All tutorial solution can be find in this playlist: Also forgot about Voyager . She's usable as support for both mental and physical team. Her confusion is a bit annoying to use due to need level 2.
Me personally I’m going for both pickles and shaman because shaman is a doggo and shaman animations look really cool i currently have both shobeth and A knight
Voyager is S tier support. Since it wasn't mentioned in the video, if you have her, build her -- especially if you're trying to build a crit team. She can help carry you even in endgame content. She also deals genesis (true) damage. So you can use her in combat even if the enemy isn't weak to Star element. She also casts counter on the entire party, can debuff the enemy... She's just a great character, so take her to endgame if you have her and want to use her. And if you get Pickles, he can work as your team's main DPS. And if you get Black Dwarf, she can take the position of main DPS with Pickles as a high damage-dealing support. Pickles is also a top tier unit worthy of endgame and long-term investment. So if you really like the dog, it's worth it for your account to get him. 👍
I saw Voyager on the tier list as S, and somehow i got her after that. And boy she's nuts. Also isn't Black Dwarf hasn't released yet? She's still in a long event to come
Since limited characters eventually added to the standard banner, I hope there's a separate banner of couple past 6* that frequently cycles for a certain period (2 weeks for example) with selector for higher chance like PGR.
this is all a bit overwhelming to me, especially since my only other gacha game im familiar with is genshin and i haven't really ever played turn based games, but so far reverse 1999 is amazing. im super excited to see what sort of characters will be added and the cn server being ahead of global really helps with planning out who you want to pull for. so far im still very early in the game since im taking my sweet time as to not get burnt out instantly, so my only team is zima (or x depending on the enemies) for support, matlida as a main dps and dikke as sub dps and healer. i really hope to get medicine pocket soon since i REALLY like them and i need a dedicated healer, but other than that this game is amazing and i can't wait to dive into it even more.
Same, this is all very overwhleming, but it is equally amazing lol In may case, my team is Regulus (DPS), Sonetto (usually dispels the enemy attack and buffs the group) and Bkornblume (I like her), but after watching the video, I realized I may have effed up by getting only them to Insight 1 lvl 40 Lmao
Yes if ur not used to it yet. When i start its so chill and relax. Not like star rail. Anyhow i like this game more than hsr. The combat is so basic like every other turn base game except another eden
@@RiseAbovePrideI’m speaking for myself here, but I don’t like the HSR theme, being all futuristic and sci-fi. This game clicked more for me for the retro and fantasy aspect.
Nice to know the two main future units I wanted (toothfairy and changeling) are strong, I got regulus off beginners and a knight winning 50/50 so I'll be saving until 1.2 for now I think.
This is me as well, tho I got both 6 stars in 100 pulls all in all (regulus in beginner banner and a knight in rate up). I have to take the hard pity which is a shame.
Is Sotheby really required to make Changeling’s team work? Cuz I didn’t get her unfortunately and I don’t wanna spend my hardly saved resource in hope of winning pity and the 50% on her banner…
The thing is though, poison team is more focused on Jassica doing tons of damage to enemy due to her passive + blasphemous able to proc on 2 stacks of poison. so it's not really DoT (unlike kafka from HSR)
Dude your channel is a GOLDMINE for R99 content. I have been following you for a while and I wanted to say, thanks for being in depth and clear! 1 suggestions though, maybe talk a tad bit slower to help dumb-dumbs like me but aside from that, you rock dude!
Overall a very helpful video I saw a comment on one of the previous videos that said you spoke too fast - which I think isn't too big of a problem, but sometimes I do think some words get fudged in pronunciation and subtitles/slightly better pronunciation would improve these minor issues. (There's also a few typos here and there and the occasional topic-skip voice cutting (where you stop talking and cut to the next topic's slide) is a bit jarring for me but overall not a big problem) Still though, good information and I look forward to future information from this channel!
@SteamedBunXGacha No no it's fine, English also isn't my first (although personally preferred) language and it's not like everyone should have or even be expected to speak fluently with no accent and no errors in their presentation - that would be ludicrous to even suggest! I do still appreciate the content as R1999 is a pretty interesting game and it's not exactly easy to read Chinese Mandarin as a foreigner however close I may be to mainland China. Keep up the good work and have a nice day :D
Helpful video. I don't usually watch these because I didn't want to be OC and get FOMO from missed banners or people talking about rankings or meta. Started playing since Day 1 and currently have A Knight (P1), Melania (P1), Sotheby, and Eternity to Level 50 with average Resonance 5 (Melania on R10). Building Regulus because I don't have a good Star unit built up yet, and might skip Pickles because I really want Melania to reach P2 for two stacks of Thief Master. It's a really fun game so far and I'm having a blast. Honestly wouldn't think of running a stage solo, but thanks to this video I might lean towards Eternity a bit more once I get her Resonance up a good bit. Cheers!
dang i'm so lucky to have eternity. i don't really play the game but just enjoying it during my free time. never really wanna do some reroll kind of thing. like if i got something trash imma still playing. i mean eventually you'll gonna get the thing that you wanted. imma save till there's mommies
I’ll skip tooth fairy and wait for 6 in patch 1.4 Sitting with 1F A Knight, 4F Bkorn and 3F balloon. After they max out I’ll max out my 3F Charlie. Saving all the gems for 6! Real game changer banner.
I love your content and your vids I literally have gotten so much progress with your advice. But I also have an accent like you I would suggest talking a little slower to help some of us get this valuable information, I hate to critique anyone as I am not perfect by a long shot. That being said keep up the amazing content.
