+FritsGerlich07 ……I love that painting, it is one of my favourites. only a highly evolved soul could paint like that. it can look, mean or feel anyway depending on how you are looking at it or feeling at the moment. it transforms itself just like us.
+The111Queen it's one of my favourites to. to me it's a allegory on the emerald tabula of Hermes Trismugistis, which speaks of a Dance of souls, from the Realms of Angels to to the Realms of Man and back again. I like Alessandro Botticelli very much. I also know he was Lorenzo De Medici's best friend. and Il Magnefico is my hero.
+FritsGerlich07 …..Alessandro Botticelli was a very evolved soul whom had unorthodox views and therefore had a difficult time living in those times. his art was his way to communicate to others who were like him and also to express the song of his soul. he was very much like my hero Leonardo Da Vinci.
Where i work every day is filled with heavy metal, hip hop, with an occasional break for a little R&R or Country but never one single moment of quality music like this. How very refreshing!
7munkee It's somewhere below 0 F outside... Best thing is to take a ride on the steam train pulling old Pullman cars with potbelly stoves in 'em, and take a good old fashioned Russian tea time (Darjeeling with jam) while passing snow-draped farms and woodlands... Maybe a little Tchaikovski playing in the background among the buzz of polite conversation.
I don't know how people can study and sleep to this music, it's very intense and emotion-stirring. Beautiful music never gets old no matter how long it's been around
Classical music and math work best together.. but yes.. I played Chinese instrumental music when I taught English Language Arts & Ancient History in 6th grade and we focused on China. Super cool having the students listen to and appreciate different types of music esp baroque or classical music. My students would eventually request it to help them focus more on their writing or their projects. You def need practice and fine tuning. ;)
Hey you. Yes, you. You're probably scrolling through the comments, like I am, reading all these motivational comments. If you are reading this at night, you should get some sleep, and don't stress about everything going on in the world, or what you are going through. Don't dwell on things from the past, don't stress on your future. Just live your life, because you only get one. Do whatever makes you happy, not what other people want from you. For me, I'm gonna wake up tomorrow morning, hit the gym, and cherish life for the amazing blessing that it is. I hope you do the same and have an amazing day as well!
@@georgesjunk The thing is, I read this comment and was seriously wondering if you forgot about the gym reply. Im glad to see you checking in. Stay safe!!!
Vivaldi is a part of me. My grandparents and parents always played his wonderful music! So soothing and the work of a genius. Thank you for this present.!!!! It fills my soul!!!!!
Lucky for us, Antonio Vivaldi was very productive during his life and has written more than 500 concertos and instrumentals, even some operas. He worked as a music teacher at orphanage in Venice for 30+ years and wrote music for the girl orchestra so they can perform together. They are still finding his works, as late as in 2004 and 2005 some new Vivaldi pieces were discovered.
@@sely5200 don't know if you'll read this or not, but I heard like a decade after his death, no one really cared about his music anymore during that time. I also read that Beethoven probably never heard his music at all.
Congratulation, we are those people with a huge variety of taste in music. Tired of hearing the same bad music at parties, this kind of music brings peace and chills to our bodies.
Vivaldi is my favorite composer. In his music, I don’t feel anything vain, only that there was and will always be sounds of nature, the light of stars, the voice of divine love. The happiness that we can hear and listen to great music, which is already something more This is a prayer. 20.01.2020
Italy!!! the cradle for the best in music, art, cars, soccer, architecture and of course FOOD!!!!! It is the country that has given the world so much like the renaissance and everything that was uncovered at that time. Bravo Italy!!!!!
Don't forget Germany and Austria ( Haydn, Mozart, Bach, Beethoven ) and then Russia - Stravinski.... but really, what period are we talking about. My favorite is Handel - Water music.
I'm listening to this to unwind after work. It's amazing that this music can unravel all of the knots in my brain and body that were brought on by a hard day. I suffer from general anxiety and my thoughts often race a mile a minute, one worry after another. The stress can be unbearable, but this really makes me feel soothed and refreshed. Thank you for sharing ❤️
He made a grammatical mistake. I think that in his native language he does not have the neutral gender and he translated as best he could. In Romanian, the word music is feminine and we say ,, Music, she is [...] ,,
Вивальди-мой самый любимый композитор.В его музыке я не чувствую ничего суетного,только то,что было и будет всегда-звуки природы,свет звезд,голос божественной любви.Счастье,что мы можем слышать и внимать великой музыке,которая уже нечто большее,это молитва.
Ещё Adagio molto из Осени.Так проникновенно!Но ведь это Антонио Вивальди-Бог в музыке!Австрийская школа!как же иначе?!И следующее из Осени,чувствуется приближение к зиме,последний всплеск Allegro...Боже как я люблю их...и Вивальди,и Моцарта и... и...,гениев этой эпохи!Но вот уже побежали лошадки по утреннему чистому снежку...Началась зимняя охота...Winter Allegro non molto...Боже мой,как всё живо,живописуемо...А Concerto для двух violins?!! Тоже восхитительно,Божественно! И далее,и далее.Уникальная подборка.Благодарю Вас всей душой.Людмила Столярова
Спасибо за ваш энтузиазм, Людмила, мы очень рады, что вы оценили нашу коллекцию музыки Вивальди. Он определенно был гением, и его композиции будут жить вечно!
I just love vivaldi I'm 56 and I just started listening to classical music it combs me down and makes me happy ! Wish I could have listened to this music a long time ago it's never time late Elizabeth Vasquez 😇
I used to listen to rap. Then i got assigned Vivaldi for my project to write an essay about him and his music. Ever since i've been listening to Vivaldi. His music has such power. His songs send chills up your back when you even breathe. Absolutely Incredible.
Che bello! Magnifico lavoro - bisogna ascoltare molto di più come questo al giorno d'oggi. Ripensare a un'epoca più semplice e serena. Credo anche che il signor Vivaldi abbia avuto una grande influenza su compositori successivi come Mozart in particolare, che era un genio. Gloria a DIO per averli creati entrambi!
