Unpopular opinion: The social media witchcraft community has place such a heavy emphasis on specific tools (herbs, crystals, tarot, etc.) that it makes new practitioners feel unfairly obligated to use them when they have no desire for/connection to them. For example, I often see lavendar listed for spells, wards, etc., as if it's necessary for spell work, but I actually hate the smell of lavendar. If I'm using lavendar in my practice and I have a negative view attached to it, wouldn't it just negatively effect my practice?
When I started learning and starting my practice I was convinced I was required to use white sage and crystals which ultimately led to me realizing I’m uncomfortable burning sage for ethical and personal reasons. Now I’m stuck with bundles of sage I feel bad about having and if I burn it I feel guilty and that’s not the way to go about any practice. I never purchased crystals because I don’t feel connected to them but often it feels like they are necessary. I still feel pressured to buy crystals from practitioners on social media. I truly wish I learned sooner that there is no “required” material to learn and practice. No one talks about this enough!
It’s not just social media. This has always been a thing. Books on Wicca and witchcraft have always given a list of tools to get to help with witchcraft. It’s only in more recent times that books have started to say that tools aren’t essential.
ironically I have a granddaughter who also dislikes the smell of lavender and works as you do. I personally use herbs based on their tradition, as I don't care for the smell of many of them. It's like iodine, we hate it cause it burns, but it does prevent infection, so we use it anyway. BUT it is your intention and I believe you can sometimes go by that, too.
yes! so true. Social media witches focus so much on results that they don't talk about journey or process. Your example of lavender is a great one. You can easily find a replacement for lavender without disturbing the work. There is so much emphasis on the look of a work or spell and not enough on how to build work or spells.
Thoroughly enjoyed this topic. I'm a 67 yr old witch practicing since 12. I have 3 granddaughters, all witches, ages 17-24. When they began their journey I felt "sad" that they preferred videos to my knowledge. I had learned things as past down from my grandmother. Ironically they are ACCURATE according to the new fancy books. :-) (uses for certain herbs & stones) As we learned, we meshed and all is wonderful now. I had to learn to stay quiet and let them grow on their own (except once for safety). I got a tee shirt for Christmas "Grandmother to those you couldn't burn". I take it as a "badge" saying women are free today to do so much more. I recall when it was frowned on to walk down a public street w' a cigarette in hand. WE have so many freedoms now. I wear it as a celebration.
Oh thats wonderful :) I wish my Granny or my Mom would teach me about witchcraft (they are witches too) but they always wanted to "protect" me so they stay quiet about our history and the craft so I HAVE to learn it by myself.
Unpopular Opinion: You are not obligated to work with your ancestors if your ancestors would despise you doing what you're doing. I am a celtic witch, my ancestors were VERY Christian. I tried to call out to them (because I didn't know), they tried to burn down my house with a tea light on a fireproof plate. The flame got out of the tea light and onto my dresser. There is no physical or scientific way for that flame to jump out of the tea light and cause a fire on the alter cloth. I did a reading with my goddess and it came up with I angered them for being a witch. Not everyone's ancestors are there to protect them, that's a huge general misconception. It doesn't make you a bad person either. It just means you have ancestors who would be willing to watch you burn and you need to look for other spiritual guardians. I've seen a lot of people get attacked, myself included, on social media for not respecting or reaching out to their ancestors. Not everyone needs to or can call out to their ancestors.
right, its just like regular family. some of us were not lucky enough to be born into a safe and supportive network, but we can still find and create that for ourselves. For me, I don't have many ancestors that I can connect with through my practice, I turn to the protective genus loci instead.
@@santhemooncrystal796 It's not insensitive...I had to go all the way back in my heritage to find a ancestor who wants to work with a witch ...It was a suggestion..OP doesn't have to take the suggestion ,if she doesn't want to...I was emotionally injured by my family whilst they were alive...which is why I'd never ask for their help for as anything magickal My comment wasn't specifically for OP but for everyone
When working with ancestors, there's so many I'm sure you don't know of. Families branch out it's not just one line. I'm sure you can find someone. I mean that in a nice way not in a rude way
Unpopular opinion: practicing darker magic doesn’t make you evil. Life’s a balance and it can’t be good all of the time, same with witchcraft. Social media comes down on people so hard for simply asking questions about darker magic instead of educating. Not everyone believes in the rule of 3. My personal belief is that if someone does something horrible to you then you’re not gonna get karma for doing a banishing spell on them to get them to leave you alone lol. No one should be judging someone else for what they’re doing in their own magical practices.
It's like Sex Ed. If you don't teach and educate about it people are still gonna do it but do it ignorantly and are at risk for making a big mistake. Not educating about it does not prevent it. Educating and showing what can go wrong can give people the tools to make a well educated and thought out decision when the opportunity comes up. Doesn't mean people won't still make the decision to do baneful magic but that's just someone's decision.
I have said sínce my First degree Initiation Rite that in order to spread the light sometimes requires dancing in the dark. If you can't Hex , you can't Heal. You can't Curse , you can't Cure. 2 sides of same coin but in this case the coin is a current or stream of Magick
Exactly! I once considered the path of a grey witch, using hexes and healing as one is equally as important as the other, but felt green witchcraft to be a truer path for me. I still know how to hex although haven’t found a need for it thus far and would use one if the need arose
"We are the grand-daughters of the witches you couldn't burn" comes from a novel with a specific context. I feel it was so much more powerful as a metaphor in feminism (where I saw it the first time) than it is in witchcraft. There. That's my unpopular opinion lol
This was my thought exactly when I saw the phrase. I never thought of it truly as a witchraft specific phrase, it was always to me a feminist statement to the patriarchy. "You may kill us, but there will always be more of us."
I kind of like it. I don't know that I see it as a reference to feminism, but more of a nod to tradition and strength. Many have tried to anihilate the practice, yet here we are!
Other unpopular opinion. You can practice witchcraft and believe in science. - future biologist here who is a witch. One of my favorite things is when I'm reading/ learning more about witchcraft and science at the same time. To find the same results, often the results were found in witchcraft before being scientifically proven/founded. Both have many many similarities.
I'm not sure it's an unpopular opinion, mostly because most of the witches I've met believe in science, modern medicines, etc, etc. You always have to put the mundane before the magical, and for there to be mundanity, there must be. There are also scientific studies out there trying to figure put how it all works because we simply don't know how just that it does. That's kinda the part that makes it magical, ig
Unpopular opinion: If you ask for a deep cleanse. Expect to loose people in the process. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows sometimes it can look like the darkest time in your life until you get to your destination
Exacly. Same for very strong protection, which will protect you from much more than many of us realize. Also reminds me of those practitioners who ask for Justice. Often that's the last thing you will hear about them...
Agreed. When I first began my journey with my (now) patron deity, I knew she wanted to turn my life on its head. My year-ahead tarot spread for that year included the tower. I couldn't imagine what could go wrong because my life seemed so solid. Within months, my marriage was over, I had lost my job and my best friend. So definitely a deep Cleanse of your life comes with some seriously painful and difficult endings and changes but it is so worth it because now I am happier than ever and know that all of those changes were absolutely necessary for my personal growth.
unpopular opinion: Most people see witchery as one particular type of practice, mostly European centric practices. Hence why when someone says they do multiple works daily, there is a mind boggling response. There are other practices out there such as Santeria, Vodun, or Hoodoo that may call for daily work that's not "ritual". Small works deeply ingrained in their daily life are a must in these practices. These works are done as pre-work to rituals (you don't have to get ready, if you are already ready). These acts can include: ancestor altar up keep, general house keeping, spiritual baths, prayer or meditation, centering work, peace work, how food is prepared, etc. Words from a Hoodoo/ Root Worker.
@@kh22912 I agree with you Both Vodou & Santeria are African based religions Santeria is a Afro Cuban tradition But, Christians always lump African , Amerindian & other older Earth based religions as being equally evil Santeria, Vodun& Hoodoo are closed practices.. Which means that outsiders can watch what is going on... But can't participate in the rituals
For the slogan “we are the daughters of the witches you couldn’t burn” I think the people who are against it take it too literally. It doesn’t literally mean biological descendants when it says daughters, it means those who came after. And I’m sure everyone in the witchy community knows the vast majority of people killed for being witches were not witches. But they were still killed in the name of anti witchcraft. So to be a practicing witch is something to have pride in, and even more pride now that we can be more open about it. The slogan to me is saying that witchcraft has been able to live on regardless of the hatred and fear it faced in our history, and we are proud to be apart of that legacy. It’s not something I’d personally use/wear, but I can totally understand why some would find it empowering and want to
Back decades ago you did not have sea witch, kitchen witch, storm witch etc etc. Most of the time we were summarized by our tradition... Gardnerian Witch, Georgian Witch, Alexandrian Witch, etc etc . Titles as storm, kitchen, sea are relatively newer concepts.
I've been a Stormbringer ( a part of being a Stormbringer is working with the elements in their directions ) admidsy Zagovory .. since childhood ... it's not a title to me..This is what I am Other than that ...Hi Mannon
I definitely needed to hear about not practicing every single day and making it your whole personality. These things have discouraged me from considering myself a 'real witch.' I also dress alternatively and listen to rock music (I was doing my makeup while you were talking about it too 😁) I do identify with the term baby witch, though I like the sound of novice, as well. Most of my craft involves kitchen witchery and glamour magick because I am in the broom closet, living with my parents, and cooking and doing makeup are very normal things. There are loads of other things I'm interested in that aren't related to witchcraft, but that I could eventually incorporate it into when I'm ready.
Willow, I am also a "novice" witch- but the opposite in that my daughter lives with me (rather than living with my parents) luckily, she is wholly supportive of my endeavors. But like you, I do not practice every single day, although I feel it. I think it is a mindset rather than a persona. My strength seems to be with candle magic at the moment. I just wanted to reply to you because I totally get the broom closet thing... even us older folks don't know how people will take it.
Yes practicing every day is a nightmare. It makes a hobby feel like a chore. Sometimes I even have to take breaks like a week or two long just to keep things balanced and look at my craft from a different perspective. And also being in the broom closet, most of my wardrobe consists of camouflage and dark colors lol…
Unpopular opinion counterpoint: When you mentioned doing 20 spells a day my first reaction was the same as yours. What? Why? How?? But then thinking about it, I suppose it depends on the nature and definition of a 'spell'. So my unpopular opinion is that the definition of a spell can be any form of intention setting. Taking a cleansing shower? Spellwork. Stirring a blessing into your tea? Spellwork. Calling on a deity to help find a parking spot? Spellwork. In that instance then yes, I could absolutely see it being feasible to cast 20 spells a day XD
Agreed. I got the impression that she was referring to people who were saying that they were doing actual ritual spell work 20 x a day... which is pretty unrealistic unless you live in a commune and don't have to do much other work daily, like a job. It sounds like they are trying to show off but it's BS. Real magic can be all the little invocations and prayers throughout the day. I stopped counting LOL because it's definitely more than 20 a day.
My husband commented after coming to a Communion service with me, (this was a long time ago!) that there was little difference between the Eucharist and occult rituals. Both used elements which were consecrated, and required serious intention to achieve the result, whatever that might be. Something I found uncomfortable in some pagan groups was the amount of "gatekeeping" that I used to find in the church, and wanted to get away from.
Unpopular opinion: If you are a witch, then everything you do becomes witchcraft. I think a lot of people view the craft as elaborate spells and rituals when it should be about finding the magick that already exists everywhere in your life. At least for me, discovering I am a witch took me back throughout my entire life, seeing all these pieces that came together, and witchcraft was all that was missing; it explained everything. Realizing your power doesn't come from candles and bay leaves, it comes purely from you. Your memories, your experiences, your self-discovery, and the way you view the world you created around yourself.
I’m glad u mentioned illness. I’m a chronically I’ll beginner witch as well as a special needs parent. I have physical exhaustion on a regular basis so I don’t get to practice every day and sometimes it takes so much energy trying to do one task. I have physical and neurological issues. But I do a lot of research and reading so at least I’m still doing something
witchy spoonies unite! Thanks for writing your comment it's reassuring and comforting to know that others are dealing with similar issues... I wish you and your family all the best!
Power to the spoonies! It's undiagnosed ADHD and autism for me then I have 3 of my 4 kids home most days bouncing off the walls. My witchery looks like lots of thinking, very little actual spell work and then it's usually a short simple and straight to the point 5-30 minute job.
Me too, (as I've aged my energy has diminished). I like to ask my angels or deities to do the work for me now. I used to do more of it myself and at first I felt "guilty" not having the energy. Don't allow that, it's much more fun to practice as you want, even if it's 5 min once a month. I like to make magick bags and let them do the constant work for me.
