I find it funny that the same MPs who refuse to swear allegiance to the king were more than happy for us to fly them to London, feed them and put them in some swanky hotel. For his coronation!!!! Maybe I'm wrong, but that feels just a little bit hypocritical. And shows they'll happily drop their high and mighty morals for a free feed and a trip!!! Which pretty much sums up Te Party Maori!!!
@@2wahineandadog Cowboy-wearing joker was in Paris, showing off just recently... The fact you fail to remember this hypocrisy 2Wahine highlights your lack of self-awareness.
Buckle up - the delusion that the vast majority of the public think the same way as they do, hasn't quite sunk in. The media are kicking an screaming, and the vast majority of everyday kiwis are aghast that their behaviour. It will be enforced again at the next election.
Maori party members wil have no choice but to swear allegiance to the king if they want to be in the new Zealand parliament. Just as that aboliginal woman in Australia lydia thorpe tried to do when she was swaorn in .
Many Maori descendants and other immigrants to this nation have been working together throughout that history. Unfortunately some still want to go it alone and think they are unique.
Why would anyone want to "integrate" with Maori? When the entitled Maori elite believe they have a greater right. MAORI should integrate with the other 85% of Kiwis and be a "kiwi".
That want to assert rights they believe they Maori have and were guaranteed. The crown has admitted it did not hold up its part of the treaty deal and the Waitangi tribunal has found thousands of problems with how the crown has managed it's agenda. For Britain the treaty is merely a method to colonise. The crown has not honoured it's agreement. The labour govt did many positive things to rectify this. Democracy serves the white settle generations not Maori. We are only in parliament to assert and debate our true rights
@@JeaneGenie Merit? You talk about merit? Lets talk about the lack of honor by the colonials and their descendants! I bet you don't question why John Keys mate got the job? Merit? The current Gov General has impeccable credentials. However even that would probably not satiate your appetite for your myopic one eyed view.
I understood Maori had full equality and rights under the nations laws, including full parliamentary representation and all the new seats they just won.So how the f**k do this PARTY get to hold a protest rather than do what all other parties have to do and that is use the parliamentary representation and leverage to resolve the issues? Imagine if Labour CALLED FOR A RALLY of it's supporters to amass in front of parliament? Look how media (inc yesterday's Herald and Stuff (of course)) PROMOTED the protests with their lengthy articles and publishing of every single location the protests were going to be held... Try that with any other protest (remember the protests in front of Parliament last time, anyone???)... these were immediately undermined, blocked, howled against... everything to stop 'a voice'.. But Te Pati Maori are obviously permitted to operate by totally different (and yes thus UNequal) rules...
Totally agree with you, the difference between this protest and the parliamentary protest is, TPM have a voice inside Parliament, ....the protest outside parliament did not have a voice inside parliament .... They were " told" not to talk to or support the protesters.
Well TPM are in fact extremely immature, acting like and speaking like spoilt brat children who did not get their own way. Best action to take is ignore them, not sensationalise them like the Media in this country like to do.
Oh really, haven't seen it yet, but not surprising...... they turned comments off. Flick the public comments off when we don't want them ....when we do want public support , flick comments section on, there's where their position stands on democracy and free speech.
My understanding of the treaty is that many tribes were happy to sign due to the protection it guaranteed against those more warring, land and slave taking tribes.
It’s quite simple. Tell the racist Maori party we’ll scrap allegiance to the crown which in turn means the Treaty of Waitangi is no longer relevant as it’s an agreement with the crown. It’s time the TOW was scrapped and New Zealand had a constitution of its own which is colourblind. Parliament needs to stand up to these racist clowns.
The Nation State must rule ie New Zealand must run New Zealand. The maori people are part of the NZ Nation State or else go home. Maori is not a Nation State period.
What are you talking about? Māori absolutely recognise the Crown. It is the agreement between the Crown and the Māori chiefs who signed Te Tiriti o Waitangi that facilitated Pākehā settlement of this beautiful land. Please, do some more research. #Toitūtetiriti
That is my point. The Waitangi Treaty itself, the document, is merely a piece of paper with ink on it. But it has become some sort of sacred text or scripture in certain circles. If one disagrees with the "sacral" nature of this item, then you are an uninformed "Pagan" or an evil "Heretic". The language around this issue has become very emotive, bordering on a hysteria that relies less on logic and reason and more on emotion and "belief". So far as I can see, the entire phenomena is taking on cultic overtones. It is transforming into a religion. @@Aids183
@@deksper that’s what I said. The last speaker who was labour would’ve actually stopped it…but actually first day is always a different case…and the timing of the session was such that the speaker was elected AFTER the swearing ins of everyone…so little but difficult…
No allegance, No pay, no perks/benefits. Who would keep anyone on a payroll that blatantly wont commit to a job, when they know requires responsibility to a contract/oath & those that voted for that put them there.
They never turn up to Parliament anyway unless they have something specific to rave on about. Pity their pay didn't tie to their actual attendance in Gov matters
Over half my family is Maori, however, I will NEVER vote Labour again. Their race based identity politics have divided our country. I voted Act this time round. I fully support all the changes being implemented by Act, NZ First and National. We cannot have a multicultural society where some people have more power. No cogovernance. One system, one person, one vote.
One people united to each other regardless of differences! Yes Labour has lost its way with woke behaviour and ignoring those whom they were supposed to serve! Never again will they rise up! We will not forget the carnage and lack of integrity,treating us like rubbish and with holding the Truth! Nothing but TRAITORS!