This music was fit for kings. Now it's fit for everybody. Think of how the musicians who first played it would feel. Think of how they *must* have felt back then, in times of such darkness and hardship, to feel inspired to play such music as this.
42:40 is Vivaldi Concerto for 2 Violins and 2 Cellos RV 575 Mov III, 46:55 is Vivaldi Concerto for 2 Violins and 2 Cellos RV 575 Mov II, 49:17 is Cello Concerto RV 401 Mov III
Děkuji Vám 🌷 ,,Klíčem je najít způsob, jak vytvořit hloubku se zřetelnou lehkostí." ,, Nejsem nostalgik, ale nostalgií a krásu, kterou Vivaldi vepsal do své hudby, velmi obdivuji." ,,Čeká nás všechna štěstěna, která se ve Vivaldim protnula, a všechny jeho záhady." Jean-Christophe Spinosi 🤍🕊️
*My very best of "The Best"* SPRING Concerto No.1 in E, Op.8 - Allegro (00:00) AUTUMN Concerto No.3 in F, Op.8 - Allegro ( 28:58 ) WINTER Concerto No.4 in f, Op.8 - Allegro non molto ( 32:19 ) Symphony N. 2 IN G RV 146 - Allegro moderato ( 1:24:48 ) Honorable mentions: SUMMER Concerto No.2 in g, Op.8 - Allegro ( 10:27 ) SUMMER Concerto No.2 in g, Op.8 - Adagio e piano ( 16:24 ) AUTUMN Concerto No.3 in F, Op.8 - Adagio molto ( 26:34 ) Concerto for Two Horns RV 538 - Allegro ( 41:48 ) Concerto for Two Trumpets - Movt 1 ( 44:32 ) Flute Concerto Op.10 - Movt 1 ( 1:07:30 ) Flute Concerto Op.10 - Movt 2 ( 1:11:46 ) Symphony No.1 In C RV 116 - Allegro ( 1:17:40 ) Oh F it. My favorite is 00:01 - 1:58:10
Hermosa música para cualquier oportunidad y estado de ánimo. Joyas musicales que perduran en el tiempo. Gracias amigos por compartirla. Saludos desde el Perú.
vivaldi is one of the few composers that can coax my soul out to dance with reckless abandon before quietly going back to sleep. it makes me feel alive and joyful.
Hübscher junger Mann mit fröhlicher Musik, perfekt fur die Haushalt und für Kinderwohlsein))) Am frühen Vormittag machen wir uns fur die Schule viel schneller fertig wenn solche oder klassische Musik spielt.
The non-metal heads don’t understand when I tell them that classical music and metal share the same intensity, speed, variety and complexity. Vivaldi was a trve metalhead for his time.
+HALIDONMUSIC There's no way anybody can deny the beuaty of such art work! Congratulations for the good work and thank you for bringing these unique masterpieces to everybody!
Как же нас любит ТВОРЕЦ, если дарует нам ощутить его благодать изливаемую в этих божественных звуках. Только такая музыка вызывает непостижимую гамму эмоций и чувств, которые невозможно описать никакими словами. Все великие гении и таланты посланники Божьи, дар человечеству. Господи! Если ты существуешь, просвети нас. Спаси нас и мир твой.!
Me alegra que la música sea maravillosa para tí. Sabes? Veo que tienes muy buen gusto musical. Yo amo la música clásica que tocaban los genios más grandes de la música: Vivaldi y Mozart. Ellos fueron el alma de la música clásica. Perdóname si te escribo en español, pero yo no hablo portugués.
Vivaldi Inspired Bach who inspired Beethoven and Mozart. Tell me Vivaldi was not the greatest inspiration of all time musically. His concerto's are the foundation of modern Rock and metal still influencing music to this day. Uli Jon Roth started the movement with Sails of Cheron. Just find it amazing that one Amazing man's legacy created so much Pleasure for the last 300 years.
Played many a game of chess and drank many a glass of wine listening to this in high school. Many thanks to my cousin in law Bill, a Korean Veteran, for introducing me to this choice listening.
Бессмертны произведения этого прекрасного талантливого композитора. Сам Бог вдохновил его и потряс весь мир этим гением! Прошли века, но ничего лучше этого не было создано! ВИВАТ, ВИВАЛЬДИ!!!
În memoriam în semn de respect și aducere aminte ca un pios omagiu adus aminte marelui și regretatului compozitor italian antonio vivaldi supranumit regele anotimpurilor. Astăzi joi 28 iulie 2022, se împlinesc 281 de ani de când a încetat din viață marele și regretatul artist fiind totodată bineînțeles preferatul meu maestrul. Data morții:28 iulie 1741,viena, austria. Antonio lucio vivaldi a fost un mare compozitor italian de profesie preot catolic. Este considerat drept cel mai de seamă reprezentant al barocului muzical venețian. Mare păcat că nu mai știm să ne apreciem marii noștrii artiști minunați și super geniali de mare clasă cât mai sânt încă în viață lângă noi să îi iubim prețuim și respectăm valorile și care au plecat la cele veșnice și care ne-au părăsit în această viață. Bunul dumnezeu să vă aibă în pază și protecție să vă odihnească în pace maestre acolo unde ați plecat în cer la domnul printre stele eterne regrete și sincere condoleante familiei sale pentru că nu se va mai putea naște niciodată un asemenea mare om genial și unic. Din partea unui admirator fan și spectator drag și fidel. Amin.
Музыка, созданная Гениями, это тот таинственный Остров, на котором может отдохнуть душой путник-пловец, уставший от этого безумного хаоса-череды пустых и мелких событий, за которыми исчезает сам смысл и ценность такой жизни ...Но Музыка, божественная Природа, ненавязчиво выводят нас с такого ступора -- и дают новый импульс-толчок энергиии для нового Поиска пути ! - Спасибо Великим Творцам за ЭТО !