Girl I don't even have your completely valid reasons why you don't practice every day. I'm over here just tired from a days work that taking a shower or putting on pajamas seems like a chore. Here's to doing what we can when we can . 🍾🥂
The problem I have with the term "baby witch" is how constantly I see it used as a cop out label. "I'm a baby, spoon feed me everything and don't make me take responsibility or accountability for my ignorance and lack of personal research" I've seen it used more and more frequently as an excuse/shield whenever someone acts inappropriately, doesn't respect boundaries, or treats other practitioners like a search engine, etc.
To be fair to the baby witches; there are a lot of people that really easily say that you should find/read all sources about a topic, when sometimes there is very few info aviable. Some historic goddesses very few stories and info about them, f.e..
The only time I use the term, is in reference to myself when I was new to the Craft. I would have been offended if someone called me that at the time, but now having decades of experience, I can look back and refer to that time as 'when I was a baby witch'. It's often used in a playful context and always only applied to my younger self. It would be judgmental of me to apply that term to someone else, even if they are exhibiting behaviors that I did 'when I was a baby witch'. I don't have the right to judge another's place or their path. If it's appropriate, I can offer some wisdom on the matter, but that's it. There's enough judgment in the world that we face without also judging each other.
One of my unpopular opinions; Jar spells. Everything has become about jar spells. At least that's the case in the States. You don't need a jar for every spell. A container is a container. Need a sweet spell, sugar in a charmed tea cup with a sigil or name can be just as powerful as a jar full of 10 plus different herbs, honey, personal concerns and big expensive candles melted on top. Shoot, a charmed and blessed candy dish works even better. I keep one of those on my desk at work.
Ooh charmed candy dish is a great idea!! I agree, I think jar spells have become popular on social media because they can be really aesthetic. I love jar spells, but also love ideas for adding magic to things I never would have thought of! 😁
@@brightwitch It's been interesting to see who comes by for candy. People wander to my desk because they are stressed, are struggling to make a deadline, have a big presentation, interviewing for a promotion or things of that nature. Anyone coming to my desk angry or tense is almost immediately defused after being offered a piece of candy. Maybe two of the frequent candy grabbers know about my craft, others are oblivious. They just like how the candy makes them feel and talking about what's bothering them. Often stating, "Thanks, I feel better now."
I think the thing with Jar Spells is due too them having better visuals when making a video about spell work. A video about energy work, is not going to be as interesting to watch as someone putting a bunch of little things in a jar and sealing it. I would love to see younger witches practicing different types of spells. Rituals, Energy work, ceremonial practices, sigils, spirit work, scrying, divination, or just other types of spell work exist. I feel like too many people get stuck in the spell jars, and don't know how to branch out.
@@witchthief5157 I share your view. The aesthetic of a jar spell is undeniable. I have a very beautiful one at work right now, and it's been working for a few years now (before the 30 second video craze 😉). Nevertheless, I keep my day to day magic simple and boring.
Unpopular Opinion: Don't expect others to understand or even want to get involved with your craft, whether they're practitioners or not. Don't get me wrong, I think sharing information to curious minds is a very beneficial thing. But if you force-feed this information to people who either have no interest to learn or try to repulse such things from their lives, it's going to be a slippery slope towards negative consequences. This can also apply to just putting your practice out there in the world in general. I'm not trying to be pessimistic, but society is just not ready to accept the weird willy-nilly.
My rule of thumb with people about my craft is that, even if you don't want to be involved or know about it, thats okay, as long as you respect its important to me. If you start to become a douche about it, I'm cutting you out, simple as that. Do no harm, of course, but take no shit Also, i will answer any questions they feel they want to ask, because i love to spread knowledge... and ramble about things that excite me but i can do both at once here
Great video! I totally agreed on your witchcraft unpopular opinion, Me and my friend are practitioners and one day we went to our favorite metaphysical shop to get somethings and the Employee gave all her attention to my friend just because she was all dress in black clothes and black boots, then my friend said a coment and the employee said: “Yeah I know a witch where a see it” and I was like left out from the sale just because I was wearing casual clothes wich is my preference of clothing. So I do agree that you don’t have to look someway to be a witch, anyone can be a practitioner.
Whenever Catholics act confused when I tell them I’m a witchy catholic, I remind them about how we turn wine and a wafer into the body and blood of Christ. I also remind them about holy oils, holy sacraments, and sacred objects used for prayer. For example, a bible, a rosary, a cross/crucifix, etc. Even the direction the priest is facing during benediction matters. There is *so* much witchcraft throughout the entire bible; Jesus *literally* cursed a fig tree. I just expanded the ways in which I practice my spiritual faith. To this day I still want a beautiful chapel in my home with beautiful stained glass windows, similar to what you’d find in a convent. I still have a bible, prayer book and rosary at my bedside. I just now also have my journal, cards, and herbs/oils alongside my catholic objects. They’re all sacred items in my eyes
@RitualofGhosts *exactly*. There are some mentions of sorcery, and how it’s immoral to do. The (New American)Bible mentions malicious spiritual workings to be of the devil/rooted in evil; that’s why people who follow the faith shouldn’t practice it. There’s plenty of witchcraft throughout the entire bible, largely through spoken word; prayers. Everything you mentioned is spot on; Old Testament straight up tells you what you need on your altar. *So* much witchcraft throughout the entire bible. Jesus was one hell of a witch, that’s why I like the dude so much
How about Christ walking on water, healing the sick ,raising the dead & Christ's premonitions before the last supper..Aren't they a part of Witch craft as well ?
Coming from the Bible Belt of the US I find it hilarious that people are saying you aren't a witch. All of the reasons you stated are why I stick out like a sore thumb, and get asked if I am a witch. Thank you for your videos. They remind me that the best way to be a witch is the way that works best for my life and situation, and it's ok if my practice doesn't look like others.
I really like you and your healthy opinions... Looks like people forgetting the "burdens" of real life that we have to deal with everyday so there is not always time and energy for doing spell work.
i can't claim to be a witch, but i would say it's the same thing as happens in the "gay community" in which it is quite common for people to tell a person their not gat because they don't believe the same things or because they don't like laddy gagga or go to the gym. it's a bunch of sad people who have built their entire existence around their idea of a box and can't accept that everybody doesn't think or behave the same as them.
@@juliannecolosi271 Gay is about same sex attraction 100% but because gay ppl were shamed they had to be secretive about it and very careful about who they told or hang out with which is why there was a subculture. Obviously in most places now days gay ppl can be open but the culture still exists and in cultures/subcultures there is usually gatekeepers.
My opinion about “We are the sons and daughters of the witches they couldn’t burn” is celebrating that we now can live open and out about our craft. I don’t take it literally in the ancestral approach, but rather a celebration that the ancient crafts live on through us still today. :)
When I was a novice witch, I was uptight when it came to spell and ritual procedures that my stomach would get tight. Always fretting about getting it wrong and pissing off the spirits, gods, etc. Knowing better through practicing and time that as long as I’m doing my best, going in with a pure heart I’ll be fine. Personal aesthetic, I feel it has to come from an authentic place. Thank you Hearth for a great video as always.
Sandy, When I hear the term "Novice " I think of a Covent I think that Maiden Witch is someone who is just beginning their practice In my case, I'm a Deva ( I'm studying Slavic Witchcraft)
My opinions that may be unpopular:- 1. The Divine, goddess, infinite, nothing, whatever name you want to use, is so far beyond the comprehension of the human mind that every thought we can have on the matter is as close to the truth as any other. It's all good. 2. The universe is an illusion and is basically a set of maths structures and a set of rules/laws. Magic is the right to make changes to the numbers in the structures bypassing the laws (but not the hidden laws). 3. Being mindful, being in the now, feeling the pause between the out-breath and in-breath where magic is close, is all practising the craft. You don't need to be performing an act of 'magic' to be in a magical state of being. 4. Doing things this way or that, right or wrong, is too restrictive. We grow our practice on the shoulders of giants who have blazed the paths before us. But, the correspondences between symbols, colours, cards, sigils, spell ingredients, words, crystals, etc, are so extensive (and mostly unknown), it's magic itself that should be used as the definitive source of how something should be done. Witchcraft requires only the mind, imagination, visualisation and magic to perform an act. Everything else is a tool to make up for our limitations and confidence. Amazing video. Love and light.
Honestly your opinions are spot on, and I especially like the fourth one! I've always been mildly irritated by correspondences because I don't agree with all of them and find them somewhat limitng.
I think there are two issues with the sign thing: 1- people don't trust their own judgement enough, they want someone else to assure them that something is/isn't true, this works for both looking out for signs as confirmation for something, and for asking others if the confirming sign is actually a sign and trully means what they think. 2- people are looking for signs so hard that it adds to the confusion and to their lack of self confidence. In general I think signs are overrated, if you want to do something and you have the means to do it, and judge that it is a reasonable thing to do, then go. Why the hell would you need permission from someone/something else? Witchcraft is meant to be empowering, not make you feel even more insecure than you already are!
I don't really look for signs or ask for them, more, I recognize something unusual that pulls at my gut and intuition and try to decipher what it means in the context of my life. I ask my pendulum a few questions to confirm and respond in a way I find appropriate and agreeable. I may misinterpret something here or there, but if so, I'm sure another, less subtle sign will come along and so on until I get the message.
unpopular opinion from years ago my male friends believed we all danced naked in the full moonlight....a good friend asked if he could join. I told him I dont belong to a coven and at the present time the group of witches I knew didnot dance naked in the moonlight. For whomever wants to do that, I say go for it, if it makes you feel empowered or ?? My take on what I have done for 43 years is become a Caleach, an old wise woman, I have always requested the help of this or that deity ,depending on my intention......I think we look for too much "trying to fit a title" rather than being who we are and following our own path....then let the title/label fit us. (I dont like labels),, I pray, meditate, conjure, scrye, read tarot, runes, & automatic messages, plus so much more.....but do very little spell work. TikTok " knowledge keepers" are becoming very" unpopular opinions" with me . I do love your videos, and do believe you personally are a great representative of a witchcraft practitioner.
10:21 I feel like, for myself, I like using labels. Labels are how I describe myself and fit into the bigger picture. I like to call myself a Writer Witch because I like using poetry, sigils, and words in general in my practice. However, that doesn't mean I don't also use crystals, energy work and the like. It just means I've found what I like to use most and relate to other people that also like to use their creativity as an outlet in witch craft.
40:11 I definitely don't think Witchcraft should be my entire personality. It's just a facet of me, an important one but a facet nonetheless. I also can't imagine ever obsessing over witchcraft to the point that it's all I know.
The tarot opinion I agree with 100%! I am not good at memorizing things so I find it the most effective when I read the cards by the imagery and how they make me feel. Sometimes I will look at a card and just have a feeling about what it means, and that feeling is usually much more accurate in the meaning than the definition in the book!
My unpopular opinion is also on social media, people joining witchcraft sites and then only asking for free readings and spells. Too many people create their own problems and seek out others to fix their problems. Loved this list! I'm solitary and practice when the moods strikes, and I work in a professional office, don't dress like a witch, ever!
I see labels like "green witch" or sea witch" as more of a specialty than anything else. If you don't have a speciality, or instead of multiple that's fine too, but if you have a thing that you love and do the most of, I think that's where the labels originally came from.
What a great video! I especially want to express my appreciation for your words about practicing with illness and other limitations. I am pretty new to this world and respect your opinions a great deal. Thank you!
I really appreciate your comments about "baby witch"! I find it so much more infantilizing when people start lecturing self-identified "baby witches" about why they shouldn't call themselves that. It's not a term I used for myself, but I see zero issue with anyone else identifying with it. It's all about personal choice.
The most powerful spell I did was when I was in my early twenties 2004 on a beach with a sheet of paper from a hotel notepad and a regular inked pen. I had the sand the sun the wind and the ocean as "tools". I lean on that especially these days when Instagram UA-cam etc spits out all these beautiful tools and setups for "successful witchery". I'm very glad I wasnt a newbie witch today. I can imagine I'd be overwhelmed and discouraged with all the consumerism. Dont get me wrong, I have a shit ton of Crystals books and decks after all these years and the amount escalated the last 5 years but all you need is really your clear intention of connection with the divine. Not even a pen or paper if you dont even have that.
Whatever works for you is 'Right'! I was taught that the mind and intention is all that is required and that works for me but we are all unique in our practice.
oh yep tarot. i had my deck at 16, but was too rigid with the 'meanings' from the cards that i put them away for 15 years. then i mentioned online that i store them in an alabaster box, i have a strong connection to alabaster as a stone and it really works for me, but someone chewed me out for it saying they can only be in a wood box or in a pouch. so i changed it up and nope the card readings were a disaster. put them back in the stone box and make sooooo much more sense. so popular opinion.... what works for you may not be 'textbook' witchcraft but it still works so its still 'right'.