Ok so if u go to China, the islands, orJapan do you think the indigenous of that land should allow for immigrants to have the same rights .... I hate the fake virtue signalling being done here, unity cannot be achieved if people think Maori are simply going to unify when people are attempting to take away an intrinsic part to NZ history and Maori connection to the land. Playing down their past and forcing Maori toward an democratic process which Maori are disproportionately represented in the population. Maori rights to this land have nothing to do with a democratic process, the evidence is very clear Maori we're here first, you can't fricken vote away the indigenous place Maori have in this land Even attempts to suggest that the treaty should be redefined is stupid, what rightfully should take place is proper respect to Maori being indigenous to this land and allowing a generative push toward a virtuous future. I don't think Maori are against unity, they are against integration without proper respect toward the treaty.
@@dallynstevens7855If you can't win in a war, you have no rights. You cannot win your rights by arguing. Only through blood. Look at Ukraine. If you don't want to shed blood and still demand rights, that's just childish tantrums.
@@dallynstevens7855And I point to you, Japanese and Chinese are not the indigenous people of the land. The real indigenous people there are not treated that well. You know Uyghurs?
@DrRatweasel if my daughter who is maori/white was taking a day of wrk for this rubbish protest,I wud b very disappointed,but wow she not a victim of any colonialism rubbish and is doing well with her choices.so nope she ain't there.😂😂
Yeah now he can buy porn u guys have short memories remember he had to admit using his cr card to buy white porn so no credibility u guys r just a bunch of sheep
The Māori Party knows it is losing its relevance and no surprise as intermarriage continues apace as does continued immigration... give it a couple more generations and they won't even be a political force...
@@gregsmith2164greg again. Last post you were complaining about the hatred on this 'right wing' site. Now your celebrating that someone will be dead. As i said on the other thread, most of the hate is coming from the left nowadays
One could easily assume Te Pati Maori are on the rise especially given the results they achieved at this election. Also the "intermarriage" makes MORE Maori not less you racist
Let's remeber a couple of years ago to what James Shaw called a couple of kiwi farmers from Gore (white racists) who then went on and created the biggest protest this country has ever seen in Groundswell.which makes the TPM protest a kindergarten party. Then after that what did the speaker of the house the right honorable Trevor Mallard call the beehive protesters, scum and pond life while turning the sprinklers onto them. Then within a few hours our new PM has already talked thru the media to these people promising to think of them etc. Yet if I was to mention two pistols I would be classed as a terriost or KKK shows you how the liberal left operate while the center to right respect the right to protest.
When it comes to the maori party it's the same old racist and divisive waffle. They live in the past and are nothing but negative. It's time their seats were abolished. It's 2023, NZ has had enough of the BS and we need to move on.
No way, Maori have every right to fight for their identity to this land. Maori discovered this land and laid their wakas on its shores first. Quite funny - if you go to China, Japan or the islands - no way would they allow an immigrant or a democratic process to reframe the history of their land, there is a story that we cannot shove to the side and nz has a past that must be graciously and handled in a virtuous way Maori have legitimate blood rights to NZ
@@dallynstevens7855The Europeans didn't butcher you like the native Americans. Or lock you up like the Australians. You don't feel somewhat of a gratitude?
Um thats just pathetic and devisive. Maori fought back and did quite well with sticks. Maori gorilla tactics had quite the success. You should do some reading instead of making an ignorant comment like that. Besides there is clear evidence suggesting the treaty was not only an attempt to find peace with Maori, but also to settle the divide between the lower north island and the many self governing bodies that began to emerge early 1800s
May need to check out our history because you have no knowledge of the facts. The Morioris came here first and then the Māoris came and did their very best to kill them all and steal their land. Maori were NOT first.
Mr Shane Jones said it. Over 500 Maori Chiefs had made a decision to signed the treaty of waitangi as they had a vision for there people. Maori and English have integrated for decades where there mix had rolls of Chiefs and where well respected. Now Te Pati Maori want a 2 government country. Out of all the iwi's in NZ which iwi will be in power? The same iusse the Maori were having way back in the 1800's killing each other to get power.
Your using history to prove your point now let me do the same thing Te Triti o Waitangi document signed by 2 cultures gave both parties human, as well as ownership rights, but 1 party decide "nehh we want it all" taken Land and Power leading to privileges thought out the decades had benefited only 1 of these parties leaving the other to hopefully get swallowed up or die out which ever came first, come today the minor party has adapted and improve their people with the little that the major party gives... if New Zealanders want us to move as 1 give us back what was taken first, pay local Iwi rental fees for the 100 of years usage of the land that was taken if you cant pay, give us our land back it will solve alot of fighting and we can move forward as equal's.
@@Aids183 Gee thanks for history lesson, but sadly with that mentality, we will just go around and around in circles. We are all products of mixed race, and I don't choose one of my ancestors over another, great wrongs were done but who pays, does the white side of me, pay the dark side of me. Stop the discrimination, stop the segregation, we are one nation, and we don't need to carry on our great grandaddies fight.
@@ioryan8820 Your welcome anytime you want the truth Im happy to try my best Kia Ora, Why should Maori stop fighting for what is right? why should we stop fighting for progress that has helped alot of our people? these little things that have been put in place took decades to achieve and yet in 1 week it is going to be gone or flipped so that the Maori language goes under the English language what can be so bluntly discriminatory or display segregation?..Maori was the official language what was so wrong.
Haters and wreckers ! Hand outs need to stop for the maori elite ‘. Millions spent and those in south Auckland have received no benefit from these settlements
Learn how to think before you speak or post the treaty in whole has no political stance in today's politics and they know this hense the reason for the kick up take out maoridom what's that maorilandcourts so easier to divide and accuse of being devisive to a whole which is going on now
The Māori party are going to go through another 3 years of achieving nothing sitting on the cross benchers. If they actually want to achieve something they should be approaching Chris Luxon to find common ground on stuff they would like pushed through.
Have you not seen what national has already done? The policies they are putting in place are going to affect Maori in a major way and they’ve only been sworn in 1-2 weeks ago.
Observing the joke that is Te Party Maori in Parliament today i can now understand why there is a movement to get rid of the Maori seats. It really makes sense ... One People ..... One Government ...... Everyone is treated Equally ........ No Bullshit to be tolerated in the House !!!!! Here is hoping.