Parabéns pelo seu encontro com música erudita ela tem muito a nos transmitir. Eu sempre gostei e a acho de altíssima relevância. Amo o som do violino. Parece que nos eleva a uma dimensão desconhecida. Parabéns.
I love Vivaldi. This music brings joy to my household on the daily basis. I love to sit with my eyes closed and just listen. Its amazing what pops up in my head.
I totally agree with you. I work more efficiently when listening to Vivaldi. I honestly think teachers should play Vivaldi in schools during study sessions. Kids might not appreciate it at first but they'll thank them when they start getting A's.
It's amazing to be able to listen to a recording of this quality. Back in the day when Vivaldi was still alive and playing, one could only listen to him maybe a couple of times a year and that's if you were of the elite society that could afford such opportunities.
It is, is it not? Superb that we have in our very palms, not only access to almost every song currently known to mankind, but almost all currently known literature, scientific research (geological, chemical, physical...) "Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo! So little time, so much to know!"
And yet people spend their time emptying their thoughts of knowledge, rather than filling them with it. I admit myself guilty of loafing. Finding a pointed desire for physical knowledge is good and all, but truly the eternally blissful rest with the Almighty.
Think how lucky we are ... after hundreds of years black hole and oblivion one Italian guy found this composer compositions again. I just taught how much more of gorgeous music of Vivaldi forget forever in time...
Yo creo que estos musicos no se imaginaron que 400 años despues gente completamente diferente a ellos y con un arsenal de tecnologia escuche sus composisiones y aun se maravillen de su belleza y perfeccion.
inspiradora, dulce, armoniosa, melodiosa, composición y ejecución perfecta; esto si era música, no como la de ahora que en su mayoría monótonas o mal ejecutadas. ESTO ES POESÍA HECHA MÚSICA
Es verdad cuanto dices David. Los grandes músicos clásicos como Mozart, Beethoven, Bach y Vivaldi componían música de verdad y no como el reggaetton y esa basura de hoy.
Если даже попугай просидел неподвижно, слушая гениальную музыку Антонио Вивальди, то многим людям нужно поучиться у попугая - слушать и понимать классическую музыку. Браво!
У меня с моей мелкой душонкой нет слов описать восторг и величие произведений Антонио Вивальди. Если его музыку слушают уже 4 века - это что-то значит. Непревзойденный виртуоз. Мастер скрипки. Как-будто скрипка - это его душа. Представляете какая у него душа? Нет слов,только эпитеты. Вот бы эта музыка была бы в раю или где-то там .
Enjoy a live performance of The Four Seasons! 🎻
Brought to you by the Orquesta Reino de Aragón: ua-cam.com/video/4rgSzQwe5DQ/v-deo.html
J'aime Vivaldi as 4 estações e todas clássicas dele
@@joserobertodasilva4910 fþþ
E un genio italico nessuno. Ancora. In 300 anni ha compositato. Qualcosa di meglio si. O. No
When I listen to this magnificent composition, I am transformed into a radiant beam of light that shines into many other dimensions.
The111Queen+ I like this one. it reminds me of a painting by Alessandro Botticelli. it's called the Primavera.
+FritsGerlich07 ……I love that painting, it is one of my favourites. only a highly evolved soul could paint like that. it can look, mean or feel anyway depending on how you are looking at it or feeling at the moment. it transforms itself just like us.
+The111Queen it's one of my favourites to. to me it's a allegory on the emerald tabula of Hermes Trismugistis, which speaks of a Dance of souls, from the Realms of Angels to to the Realms of Man and back again. I like Alessandro Botticelli very much. I also know he was Lorenzo De Medici's best friend.
and Il Magnefico is my hero.
+The111Queen I am curious about what you know more about Alessandro Botticelli?
+FritsGerlich07 …..Alessandro Botticelli was a very evolved soul whom had unorthodox views and therefore had a difficult time living in those times. his art was his way to communicate to others who were like him and also to express the song of his soul. he was very much like my hero Leonardo Da Vinci.
Still waiting for the new album.
This made me laugh firstly but then my eyes got wet for some reason.
Plz do the live show
Im waiting for yours
Yeah!But without Salieri you wouldn't nothing!
Where i work every day is filled with heavy metal, hip hop, with an occasional break for a little R&R or Country but never one single moment of quality music like this.
How very refreshing!
what's keeping you from requesting they play it in the mix? Might elevate some of those who haven't heard it.
listen to classic fm at work, I did!
Se pueden suscribir al canal de yutu a Mexico.y encontrarán una música incrible
Wunderbare Musik , die einen für Momente die Probleme der Welt vergessen lassen. Musik ist unzerstörbar...
Viva Vivaldi 😊😊😊
There is no drug in this world that can make you feel as good as Vivaldi
***** Well i don't think he'd like to take shit.
Anneleen Hendrickx Indeed. Only natural substances for me pls.
7munkee Well,i heard heroin was pretty good!?!?!?
It's somewhere below 0 F outside... Best thing is to take a ride on the steam train pulling old Pullman cars with potbelly stoves in 'em, and take a good old fashioned Russian tea time (Darjeeling with jam) while passing snow-draped farms and woodlands... Maybe a little Tchaikovski playing in the background among the buzz of polite conversation.
Bjorn Njordson I can appreciate that, Tchaikovski is awesome.
I don't know how people can study and sleep to this music, it's very intense and emotion-stirring. Beautiful music never gets old no matter how long it's been around
I can't sleep or study while music plays, because I listen to the music then, and can't focus to anything
@@klematiszszimonettarose1797 right?😂
This happen to you also? :D
Classical music and math work best together.. but yes..
I played Chinese instrumental music when I taught English Language Arts & Ancient History in 6th grade and we focused on China. Super cool having the students listen to and appreciate different types of music esp baroque or classical music.
My students would eventually request it to help them focus more on their writing or their projects.
You def need practice and fine tuning. ;)
it depends on how they perceive the music
Strange that this music produces a magical effect on the soul , maybe that never will gets old
oui c vrai tu te sent ton âme trop douce et calme
Elle ne vieillira Jamais.