On gifting decks: I have received decks that were absolutely gorgeous, but I couldn't use. I think finding a deck you can connect with is much more important than having a deck given to you. (I know some people who work around this by picking out a deck and then asking a friend to buy it for them, which I suppose would also work.)
Do you know where that idea stemmed from? I've always been curious but never found an answer. I agree with you 100% and also think if some people wait around for decks, they nay never get them. Not everyone is blessed to have a supportive circle of friends and family that would purchase decks for them.
About the label one, I just call myself an eclectic witch because I have no specific thing I want to do, I do consider doing green the most but since I will do any kind regardless of the type, I don't consider myself just a green witch, hope this may help someone!
i love this, as im working full time and taking care of a family who i cant get privacy from, so i cant always practice. in addition i have adhd and struggle to keep up with it
I have zero problems if people self identify as a baby witch. I have problems with labels being pushed onto people who don't identify with those labels. The term baby witch in itself can be problematic for new practitioners because its infantalizing and it can cause others to not take them seriously or can make the practitioners themselves feel that they need their hand held in the beginning stages of their learning (holy mother of run on sentences batman). Thorne Mooney has a great viewpoint on this topic on her channel. New practitioners; be you and identify with whatever makes you comfortable. Great video. You are wise beyond your years.
I think asking "what does this mean" about literally everything is just a case of novice witches not knowing how witchcraft works. It's definitely irritating, I usually link the Witch of Wonderlust's "mundane before magic" video. Usually if it's a sign, it's pretty obvious that it's the case. I loved the "witchcraft doesn't have to be your entire personality" opinion 😂
I bought my first deck of tarot at age 12 by going on a "camping trip" with my first coven aka my two best friends through the woods behind our house. We ended up crossing a river and crossing the highway to get to the one occult shop on the other side of town. Also the way I cleanse my deck sometimes is simply by sorting and and placing them in order. Its totally free to cleanse them that way. Resets the energy ✨️ I also mostly read from this deck which is tattered as I am now 36 yrs old. My other decks I am more gentle with also.
My matron is the Morrigan, but whenever i do workings for my mom i look to Jesus as a deity or a patron saint since that's who she has a relationship built up with
I think some people’s aversion to the Jesus thing is the contradiction. The Bible/Jesus specifically say NOT to use witchcraft. There are examples in the scriptures of those who called on spirits or performed rituals that were condemned or punished for such practices. I think people CAN use whatever deities they choose, but the “Christian witch” thing is a gigantic juxtaposition. As someone who was a “born again” Christian at one time and who knows the Bible backward and forward, I really really do not get it. But hey, to each his/her own, right?
@@chuckfriebe843 Jesus never said that you should not use magic. Yes, it's in the bible though. But these scriptures should be looked at within the historical contect of their time and not as a "How to do" thingy. Some modern christians know this. Christian witches may know that too. Acceptance is the key. (But I don't like christianity either)
I love your videos and this one sums up a lot of things I think. But heres another unpopular opinion, not everything in witchcraft has to love and light. I'm sick of seeing people getting shamed because they're looking into the darker aspects of the craft. I understand that it can be an uncomfortable topic for some people but when someone is at a point where the fell the only way to make a situation better or to stop it completely is to use manipulative magick then made be its what they need to do. I'm tried of seeing people get ridiculed for asking how to do bindings on people and cord cuttings, and jinxes because people think that they have a better answer the person asking for help who for all you know has already tried all other options.
It’s no one’s business what others do wit h there Magick. Another witch telling another witch not to perform baleful magick is like Christians telling other people how to live their lives. It’s annoying and just wrong.
Regarding "We are the granddaughters of the witches they couldn't burn." I actually really like this phrase. In fact, I have it as my iPhone wallpaper! I agree that it isn't accurate in any way (both because most "witches" accused in the witch hunts were not actual magickal practitioners and because witchcraft isn't hereditary), but the tone evokes a lot of power, confidence, and standing up for yourself. I find the term "granddaughter" to be more metaphorical. We've taken up the mantle and title of "witch" and thus carry that history with us, even if the relationship isn't hereditary. Same thing with "couldn't burn." It really is telling the world "You tried to kill innocents in the name of eradicating witches? Well we call ourselves witches. We _dare_ you to try and burn us." The only think I take issue with is the use of "granddaughters," as modern witchcraft isn't exclusive to women. I'd prefer "grandchildren." Admittedly, it doesn't sound as cool. But "children" still sounds cool! "We are the children of the witches they couldn't burn." I've also seen "descendants" used instead.
I personally love the phrase: "We are the grand-daughters of the witches you couldn't burn." I find it to be incredibly powerful as a woman who practices. I am currently doing a degree in archaeology which has been my passion since I was in elementary school so I definitely take the historic aspect into account. The women accused of witchcraft were prosecuted by men on a power trip who often abused that power to get rid of strong women who they thought were causing a problem. In the modern day, things that are considered "witchy" are often simple practices that people had to do to survive in the past. I come from a family full of badass women who were considered different from others in their day. I take it as a powerful statement of being a self sufficient woman who is in tune with my spirituality. :)
Well.. most accusations were launched by women against other women out of jealousy and spite 😅 might’ve been the men that carried out the trials but make no mistake- the Early Modern period was very much a world of womens quarrels with one another
While rare to have a lime of practitioners to call back to, it really doesn't matter to be considered a Witch. And thier is no unbroken line. Even generational Witches have been affected by the demonization of Witchcraft and Paganism that occurred....
I agree Madison, and have a beautiful sign with that saying. It isn't necessary to have a direct proven lineage back to a witch to connect to that saying.
I've been to a small number of witchy events. Most others in attendance dressed - looked very much in the witchy aesthetic. I on the other hand looked like a preschool teacher at a Teacher Conference. Lol 😆 I love color and bright happy things. I get some strange looks. I've had people say that I'm a bit of a surprise when they realize that yes I am here, yes I know what this is all about, yes I intended to be here and yes I am staying. To me, dressing in all black would be torture to my soul. Difference is what makes the world a great place.
I really appreciate going over how not everyone is able to practice on the daily, I have always gone through periods of less due to a variety of things including my chronic illnesses, I can worry that I must not really be a witch or spiritual person because of the gaps, I try to tell myself that there are times for quietness in practice, and that that’s okay, thank you!
I definitely needed to hear about its okay not to be practicing every day. I work in the medical field over 40 hours a day, stream 4 to 6 times a week, and a mum to a wonderful teen. I plan my practice times on Wednesdays and Sundays, however sometimes I feel like I am not doing enough. I actually am planning Imbolc stuff for Tuesday and Wednesday today because today is my spiritual day. Actually told my teen I would not be streaming on Tuesday so that way we could celebrate our holiday. =) Blessed Be Everyone.
Fantastic!! I adored what you said about witchcraft not needing to be all that you are all the time. Our varied interests are what make us well rounded and intresting people.
I consider myself a mountain Forest witch as I feel most inspired to collect things for my practice when I'm in the forests up in my local mountains meaning I work a lot with moss and Cedar and Pine and Juniper and local stones found in river beds, ferns, blackberries, feathers that I find on the ground and any small bones that I find. The deeper I go up into those Mountain forests the more at home I feel
I call myself a beginner witch. I’m happy to hear that I don’t have to practice every single day or week to feel like a real witch. I have a job that I work 12 hours a day and just don’t have the time or I’m tired and want to relax by doing something else.
On the view that you don't have to work with deities to practice witchcraft, a few thoughts: 1. I agree. I like working with Freyja and other deities and I can't imagine myself doing witchcraft without that, but I accept others can and do. 2. Technically, I don't believe you have to believe in deities (at least not as literal entities) to work with them. Working with deities as symbols/archetypes is valid as well. 3. A fun question that I thought of when you talked about working with other entities instead of deities: What makes a deity a deity as opposed to a land wight, ancestral spirit, etc? For example, I tend to believe that many deities started out as human beings whose legends became so great that they eventually became deities in the minds of their people over time. (I also suspect that some of the more fantastical myths might have originally described a vision or other such experience that the deity had during trance work before they became deified.)
I personally dislike "baby witch" I prefer "Seeker" which denotes a beginner seeking information and learning. Seeker doesn't classify the type of learner. Another term could be "witchlet" a beginner. I frequently see people calling themselves "baby which" followed up with an expectation those more knowledgable are therefore automatically obligated to instill knowledge upon them
"Seeker" has long been used in a religious context, and I'm not a religious person, so I would never call myself a seeker. When I have heard that term used in a witchcraft related context it was used in regards to aspiring Wiccans.
When i started witchcraft, the term novice was used. It seems like a more suitable term, but basically any terminology refering to starting of beginning is good. Whatever floats your boat.
you mentioning christian witches and what you had to say ab them was so so validating for me that i almost cried. this made me very happy. thank you for that
I am actually descended from two women and their sons who were tried or locked up in the Salem witch trials. When I say I’m descended from “witches they couldn’t burn” (I know they hung in Salem) I mean it as a statement against close-minded evangelical Christianity, which I grew up in. It’s not so much about being a witch myself, just being a woman in a culture that devalues and demonizes “the other” even in this day and age.
I am the descendants of the Putnams of Salem. Imagine me being able to do spellwork while calling to ancestors who were the source of mass hysteria. Lol
I like the book City Witchery in its much more reasonable take on "daily practice." I think anyone who believes someone needs to do witchcraft every day in order to be a Real witch, in my experience, tends to be someone who is trying to sell something- like spell supplies, or classes, or whatever- or feels pressured by these people in the community. It's truly ridiculous, especially having been on witchblr for a decade or so, and having seen equally pushed ideas that expectations to even pray every day, which can look like many accessible things, is ableist (and rightly so! Not everyone can do something, even something like praying, every single day, it's just too much).
Your eye makeup really reminds me of Bumblebee Jasper and it makes my heart so very happy. Gorgeous. I know this has nothing to do with the videos topic, but it must be said ( I didn't check the comments to see if someone else said it already...💁🏻♀️)!
The shaking in her voice when she said, "did I make it worse? ... I think I made it worse." 🥰 I love you so much, Hearth! You are so adorable, and so full of helpful information. Thank you so much for making these videos!
The way people refer to themselves is a huge point of contention in the on line community, not just in the Craft community, but in fandoms as well. Case in point, I was attacked en masse and then banned from a Doctor Who group just because I used the word Whovian to refer to myself as a fan of Doctor Who, so I was attacked and ostracized because "How dare you use labels!" Like wut? 🙄😒
@hearthwitch - I've been on your channel for years & just wanna say you are an amazing, wonderful, beautiful, and empathic role model. I also love your voice - sometimes I even fall asleep to it while enjoying your videos. Thanks so much for an the inspo & EVERYTHING you do!
Wow, what a great video !. I have learn d so much from you & I thank you so much for your honesty & frankness with us. It's good to know there is room to breath with witchcraft
baby witch is this decades version of fluffy bunny, being new isn't an issue. infantilising yourself is. Saying everything is about intention. intention is important but so is prepping yourself, doing the research etc. It helps focus the mind and your energy. Edit: this doesn’t mean you need all the things though. Never even heard of Florida water until this year yet been practicing 25 years.
Hello. I am a practicing witch of over 20 years. I just found your channel today and have watched a few videos so far. I just wanted to say how wonderful these videos are for all interested in the craft. And the interaction in the comments is wonderful. Thank you very much for your time and effort making these videos.
Thank you. I was feeling dicey about titles and such, but now I'm going to be able to indulge my desire for fantasy by incorporating titles of whatever current I work with most in the present. Much love and God bless!
Right off the bat, I agree with the first opinion lol In one of the first books I bought, all of the spells required incorporating a different specific diety. Well, I don't trust strangers and those deities are strangers to me. Plus, I'm not going to ask a powerful being that I don't even know for a favor! I could easily get in over my head! I don't want to owe anyone anything, especially not a being I can barely comprehend, that's scary lmao
Me, nodding fervently with an 'unpopular opinion' thinking, yes I agree. In fact that sounds just like something I would say. Oh wait it is! Hearth is reading out my actual comment :D Great video, you are always a voice of reason in a sea of chaos!
So many things you mentioned resonated with me, especially yours because some of us are still "in the broom closet". I live in "the Bible belt" so wearing my makeup or dressing a particular way could bring negativity into my life. I also agree that it's an individual thing! I appreciate people who are true to themselves instead of copying others. I especially love your end of video content because it brings a smile to my face. Thank you for all you do. Blessings to all in love and light! 🙏🏼💜🙏🏼💙🙏🏼🧡🙏🏼💛🙏🏼💚🙏🏼💖🙏🏼
I totally agree with you about your appearance, just be your beautiful self. For me I need to blend in I have no desire to stop cutting my hair wear makeup get my nails done, that is my choice. I love a cloak but I am not going to draw attention to myself wearing in my local supermarket. I often feel when people criticise its a sign of jealously, so continue what your doing your videos are so informative and eloquent, I have gained a lot of good informative advice from you.
