The Results of My Psychological Study on Personality Change!

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2024


  • @peacewalker4058
    @peacewalker4058 5 місяців тому +27

    I'm waiting impatiently for the book and subsequent videos about the book to come out! Cognitive Networks might be the closest anyone has come to cracking the code on cognitive functions, no one comes close to your framework i belive. Though I still not understand how attitudes play into it, the dominant network with dipping is easy enough, but how do you recognize if an intp is using SeFe convergently or divergently? How about an infj using FiNi? etc etc

    • @CognitivePersonality
      @CognitivePersonality  5 місяців тому +4

      Thanks! And that's often going to be quite fast and subtle, but there can be a lingering emphasis upon either SeFe- or SeFe+ depending on the respective INTP's underlying preferences.
      An ESTP INTP would typically be sharper in their retorts and more critical, whereas an INFJ INTP may be calmer on the surface but more volatile due to the double Feeling divergence.

  • @lulunicola1165
    @lulunicola1165 5 місяців тому +6

    Well, if anyone can make this a reality, it's gotta be you. You're definitely giving CPT a boost by performing empirical studies! Go forth and conquer the psychology field, Harry! We're all rooting for you! 🤩

  • @lucytran4413
    @lucytran4413 5 місяців тому +4

    I have mad respect for you Harry! I've always noticed how I and many people can change personality drastically in different situations and at different stages of life. I wanted to know how my core predisposition has played a role in how I respond to those situations, because like you said, some people are more bound to their personality, hence maintaining their states across situations more consistently, than others. I've not known any research on this complex interaction between how the brain is wired at birth and the environment presented to it over time. It's too complex that even if there have been papers published, those wouldn't get to the public knowledge. I really admire you for undertaking this research, as well as sharing it in a more approachable way with us commoners! Way to go my master! ❤‍🔥

  • @MysticaAriYena
    @MysticaAriYena 5 місяців тому +9

    I think if I remember correctly that I told you this exact thing about 2 or 3 years ago. I want to see that research, so expect a mail from me ;). I don't agree with how you describe personality itself as fluid. 'personality' does not change, behavior does. Prolongued behavior is not personality, that's habbit. And you cannot research prolongued behavioral change over the couse of a few weeks, no matter how many subjects you study in those few weeks. And a person's perceived impression of their own behavior can be distorted and biased, as that perception is in large part influenced by thought which in itself is influenced by environmental factors. A person's response to prolongued exposure to specific environmental aspects adapts. That is not a personality change, that's a survival mechanism in behavior. You call it state and traits, but in essence we're talking about the same thing. One is the observable/tangible and thereby the interpertrable (aka: subject to personal subjectivity), the other is the underlying core essence which is static, unchangeable and un-influencible by environment. I find it dangerous to buy in and accommodate the whole idea that 'personality' is adaptable, changeable, flexible, malliable, fluid. Behavior is all of those things, personality is not. Changing your behavior in accordance to a changing environment is sound, survival sense. That does NOT however mean your personality changes. It only means that you will suppress, hide, cover, conceal, pretend, ignore on one side and feel ashamed, angry, afraid, inadequate, unable, lost, out of control, ... your true self more or less depending on the environmental circumstance. Hiding your true self is not 'changing your personality'. And I wish everyone would stop buying in to and feeding this toxic way of thinking and talking. It's not helping anyone. In fact, it only adds to the already excessive pressure people experience in thinking that the problem is caused by their failing personality or lack to adapt. That's not ok.
    Instead of continuing to put the blame on the patient, perhaps we ought to change mentality and thinking towards the realisation that people need to be provided the right environment for their true personality (and the superpowers each type has) to be able to floorish. Making it a shared, communal responsibility instead of an individual failure.
    This manner of thinking is being and has been used by e.g. recruiters as arguments as to why to hire certain people opposed to other people. The whole Big5 thing, lauded high and low a THE scientific personality test, is innundated with behavior-based and directive statements that are by definition designed to draw out socially acceptable answers, even in the privacy of one's own mind. Only an extreme small portion of humans will admit to themselves that they are 'unfriendly to strangers'. Or that they will 'not care about other people's welbeing'. And yet, this thing is still being used as THE tool to determine whether someone is fit for a position or not. Not one single element in the hiring process is based on the environment the candidate will be operating in. Not. A. Single. One. ALL the pressure is laid on the indivudal person. NO responsibility is taken for the created and provided environement.

    • @CognitivePersonality
      @CognitivePersonality  5 місяців тому +5

      Indeed! And this all begs the question 'what is personality'? As I mentioned in the video some people adapt more than others, and others have stronger dispositions that carry across situations. Some of the stuff you mention here is directly stated in the video and doesn't actually contradict my points.