Great vid mate. Couple questions. My understanding is to build 2 teams, 1 Mental and 1 Reality. Even if you have Eternity she is Reality, so if you dont have Charlie or Regulus should you pull Black Dwarf? Also it seems you missed Voyager. She seems to have a great kit as well. Who would you recommend between Pickles and Voyager for the Mental team? Cheers
You do not need to build a mental and reality team, currently it's more importent to get 1 team setup for each element rather than type. Also OMG i forgot Voyager... LMAO I knew i forgot something but i didn't know what it was. OH WELL. As for Mental support, neither of them are actually tied to mental as they boost the damage for both damage type. Pickle is in general better and easier to use than Voyager, Voyager is best used in the special Regulus Voyager Toothfairy team where Regulus crit for crazy damage using her passive.
I recommend opening Closed Captions to get subtitles and changing the playback speed to slower speed like 0.75x or less. I was going to say he spoke fast too until I remembered I could just use this. It's a fairly lots of info for a short video, I understand the need to speak fast.
When people say meta, does this mean some of these characters are NECESSARY to clear the hardest contents available in the future? I would personally like to build characters I like if possible and still clear endgame.
META and for most effecient strategy avaliable. which means the STRONGEST characters, to clear content however do not nessesarily need them. Meta characfter just make your life easier,.
It's too late for me to reroll now, but if I could do it again, reroll until you get Bkornblume from A Knight banner(do the 10 pulls you get after 1-4), then on beginner banner hope for either Eternity or Lilya, Eternity is a good carry and Lilya is good too since Bkornblume is a bis for her, I recommend doing this for new players
Got a knight and bk first pull, then went for shotheby banner and lost to eternity then got lilya from standard beginner, I've been investing into eternity bcs she's so self sustainable and then I will invest in knight bcs he's a flex, who should I build for support, I have bk and soneto at the same lv, and baloon party leveled as well, got dikke early but didn't level her up, I'm kinda lost in what to do, build up my dps and leave the supports underleveled or build one solid team for eternity and leave the rest for later
Would you suggest I keep pulling on A Knight banner? I already have him + Lilya from Beginner; but I heard a lot of Bkorneblume and how she is a great Reality supp for both of them.
I only want shaman for now xD. I have eternity, A knight x 2, blum, Ballon party. I only need a water dps, and will wait for shaman for fire support/sub dps.
Hello! I've only done the 30 pulls on beginner banner and got Regulus. I'm thinking of saving for Tooth Fairy and Lilya to build the TSAR Bomba team. Would you advise a different approach? If so, what is it? (My current team is Regulus, Matilda and Dikke)
Quick question…. Is Limbo basically the end game content of Reverse 1999 like say Forgotten Hall or Spiral Abyss? Yeah I know I’m a filthy Genshin player….
Fairy Tooth should be on thumbnail, she is the best to save for. She is used nearly everywhere. So far one of top team is Lilya, 37, Fairy Tooth and someone else for example Blume. I got quite lucky on Global tbh, overall in around 30, Eternity, Lilya( main goal), Blume, Tennant so my reality team is set up for a looong time
@@ex0rc1stdung95 she was released with last event, her name is literally 37 (event plot will explain it). Ult is mass buff, gives allies Numeral perception attack increased +10%, each attack reduces buff stack by 1 and she gains Enlightment (next incantation bonus dmg is increased by 100%) and gain +2 Eureka. Skill1 deals mental dmg followed by extra genesis dmg. Gains 1 stack of eureka Skill 2 is a mass attack, 2 targets, mental dmg followed by genesis dmg and gains sturdiness ( -20% dmg taken) 5 stacks of eureka= mass mental dmg followed by genesis dmg Insight 2- 15 % critical dmg up Insight 3- 20% crit up And so on
@@Sntra101 it depends what u want, for crit/ reality u can just for characters I mentioned, you can consider Changling or even Shaman but I would say if your resourses let you. With Voyager mentality I would say Black Dwarf, Pickle and you can consider Melania. Overall I would just say Fairy Tooth is the ultimate goal
I must ask, what is the best team for A Knight? Currently, I run him with Bkornblume, Sonetto, and Dikke. The combination of Sonetto’s buff and Bkornblume’s debuffs strengthens A Knight so much which is why I wonder if there is a better team for him. And also, is it good to build Crit for him, or pure Atk.?
Atk, he doesn't need crit rate, as you upgrade him, his dmg scales better and better, your best choices for phsycubes are gonna be hopscotch and the new phsycube coming on patch 1.4 called "balance, please"
End game content is artificial somnambulism. You will need 2 team for later stages. Currently there is no real need for covering both reality and mental. It's more importent to cover all the element.
How important are Portrays in this game? Is it worthwhile pulling specifically for dupes if you really like a character? Tennant is easily my favourite out of the entire cast so I've been spending my pulls on that banner despite already having her and Bkornblume, but I don't know if I'm hamstringing myself in that process
I recommend saving up the pulls for future characters for 2 reasons, assuming you are free-to-play. The first reason is that there will be better characters that will be released in the future. The second reason is that it's more important to get more characters in different varieties, instead of focusing just on one, b/c it would allow you to have more choices and flexibility in team building. As for how important the portrays are, they do boost the character giving upgrades to the character. However, getting portrays is very expensive to do, especially in the early games, because you are not guaranteed to get a 5-star character every ten pull, and even when you do get a 5-star, there's only 25% of getting the right portray.
Basically just grind what you can and log in daily until the character drops on your banner (what I'm doing waiting for tooth fairy). Currently using Eternity, Sonetto and La Source as my team. Not sure who else to invest in as I got very unlucky on the 40-50 pulls I've done.
I currently have A-Knight, An-an Lee, Bkornblume, and Sotheby. If I am building my current reality team and also aiming for poison meta, should I invest in An-an Lee or Bkornblume first? Resources are very scarce early on 😢
So is it recommended to pick sotheby because she is best in slot for changeling if you wanna pull her ?? Also i got every unit from a knight banner so is it recommended to pull for sotheby too ??