I ran into someone online once who said baby witches don't exist because in order to do witch craft right you had to do research and baby witches were witches who didn't know enough yet and therefore didn't count. What are opinions on that? I disagree with it fundamentally and it feels like gatekeeping to me.
I personally think that no matter how much you know about magic and witchcraft, you are a witch. So if you don't know a lot, you can be considered a baby witch. To me, being a witch (or magical practitioner in general) includes people that are interested in learning and practicing magic. It's that simple, in my opinion.
Definitely not. It is possible for any witch to not have the proper knowledge of anything in the occult. I can guarantee that no witch knows everything. The term baby witch is just a cutesy way of saying beginner and hopefully getting more experienced witches to be gentler with them (doesn't always work). I recommend anyone who uses baby witch to find witchy-er sounding titles
Never heard of this kind of definition for baby witches, but i can tell, the more time passes, the more this term has a negative connotation, almost like "baby witches aren't to be taken seriously"
I just always thought of the term "Baby Witch" to be in reference to people new and still learning how to find and walk their paths. And like babies, they are still learning how to walk that path, how to write and perform spell/ritual work. On the other side, I remember watching someone who did want to call people baby witches cuz it COULD be taken as demeaning by the community, and suggested using terms like newly/recently awakened witches, since it can be a spiritual practice, and they are "awakening" themselves to find what they want to become or want to do. I tend to use recently awakened witch myself because I'm not necessarily new to it anymore, and I personally practice it as a spiritual journey myself.
36:10 I saw someone in a witchcraft subreddit where someone asked about a more realistic looking evil-eye amulet on a necklace. They claimed that every now and then people would turn their heads away from the pendent (and made it clear that not everyone had this reaction). This person was asking if people not wanting to look at the necklace was a sign that there was something negative or malignant about the person that was repelled by the necklace causing them to be uncomfortable and look away from it. A few people commented on the post saying, "it's doing its job!" Another said, "either it's working or you need a bath," but most of us were trying to explain that, given the design of the necklace (which the user who wrote the post shared a picture of) people probably just thought it was weird or creepy and got uncomfortable looking at it, or were trying not to be rude by staring (or in my case, the fact that it looks like a real person eye looking at me is really uncomfortable to make, "eye contact," with the necklace due to my being autistic, so I likely would have had the same response.... this does not make me some dark or evil influence repelled by the amulet.). We tried explaining that there are many mundane, material or mental reasons a person might not want to look at the pendant, that this person shouldn't assume that those people are negative influences to be avoided just because they might have been creeped out by the necklace. They might end up missing out on a great friendship because of it.
Unpopular opinion here:Male witches should be allowed to call themselves Warlocks if they choose. Reason being is that Stigma behind that all Warlocks are is supremely evil liches or magicians that sold there soul. I really dont agree,if you wanna be a Warlock Be A Gosh Darn Warlock. P.S Warlock just sounds badass too.
Labels are what you make of them, especially when it comes to reclaiming previously harmful ones. Reminds me of Wizard Squendle from instagram. He likes labeling himself as a wizard rather than witch :D
If I recall there's a certain person in the Witchcraft community who put out a $10,000 reward for anyone who can prove that warlock meant oathbreaker. No one ever proved it. So hell ya, call yourself a warlock!
I loved this video. I find that witchcraft doesn't have to consume my whole life. I enjoy the time that I spend reading about about it. I watch a lot of videos including yours to learn more. Thank you ❤
Unpopular opinion: using spiritual practices from cultures that are not your own are not “cultural appropriation” as long as you appreciate it and understand why you’re using it and why it’s important to that culture. I personally am mixed Native American and Caucasian and I don’t find it offensive at all that people who aren’t Native American research and include Native American practices into their practice. If something feels right, it feels right for a reason. Other people shouldn’t be telling you what spiritual practice or practices is right for you. Only you can do that
Thank you for talking about some of these things. It definitely clarified a few things, like tarot cards, doing spells every day and personality. I'm pretty new to witchcraft and spells. I've done a few, but mostly been learning and researching. I started with intuition and healing past traumas etc. So thanks again I find your videos, I find them all useful.
Love this vid! Such kind and thoughtful "talking points". My own journey (started at 12, am now 65) has been all over the map. Nice to hear acceptance of Christian Witch practice. Nice to hear a more inclusive term for someone just beginning their journey - "Baby Witch" is not an encouraging term, in my opinion. Nice to hear such positive discussions.
- About "Everything Means Something"... I think the person involved in seeing it is much more likely to discern what it means than someone they don't know - or only know online - that may be halfway across the world may have. I think it's fine every once in a while, if one has a good community that they trust, but not all the time. That being said, I don't usually see whatever it is the person wants me to see in the picture; I always feel like it's one of those Magic Eye posters, and I was never good at those and have bad eyesight anyways. lol I think when it comes to this, it's important to remember that the human brain is preprogrammed to look for patters where there aren't any; it's just how we're wired. So I don't always think that there's a face in the fire or that the tarot card that fell on the ground was super-important....but maybe it is. It's hard for me to say when I don't know the person IRL, and have never met them. On the other hand, I've had my own weird experiences that couldn't be explained by science, so I hesitate to completely dismiss it every time. But this is why I say the person is the most likely to know, and the people close to them, rather than folks on the Internet. In a similar vein, my unpopular opinion is that, just because something Bad happens - the lights go out, your plumbing bursts, bats poop on your head - isn't a sign that someone has it out for you spiritually. Recently was in a community where a lady claimed that her husband's ex-wife was somehow spiritually causing such things to happen, because she was upset about the divorce. (essentially; I'm paraphrasing.) The ex isn't even a witch! So, on the one hand, I understand why this would be a go-to explanation, and have nothing against doing some protection magick if they think there's something to it. But on the other....does it really matter what the source is? If the ex's wild energy somehow made pipes burst in your house (without physically causing it to happen, and maybe not even realizing they did it), it doesn't change the fact that one has to deal with burst pipes now. And what if it WASN'T the ex? What if they burst because that's what pipes do in the winter when the ground is frozen? What if it has nothing to do with her at all? (This is also why I'm not a huge fan of "revenge" magic, where one tries to get back at the other person. That won't help either party in the end, IMHO.) Then the witch is sending bad stuff toward the ex for no reason. I don't know; I have so, so many thoughts, and a lot of them are probably not fit for youtube comments. lol But I don't think everything MEANS anything, and if it does, it probably only means it to that person and not to the entire internet community.
Regarding Tarot decks ive actually been using an app on my phone for tarot and runes as i cannot afford physical copies currently. Im sure this would be blasphemous to a lot of practitioners but I dont see any reason why spirit guides, deities or ancestors cant work through an electronic device just as effectively as physical cards or runes.
This was a great video and I definitely appreciate that so much of how I have felt for years was basically validated, lol. I had a conversation with a friend of a friend, who claimed to be a 7th generation witch. But as they explained how this worked, I was like...riiiiight. I didn't bother to argue, but I guess it sounds super cool to those they are able to convince. One term I did hear from that same friend was, "armchair witch', as a way of describing someone who doesn't practice daily and cast spells left and right. I've been practicing for over 30yrs and have never felt the need to fit anyone else's idea of how to be. If I wanted to live by other peoples concepts of religion, I'd join a church.
omg yesss i watched a channel who blatantly siad she doesnt identify or like the use of the triple goddess or maiden mother crone and she wants others to stop using it. the community can be so toxic
It was music to my ears to hear the first one “you don’t need/need to believe in deities to practice witchcraft”. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I’m an atheist and I practice a lot of elemental magic, and in FB groups I’ve been told that I’m irresponsible, reckless, clueless, etc for practicing without deities. 🥴 IMO it’s much more reckless to just jump into deity work bc they “saw them in a dream” without fully understanding what it means. Love your videos so much! Since I started practicing you have been my favorite. You are never biased and give such great info and perspectives.
As someone who has grown up in a Christian family, I personally find the idea of working with ANY deity type figure to be extremely terrifying and too similar to the oppressive religious views I'm trying to separate myself from. I admire the aesthetics of some of them, but I don't plan on doing anything deity related for a long time, if ever.
Unpopular opinion: you don't need to practice any traditional or ancestral magic from any certain time or place. I find this is an issue for alot of American Witches trying desperately to cling to Irish or Scottish ancestors from hundreds of years ago.
I would guess that White Americans do this for the same reason black Americans look to African religion or folk magic… trying to recapture old ways before colonization and oppressive Christianity stripped all culture away.
As an American, I feel that we’re too preoccupied with where our ancestors came from and that heritage when most people really don’t know much about it at all and just like claiming it.
I personally feel like there's a ton of room for new ideas and creativity and that the old ways can stand to be improved upon, like with science or any other field that has grown over time. Now that witchcraft is more mainstream, it's time to make discoveries and cobble together new practices, like a magic revolution of sorts.
@@scheherazade2291 Being of Polish heritage ,I would stick with my heritage ( but ,I don't " cling " to it ) with my path....until then I'm a Stormbringer
oooh boy... not done w the video but on the opinion where you're discussing tarot and i have so much to add in regards to that. it's gotten to the point where, when i do readings for other people who read/receive a lot of readings i warn them beforehand bc of the amount of shit i've gotten from people for the fact that i apparently, "read wrong," even though my readings are accurate and reliable. it's about finding a system that works for you, and not trying to adhere to other people's ideas of what's right at the cost of your own comfort/enjoyment/accuracy. also, my own unpopular opinion about tarot: you've never been reading "too long" to still use the guidebook. it exists for a reason, and incorporating the writer's/illustrator's ideas of the cards into your readings, regardless of their set/traditional meaning, is usually a good idea. besides, some people have memory/learning issues/disabilities and making fun of them for still wanting to learn and read makes you the bad person.
I am a new subscriber to your channel and honestly, you are my absolute favorite! I suppose I could be classified as a "baby witch"... but that is laughable since for one, I just turned 56, and two, I've been practicing all my life with no community or formal label. Since my beautiful husband passed away, I've become more invested in this. I've been like a sponge soaking up knowledge. I go with my gut instinct when performing a ritual and the energy rush/tingle lets me know I'm on the right path. I just wish I could find some kindred folks in my area.
Unpopular opinion: The social media witchcraft community has place such a heavy emphasis on specific tools (herbs, crystals, tarot, etc.) that it makes new practitioners feel unfairly obligated to use them when they have no desire for/connection to them. For example, I often see lavendar listed for spells, wards, etc., as if it's necessary for spell work, but I actually hate the smell of lavendar. If I'm using lavendar in my practice and I have a negative view attached to it, wouldn't it just negatively effect my practice?
When I started learning and starting my practice I was convinced I was required to use white sage and crystals which ultimately led to me realizing I’m uncomfortable burning sage for ethical and personal reasons. Now I’m stuck with bundles of sage I feel bad about having and if I burn it I feel guilty and that’s not the way to go about any practice.
I never purchased crystals because I don’t feel connected to them but often it feels like they are necessary. I still feel pressured to buy crystals from practitioners on social media. I truly wish I learned sooner that there is no “required” material to learn and practice. No one talks about this enough!
It’s not just social media. This has always been a thing. Books on Wicca and witchcraft have always given a list of tools to get to help with witchcraft. It’s only in more recent times that books have started to say that tools aren’t essential.
ironically I have a granddaughter who also dislikes the smell of lavender and works as you do. I personally use herbs based on their tradition, as I don't care for the smell of many of them. It's like iodine, we hate it cause it burns, but it does prevent infection, so we use it anyway. BUT it is your intention and I believe you can sometimes go by that, too.
Though I love lavender what you're saying is 100% true!
yes! so true. Social media witches focus so much on results that they don't talk about journey or process. Your example of lavender is a great one. You can easily find a replacement for lavender without disturbing the work. There is so much emphasis on the look of a work or spell and not enough on how to build work or spells.
Thoroughly enjoyed this topic. I'm a 67 yr old witch practicing since 12. I have 3 granddaughters, all witches, ages 17-24. When they began their journey I felt "sad" that they preferred videos to my knowledge. I had learned things as past down from my grandmother. Ironically they are ACCURATE according to the new fancy books. :-) (uses for certain herbs & stones) As we learned, we meshed and all is wonderful now. I had to learn to stay quiet and let them grow on their own (except once for safety). I got a tee shirt for Christmas "Grandmother to those you couldn't burn". I take it as a "badge" saying women are free today to do so much more. I recall when it was frowned on to walk down a public street w' a cigarette in hand. WE have so many freedoms now. I wear it as a celebration.
