@@Fallenangel0w0Partly. The Dom was designed from the outset as a high-mobility ground combatant and has heavier armour and weapons, the HMZaku is a retrofit that's still just a Zaku ('just' is relative, the Zaku was a good machine). Indeed, you might say the HMZaku is an attempt to replicate the most basic features of the Dom in units that don't have access to that mobile suit. Pilot skill being equal, a unit of Doms would cream an equal number of Zakus, which is a good explanation of why once the war left Earth the Dom was retained and so rapidly (and easily) refit to the Rick Dom for space use while the Gelgoog was still in preproduction.
@@VulgarHonestyI'm honestly fine with newtypes and all that nonsense as long as MS are used like actual military vehicles instead of just running around and shooting randomly (or stupidly standing in the open and getting blown up). 8th MS Team is king in that regard, but I think 0083 is good too.
Oh come on.. there's some straight up fantasy cartoon crap shenanigans in 8Th MS Team kid, your brain was just kicked by pretentious portrayal of the Feddies as the "good guys" because the writer of that O.V.A. was a n00bzez.
@@HatsuneM1ku01Really? I thought it was one of those, "The final prototype is amazing, but it's too expensive to mass produce, so for the finished product, we'll just make a cheaper knock-off of said prototype, and hope for the best," type deals.
Kind of easy when they can just use Google street view for some cities and towns whenever they need reference photos. They can also use google images to get more detailed views of certain notable locations.
There are several problems with that claim: For starters, they were using beam weapons… in the middle of an urban area, still full of civilians. In the Hathaway movie we already saw the EF MS pilots being quite careless using such deadly weapons around, causing LOTS of collateral damage (read: civilian casualties). Worst of all, there’s the risk of accidentally hitting the reactor of a Zaku II & causing it to blow in the middle of the city. Second, the GM, or rather the Gundam it is based on, was designed from the offset to be able to counter the standard Zaku II, namely its use of beam weapons and the shield for defending against bullets from the standard 120mm machine gun. For contrast, the EF’s Hizack is seen as an oddity and sometimes the inferior machine in the Gryps War due to its need to pick & choose only one beam weapon, meaning that sometimes it ends with a 120mm machinegun in a battlefield full of MS equipped with beam rifles. By the same coin, this weapon is ideal for fighting inside colonies and urban areas to minimize collateral damage. Same goes to the Hizack’s heat hawk which wouldn’t cause an MS reactor to go off if hit with it. Last, but not least, despite these issues, the Brown Southern Cross using ballistic weapons and melee heat weapons overpowered the GM types that had shields to counter some of the former and beam sabers that should have been better than the later, showing that Zeon did good in focusing on restoring the “mobility” part of their MS, specially in the case of the Dom series which in series taking place after the OYW is still showing to be able to get the advantage even over newer & more modern MS.
@ZeonicFenrir Dude, he only said the GMs were wiping out the Zakus. Which is exactly what we saw. There was nothing wrong about his statement. Also, usually the GMs get their asses kicked by the Zaku II and were equipped with beam guns late. Though, whether their losing is due to inferiority or the significant difference in pilot experience is debatable, seeing as the Zeon pilots were also inexperienced in fighting other mobile suits.
Waldo was using an anti-ship sniper rifle, that was the same one Char used on some Federation ships, it's was effective in taking down ships, but this guy is using it on mobile suits instead.
Well, who said you can't overkill when you're a sniper? This is a franchise that had beam gun turrets the size of a battleship one used as sniper rifles lol.
It's probably using a different type of ammo than the anti-ship rounds, these look like armor piercing while the ones char used were frag rounds designed to blow apart ship interiors
Glad the same studio from Origins got more work. Not only is the mech/space combat spectacular, but the human animation is distinctive, memorable, and has plenty of emotion.
@@MM22966 I'm genuinely unsure if your reply was supposed to be a gotcha. Digital animation _is_ hand drawn. 3D modeling is something different. Many believe it looks cheap and out of place. I personally don't mind it, but it certainly doesn't engage my senses the same way high quality cel animation does. It's not as dynamic, and it's usually leveraged toward excessively flashy and visually noisy sequences, like much of this clip.
seriously, I was about to comment, do fed grunts EVER get decent moments? I almost said unicorn but then I remember the jesta group were special forces so I wouldn't call them "grunts"
@@YouJustAmazeMethat one Stark Jegan in the opening fight of Unicorn went toe to toe with the big Neo Zeon cyber-newtype suit for a good while, he was just a grunt. Also the Gustav Karls in Hathaway took down several of the Messers in the attack on Davao but it mostly happens offscreen
GM's consistent explosion when getting headshot comes probably in the problem in hardware, something is attached in there that does the chain explosion to its entire body, and Zaku is built different compared to the Federation.