I think it's just like pokemon where you have attack/special attack, just here it's reality/mental damage. There is also genesis damage which is true damage
Looks like I'll settle for the ff 2 1st: Druvis, Satsuki, Sotheby (I change the attack order so Sotheby doesn't mess up petrify. At least poison triggers don't mess it) 2nd: Lilya, Sonetto, Tennant/Balloon (Is it worth to swap Sonetto with Erick for crit support?)
Have Eternity, A Knight and Sotheby rn. And running Liliana, Sonetto and Sotheby on the campaign. Currently in chapter 3. Rn imma save to get the poison team and Centurion. Hope we all get lucky on ver. 1.2
Yo that sounds like a good roster. I got Sotheby, Regulus and Centurion rn, and I’m planning on getting Tooth Fairy and maybe Changeling if I have the pulls
@@pqjsmzhwdidigsbrlsyahwnwue8439 oh. Didn't know we can get Centurion rn. I thought she was limited. But anyways you also have a great team too. I'm going all out for Changeling then if I have some spare pulls, might get Tooth Fairy too. Hope RNGsus will be good to us in the future banners.
My team is a bit unbalanced where I both have Eternity and a Knight as dps and Bkornblume as dmg amplifier while Dikke as reserve... I wanna kill the enemies first before they kill me...
THat's one. The other is Toothfairy boost everyone to around 90-100% crit rate every other turn. making everyone better except lilya who doesn't have a mechanic to convert extra crit rate to damage
Will be skipping 1.1 and 1.2 for black dwarf and 37. Ik it sounds pretty stupid but I’ve cleared most content with what I have now I’m only gonna focus on waifus and stuff like that. Not saying I don’t want voyager and tooth fairy though
Since my luck is shitty,i run Lilya Eagle Bkorn...i do have Tennant though so should i build her(my pity is 60+ already no 6* in sight bruh,i want Sotheby)
That's reasonable, probably need a healer. If you have not pulled a 6 star yet (assuming you got lilya from beginner) you should get a 6 star in next 10 pull coz pity is 70
I'm actually leveling my Eternity as my dps (Insight 2 level 44 atm with reso 5) and I have Sonetto (Insight 2 level 10 reso 5), Ballon Party (Insight 2 lvl 1 reso 2) cuz I needed a healer, and have some leveled units (kinda waste maybe) like Eagle (insight 1 level 40 reso 3) cuz she carried me hard early game, Tenant (insight 1 level 20 reso 3), Lilya (insight 1 level 1 reso 1) and Bkornblume (insight 1 level 1 reso 1), im pretty messed up my banners early on cuz I didn't know what to do and got A Knight then tried to get Sotheby but happened for me to lose my 50% on her banner at summon 67 and got an Eternity dupe from it, now I have my guaranteed to work on and I was thinking about holding all my currency and pulls for 1.2 to must get Tooth Fairy and maybe try some pulls if I get lucky on Jessica (changeling). For now, do you think I should bother raising any of my leveled units? I don't feel leveling Sonetto nor Balloon Party any more than that for now, but not so sure about my other DPS's what to do! Nice video! any tips would be appreciatted
Should I pull on the banner with guaranteed 6 star after 30 pulls or just spend on A knight banner? Also which banner can I pull centurion? Do you have any idea about how much can I pull before saving for changeling and tooth fairy ?
Mostly by her self. Only when I need more DPS. Or if I need her to survive to stack her passive will I bring 2 unit to help tanking and provide additional action points.
@SteamedBunXGacha sorry, i meant w/o spending money.. like what's the monthly pulls that can be earned? or there's no estimate yet, i'm confused in this game haha
She is only about an average limited DPS without Sotheby. With Sotheby she's elevated to above other limited DPS. Up to you rather you care about the difference.
She just came out. There are still more testing needed. also current event enviroment is boosting the crap out of her making her looking more powerful than she actually is.
hello steamedbun, I have a current plan for progressing my account and I just wanted to see if you'd agree with me I have eternity, a knight and sotheby as 6*s (I got insanely lucky with pulls) and as for 5*s I have Bkornblume and Charlie (2 portray right now, hoping for 3rd one soon) my plan is to hyperinvest into eternity for one team, and then a knight, sotheby and bkornblume as a second team my pulling plans are to go for changeling and toothfairy in 1.2 is sotheby good enough as an early game healer to be used? Or should I started using balloon (she's not invested at all right now) appreciate the great guide and I'll be following it carefully
General rule. let the skill automatically merge by consuming card inbetween. OR if you are using ultimate focused character. than actively move them to generate moxie. Some skill have different effect after they go to T2 which you should consider. Generally speaking 2 T1 is better than 1 T2 in term of pure damage potential.
Yo! Nice work! I have a doubt about Reality DPS. I have 1 team done with Lilya, but i dont have a 2nd and I Really dont wanna build Eagle. I have BKplume, An-an Lee and Sotheby. Should I build An lee as DPS? Like I2 lvl 50 R9? I am very tempted to do that! Tnx!
My team is Lilya - Sonetto/Blume - Tennant. The plan is save everything for Tooth Fairy, i'm literally in love with her design I'm tempted by Sotheby bc poison + cutie pie but idk
How can you tell apart higher quality tiles vs lower quality tiles in the wilderness? I can't find any info in the interface which are better than others.
Charlie is one of the strongest DPSes in the game. If you're lucky enough to have her at P5 then build her and let her carry you. At that point, you're not really in dire need of Sotheby & Changeling. You can still get them tho. But you should just invest in Charlie. At least when you're facing stages that plant types struggle on, you can count on Charlie. Also, everyone should focus on *building 2 teams for endgame* (the game will force you to switch between 2 teams). So you can run plant meta on one and Charlie on the other. Congrats on your pulls. 😄
Hello.. I already ascended my eternity to I2 lv50/50 resonance 9 psychube lv40…do I really need to ascend her into I3? If yes, when is the right time to do that? On vers 1.1? I still confuse about the max progression on vers 1.0
I have centurion, bkorn blume, sonetto,ternety, charlie, voyager and a knight. what build would you recommend for me 🙏. would centurion with bkornblume and sonetto be the most viable?