Oh thats wonderful :) I wish my Granny or my Mom would teach me about witchcraft (they are witches too) but they always wanted to "protect" me so they stay quiet about our history and the craft so I HAVE to learn it by myself.
Unpopular Opinion: You are not obligated to work with your ancestors if your ancestors would despise you doing what you're doing. I am a celtic witch, my ancestors were VERY Christian. I tried to call out to them (because I didn't know), they tried to burn down my house with a tea light on a fireproof plate. The flame got out of the tea light and onto my dresser. There is no physical or scientific way for that flame to jump out of the tea light and cause a fire on the alter cloth. I did a reading with my goddess and it came up with I angered them for being a witch. Not everyone's ancestors are there to protect them, that's a huge general misconception. It doesn't make you a bad person either. It just means you have ancestors who would be willing to watch you burn and you need to look for other spiritual guardians.
I've seen a lot of people get attacked, myself included, on social media for not respecting or reaching out to their ancestors. Not everyone needs to or can call out to their ancestors.
right, its just like regular family. some of us were not lucky enough to be born into a safe and supportive network, but we can still find and create that for ourselves. For me, I don't have many ancestors that I can connect with through my practice, I turn to the protective genus loci instead.
You could have gone a little or maybe lot further back in your family lineage to find a ancestor who will work with you
@Alissa Reminiec maybe? It seems like OP is pretty hurt by this and has every reason to not try again. That's a very insensitive comment.
@@santhemooncrystal796 It's not insensitive...I had to go all the way back in my heritage to find a ancestor who wants to work with a witch
...It was a suggestion..OP doesn't have to take the suggestion ,if she doesn't want to...I was emotionally injured by my family whilst they were alive...which is why I'd never ask for their help for as anything magickal
My comment wasn't specifically for OP but for everyone
When working with ancestors, there's so many I'm sure you don't know of. Families branch out it's not just one line. I'm sure you can find someone.
I mean that in a nice way not in a rude way
Unpopular opinion: practicing darker magic doesn’t make you evil. Life’s a balance and it can’t be good all of the time, same with witchcraft. Social media comes down on people so hard for simply asking questions about darker magic instead of educating. Not everyone believes in the rule of 3. My personal belief is that if someone does something horrible to you then you’re not gonna get karma for doing a banishing spell on them to get them to leave you alone lol. No one should be judging someone else for what they’re doing in their own magical practices.
Truest thing ever!! Baneful of benevolent magick are both tools, it’s whether or not the person who controls them is ‘good’ or ‘bad’
It's like Sex Ed. If you don't teach and educate about it people are still gonna do it but do it ignorantly and are at risk for making a big mistake. Not educating about it does not prevent it. Educating and showing what can go wrong can give people the tools to make a well educated and thought out decision when the opportunity comes up. Doesn't mean people won't still make the decision to do baneful magic but that's just someone's decision.
I have said sínce my First degree Initiation Rite that in order to spread the light sometimes requires dancing in the dark.
If you can't Hex , you can't Heal. You can't Curse , you can't Cure.
2 sides of same coin but in this case the coin is a current or stream of Magick
Exactly! I once considered the path of a grey witch, using hexes and healing as one is equally as important as the other, but felt green witchcraft to be a truer path for me. I still know how to hex although haven’t found a need for it thus far and would use one if the need arose
"We are the grand-daughters of the witches you couldn't burn" comes from a novel with a specific context. I feel it was so much more powerful as a metaphor in feminism (where I saw it the first time) than it is in witchcraft. There. That's my unpopular opinion lol
I like it!
@@baddiewise7650 thanks!
This was my thought exactly when I saw the phrase. I never thought of it truly as a witchraft specific phrase, it was always to me a feminist statement to the patriarchy. "You may kill us, but there will always be more of us."
I kind of like it. I don't know that I see it as a reference to feminism, but more of a nod to tradition and strength. Many have tried to anihilate the practice, yet here we are!
Other unpopular opinion. You can practice witchcraft and believe in science. - future biologist here who is a witch. One of my favorite things is when I'm reading/ learning more about witchcraft and science at the same time. To find the same results, often the results were found in witchcraft before being scientifically proven/founded. Both have many many similarities.
Absolutely. Often the magickal properties of herbs and plants correspond with their physical effects on the body.
I'm not sure it's an unpopular opinion, mostly because most of the witches I've met believe in science, modern medicines, etc, etc. You always have to put the mundane before the magical, and for there to be mundanity, there must be. There are also scientific studies out there trying to figure put how it all works because we simply don't know how just that it does. That's kinda the part that makes it magical, ig
Unpopular opinion: If you ask for a deep cleanse. Expect to loose people in the process. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows sometimes it can look like the darkest time in your life until you get to your destination
Exacly. Same for very strong protection, which will protect you from much more than many of us realize. Also reminds me of those practitioners who ask for Justice. Often that's the last thing you will hear about them...
Agreed. When I first began my journey with my (now) patron deity, I knew she wanted to turn my life on its head. My year-ahead tarot spread for that year included the tower. I couldn't imagine what could go wrong because my life seemed so solid. Within months, my marriage was over, I had lost my job and my best friend. So definitely a deep Cleanse of your life comes with some seriously painful and difficult endings and changes but it is so worth it because now I am happier than ever and know that all of those changes were absolutely necessary for my personal growth.
unpopular opinion: Most people see witchery as one particular type of practice, mostly European centric practices. Hence why when someone says they do multiple works daily, there is a mind boggling response. There are other practices out there such as Santeria, Vodun, or Hoodoo that may call for daily work that's not "ritual". Small works deeply ingrained in their daily life are a must in these practices. These works are done as pre-work to rituals (you don't have to get ready, if you are already ready). These acts can include: ancestor altar up keep, general house keeping, spiritual baths, prayer or meditation, centering work, peace work, how food is prepared, etc. Words from a Hoodoo/ Root Worker.
That is because those other practices you mention (Voodoo, Santeria) are not witchcraft. Witchcraft is European.
@@kh22912 I agree with you
Both Vodou & Santeria are African based religions
Santeria is a Afro Cuban tradition
But, Christians always lump African , Amerindian & other older Earth based religions as being equally evil
Santeria, Vodun& Hoodoo are closed practices..
Which means that outsiders can watch what is going on... But can't participate in the rituals
Santeria, Vodun& Hoodoo are closed practices..
Which means that only those who are initiated into the religion
For the slogan “we are the daughters of the witches you couldn’t burn” I think the people who are against it take it too literally. It doesn’t literally mean biological descendants when it says daughters, it means those who came after. And I’m sure everyone in the witchy community knows the vast majority of people killed for being witches were not witches. But they were still killed in the name of anti witchcraft. So to be a practicing witch is something to have pride in, and even more pride now that we can be more open about it. The slogan to me is saying that witchcraft has been able to live on regardless of the hatred and fear it faced in our history, and we are proud to be apart of that legacy. It’s not something I’d personally use/wear, but I can totally understand why some would find it empowering and want to
I prefer, "We are the witches you burned coming back for revenge."
I definitely agree. I do have a sign with that saying, and I love it.
I agree, and I have been considering buying a shirt tht says that as well
Yes! Thank you!
Thank you!
Back decades ago you did not have sea witch, kitchen witch, storm witch etc etc. Most of the time we were summarized by our tradition... Gardnerian Witch, Georgian Witch, Alexandrian Witch, etc etc . Titles as storm, kitchen, sea are relatively newer concepts.
I've been a Stormbringer ( a part of being a Stormbringer is working with the elements in their directions ) admidsy Zagovory
.. since childhood ... it's not a title to me..This is what I am
Other than that ...Hi Mannon
And here's to being part of a belief system that can assimilate modern concepts....
It's the IDENTITY crisis and the need / an urge to "fit the box" and to go with (and follow) the mainstream media narrative, just nuts
I definitely needed to hear about not practicing every single day and making it your whole personality. These things have discouraged me from considering myself a 'real witch.' I also dress alternatively and listen to rock music (I was doing my makeup while you were talking about it too 😁) I do identify with the term baby witch, though I like the sound of novice, as well. Most of my craft involves kitchen witchery and glamour magick because I am in the broom closet, living with my parents, and cooking and doing makeup are very normal things. There are loads of other things I'm interested in that aren't related to witchcraft, but that I could eventually incorporate it into when I'm ready.
Willow, I am also a "novice" witch- but the opposite in that my daughter lives with me (rather than living with my parents) luckily, she is wholly supportive of my endeavors. But like you, I do not practice every single day, although I feel it. I think it is a mindset rather than a persona. My strength seems to be with candle magic at the moment. I just wanted to reply to you because I totally get the broom closet thing... even us older folks don't know how people will take it.
Thank u 😊🙏
This really spoke to me honestly....sometimes I don't feel "valid" I guess, because I don't practice every day.
Yes practicing every day is a nightmare. It makes a hobby feel like a chore. Sometimes I even have to take breaks like a week or two long just to keep things balanced and look at my craft from a different perspective. And also being in the broom closet, most of my wardrobe consists of camouflage and dark colors lol…
Unpopular opinion counterpoint: When you mentioned doing 20 spells a day my first reaction was the same as yours. What? Why? How?? But then thinking about it, I suppose it depends on the nature and definition of a 'spell'.
So my unpopular opinion is that the definition of a spell can be any form of intention setting. Taking a cleansing shower? Spellwork. Stirring a blessing into your tea? Spellwork. Calling on a deity to help find a parking spot? Spellwork. In that instance then yes, I could absolutely see it being feasible to cast 20 spells a day XD
I love this! That totally changed the way I felt about that statement.
I agree!
Yeah! I absolutely agree! xD
you totally get it. no one is doing 20 rituals, but rituals aren't the only type of spell.
Agreed. I got the impression that she was referring to people who were saying that they were doing actual ritual spell work 20 x a day... which is pretty unrealistic unless you live in a commune and don't have to do much other work daily, like a job. It sounds like they are trying to show off but it's BS. Real magic can be all the little invocations and prayers throughout the day. I stopped counting LOL because it's definitely more than 20 a day.
My husband commented after coming to a Communion service with me, (this was a long time ago!) that there was little difference between the Eucharist and occult rituals. Both used elements which were consecrated, and required serious intention to achieve the result, whatever that might be. Something I found uncomfortable in some pagan groups was the amount of "gatekeeping" that I used to find in the church, and wanted to get away from.
Unpopular opinion: If you are a witch, then everything you do becomes witchcraft. I think a lot of people view the craft as elaborate spells and rituals when it should be about finding the magick that already exists everywhere in your life. At least for me, discovering I am a witch took me back throughout my entire life, seeing all these pieces that came together, and witchcraft was all that was missing; it explained everything. Realizing your power doesn't come from candles and bay leaves, it comes purely from you. Your memories, your experiences, your self-discovery, and the way you view the world you created around yourself.
I’m glad u mentioned illness. I’m a chronically I’ll beginner witch as well as a special needs parent. I have physical exhaustion on a regular basis so I don’t get to practice every day and sometimes it takes so much energy trying to do one task. I have physical and neurological issues. But I do a lot of research and reading so at least I’m still doing something
witchy spoonies unite! Thanks for writing your comment it's reassuring and comforting to know that others are dealing with similar issues... I wish you and your family all the best!
Power to the spoonies! It's undiagnosed ADHD and autism for me then I have 3 of my 4 kids home most days bouncing off the walls.
My witchery looks like lots of thinking, very little actual spell work and then it's usually a short simple and straight to the point 5-30 minute job.
Me too, (as I've aged my energy has diminished). I like to ask my angels or deities to do the work for me now. I used to do more of it myself and at first I felt "guilty" not having the energy. Don't allow that, it's much more fun to practice as you want, even if it's 5 min once a month. I like to make magick bags and let them do the constant work for me.
Girl I don't even have your completely valid reasons why you don't practice every day. I'm over here just tired from a days work that taking a shower or putting on pajamas seems like a chore. Here's to doing what we can when we can . 🍾🥂
Another spoonie witch here 🤗
The problem I have with the term "baby witch" is how constantly I see it used as a cop out label. "I'm a baby, spoon feed me everything and don't make me take responsibility or accountability for my ignorance and lack of personal research"
I've seen it used more and more frequently as an excuse/shield whenever someone acts inappropriately, doesn't respect boundaries, or treats other practitioners like a search engine, etc.
To be fair to the baby witches; there are a lot of people that really easily say that you should find/read all sources about a topic, when sometimes there is very few info aviable. Some historic goddesses very few stories and info about them, f.e..