Some people say that GMs are cannon fodder, while they are right you got to admit that the GMs were cleaning house with the Zakus before the cross’s arrive.
@@ProtoAlpha Gelgoogs weren't that strong because most of the veteran pilots were dead and most rookies were manning those gelgoogs by the end of the OYW
Man I remember Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire, that bad Gundam game that came out on PS3 at the console's launch. By all accounts it was a bad game but it was one that I liked because it was one of the few games out there that made it feel like you were piloting a walking tank rather than a high mobility humanoid robot so the clunkiness of it was endearing to me. The GM was so superior to the Zaku in that game it was ridiculous. Playing as the Zeon forces was basically hard mode because the Feds got access to beam weapons very early which would just shred the almost non-existent armor of the Zakus. It wasn't until you'd get access to the Gouf that it would start to feel more like an even playing field but then the Feds get things like the Gundam Ez 8 and Gundam Ground type and higher performance GMs and then the Zeons lag behind again until you get things like the Dom later on. It's always a game of catchup on the Zeon side whereas if you play Federation side it's like what new toy do I want to play with to go slaughter the hapless Zeon fodder.
Someone commented on another video like this and yeah i agree with them. How can a shot to the head cause an explosion that resembles something a shot through the reactor. The head is filled with amo, sensors and compute units. But the amo are 40/60mm. Not really enough to cause an explosion that is typical of a reactor failure.
first gms suffered from serious defects ranging from engines exploding at 100% power (which is why all gm 1 had to be urgently updated to gm 2 version after war) to fact that hydrogen was used to fuel jet engines (they were needed for space versions but by accident many of them were sent to earth) so I'm not surprised that gms explode so easily.
my reasoning is that it was shot by the same anti-ship cannon that Char used in the Battle of Loum, which carries a large caliber high explosive fragmentation round and the fuze of the shot detonated the round inside of the head, causing the fragmentation to pierce straight into the generator.
Lots of ammo in the universe has mild to strong fragmentation near the explosives. Not to mention fused rounds... Sniper units are firing basically HEAP and HEFA types
because in lore all ms were created as space fighters and of total weight at least 50% of weight was accounted for fuel tanks and hydrogen was used for fuel. zeon (800,000 troops and 1000 ms landed on earth) and federation for ground combat modified ms by replacing jet engines and fuel for greater efficiency and safety. however there is a small detail in lore out of 3000 gms only about 250 were built on earth (taking into account earth conditions) rest were built in space as space fighters.
The Brown Southern Cross were the Death Troopers of Zaku pilots. They weren't just hero fodder, their suits, pilots, and weapons were unique, and they actually hit what they aimed for...
>GM gets shot in the head >Entire MS explodes They aren't even trying to cover up the Zeon favoritism in The Origin universe. It's essentially in-universe fanfiction with how much Zeon gets brown nosed in fight scenes.
Not just this though, Most MS seems to explode getting headshots in the entire series title. Its not due to favoritism, its probably mechanical hardware and I'd prefer to think that they just didn't fix it due to budget constraints like how old USSR tanks getting upgrades and not fix anything, like their gears to move slower when going backwards.
If you didn't tell me I would have thought those green zaku have Biosensor that link pilot action directly to the machine....thing like hold hands up and beg for mercy.
I really hope they remake OG mobile suit gundam using this studio. At least the 3 movies that condenses the entire series, that would be beyond fantastic
They look so bad ass when they outnumber their enemy, have the element of surprise, and their opponents are already engaged in combat with another force. It's almost like they suck at their job in direct combat.
What is this? I must see it! Its amazing how many mobile suit and weapon variants both sides put out in only a 3 month span. I mean, what? The Dom came out in like October. The GM came out around the beginning of December. I guess ground type GMs were produced in larger quantities than the several dozen used in southeast Asia and Odessa. Its been a while since I've seen the First Gundam series, but didn't Doan's Island take place in late September? Shiro Amada fought an experimental high mobility Zaku when Ghiren made his speech. I love me some UC Gundam, but the timeline with the mechs is even more off than the Zelda timeline.
So if Doms were this powerful with their hover thrusters, why didn't the Dom turn the tide of the war? The Federation suits can't even touch these Zeon hovercraft suits.
Cuz fuck you!😤 Plot takes priority over logic especially in anime! The Gundam is on the Federation side, and the Gundam has to win to show off to investors (people who buy model kits and such) 😡
It is a case of too little too late. Zeon lost the resource war on Earth as their supply lines got cut and most of their veterans died due to superior firepower from mass production enemies and/or poor leadership as the Zabi family have in fighting.
