and this is why I could never ask my girlfriend to marry me even after 8 years of relationship. because i just keep thinking of a prison guy asking me to marry him. scares me to death
she is stupid!! she said that she would swipe left every time on tinder, i think that's what every guy does when he looks at her profile on tinder hahahahahahahhahhah
+Phillip Betts yeah i think maybe in 2014 it was more broken because the only people on there were actually trying to get laid but since then its been widely accepted and ive been on dates that were actually nice and didnt lead to sex
I've found honesty to be the best policy, when it comes to approaching a girl. Don't use pick up lines, it makes you look like a tool. Just express your interest in them and ask them to dinner/lunch/coffee/whatever.
phil chao you'd be surprised how many women aren't that shallow. As long as you clean yourself up so you don't look like a bum, you should be fine. I'm not particularly good looking myself, but this still works very well. Fun Fact: Women are significantly more likely to agree to a date than a hook-up.
As i read the comments on this video i realized the majority of people on youtube tend to watch these talk shows and expect all the guests to say and act politically correct. No mistakes/quirks whatsoever. Unless she's advocating something horribly immoral, people need to realize it's just a playful conversation and move on with their lives.
I don't know what to think. I could get pissed off as a guy who struggles with women but I'm not gonna. I think both sides of the argument make valid points. I usually don't compliment girls right when I meet them but one time I did and she immediately got creeped out. In reality, I was just nervous and didn't know what to say. Put yourself in her shoes and you can see how annoying it would get to be hit on constantly. The problem is most of us complaining are either men or women who can't get a man so we don't know what it feels like to be constantly hit on just like she doesn't know what it feels like to be us. So I think we both have a misunderstanding of each other which causes us to feel annoyed and further distance our positions on the issue.
+JoMama123451234 I think complementing on their looks should be avoided altogether. It's not subtle enough cuz bitches want you to like them for their personality even though they take hours to get ready.
The most frustrating thing about "the flip" is that you can't defend yourself against the person flipping on you, because then it can be interpreted like you care what he thinks, (when in fact you just don't like being insulted for no reason). So you just have to receive the insults and move on, even though you did literally NOTHING to deserve them.
Haha when she said "your elbows are faaaascinating" and looked at Conan's elbows I immediately thought it seems like she's mimicking Goldblum's interactions with Conan!
I agree with Hannah on everything. If a guy complimented my calves saying 'your calves are beautiful', I'd probably look at him weirdly, smile and edge away. As opposed to a guy coming up and saying 'you are beautiful', he's a lot more likely to get laid. Just take a step back and stop being so intricate, vague is key.
Except the guys we like don't say pervy things like "I like your calves," or "wow look at that body," "those jugs!!!" What's attractive is respect. You can flirt with and attract someone without saying something sexual. There's always a chance a sexual remark will make the person you're talking to uncomfortable. It's really all about emotional intelligence that a lot of guys lack.
I think most guys are and most women use it out of boredom, ego stroke, window shopping etc. Guys use it to get sex or dates or for actual use. I read that 75% of women who use tinder or date via online dating or app, never meet up with the actual person. That means the matches and messages and text that happens, most of the time, it leads to nothing even if many matches or messages or texts from different women some guys may get. I've seen even guys who have had many matches, which many guys don't get much matches or convo from there. But where there would be one meet up out of so many matches and not a second date or something from there. But more often than not, just left there. Makes me wonder if the 25% of those women are also fat women, or the average janes or not so cute ones who meet up. I have a feeling that the pretty, especially hot women definitely are a big percent most likely who use tinder out of boredom or extra confirmation of their attractiveness and sex appeal, because of the sheer enormous number likes they must get constantly from so many men.
@@miamiman24 it might really help to think about all the advice we've ever given our sisters, mothers, aunts, cousins about reading into the signs of a potentially dangerous men. dangerous men may act like creeps, so watch the way he compliments you. dangerous men may act really pushy, so watch out if he's really pressing/forcing you into meeting up. dangerous men may act really violent, so watch if he's using coarse language. dangerous men may have a lot of hatred so listen to the way he refers to his mother, his exgirlfriends etc. dangerous men may spike your drink, so watch it on the date. dangerous men might try to rape you, so dont give him details about where you live, make sure he knows your friends know where your date is, and go home alone using a safe cab and dont get followed. with all of that information we may have been feeding our female loved ones, as a way of keeping them safe, our good intentions have actually created an environment where men have to be absolutely perfect, or she might get those red flags everyone has warned her about, and classify him as a dangerous man. this is what Hannah Simone is describing, it's not so much as having a 'creep' around you trying to pay you a compliment and you ignoring it, it's that his comment was 'creepy' and potentially red flagged him as a dangerous man. and then when you declined his offer, he 'flipped' - a definite red flag that could potentially signify a dangerous violent man! you'd tell you female friends to get away from someone who made a comment or 'flipped' like that. it's about safety, not about being snooty and posh towards a guy who's just nervous. for all those men who are naturally nervous and end up saying really weird/silly things out of anxiety and then get really defensive and angry because they're genuinely a nice guy who's being misunderstood, your defensive/angry reaction is one of those red flags you've warned your female friends about. for those just wanting to "hook up" and cut through all the dating crap, this is a legitimate desire. and that means you're still accountable to being as genuine, clear, polite and positive with your specific intentions as someone who's looking to get to know you before getting intimate. if you find yourself with someone who lets you know they're looking for something more.. wish them super well in their life, that relationships are great, that you're not looking for that and cut the date short, declining to see them again because you ultimately understand you are both incompatible at this present time. no need to get negative.stop shaming someone "omg you're on tinder woman, what did you expect, i get to act like a complete douche, cause it's tinder" when tinder itself is trying to hard to expand its branding to include friendship and relationships from all genders. don't dishonour yourself by getting involved with someone who wants a relationship but is trying to act cool&casual (e.g lying, hoping you'll get serious later) just wish them luck at the end of date 1 and move on, and also understand that a woman's fears on meeting a strange man, are the same fears you advised your sister, cousin, mother, aunt about meeting strange men. i think that's why most women don't meet up with the men they swipe with online; red flags, hesitation due to fear. if you could guarantee that you could go out on a date, be 100% safe with no intention for sex and no pressure from him, would women go out on more dates? i like to think they would. favourable