Even if the racist Apartheid Enthusiasts actually swear the Oath / make the Affirmation there is absolutely nothing preventing them from failing or refusing to actually uphold the required Solemn Undertaking.! In other words the entire swearing in exercise is utterly futile and is therefor just window dressing at best! The new Government must take urgent steps to enact legislation which provides for sanctions/ punishment for those who fail to abide by the Oaths as required.
Te Pati Maori, lol blood was spilled on both sides,do they think their blood is more precious than anyone else's, get over your selfishness and stop living for free off the backs of hard working NZ'ERS.
No I do not think that any NZ governments would have such backbone to disallow these people their seats in Parliament. However should I be wrong that Parliament would have my complete support.
No wonder the cost of living goes up, truckies being held up and wasting fuel, running out of driving time then not being to pick up deliveries or dropping goods off. Leaving a bigger carbon footprint because of stationary vehicles running and polluting the surrounding atmosphere, I bet the greens won't bring that up. All those workers sitting idle in their cars won't be very productive and getting stressed out.
The Maori people have had a fair go over the last 40 odd yrs regarding compensation in many areas which has cost NZ many billions of dollars the public are well aware of all this and are asking their Elected Govt to take a look at it all going forward...Of course we have to see ..all of us how this has been interpreted via the Treaty of Waitangi So we all know whats going to happen further along...Other wise its looking like we all will be paying out billions of dollars seemingly for ever on..We are all looking for a re balance of interpretation...and have voted for this
Treaty settlements have NOT "cost NZ many billions of dollars" because they are paid to NZers. It's not like mortgages or petrol profits sent overseas. Its cost neutral.
Hi, I am so pleased I promoted NZ First to so many people, my feedback from them is very positive about the coalition and its competent agenda. Attention Deputy Primister Winston Peters. I wish to push my agenda on the Marsden Point rebuild as we need our petrochemical production if we are going to be a first-world country. All food in our supermarkets and roading has a fossil fuel element to it. I would push for China to be the contractor in this endeavor as they have a successful professional and proven track record of quality infrastructure projects internationally, on time, and within budget. We need a sober view of China's human rights issues that are falsely claimed to be by Western propaganda. China respects the sovereignty of all nations The US bombs and China builds! China wants to trade not war and will be the dominant economic superpower. There are over a thousand petrochemicals we use unknowingly. Historically, the destruction of Marsden Point was a politics of tyranny.
Glad we don't do a oath to the King of the Maori because this country would be screwed. The British and the Crown made this country of what it is today and the freedom we have everyday. We need to thank the British more and teach more about this in school and not the kapa haka.
Debbie Ngarewa-Packer refuses to speak to all NZers - she consistently uses Maori words that the majority of Kiwis don't know (because they don't need to know them), therefore Ngarewa communicates inefficiently and with deliberate bias. She says, "this government is taking them back 50 years". No, Te Pati Maori are taking their followers back 150 years to the tribal hierarchy that saw tribal underlings as slaves. Ngarewa-Packer negates Shane Jones' claim she stands on a platform of "victimhood", and immediately demonstrates that he is in fact correct, when she complains that she is being bullied as a woman! Of course they will pledge oath to Prince Charles because the people at the top of Te Pati Maori are in it for the power and the money.
Their culture stinks that's why the Chiefs turned their backs on the old and stated the new Tikanga was Christ praise God for the miracle of the Treaty
She really damaged herself when she started throwing the Genocide card. The only genocide committed was when Taranaki iwi - Ngāti Mutunga and Ngāti Tama - invaded the Chatham Islands in 1835. I hate having to reference past wrongs but it seems the different narratives need debating. Whilst Seymours Treaty referendum wont happen it needs to be talked about with real facts. Debbi Ngarewa-Packer constant eyerolls and statements about not looking back only forward are juxtaposition. Which leads me to believe all she wants to do is tear down the system.
Tired of double standards and different rules depending on your RACIST approval, Maori are quite capable and learn at the same schools as every one else, special needs should be a individual need AND NOT A RACIST RIGHT!
Thats why i voted for Winstin and this man at NZ First. Both Maori but understand that in order for NZ to thrive, we need to work together from all walks of life. No racial superiority like Labour and the maori party.
If I was Te Party and wanted better for Maori I would try to work with the coalition instead of vote signaling only to stay in politics and get nothing.
This was the philosophy Pita Sharples and Tariana Turia seemed to have when they went into coalition with John Key. They achieved far more for Maori: (foreshore and seabed and Whanau Ora to name a couple) and were punished by their voters in return. This current Maori Party are unlikely to achieve much for their voters if they can't enter parliament and participate.
If the Maori party don't want to be sworn in, Fine, but how about the rest of the KIWI's in NZ don't pay for their Bullsh!t.. This is a democracy, not a tin-pot marae soapbox.. Why don't the Maori Party ask their supporters to pay their wages instead ?? We know why, because they would get stuff all, as most hard-working Maori's, never get to see a single cent from all of the Treaty hand-outs that seem to just seem to benefit the self-appointed 'Maori-elitists'..
To Parliament remember you work for the people not for one group our taxes are for all,our rates are for all rate payers not 16 yr olds,major changes to how we live must be put to the people,this Māori problem is past governments making false promises and has now manifested into the debacle it is,please clean it up.
Not when government wants to divide us. Most on this channel will probably be supporters of all the changes coming. I'm a traditional Labour supporter who feels they lost their way somewhat in their last term but believe there is nothing wrong with bilingual signs etc. you know, equal rights and all.
There are 2 clowns driving the show, one being a zebra wearing a cowboy hat, and the other has the barcode off a rubbish bag tattooed on her chin. Why would somebody do that?