@@Deadpool-vn3tz if you are willing to use. New babel sucks in general. And try to get two working teams without spending too much on puller. Both 1.2 units are must haves.
Hello, I just jumped in to the game. Got 16 pulls in my pocket. I have 4 banners available : 1. First drop of Rain 2. One gram of Curiosity 3. Clang of sword & Armor 4. Amid the Water. Please advise on which I should reroll? Thanks in advance
Go for curiosity (Sotheby banner) for sotheby she is a key member for meta poison/reality team in1.2 and finish first drop fo rain(30 pull guarentee 6 star beginner facha). After that depends how many DPS you have. If you don't have at least 2 you can use. Consider pull for Melania (next event banner)
All tutorial solution can be find in this playlist:
Also forgot about Voyager . She's usable as support for both mental and physical team. Her confusion is a bit annoying to use due to need level 2.
Me personally I’m going for both pickles and shaman because shaman is a doggo and shaman animations look really cool i currently have both shobeth and A knight
Voyager is S tier support. Since it wasn't mentioned in the video, if you have her, build her -- especially if you're trying to build a crit team. She can help carry you even in endgame content. She also deals genesis (true) damage. So you can use her in combat even if the enemy isn't weak to Star element. She also casts counter on the entire party, can debuff the enemy... She's just a great character, so take her to endgame if you have her and want to use her.
And if you get Pickles, he can work as your team's main DPS. And if you get Black Dwarf, she can take the position of main DPS with Pickles as a high damage-dealing support. Pickles is also a top tier unit worthy of endgame and long-term investment. So if you really like the dog, it's worth it for your account to get him. 👍
I saw Voyager on the tier list as S, and somehow i got her after that. And boy she's nuts.
Also isn't Black Dwarf hasn't released yet? She's still in a long event to come
what's a good team around voyager?
lilya and toothfairy
voyager is si good and man her ult is goddamn beautiful to watch
I have Eternity, what team around her?
The best tutorial EVER. This was really well made and the thumbnail and title was a good eye catcher as well. You’ll be a great UA-camr in the future.
Since limited characters eventually added to the standard banner, I hope there's a separate banner of couple past 6* that frequently cycles for a certain period (2 weeks for example) with selector for higher chance like PGR.
there will be. so every patch there will be a (old 6* banner) + (new 6* + 5* banner) + standard banner
@@unclefudge4206Great to know that, thanks! 🙏
@@unclefudge4206Are the banners have different pity?
@@Khn_2102 they're all "limited", so same pity
@@Khn_2102 no. 60 soft pity, 70 max pity . has 50/50
this is all a bit overwhelming to me, especially since my only other gacha game im familiar with is genshin and i haven't really ever played turn based games, but so far reverse 1999 is amazing. im super excited to see what sort of characters will be added and the cn server being ahead of global really helps with planning out who you want to pull for. so far im still very early in the game since im taking my sweet time as to not get burnt out instantly, so my only team is zima (or x depending on the enemies) for support, matlida as a main dps and dikke as sub dps and healer. i really hope to get medicine pocket soon since i REALLY like them and i need a dedicated healer, but other than that this game is amazing and i can't wait to dive into it even more.
Bro try Honkai Star Rail it's favorite gacha game. Reverse 1999 is amazing but HSR is stellar.
Same, this is all very overwhleming, but it is equally amazing lol
In may case, my team is Regulus (DPS), Sonetto (usually dispels the enemy attack and buffs the group) and Bkornblume (I like her), but after watching the video, I realized I may have effed up by getting only them to Insight 1 lvl 40 Lmao
Yes if ur not used to it yet. When i start its so chill and relax. Not like star rail. Anyhow i like this game more than hsr. The combat is so basic like every other turn base game except another eden
@@RiseAbovePrideif they were interested in hsr , they would’ve played it by now
@@RiseAbovePrideI’m speaking for myself here, but I don’t like the HSR theme, being all futuristic and sci-fi. This game clicked more for me for the retro and fantasy aspect.
Nice to know the two main future units I wanted (toothfairy and changeling) are strong, I got regulus off beginners and a knight winning 50/50 so I'll be saving until 1.2 for now I think.
This is me as well, tho I got both 6 stars in 100 pulls all in all (regulus in beginner banner and a knight in rate up). I have to take the hard pity which is a shame.
@@sandra0311sokay let's save until 1.2. i want pickles just bcs it's a dog but I'll probably have to save for for other units
Saving for 1.2 as well, prioritizing Changeling and maybe ToothFairy, Blonney if I have left
Is Sotheby really required to make Changeling’s team work? Cuz I didn’t get her unfortunately and I don’t wanna spend my hardly saved resource in hope of winning pity and the 50% on her banner…
The knight is objectively peak chatacter design so if u dont summon him u will be without bitches
Jokes on you i'm used to not have them :V
Its so funny that i started playing in 1.3 right when 1.2 banners ended, im so sad rn. Like i love dot teams in games.
The thing is though, poison team is more focused on Jassica doing tons of damage to enemy due to her passive + blasphemous able to proc on 2 stacks of poison. so it's not really DoT (unlike kafka from HSR)
What a nice video, thanks for all the effort you put on it.
Good Info Thanx. My Build is starting to look similar to what you described.
I got really lucky pulling Eternity, I didn't realize how good she was at first.
My current team is: Eternity, Medicine Pocket, and Charlie :3c
Great video! I love this game a lot!!