vanillainflux you sure wrote a novel for absolute no reason there. I know women have fears of meeting and reason to especially dating apps. If women felt 100% safe meeting someone then they’d do it. Well yeah, that’s not true or will happen for dating irl. The point is this. Women don’t have to meet anyone from dating apps and have that right. But if they feel that way, maybe not use the dating app when they know they aren’t meeting anyone for the fears you said. But many just as much use it for the attention. Like it’s a game but honestly there are more fun apps than these. It’s using men’s attention for the ego stroke so time wasters when the option is just not using the dating app when the point is to date or made for
@@miamiman24 thanks for reading and taking the time to comment back, i know i wrote a whole essay :) ! i don't know, i feel like "if you have no intention of accepting a date, then don't be on tinder, what do you expect, you're on tinder, you're gonna get asked out, and yes, a lot of the time by creepy people, so you need to be super duper careful and screen the people super carefully, but no, you can't NOT accept dates on tinder cause then you're just there to receive attention and selfishly stroke your ego. i feel like there's more than that. like we can go to a club with no intention of finding another person and no intention of dancing but to like the music, or just cause we felt like leaving the house, or wanted to be around other people, or feeling like the potential to meet someone is there. which i don't feel are judge-able offences where we're like "omg u went out, u should expect to be hit on, the flipped and told you're ugly anyway" like, it feels like it's all high-stakes. we can all just chill a bit, and take a moment to feel comfortable with whatever step we're ready for. i was on dating apps/websites because i wanted to see what was out there after a horrible breakup, and left when i saw tinder specifically was very hostile and not what i was looking for. but if you've had experiences with people just wanting you to compliment them with no intention of agreeing to a date; that must feel bad and you're right to have left those people alone, because they're not into whatever you're into, without bitterness or criticising them. we all deserve someone who wants what we want and not to feel like we have to try try try to desperately get their attention. anyway thx for reading!
Yeah I felt that was quite sexist of her. As a woman that used to use tinder, what she said is absolutely not true and idk why people assume women (especially another woman 🙄) don’t wanna hook up like men.
Exactly, tone & body language ( that whole confidence thing girls always say), are more important, & that goes for many other things too, not just dating
Having researched it, I've discovered how hard these attractive women have it. Many of them are approached just because of their looks and almost never because of anything else. Many other females have jealousy issues against them. Most men are either intimidated by them or are looking to score. Kind of sad, really.
Also, Most of those women have an easy life because people react to good looks and give you the benefit of doubt, among other benefits. Many of them also do not have to worry about studies or anything of the sort as they can always make it as a model or anything else To keep things levelled, this is also the case of highly attractive men. Attractive people generally speaking have an easier life than most would think.
As opposed to: -Being not so attractive, and all personal actions/accomplishments being equal, never get approached. -Be not so attractive and feel inadequacy and envious of attractive people. -Be not so attractive and men are either uninterested or just looking to score. Yeah. Oh, darn those upper class problems for attractive people!
Lmao at all the butt hurt guys commenting on this just because you can't get any girls. Complimenting someone's calves IS weird as fuck, it's not a unique or clever compliment, and if you think that's going to get you anywhere, well then you seriously need to reevaluate yourself.
Why the hell would that be creepy? I don't know...maybe being a medical student, I'm not as stuck up as most people on finding certain parts of the body a tabu subject, but why could you not compliment someone on having nice legs? Or nice eyes? Or nice calves? You do know certain girls do specific workouts to make their calves look better? So why could I not tell her "nice calves"? Maybe the guy was joking as's not like he dropped on his knees, grabbed her leg and started bitting it. Some girls just fucking overreact so much and blow every little detail out of proportion. Don't even try to deny it. And no, I'm not butt hurt because of what I said, I could have been married about 50 times by now if I wanted to, that's how much girls stick to me. Regardless of what she said about that guy, she seems to be a major bitch and a pain in the ass, as well as control freak and a smartass. I bet 9 out of 10 conversations with her end up in a fight because she's disagrees with something and assumes the other person is less worthy.
Who says all compliments have to be unique and clever? For that matter, who says the only purpose of a compliment is to "get you anywhere"? How about trying to see the good in people who go out of their way to say something nice?
I'm sure that's what tinder is like for bigger cities (LA, NYC, etc) but it's a little more relationshipy in smaller cities/towns where the dating pool has less to choose from.
According to statistics I have seen, more men than women are looking for a relationship on Tinder. Most women are just looking for confirmation or use Tinder as a pastime with no intention of meeting anyone.
It's a context thing. Saying "nice calves" out of the blue IS odd. - If she was just telling you about her leg workout, then you could say: "It's working, you look great!" - She seems to be confused though, about what Tinder IS; - it's a HOOK-UP APP. - Why would women go there to look for Long Term Relationships? - Totally ok if it's not her thing. - - I'm still a fan. She's awesome on New Girl. :)
pretty sure the guy who said it meant it as a joke. This girl never got the joke and immediatly judged the other person. Pretty disgusting trait to have in a person.
Ridiculous that guys get annoyed when you say no to them. They always ask, "is it because you're lesbian? is it because you have a boyfriend?" Like, NO, IT'S BECAUSE I AM NOT INTERESTED IN Y O U.
40-60 years of feminism won't change biology. Women want commitment. Men want to spill their seed. It's not complicated. Most women don't want just sex but deep down they are looking for a man for a relationship. That's how it's been from the beginning of time.
Sure, women are more open to hooking up than they used to be. But that doesn't mean that's the case for all women. Every woman is different and men need to stop expecting all women to be the same.