    • @CognitivePersonality
      @CognitivePersonality  5 місяців тому +4

      Honestly what you're writing here is only representing one side of an equation that is person plus environment rather than the other. I would argue seeing personality as entirely *within* the person is equally toxic.
      As tends to be often the case, the truth is in the middle.
      For clarification, I am not a fan of the Big Five, but it can still be used to answer important research questions such as those in this paper.

    • @AnyaAnnika67
      @AnyaAnnika67 5 місяців тому +2

      I completely agree Harry I'll do a poor example of representing this here but here we go. I've been exposed to a lot more different contexts recently that have forced me out of my comfort zone: I'm applying for a new work position & I've had to go to numerous meetings etc & I've known in these circumstances that my personality has seemed more 'expansive & variable' that usual. I've had to be much more extroverted and agreeable as after I want the job & it's a teaching & research post to they're going to want a more outgoing personality than I ordinary would present. Even in terms of my cognition I've found myself going into my extroverted networks a lot more. Even in my current job I work in a fast paced environment that can oscillate between reactivity & over seeing a large team & the projects we're undertaking which requires a lot of TeNe employment as it relates to me. Usually when I'm at home I perceive my personality as a lot more static - after all I'm doing the same things & not interacting with a lot of people; it seems much more static but when my son comes homes who has ADHD I'm relying on a whole load of other personality characteristics. You could say my personality when I have a daily routine oscillates a lot but then oscillations are predictable but when I'm forced outside of my comfort zone my personality changes altogether. I hope some of this makes sense! I wish I could've take part in the study but I understand why you couldn't have patreon subscribers due to Edinburgh's ethical objections.

    • @MysticaAriYena
      @MysticaAriYena 5 місяців тому +1

      @@CognitivePersonality It's entirely possible that I have focussed on the things that trigger my pet peeves lol. But yes, a lot of what you mention I agree with. I just think that there is a distinct difference between personality and behavior and the manner in which they are often intertwined creates (in my opinion) unnecessary confusion and often miss-interpretation, alongside miss-judgement. Both of the self and the other. That is why I am very much in favor of keeping the two separate. (more in reply to the other comment).

    • @MysticaAriYena
      @MysticaAriYena 5 місяців тому +3

      I've never come across a situation where personality is entirely seen from within. I've only ever seen the other side, where behavior is inevitably described and used as indicator for personality to such an extent that the behavior is seen as the personality. If you look at the majority of questions/statements in personality tests, they almost always refer to a behavioral element. But very few take in to account the environmental factors, so the behavior is lifted out of the environment and presented as an 'one fits all' kind of thing.
      Now, even if you have statements that probe for preference (which is in itself a huge improvement), there is still the element of the subject themselves having been exposed to environmental factors (especially if that exposure is longterm) which forced them to adapt their behavior for a long time making that behavior into habbit and thereby creating within themselves the idea and belief that the behavior is their preference. They do not distinguish that the behavior is the preferred method of acting within a specific environment. They simply feel and think that this is 'who they are'.
      I'm in favor of keeping the two things separate: personality and behavior. Which does not mean that only one should be given attention and the other ignored. They are both equally important to a person's journey towards themselves.
      I'm not a very theoretical person... lol I can explain it better in person than in writing. Anyway...

  • @HillyHonka
    @HillyHonka 5 місяців тому +6

    This is exciting news, Harry! I look forward to your future book and videos and I hope that I can do something in the future to help with your research studies. That would be fun to me!

  • @mimcris8481
    @mimcris8481 5 місяців тому +3

    I'm so happy for you! Congrats on the results and efforts put into the study!
    And the adaptability of a personality is a great thematic. It's very nice of you to make the paper available in the description.😄

  • @phoenixxsoul
    @phoenixxsoul 5 місяців тому +2

    "Oftentimes the research papers do not actually prove what they state they're proving". Thank you 👏🏼 louder
    Happy to see the progress you're making and the announcement if new book. Cheers^^
    Edit: " a lot of what science claims to measure it doesn't actually measure" another bars

  • @debbieramos-galvan104
    @debbieramos-galvan104 5 місяців тому +1

    Congratulations on sifting through all of that data, and good work. I wish you luck in getting this all off the ground and I look forward to listening to and someday reading more!

  • @supernero12
    @supernero12 5 місяців тому +1

    Thank you so much for putting effort and passion into this project. You're an inspiration and a goal in my personal development; as someone who can harness complexities and put it to use in a practical, positive way. Thanks!