The only time I use the term, is in reference to myself when I was new to the Craft. I would have been offended if someone called me that at the time, but now having decades of experience, I can look back and refer to that time as 'when I was a baby witch'. It's often used in a playful context and always only applied to my younger self. It would be judgmental of me to apply that term to someone else, even if they are exhibiting behaviors that I did 'when I was a baby witch'. I don't have the right to judge another's place or their path. If it's appropriate, I can offer some wisdom on the matter, but that's it. There's enough judgment in the world that we face without also judging each other.
@@Darthos3 Since,I've started practicing Zagovory ( verbal Russian witchcraft) very recently.. Even at my age,I'm still a Deva
One of my unpopular opinions; Jar spells. Everything has become about jar spells. At least that's the case in the States. You don't need a jar for every spell. A container is a container. Need a sweet spell, sugar in a charmed tea cup with a sigil or name can be just as powerful as a jar full of 10 plus different herbs, honey, personal concerns and big expensive candles melted on top. Shoot, a charmed and blessed candy dish works even better. I keep one of those on my desk at work.
Ooh charmed candy dish is a great idea!!
I agree, I think jar spells have become popular on social media because they can be really aesthetic.
I love jar spells, but also love ideas for adding magic to things I never would have thought of! 😁
@@brightwitch It's been interesting to see who comes by for candy. People wander to my desk because they are stressed, are struggling to make a deadline, have a big presentation, interviewing for a promotion or things of that nature. Anyone coming to my desk angry or tense is almost immediately defused after being offered a piece of candy. Maybe two of the frequent candy grabbers know about my craft, others are oblivious. They just like how the candy makes them feel and talking about what's bothering them. Often stating, "Thanks, I feel better now."
I think the thing with Jar Spells is due too them having better visuals when making a video about spell work. A video about energy work, is not going to be as interesting to watch as someone putting a bunch of little things in a jar and sealing it. I would love to see younger witches practicing different types of spells. Rituals, Energy work, ceremonial practices, sigils, spirit work, scrying, divination, or just other types of spell work exist. I feel like too many people get stuck in the spell jars, and don't know how to branch out.
@@witchthief5157 I share your view. The aesthetic of a jar spell is undeniable. I have a very beautiful one at work right now, and it's been working for a few years now (before the 30 second video craze 😉). Nevertheless, I keep my day to day magic simple and boring.
Unpopular Opinion: Don't expect others to understand or even want to get involved with your craft, whether they're practitioners or not. Don't get me wrong, I think sharing information to curious minds is a very beneficial thing. But if you force-feed this information to people who either have no interest to learn or try to repulse such things from their lives, it's going to be a slippery slope towards negative consequences. This can also apply to just putting your practice out there in the world in general. I'm not trying to be pessimistic, but society is just not ready to accept the weird willy-nilly.
My rule of thumb with people about my craft is that, even if you don't want to be involved or know about it, thats okay, as long as you respect its important to me. If you start to become a douche about it, I'm cutting you out, simple as that. Do no harm, of course, but take no shit
Also, i will answer any questions they feel they want to ask, because i love to spread knowledge... and ramble about things that excite me but i can do both at once here
Great video! I totally agreed on your witchcraft unpopular opinion, Me and my friend are practitioners and one day we went to our favorite metaphysical shop to get somethings and the Employee gave all her attention to my friend just because she was all dress in black clothes and black boots, then my friend said a coment and the employee said: “Yeah I know a witch where a see it” and I was like left out from the sale just because I was wearing casual clothes wich is my preference of clothing. So I do agree that you don’t have to look someway to be a witch, anyone can be a practitioner.
Whenever Catholics act confused when I tell them I’m a witchy catholic, I remind them about how we turn wine and a wafer into the body and blood of Christ. I also remind them about holy oils, holy sacraments, and sacred objects used for prayer. For example, a bible, a rosary, a cross/crucifix, etc. Even the direction the priest is facing during benediction matters. There is *so* much witchcraft throughout the entire bible; Jesus *literally* cursed a fig tree. I just expanded the ways in which I practice my spiritual faith. To this day I still want a beautiful chapel in my home with beautiful stained glass windows, similar to what you’d find in a convent.
I still have a bible, prayer book and rosary at my bedside. I just now also have my journal, cards, and herbs/oils alongside my catholic objects. They’re all sacred items in my eyes
@RitualofGhosts *exactly*. There are some mentions of sorcery, and how it’s immoral to do. The (New American)Bible mentions malicious spiritual workings to be of the devil/rooted in evil; that’s why people who follow the faith shouldn’t practice it. There’s plenty of witchcraft throughout the entire bible, largely through spoken word; prayers. Everything you mentioned is spot on; Old Testament straight up tells you what you need on your altar. *So* much witchcraft throughout the entire bible. Jesus was one hell of a witch, that’s why I like the dude so much
How about Christ walking on water, healing the sick ,raising the dead & Christ's premonitions before
the last supper..Aren't they a part of Witch craft as well ?
Coming from the Bible Belt of the US I find it hilarious that people are saying you aren't a witch. All of the reasons you stated are why I stick out like a sore thumb, and get asked if I am a witch.
Thank you for your videos. They remind me that the best way to be a witch is the way that works best for my life and situation, and it's ok if my practice doesn't look like others.
YES about the signs! It drives me up the wall. I wish people would stop asking is this a sign. Here is your sign: not everything is a sign.
Agreed! Use and trust your intuition folks, you have it for a reason. You'll just KNOW when something is a sign.
I really like you and your healthy opinions... Looks like people forgetting the "burdens" of real life that we have to deal with everyday so there is not always time and energy for doing spell work.
i can't claim to be a witch, but i would say it's the same thing as happens in the "gay community" in which it is quite common for people to tell a person their not gat because they don't believe the same things or because they don't like laddy gagga or go to the gym. it's a bunch of sad people who have built their entire existence around their idea of a box and can't accept that everybody doesn't think or behave the same as them.
Well said!
Signed, A Gay Witch 🙌
What the…? Isn’t being gay more about men loving men than how men spend their time or their taste in music? Gatekeeping sexualities is so weird…
@@juliannecolosi271 Gay is about same sex attraction 100% but because gay ppl were shamed they had to be secretive about it and very careful about who they told or hang out with which is why there was a subculture. Obviously in most places now days gay ppl can be open but the culture still exists and in cultures/subcultures there is usually gatekeepers.
My opinion about “We are the sons and daughters of the witches they couldn’t burn” is celebrating that we now can live open and out about our craft. I don’t take it literally in the ancestral approach, but rather a celebration that the ancient crafts live on through us still today. :)
When I was a novice witch, I was uptight when it came to spell and ritual procedures that my stomach would get tight. Always fretting about getting it wrong and pissing off the spirits, gods, etc. Knowing better through practicing and time that as long as I’m doing my best, going in with a pure heart I’ll be fine. Personal aesthetic, I feel it has to come from an authentic place. Thank you Hearth for a great video as always.
Sandy, When I hear the term "Novice " I think of a Covent
I think that Maiden Witch is someone who is just beginning their practice
In my case, I'm a Deva ( I'm studying Slavic Witchcraft)
In Eastern Slavic Paganism I'm a Deva ( equal to Maiden in Celtic Paganism)...
My opinions that may be unpopular:-
1. The Divine, goddess, infinite, nothing, whatever name you want to use, is so far beyond the comprehension of the human mind that every thought we can have on the matter is as close to the truth as any other. It's all good.
2. The universe is an illusion and is basically a set of maths structures and a set of rules/laws. Magic is the right to make changes to the numbers in the structures bypassing the laws (but not the hidden laws).
3. Being mindful, being in the now, feeling the pause between the out-breath and in-breath where magic is close, is all practising the craft. You don't need to be performing an act of 'magic' to be in a magical state of being.
4. Doing things this way or that, right or wrong, is too restrictive. We grow our practice on the shoulders of giants who have blazed the paths before us. But, the correspondences between symbols, colours, cards, sigils, spell ingredients, words, crystals, etc, are so extensive (and mostly unknown), it's magic itself that should be used as the definitive source of how something should be done. Witchcraft requires only the mind, imagination, visualisation and magic to perform an act. Everything else is a tool to make up for our limitations and confidence.
Amazing video. Love and light.
Those actually sound like well thought-out opinions!👍
Honestly your opinions are spot on, and I especially like the fourth one! I've always been mildly irritated by correspondences because I don't agree with all of them and find them somewhat limitng.
I think there are two issues with the sign thing: 1- people don't trust their own judgement enough, they want someone else to assure them that something is/isn't true, this works for both looking out for signs as confirmation for something, and for asking others if the confirming sign is actually a sign and trully means what they think.
2- people are looking for signs so hard that it adds to the confusion and to their lack of self confidence.
In general I think signs are overrated, if you want to do something and you have the means to do it, and judge that it is a reasonable thing to do, then go. Why the hell would you need permission from someone/something else? Witchcraft is meant to be empowering, not make you feel even more insecure than you already are!
You’re so right!
I don't really look for signs or ask for them, more, I recognize something unusual that pulls at my gut and intuition and try to decipher what it means in the context of my life. I ask my pendulum a few questions to confirm and respond in a way I find appropriate and agreeable. I may misinterpret something here or there, but if so, I'm sure another, less subtle sign will come along and so on until I get the message.
unpopular opinion from years ago my male friends believed we all danced naked in the full moonlight....a good friend asked if he could join. I told him I dont belong to a coven and at the present time the group of witches I knew didnot dance naked in the moonlight. For whomever wants to do that, I say go for it, if it makes you feel empowered or ?? My take on what I have done for 43 years is become a Caleach, an old wise woman, I have always requested the help of this or that deity ,depending on my intention......I think we look for too much "trying to fit a title" rather than being who we are and following our own path....then let the title/label fit us. (I dont like labels),, I pray, meditate, conjure, scrye, read tarot, runes, & automatic messages, plus so much more.....but do very little spell work. TikTok " knowledge keepers" are becoming very" unpopular opinions" with me . I do love your videos, and do believe you personally are a great representative of a witchcraft practitioner.
10:21 I feel like, for myself, I like using labels. Labels are how I describe myself and fit into the bigger picture. I like to call myself a Writer Witch because I like using poetry, sigils, and words in general in my practice. However, that doesn't mean I don't also use crystals, energy work and the like. It just means I've found what I like to use most and relate to other people that also like to use their creativity as an outlet in witch craft.
40:11 I definitely don't think Witchcraft should be my entire personality. It's just a facet of me, an important one but a facet nonetheless. I also can't imagine ever obsessing over witchcraft to the point that it's all I know.
I don't think of Something Witch is a label,but a description of the Craft that one practices
The tarot opinion I agree with 100%! I am not good at memorizing things so I find it the most effective when I read the cards by the imagery and how they make me feel. Sometimes I will look at a card and just have a feeling about what it means, and that feeling is usually much more accurate in the meaning than the definition in the book!
My unpopular opinion is also on social media, people joining witchcraft sites and then only asking for free readings and spells. Too many people create their own problems and seek out others to fix their problems. Loved this list! I'm solitary and practice when the moods strikes, and I work in a professional office, don't dress like a witch, ever!
I see labels like "green witch" or sea witch" as more of a specialty than anything else. If you don't have a speciality, or instead of multiple that's fine too, but if you have a thing that you love and do the most of, I think that's where the labels originally came from.
Respect and freedom of belief are key. Gatekeeping is a problem as I see it. Love your posts always ❤
Very refreshing to see someone that actually knows what they’re talking about on social media for a change.
What a great video! I especially want to express my appreciation for your words about practicing with illness and other limitations. I am pretty new to this world and respect your opinions a great deal. Thank you!
I really appreciate your comments about "baby witch"! I find it so much more infantilizing when people start lecturing self-identified "baby witches" about why they shouldn't call themselves that. It's not a term I used for myself, but I see zero issue with anyone else identifying with it. It's all about personal choice.
The most powerful spell I did was when I was in my early twenties 2004 on a beach with a sheet of paper from a hotel notepad and a regular inked pen. I had the sand the sun the wind and the ocean as "tools". I lean on that especially these days when Instagram UA-cam etc spits out all these beautiful tools and setups for "successful witchery". I'm very glad I wasnt a newbie witch today. I can imagine I'd be overwhelmed and discouraged with all the consumerism. Dont get me wrong, I have a shit ton of Crystals books and decks after all these years and the amount escalated the last 5 years but all you need is really your clear intention of connection with the divine. Not even a pen or paper if you dont even have that.
Unpopular opinion: you don't need to spend money to practice witchcraft.
This one
I have a short list of 7 tools that I 'll need to have for my practice & I won't deviate from it !
Whatever works for you is 'Right'! I was taught that the mind and intention is all that is required and that works for me but we are all unique in our practice.
oh yep tarot. i had my deck at 16, but was too rigid with the 'meanings' from the cards that i put them away for 15 years. then i mentioned online that i store them in an alabaster box, i have a strong connection to alabaster as a stone and it really works for me, but someone chewed me out for it saying they can only be in a wood box or in a pouch. so i changed it up and nope the card readings were a disaster. put them back in the stone box and make sooooo much more sense. so popular opinion.... what works for you may not be 'textbook' witchcraft but it still works so its still 'right'.