TheJimLahey that's a old stereotype, with a lot of recent DNA work, among other studies showing it to be wrong. Showing it was common for females to have children with multi males and males with multi females. Which isn't uncommon in a lot of Mammal species. It wasn't until after we settle down that females started to only have children by one male. The change is believes to be because of the collection of stuff over a life time. Because being nomadic, you only own what you carry, but once you settle down. You start collecting more stuff and then you need someone to pass it down to. Which means a way to make sure your kid is your kid. The whole female want commitment came from the last thousands of years, where only way a female could survive was having a male. Because Females wasn't allowed to work, own anything or taught anything. Basically they was cattle, so they needed commitment to survive and thats where the strong need of females wanting commitment comes from. However, even after settling down not all societies form that way. Some still to this day have females who have multi partners. They rare, but they exist.
Ahhh butt-hurt comments. If a woman doesn't want to talk to you based on what you say, then she doesn't want to talk to you. Not everyone is looking for a relationship with some random stranger who compliments your calves when you first meet. First impressions, people. It's not really bitching it's just having a preference, and a lot of women's preference isn't creepy strangers. Judging by the comments, you'll take anyone who gave you the time of day so obviously you wouldn't understand that some people actually have standards. Not big standards, just standards that include 'doesn't compliment my calves after just meeting them'.
Isn't Tinder mainly for hooking up, no matter what sex the user has ? And apart from that ... now, i might be wrong about this, but from what i've seen and experienced so far, when it comes to complementing women it doesn't really matter what the compliment is but rather who compliments them. Meaning a guy they find ugly and appalling and repulsive could make the most sincere, harmless, unspecific compliment and they'd still react completely unfavorable, whereas a guy they find attractive and handsome could make the most rude, specific, weird and shitty compliment ever and the women would still react like it'S the cutest and nicest thing they ever heard.
Beraud sure, but still, i don't think tinder has the reputation of being a serious dating platform and not for nothing. and yeah, of course it's harder finding a relationsship and way easier to hook up on short notice, especially for women. agree to disagree on the other thing though :D and most of the women i know agree with me, at least to some extent.
Beraud i'm really impressed with how much you know about me and the people in my life after 2 youtube comments. you must be a really great judge of character
Beraud i didn't say anything about them hooking up with any of those guys though, now did i ? i just said that looks change perception and they agree on this
My brother is very specific and straightforward, and I can imagine him saying something about a girl’s calves or elbows. He’s no creep, it’s just him. So, knowing who he is, I’ve learned to not get too creeped out by people like that. Run if a guy starts adding adjectives to them though
Coming from someone who has actually experienced Tinder much more than I'm willing to admit...she's dead wrong about it. Well, really she's dead wrong about sexuality in general. Women love sex just as much as we do and there's plenty of them on Tinder looking for a little stress relief! That 9/10 women are looking for long term stat she mentioned is the lie society has come up with for women because it's so taboo for a woman to play the field like we already expect men to do. There's PLENTY of women out there who just wanna hit it and quit it and there's plenty of men out there who want a relationship. the guys/gals from Tinder are making a killing off that app because they weren't ignorant enough to believe women don't want the same things men do!
If the girl isn't a total nutcase and is attractive why bother going anywhere else for sex? If the juice is worth the squeeze you keep squeezing! - men
Liam C. heh. so? _dats not even the half of it,_ uncle paul whispers _i rememba lil liam when he was a wittle boy, i usta bounce him on my knee and go _*_shooka shooka_*_ and i would give him his ointment on his heiney. oh yeah he would suck and nibble at ol uncle paul mmmmm_ _den his mudda came into the room_ GET THAT OUT FROM BETWEEN THE BARS PAUL!! _i had some red crib marks on my thighs and my pants were at my ankles_ I DIDNT DO NUTTIN WRONG! tattle tale baby! _lil liam c was battin at it like a crib mobil, nibblin at it like a hamster water_ such a greedy lil boy liam was, always stealin candy, always lyin about stealin candy. I HAD TO CHECK EM! look inside liams underwear with my finger, get it nice and wet with some spit so's i could slide my finger in and out and around. _when liam and i were alone camping, he usta press his lil heiney back on me._ HE WAS PUSHIN BACK YA HONOR, i didnt do nuttin wrong! _liam's greedy lil anus was gobbling on my tip as he pushed his hips back into me_ YAAYYYYYYYY
Yes, Hannah, it is such a struggle to live in America as a young and beautiful white celebrity. Your anecdotes are so hilarious because we can all relate to them. (How do I set the font to sarcastica?)
WOW she is awesome and not fake as other guests (see Julianne Hough) have been and everybody is hating on her because she is clever and sarcastic? come on.
No. They will have sex indeed before that, but the thing is, they hook up because they try to get the man to stay. They don't want just sex like men. Sex is a tool of power for them.
It is the same in an app or real life. Some want a One Night Stand. Some want to get serious. The difference is in Tinder, you could filter out the ugliest.
At 2:04 Conan uses the term "paragative" or something. Can someone please explain the meaning of that word? I´m not a native speaker and want to improve my english :) Thanks a lot in advance :*
damn, im white so i cant use the "sorry i dont speak english" act.. wait im a guy, if a girl asked me to buy me a drink then i'd respond with "HEY BOYS! THIS ROUND IS ON HER!" i love being white.
Some women also want to just 'hook up' you know? Casual sex is fine for everybody as long as it is consented, and women who own Tinder probably want to have sex too, not marry the men they meet.
9 out of 10 guys on Tinder looking for sex... okay. I'll go with that. 9 out of ten women on tinder looking for a relationship - More like 4 out of 10. Let's be real.
What does that have to do with leading women on? That's from personal experience dealing with flaky women. So how many women on tinder do you think are actually on there for a relationship? If you date women too, maybe you can chime in with your experience... Don't get me wrong. We all know there's more women on tinder who are looking for a serious relationship then there are men, but it's nowhere close to 9 out of 10.
By flaky, I don't mean uninterested. That's not hard to figure out. I'm talking about girls I've talked to and hung out with only to find out later on they have a BF and they just want "Attention" from someone else. Or they're just looking for followers, etc. There's a TON of this stuff going on all dating sites. I'm sure you would be on a dating site for the right reasons, but you can't speak for other women just like I can't speak for other men...maybe a better word would be shady? What would you call that?