Im so lucky that i got centurion in less than 10 pulls, she really carries me through the game
Dude your channel is a GOLDMINE for R99 content. I have been following you for a while and I wanted to say, thanks for being in depth and clear!
1 suggestions though, maybe talk a tad bit slower to help dumb-dumbs like me but aside from that, you rock dude!
Or you can set playback speed to .75
I set it to .05 actually lol yea i know im THAT slow 😂
Even the video said Chang is must, i am just gonna go for Tooth since it seems to be a better judgement
Overall a very helpful video
I saw a comment on one of the previous videos that said you spoke too fast - which I think isn't too big of a problem, but sometimes I do think some words get fudged in pronunciation and subtitles/slightly better pronunciation would improve these minor issues.
(There's also a few typos here and there and the occasional topic-skip voice cutting (where you stop talking and cut to the next topic's slide) is a bit jarring for me but overall not a big problem)
Still though, good information and I look forward to future information from this channel!
I'll try my best to speak clarely in these videos, english is not my first languege DX
@SteamedBunXGacha No no it's fine, English also isn't my first (although personally preferred) language and it's not like everyone should have or even be expected to speak fluently with no accent and no errors in their presentation - that would be ludicrous to even suggest!
I do still appreciate the content as R1999 is a pretty interesting game and it's not exactly easy to read Chinese Mandarin as a foreigner however close I may be to mainland China. Keep up the good work and have a nice day :D
Highly informative video
Helpful video. I don't usually watch these because I didn't want to be OC and get FOMO from missed banners or people talking about rankings or meta. Started playing since Day 1 and currently have A Knight (P1), Melania (P1), Sotheby, and Eternity to Level 50 with average Resonance 5 (Melania on R10). Building Regulus because I don't have a good Star unit built up yet, and might skip Pickles because I really want Melania to reach P2 for two stacks of Thief Master.
It's a really fun game so far and I'm having a blast. Honestly wouldn't think of running a stage solo, but thanks to this video I might lean towards Eternity a bit more once I get her Resonance up a good bit. Cheers!
My main team for now is Eternity.
Just Eternity, since investing in her really hard is actually sooo good.
@@nightsky6649 Yes, Eternity can solo all contents(based on my accumulated information from cn and this channel).
dang i'm so lucky to have eternity. i don't really play the game but just enjoying it during my free time. never really wanna do some reroll kind of thing. like if i got something trash imma still playing. i mean eventually you'll gonna get the thing that you wanted. imma save till there's mommies
I’ll skip tooth fairy and wait for 6 in patch 1.4
Sitting with 1F A Knight, 4F Bkorn and 3F balloon. After they max out I’ll max out my 3F Charlie. Saving all the gems for 6! Real game changer banner.
@@SteamedBunXReverse1999Lmao 🤣
I love your content and your vids I literally have gotten so much progress with your advice. But I also have an accent like you I would suggest talking a little slower to help some of us get this valuable information, I hate to critique anyone as I am not perfect by a long shot. That being said keep up the amazing content.
Great vid mate. Couple questions. My understanding is to build 2 teams, 1 Mental and 1 Reality. Even if you have Eternity she is Reality, so if you dont have Charlie or Regulus should you pull Black Dwarf? Also it seems you missed Voyager. She seems to have a great kit as well. Who would you recommend between Pickles and Voyager for the Mental team? Cheers
You do not need to build a mental and reality team, currently it's more importent to get 1 team setup for each element rather than type.
Also OMG i forgot Voyager... LMAO I knew i forgot something but i didn't know what it was. OH WELL.
As for Mental support, neither of them are actually tied to mental as they boost the damage for both damage type. Pickle is in general better and easier to use than Voyager, Voyager is best used in the special Regulus Voyager Toothfairy team where Regulus crit for crazy damage using her passive.
Then say that dumbass@@SteamedBunXReverse1999
I do want to get Sotheby, then actually to go for 1.2 for both of them 8:02
Im sorry, you're talking very fast and just throwing information mater-of-factly, I dont really understand much.
I recommend opening Closed Captions to get subtitles and changing the playback speed to slower speed like 0.75x or less. I was going to say he spoke fast too until I remembered I could just use this. It's a fairly lots of info for a short video, I understand the need to speak fast.
Save for 1.2 characters, noted. Thanks for all these information!
Thank you my friend
Can you please make guides about character building? And their dps showcases in teams?
Please very grateful
I will also be saving for that one character, the lady with a black hair pin stuck inside her head and she pulls it out too.
Bro this aside , the necro lady says something about 1930's porn* clippings at the attic 😭 this game got no chill
Wait I'm sorry WHAT???
Reality vs mental teams don't really matter. What matters more is not boxing yourself into one afflatus
Reality/mental matters when you are looking for debuffer who can reduce def. Until Shamane at least.
Welp, guess i'll hold off of Pickles and wait patiently for Tooth Fairy
When people say meta, does this mean some of these characters are NECESSARY to clear the hardest contents available in the future? I would personally like to build characters I like if possible and still clear endgame.
META and for most effecient strategy avaliable. which means the STRONGEST characters, to clear content however do not nessesarily need them. Meta characfter just make your life easier,.
It's too late for me to reroll now, but if I could do it again, reroll until you get Bkornblume from A Knight banner(do the 10 pulls you get after 1-4), then on beginner banner hope for either Eternity or Lilya, Eternity is a good carry and Lilya is good too since Bkornblume is a bis for her, I recommend doing this for new players
i went with voyager and Regulus. Lilya kinda needs higher insight
Got a knight and bk first pull, then went for shotheby banner and lost to eternity then got lilya from standard beginner, I've been investing into eternity bcs she's so self sustainable and then I will invest in knight bcs he's a flex, who should I build for support, I have bk and soneto at the same lv, and baloon party leveled as well, got dikke early but didn't level her up, I'm kinda lost in what to do, build up my dps and leave the supports underleveled or build one solid team for eternity and leave the rest for later
is eternity still good at late game? i really love her design
Would you suggest I keep pulling on A Knight banner? I already have him + Lilya from Beginner; but I heard a lot of Bkorneblume and how she is a great Reality supp for both of them.
nice guide it was so helpful! but the cuts 🤣
What about the cuts
Shamane indeed 🤩 found my goal hoho
I only want shaman for now xD. I have eternity, A knight x 2, blum, Ballon party. I only need a water dps, and will wait for shaman for fire support/sub dps.
