That model is from an older mold all right - it’s at least 40 years old. Resist the urge to make too many comparisons with current products! Have a good time and don’t get too stuck on parts needing cleanup or details being molded in instead of separate parts. If it were a car it would be an antique. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did with the J in the early 80’s.
Thanks. I'm Ok with the cleanup and I don't mind detail being molded it. Every model is a learning experience for me and I always attempt something that I've never tried before. I have some very small motors that I'm planning to mount in the engines to make the props spin; we'll see.
That model is from an older mold all right - it’s at least 40 years old. Resist the urge to make too many comparisons with current products! Have a good time and don’t get too stuck on parts needing cleanup or details being molded in instead of separate parts. If it were a car it would be an antique. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did with the J in the early 80’s.
Thanks. I'm Ok with the cleanup and I don't mind detail being molded it. Every model is a learning experience for me and I always attempt something that I've never tried before. I have some very small motors that I'm planning to mount in the engines to make the props spin; we'll see.