Ahh okay. No, not hookups, but time wasters pretty much. The girls that hang out with you, and then later down the road drop a bomb shell. "I have a BF- just need someone to hang out with" or "I just needed to get over my ex" etc. Not you of course :D
Wow the comments are exactly as expected. No surprise there! Guarantee it's rejected men and jealous women, who don't realize this is just how it is. People are creepy and defensive. And Tinder is for losers.
I never used it and I know you swipe left to discard people... Anyway, she is wrong, my single male friends who use it said the girls are there for she-bang-bang too.
She needs to get over herself. If guys were hitting on her it's because they were attracted to her AND thought she's attainable. She's behaving like she's some kind of supermodel. Guys don't hit on girls who are freakishly good looking and unattainable. Too afraid.
I heard someone say once "don't say anything to a woman you don't want a guy in prison to say to you" and I think there might be some validity to it
I have never herd this but it makes so much sense hahahah
and this is why I could never ask my girlfriend to marry me even after 8 years of relationship. because i just keep thinking of a prison guy asking me to marry him. scares me to death
she is stupid!! she said that she would swipe left every time on tinder, i think that's what every guy does when he looks at her profile on tinder hahahahahahahhahhah
“Me, you, a confined cell where you have no chance of escape...”
Things you can say in prison that you can’t say to a woman.
"I love you"
I feel like the people that made Tinder know its broken and don't care.
+Phillip Betts its not that broken. I have been on a date or two from it and even made friends.
+Phillip Betts yeah i think maybe in 2014 it was more broken because the only people on there were actually trying to get laid but since then its been widely accepted and ive been on dates that were actually nice and didnt lead to sex
+Angr y Khaleesi
Phillip Betts they make money so who cares
People on Tinder--and dating apps in general--are, for the most part, looking for the same thing.
Under 30: hook up
Over 30: possible relationship
1:00 "Your elbows are fascinating" is something Jeff Goldblum would say to Conan. 🧡
lol. so true.
And he would seal the deal with that line
I've found honesty to be the best policy, when it comes to approaching a girl. Don't use pick up lines, it makes you look like a tool. Just express your interest in them and ask them to dinner/lunch/coffee/whatever.
this only works if you're good looking or drive a nice car
phil chao Do you think a 1992 Geo Tracker is considered "nice?"
mizzou192003 HAHAHAHA '97 ford taurus?
phil chao you'd be surprised how many women aren't that shallow. As long as you clean yourself up so you don't look like a bum, you should be fine.
I'm not particularly good looking myself, but this still works very well.
Fun Fact: Women are significantly more likely to agree to a date than a hook-up.
Whoa, you can't just presume a woman is fine with you asking her out. You can't ask her out without her consent or its sexual harassment.
As i read the comments on this video i realized the majority of people on youtube tend to watch these talk shows and expect all the guests to say and act politically correct. No mistakes/quirks whatsoever. Unless she's advocating something horribly immoral, people need to realize it's just a playful conversation and move on with their lives.
She is so right, especially the part about "the flip."
I don't know what to think. I could get pissed off as a guy who struggles with women but I'm not gonna. I think both sides of the argument make valid points. I usually don't compliment girls right when I meet them but one time I did and she immediately got creeped out. In reality, I was just nervous and didn't know what to say.
Put yourself in her shoes and you can see how annoying it would get to be hit on constantly. The problem is most of us complaining are either men or women who can't get a man so we don't know what it feels like to be constantly hit on just like she doesn't know what it feels like to be us.
So I think we both have a misunderstanding of each other which causes us to feel annoyed and further distance our positions on the issue.
+JoMama123451234 I think complementing on their looks should be avoided altogether. It's not subtle enough cuz bitches want you to like them for their personality even though they take hours to get ready.
You put my thoughts into words better than I ever could
JoMama123451234 huh? What's this? A rational UA-cam comment?! Take it down!
Teddy Westside it wasn't yours was completely rational...and thoughtless...take yours down!
D.J. Casstevens it was
*"You have beautiful Calves"* A real tribute to the Cows and Bulls in your stable!!!
The most frustrating thing about "the flip" is that you can't defend yourself against the person flipping on you, because then it can be interpreted like you care what he thinks, (when in fact you just don't like being insulted for no reason). So you just have to receive the insults and move on, even though you did literally NOTHING to deserve them.
I told her my runescape level was 34. She hasnt talked to me since, but my character attack is now lvl 200!
i havent played rs in some time loool. you can get level 200 in skill now. 99 was better
RS was ruined when people started using bots lol
IDK man EOC fucked it all up. OSRS ftw.
Her loss
Well when her whack ass is trying to kill Elvarg with an Adamant Sword she'll look back with regret.
She should see all Jeff Goldblum x Conan interviews and how specific Jeff Goldblum can get about Conan's body parts.
Haha when she said "your elbows are faaaascinating" and looked at Conan's elbows I immediately thought it seems like she's mimicking Goldblum's interactions with Conan!
Me too, even her voice was on point Glodblum's xD
Yeah, well, that’s the well-known “Goldblum Exemption,” whereby the usual rules of society don’t apply to Jeff Goldblum, because he’s Jeff Goldblum.
the one where he chokes on halls cough drops is probably the best one
She thinks "9 out of 10" women on tinder are looking for the guy theyre gonna spend the rest of their life with? Thats cute lol
Its true
Seidenschnabel Federflügel nope it’s not
I was thinking the same thing, she’s so gullible is cute!
Regardless she doesn't need Tinder anymore. She's now married with a kid.
She's famous she's never needed tinder
I agree with Hannah on everything. If a guy complimented my calves saying 'your calves are beautiful', I'd probably look at him weirdly, smile and edge away. As opposed to a guy coming up and saying 'you are beautiful', he's a lot more likely to get laid. Just take a step back and stop being so intricate, vague is key.
She's very pretty.