Maori claim the "blood soaked colonial power" They seem to forget they colonized other tribes and iwi Maori enslaved murdered and ate their way through around a third of the maori population So its a bit of gaslighting of their own history
Shane mentions Divisive. The Government wanting to change the Treaty to suit themselves without any consultation with Maori. That's what you call Divisive. Shane is just saying what the Pakehas want to hear so he keeps his Position and gets paid. Does the man really know what Divisive means. Doesn't sound like it. See how far this Policy will go without problems.
I find it funny that the same MPs who refuse to swear allegiance to the king were more than happy for us to fly them to London, feed them and put them in some swanky hotel. For his coronation!!!! Maybe I'm wrong, but that feels just a little bit hypocritical. And shows they'll happily drop their high and mighty morals for a free feed and a trip!!! Which pretty much sums up Te Party Maori!!!
Which MP's are you speaking of? Your just jealous that you were invited
@@2wahineandadog Cowboy-wearing joker was in Paris, showing off just recently... The fact you fail to remember this hypocrisy 2Wahine highlights your lack of self-awareness.
@@2wahineandadogtypical Maori.. not very smart 😂
The cognitive dissonance is strong in the Pity Mo-Ron party.
@@greatwhite9428 WOW. The most oxymoronc comment.
There are no intelligent racists.
Seems some Maori and media have not come to terms with the election results.
Buckle up - the delusion that the vast majority of the public think the same way as they do, hasn't quite sunk in. The media are kicking an screaming, and the vast majority of everyday kiwis are aghast that their behaviour. It will be enforced again at the next election.
Silly comment. Timata te kaupapa, means they have come to terms with it, and so is their answer. A democratic right. Even Mr Jones agrees.
And when the left wins it becomes "democracy in action" 😊
They never will
Not all Maori. Only the ones with hands in the 'till'.
MPs are not allowed to sit or vote in the House, or serve on a select committee, until they have been sworn in. [Parliament]
The Speaker knows this.
It won't make any difference to Te Pati Maori, as the Coalition of Chaos haven't got any clout on passing Acts anyhow.
Nor do the Maori Party!@@deksper
@@serenasmith26 LOL. The Coalition of Courage has all of the voting power.
Y are we wasting so much time on such an unruly disrespectful dishonest dishonourable twats.
Incitement of violence is a crime
Maori party members wil have no choice but to swear allegiance to the king if they want to be in the new Zealand parliament. Just as that aboliginal woman in Australia lydia thorpe tried to do when she was swaorn in .
Many Maori descendants and other immigrants to this nation have been working together throughout that history. Unfortunately some still want to go it alone and think they are unique.
I get you
Exactly there is a large vocal group who refuse to integrate with Maori and just want everything to be one sided
@@2wahineandadogso everyone should wear grass skirts and live in stick huts?
@@2wahineandadogit's the radical extremist Maoris that are the problem.. They have to go
Why would anyone want to "integrate" with Maori? When the entitled Maori elite believe they have a greater right. MAORI should integrate with the other 85% of Kiwis and be a "kiwi".
If they dont reckonise the crown.
So they dont have a treaty
Great move on as a united Nz
That want to assert rights they believe they Maori have and were guaranteed. The crown has admitted it did not hold up its part of the treaty deal and the Waitangi tribunal has found thousands of problems with how the crown has managed it's agenda. For Britain the treaty is merely a method to colonise. The crown has not honoured it's agreement. The labour govt did many positive things to rectify this. Democracy serves the white settle generations not Maori. We are only in parliament to assert and debate our true rights
Te Tiriti was signed between the Crown and Maori!
What rights don't Maori have that everyone else has?@@djhemirukahemisphere8893
Individual tribes, not a Maori nation
If Te Pata Maori won't swear allegance then they don't enter parliment simple if we had a decent governor general...
Absolutely.What a joke.
Do we have a decent Governor general? One that was appointed on merit?
I'm picking up from your comment, that if the Governor General was a particular cohort, you would be more inclined to give your support?? Hmmmm.....
@@JeaneGenie Merit? You talk about merit? Lets talk about the lack of honor by the colonials and their descendants! I bet you don't question why John Keys mate got the job? Merit? The current Gov General has impeccable credentials. However even that would probably not satiate your appetite for your myopic one eyed view.
@@victoriasmith1695 wrong want to try again?..
I always thought Shane Jones was a bully but the more I hear him speak the more I like what he has to say. Very knowledgeable man
He is a worse bully now than he has ever been. Kupapa!
Hes way smarter the u could ever perceive.
@@toolbox0001 The same man who wasnt so smart when he used his parliamentary credit card to watch porn.
Shane keeping it real good work bro !! Much respect.
I understood Maori had full equality and rights under the nations laws, including full parliamentary representation and all the new seats they just won.So how the f**k do this PARTY get to hold a protest rather than do what all other parties have to do and that is use the parliamentary representation and leverage to resolve the issues?
Imagine if Labour CALLED FOR A RALLY of it's supporters to amass in front of parliament?
Look how media (inc yesterday's Herald and Stuff (of course)) PROMOTED the protests with their lengthy articles and publishing of every single location the protests were going to be held...
Try that with any other protest (remember the protests in front of Parliament last time, anyone???)... these were immediately undermined, blocked, howled against... everything to stop 'a voice'..
But Te Pati Maori are obviously permitted to operate by totally different (and yes thus UNequal) rules...
Totally agree with you, the difference between this protest and the parliamentary protest is, TPM have a voice inside Parliament, ....the protest outside parliament did not have a voice inside parliament ....
They were " told" not to talk to or support the protesters.
Well TPM are in fact extremely immature, acting like and speaking like spoilt brat children who did not get their own way. Best action to take is ignore them, not sensationalise them like the Media in this country like to do.
Because this is our country, your an immigrant. Dam overstayer. Your not from here 🤡.
@@standbytogo123immature??? Lol. They not the ones that trying to dictate in someone else's country. Idiot lol.