If you look at GM's spac, it massively outspec zaku and is on par with Dom in space. The other thing is until gelgoog which came out in the last week of the war, there is no mass produced beam weapon equipped ms in Zeon. And anti-beam coating was not a thing until gelgoog, but GM is widely equipped with beam weaponry which neither zaku nor dom can defend against. Also anime likes to shit on GM because the protagonist is often on the fed side. If GMs is shown to already handle things well, there is no space for the hero to come in.
They were in an arms race essentially at first Zeon had the upper hand when they came out with dom along with char being a menace on the battlefield with most of the special units he used, but when the gundam was introduced they were trying everything they could to try and catch up but at that point they were too late also gms were mass produced and pumped out faster than most of the special units Zeon had so they had to rely on Zakus. Also most of their vets died in battle so there’s that too
holy flip. this looks awesome. i think the space helmets for ground based fights are not needed, causing a slight distraction for me, but i dont know the context either. it'll be great when i see more of this!
So if I remember correctly the ammo from those rifles are like scatter shots so when it hits it’s target they blow up into many pieces but I could be wrong on that
@a0ryk Forgive me for my ignorance, but I'm not familiar with that instance. I've only watched 3 and a quarter Gundam shows. I know during WW2 there were instances of tanks going up in flames and/or exploding from not critical hits that shouldn't have had that effect. The cause was leaking hydraulic fluid. The leaks would be throughout the tank and a hit to a non-critical area would ignite the leaking hydraulic fluid.
@TheNumberJuan45 If that was the case for this instance it still wouldn't make sense. The round hit the head, pierced it, and blew out the other side. The exit wound is huge. If it was a pierce and scatter round, the delay in the explosion wouldn't have been that big for ground combat against mechs and the scattered shot itself would've been scattered into the buildings right behind the head. That wasn't the case since the mech itself exploded instead of the backdrop. I do know what you're talking about. There are many space combat scenes that have rocket launchers or sniper cannon rifles that have either a delayed time explosion or scatter shot after hitting a ship; which would make sense. Blowing a huge hole in the side of the ship is great. Honeycombing the interior of a space battleship with high explosives is just as good.
Another battle, another dozen GM pilots getting housed to make Zeon credible. Zeon appears to exclusively field mooks and aces -- either they're cannonfodder that a GM *might* bring down or they're unstoppable until a Gundam shows up. It's honestly the most exhausting part of the series. It's basically a retread of the old myths about Shermans being barely more than rolling coffins but you can drown the Nazis in their sheer numbers.
You're trying to find meaningful worldbuilding in a metaseries that has long since abandoned realism in favor of flashy sequences targeting low attention spans.
I feel like the Gouf custom in Mobile suit was skilled at using his mobile suit but in this not only are they skilled they are good at coordinating and team work.
What's the point of even building and using mechs or "mobile suits" as they call it when a single shot by a high energy weapon will destroy an entire unit. Might as well just be using fighter jets and equip them with guided missiles or energy weapons at this point.
@@DarkZerol The basic principle is that Minovsky interference blocks most electromagnetic communication systems and sensors, which precludes traditional long-range warfare. Mobile suits are essentially weapons platforms designed to leverage the power output of the hypercompact Minovsky reactors. Also, to say that mobile suits are more suitable for a space environment than traditional aerodynamic platforms is no less contrived than invoking fictional physics in the first place, so I think it's a fair enough point to make. Furthermore, the futility of defending against beam weaponry is very much relevant as early as the RX-178 Gundam Mk II, which shifted the design paradigm to favor high mobility (less armor plating, movable frame, magnetic coating, et cetera). For the most part, UC material makes (or at least used to make) reasonable effort to be realistic within the unrealistic parameters it sets in its basic tenets. Nowadays, however, I think this stuff is just flashy and dramatic in excess, and the ties it has to real-robot genre are a lot more tenuous.
Zaku gets shot in the head, head explodes but body goes down as the reactor isn't it. GM shot in the head, entire suit explodes. GMs definitely made of explodium.
@@2233forlolz not really when that rifle is shown and used in Gundam the Origin ovas. By char and the black tri stars. Doan’s island looks like to take place in the Origin timeline due to the Mobile suit design and the time the movie takes place is different compared to the 0079 anime. And Slegger existing in the movie where he was added when the White base was in Jaburo.
@@bakl3467 Did you miss the part where another GM is shot through the cockpit with the exact same rifle and it doesn't explode into a MS size fireball?
I've watched tons of different Gundam series over the years but haven't watched this before. What is the name of this series !? Looks New and Awesome !
