Loan some money, but another, bigger, tractor with front loader, front PTO, counter weight. Have 1 tractor for yourself, have 1 for a worker. Worker not working for you? Let them do contracts. Rent some equipment offered at contacts when you don't have it. Earn money that way. Buy more fields, a shed for your tractors and equipment. Do buffalo's, buy some bees, a sawmill, a dairy to make mozzarella. Have some chickens for eggs. Now: you have your equipment all over the place. It's like you're an ADHD kid on crack. Horrible organisation. Don't buy an JD tractor, everybody on FS25 does that already... Sell the truck, buy the trailer in second hand store. Have some goats if you like.
I like both of the lizard dragon and the Massey Ferguson 310 combine harvester
And next time plant soybeans
get the time saving stock check mod.
Can’t you just lift the container out of the truck? 4:08 and the truck
PLS id a tractor comes on sale buy it
Loan some money, but another, bigger, tractor with front loader, front PTO, counter weight. Have 1 tractor for yourself, have 1 for a worker. Worker not working for you? Let them do contracts. Rent some equipment offered at contacts when you don't have it. Earn money that way. Buy more fields, a shed for your tractors and equipment. Do buffalo's, buy some bees, a sawmill, a dairy to make mozzarella. Have some chickens for eggs. Now: you have your equipment all over the place. It's like you're an ADHD kid on crack. Horrible organisation. Don't buy an JD tractor, everybody on FS25 does that already... Sell the truck, buy the trailer in second hand store. Have some goats if you like.