I hope to get shamane soon, he looks so cool
Hello! I've only done the 30 pulls on beginner banner and got Regulus. I'm thinking of saving for Tooth Fairy and Lilya to build the TSAR Bomba team. Would you advise a different approach? If so, what is it? (My current team is Regulus, Matilda and Dikke)
Quick question…. Is Limbo basically the end game content of Reverse 1999 like say Forgotten Hall or Spiral Abyss?
Yeah I know I’m a filthy Genshin player….
Yes, it's EXACTLY what it is, with the different that resonate upgrade materials are locked behind it lol
Fairy Tooth should be on thumbnail, she is the best to save for. She is used nearly everywhere. So far one of top team is Lilya, 37, Fairy Tooth and someone else for example Blume.
I got quite lucky on Global tbh, overall in around 30, Eternity, Lilya( main goal), Blume, Tennant so my reality team is set up for a looong time
Can i ask what char is 37
@@ex0rc1stdung95 she was released with last event, her name is literally 37 (event plot will explain it). Ult is mass buff, gives allies Numeral perception attack increased +10%, each attack reduces buff stack by 1 and she gains Enlightment (next incantation bonus dmg is increased by 100%) and gain +2 Eureka.
Skill1 deals mental dmg followed by extra genesis dmg. Gains 1 stack of eureka
Skill 2 is a mass attack, 2 targets, mental dmg followed by genesis dmg and gains sturdiness ( -20% dmg taken)
5 stacks of eureka= mass mental dmg followed by genesis dmg
Insight 2- 15 % critical dmg up
Insight 3- 20% crit up
And so on
@@Sairento-kun hey rn, i have eternity, lilya, regulus, voyager and medicine pocket. who would u say is more worth saving up for in future patches
@@Sntra101 it depends what u want, for crit/ reality u can just for characters I mentioned, you can consider Changling or even Shaman but I would say if your resourses let you. With Voyager mentality I would say Black Dwarf, Pickle and you can consider Melania.
Overall I would just say Fairy Tooth is the ultimate goal
Sorry, I donno "6" skillset
Shamane is the Shamare of Arknights. 😅
If you don't mind my asking, which psycube would you recommend for Centurion? Edit: He answered on stream and has a video coming about them.
Thundering Applause
I must ask, what is the best team for A Knight? Currently, I run him with Bkornblume, Sonetto, and Dikke. The combination of Sonetto’s buff and Bkornblume’s debuffs strengthens A Knight so much which is why I wonder if there is a better team for him. And also, is it good to build Crit for him, or pure Atk.?
Atk, he doesn't need crit rate, as you upgrade him, his dmg scales better and better, your best choices for phsycubes are gonna be hopscotch and the new phsycube coming on patch 1.4 called "balance, please"
Is there upcoming endgame content that requires 2 teams? Or do we build reality and mental teams for farming and tough story levels?
End game content is artificial somnambulism. You will need 2 team for later stages. Currently there is no real need for covering both reality and mental. It's more importent to cover all the element.
Meta is not necessarily, come with me and pull for the knight!!
How important are Portrays in this game? Is it worthwhile pulling specifically for dupes if you really like a character? Tennant is easily my favourite out of the entire cast so I've been spending my pulls on that banner despite already having her and Bkornblume, but I don't know if I'm hamstringing myself in that process
I recommend saving up the pulls for future characters for 2 reasons, assuming you are free-to-play. The first reason is that there will be better characters that will be released in the future. The second reason is that it's more important to get more characters in different varieties, instead of focusing just on one, b/c it would allow you to have more choices and flexibility in team building. As for how important the portrays are, they do boost the character giving upgrades to the character. However, getting portrays is very expensive to do, especially in the early games, because you are not guaranteed to get a 5-star character every ten pull, and even when you do get a 5-star, there's only 25% of getting the right portray.
Basically just grind what you can and log in daily until the character drops on your banner (what I'm doing waiting for tooth fairy). Currently using Eternity, Sonetto and La Source as my team. Not sure who else to invest in as I got very unlucky on the 40-50 pulls I've done.
I currently have A-Knight, An-an Lee, Bkornblume, and Sotheby. If I am building my current reality team and also aiming for poison meta, should I invest in An-an Lee or Bkornblume first? Resources are very scarce early on 😢
So the centaur girl is Change-ling, not 'Çhang Ling'; it's a mythical creature that can change its form.
So is it recommended to pick sotheby because she is best in slot for changeling if you wanna pull her ?? Also i got every unit from a knight banner so is it recommended to pull for sotheby too ??
What is the point of reality/mental/etc. dmg? The multiple afflatus counter each other, is it the same for the dmg type too?
I think it's just like pokemon where you have attack/special attack, just here it's reality/mental damage. There is also genesis damage which is true damage
It's really just physical/Magic damage, and they they use different defense.
Thank you for the answers!
Looks like I'll settle for the ff 2
1st: Druvis, Satsuki, Sotheby (I change the attack order so Sotheby doesn't mess up petrify. At least poison triggers don't mess it)
2nd: Lilya, Sonetto, Tennant/Balloon (Is it worth to swap Sonetto with Erick for crit support?)
is eagle worth to invest and is she still viable in later patches/late game?
