Timely. I appreciate the comparisons. I'm researching both because I will start flying, again, this year. I am a private pilot(haven't flown in years), and I understand I'd just have to have transition training in the PPC. Maybe your bud can verify. Also, is he qualified to give that training? Two things I'm concerned about, I want to give rides, the reason for looking at PPC. The other, I think I'd miss not having the flyability(manuaverability) that come with PPG.(I'm also a former skydiver and canopy work was my love) I'm torn between the two. I also would have to do trike with PPG, for I am 68 and the lehgs aren't what they used to be. Any comments from you or followers appreciated. I'm open for learning!
Hey Gary thanks for watching! For someone who's already a licensed private pilot the transition is fairly easy. The cost would be the same as or less than paramotor training. Andy is a CFI but wont be doing any training at this point. Keep in mind there is a tandem certification/waiver available for PPG once you have some experience and time under your belt. I love the very simple setup and responsive handling of paramotor. That would be very hard for me to give up. There are eliptical wings available for powered parachute that are mor responsive too. I hope this helped but I have a feeling it just made it worse. Hell I love both. Anything that flies for that matter! Good luck!!!
Hi Gary, pros & cons for sure. I am a licenced pilot with 7,000 jumps. Thousands of CReW jumps. I went with an Infinity PPC. Pro is when you get in the air its just a great ride & faster then PPG's. You don't have to hold your arms up to steer. I feel bad when I don't have a passenger. I feel someone is missing out on a great experience. The con is the set up tare down time. The trailer you haul it with. Mine is open so I can't park outside a hotel at night cuz the wing is hard to remove & connect. I'm pretty sure I will go to a PPG Trike this spring for the utility of travel, storage & shorter runway need. I don't like the lack of visibility of the PPG tandem trikes so it looks like giving rides will be in the past, (the support bar blocks your view but I've only sat in one) Let me know if I can help. I'm in NC. I to am in my 60"s. Cole@Gun101.com. Thanks.
Hey! Thanks so much for the comment. I had nowhere the amount of jumps you had. But, I did participate in CReW when it was in it's infancy in Texas. Pretty much all I did after I tried it. Love canopy work! Yes, the comments you made about transport and security strikes a note. I do like the more compact size of the PPG. I'm thinking, after input like yours and others, to go the PPG route. I'll just be content with the more docile flight characterstics of a tandem wing, along with tandem harness. Practice, practice, practice, until I can get signed off to carry a passenger. Looking forward to it.
Something left out regarding the PPC. You can have a cigarette lighter. So you could make coffee while you fly. Or charge your cell phone or smoke a cigarette I guess. Happy 2021. Quality video for sure.
Knees in Breeze my friend both are great ways to get in the air!!- Have been in PPC world for years and love them. I have a bit of extra comfort being a bigger guy in my PPC. Also a fan of full instrumentation and some redundant systems on the powerplant. (dual ignition, dual plugs etc)
Nice video Rick. Not knocking either (each has it's benefits), I have been involved with ultralights for more than 25 years. I have built single and two placed fixed wing ul planes and slowly transitioned to PPG because it was the most affordable and portable way to fly. Unfortunately I am not made of money, I just want to fly. Planes require runways and hangars and if two place inspections. Everyone wants to share their flight with a friend but practically speaking staying within Part 103 Ultralight regs is the most simple way to go. The upkeep of the larger engine can get a little spendy. The weight difference is quite dramatic, I have seen UL planes "land" in the tops of trees, more weight when it stops flying for PPC, something to consider when the phrase what goes up must come down is mentioned. I have friends that fly both, each has his own love affair so it's all about taste. To me the size and portability is the biggest factor. The PPG can be put in a car if need be or on a receiver hitch carrier, the PPC will require a trailer. Many are drawn to PPC because of the two seats that are comfortable. Do a personal pro's and con's for yourself before you decide, become familiar with all aspects of each, visit websites and flying locations if you have them. Above all Be Safe!
I do believe that the PPC is a bit less prone to collapse, which means a bit more safe than the PPG. I chose the PPG just due to it being smaller, but I fly like I have a PPC (high and safe).
Hi Guy... congrats for the video and your machine... it´s amazing ! I never seem a PPC with the steering on feets and i appreciate so much. I would like to know about the "flair", how to do that? Could you explane for me. One more time.. Congratulation !!!!