Please don’t compare a few conspiracy nut cases shutting over Wellington to the Māori protest.
Get some context.
Thankyou for allowing comments, not like those radicals in MSM.
There is more mis/disinformation and conspiracy theories on social media then on MSM.
MSM acting like facists. Communication only one way, down to the people.
Pretty sure I've been able to comment on most of the "mainstream media" videos I've seen.
Notice tv one breakfast has comments turned off so the Maori Mr hat can spout off without disagreeing comments, msm the woke weeners
Oh really, haven't seen it yet, but not surprising...... they turned comments off. Flick the public comments off when we don't want them ....when we do want public support , flick comments section on, there's where their position stands on democracy and free speech.
My understanding of the treaty is that many tribes were happy to sign due to the protection it guaranteed against those more warring, land and slave taking tribes.
The problem of not having the true history taught!!!
You should do diligent research. You just might surprise yourself.
@@REwingwhat’s the true history? That they didn’t cede sovereignty?
They signed as they knew the consequences of not signing, hongi hika had been to England and saw the red coats...it was inevitable
It’s quite simple. Tell the racist Maori party we’ll scrap allegiance to the crown which in turn means the Treaty of Waitangi is no longer relevant as it’s an agreement with the crown. It’s time the TOW was scrapped and New Zealand had a constitution of its own which is colourblind. Parliament needs to stand up to these racist clowns.
You are so spot on
The Nation State must rule ie New Zealand must run New Zealand. The maori people are part of the NZ Nation State or else go home. Maori is not a Nation State period.
Did te tiriti allow for the formation of a govt?
Recognise the 1835 NZ Declaration of Independence.
Only problem is I don’t trust those that are there to write a constitution that is fair for all New Zealanders.
Of course they'll swear allegiance or they don't get paid, it's money money money with Maori.
Glad someone is not putting up for this gross divisive behaviour, ironically theyre making nz more racist
the cuzzie party lost
@@aussiestonefanso says the genocidal red neck Ozzie
Great interview Sean and wise words from Shane Jones
If maori dont want to recognize the crown then bring on a republic and bye bye the treaty
What are you talking about? Māori absolutely recognise the Crown. It is the agreement between the Crown and the Māori chiefs who signed Te Tiriti o Waitangi that facilitated Pākehā settlement of this beautiful land. Please, do some more research. #Toitūtetiriti
just because we become a republic wouldnt void the treaty that would still need to be settled 😂😂😂
It's time to scrap the Waitangi Treaty. It has evolved from a page in New Zealand history into a quasi-religious cult.
Religion and Culture are 2 totally different things dont get it twisted.
That is my point. The Waitangi Treaty itself, the document, is merely a piece of paper with ink on it. But it has become some sort of sacred text or scripture in certain circles. If one disagrees with the "sacral" nature of this item, then you are an uninformed "Pagan" or an evil "Heretic". The language around this issue has become very emotive, bordering on a hysteria that relies less on logic and reason and more on emotion and "belief". So far as I can see, the entire phenomena is taking on cultic overtones. It is transforming into a religion. @@Aids183
If Rawiri Waititi didn't get bariatric surgery he'd be the size of a house right now. He obviously loves some parts of colonisation but not others.
Yeah well he does wear colonizer clothing, colonizers glasses, lives in a colonizer house, the guy is a dropkick hypocrite
@@greatwhite9428yes and driving around in the white man's car...😂
@@greatwhite9428 . . and he gave you half his land and you now own 95 per centt of it and your complaining about where he got his clothes.
@@gregberry7647ummmmm wat land did rewiri own to giv away.😂😂
I think he's from Texas, he's wearing a cowboy hat😂
Te Pati Maori shouldn't be in parliament if they won't swear allegiance to the King
NEW ZEALAND, does not have to put up with this mindless intimidation. I would expect the law to intervene.
No allegiance means no seat, no pay, no say. Simple. Does Gerry have the balls to enforce?
It’s the nats so I’d say no…The labour speaker probably would’ve though…
@@bigthinker281 The Nats haven't got the gnads to enforce it.
@@deksper that’s what I said. The last speaker who was labour would’ve actually stopped it…but actually first day is always a different case…and the timing of the session was such that the speaker was elected AFTER the swearing ins of everyone…so little but difficult…
Agreed. Nats are hollow thats why nz needs to vote act and nz first.
No allegance, No pay, no perks/benefits. Who would keep anyone on a payroll that blatantly wont commit to a job, when they know requires responsibility to a contract/oath & those that voted for that put them there.
They never turn up to Parliament anyway unless they have something specific to rave on about. Pity their pay didn't tie to their actual attendance in Gov matters
Over half my family is Maori, however, I will NEVER vote Labour again. Their race based identity politics have divided our country. I voted Act this time round. I fully support all the changes being implemented by Act, NZ First and National. We cannot have a multicultural society where some people have more power. No cogovernance. One system, one person, one vote.
One people united to each other regardless of differences! Yes Labour has lost its way with woke behaviour and ignoring those whom they were supposed to serve! Never again will they rise up! We will not forget the carnage and lack of integrity,treating us like rubbish and with holding the Truth! Nothing but TRAITORS!
Ok so if u go to China, the islands, orJapan do you think the indigenous of that land should allow for immigrants to have the same rights
.... I hate the fake virtue signalling being done here, unity cannot be achieved if people think Maori are simply going to unify when people are attempting to take away an intrinsic part to NZ history and Maori connection to the land. Playing down their past and forcing Maori toward an democratic process which Maori are disproportionately represented in the population.
Maori rights to this land have nothing to do with a democratic process, the evidence is very clear Maori we're here first, you can't fricken vote away the indigenous place Maori have in this land
Even attempts to suggest that the treaty should be redefined is stupid, what rightfully should take place is proper respect to Maori being indigenous to this land and allowing a generative push toward a virtuous future.