Have Eternity, A Knight and Sotheby rn. And running Liliana, Sonetto and Sotheby on the campaign. Currently in chapter 3. Rn imma save to get the poison team and Centurion. Hope we all get lucky on ver. 1.2
Yo that sounds like a good roster. I got Sotheby, Regulus and Centurion rn, and I’m planning on getting Tooth Fairy and maybe Changeling if I have the pulls
@@pqjsmzhwdidigsbrlsyahwnwue8439 oh. Didn't know we can get Centurion rn. I thought she was limited. But anyways you also have a great team too. I'm going all out for Changeling then if I have some spare pulls, might get Tooth Fairy too. Hope RNGsus will be good to us in the future banners.
Hmm I've heard many times that Pickles is a near must-pull?
Pickle is "really good" but Shamane is "just as good" 1.2 takes priority over pickle. he will become standard at 1.4
My team is a bit unbalanced where I both have Eternity and a Knight as dps and Bkornblume as dmg amplifier while Dikke as reserve... I wanna kill the enemies first before they kill me...
My question is Eternity solo. How exactly does it work? Thabk you
Build her, use her alone. ults every 2-3 turns, profit
i read that crit game character is falling in late game due to enemies having immunity to crit
THat's one.
The other is Toothfairy boost everyone to around 90-100% crit rate every other turn. making everyone better except lilya who doesn't have a mechanic to convert extra crit rate to damage
do characters ever rerun? i wasn’t able to get tooth fairy and i really want her
She rerun in 1.5 CN. They also go into the standard banner after 3 patches.
@@SteamedBunXReverse1999 really?? awesome thank you
Will be skipping 1.1 and 1.2 for black dwarf and 37. Ik it sounds pretty stupid but I’ve cleared most content with what I have now I’m only gonna focus on waifus and stuff like that. Not saying I don’t want voyager and tooth fairy though
Since my luck is shitty,i run Lilya Eagle Bkorn...i do have Tennant though so should i build her(my pity is 60+ already no 6* in sight bruh,i want Sotheby)
That's reasonable, probably need a healer. If you have not pulled a 6 star yet (assuming you got lilya from beginner) you should get a 6 star in next 10 pull coz pity is 70
I got Sotheby and An an Lee on knight banner and I'm now waiting for the best boi doggo
I'm actually leveling my Eternity as my dps (Insight 2 level 44 atm with reso 5) and I have Sonetto (Insight 2 level 10 reso 5), Ballon Party (Insight 2 lvl 1 reso 2) cuz I needed a healer, and have some leveled units (kinda waste maybe) like Eagle (insight 1 level 40 reso 3) cuz she carried me hard early game, Tenant (insight 1 level 20 reso 3), Lilya (insight 1 level 1 reso 1) and Bkornblume (insight 1 level 1 reso 1), im pretty messed up my banners early on cuz I didn't know what to do and got A Knight then tried to get Sotheby but happened for me to lose my 50% on her banner at summon 67 and got an Eternity dupe from it, now I have my guaranteed to work on and I was thinking about holding all my currency and pulls for 1.2 to must get Tooth Fairy and maybe try some pulls if I get lucky on Jessica (changeling).
For now, do you think I should bother raising any of my leveled units? I don't feel leveling Sonetto nor Balloon Party any more than that for now, but not so sure about my other DPS's what to do!
Nice video! any tips would be appreciatted
How many pulls should I save for both 1.2 banners?
I kinda want Voyager too but idk if can afford 😅
Should I pull on the banner with guaranteed 6 star after 30 pulls or just spend on A knight banner? Also which banner can I pull centurion? Do you have any idea about how much can I pull before saving for changeling and tooth fairy ?
u can get centurion on regular banner if u get lucky enough, soft pity on 60 and hard pity on 70 pulls
when you mean eternity solo, do u fill her in fights with 2 other units or just her by herself
Mostly by her self. Only when I need more DPS. Or if I need her to survive to stack her passive will I bring 2 unit to help tanking and provide additional action points.
Lilya, sothepy and sonetto, what do you think?
Good nuff for now :D
@@SteamedBunXReverse1999 really? Happy to know, what I have to aim for the future considering the characters I actually have? :))
how many pulls do we get per patch w/o considering the freebies of 1.0 and money spent?
With schedule heavily squashed for 1.0 , i think we only get about maybe 150~ish for 1.0 if you buy all the packs not including direct gem purchase.
@SteamedBunXGacha sorry, i meant w/o spending money.. like what's the monthly pulls that can be earned? or there's no estimate yet, i'm confused in this game haha
Is changeling must pull if i don't have sotheby?
She is only about an average limited DPS without Sotheby. With Sotheby she's elevated to above other limited DPS. Up to you rather you care about the difference.
Baby blue is the best for Charlie p5 on late game too ? Or Voyager better ?
5:17 there's a video glitch
LMAO WTF, I didn't even see it when i did my final watch before uploading DX.
why there is so little info on "37" even though she is playable?
She just came out. There are still more testing needed. also current event enviroment is boosting the crap out of her making her looking more powerful than she actually is.
Not me getting Centurion only 18 pulls after Melania LMAO! Not mad tho both of them are so pretty
Is A Knight good? somehow ended up getting him early.
He's good at mob clearing and ult spaming, not as good agaisnt single target.
hello steamedbun, I have a current plan for progressing my account and I just wanted to see if you'd agree with me
I have eternity, a knight and sotheby as 6*s (I got insanely lucky with pulls)
and as for 5*s I have Bkornblume and Charlie (2 portray right now, hoping for 3rd one soon)
my plan is to hyperinvest into eternity for one team, and then a knight, sotheby and bkornblume as a second team
my pulling plans are to go for changeling and toothfairy in 1.2
is sotheby good enough as an early game healer to be used? Or should I started using balloon (she's not invested at all right now)
appreciate the great guide and I'll be following it carefully
Hi, can you make a guide about which skills are necessary to upgrade the star with? Like should i upgrade the buff skill, atk, etc
General rule. let the skill automatically merge by consuming card inbetween. OR if you are using ultimate focused character. than actively move them to generate moxie.