Great video! I started paragliding (free flight) in January, got close to 15 hours of thermal flying so far, but would like to add a butt fan at some point for when the mountains aren’t soarable. But I was wondering if there’s a way to use your speed system (speed bad) on a PPG trike?? I know you can with a foot launch PPG, but was just thinking how you could do it with a trike. I know not all motor wings have a speed system, some just have trimmers but I’m just curious.
So how about manuverability? It seems the PPC would be incredibly boring/straight flying. No twirling to the ground or fun things all for a bit extra safety?
Gorrilla, I fly a single seat Falcon Merlin PPC, and a Falcon single seat PPG. I don't know about a favorite, but the PPC can make you lazy, (flying with your feet.) I love em both.
PPG GORILLA I still have my foot launch rig and a newer trike than the one in my video. May wind up selling the trike. I also have an ultralight Gyro that I want to sell. If you know anyone looking for that, let me know. Thanks
Depends on how young you are and whether you like running 30 to 40 ft each time you fly. Me I can't do that so I have to have a PPC. Quite frankly though I've watched enough videos of the PPG guys face planning themselves that even if I was young and able to run I probably would not go that route
The one I'm flying in the video is a N numbered aircraft. Not part 103. There are plenty of single place PPC that are claimed under part 103. What does yours weigh?
I think it's in the neighborhood of 12k. I'm not a Flyproducts dealer. I really like the Condor from HsCom with this engine. Mine is on order! www.hscom.pt/condor-xl
Very similar to PPG Trike. I like to use throttle to flare but in the event of an engine out, You can actually grab the steering lines and flare with your hands.
it must be strange using the brake lines with your feet after all the years of using your hands but I can see the concept its just like using rudder pedals on a plane, but what do you do with your hands? The mind boggles lol By the way another great video, loved it.
Great vid, Rick! My buddy has a PPC, same Rotax 582 - sounds identical. It's an older Dream Machine. I've got a Blackhawk setup with the Lite Trike - the PPC dwarfs my trike in every way. They're comical side by side. I've got a video up of me flying on the back of it last fall. One of my other buddies just let me know today that you're doing training down there. Right up my alley! You'll be hearing from me soon. I've been practice-taxiing for 1.5 years (too many gaps in between with work and winter temps up here in the Northeast), but I just can't seem to get my thumbs to hang on to the A's sometimes. Also not a whole lot of space where I'm practicing (in the yard - perfect for an experienced PPG guy, but not a rookie). Was going to go it alone, but there's alot of trees and wires around here - I'd rather know 100% what the hell I'm doing before going full-send, lol. Going to try and give you a call tomorrow. Your pricing is reasonable too, unlike some others I've seen. Can't wait to get down there!
Timely. I appreciate the comparisons. I'm researching both because I will start flying, again, this year. I am a private pilot(haven't flown in years), and I understand I'd just have to have transition training in the PPC. Maybe your bud can verify. Also, is he qualified to give that training? Two things I'm concerned about, I want to give rides, the reason for looking at PPC. The other, I think I'd miss not having the flyability(manuaverability) that come with PPG.(I'm also a former skydiver and canopy work was my love) I'm torn between the two. I also would have to do trike with PPG, for I am 68 and the lehgs aren't what they used to be. Any comments from you or followers appreciated. I'm open for learning!
Hey Gary thanks for watching! For someone who's already a licensed private pilot the transition is fairly easy. The cost would be the same as or less than paramotor training. Andy is a CFI but wont be doing any training at this point. Keep in mind there is a tandem certification/waiver available for PPG once you have some experience and time under your belt. I love the very simple setup and responsive handling of paramotor. That would be very hard for me to give up. There are eliptical wings available for powered parachute that are mor responsive too. I hope this helped but I have a feeling it just made it worse. Hell I love both. Anything that flies for that matter! Good luck!!!
Hi Gary, pros & cons for sure. I am a licenced pilot with 7,000 jumps. Thousands of CReW jumps. I went with an Infinity PPC. Pro is when you get in the air its just a great ride & faster then PPG's. You don't have to hold your arms up to steer. I feel bad when I don't have a passenger. I feel someone is missing out on a great experience.
The con is the set up tare down time. The trailer you haul it with. Mine is open so I can't park outside a hotel at night cuz the wing is hard to remove & connect. I'm pretty sure I will go to a PPG Trike this spring for the utility of travel, storage & shorter runway need. I don't like the lack of visibility of the PPG tandem trikes so it looks like giving rides will be in the past, (the support bar blocks your view but I've only sat in one) Let me know if I can help. I'm in NC. I to am in my 60"s. Cole@Gun101.com. Thanks.