I don't think Maori are against unity, they are against integration without proper respect toward the treaty.
I'm in the same situation as you and i agree with what you have said. Stay positive and proud, things will work out.
@@dallynstevens7855If you can't win in a war, you have no rights. You cannot win your rights by arguing. Only through blood. Look at Ukraine. If you don't want to shed blood and still demand rights, that's just childish tantrums.
@@dallynstevens7855And I point to you, Japanese and Chinese are not the indigenous people of the land. The real indigenous people there are not treated that well. You know Uyghurs?
Just remember they are All Part Māori
Actually there were people of all cultures who took part in the protest today
@@2wahineandadogwhite wannabe maori's
Darn right they're maori/European probably more European if truth be told.
If they won't swear in keep their seats empty and DON'T PAY them.
Agree 💯
Glad we are at work working being taxed so we can pay these protesters benefits
Yes, they forget that on purpose
Fairly arrogant to assume those who protest are on benefits. Many give up a days wages because this is Important !
@@DrRatweasel you lost !
@DrRatweasel if my daughter who is maori/white was taking a day of wrk for this rubbish protest,I wud b very disappointed,but wow she not a victim of any colonialism rubbish and is doing well with her choices.so nope she ain't there.😂😂
Good on you Shane!
Yeah now he can buy porn u guys have short memories remember he had to admit using his cr card to buy white porn so no credibility u guys r just a bunch of sheep
question - if the Maori party members aren't sworn in - how long do they have before they can no longer be sworn in ??
By crickey I like Shane Jones
The Māori Party knows it is losing its relevance and no surprise as intermarriage continues apace as does continued immigration... give it a couple more generations and they won't even be a political force...
But it's the these woke, lefty Anglo Saxons that are the biggest shit stirrers when it comes to Maori virtue signalling.
and you will be no more so thats a win
the cuzzie party lost
@@gregsmith2164greg again. Last post you were complaining about the hatred on this 'right wing' site. Now your celebrating that someone will be dead. As i said on the other thread, most of the hate is coming from the left nowadays
One could easily assume Te Pati Maori are on the rise especially given the results they achieved at this election. Also the "intermarriage" makes MORE Maori not less you racist
Let's remeber a couple of years ago to what James Shaw called a couple of kiwi farmers from Gore (white racists) who then went on and created the biggest protest this country has ever seen in Groundswell.which makes the TPM protest a kindergarten party. Then after that what did the speaker of the house the right honorable Trevor Mallard call the beehive protesters, scum and pond life while turning the sprinklers onto them. Then within a few hours our new PM has already talked thru the media to these people promising to think of them etc. Yet if I was to mention two pistols I would be classed as a terriost or KKK shows you how the liberal left operate while the center to right respect the right to protest.
When it comes to the maori party it's the same old racist and divisive waffle. They live in the past and are nothing but negative. It's time their seats were abolished. It's 2023, NZ has had enough of the BS and we need to move on.
Totally agree! It's not fair on every other minor party that fought to get 5% and lost.
No way, Maori have every right to fight for their identity to this land. Maori discovered this land and laid their wakas on its shores first.
Quite funny - if you go to China, Japan or the islands - no way would they allow an immigrant or a democratic process to reframe the history of their land, there is a story that we cannot shove to the side and nz has a past that must be graciously and handled in a virtuous way
Maori have legitimate blood rights to NZ
@@dallynstevens7855The Europeans didn't butcher you like the native Americans. Or lock you up like the Australians. You don't feel somewhat of a gratitude?
Um thats just pathetic and devisive. Maori fought back and did quite well with sticks. Maori gorilla tactics had quite the success. You should do some reading instead of making an ignorant comment like that. Besides there is clear evidence suggesting the treaty was not only an attempt to find peace with Maori, but also to settle the divide between the lower north island and the many self governing bodies that began to emerge early 1800s
May need to check out our history because you have no knowledge of the facts. The Morioris came here first and then the Māoris came and did their very best to kill them all and steal their land. Maori were NOT first.
If te pati want to delay our traffic lets delay there benefit payments 😅
Don't do that because they won't be able to buy drugs and alcohol we non Maori bought to NZ
And this right here shows what this UA-cam channel is all about.
you can remove the link to the King, but that also null and voids the treaty. Pick your poison.
Mr Shane Jones said it. Over 500 Maori Chiefs had made a decision to signed the treaty of waitangi as they had a vision for there people. Maori and English have integrated for decades where there mix had rolls of Chiefs and where well respected. Now Te Pati Maori want a 2 government country. Out of all the iwi's in NZ which iwi will be in power? The same iusse the Maori were having way back in the 1800's killing each other to get power.
Your using history to prove your point now let me do the same thing Te Triti o Waitangi document signed by 2 cultures gave both parties human, as well as ownership rights, but 1 party decide "nehh we want it all" taken Land and Power leading to privileges thought out the decades had benefited only 1 of these parties leaving the other to hopefully get swallowed up or die out which ever came first, come today the minor party has adapted and improve their people with the little that the major party gives... if New Zealanders want us to move as 1 give us back what was taken first, pay local Iwi rental fees for the 100 of years usage of the land that was taken if you cant pay, give us our land back it will solve alot of fighting and we can move forward as equal's.
Just a question what has your iwi done with compensation it would have been paid out already? @@Aids183
What would your iwi do if you got your land back as you put it?@@Aids183
@@Aids183 Gee thanks for history lesson, but sadly with that mentality, we will just go around and around in circles. We are all products of mixed race, and I don't choose one of my ancestors over another, great wrongs were done but who pays, does the white side of me, pay the dark side of me. Stop the discrimination, stop the segregation, we are one nation, and we don't need to carry on our great grandaddies fight.