La preuve. Elle est Toujours là.....et pour longtemps.
Hey you. Yes, you. You're probably scrolling through the comments, like I am, reading all these motivational comments. If you are reading this at night, you should get some sleep, and don't stress about everything going on in the world, or what you are going through. Don't dwell on things from the past, don't stress on your future. Just live your life, because you only get one. Do whatever makes you happy, not what other people want from you. For me, I'm gonna wake up tomorrow morning, hit the gym, and cherish life for the amazing blessing that it is. I hope you do the same and have an amazing day as well!
Am gonna start gym thomorrow thanks broo😅
How's the gym going? @@powermaxgaming
@@georgesjunk pretty well thanks man!
@@georgesjunk The thing is, I read this comment and was seriously wondering if you forgot about the gym reply. Im glad to see you checking in. Stay safe!!!
Only 1.
1. SPRING Concerto No.1 in E, Op.8 - Allegro
2. SPRING Concerto No.1 in E, Op.8 - Largo ( 3:33 )
3. SPRING Concerto No.1 in E, Op.8 - Allegro Pastorale ( 6:22 )
4. SUMMER Concerto No.2 in g, Op.8 - Allegro ( 10:27 )
5. SUMMER Concerto No.2 in g, Op.8 - Adagio e piano ( 16:24 )
6. SUMMER Concerto No.2 in g, Op.8 - Presto ( 18:35 )
7. AUTUMN Concerto No.3 in F, Op.8 - Allegro ( 21:33 )
8. AUTUMN Concerto No.3 in F, Op.8 - Adagio molto ( 26:34 )
9. AUTUMN Concerto No.3 in F, Op.8 - Allegro ( 28:58 )
10. WINTER Concerto No.4 in f, Op.8 - Allegro non molto ( 32:19 )
11. WINTER Concerto No.4 in f, Op.8 - Largo ( 35:50 )
12. WINTER Concerto No.4 in f, Op.8 - Allegro ( 38:13 )
13. Concerto for Two Horns RV 538 - Allegro ( 41:48 )
14. Concerto for Two Trumpets - Movt 1 ( 44:32 )
15. Concerto for Two Trumpets Movt 2 ( 47:44 )
16. Concerto for Two Trumpets Movt 3 ( 48:36 )
17. Concerto for Two Violins & Two Cellos - Allegro ( 52:05 )
18. Concerto for Two Violins & Two Cellos - Largo ( 56:18 )
19. Cello Concerto - Allegro ( 58:40 )
20. Concerto Grosso RV 562a - Allegro ( 1:02:03 )
21. Flute Concerto Op.10 - Movt 1 ( 1:07:30 )
22. Flute Concerto Op.10 - Movt 2 ( 1:11:46 )
23. Flute Concerto Op.10 - Movt 3 ( 1:14:27 )
24. Symphony No.1 In C RV 116 - Allegro ( 1:17:40 )
25. Symphony No.1 In C RV 116 - Andante ( 1:20:27 )
26. Symphony No.1 In C RV 116 - Presto ( 1:23:39 )
27. Symphony N. 2 IN G RV 146 - Allegro moderato ( 1:24:48 )
28. Symphony N. 2 IN G RV 146 - Andante ( 1:29:00 )
29. Symphony N. 2 IN G RV 146 - Allegro tempo di minuetto ( 1:34:07 )
30. Bassoon Concerto RV489 - Allegro ( 1:37:43 )
31. Bassoon Concerto RV563 - Allegro ( 1:41:09 )
32. Lute Concerto - Movt 1 ( 1:43:49 )
33. Lute Concerto - Movt 2 ( 1:47:51 )
34. Lute Concerto - Movt 3 ( 1:53:00 )
35. Storm at Sea - Presto ( 1:55:22 )
Mil gracias por el aporte. Una excelente guía me das para saber lo que escuchan mis oídos de esta música tan maravillosa.
Maro Santos thank you so much
Thanks man!
what are the exactly name of 17 and 19 ? help me, vivaldi has many cello concerto and concerto for both violin and cello ?
Maro Santos Thank you!
Anyone who listens to this kind of musics has a good heart and full of love within.
Not necessarily I've been a real prick at various times in my life and I love this music.
I imagine hannibal lecter preparing some dish while this music plays
that is not "kind", it is genre.
also never say song, say piece.
@@jv_16 don't be so serious
@@0xbg Uncultured.
Culture is a serious think that you cannot disrespect.
Be like Alexander the Great.
Vivaldi is a part of me. My grandparents and parents always played his wonderful music! So soothing and the work of a genius. Thank you for this present.!!!! It fills my soul!!!!!
If only my parents had played such a masterpiece...
Been a few centuries since I listened it live for the first time who else’s still listening to them in 2024 tho?
This. THIS is proof that music is powerful. These melodics sounds made me cry. I felt like i was in total hapiness.
Raph Couto ㄚㄗ˙ㄗㄗㄗ˙ㄗ˙ㄗ˙ㄗㄚ
same as me
Lucky for us, Antonio Vivaldi was very productive during his life and has written more than 500 concertos and instrumentals, even some operas. He worked as a music teacher at orphanage in Venice for 30+ years and wrote music for the girl orchestra so they can perform together. They are still finding his works, as late as in 2004 and 2005 some new Vivaldi pieces were discovered.
Sadly, he was very impoverished later in life. Shocking for such talent. He wasn't appreciated.
I always bless prolificness in good artists and authors. The best legacy to future generations
God bless this man in afterlife
@@sely5200 don't know if you'll read this or not, but I heard like a decade after his death, no one really cared about his music anymore during that time. I also read that Beethoven probably never heard his music at all.
So he is still posting new music
I have always loved classical music, but when I want my spirits lifted up I turn to Vivaldi's violin concertos.
Congratulation, we are those people with a huge variety of taste in music.
Tired of hearing the same bad music at parties, this kind of music brings peace and chills to our bodies.