Hey! Thanks so much for the comment. I had nowhere the amount of jumps you had. But, I did participate in CReW when it was in it's infancy in Texas. Pretty much all I did after I tried it. Love canopy work! Yes, the comments you made about transport and security strikes a note. I do like the more compact size of the PPG. I'm thinking, after input like yours and others, to go the PPG route. I'll just be content with the more docile flight characterstics of a tandem wing, along with tandem harness. Practice, practice, practice, until I can get signed off to carry a passenger. Looking forward to it.
It was good to see both flying back to back. Thanks Rick.
See Saturday can't wait ' JR.
Great job...you have me going only wish I can get over health issues and in the air..
PPG Flatliner...
You are missed!!! Keep on the mend. We'll see ya soon!
Something left out regarding the PPC. You can have a cigarette lighter. So you could make coffee while you fly. Or charge your cell phone or smoke a cigarette I guess. Happy 2021. Quality video for sure.
Good point! I gave up smoking and took up fried chicken about 15 years ago. I guess I could eat while I'm flying!
Knees in Breeze my friend both are great ways to get in the air!!- Have been in PPC world for years and love them. I have a bit of extra comfort being a bigger guy in my PPC. Also a fan of full instrumentation and some redundant systems on the powerplant. (dual ignition, dual plugs etc)
Thanks for the comparisons! Im just a ppg guy. If I wanted something bigger with licensing, I'd likely just go small enclosed plane, myself.
Nice video Rick. Not knocking either (each has it's benefits), I have been involved with ultralights for more than 25 years. I have built single and two placed fixed wing ul planes and slowly transitioned to PPG because it was the most affordable and portable way to fly. Unfortunately I am not made of money, I just want to fly. Planes require runways and hangars and if two place inspections. Everyone wants to share their flight with a friend but practically speaking staying within Part 103 Ultralight regs is the most simple way to go. The upkeep of the larger engine can get a little spendy. The weight difference is quite dramatic, I have seen UL planes "land" in the tops of trees, more weight when it stops flying for PPC, something to consider when the phrase what goes up must come down is mentioned. I have friends that fly both, each has his own love affair so it's all about taste. To me the size and portability is the biggest factor. The PPG can be put in a car if need be or on a receiver hitch carrier, the PPC will require a trailer. Many are drawn to PPC because of the two seats that are comfortable. Do a personal pro's and con's for yourself before you decide, become familiar with all aspects of each, visit websites and flying locations if you have them. Above all Be Safe!
Nice video. May I ask where you got your large mic muff?
thank you
Amazon about a year ago
I do believe that the PPC is a bit less prone to collapse, which means a bit more safe than the PPG. I chose the PPG just due to it being smaller, but I fly like I have a PPC (high and safe).
Both look fun.
Anything that flies!
@@PPGGORILLA I totally agree. I can only watch for now though! Someday
Hi Guy... congrats for the video and your machine... it´s amazing ! I never seem a PPC with the steering on feets and i appreciate so much. I would like to know about the "flair", how to do that? Could you explane for me.
One more time.. Congratulation !!!!
Great description of the difference between the two machines. Who were those two guys stalking you during your takeoff? Lol
Some guy dressed up in Packers gear???? Great to meet ya in person!!!
Sweet. It would be strange coming down to land without flaring.
Its just like picking up your feet when you ass land.
Awesome Footage Gorilla .
Great video! I started paragliding (free flight) in January, got close to 15 hours of thermal flying so far, but would like to add a butt fan at some point for when the mountains aren’t soarable. But I was wondering if there’s a way to use your speed system (speed bad) on a PPG trike?? I know you can with a foot launch PPG, but was just thinking how you could do it with a trike. I know not all motor wings have a speed system, some just have trimmers but I’m just curious.
the parachute doesnt have a,b,c,d lines looks like it would go alot slower and use alot more fuel. the paraglider seems way more convinient
So how about manuverability? It seems the PPC would be incredibly boring/straight flying. No twirling to the ground or fun things all for a bit extra safety?
Nice comparison Gorilla
Do you know if that tetract a trike will work on an Adventure Pluma? That things awesome!
Unfortunately it's not made for the Pluma yet.