It's unfair how attractive some people are lol 🤭
I will never cease to be fascinated by Conan's hair
The difference between "creepy" and "cool" is whether a girl likes you
True True
@@pashadyne It's fair. Your bound to have come across the reverse in your life where a girl came across as creepy
Except the guys we like don't say pervy things like "I like your calves," or "wow look at that body," "those jugs!!!" What's attractive is respect. You can flirt with and attract someone without saying something sexual. There's always a chance a sexual remark will make the person you're talking to uncomfortable. It's really all about emotional intelligence that a lot of guys lack.
Nice guy vibes
I think everyone on tinder is looking for action lol
I think most guys are and most women use it out of boredom, ego stroke, window shopping etc. Guys use it to get sex or dates or for actual use. I read that 75% of women who use tinder or date via online dating or app, never meet up with the actual person. That means the matches and messages and text that happens, most of the time, it leads to nothing even if many matches or messages or texts from different women some guys may get. I've seen even guys who have had many matches, which many guys don't get much matches or convo from there. But where there would be one meet up out of so many matches and not a second date or something from there. But more often than not, just left there. Makes me wonder if the 25% of those women are also fat women, or the average janes or not so cute ones who meet up. I have a feeling that the pretty, especially hot women definitely are a big percent most likely who use tinder out of boredom or extra confirmation of their attractiveness and sex appeal, because of the sheer enormous number likes they must get constantly from so many men.
Yup, Tinder is the hookup app.
@@miamiman24 it might really help to think about all the advice we've ever given our sisters, mothers, aunts, cousins about reading into the signs of a potentially dangerous men. dangerous men may act like creeps, so watch the way he compliments you. dangerous men may act really pushy, so watch out if he's really pressing/forcing you into meeting up. dangerous men may act really violent, so watch if he's using coarse language. dangerous men may have a lot of hatred so listen to the way he refers to his mother, his exgirlfriends etc. dangerous men may spike your drink, so watch it on the date. dangerous men might try to rape you, so dont give him details about where you live, make sure he knows your friends know where your date is, and go home alone using a safe cab and dont get followed. with all of that information we may have been feeding our female loved ones, as a way of keeping them safe, our good intentions have actually created an environment where men have to be absolutely perfect, or she might get those red flags everyone has warned her about, and classify him as a dangerous man. this is what Hannah Simone is describing, it's not so much as having a 'creep' around you trying to pay you a compliment and you ignoring it, it's that his comment was 'creepy' and potentially red flagged him as a dangerous man. and then when you declined his offer, he 'flipped' - a definite red flag that could potentially signify a dangerous violent man! you'd tell you female friends to get away from someone who made a comment or 'flipped' like that. it's about safety, not about being snooty and posh towards a guy who's just nervous.
for all those men who are naturally nervous and end up saying really weird/silly things out of anxiety and then get really defensive and angry because they're genuinely a nice guy who's being misunderstood, your defensive/angry reaction is one of those red flags you've warned your female friends about.
for those just wanting to "hook up" and cut through all the dating crap, this is a legitimate desire. and that means you're still accountable to being as genuine, clear, polite and positive with your specific intentions as someone who's looking to get to know you before getting intimate. if you find yourself with someone who lets you know they're looking for something more.. wish them super well in their life, that relationships are great, that you're not looking for that and cut the date short, declining to see them again because you ultimately understand you are both incompatible at this present time. no need to get negative.stop shaming someone "omg you're on tinder woman, what did you expect, i get to act like a complete douche, cause it's tinder" when tinder itself is trying to hard to expand its branding to include friendship and relationships from all genders. don't dishonour yourself by getting involved with someone who wants a relationship but is trying to act cool&casual (e.g lying, hoping you'll get serious later) just wish them luck at the end of date 1 and move on, and also understand that a woman's fears on meeting a strange man, are the same fears you advised your sister, cousin, mother, aunt about meeting strange men. i think that's why most women don't meet up with the men they swipe with online; red flags, hesitation due to fear. if you could guarantee that you could go out on a date, be 100% safe with no intention for sex and no pressure from him, would women go out on more dates? i like to think they would.
vanillainflux you sure wrote a novel for absolute no reason there. I know women have fears of meeting and reason to especially dating apps. If women felt 100% safe meeting someone then they’d do it. Well yeah, that’s not true or will happen for dating irl. The point is this. Women don’t have to meet anyone from dating apps and have that right. But if they feel that way, maybe not use the dating app when they know they aren’t meeting anyone for the fears you said. But many just as much use it for the attention. Like it’s a game but honestly there are more fun apps than these. It’s using men’s attention for the ego stroke so time wasters when the option is just not using the dating app when the point is to date or made for
@@miamiman24 thanks for reading and taking the time to comment back, i know i wrote a whole essay :) !
i don't know, i feel like "if you have no intention of accepting a date, then don't be on tinder, what do you expect, you're on tinder, you're gonna get asked out, and yes, a lot of the time by creepy people, so you need to be super duper careful and screen the people super carefully, but no, you can't NOT accept dates on tinder cause then you're just there to receive attention and selfishly stroke your ego. i feel like there's more than that. like we can go to a club with no intention of finding another person and no intention of dancing but to like the music, or just cause we felt like leaving the house, or wanted to be around other people, or feeling like the potential to meet someone is there. which i don't feel are judge-able offences where we're like "omg u went out, u should expect to be hit on, the flipped and told you're ugly anyway" like, it feels like it's all high-stakes.
we can all just chill a bit, and take a moment to feel comfortable with whatever step we're ready for. i was on dating apps/websites because i wanted to see what was out there after a horrible breakup, and left when i saw tinder specifically was very hostile and not what i was looking for.
but if you've had experiences with people just wanting you to compliment them with no intention of agreeing to a date; that must feel bad and you're right to have left those people alone, because they're not into whatever you're into, without bitterness or criticising them. we all deserve someone who wants what we want and not to feel like we have to try try try to desperately get their attention. anyway thx for reading!