I agree with you 💯
Y Que te
Y Sime que se
Doing stupid comparisons of different types of genres, just makes you look ignorant, stop trying so hard lol
Vivaldi is my favorite composer. In his music, I don’t feel anything vain, only that there was and will always be sounds of nature, the light of stars, the voice of divine love. The happiness that we can hear and listen to great music, which is already something more This is a prayer. 20.01.2020
greetings from austria
And with a personal touch of Italian
Эффектно написано и по делу
Liz Peña linda
So true
@@maiconpierdona4401 Helli
@@claudiamarianidamato9499 Yes❤️❤️❤️
They had opera back then too young blood.
Italy!!! the cradle for the best in music, art, cars, soccer, architecture and of course FOOD!!!!! It is the country that has given the world so much like the renaissance and everything that was uncovered at that time. Bravo Italy!!!!!
e bellezze italiane ;-)
Benbenutti tutti los bambinos.. .!!!!
Don't forget Germany and Austria ( Haydn, Mozart, Bach, Beethoven ) and then Russia - Stravinski.... but really, what period are we talking about. My favorite is Handel - Water music.
Jaime Niebla cringe
@@jasonhjohnson4120 Handel is Barock music period like Vivaldi and Bach
So unbeschreiblich... Mir kommen fast die Tränen...
The energy in his compositions is such a good example of how classical or Baroque music doesn't have to be boring.
I'm listening to this to unwind after work. It's amazing that this music can unravel all of the knots in my brain and body that were brought on by a hard day. I suffer from general anxiety and my thoughts often race a mile a minute, one worry after another. The stress can be unbearable, but this really makes me feel soothed and refreshed. Thank you for sharing ❤️
Music that heaven reached down and blessed this man.
I had a wise teacher (KW) that said that Beethoven's music reaches up toward the heavens. And Mozart's music was from heaven to us!
Anne H Today's pop music reaches us from hell then
can't argue that!
Or he just did the symphony by himself because he's a human being capable of creating things without the need of a god.
can't argue that, either!
By far, my all time favorite classical music artist.
Beautiful music never gets old, no matter how long it's been around. She feeds my soul
Did you just give music a gender?
dude everything gets old, and there's no problem with that, this old music is unique and beautiful
He made a grammatical mistake. I think that in his native language he does not have the neutral gender and he translated as best he could. In Romanian, the word music is feminine and we say ,, Music, she is [...] ,,
I used to listen to soul and Rap music. But since listening to this music here I have evolved and become a more civilized person.
+Tc Doug I agree Doug. I've decided this is more worthwhile.
"civilized" wow, that's not claiming this as cultural capital at all.......
If you're claiming listening to soul and rap music makes one less civilised then I can assure you sir, you're not one bit civilised.
+Tc Doug que carajo dice este negro???????
+Nestor Nievas Was there a need for that numpty?
Вивальди-мой самый любимый композитор.В его музыке я не чувствую ничего суетного,только то,что было и будет всегда-звуки природы,свет звезд,голос божественной любви.Счастье,что мы можем слышать и внимать великой музыке,которая уже нечто большее,это молитва.
el sonido de la naturaleza y de las mas profundas emociones, me alegra me entristece me transporta es genial.
Мурашки от его божественной мелодии
@@LettoVosh согласен с вами полностью Ольга,в этой музыки больше любви-красоты мира !!! :)
Соглашусь, у меня головная боль от Весны проходит, уже заметила. Кстати слушать на 432Гг еще и полезно
О два Виктория !!! :)
Ещё Adagio molto из Осени.Так проникновенно!Но ведь это Антонио Вивальди-Бог в музыке!Австрийская школа!как же иначе?!И следующее из Осени,чувствуется приближение к зиме,последний всплеск Allegro...Боже как я люблю их...и Вивальди,и Моцарта и... и...,гениев этой эпохи!Но вот уже побежали лошадки по утреннему чистому снежку...Началась зимняя охота...Winter Allegro non molto...Боже мой,как всё живо,живописуемо...А Concerto для двух violins?!! Тоже восхитительно,Божественно! И далее,и далее.Уникальная подборка.Благодарю Вас всей душой.Людмила Столярова
Спасибо за ваш энтузиазм, Людмила, мы очень рады, что вы оценили нашу коллекцию музыки Вивальди. Он определенно был гением, и его композиции будут жить вечно!
I just love vivaldi I'm 56 and I just started listening to classical music it combs me down and makes me happy ! Wish I could have listened to this music a long time ago it's never time late Elizabeth Vasquez 😇
I used to listen to rap. Then i got assigned Vivaldi for my project to write an essay about him and his music. Ever since i've been listening to Vivaldi. His music has such power. His songs send chills up your back when you even breathe. Absolutely Incredible.
o there are so many composers that have written wonderful music just search for it
@@ulrichalbrecht9723 any living ones?
Hey, you. Whoever reading this, this is your sign. Everything's gonna be okay. You did not come this far to give up. I believe in you.....
Che bello! Magnifico lavoro - bisogna ascoltare molto di più come questo al giorno d'oggi. Ripensare a un'epoca più semplice e serena. Credo anche che il signor Vivaldi abbia avuto una grande influenza su compositori successivi come Mozart in particolare, che era un genio. Gloria a DIO per averli creati entrambi!
When I was 6, I listened to Vivaldi.
When I was 16, I listened to Vivaldi.
When I am 26, I am still listening to Vivaldi.
And you'll be listening to him when you're 86!!!!
@@reiskaviipurista definitely! ❤️
Im 36 yaers old and i love this music...
@@reiskaviipurista and 96 and 106
Listening Vivaldi no matter the age!!!!!
--From HK!!!
noi italiani dovremmo essere fierissimi di aver avuto un compositore come Vivaldi e dovremmo portarne alto il nome
This music was fit for kings. Now it's fit for everybody. Think of how the musicians who first played it would feel. Think of how they *must* have felt back then, in times of such darkness and hardship, to feel inspired to play such music as this.
Feeling it man.
How amazing of this!
Full of vitality.