@@PPGGORILLA thanks for the response! Much appreciated!
Gorrilla, I fly a single seat Falcon Merlin PPC, and a Falcon single seat PPG. I don't know about a favorite, but the PPC can make you lazy, (flying with your feet.) I love em both.
I didn't know Falcon made a PPC too. It makes sense they ar so similar. Very cool
@@PPGGORILLA The Falcon Merlin was his PPC and the video with Butch and Tony was me. First flight ever, in command, of a PPC.
Nice machines
Ever flown a Hang glider trike or powered harness?
Not yet! I would really like to fly a delta wing trike....
PPG GORILLA I still have my foot launch rig and a newer trike than the one in my video. May wind up selling the trike. I also have an ultralight Gyro that I want to sell. If you know anyone looking for that, let me know. Thanks
PPC power off landing can be tricky, plus point to ppc I’ve not heard of a ppc chute collapsing.
Depends on how young you are and whether you like running 30 to 40 ft each time you fly. Me I can't do that so I have to have a PPC. Quite frankly though I've watched enough videos of the PPG guys face planning themselves that even if I was young and able to run I probably would not go that route
Yeah that's why I fly PPG Trike!
I fly a PPC that is a single seat ultralight with a four stroke motor that does not require a pilot’s license.
I almost bought a ppc when I bought my ppg the guy had both for sale the ppc he had was a dream machine
Not why he's saying you need a sport pilot license for PPC. Requiring a license has nothing to do with PPC vs PPG. I fly a 103 PPC.
The one I'm flying in the video is a N numbered aircraft. Not part 103. There are plenty of single place PPC that are claimed under part 103. What does yours weigh?
@@PPGGORILLA I'm at 250 lbs
@@robertgary3561 😏😋😛😝
What kind of weight can the ppc carry?
Awesome man I wish I lived in the states the weather is just soooo much better 😔
We fly early morning or at dusk in the US. You don't see many folks flying in the middle of the day.
@@robertgary3561 yeh i get it Bob but we dont get that much good weather either side of the day 😒
Really depends on the state and season
How much is the little trike? Curious minds an all. :-)
I think it's in the neighborhood of 12k. I'm not a Flyproducts dealer. I really like the Condor from HsCom with this engine. Mine is on order! www.hscom.pt/condor-xl
Hey Gorilla, which did you fly first?
Paramotor Trike was my first Love Butch
Show us how to become a certify instructor
How does the PPC react with a motor out?
Very similar to PPG Trike. I like to use throttle to flare but in the event of an engine out, You can actually grab the steering lines and flare with your hands.
it must be strange using the brake lines with your feet after all the years of using your hands but I can see the concept its just like using rudder pedals on a plane, but what do you do with your hands? The mind boggles lol By the way another great video, loved it.
Thanks Stuart! I always have an extra camera or phone to hold on to. It was a weird feeling at first!
Great vid, Rick! My buddy has a PPC, same Rotax 582 - sounds identical. It's an older Dream Machine. I've got a Blackhawk setup with the Lite Trike - the PPC dwarfs my trike in every way. They're comical side by side. I've got a video up of me flying on the back of it last fall.
One of my other buddies just let me know today that you're doing training down there. Right up my alley! You'll be hearing from me soon. I've been practice-taxiing for 1.5 years (too many gaps in between with work and winter temps up here in the Northeast), but I just can't seem to get my thumbs to hang on to the A's sometimes. Also not a whole lot of space where I'm practicing (in the yard - perfect for an experienced PPG guy, but not a rookie). Was going to go it alone, but there's alot of trees and wires around here - I'd rather know 100% what the hell I'm doing before going full-send, lol. Going to try and give you a call tomorrow. Your pricing is reasonable too, unlike some others I've seen. Can't wait to get down there!
Ppc 27 years. Skybolt 390
Didn't know there was such a thing as a ppc. Haha
13:43 I love that. Do you love me? 😍💋 💝💖❤️
I want to learn this uk I'm in Liverpool anyone knows anyone..
An introductory flight is flight training. You cannot do flight training in an experimental, only in a light sport.
not entirely accurate. There is an exemption for ppg tandem instruction, currently in USA.
@@shanesplanetshane3795by an instructor
There is more pork in Southwestern FL, than there is in a Democrat's Covid 19 relief bill...
HAHAHA! Ain't that the truth! 🤣
5 minutes in, still nothing about the differences. Waste of my time