيرهما ، وضعفه ابن المديني جدا .
"ميزان الاعتدال" (2/222) - "التهذيب" (2/106)
والضحاك هو ابن مزاحم الهلالي لم يلق ابن عباس ، وقال البيهقي عقبه : " هذا حديث متنه مشهور ، وأسانيده ضعيفة ، لم يثبت في هذا إسناد " .
ورواه ابن عساكر في "تاريخه" (19/383) والديلمي في " مسنده " (2/190) من طريق نعيم ابن حماد حدثنا عبد الرحيم بن زيد العمي عن أبيه عن سعيد بن المسيب عن عمر بن الخطاب مرفوعا : ( سألت ربي عز وجل فيما اختلف فيه أصحابي من بعدي فأوحى الله إلي : يا محمد إن أصحابك عندي بمنزلة النجوم في السماء ، بعضها أضوأ من بعض ؛ فمن أخذ بشئ مما هم عليه من اختلافهم فهو عندي على هدى "
وهذا إسناد تالف ، نعيم بن حماد ضعيف ، وعبد الرحيم بن زيد العمي كذاب .
"التهذيب" (6/274)
وذكره ابن عبد البر معلقا ( 2 / 183) من طريق أبي شهاب الحناط عن حمزة الجزري عن نافع عن ابن عمر مرفوعا به .
ثم قال ابن عبد البر : " وهذا إسناد لا يصح ، ولا يرويه عن نافع من يحتج به " .
وحمزة هذا هو ابن أبي حمزة ، قال ابن معين : لا يساوى فلسا ، وقال البخاري: منكر الحديث ، وقال الدارقطني : متروك ، وقال ابن عدى : عامة ما يرويه موضوع .
"ميزان الاعتدال" (1 /606)
وقد تواردت نصوص أهل العلم بعدم صحة هذا الحديث :
فقال الإمام أحمد : " لا يصح هذا الحديث " .
"سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة" ، للشيخ الألباني (1 /145) .
وَقَالَ الْحَافِظ أَحْمد بن عَمْرو بن عبد الْخَالِق الْبَزَّار :
" هَذَا الْكَلَام لم يَصح عَن النَّبِي صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسلم " .
"البدر المنير" (9 /587) .
وقال ابن حزم :
" باطل مكذوب من توليد أهل الفسق لوجوه ضرورية " .
"الإحكام في أصول الأحكام " (5 /61) .
وقال ابن الملقن :
" جميع طرقه ضعيفة " .
"البدر المنير" (9 /587)
وقال ابن القيم :
" روي من طرق ، ولا يثبت شيء منها " .
إعلام الموقعين [2 /242]
وقال الشوكاني في"الفتح الرباني" (5/179)
" صرح أئمة الجرح والتعديل بأنه لا يصح منها شيء ، وأن هذا الحديث لم يثبت عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم " .
وقال الألباني في "السلسلة الضعيفة" (58) : " موضوع " .
قال الإمام ابن حزم رحمه الله في بيان بطلان هذا الحديث متنا :
" من المحال أن يأمر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم باتباع كل قائل من الصحابة رضي الله عنهم ، وفيهم من يحلل الشيء وغيره منهم يحرمه ، ولو كان ذلك لكان بيع الخمر حلالا اقتداء بسمرة بن جندب ، ولكان أكل البرَد للصائم حلالا اقتداء بأبي طلحة وحراما اقتداء بغيره منهم ، ولكان ترك الغسل من الإكسال واجبا اقتداء بعلي وعثمان وطلحة وأبي أيوب وأبي بن كعب ، وحراما اقتداء بعائشة وابن عمر ، ولكان بيع الثمر قبل ظهور الطيب فيها حلالا اقتداء بعمر ، حراما اقتداء بغيره منهم ، وكل هذا مروي عندنا بالأسانيد الصحيحة " انتهى . "الإحكام" (6 /244) .
فتبين بما سبق بطلان هذا الحديث وعدم صحته سندا ومتنا ، فلا تجوز نسبته للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، لعموم قوله : ( مَنْ حَدَّثَ عَنِّي بِحَدِيثٍ يُرَى أَنَّهُ كَذِبٌ فَهُوَ أَحَدُ الْكَاذِبِينَ ) رواه مسلم في مقدمة الصحيح (ص 7) .
والله تعالى أعلم .
Just before Covid-19 started
Wich one of the 30 corans do you use?
Itmans reign was the most controversial
He unfortunately filled positions of power with his relatives many of whom were barbaric like many of the regimes today
This led on to the batbaric reign of Banu Ummaiya
In which the exception of 1 kind sultan umar bin Abdul Aziz
The majority rulers were knee deep in blood through their despotic dictatorships
The Abvasids who followed were no less tyranical
Nothing different to those in power today
Can you tell me why he appointed Muawiya father of Muawiya as Ameer of Shaam... ?
Can you tell me why he gave majority of funds from Baitul Maal to Bani Ummaya....?
Can you tell me by what right he became caliph...?
Can you tell me why he sowed the seeds of Murder of Imam Hussain ibn Ali (A.S.) By strenghtening the the enemies of Ali ibn Abu Talib (A.S.)?
This well-spoken professor makes excellent points, but unfortunately includes a number of inaccurate and/or illogical statements here: obsession with the most superficial and culturally-confined details of the Prophet (SAWW), such as the exact details of his kamis, is nothing more than a lovely, selfless 'expression of love;' that all 4 caliphs should be emulated via their own sunnah if one is to emulate the Prophet (SAWW); that only Sunni Muslims are striving to follow the sunnah of the Prophet (SAWW), that Abu Bakr (RA) was the first convert to Islam.
Uthman Ibn Affan may Allah be Pleased with him was against bida'ah.
Yet you are a protagonist of sufism in the Western world. Something doesn't quite add up.
How do you know that he's so and so?
Very serious mistakes Subhan’Allah!
uh nonono
Pathetic to make excuses for perpetuating ignorance from the past.
the hadith you spent big time to derive from "أصحابي كالنجوم بأيهم اقتديتم اهتديتم" , is extremly weak and scholars has no value to rely upon for anything , so please be careful who you took your dean from
Why did it take three days for Uthman to be buried?
? Heard first two minutes and thought,
Complete gobbledygook. No wonder Islam makes no sense -
Please tell me you're not a Christian
Try to listen to understand with good intentions. If Allah wills he will guide you.
There is progression to this learning. The Sheikh here is touching some of the very subtle matters with depth, and of course, such a discourse looks disconnected if you just encounter it right away. To be able to really appreciate the depth of the discussion here, one needs to first develop some habit of such discussions. If you are genuinely interested in knowing Islam, then please listen to some general discussion on it first (for eg., you could listen to Sheikh Yasir Qadhi for instance) once you feel connected to the narrative then you will understand and appreciate the perspective Sheikh Abdul Hakim brings.