Bro i love this High Mobility Zaku's just skating on the ground
And yet they're still defeated and had to pull out of earth in Odessa
Why'd they go with Don's over HM Zakus? Manufacturability?
Play the Eurobeat music then takumi will deep down in fear and not to touch his 86 again
@@Fallenangel0w0Partly. The Dom was designed from the outset as a high-mobility ground combatant and has heavier armour and weapons, the HMZaku is a retrofit that's still just a Zaku ('just' is relative, the Zaku was a good machine). Indeed, you might say the HMZaku is an attempt to replicate the most basic features of the Dom in units that don't have access to that mobile suit.
Pilot skill being equal, a unit of Doms would cream an equal number of Zakus, which is a good explanation of why once the war left Earth the Dom was retained and so rapidly (and easily) refit to the Rick Dom for space use while the Gelgoog was still in preproduction.
@@kos29191:18 1:19
Man i love grunt suit vs grunt suit moment in UC. It's so grounded and realistic, the combat has some weight.
One of the reasons why I enjoyed MSG 08th MS Team so much. None of this newtype, super-suit business.
@@VulgarHonestyI'm honestly fine with newtypes and all that nonsense as long as MS are used like actual military vehicles instead of just running around and shooting randomly (or stupidly standing in the open and getting blown up). 8th MS Team is king in that regard, but I think 0083 is good too.
I much prefer this type of MS than those peacocks.
Name of animes plz ?
Oh come on.. there's some straight up fantasy cartoon crap shenanigans in 8Th MS Team kid, your brain was just kicked by pretentious portrayal of the Feddies as the "good guys" because the writer of that O.V.A. was a n00bzez.
Haven't seen GMs get rekt so quickly since the opening scenes of 0080 and Thunderbolt lol
The GMs were doing well, too bad the folks with the more experience pilots show up.
You do realize the gm is pretty much on par with the rx78 as the rx78 was the gm prototype
@@HatsuneM1ku01Really? I thought it was one of those, "The final prototype is amazing, but it's too expensive to mass produce, so for the finished product, we'll just make a cheaper knock-off of said prototype, and hope for the best," type deals.
@@GabrielusPrime My thoughts exactly.
The GMs were far superior to zakus, the feds lacked experienced pilots that’s all.
I was baffled how they recreated faithfully parts of Casablanca which is my hometown
Hathaways Flash' movie also recreated the locations it featured really well (Phillipines, I believe) so it sisn't surprising they do good here too. :)
Kind of easy when they can just use Google street view for some cities and towns whenever they need reference photos. They can also use google images to get more detailed views of certain notable locations.
@@thecuriousanthropologistwhich part of the sulawesi island is philiphines?
@@bamantioiindrahidayat9062 The movie takes place in Davao, Philipines.
Even before Brown Southern Cross showed up, the Federation Forces were pretty good at using the GMs to almost wipe out the Zakus in their path.
The second the Southern Cross showed up, the GMs were screwed.
Wait are we talking about the Southern Cross of Ace Combat
@mohammadsyazwigeoffrey7325 No he is talking about Gundam.
There are several problems with that claim:
For starters, they were using beam weapons… in the middle of an urban area, still full of civilians. In the Hathaway movie we already saw the EF MS pilots being quite careless using such deadly weapons around, causing LOTS of collateral damage (read: civilian casualties). Worst of all, there’s the risk of accidentally hitting the reactor of a Zaku II & causing it to blow in the middle of the city.
Second, the GM, or rather the Gundam it is based on, was designed from the offset to be able to counter the standard Zaku II, namely its use of beam weapons and the shield for defending against bullets from the standard 120mm machine gun. For contrast, the EF’s Hizack is seen as an oddity and sometimes the inferior machine in the Gryps War due to its need to pick & choose only one beam weapon, meaning that sometimes it ends with a 120mm machinegun in a battlefield full of MS equipped with beam rifles. By the same coin, this weapon is ideal for fighting inside colonies and urban areas to minimize collateral damage. Same goes to the Hizack’s heat hawk which wouldn’t cause an MS reactor to go off if hit with it.
Last, but not least, despite these issues, the Brown Southern Cross using ballistic weapons and melee heat weapons overpowered the GM types that had shields to counter some of the former and beam sabers that should have been better than the later, showing that Zeon did good in focusing on restoring the “mobility” part of their MS, specially in the case of the Dom series which in series taking place after the OYW is still showing to be able to get the advantage even over newer & more modern MS.
Dude, he only said the GMs were wiping out the Zakus. Which is exactly what we saw. There was nothing wrong about his statement. Also, usually the GMs get their asses kicked by the Zaku II and were equipped with beam guns late. Though, whether their losing is due to inferiority or the significant difference in pilot experience is debatable, seeing as the Zeon pilots were also inexperienced in fighting other mobile suits.