Y'know how that'd backfire real bad? If the guy was bilingual and he tried to speak the language that she's pretending to speak.
the key is not to specify what language u're actually aping
@@louschwick7301 ja true, but it seemed kinda obvious she was doing a Spanish accent
I think at that point the guy should've taken the hint
9/10 girls on Tinder are looking for the man of their dreams, not to just hook-up...HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Yeah I felt that was quite sexist of her. As a woman that used to use tinder, what she said is absolutely not true and idk why people assume women (especially another woman 🙄) don’t wanna hook up like men.
2:28 my husband the professional wrestler 😂
Its hilarious how all the 'pick up artists' feel personally addressed by the word creep
Now everybody knows her tactic.
"No...I sorry....what?"
Escobar600GOAT_NODEBATING. +1 right there hahaahhahahaa
he said...
ah shit
djurofaca ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and nobody is being fooled by that bad accent.
+djurofaca it would have been good if conan said that to her,LOL.
It's not what you say, as much as who you are and how you say it... Even a simple "I think you're attractive" can be turned creepy.
Exactly, tone & body language ( that whole confidence thing girls always say), are more important, & that goes for many other things too, not just dating
@@kurtsudheim825 yea this is true in any situation though, it's both the words and the way they are spoken in what context. Language is like that.
Having researched it, I've discovered how hard these attractive women have it.
Many of them are approached just because of their looks and almost never because of anything else.
Many other females have jealousy issues against them.
Most men are either intimidated by them or are looking to score.
Kind of sad, really.
Most of those women have an easy life because people react to good looks and give you the benefit of doubt, among other benefits. Many of them also do not have to worry about studies or anything of the sort as they can always make it as a model or anything else
To keep things levelled, this is also the case of highly attractive men. Attractive people generally speaking have an easier life than most would think.
As opposed to:
-Being not so attractive, and all personal actions/accomplishments being equal, never get approached.
-Be not so attractive and feel inadequacy and envious of attractive people.
-Be not so attractive and men are either uninterested or just looking to score.
Yeah. Oh, darn those upper class problems for attractive people!
Lmao at all the butt hurt guys commenting on this just because you can't get any girls. Complimenting someone's calves IS weird as fuck, it's not a unique or clever compliment, and if you think that's going to get you anywhere, well then you seriously need to reevaluate yourself.
Yo. I was looking at your picture and noticed the knuckles above your pinky and ring finger are sexy. Let me get your number
Nice Collar bone ;)
why does it have to be "CLEVER"??? youre saying u find something beautiful about someone... its genuine.. youre not putting on a show for them..
Why the hell would that be creepy? I don't know...maybe being a medical student, I'm not as stuck up as most people on finding certain parts of the body a tabu subject, but why could you not compliment someone on having nice legs? Or nice eyes? Or nice calves? You do know certain girls do specific workouts to make their calves look better? So why could I not tell her "nice calves"? Maybe the guy was joking as's not like he dropped on his knees, grabbed her leg and started bitting it. Some girls just fucking overreact so much and blow every little detail out of proportion. Don't even try to deny it. And no, I'm not butt hurt because of what I said, I could have been married about 50 times by now if I wanted to, that's how much girls stick to me.
Regardless of what she said about that guy, she seems to be a major bitch and a pain in the ass, as well as control freak and a smartass. I bet 9 out of 10 conversations with her end up in a fight because she's disagrees with something and assumes the other person is less worthy.
Who says all compliments have to be unique and clever? For that matter, who says the only purpose of a compliment is to "get you anywhere"? How about trying to see the good in people who go out of their way to say something nice?
I'm sure that's what tinder is like for bigger cities (LA, NYC, etc) but it's a little more relationshipy in smaller cities/towns where the dating pool has less to choose from.
look at all the men getting mad...i am LIVING
So boring when women complain about guys wanting to just hook up on Tinder, it's literally Smash or Pass in app form, what did you expect?
For me it was not that way. I guess everone gets his/her own from the app.
My kind of girl. Strong and not afraid to be honest about the creeps that won't take no for an answer.
"9 out of 10 women looking for relationship on tinder!!" Doesnt sound right to me, may be 5/10?
According to statistics I have seen, more men than women are looking for a relationship on Tinder. Most women are just looking for confirmation or use Tinder as a pastime with no intention of meeting anyone.
@@niklasmolen4753 bingo. Finally someone with a functioning brain.
It's a context thing. Saying "nice calves" out of the blue IS odd. - If she was just telling you about her leg workout, then you could say: "It's working, you look great!" - She seems to be confused though, about what Tinder IS;
- it's a HOOK-UP APP. - Why would women go there to look for Long Term Relationships?
- Totally ok if it's not her thing. - - I'm still a fan. She's awesome on New Girl. :)
If Zooey was the one being interviewed the comment section wouldn't be half as salty at the same answers.
Cuz Zooey is an angel.
@@AlejoConejo-vb8ln what
@@samqwert4607 You heard me. Or... READ me...
@@AlejoConejo-vb8ln are you saying that hannah isn’t an angel??
@@samqwert4607 No, but she's super hot. Zooey just has a certain innocence vibe, y'know?
All the people disliking this video have clearly commented on girls calves LMAO
She has nice calves tho
pretty sure the guy who said it meant it as a joke. This girl never got the joke and immediatly judged the other person. Pretty disgusting trait to have in a person.
Ridiculous that guys get annoyed when you say no to them. They always ask, "is it because you're lesbian? is it because you have a boyfriend?" Like, NO, IT'S BECAUSE I AM NOT INTERESTED IN Y O U.
0:23 What's that word?
That 1 in 10 on either side rule is just life haha. It's not just for Tinder.
I love that "no speak english" bit hahaha
Me too
She is totally delusional about women not looking for casual hookups on there, that 1950s style of thought isn't relevant in 2014 anymore.
People were definitely hooking up in the 50's.
Nice picture.
40-60 years of feminism won't change biology. Women want commitment. Men want to spill their seed. It's not complicated. Most women don't want just sex but deep down they are looking for a man for a relationship. That's how it's been from the beginning of time.
Sure, women are more open to hooking up than they used to be. But that doesn't mean that's the case for all women. Every woman is different and men need to stop expecting all women to be the same.