Many thanks to Vivaldi ❤
A comment is full of empathy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
New timestamps:
Spring 00:00
Summer 10:22
Autumn 21:34
Concerto for 2 Horns RV 538 - III. Allegro 32:19
Concerto for 2 Trumpets RV 537 35:05
Concerto for 2 Violins & 2 Cellos RV 575, Mov. III 42:40
Concerto for 2 Violins & 2 Cellos RV 575, Mov. II 46:55
Concerto for Cello RV 401, Mov. III 49:17
Concerto Grosso RV 562a - I. Allegro 52:40
Flute Concerto in D Major, RV 428 58:05
Symphony No. 1 1:08:15
Concerto for 2 Mandolins RV 532 1:15:20
Bassoon Concerto RV 489 - III. Allegro 1:28:18
Concerto for 2 Oboes RV 563 - I. Allegro 1:31:40
Lute Concerto RV 93 1:34:20
Thanks to @Teacorp1
1:15:20 is Concerto for 2 Mandolins in G major, RV 532
42:40 is Vivaldi Concerto for 2 Violins and 2 Cellos RV 575 Mov III, 46:55 is Vivaldi Concerto for 2 Violins and 2 Cellos RV 575 Mov II, 49:17 is Cello Concerto RV 401 Mov III
Once again, thankyou for a timeline
Merci beaucoup !
Beautiful....to the soul and spirit. Vivaldi had such a beautiful gift from God.
Vivaldi is truly timeless. My favorite classical musician. His music is beautiful.
The GREATEST composer of all time in history of music,without doubt :)
The greatest was Bach without a doubt. But Vivaldi was quite nice.
@@franziskakre8309 Bach was inspired of Vivaldi...
Děkuji Vám 🌷
,,Klíčem je najít způsob, jak vytvořit hloubku se zřetelnou lehkostí."
,, Nejsem nostalgik, ale nostalgií a krásu, kterou Vivaldi vepsal do své hudby, velmi obdivuji."
,,Čeká nás všechna štěstěna, která se ve Vivaldim protnula, a všechny jeho záhady." Jean-Christophe Spinosi
*My very best of "The Best"*
SPRING Concerto No.1 in E, Op.8 - Allegro (00:00)
AUTUMN Concerto No.3 in F, Op.8 - Allegro ( 28:58 )
WINTER Concerto No.4 in f, Op.8 - Allegro non molto ( 32:19 )
Symphony N. 2 IN G RV 146 - Allegro moderato ( 1:24:48 )
Honorable mentions:
SUMMER Concerto No.2 in g, Op.8 - Allegro ( 10:27 )
SUMMER Concerto No.2 in g, Op.8 - Adagio e piano ( 16:24 )
AUTUMN Concerto No.3 in F, Op.8 - Adagio molto ( 26:34 )
Concerto for Two Horns RV 538 - Allegro ( 41:48 )
Concerto for Two Trumpets - Movt 1 ( 44:32 )
Flute Concerto Op.10 - Movt 1 ( 1:07:30 )
Flute Concerto Op.10 - Movt 2 ( 1:11:46 )
Symphony No.1 In C RV 116 - Allegro ( 1:17:40 )
Oh F it. My favorite is 00:01 - 1:58:10
+The Green Cesspool Thank you ¡
+The Green Cesspool Anyone could help me... do you know the name of this music? >>> vimeo.com/88235136
+The Green Cesspool Yes, AUTUMN Concerto No.3 in F, Op.8 - Allegro is my favorite!
amy Thank you, You dont know how happy i'am now lol , i find the music in youtube now and is 10 minutes long, now i have to listen to find this part.
+amy Hi again, i hear the full version but dosent have this part i was looking for, i clicked in the first video that youtube show when I search.
Hermosa música para cualquier oportunidad y estado de ánimo. Joyas musicales que perduran en el tiempo. Gracias amigos por compartirla. Saludos desde el Perú.
vivaldi is one of the few composers that can coax my soul out to dance with reckless abandon before quietly going back to sleep. it makes me feel alive and joyful.
Leo Gamer rude
Hübscher junger Mann mit fröhlicher Musik, perfekt fur die Haushalt und für Kinderwohlsein))) Am frühen Vormittag machen wir uns fur die Schule viel schneller fertig wenn solche oder klassische Musik spielt.
As a metalhead i absolutely love this music! Bravissimo!
metalheadbanger present brother 👊
Amen brother
The non-metal heads don’t understand when I tell them that classical music and metal share the same intensity, speed, variety and complexity. Vivaldi was a trve metalhead for his time.
@@carloscedillo6919 trance is widely considered the modern equivelant to classical music. Adagio for strings by tiesto is a good example
I grew up forced to listen to classical music on long car trips. Now I listen because I appreciate it. I'm not a student, I'm in my 40's. Thanks.
Excellent, i love Vivaldi. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for your support iyo porqueyo, we pride ourselves in giving you only the best. Keep on listening! :)
+HALIDONMUSIC There's no way anybody can deny the beuaty of such art work!
Congratulations for the good work and thank you for bringing these unique masterpieces to everybody!
+Leonardo Yohan á
I listen to this while studying❤
Vivaldi is an excellent study buddy 🥰
One of the master of classic music, no doubt!
Incrível! Para todos os que apreciam a música clássica. As obras de Vivaldi são para além do tempo. Obrigado!
Abraços do Brasil.
Bom gosto, amigo. 🇧🇷
Verdade 👏🏽👏🏽☺️
@perfecto imperfecto é vc q nem saber escrever direito
Как же нас любит ТВОРЕЦ, если дарует нам ощутить его благодать изливаемую в этих божественных звуках. Только такая музыка вызывает непостижимую гамму эмоций и чувств, которые невозможно описать никакими словами. Все великие гении и таланты посланники Божьи, дар человечеству. Господи! Если ты существуешь, просвети нас. Спаси нас и мир твой.!
ne diyon
Wow, at 18:20 is where the magic starts to happen for me. 💜 Excellent content as always, @HALIDONMUSIC - Thank You!