Waldo was using an anti-ship sniper rifle, that was the same one Char used on some Federation ships, it's was effective in taking down ships, but this guy is using it on mobile suits instead.
Well, who said you can't overkill when you're a sniper? This is a franchise that had beam gun turrets the size of a battleship one used as sniper rifles lol.
It's probably using a different type of ammo than the anti-ship rounds, these look like armor piercing while the ones char used were frag rounds designed to blow apart ship interiors
@@cabnbeeschurgr that makes sense.
Seems he's using a shorter barrelled variant for ground use
you can tell Char's weapon was different. this has a m1 grand look and the one char uses is like a bazooka. flared opening vs barrel with comp
Glad the same studio from Origins got more work. Not only is the mech/space combat spectacular, but the human animation is distinctive, memorable, and has plenty of emotion.
The directing too! The movie and shows are able to do light hearted moments and serious ones super well, the music and animation is oit of this world
i wish the same team would adapt the novel "The Plot to Assassinate Gihren"
3d cgi trash. You have no standards.
@@AthelstanKing Harsh. Is there a recent hand-drawn series you like?
@@MM22966 I'm genuinely unsure if your reply was supposed to be a gotcha. Digital animation _is_ hand drawn. 3D modeling is something different. Many believe it looks cheap and out of place. I personally don't mind it, but it certainly doesn't engage my senses the same way high quality cel animation does. It's not as dynamic, and it's usually leveraged toward excessively flashy and visually noisy sequences, like much of this clip.
Over 40+ yrs in Gundam and the GM's can NEVER have any kind of shine or creditably in the series against Zeon
Us federation fans will always suffer.
seriously, I was about to comment, do fed grunts EVER get decent moments? I almost said unicorn but then I remember the jesta group were special forces so I wouldn't call them "grunts"
@@YouJustAmazeMethat one Stark Jegan in the opening fight of Unicorn went toe to toe with the big Neo Zeon cyber-newtype suit for a good while, he was just a grunt.
Also the Gustav Karls in Hathaway took down several of the Messers in the attack on Davao but it mostly happens offscreen
The GM Custom had a pretty good performance against Zeon in Stardust Memory iirc
Ya I second that. The GM customs definitely held their own against the Delaz fleet@@thememetacularsasquinatch3175
The action choreography and animation is so beautiful and fluid.
Gundam gets it's whole head shot off, "it's fine, I only lost a main camera"
GM gets his head shot off, whole fucking thing blows up
They seem pretty consistent with gms heads always blowing up the entire thing, perhaps something about how the gms are built causes a chain reaction?
GM's consistent explosion when getting headshot comes probably in the problem in hardware, something is attached in there that does the chain explosion to its entire body, and Zaku is built different compared to the Federation.
You think it's the vulcan ammo for the head guns?
@dubyaw9511 i dont think so, the gundam has vulcans too
@1guntankfan has it been shot in the...
Oh wait, lost its head in its last moment.
Armour in the cockpit?????
Some people say that GMs are cannon fodder, while they are right you got to admit that the GMs were cleaning house with the Zakus before the cross’s arrive.
They're onyly slightly better, the Gelgoog would slaughter them but sadly were over powered by the GM's sheer numbers
@@ProtoAlpha Gelgoogs weren't that strong because most of the veteran pilots were dead and most rookies were manning those gelgoogs by the end of the OYW
@@Tamachii12 the sad or funny part is in the animations and ovas they show adult pilots in the zakus in the battle of aboa qu.
@@ProtoAlpha Slightly? Lmfao. GMs were superior to every mass produced Zeon MS apart from the Gelgoog
Man I remember Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire, that bad Gundam game that came out on PS3 at the console's launch. By all accounts it was a bad game but it was one that I liked because it was one of the few games out there that made it feel like you were piloting a walking tank rather than a high mobility humanoid robot so the clunkiness of it was endearing to me. The GM was so superior to the Zaku in that game it was ridiculous. Playing as the Zeon forces was basically hard mode because the Feds got access to beam weapons very early which would just shred the almost non-existent armor of the Zakus. It wasn't until you'd get access to the Gouf that it would start to feel more like an even playing field but then the Feds get things like the Gundam Ez 8 and Gundam Ground type and higher performance GMs and then the Zeons lag behind again until you get things like the Dom later on. It's always a game of catchup on the Zeon side whereas if you play Federation side it's like what new toy do I want to play with to go slaughter the hapless Zeon fodder.
Someone commented on another video like this and yeah i agree with them.
How can a shot to the head cause an explosion that resembles something a shot through the reactor.