@@ioryan8820 Your welcome anytime you want the truth Im happy to try my best Kia Ora, Why should Maori stop fighting for what is right? why should we stop fighting for progress that has helped alot of our people? these little things that have been put in place took decades to achieve and yet in 1 week it is going to be gone or flipped so that the Maori language goes under the English language what can be so bluntly discriminatory or display segregation?..Maori was the official language what was so wrong.
Haters and wreckers ! Hand outs need to stop for the maori elite ‘. Millions spent and those in south Auckland have received no benefit from these settlements
Really...have you checked with them all or are you just racist and uninformed hmmmm
TOW involves The Crown 👑.. So if TPM doesn't recognise it then the agreement is null?
Learn how to think before you speak or post the treaty in whole has no political stance in today's politics and they know this hense the reason for the kick up take out maoridom what's that maorilandcourts so easier to divide and accuse of being devisive to a whole which is going on now
The treaty is done tax payer funding folly let's get on with it
The Māori party are going to go through another 3 years of achieving nothing sitting on the cross benchers. If they actually want to achieve something they should be approaching Chris Luxon to find common ground on stuff they would like pushed through.
They wouldnt have the brains
@@ShirleyZhang-bt4djWell, maybe you should help them instead of hating
Have you not seen what national has already done? The policies they are putting in place are going to affect Maori in a major way and they’ve only been sworn in 1-2 weeks ago.
@@chiefkaha5650How so??
@@chiefkaha5650such as?
Thespians lol more like clowns !
If you want to enter the system then you have to respect the formats and culture. Change any of it through respectful proper process.
Katakata. Just like the Treaty process?
No u dnt u repect equal right we dnt want the treaty process no way
Saying the crown is soaked in blood by people from a race that is not only soaked in blood but also ate the losers. 😊
Up hold the standards of our nation. Let’s get on with this better future that we all want for ourselves, and the next generations.
You’re a good man Shane
This has been extremely interesting and informative thank you both of you.
By not taking the oath they should not be an MP as this is part of the constitution.
The treaty goes back further than the constitution
The Platform rocks, the TVNZ Breakfast show doesn’t.
Good one. Bring on the new policies
Well said Shane! On the button!
Observing the joke that is Te Party Maori in Parliament today i can now understand why there is a movement to get rid of the Maori seats.
It really makes sense ... One People ..... One Government ...... Everyone is treated Equally ........ No Bullshit to be tolerated in the House !!!!!
Here is hoping.
Even if the racist Apartheid Enthusiasts actually swear the Oath / make the Affirmation there is absolutely nothing preventing them from failing or refusing to actually uphold the required Solemn Undertaking.!
In other words the entire swearing in exercise is utterly futile and is therefor just window dressing at best!
The new Government must take urgent steps to enact legislation which provides for sanctions/ punishment for those who fail to abide by the Oaths as required.
Well said Sean, Right on Shane!
Te Pati Maori, lol blood was spilled on both sides,do they think their blood is more precious than anyone else's, get over your selfishness and stop living for free off the backs of hard working NZ'ERS.
You’re always gonna get pushed back stand ground you were voted in by the people for this very situation
With regard to the protests, is the country to be ruled by the parliament or by mob rule?
As in mongrel mob?
..... probably
I knew this would happen...watch your back Shane,and the other parties,they're going to try to Grind' you all into submission,STAND FAST !!
No I do not think that any NZ governments would have such backbone to disallow these people their seats in Parliament. However should I be wrong that Parliament would have my complete support.
TPM made a mockery of the ceremony and may have just squeezed in and have enabled themselves to be paid such hypocrites
No wonder the cost of living goes up, truckies being held up and wasting fuel, running out of driving time then not being to pick up deliveries or dropping goods off. Leaving a bigger carbon footprint because of stationary vehicles running and polluting the surrounding atmosphere, I bet the greens won't bring that up. All those workers sitting idle in their cars won't be very productive and getting stressed out.
Maori are too thick to understand that
@@greatwhite9428 I don't think they want to see it, it's all about them, not as the whole nation
Good show sean,and well said shane.
I think Shane summed up the Maori party very well. The thespian description was great too.
True no need promote location of the protest other than ensure general public can avoid difficulty.
The Maori people have had a fair go over the last 40 odd yrs regarding compensation in many areas which has cost NZ many billions of dollars the public are well aware of all this and are asking their Elected Govt to take a look at it all going forward...Of course we have to see ..all of us how this has been interpreted via the Treaty of Waitangi So we all know whats going to happen further along...Other wise its looking like we all will be paying out billions of dollars seemingly for ever on..We are all looking for a re balance of interpretation...and have voted for this
Treaty settlements have NOT "cost NZ many billions of dollars" because they are paid to NZers. It's not like mortgages or petrol profits sent overseas. Its cost neutral.
Great and informative interview well said 👍👍
Hi, I am so pleased I promoted NZ First to so many people, my feedback from them is very positive about the coalition and its competent agenda.
Attention Deputy Primister Winston Peters. I wish to push my agenda on the Marsden Point rebuild as we need our petrochemical production if we are going to be a first-world country. All food in our supermarkets and roading has a fossil fuel element to it. I would push for China to be the contractor in this endeavor as they have a successful professional and proven track record of quality infrastructure projects internationally, on time, and within budget. We need a sober view of China's human rights issues that are falsely claimed to be by Western propaganda. China respects the sovereignty of all nations The US bombs and China builds! China wants to trade not war and will be the dominant economic superpower. There are over a thousand petrochemicals we use unknowingly.
Historically, the destruction of Marsden Point was a politics of tyranny.
Whinging,crying maori...nothing new 🙄
Takes one to know one
@ratagemmell6649 lol primary school shit bro.
Glad we don't do a oath to the King of the Maori because this country would be screwed. The British and the Crown made this country of what it is today and the freedom we have everyday. We need to thank the British more and teach more about this in school and not the kapa haka.