Música maravilhosa, as células do corpo vibram de alegria ao ouvir esse som! Deus seja louvado pela arte da música.
Me alegra que la música sea maravillosa para tí. Sabes? Veo que tienes muy buen gusto musical. Yo amo la música clásica que tocaban los genios más grandes de la música: Vivaldi y Mozart. Ellos fueron el alma de la música clásica. Perdóname si te escribo en español, pero yo no hablo portugués.
@@jesusdavidmontenegrocaro3910 Igual hay traductor
Music so beautiful it transcends time, cultures, and language.
For sure he will always be one of the greatest icons of classical music because of the violin! 💜
Vivaldi Inspired Bach who inspired Beethoven and Mozart. Tell me Vivaldi was not the greatest inspiration of all time musically. His concerto's are the foundation of modern Rock and metal still influencing music to this day. Uli Jon Roth started the movement with Sails of Cheron. Just find it amazing that one Amazing man's legacy created so much Pleasure for the last 300 years.
Thank you for this helpful information.
Vivaldi would definitely be a metalhead today
Very interesting. Music from the universe.
I can hear Ian Anderson here of Jethro Tull
If I discover a new metal element and add it to the periodic table, I would name it Vivaldium.
Absolutely lovely for sitting by the fireplace and listening too, or simply viewing the outdoor winter scenery, and having a moment of reflection.
Played many a game of chess and drank many a glass of wine listening to this in high school. Many thanks to my cousin in law Bill, a Korean Veteran, for introducing me to this choice listening.
Daddy! You're my hero!
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi How do you know Haydn he was later than you
I know, and it is OK... because don't forget that you, having been member of Wienna choir boys, were also the one who was singing at my funeral.
Бессмертны произведения этого прекрасного талантливого композитора. Сам Бог вдохновил его и потряс весь мир этим гением! Прошли века, но ничего лучше этого не было создано! ВИВАТ, ВИВАЛЬДИ!!!
I'm glad to see there are a lot of views on it. Still many people listen classical music :)
great quality will always be respected and appreciated
O yes Klem! I started listening since I was a little girl. I'm 46yrs now and still love and listen to classical.
True.Veery true
Baroque music*
@Nome Cognome It is the pure unfiltered divine spark of creativity you could say!
It's important our children hear this.
Очень люблю слушать Вивальди.Такая музыка всегда звучит современно.Благодарю за возможность наслаждаться классикой.
În memoriam în semn de respect și aducere aminte ca un pios omagiu adus aminte marelui și regretatului compozitor italian antonio vivaldi supranumit regele anotimpurilor. Astăzi joi 28 iulie 2022, se împlinesc 281 de ani de când a încetat din viață marele și regretatul artist fiind totodată bineînțeles preferatul meu maestrul. Data morții:28 iulie 1741,viena, austria. Antonio lucio vivaldi a fost un mare compozitor italian de profesie preot catolic. Este considerat drept cel mai de seamă reprezentant al barocului muzical venețian. Mare păcat că nu mai știm să ne apreciem marii noștrii artiști minunați și super geniali de mare clasă cât mai sânt încă în viață lângă noi să îi iubim prețuim și respectăm valorile și care au plecat la cele veșnice și care ne-au părăsit în această viață. Bunul dumnezeu să vă aibă în pază și protecție să vă odihnească în pace maestre acolo unde ați plecat în cer la domnul printre stele eterne regrete și sincere condoleante familiei sale pentru că nu se va mai putea naște niciodată un asemenea mare om genial și unic. Din partea unui admirator fan și spectator drag și fidel. Amin.
Музыка, созданная Гениями, это тот таинственный Остров, на котором может отдохнуть душой путник-пловец, уставший от этого безумного хаоса-череды пустых и мелких событий, за которыми исчезает сам смысл и ценность такой жизни ...Но Музыка, божественная Природа, ненавязчиво выводят нас с такого ступора -- и дают новый импульс-толчок энергиии для нового Поиска пути ! - Спасибо Великим Творцам за ЭТО !
Я пошел переводить ваш язык в Google.
Ваше сообщение - это почти стихотворение.
Поздравления здесь, в Бразилии
Ваш коментар надихає на новий погляд на життя і події. Дякую Вам за натхнення! Мої вітання з України та побажання всього найкращого!!!!
Parabéns pelo seu encontro com música erudita ela tem muito a nos transmitir. Eu sempre gostei e a acho de altíssima relevância. Amo o som do violino. Parece que nos eleva a uma dimensão desconhecida. Parabéns.
+Luiz Carlos da Silva Carlos
alguem sabe o nome da música que começa tocar nos 29 minutos??
Está na descrição do Vídeo "AUTUMN Concerto No.3 in F, Op.8 - Allegro"
Muito obrigado!!
Everyone is studying to this and I'm just chilling and smoking a blunt. I can't be the only one.
I love Vivaldi. This music brings joy to my household on the daily basis. I love to sit with my eyes closed and just listen. Its amazing what pops up in my head.
No one does joy and light-heartedness like Vivaldi! 💐
Eu também. Ontem fui a um Concerto na minha cidade que fez um tributo a ele. Foi maravilhoso!!!!
Gracias y "Felicitaciones" a HALIDONMUSIC por este trabajo tan limpio, profesional...diría mejor PERFECTO !!
Гениально!!! Столько эмоций от творчества этого великого человека!!! Браво этому человеку и людям дающим возможность наслаждаться этой музыкой!!! 💓💓💓
concuerdo amigo
Yo también concuerdo contigo. La música clásica es sublime y tiene un sonido mágico.
Грандиозно! Великий Гений нам оставил чудесную музыку.
I hope Vivaldi likes my comment! My favorite underground artist!!
Ирина подмузыку вивальди. Под старый клавн
I- straight to hell 😂
I did...
The composer, music and musicians are surely marvelous standards. Can any of you write or play music? 🎉
From all the classical composers, it seems like Vivaldi's music has given my brain more energy to study. This being said, yes, back to studying.