On gifting decks: I have received decks that were absolutely gorgeous, but I couldn't use. I think finding a deck you can connect with is much more important than having a deck given to you. (I know some people who work around this by picking out a deck and then asking a friend to buy it for them, which I suppose would also work.)
Do you know where that idea stemmed from? I've always been curious but never found an answer. I agree with you 100% and also think if some people wait around for decks, they nay never get them. Not everyone is blessed to have a supportive circle of friends and family that would purchase decks for them.
Thank you for this. Especially the part about how having an illness can keep one from practicing every single day.
About the label one, I just call myself an eclectic witch because I have no specific thing I want to do, I do consider doing green the most but since I will do any kind regardless of the type, I don't consider myself just a green witch, hope this may help someone!
i love this, as im working full time and taking care of a family who i cant get privacy from, so i cant always practice. in addition i have adhd and struggle to keep up with it
"Why is my candle flickering?" / "Is your window open, Sharon?"
Not me crying when she said "doesn't make you less of a practitioner"
I have zero problems if people self identify as a baby witch. I have problems with labels being pushed onto people who don't identify with those labels. The term baby witch in itself can be problematic for new practitioners because its infantalizing and it can cause others to not take them seriously or can make the practitioners themselves feel that they need their hand held in the beginning stages of their learning (holy mother of run on sentences batman). Thorne Mooney has a great viewpoint on this topic on her channel. New practitioners; be you and identify with whatever makes you comfortable. Great video. You are wise beyond your years.
I think asking "what does this mean" about literally everything is just a case of novice witches not knowing how witchcraft works. It's definitely irritating, I usually link the Witch of Wonderlust's "mundane before magic" video. Usually if it's a sign, it's pretty obvious that it's the case.
I loved the "witchcraft doesn't have to be your entire personality" opinion 😂
I bought my first deck of tarot at age 12 by going on a "camping trip" with my first coven aka my two best friends through the woods behind our house. We ended up crossing a river and crossing the highway to get to the one occult shop on the other side of town. Also the way I cleanse my deck sometimes is simply by sorting and and placing them in order. Its totally free to cleanse them that way. Resets the energy ✨️
I also mostly read from this deck which is tattered as I am now 36 yrs old. My other decks I am more gentle with also.
My matron is the Morrigan, but whenever i do workings for my mom i look to Jesus as a deity or a patron saint since that's who she has a relationship built up with
Katrina, my patron deity is Veles...
Because he finds favor with musicians
I think some people’s aversion to the Jesus thing is the contradiction. The Bible/Jesus specifically say NOT to use witchcraft. There are examples in the scriptures of those who called on spirits or performed rituals that were condemned or punished for such practices. I think people CAN use whatever deities they choose, but the “Christian witch” thing is a gigantic juxtaposition. As someone who was a “born again” Christian at one time and who knows the Bible backward and forward, I really really do not get it. But hey, to each his/her own, right?
@@chuckfriebe843 Jesus never said that you should not use magic. Yes, it's in the bible though. But these scriptures should be looked at within the historical contect of their time and not as a "How to do" thingy. Some modern christians know this. Christian witches may know that too. Acceptance is the key. (But I don't like christianity either)
I love your videos and this one sums up a lot of things I think. But heres another unpopular opinion, not everything in witchcraft has to love and light. I'm sick of seeing people getting shamed because they're looking into the darker aspects of the craft. I understand that it can be an uncomfortable topic for some people but when someone is at a point where the fell the only way to make a situation better or to stop it completely is to use manipulative magick then made be its what they need to do. I'm tried of seeing people get ridiculed for asking how to do bindings on people and cord cuttings, and jinxes because people think that they have a better answer the person asking for help who for all you know has already tried all other options.
It’s no one’s business what others do wit h there Magick. Another witch telling another witch not to perform baleful magick is like Christians telling other people how to live their lives. It’s annoying and just wrong.
Marvellous. Just watched Helki Rain's post and now here you are. Love and light.
Regarding "We are the granddaughters of the witches they couldn't burn."
I actually really like this phrase. In fact, I have it as my iPhone wallpaper! I agree that it isn't accurate in any way (both because most "witches" accused in the witch hunts were not actual magickal practitioners and because witchcraft isn't hereditary), but the tone evokes a lot of power, confidence, and standing up for yourself. I find the term "granddaughter" to be more metaphorical. We've taken up the mantle and title of "witch" and thus carry that history with us, even if the relationship isn't hereditary. Same thing with "couldn't burn." It really is telling the world "You tried to kill innocents in the name of eradicating witches? Well we call ourselves witches. We _dare_ you to try and burn us."
The only think I take issue with is the use of "granddaughters," as modern witchcraft isn't exclusive to women. I'd prefer "grandchildren." Admittedly, it doesn't sound as cool. But "children" still sounds cool! "We are the children of the witches they couldn't burn." I've also seen "descendants" used instead.
I personally love the phrase: "We are the grand-daughters of the witches you couldn't burn." I find it to be incredibly powerful as a woman who practices. I am currently doing a degree in archaeology which has been my passion since I was in elementary school so I definitely take the historic aspect into account. The women accused of witchcraft were prosecuted by men on a power trip who often abused that power to get rid of strong women who they thought were causing a problem. In the modern day, things that are considered "witchy" are often simple practices that people had to do to survive in the past. I come from a family full of badass women who were considered different from others in their day. I take it as a powerful statement of being a self sufficient woman who is in tune with my spirituality. :)
Well.. most accusations were launched by women against other women out of jealousy and spite 😅 might’ve been the men that carried out the trials but make no mistake- the Early Modern period was very much a world of womens quarrels with one another
While rare to have a lime of practitioners to call back to, it really doesn't matter to be considered a Witch. And thier is no unbroken line. Even generational Witches have been affected by the demonization of Witchcraft and Paganism that occurred....
I agree Madison, and have a beautiful sign with that saying. It isn't necessary to have a direct proven lineage back to a witch to connect to that saying.
it wasnt just women who were burned
@@markrowbotham222 oy...don't even get started....its bad enuf having to constantly correct the misapplication if be being called Warlock....
I've been to a small number of witchy events. Most others in attendance dressed - looked very much in the witchy aesthetic. I on the other hand looked like a preschool teacher at a Teacher Conference. Lol 😆 I love color and bright happy things. I get some strange looks. I've had people say that I'm a bit of a surprise when they realize that yes I am here, yes I know what this is all about, yes I intended to be here and yes I am staying. To me, dressing in all black would be torture to my soul. Difference is what makes the world a great place.
I really appreciate going over how not everyone is able to practice on the daily, I have always gone through periods of less due to a variety of things including my chronic illnesses, I can worry that I must not really be a witch or spiritual person because of the gaps, I try to tell myself that there are times for quietness in practice, and that that’s okay, thank you!
I definitely needed to hear about its okay not to be practicing every day. I work in the medical field over 40 hours a day, stream 4 to 6 times a week, and a mum to a wonderful teen. I plan my practice times on Wednesdays and Sundays, however sometimes I feel like I am not doing enough. I actually am planning Imbolc stuff for Tuesday and Wednesday today because today is my spiritual day. Actually told my teen I would not be streaming on Tuesday so that way we could celebrate our holiday. =) Blessed Be Everyone.
Fantastic!! I adored what you said about witchcraft not needing to be all that you are all the time. Our varied interests are what make us well rounded and intresting people.
I consider myself a mountain Forest witch as I feel most inspired to collect things for my practice when I'm in the forests up in my local mountains meaning I work a lot with moss and Cedar and Pine and Juniper and local stones found in river beds, ferns, blackberries, feathers that I find on the ground and any small bones that I find. The deeper I go up into those Mountain forests the more at home I feel
I call myself a beginner witch. I’m happy to hear that I don’t have to practice every single day or week to feel like a real witch. I have a job that I work 12 hours a day and just don’t have the time or I’m tired and want to relax by doing something else.
I work 4-6 nights a week and feel the same. I have chores to do, relationships to tend and I need to sleep.
On the view that you don't have to work with deities to practice witchcraft, a few thoughts:
1. I agree. I like working with Freyja and other deities and I can't imagine myself doing witchcraft without that, but I accept others can and do.
2. Technically, I don't believe you have to believe in deities (at least not as literal entities) to work with them. Working with deities as symbols/archetypes is valid as well.
3. A fun question that I thought of when you talked about working with other entities instead of deities: What makes a deity a deity as opposed to a land wight, ancestral spirit, etc? For example, I tend to believe that many deities started out as human beings whose legends became so great that they eventually became deities in the minds of their people over time. (I also suspect that some of the more fantastical myths might have originally described a vision or other such experience that the deity had during trance work before they became deified.)
I personally dislike "baby witch" I prefer "Seeker" which denotes a beginner seeking information and learning. Seeker doesn't classify the type of learner. Another term could be "witchlet" a beginner. I frequently see people calling themselves "baby which" followed up with an expectation those more knowledgable are therefore automatically obligated to instill knowledge upon them
@@veronicaattebery same here. I'm a Seeker - at the age of 68, I'm not a "baby" anything.
@@thefox08 Would Maiden Witch be a better description for a new practioner ?
"Seeker" has long been used in a religious context, and I'm not a religious person, so I would never call myself a seeker. When I have heard that term used in a witchcraft related context it was used in regards to aspiring Wiccans.
When i started witchcraft, the term novice was used. It seems like a more suitable term, but basically any terminology refering to starting of beginning is good. Whatever floats your boat.
@@thefox08 Lol! That’s great!
you mentioning christian witches and what you had to say ab them was so so validating for me that i almost cried. this made me very happy. thank you for that
I am actually descended from two women and their sons who were tried or locked up in the Salem witch trials. When I say I’m descended from “witches they couldn’t burn” (I know they hung in Salem) I mean it as a statement against close-minded evangelical Christianity, which I grew up in. It’s not so much about being a witch myself, just being a woman in a culture that devalues and demonizes “the other” even in this day and age.
Well your Witch kin understand that if you say a thing like that...thats it's more metaphor that speaker to being a spiritual defendant...
I am the descendants of the Putnams of Salem. Imagine me being able to do spellwork while calling to ancestors who were the source of mass hysteria. Lol
I like the book City Witchery in its much more reasonable take on "daily practice." I think anyone who believes someone needs to do witchcraft every day in order to be a Real witch, in my experience, tends to be someone who is trying to sell something- like spell supplies, or classes, or whatever- or feels pressured by these people in the community. It's truly ridiculous, especially having been on witchblr for a decade or so, and having seen equally pushed ideas that expectations to even pray every day, which can look like many accessible things, is ableist (and rightly so! Not everyone can do something, even something like praying, every single day, it's just too much).
Your eye makeup really reminds me of Bumblebee Jasper and it makes my heart so very happy. Gorgeous. I know this has nothing to do with the videos topic, but it must be said ( I didn't check the comments to see if someone else said it already...💁🏻♀️)!
The shaking in her voice when she said, "did I make it worse? ... I think I made it worse." 🥰
I love you so much, Hearth! You are so adorable, and so full of helpful information. Thank you so much for making these videos!
The way people refer to themselves is a huge point of contention in the on line community, not just in the Craft community, but in fandoms as well. Case in point, I was attacked en masse and then banned from a Doctor Who group just because I used the word Whovian to refer to myself as a fan of Doctor Who, so I was attacked and ostracized because "How dare you use labels!" Like wut? 🙄😒
@hearthwitch - I've been on your channel for years & just wanna say you are an amazing, wonderful, beautiful, and empathic role model. I also love your voice - sometimes I even fall asleep to it while enjoying your videos. Thanks so much for an the inspo & EVERYTHING you do!
Wow, what a great video !.
I have learn d so much from you & I thank you so much for your honesty & frankness with us. It's good to know there is room to breath with witchcraft
baby witch is this decades version of fluffy bunny, being new isn't an issue. infantilising yourself is.
Saying everything is about intention. intention is important but so is prepping yourself, doing the research etc. It helps focus the mind and your energy.
Edit: this doesn’t mean you need all the things though. Never even heard of Florida water until this year yet been practicing 25 years.
Hello. I am a practicing witch of over 20 years. I just found your channel today and have watched a few videos so far. I just wanted to say how wonderful these videos are for all interested in the craft. And the interaction in the comments is wonderful. Thank you very much for your time and effort making these videos.
Thank you. I was feeling dicey about titles and such, but now I'm going to be able to indulge my desire for fantasy by incorporating titles of whatever current I work with most in the present. Much love and God bless!
your skin is so so very smooth in this video, you usually look beautiful but today there is a glowing very soft quality.