Totally agree
Debbie Ngarewa-Packer refuses to speak to all NZers - she consistently uses Maori words that the majority of Kiwis don't know (because they don't need to know them), therefore Ngarewa communicates inefficiently and with deliberate bias. She says, "this government is taking them back 50 years". No, Te Pati Maori are taking their followers back 150 years to the tribal hierarchy that saw tribal underlings as slaves. Ngarewa-Packer negates Shane Jones' claim she stands on a platform of "victimhood", and immediately demonstrates that he is in fact correct, when she complains that she is being bullied as a woman! Of course they will pledge oath to Prince Charles because the people at the top of Te Pati Maori are in it for the power and the money.
Wow, that has to be the most dumbest comment on this whole feed, and thats certainly saying something.
Spot on.
Their culture stinks that's why the Chiefs turned their backs on the old and stated the new Tikanga was Christ praise God for the miracle of the Treaty
Not even close
She really damaged herself when she started throwing the Genocide card. The only genocide committed was when Taranaki iwi - Ngāti Mutunga and Ngāti Tama - invaded the Chatham Islands in 1835.
I hate having to reference past wrongs but it seems the different narratives need debating. Whilst Seymours Treaty referendum wont happen it needs to be talked about with real facts.
Debbi Ngarewa-Packer constant eyerolls and statements about not looking back only forward are juxtaposition. Which leads me to believe all she wants to do is tear down the system.
Shane Jones is bang on about the Treaty being between Maori and the Crown.
Umm what Ive heard from many of his people, he has lost Mana and Rangatira status that's more devastating then losing a seat in parliament.
Tired of double standards and different rules depending on your RACIST approval, Maori are quite capable and learn at the same schools as every one else, special needs should be a individual need AND NOT A RACIST RIGHT!
Thats why i voted for Winstin and this man at NZ First. Both Maori but understand that in order for NZ to thrive, we need to work together from all walks of life. No racial superiority like Labour and the maori party.
If I was Te Party and wanted better for Maori I would try to work with the coalition instead of vote signaling only to stay in politics and get nothing.
But their voter base hasn’t the brains to see that.
@jasperhorace7147 ok mister educated racist
This was the philosophy Pita Sharples and Tariana Turia seemed to have when they went into coalition with John Key. They achieved far more for Maori: (foreshore and seabed and Whanau Ora to name a couple) and were punished by their voters in return. This current Maori Party are unlikely to achieve much for their voters if they can't enter parliament and participate.
@@DL-jn5dh Totally. Well put.
@@DL-jn5dh And Sharples and Turia were punished for it. Cognitive dissonance ‼
So pleased we have had a change.
Well said Shane and Sean.
If the Maori party don't want to be sworn in, Fine, but how about the rest of the KIWI's in NZ don't pay for their Bullsh!t.. This is a democracy, not a tin-pot marae soapbox..
Why don't the Maori Party ask their supporters to pay their wages instead ??
We know why, because they would get stuff all, as most hard-working Maori's, never get to see a single cent from all of the Treaty hand-outs that seem to just seem to benefit the self-appointed 'Maori-elitists'..
This is so entertaining 😂
Why are they allowed to behave like spoilt little children in Parliament?
Because they are spiritual babies
I support any politician who has the measure of the Māoris .
If they refuse to be sworn in, I refuse to pay them with my hard earned taxes. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour from these overpaid activists.
The Maori party have really gone down hill
To Parliament remember you work for the people not for one group our taxes are for all,our rates are for all rate payers not 16 yr olds,major changes to how we live must be put to the people,this Māori problem is past governments making false promises and has now manifested into the debacle it is,please clean it up.
The votes of the Maori Party should not count then
Taxpayers union should organize a SETTLE NOW or NO MORE rally.
Sick of paying and not being able to afford sheep meat.
Any other whistleblowers Sean Junkett attacking today?
Charles I turned up in the House of Commons in January 1642, not in 1688...
This crap in nz will never end..
Not when government wants to divide us. Most on this channel will probably be supporters of all the changes coming. I'm a traditional Labour supporter who feels they lost their way somewhat in their last term but believe there is nothing wrong with bilingual signs etc. you know, equal rights and all.
Just saw that a large report was completed about Northland. How can new PM find time read such large document?😊
There are 2 clowns driving the show, one being a zebra wearing a cowboy hat, and the other has the barcode off a rubbish bag tattooed on her chin. Why would somebody do that?
Oh so racist 😂
It’s called a tamoko if you can’t appreciate the nz culture, the roots of this country then go piss off back your own. Bloody immigrant
How come cops and battens aren’t deployed like the COVID mandate protest??
Because parliamentary protesters had 21 days to sort their ... out peacefully and couldn't. Pretty different scenario if you think about it.
@@Double.S.02 Have you watched River of Freedom?
Sin Fein ain't no Sin Fein either
Notice how they them selves cannot keep their culture alive.
Chiefs didn't want the culture to continue after being evangelised
Maori claim the "blood soaked colonial power"
They seem to forget they colonized other tribes and iwi
Maori enslaved murdered and ate their way through around a third of the maori population
So its a bit of gaslighting of their own history
The pistols used in the Te Pāti Māori iconography are cap and ball not flintlocks.
A bunch of activists out for themselves
Luv Shane jones
TPM have as a " logo " showing two cocked flint lock pistols.. a colonist weapon.. funny that
Shane mentions Divisive. The Government wanting to change the Treaty to suit themselves without any consultation with Maori. That's what you call Divisive. Shane is just saying what the Pakehas want to hear so he keeps his Position and gets paid. Does the man really know what Divisive means. Doesn't sound like it. See how far this Policy will go without problems.
Going to be a good minister
I had to swear allegiance to the Queen when I became a citizen. It is whacky to someone you dont know.
You can't tell me if the maori party were kingmaker in a Labour govt then it would be all on. They would be getting everything and screw everyone else