The head is filled with amo, sensors and compute units. But the amo are 40/60mm. Not really enough to cause an explosion that is typical of a reactor failure.
I was just thinking the same thing. Headshots on an MS have already been shown to just take out the main camera, ala Char shooting off RX-78-2's head.
Aren't these GMs made resistant to the machine gun fire? Also where is their rear security?
first gms suffered from serious defects ranging from engines exploding at 100% power (which is why all gm 1 had to be urgently updated to gm 2 version after war) to fact that hydrogen was used to fuel jet engines (they were needed for space versions but by accident many of them were sent to earth) so I'm not surprised that gms explode so easily.
my reasoning is that it was shot by the same anti-ship cannon that Char used in the Battle of Loum, which carries a large caliber high explosive fragmentation round and the fuze of the shot detonated the round inside of the head, causing the fragmentation to pierce straight into the generator.
it doesn't look like a fragmentation round. At around 1:06, you can see that the shell pierced through.
Hmm, why did that GM that got shot in the head have his whole body explode like that?
Because rules of cool.
those are the same rifles they use to combat federation ships, so yeah make's sense why they just go boom after 1 shot.
Zeon propaganda
Lots of ammo in the universe has mild to strong fragmentation near the explosives. Not to mention fused rounds...
Sniper units are firing basically HEAP and HEFA types
because in lore all ms were created as space fighters and of total weight at least 50% of weight was accounted for fuel tanks and hydrogen was used for fuel. zeon (800,000 troops and 1000 ms landed on earth) and federation for ground combat modified ms by replacing jet engines and fuel for greater efficiency and safety. however there is a small detail in lore out of 3000 gms only about 250 were built on earth (taking into account earth conditions) rest were built in space as space fighters.
NGL I have the love for Zaku's and their menacing looks with their mono eye
There's a Type of Zaku that has a Stahlheim-like helmet, I liked the design since it reminds me of a WW2 wehrmacht soldier mixing with a WW2 Tank.
The Brown Southern Cross were the Death Troopers of Zaku pilots. They weren't just hero fodder, their suits, pilots, and weapons were unique, and they actually hit what they aimed for...
I have seen that. ahah
It's been a while since I've seen Cucuruz. Ive forgotten how awesome this is!
That laughing boy psycho trope never ends well… you ain’t makin’ it to the end of any series
>GM gets shot in the head
>Entire MS explodes
They aren't even trying to cover up the Zeon favoritism in The Origin universe. It's essentially in-universe fanfiction with how much Zeon gets brown nosed in fight scenes.
Not just this though, Most MS seems to explode getting headshots in the entire series title. Its not due to favoritism, its probably mechanical hardware and I'd prefer to think that they just didn't fix it due to budget constraints like how old USSR tanks getting upgrades and not fix anything, like their gears to move slower when going backwards.
the poor dog at 0:19
the way you dissect complex topics is awe-inspiring!
If you didn't tell me I would have thought those green zaku have Biosensor that link pilot action directly to the machine....thing like hold hands up and beg for mercy.
I really hope they remake OG mobile suit gundam using this studio. At least the 3 movies that condenses the entire series, that would be beyond fantastic
I like the fact that UC Mobile Suit Battle is more realistic in a way than other series. We could see ckunky movement of the Suit.
are we watching the same vid?
this was so awesome to see on the big screen. So glad I could catch a showing near me.
1:01 Shouldn't missed shots from a beam weapon, even a beam spray gun, be doing way more damage to the city than what's shown?
1:45 I'm reminded of Muttley from "Dick Dastardly and his Flying Machines" ;)
ちゃんと爆発しとるで 遅いけど
1:46 MSのパイロットに必ずいる変な笑い方するヤツ
They look so bad ass when they outnumber their enemy, have the element of surprise, and their opponents are already engaged in combat with another force.
It's almost like they suck at their job in direct combat.
Man if only the GMs had a camera in the back that could prevent all these backstabs from taking them by surprise... oh wait, they do.
its refreshing to see zakus able to fight back
Love this! Great quality too!
Bro the brown southern cross went ham
What is this? I must see it!
Its amazing how many mobile suit and weapon variants both sides put out in only a 3 month span. I mean, what? The Dom came out in like October. The GM came out around the beginning of December. I guess ground type GMs were produced in larger quantities than the several dozen used in southeast Asia and Odessa. Its been a while since I've seen the First Gundam series, but didn't Doan's Island take place in late September? Shiro Amada fought an experimental high mobility Zaku when Ghiren made his speech. I love me some UC Gundam, but the timeline with the mechs is even more off than the Zelda timeline.