Thank you for your compliment. I am most honored.
I totally agree with you. I work more efficiently when listening to Vivaldi. I honestly think teachers should play Vivaldi in schools during study sessions. Kids might not appreciate it at first but they'll thank them when they start getting A's.
Apparently not quite enough energy to study it seems, considering he isn't a classical composer but Baroque.
rudolphg76 so much better than intelectual barbarians lacking of sentiments that tried copying music from Italians reinassance
Вивальди гениален! Его музыка лечит душу и очищает пространство от негатива
От части вы правы.)
Потрясающе!!! Что тут скажешь! Именно этот композитор мне близок из-за его умения чувствовать и светлые стороны жизни и её трагичность.
@@timurbadretdinov9555 1111111111111
@@chechubagaria1617 ok
Как точно Вы говорите о свете и тьме..Это как монетка..крутится разными сторонами,то счастье захлестывает,то печаль..
A világ egyik legfantasztikusabb zeneszerzője Imádom a a zenéjét!
Igen! Vivaldi csodálatos volt 🤩
Нет лучше музыки чем классическая. Божественная, прекрасное для души и сердца
What wonderful music, makes you feel like your in heaven, Thank You Vivaldi.
Высшее насаждение.нет ничего сладчайшего на свете для меня Спасибо всем за собрания и возможность слушать
A creative musician who goes crazy with the best music right that enters the hearts greetings From the sultanate of oman 🥰😍🤩❤💖💗❤❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
It's amazing to be able to listen to a recording of this quality. Back in the day when Vivaldi was still alive and playing, one could only listen to him maybe a couple of times a year and that's if you were of the elite society that could afford such opportunities.
It is, is it not? Superb that we have in our very palms, not only access to almost every song currently known to mankind, but almost all currently known literature, scientific research (geological, chemical, physical...) "Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo! So little time, so much to know!"
And yet people spend their time emptying their thoughts of knowledge, rather than filling them with it. I admit myself guilty of loafing. Finding a pointed desire for physical knowledge is good and all, but truly the eternally blissful rest with the Almighty.
Man, if you have lived today I would give you all of my love !!!! That.....is......just.....amazing
You deserve that kind of love for your words
+Jon Colondos looooooool
+Jon Colondos :D
all need love :)
He is worthy about all kinds of love, ñ_ñ
Es increíble, esta música te relaja de una manera indescriptible y la verdad no se como puedan haber personas a las que no les guste
Think how lucky we are ... after hundreds of years black hole and oblivion one Italian guy found this composer compositions again. I just taught how much more of gorgeous music of Vivaldi forget forever in time...
Everything made by Vivaldi was and always will be great.
слушаю и начинаю понимать что моя душа еще жива ,такая музыка лучший индикатор
Согласен с вами полностью Тамара, музыка проводник !!!
Yo creo que estos musicos no se imaginaron que 400 años despues gente completamente diferente a ellos y con un arsenal de tecnologia escuche sus composisiones y aun se maravillen de su belleza y perfeccion.
Tienes toda la razon. Mi papa y yo siempre especulamos ese mismo tipo de cosas. Lindo dia!
Lo bueno y hecho con clase, no tiene competencia alguna, es por eso que mas de 400 años despues aun sigue deleitando multitudes.
Há muitos anos atrás comentei com meu pai, uma composição que perdura por séculos, é magnífico
Y con tanta tecnología hay compositores como bach Vivaldi etc
Thank you Vivaldi for such incredible music! Thank you to the artists still playing his wondrous pieces!
inspiradora, dulce, armoniosa, melodiosa, composición y ejecución perfecta; esto si era música, no como la de ahora que en su mayoría monótonas o mal ejecutadas. ESTO ES POESÍA HECHA MÚSICA
Es verdad cuanto dices David. Los grandes músicos clásicos como Mozart, Beethoven, Bach y Vivaldi componían música de verdad y no como el reggaetton y esa basura de hoy.
Imaginen la reacción de las primeras personas que presenciaron estás bellas composiciones en aquella época.
Went to he’s concert last year. Even managed to get he’s autograph. Such a lovely, happy chappy!
My idol!
thank you
I really dont understand why people try to compare Vivaldi to other composers (especially bach), they idolized him
Ми идол Сталин
@Liam Nicholson Bach transcribed dozens of concertos of Vivaldi.
2020 !!!
23 /4.. QUARENTENA!!!!
Vaiche boa a vilaboa, volvamos al confinamiento pronto ya.
Eres italiano,yo de Argentina ,con descendencia italiana escuchando MÚSICA🙋
Realmente, música clássica >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Funk
Bota um Trio Parada Dura ai só para finalizar com chave de ouro!
Bom gosto para time e para Música! Parabéns
this is magnificent !! it feels like humans shouldn't have access to such masterpiece..
A human composed it. (food for thought)
Humans compose music. You're right.
Мой попугай просидел неподвижно, слушая подборку от начала и до конца. Я недооценивала мощь классической музыки, спасибо)
Если даже попугай просидел неподвижно, слушая гениальную музыку Антонио Вивальди, то многим людям нужно поучиться у попугая - слушать и понимать классическую музыку. Браво!
Baroque music is actually one of the best ones
the best.
I agree but you were also a genius, Wolfgang. :)
У меня с моей мелкой душонкой нет слов описать восторг и величие произведений Антонио Вивальди. Если его музыку слушают уже 4 века - это что-то значит. Непревзойденный виртуоз. Мастер скрипки. Как-будто скрипка - это его душа. Представляете какая у него душа? Нет слов,только эпитеты. Вот бы эта музыка была бы в раю или где-то там .
ЭТА МУЗЫКА ИЗ РАЯ!!!!!! Господь дает нам возможность поверить в это!!!!
Thank you, with all my heart and soul ! :)
Eres gringo?
@@thechesterjuega8384yo creo que si
@@uwematthaus6001 o g
To describe the emotion produced by listening to Vivaldi nothing better than a verse by Violeta Parra:" a fine diamond that lights up my serene soul"