TheJimLahey that's a old stereotype, with a lot of recent DNA work, among other studies showing it to be wrong. Showing it was common for females to have children with multi males and males with multi females. Which isn't uncommon in a lot of Mammal species.
It wasn't until after we settle down that females started to only have children by one male.
The change is believes to be because of the collection of stuff over a life time.
Because being nomadic, you only own what you carry, but once you settle down.
You start collecting more stuff and then you need someone to pass it down to.
Which means a way to make sure your kid is your kid.
The whole female want commitment came from the last thousands of years, where
only way a female could survive was having a male.
Because Females wasn't allowed to work, own anything or taught anything.
Basically they was cattle, so they needed commitment to survive and
thats where the strong need of females wanting commitment comes from.
However, even after settling down not all societies form that way.
Some still to this day have females who have multi partners.
They rare, but they exist.
Ahhh butt-hurt comments. If a woman doesn't want to talk to you based on what you say, then she doesn't want to talk to you. Not everyone is looking for a relationship with some random stranger who compliments your calves when you first meet. First impressions, people. It's not really bitching it's just having a preference, and a lot of women's preference isn't creepy strangers. Judging by the comments, you'll take anyone who gave you the time of day so obviously you wouldn't understand that some people actually have standards. Not big standards, just standards that include 'doesn't compliment my calves after just meeting them'.
"Oh I'm sorry..." hahahahaha 😂
Isn't Tinder mainly for hooking up, no matter what sex the user has ?
And apart from that ... now, i might be wrong about this, but from what i've seen and experienced so far, when it comes to complementing women it doesn't really matter what the compliment is but rather who compliments them. Meaning a guy they find ugly and appalling and repulsive could make the most sincere, harmless, unspecific compliment and they'd still react completely unfavorable, whereas a guy they find attractive and handsome could make the most rude, specific, weird and shitty compliment ever and the women would still react like it'S the cutest and nicest thing they ever heard.
sure, but still, i don't think tinder has the reputation of being a serious dating platform and not for nothing. and yeah, of course it's harder finding a relationsship and way easier to hook up on short notice, especially for women.
agree to disagree on the other thing though :D and most of the women i know agree with me, at least to some extent.
i'm really impressed with how much you know about me and the people in my life after 2 youtube comments. you must be a really great judge of character
Beraud i didn't say anything about them hooking up with any of those guys though, now did i ? i just said that looks change perception and they agree on this
first five girlfriends of my brother were mythological creatures than. damn, ishould have taken pictures ofthem, then.
My brother is very specific and straightforward, and I can imagine him saying something about a girl’s calves or elbows. He’s no creep, it’s just him. So, knowing who he is, I’ve learned to not get too creeped out by people like that. Run if a guy starts adding adjectives to them though
"You have very succulent glutes" for example?
Coming from someone who has actually experienced Tinder much more than I'm willing to admit...she's dead wrong about it. Well, really she's dead wrong about sexuality in general. Women love sex just as much as we do and there's plenty of them on Tinder looking for a little stress relief! That 9/10 women are looking for long term stat she mentioned is the lie society has come up with for women because it's so taboo for a woman to play the field like we already expect men to do. There's PLENTY of women out there who just wanna hit it and quit it and there's plenty of men out there who want a relationship. the guys/gals from Tinder are making a killing off that app because they weren't ignorant enough to believe women don't want the same things men do!
I met my boyfriend on tinder and we're now living together. It's only broken if you don't make it clear from the get-go of what you want
Out of how many did it take you to find him?
If the girl isn't a total nutcase and is attractive why bother going anywhere else for sex? If the juice is worth the squeeze you keep squeezing! - men
Don't play with my emotions, Hannah.
"Swipe 'left' on Tinder"
I like that. Cute and clever.
she moved hand right, though...
Amir-Hossein Karimi to the left..
She comes off as holier-than-thou.
Lmao I can't get over Conan's interpretation of shabang-bang hahahahahah
I think she is kind-of my celeb look alike if i'm lucky enough lol
not all the Guy are looking for sex, is so fucking unfair
I do not like this girl. Nothing about her personality. I think the majority of guys will agree that this is the kind of person we absolutely hate.
Severian Wintermute Why? Because she says no and has a brain?
Severian Wintermute What? So as a guy I'm supposed to hate certain "types" of women?
First time I hear about her and I'm pretty attracted.
+sleepzzz29 yeah. You've got it exactly. Having a brain and saying no is what men hate. Seriously, offer more opinions
Liam C.
heh. so?
_dats not even the half of it,_ uncle paul whispers _i rememba lil liam when he was a wittle boy, i usta bounce him on my knee and go _*_shooka shooka_*_ and i would give him his ointment on his heiney. oh yeah he would suck and nibble at ol uncle paul mmmmm_
_den his mudda came into the room_
_i had some red crib marks on my thighs and my pants were at my ankles_
I DIDNT DO NUTTIN WRONG! tattle tale baby!
_lil liam c was battin at it like a crib mobil, nibblin at it like a hamster water_
such a greedy lil boy liam was, always stealin candy, always lyin about stealin candy. I HAD TO CHECK EM! look inside liams underwear with my finger, get it nice and wet with some spit so's i could slide my finger in and out and around.
_when liam and i were alone camping, he usta press his lil heiney back on me._ HE WAS PUSHIN BACK YA HONOR, i didnt do nuttin wrong!
_liam's greedy lil anus was gobbling on my tip as he pushed his hips back into me_
This comment section is a train wreck and proves her point completely.
Yes, Hannah, it is such a struggle to live in America as a young and beautiful white celebrity. Your anecdotes are so hilarious because we can all relate to them. (How do I set the font to sarcastica?)
she's not white
striker161 she is half indian
That's actually a very cogent explanation of Tinder
As an embittered single guy who's down on his luck, I'm sad now.
She swiped right when she said left. Haha
adore this human lady.
WOW she is awesome and not fake as other guests (see Julianne Hough) have been and everybody is hating on her because she is clever and sarcastic? come on.