I love Gundam... thanks for the channel
The Feds remind me of Riot Police with those shields lol
What film is this. I'm a noob with Gundam and would like to watch this.
Cucuruz's Doans Island
He threw the gd heat hawk at em holy shit how long have fans been waiting on that
It amazing how fast the federation went in on deploying as many Gm as possible on the ground after the battle of Jaburo
So if Doms were this powerful with their hover thrusters, why didn't the Dom turn the tide of the war?
The Federation suits can't even touch these Zeon hovercraft suits.
Cuz fuck you!😤 Plot takes priority over logic especially in anime! The Gundam is on the Federation side, and the Gundam has to win to show off to investors (people who buy model kits and such) 😡
It is a case of too little too late. Zeon lost the resource war on Earth as their supply lines got cut and most of their veterans died due to superior firepower from mass production enemies and/or poor leadership as the Zabi family have in fighting.
Terrible planning to put it simply.
If you look at GM's spac, it massively outspec zaku and is on par with Dom in space. The other thing is until gelgoog which came out in the last week of the war, there is no mass produced beam weapon equipped ms in Zeon. And anti-beam coating was not a thing until gelgoog, but GM is widely equipped with beam weaponry which neither zaku nor dom can defend against. Also anime likes to shit on GM because the protagonist is often on the fed side. If GMs is shown to already handle things well, there is no space for the hero to come in.
They were in an arms race essentially at first Zeon had the upper hand when they came out with dom along with char being a menace on the battlefield with most of the special units he used, but when the gundam was introduced they were trying everything they could to try and catch up but at that point they were too late also gms were mass produced and pumped out faster than most of the special units Zeon had so they had to rely on Zakus. Also most of their vets died in battle so there’s that too
最近のガンダムの一年戦争内の新ムービー系 MS全般的にムーバブルフレーム採用機体みたいな動きしてて設定ガン無視してて違和感ある
holy flip. this looks awesome. i think the space helmets for ground based fights are not needed, causing a slight distraction for me, but i dont know the context either.
it'll be great when i see more of this!
연방의 양산기는 언제나 동네북이네요. 일년 전쟁을 승리로 이끈 것도 GM 의 힘인데... ㅎㅎ
언젠가 연방의 양산기를 주역으로 하는 작품도 나왔으면 좋겠습니다.
2:21 LMAO!!!!! 😂🤣🤣🤣 At least he thanked the sniper dude. 😏😏
1:07 Gm gets headshotted then exploded ??? Huh ???
Extra flare for the shot, maybe? I know for a fact there aren't any rounds or magazines stored up there. It's just a sensor suite.
So if I remember correctly the ammo from those rifles are like scatter shots so when it hits it’s target they blow up into many pieces but I could be wrong on that
@a0ryk Forgive me for my ignorance, but I'm not familiar with that instance. I've only watched 3 and a quarter Gundam shows.
I know during WW2 there were instances of tanks going up in flames and/or exploding from not critical hits that shouldn't have had that effect. The cause was leaking hydraulic fluid. The leaks would be throughout the tank and a hit to a non-critical area would ignite the leaking hydraulic fluid.
@TheNumberJuan45 If that was the case for this instance it still wouldn't make sense. The round hit the head, pierced it, and blew out the other side. The exit wound is huge.
If it was a pierce and scatter round, the delay in the explosion wouldn't have been that big for ground combat against mechs and the scattered shot itself would've been scattered into the buildings right behind the head. That wasn't the case since the mech itself exploded instead of the backdrop.
I do know what you're talking about. There are many space combat scenes that have rocket launchers or sniper cannon rifles that have either a delayed time explosion or scatter shot after hitting a ship; which would make sense. Blowing a huge hole in the side of the ship is great. Honeycombing the interior of a space battleship with high explosives is just as good.
that's one thing i dont like that Gundam does a lot, everything explodes no matter where the damaged is no mater what. except when it doesnt.
This implies that there is either A: another southern cross unit of a different color, or B: theres another brown cross unit to the north or something
1:06 Will an MS be destroyed if its head is hit by an enemy bullet?
Oh it's the animator love you're videos keep up
1:19 Deja vu
I've just been in this place before
Higher on the street
And I know it's my time to go...
@@user-ponkotsukakumei 海軍の時計を使ってるかも。23時って11:30方。
Another battle, another dozen GM pilots getting housed to make Zeon credible. Zeon appears to exclusively field mooks and aces -- either they're cannonfodder that a GM *might* bring down or they're unstoppable until a Gundam shows up. It's honestly the most exhausting part of the series.
It's basically a retread of the old myths about Shermans being barely more than rolling coffins but you can drown the Nazis in their sheer numbers.
