SpeakGaelic | Gàidhlig ann an Alba le Calum MacIlleathain | Eilean Bheàrnaraigh

  • Опубліковано 11 жов 2024
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    Taigh iongantach dha-rìribh... saoil a bheil Calum deiseil airson ‘change’? 👀
    Nach tig sibh còmhla ris fhad ’s a tha e a’ coimhead airson taighean air beulaibh na tràighean àlainn ann an Leòdhas! 🏠
    An interesting house indeed... is Calum ready for a change we wonder? 👀
    Won’t you come and join him as he house-hunts on the beautiful beaches up in Lewis? 🏠
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  • @mikhailabunidal9146
    @mikhailabunidal9146 Рік тому

    Thank You

  • @TayWhyte
    @TayWhyte Рік тому

    Tha seo cho neo-chreidsinneach.... Just this morning I booked an off-season tour of this house for this spring....then I see this! Good 'ol Calum shows up to tidy it up for my family's arrival in a few months time! Tapadh leat a' Chaluim airson a' sgioblachadh dhuinn

    • @SpeakGaelic
      @SpeakGaelic  Рік тому +1

      😂Tha seo cho èibhinn! What a coincidence. We hope it’s still in sparkling condition when you visit in the spring 😉Tha sinn an dochas gun còrd ur turas ribh!

  • @christaclas9472
    @christaclas9472 Рік тому

    Abair àite iongantach! Cha do thuig mi e fhathast, dè an aois a tha an taigh sin? Tha taigh faisg air a tràith glè shnog daonnan. Tapadh leibh airson a' dèanabh an bhideo seo.

    • @SpeakGaelic
      @SpeakGaelic  Рік тому +1

      Madainn mhath Chris 👋Chaidh na bha air fhàgail de thaighean is ballachan a lorg fon ghainmich às dèidh stoirm mhòr anns na naogadan. Thathar a’ creidsinn gur e taighean a bha ann ann an Linn an Iarainn (The Iron Age). Chaidh an taigh seo a thogail as ùire beagan às dèidh sin, ach ’s ann stèidhichte air seann taigh a tha e 🙂

  • @VasjaPetrov795
    @VasjaPetrov795 Рік тому

    B'urrainn dhòmsa fuireach ann an taigh mar seo cuideachd nam biodh bradan smocte, aran-coirce agus leann gu leòr agam😊Mìos no dhà as t-samhradh, carson nach b'urrainn?.🌿Bhithinn mar a bha na Cruithnich anns an "Heather Ale" le R.L Stevenson
    From the bonny bells of heather
    They brewed a drink long-syne
    Was sweeter far than honey
    Was stronger far than wine💜💚

    • @SpeakGaelic
      @SpeakGaelic  Рік тому

      Bradan smocte, aran-coirce agus leann - nach buidhe dhut! 😉

  • @paulnangle1614
    @paulnangle1614 Рік тому

    Love it, but unfortunately in Ireland children are forced to speak Gaelic in school whether they wish to or not which is not very decent

    • @alicemilne1444
      @alicemilne1444 Рік тому

      First of all, Ireland is not Scotland. Secondly, not all children in Ireland are forced to speak Gaelic in school. There are exemptions.Thirdly, why on earth should learning the local national language be "not very decent"?

    • @paulnangle1614
      @paulnangle1614 Рік тому

      @@alicemilne1444 Learning it is fine, being FORCED to learn it in school if you don't want to learn it is indecent, Parent s should have a choice not have Irish forced on their children

    • @alicemilne1444
      @alicemilne1444 Рік тому

      @@paulnangle1614 That's the way to kill the language off. Would you really want that?

  • @rippedtorn2310
    @rippedtorn2310 Рік тому

    Taing mhòr !!facal ùr dhomh...borb !