Some skill have different effect after they go to T2 which you should consider.
Generally speaking 2 T1 is better than 1 T2 in term of pure damage potential.
@@SteamedBunXReverse1999you mean t3?
thanks for the info
I'm too lazy to reroll so I just used free chars for now xD
I got centu eternity sotheby and voyager? Should i pull changeling
Yo! Nice work! I have a doubt about Reality DPS. I have 1 team done with Lilya, but i dont have a 2nd and I Really dont wanna build Eagle. I have BKplume, An-an Lee and Sotheby. Should I build An lee as DPS? Like I2 lvl 50 R9? I am very tempted to do that! Tnx!
My team is Lilya - Sonetto/Blume - Tennant. The plan is save everything for Tooth Fairy, i'm literally in love with her design
I'm tempted by Sotheby bc poison + cutie pie but idk
sameee, im also waiting for 1.2 toothfairy bkornblume banner to boost my lilya, then spend the rest on dwarf or cent. rate up
On the other side of the spectrum, Tooth Fairy kinda creeps me out 😅 So I hope a new meta healer emerges in future patches
@@binangkalboi damn dwarf is gorgeous
@@fantasythinkerfan I KNOW but is creepy cute idk, i'm obsessed with her lol
How can you tell apart higher quality tiles vs lower quality tiles in the wilderness? I can't find any info in the interface which are better than others.
why do you need to focus on either mental or reality team?
Should i pull standard banner(i only roll sotheby and a knight banner and got voyager,regulus,sotherby)
DO NOT PULL ON STANDARD BANNER. rate up banner for standard and limited units shares same pity (atleast in cn they do)
@@SteamedBunXReverse1999 oh,ok i just save wait for some dps then. Thk u
I'm having a portray 5 charlie do you think changeling with sotheby would be better because I'm thinking of investing in charlie right now
Charlie is one of the strongest DPSes in the game. If you're lucky enough to have her at P5 then build her and let her carry you. At that point, you're not really in dire need of Sotheby & Changeling. You can still get them tho. But you should just invest in Charlie. At least when you're facing stages that plant types struggle on, you can count on Charlie.
Also, everyone should focus on *building 2 teams for endgame* (the game will force you to switch between 2 teams). So you can run plant meta on one and Charlie on the other. Congrats on your pulls. 😄
Hello.. I already ascended my eternity to I2 lv50/50 resonance 9 psychube lv40…do I really need to ascend her into I3? If yes, when is the right time to do that? On vers 1.1? I still confuse about the max progression on vers 1.0
I have centurion, bkorn blume, sonetto,ternety, charlie, voyager and a knight. what build would you recommend for me 🙏. would centurion with bkornblume and sonetto be the most viable?
ive got lillya, a knight,ms newbabel and an an lee who should i save for? currently have 30 pull
Tooth fairy. And 37. Honestly speaking account kind bricked if you wanna chase meta.
@@SteamedBunXReverse1999 so should i reroll or something?
@@Deadpool-vn3tz if you are willing to use. New babel sucks in general. And try to get two working teams without spending too much on puller. Both 1.2 units are must haves.
@@SteamedBunXReverse1999 changeling is a must have?
@@Deadpool-vn3tz she's the ceiling of reality dps
I have Eternity and Bkornblume team but for 3rd slot I am not sure should I go with Balloon Party or Tennant ???
does changeling require sothesby to perform?
Which 6* psychube should i choose for Knight
Bounden Duty, Hop, New world, all good on him :)
@@SteamedBunXReverse1999 thank you so much 😇
How long does it take to do daily routine?
20 minutes, unless you go down to stuff like limbo.
Is Sweetheart really that bad btw if I have Lylia and Eternity ?
You can use her if you want. you will see what is considered a good when you see Pickles' kit LOL
Who is the ideal healer/support for the Eternity solo-team?
No one :) she's going in ALONE
she is this game's neuvillette, broken af@@SteamedBunXReverse1999
I got lilya and voyager should i pull for charlie for potrait 3 or just wait for toothfairy
Noooooo… another content creator said to upgrade wilderness buildings so i spent 400 activity farming for mats 😅
Well, that's not too bad i guess, 400 is like 2 days. hopefully this won't stop you from getting the limbo rewards for this upcoming cycle.
I guess it's time to use the secret weapon, aka my credit card 🤣 @@SteamedBunXReverse1999
do you have any recommendations for druvis III’s best team?
I have eternity, and I want to make best optimal team for her, any recommendations char I should pull for her later?
Outside of using as Solo, She's just a general DPS, and use the same supports as other reality DPS.
My current team is A knight, tenant, bkornblume and Mondlicht, how seriously should I take building the fourth team member?
For now i have 2 team
1. Lilya, Voyager, bkornblume super offensive team and kill the enemy before they can attack.
2. Eternity solo.
Hello, I just jumped in to the game. Got 16 pulls in my pocket. I have 4 banners available :
1. First drop of Rain
2. One gram of Curiosity
3. Clang of sword & Armor
4. Amid the Water.
Please advise on which I should reroll? Thanks in advance
Go for curiosity (Sotheby banner) for sotheby she is a key member for meta poison/reality team in1.2 and finish first drop fo rain(30 pull guarentee 6 star beginner facha). After that depends how many DPS you have. If you don't have at least 2 you can use. Consider pull for Melania (next event banner)
@@SteamedBunXReverse1999 Thanks for the advice, I subscribed to your channel.
First 10 pulls and I got Druvis III and Charlie... Should I reroll?