You're trying to find meaningful worldbuilding in a metaseries that has long since abandoned realism in favor of flashy sequences targeting low attention spans.
Can anyone tells me the name of this film?
Gundam Cucruz Doan's island
Wow, Brown Southern Cross went totally ballistic, what an utter slaughter...
I love to see Zakus WINNING!!!
Why aren’t the gm’s rear head cameras working?
1:07 メインカメラ撃たれて爆発四散するのがちょっと意味不...
What is this called, Anyone Please??? 🙏
Mobile suit Gundam Cucruz Doan's island, if you wanna see this storytelling style and animation on another show there's Gundam Origin
@@ProtoAlpha Thank you very much lovely person [N🐭]
Which gundam series is this? I mean the detailed title
Cucuruz Doans Island
Did they need to animate the dog going bye bye 😂
This animation studio is good at funny stuff and serious stuff.😊
0:40 Imagine if they showed a little skeleton in half 😂
And the southern cross arrives skating on the city streets
OVAのアニメですか?? こんなにサクサク動くザクなんて見たことがない! ニュータイプなんていらないよね・・・ララァ!
I love Gundam
I feel like the Gouf custom in Mobile suit was skilled at using his mobile suit but in this not only are they skilled they are good at coordinating and team work.
Are the Brown Southern Cross the villains?
Man. Zaku pilots look they have so much fun.
Which anime is this from?
Gundam Doan's island
@ti94yhieikaini www真面目かっ!(≧▽≦)っ)
Never quite understood how headshots caused full on detonations of the whole suit
What's the point of even building and using mechs or "mobile suits" as they call it when a single shot by a high energy weapon will destroy an entire unit. Might as well just be using fighter jets and equip them with guided missiles or energy weapons at this point.
@@DarkZerol The basic principle is that Minovsky interference blocks most electromagnetic communication systems and sensors, which precludes traditional long-range warfare. Mobile suits are essentially weapons platforms designed to leverage the power output of the hypercompact Minovsky reactors. Also, to say that mobile suits are more suitable for a space environment than traditional aerodynamic platforms is no less contrived than invoking fictional physics in the first place, so I think it's a fair enough point to make. Furthermore, the futility of defending against beam weaponry is very much relevant as early as the RX-178 Gundam Mk II, which shifted the design paradigm to favor high mobility (less armor plating, movable frame, magnetic coating, et cetera). For the most part, UC material makes (or at least used to make) reasonable effort to be realistic within the unrealistic parameters it sets in its basic tenets. Nowadays, however, I think this stuff is just flashy and dramatic in excess, and the ties it has to real-robot genre are a lot more tenuous.
What is this from? Looks new!!
Mobile Suit Gundam: Cucuruz Doan's Island (Japanese: 機動戦士ガンダム ククルス・ドアンの島,
Only to be handed their ases by Doan's repaired Zaku F Type armed with only a Heat Hawk.
man once i was a big transformers fan next i step in gandam im already learning everything and watching the first gandam movie bruh
Does the EFF have special MS team?
The GMs are my team every time I solo queue in Destiny 2.
A veces me preguntó porque siempre lo zeon intenta matar los gm avances solo se centrar en deshabilitar el mecha me parece curioso
Zaku gets shot in the head, head explodes but body goes down as the reactor isn't it. GM shot in the head, entire suit explodes. GMs definitely made of explodium.
The gm was shot by a rifle that once the bullets hit, the bullet shoot out shrapnel. So likely the gm reactor got hit too.
@@bakl3467 thats cap bro
@@2233forlolz not really when that rifle is shown and used in Gundam the Origin ovas. By char and the black tri stars.
Doan’s island looks like to take place in the Origin timeline due to the Mobile suit design and the time the movie takes place is different compared to the 0079 anime. And Slegger existing in the movie where he was added when the White base was in Jaburo.
@@bakl3467 Did you miss the part where another GM is shot through the cockpit with the exact same rifle and it doesn't explode into a MS size fireball?
So the fighting seems to be contained around derb Omar and possibly along roudani. I'll probably be safe lololol
You're Moroccan?
whats the name of this series?
It's not series actually it's from a movie (doan's island)
I've watched tons of different Gundam series over the years but haven't watched this before. What is the name of this series !? Looks New and Awesome !
It's a movie, called Mobile Suit Gundam: Cucuruz Doan's Island
Where the heck can I find this? Can't seem to find it on any streaming service.
Cucuruz Doan's Island. You usually find it in anime streaming sites, although what appears in every site is inconsistent
This scene is from which film or series?
機動戦士ガンダム the origin
Name this gundam series please. I just want the ova gundam origin and it was awesome.
This from a show or movie i dont know about?