  • @PsychologyoftheBrain
    @PsychologyoftheBrain 5 місяців тому +1

    As an ENTP, i would point you towards one example. During the second world war, some government (dont know the specifics of the story, but it is either germany or the uk, think it was the uk) did an investigation on fighter aircraft. They did an analysis about the weakest part of the plane. They found in their study that out of the planes they analyzed, around the engine was the most robust part of the airplane. Not one airplane that came back had any damage on the engine. Remarkable! So winston or whoever ordered to secure most of all the engines. That is, because he realized the planes that got hit on the engine wouldn't return. Selection bias. What do people do? I know why i am always in intuitive land, because everything i do caters to that objective. Still i sometimes, okay quite often have to engage in the sensory, for one intuition gets you broke pretty soon, but you can expose yourself to situations which you expect you will feel comfortable with. The causality is a circle. You will get yourself in situations where you will have to use your preferred cognition. My sister did an history study as esfp, and is doing some sustainability thing now. I did an econ study as entp, and will probably go in the direction of more philosophy, psychology. You do not react to the environment, you act upon the environment

    • @PsychologyoftheBrain
      @PsychologyoftheBrain 5 місяців тому

      Oh, you already briefly mentioned it. Didn't get to that part of the video

  • @mustaineboots
    @mustaineboots 5 місяців тому +4

    waiting for the video where you type spongebob characters

  • @AsuraPsych
    @AsuraPsych 5 місяців тому +8

    State based personality research is on the rise recently. It's quite interesting I think.
    In terms of like an academic poster 1-2 line summary, how would you explain the results of this study to a layperson? I got a general idea, I am just curious what stood out the most to you data wise.

    • @cancerousamphibian625
      @cancerousamphibian625 5 місяців тому +2

      oh my god its asura psych

    • @CognitivePersonality
      @CognitivePersonality  5 місяців тому +14

      Hey man! Summary would be:
      The personality states that occur within us - that is the expression of personality characteristics in the moment - can be partially explained as adaptations/responses to the situations we are presented with.
      This means while personality is also disposition to think, feel, and behave a certain way independent of situations, it is almost just as much a response to the situations we find ourselves in.
      So personality is as much the environment acting on us as us acting on our environment.

    • @CognitivePersonality
      @CognitivePersonality  5 місяців тому +10

      Cool takeaway to type would be exploring the extent to which type is something that emerges through - and is reinforced by - environmental selection.
      As more research comes out on environmental transactions there's a whole other dimension to personality that is worth exploring, rather than seeing it as this discrete thing people carry around with them all the time.

    • @aknkna7246
      @aknkna7246 5 місяців тому

      ​@@CognitivePersonalityI liked that explanation!

  • @wickedgarden2037
    @wickedgarden2037 5 місяців тому +1

    my first tests showed i was an intj. years later i retook the test, it showed entj. every test since? entj. i've definitely changed as a person, i'm not afraid of saying what needs to be said anymore, for example. i like action more than contemplation now.

  • @RisingIndian
    @RisingIndian 4 місяці тому

    Brother you are doing an awesome work, I appreciate it.

  • @AnyaAnnika67
    @AnyaAnnika67 5 місяців тому

    Hi Harry I downloaded the paper and was like 'wow I'm extremely impressed.' I hope we can discuss this further in a live patreon stream in the future.

  • @centy4897
    @centy4897 5 місяців тому

    That's so interesting! Keep doing you work :D

  • @Forty2de
    @Forty2de 5 місяців тому +2

    Your honesty and humility, and your epistemic virtue has earned my respect.
    Off-topic, but I've been browsing the MBTI reddit recently and found that the work of Linda Berens is shockingly popular, seemingly because C.S. Joseph has been peddling it a lot. What do you think about her Keirsey-based model which incorporates her concept of "Interaction Styles"? I found a personality cafe post by "reckful" which underlines some problems with it, but unfortunately UA-cam keeps deleting my comment every time I try to post the link...
    But it's so popular! I think that's ridiculous! What do you think?

    • @CognitivePersonality
      @CognitivePersonality  5 місяців тому +3

      Thank you!
      Not a fan. But I'm not a fan of most quadra stuff. It's easy to place types into neat categories and because all types relate to each other in different ways you are bound to find commonalities within the larger category. But at the same time you are going to be ignoring the oftentimes equally strong commonalities that exist outside of the category.
      When you start mixing in interaction styles on top of that you're in serious danger of over-prescribing and over-simplifying.

  • @notthatvashti8127
    @notthatvashti8127 5 місяців тому

    Hi ya Harry! Congrats on the successful study! Your findings were quite interesting. I'm not Fe dominant, but I would surely use my Fe to get others to help in putting together that Ikea furniture, my mechanical skills are lacking at best. It's pizza all around. Cheers!