LMAO she’s speaking truth!!!! this is the shot women have to go through to get away from weird ass guys
I have never used Tinder but lol, I seriously thought based on what I've heard that the purpose was to hook up. Like that night.
9 out of 10 women are gonna wait till their wedding night. Yeah... riight....
No. They will have sex indeed before that, but the thing is, they hook up because they try to get the man to stay. They don't want just sex like men. Sex is a tool of power for them.
That's not what she said...loser.
I loved her in New Girl...The End
Yeah she has no idea what Tinder is for. Tinder ise for hooking up. Women on there know it just as much as the guys.
+StewKur Most women I know that are on Tinder are strictly on it just to hook up... Same ratio as the males prerogatives
Ryan Witts not even close. You must haven't been on tinder. Guys are way more likely to be on their for hookups than women. This is not debatable.
To the point that we have to lie just because we're afraid to at least politely say no 😢
it's funny because Hannah Simone pretending not to speak English Remind me of Anissa Kate.
Malik Hoff funny I just watched a VR video of Anissa kate
It is the same in an app or real life. Some want a One Night Stand. Some want to get serious.
The difference is in Tinder, you could filter out the ugliest.
When she said "swipe left on Tinder", she actually swiped right lol
So that's it... all of the womans swiping left on my profile when they really means the swipe to right....
At 2:04 Conan uses the term "paragative" or something. Can someone please explain the meaning of that word? I´m not a native speaker and want to improve my english :) Thanks a lot in advance :*
+Onge Ify prerogative. by saying "it's your prerogative" he means "it's your right"
Ah ok! Thank you so much :) :*
damn, im white so i cant use the "sorry i dont speak english" act.. wait im a guy, if a girl asked me to buy me a drink then i'd respond with "HEY BOYS! THIS ROUND IS ON HER!"
i love being white.
There are millions of white people who don't speak english.
and there are millions of white people who do speak english.
Most people don't speak English. Being white has nothing to do with that. Let me guess, you are either from the U.S. or from the U.K.
good guess but im neither.
Ultra Window So, you're just saying white people are ALL so intelligent it is out of the realm of possibilities for any of them to not speak English?
I love her hair!
She is so beautiful 😙
I love Conan so much lol he's so funny
why am i not surprised ? the comment section is just full of Bs !!!
I love her! She's beautiful.
Some women also want to just 'hook up' you know? Casual sex is fine for everybody as long as it is consented, and women who own Tinder probably want to have sex too, not marry the men they meet.
Someone said once, " women's greatest satisfaction: set the trap, fake the annoyance "
I thought Tinder was about hooking up not about relation-ship :/
I think her problem with tinder applies to society in general, I don't really know how the app could fix that.
9 out of 10 guys on Tinder looking for sex... okay. I'll go with that.
9 out of ten women on tinder looking for a relationship - More like 4 out of 10. Let's be real.
What does that have to do with leading women on? That's from personal experience dealing with flaky women. So how many women on tinder do you think are actually on there for a relationship? If you date women too, maybe you can chime in with your experience... Don't get me wrong. We all know there's more women on tinder who are looking for a serious relationship then there are men, but it's nowhere close to 9 out of 10.
By flaky, I don't mean uninterested. That's not hard to figure out. I'm talking about girls I've talked to and hung out with only to find out later on they have a BF and they just want "Attention" from someone else. Or they're just looking for followers, etc. There's a TON of this stuff going on all dating sites. I'm sure you would be on a dating site for the right reasons, but you can't speak for other women just like I can't speak for other men...maybe a better word would be shady? What would you call that?
Ahh okay. No, not hookups, but time wasters pretty much. The girls that hang out with you, and then later down the road drop a bomb shell. "I have a BF- just need someone to hang out with" or "I just needed to get over my ex" etc.
Not you of course :D
She gets FLUSHED.
Wow the comments are exactly as expected. No surprise there!
Guarantee it's rejected men and jealous women, who don't realize this is just how it is. People are creepy and defensive. And Tinder is for losers.
To be fair, this comment makes you look super Defensive :) xD
Ive never used tinder, but im sure 9/10 women on there arent looking to marry a guy they meet on tinder, theyre looking for casual sex too
Her thoughts on Tinder are completely wrong. If they weren't tender wouldn't be popular and successful and it is both.
@ 0:25 this was definitely Johnny Drama who complimented her calves.
If you know you know
She seems like the type to accuse everyone looking at her at the gym
But we would be looking at her...are you blind?
I feel like she's just cool to hang around with.
Yeah, like the last option of my list
complimenting peoples calves are not weird, maybe he thought you were into fitness. all my friends that work out never shut up about their calves.
You know someone would wear that flower 🌹 red ♥️ dress mrs.white wear that dress 👗 they can be twins.
And get my teacher might be twins ♊ wearing the same flower 🌺🌹 👗 Ms White 🤍.
For someone who hasn't used tinder she does seem to know a bit about swiping left...?
I never used it and I know you swipe left to discard people... Anyway, she is wrong, my single male friends who use it said the girls are there for she-bang-bang too.
Lmao I know right
I have no idea who is she, but I like her. :D She makes a good point about that Tinder.
She looks like Dakota Johnson from a distance !
She's so bloody pretty
While I love the tactic of pretending to not speak English, does it really work when you're famous? I mean, she's Hannah Freaking Simone.
It is now six years after your post and I have still never heard of her
Hannah Rocks Hard...Great Interview
She needs to get over herself. If guys were hitting on her it's because they were attracted to her AND thought she's attainable. She's behaving like she's some kind of supermodel. Guys don't hit on girls who are freakishly good looking and unattainable. Too afraid.
I do the speak another language thing sometimes. I mostly just say no and get away quick as possible.
I like her, she is little different and real.
She got the looks and vibe of a very innocent n beautiful girl
Beautiful yes innocent not so much, I see her and get the danger vibe..
@@bornagainbuddhist1969 perception n perception 😁
i feel sorry for her, her jokes are failing miserably
What jokes she's answering questions
@@bannasplit203 Exactly my point
Well said about tinder. 👏