Right off the bat, I agree with the first opinion lol In one of the first books I bought, all of the spells required incorporating a different specific diety. Well, I don't trust strangers and those deities are strangers to me. Plus, I'm not going to ask a powerful being that I don't even know for a favor! I could easily get in over my head! I don't want to owe anyone anything, especially not a being I can barely comprehend, that's scary lmao
Me, nodding fervently with an 'unpopular opinion' thinking, yes I agree. In fact that sounds just like something I would say. Oh wait it is! Hearth is reading out my actual comment :D
Great video, you are always a voice of reason in a sea of chaos!
So many things you mentioned resonated with me, especially yours because some of us are still "in the broom closet". I live in "the Bible belt" so wearing my makeup or dressing a particular way could bring negativity into my life. I also agree that it's an individual thing! I appreciate people who are true to themselves instead of copying others. I especially love your end of video content because it brings a smile to my face. Thank you for all you do. Blessings to all in love and light! 🙏🏼💜🙏🏼💙🙏🏼🧡🙏🏼💛🙏🏼💚🙏🏼💖🙏🏼
I totally agree with you about your appearance, just be your beautiful self. For me I need to blend in I have no desire to stop cutting my hair wear makeup get my nails done, that is my choice. I love a cloak but I am not going to draw attention to myself wearing in my local supermarket. I often feel when people criticise its a sign of jealously, so continue what your doing your videos are so informative and eloquent, I have gained a lot of good informative advice from you.
I ran into someone online once who said baby witches don't exist because in order to do witch craft right you had to do research and baby witches were witches who didn't know enough yet and therefore didn't count.
What are opinions on that? I disagree with it fundamentally and it feels like gatekeeping to me.
that's the definition of gatekeeping.
I personally think that no matter how much you know about magic and witchcraft, you are a witch. So if you don't know a lot, you can be considered a baby witch. To me, being a witch (or magical practitioner in general) includes people that are interested in learning and practicing magic. It's that simple, in my opinion.
Definitely not. It is possible for any witch to not have the proper knowledge of anything in the occult. I can guarantee that no witch knows everything. The term baby witch is just a cutesy way of saying beginner and hopefully getting more experienced witches to be gentler with them (doesn't always work). I recommend anyone who uses baby witch to find witchy-er sounding titles
Never heard of this kind of definition for baby witches, but i can tell, the more time passes, the more this term has a negative connotation, almost like "baby witches aren't to be taken seriously"
I just always thought of the term "Baby Witch" to be in reference to people new and still learning how to find and walk their paths. And like babies, they are still learning how to walk that path, how to write and perform spell/ritual work.
On the other side, I remember watching someone who did want to call people baby witches cuz it COULD be taken as demeaning by the community, and suggested using terms like newly/recently awakened witches, since it can be a spiritual practice, and they are "awakening" themselves to find what they want to become or want to do.
I tend to use recently awakened witch myself because I'm not necessarily new to it anymore, and I personally practice it as a spiritual journey myself.
I saw someone in a witchcraft subreddit where someone asked about a more realistic looking evil-eye amulet on a necklace.
They claimed that every now and then people would turn their heads away from the pendent (and made it clear that not everyone had this reaction). This person was asking if people not wanting to look at the necklace was a sign that there was something negative or malignant about the person that was repelled by the necklace causing them to be uncomfortable and look away from it.
A few people commented on the post saying, "it's doing its job!" Another said, "either it's working or you need a bath," but most of us were trying to explain that, given the design of the necklace (which the user who wrote the post shared a picture of) people probably just thought it was weird or creepy and got uncomfortable looking at it, or were trying not to be rude by staring (or in my case, the fact that it looks like a real person eye looking at me is really uncomfortable to make, "eye contact," with the necklace due to my being autistic, so I likely would have had the same response.... this does not make me some dark or evil influence repelled by the amulet.). We tried explaining that there are many mundane, material or mental reasons a person might not want to look at the pendant, that this person shouldn't assume that those people are negative influences to be avoided just because they might have been creeped out by the necklace. They might end up missing out on a great friendship because of it.
Unpopular opinion here:Male witches should be allowed to call themselves Warlocks if they choose. Reason being is that Stigma behind that all Warlocks are is supremely evil liches or magicians that sold there soul. I really dont agree,if you wanna be a Warlock Be A Gosh Darn Warlock. P.S Warlock just sounds badass too.
Labels are what you make of them, especially when it comes to reclaiming previously harmful ones. Reminds me of Wizard Squendle from instagram. He likes labeling himself as a wizard rather than witch :D
Agreed! Let's reclaim the Warlock title! :-)
Being honest hoping this gets featured in a future video.
If I recall there's a certain person in the Witchcraft community who put out a $10,000 reward for anyone who can prove that warlock meant oathbreaker. No one ever proved it. So hell ya, call yourself a warlock!
warlock or wizard. or honestly witch could just become a gender neutral term, i think all of the above would be my preference.
I loved this video. I find that witchcraft doesn't have to consume my whole life. I enjoy the time that I spend reading about about it. I watch a lot of videos including yours to learn more. Thank you ❤
Unpopular opinion: using spiritual practices from cultures that are not your own are not “cultural appropriation” as long as you appreciate it and understand why you’re using it and why it’s important to that culture. I personally am mixed Native American and Caucasian and I don’t find it offensive at all that people who aren’t Native American research and include Native American practices into their practice. If something feels right, it feels right for a reason. Other people shouldn’t be telling you what spiritual practice or practices is right for you. Only you can do that
Thank you for talking about some of these things. It definitely clarified a few things, like tarot cards, doing spells every day and personality. I'm pretty new to witchcraft and spells. I've done a few, but mostly been learning and researching. I started with intuition and healing past traumas etc. So thanks again I find your videos, I find them all useful.
I hope you make a part 2 with the rest of the list! My unpopular opinion didn’t make it into this video and I’m curious what your take is
I know i'm two years late in responding to this video but I love this video so much. Thank you everyone for your opinions. This was really insightful.
Love this vid! Such kind and thoughtful "talking points". My own journey (started at 12, am now 65) has been all over the map. Nice to hear acceptance of Christian Witch practice. Nice to hear a more inclusive term for someone just beginning their journey - "Baby Witch" is not an encouraging term, in my opinion. Nice to hear such positive discussions.
Would Maiden Witch be more of a Encouraging description ?
Maiden also corresponds with the phases of the Moon
- About "Everything Means Something"...
I think the person involved in seeing it is much more likely to discern what it means than someone they don't know - or only know online - that may be halfway across the world may have. I think it's fine every once in a while, if one has a good community that they trust, but not all the time. That being said, I don't usually see whatever it is the person wants me to see in the picture; I always feel like it's one of those Magic Eye posters, and I was never good at those and have bad eyesight anyways. lol
I think when it comes to this, it's important to remember that the human brain is preprogrammed to look for patters where there aren't any; it's just how we're wired. So I don't always think that there's a face in the fire or that the tarot card that fell on the ground was super-important....but maybe it is. It's hard for me to say when I don't know the person IRL, and have never met them.
On the other hand, I've had my own weird experiences that couldn't be explained by science, so I hesitate to completely dismiss it every time. But this is why I say the person is the most likely to know, and the people close to them, rather than folks on the Internet.
In a similar vein, my unpopular opinion is that, just because something Bad happens - the lights go out, your plumbing bursts, bats poop on your head - isn't a sign that someone has it out for you spiritually. Recently was in a community where a lady claimed that her husband's ex-wife was somehow spiritually causing such things to happen, because she was upset about the divorce. (essentially; I'm paraphrasing.) The ex isn't even a witch! So, on the one hand, I understand why this would be a go-to explanation, and have nothing against doing some protection magick if they think there's something to it. But on the other....does it really matter what the source is? If the ex's wild energy somehow made pipes burst in your house (without physically causing it to happen, and maybe not even realizing they did it), it doesn't change the fact that one has to deal with burst pipes now. And what if it WASN'T the ex? What if they burst because that's what pipes do in the winter when the ground is frozen? What if it has nothing to do with her at all? (This is also why I'm not a huge fan of "revenge" magic, where one tries to get back at the other person. That won't help either party in the end, IMHO.) Then the witch is sending bad stuff toward the ex for no reason.
I don't know; I have so, so many thoughts, and a lot of them are probably not fit for youtube comments. lol But I don't think everything MEANS anything, and if it does, it probably only means it to that person and not to the entire internet community.
Regarding Tarot decks ive actually been using an app on my phone for tarot and runes as i cannot afford physical copies currently. Im sure this would be blasphemous to a lot of practitioners but I dont see any reason why spirit guides, deities or ancestors cant work through an electronic device just as effectively as physical cards or runes.
This was a great video and I definitely appreciate that so much of how I have felt for years was basically validated, lol. I had a conversation with a friend of a friend, who claimed to be a 7th generation witch. But as they explained how this worked, I was like...riiiiight. I didn't bother to argue, but I guess it sounds super cool to those they are able to convince. One term I did hear from that same friend was, "armchair witch', as a way of describing someone who doesn't practice daily and cast spells left and right. I've been practicing for over 30yrs and have never felt the need to fit anyone else's idea of how to be. If I wanted to live by other peoples concepts of religion, I'd join a church.
omg yesss i watched a channel who blatantly siad she doesnt identify or like the use of the triple goddess or maiden mother crone and she wants others to stop using it. the community can be so toxic
It was music to my ears to hear the first one “you don’t need/need to believe in deities to practice witchcraft”. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I’m an atheist and I practice a lot of elemental magic, and in FB groups I’ve been told that I’m irresponsible, reckless, clueless, etc for practicing without deities. 🥴 IMO it’s much more reckless to just jump into deity work bc they “saw them in a dream” without fully understanding what it means.
Love your videos so much! Since I started practicing you have been my favorite. You are never biased and give such great info and perspectives.
This is funny i was just thinking about a dream i had had about multiple females and some where after my mother told me to get back to my roots..
As someone who has grown up in a Christian family, I personally find the idea of working with ANY deity type figure to be extremely terrifying and too similar to the oppressive religious views I'm trying to separate myself from. I admire the aesthetics of some of them, but I don't plan on doing anything deity related for a long time, if ever.
Couldn't agree more with the Tarot comment, and pretty much most of the comments as well. Fun video, Thanks ;)
Unpopular opinion: you don't need to practice any traditional or ancestral magic from any certain time or place. I find this is an issue for alot of American Witches trying desperately to cling to Irish or Scottish ancestors from hundreds of years ago.
I would guess that White Americans do this for the same reason black Americans look to African religion or folk magic… trying to recapture old ways before colonization and oppressive Christianity stripped all culture away.
As an American, I feel that we’re too preoccupied with where our ancestors came from and that heritage when most people really don’t know much about it at all and just like claiming it.
I personally feel like there's a ton of room for new ideas and creativity and that the old ways can stand to be improved upon, like with science or any other field that has grown over time. Now that witchcraft is more mainstream, it's time to make discoveries and cobble together new practices, like a magic revolution of sorts.
@@scheherazade2291 Being of Polish heritage ,I would stick with my heritage ( but ,I don't " cling " to it ) with my path....until then I'm a Stormbringer
I loved this video! Part 2? ;)
oooh boy... not done w the video but on the opinion where you're discussing tarot and i have so much to add in regards to that. it's gotten to the point where, when i do readings for other people who read/receive a lot of readings i warn them beforehand bc of the amount of shit i've gotten from people for the fact that i apparently, "read wrong," even though my readings are accurate and reliable. it's about finding a system that works for you, and not trying to adhere to other people's ideas of what's right at the cost of your own comfort/enjoyment/accuracy. also, my own unpopular opinion about tarot: you've never been reading "too long" to still use the guidebook. it exists for a reason, and incorporating the writer's/illustrator's ideas of the cards into your readings, regardless of their set/traditional meaning, is usually a good idea. besides, some people have memory/learning issues/disabilities and making fun of them for still wanting to learn and read makes you the bad person.
I Love your makeup! I also enjoy makeup. Your doing great! Luv the video! No I don’t see the shadow! You look great!
I really appreciate the validation on the disability front. I do a lot of reading and thinking but I'm in too much pain to do much more than that. ❤
I am a new subscriber to your channel and honestly, you are my absolute favorite! I suppose I could be classified as a "baby witch"... but that is laughable since for one, I just turned 56, and two, I've been practicing all my life with no community or formal label. Since my beautiful husband passed away, I've become more invested in this. I've been like a sponge soaking up knowledge. I go with my gut instinct when performing a ritual and the energy rush/tingle lets me know I'm on the right path. I just wish I could find some kindred folks in my area.
As to the age of practitioners. It's not the AGE of the person. It's the EXPERIENCE of the person.