  • @PsychologyoftheBrain
    @PsychologyoftheBrain 5 місяців тому +1

    Hmmm, okay. Let me explain myself because as an ENTP, this seemed unlogical at first, but i get it.
    Personality has two definitions. The original definition of carl jung, and the big five definition. Carl jung measures traits. The big five measures states. Why? Look at the definition. The definition of personality in psychology is different than the one in the dictionary. Most notably, the dictionary notes a longterm persistance of characterizations. That can only be traits. That is why i thought it was true. The big five measures states. It measures behaviour. Then it is false. Two different personalities! They do not measure the same thing. I am actually in the process of writing a book so i can't say more. Thanks though for the language, always love it when you can clarify the Si. Love, an entp

  • @Merdle
    @Merdle 5 місяців тому +1

    Congratulations on your paper!
    It was the ENTPs that got you there, wasn't it ; )

    • @CognitivePersonality
      @CognitivePersonality  5 місяців тому +3

      NGL ENTPs consistently seem to be the no.1 type to endorse CPT!

    • @lucytran4413
      @lucytran4413 5 місяців тому

      @@CognitivePersonality YESS - from a divergent ENTP learning to individuate!

  • @faith4america
    @faith4america 5 місяців тому +3

    How will you mitigate (potential) researcher bias? Peer review?

    • @CognitivePersonality
      @CognitivePersonality  5 місяців тому +5

      I would like to submit the paper for peer review but the paper would have to be substantially rewritten before a journal I am interested in would be willing to take it. So it would be a lengthy editing process that I do not currently have the time to undertake. The results are solid though.
      That all being said the larger problem of researcher bias in psychology is only partially mitigated by peer review. There can also be a lot of publisher bias in the world. I did pre-register the study which is a good practice for combating issues within the psychology world

    • @faith4america
      @faith4america 4 місяці тому

      I didn’t mean to cause any stress, btw. Just curious. And may I suggest: you can ask peers to review, without a formal peer review - for YOU (not necessarily for a peer reviewed journal). 👍

  • @fbkkhfjlnbh
    @fbkkhfjlnbh 5 місяців тому +1

    do you know abt part work and the internal family system ? I am a person who always does parts work . I was just talking to one of my unconscious parts and I was surprised by her thinking, opinion, and personality. Can it be said that the lack of stability in some people’s personalities or characteristics is due to their internal conscious parts?? As far as I know, consciousness is divided and a person has more than one consciousness

    • @CognitivePersonality
      @CognitivePersonality  5 місяців тому +2

      I love parts work! My girlfriend is a therapist who employs a lot of it herself. I think as with many modalities it has the potential to be misused or over simplifying, plus people are going to vary in its applicability and relevance.
      There's a good Jungian saying "what you resist, persists". If aspects of a person are not getting their needs met those aspects are going to become volatile over time.

    • @fbkkhfjlnbh
      @fbkkhfjlnbh 5 місяців тому +1

      @@CognitivePersonality Not only that, there is something called shadow work that I do personally, which is just integrating these parts to become a whole person. But I was wondering, will my personality be different after I become whole and integrate the shadow and all my parts? My personality is enfp and I wonder if I integrated all of My unconscious parts completely what would happen to my personality? Bcs parts have different personalities

  • @marcof.740
    @marcof.740 5 місяців тому

    I would like to ask about the shadow type, if do they exist, in the sense is it true every type has his opposite like a potential cognition tool inside? Or it only concerns the ambiverts? Is it right to consider it the real introvert version or extrovert version of each type, differently from the usual I-J E-J or I-P E-P dichotomy? Thanks

    • @CognitivePersonality
      @CognitivePersonality  5 місяців тому +3

      Well in CPT what MBTI systems refer to as the shadow is very much an accessible tool. I believe the shadow is a useful concept but it goes way deeper than those systems state. The true shadow would be an ESFP network within an INFJ, for example; an ENFJ network within an INTP. But even this I believe can be harnessed in a tool like manner and is for everyone.

    • @lucytran4413
      @lucytran4413 5 місяців тому +2

      ​@@CognitivePersonality I appreciate your usage of the words "accessible tool", Harry! MBTI calling them "shadow" functions/personalities makes them sound like something undesirable, like if one uses those "shadow" functions, they will use them in a negative way and things will not turn out well. That is simply not true, as we all can harness our gateways effectively and positively as life prompts us to. In fact, the more we use them overtime, the more they can become our very personality. The brain CAN be tremendously flexible. Calling these gateways "shadows" implies a fixed mindset and a narrow understanding of the neural network I think.

  • @nelsontragura1441
    @nelsontragura1441 5 місяців тому

    imagine having the Japanese apply personality on Ai in their VR anime waifus...then robotics will help them make their dream come is the world gonna be like.