Blake Babies Live "Baby Gets High" 3/9/01

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @spaceengineer1452
    @spaceengineer1452 3 місяці тому

    Love is all around.

  • @joanjettboy
    @joanjettboy 3 роки тому

    This song! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @MyFlipCameraAccount
    @MyFlipCameraAccount 16 років тому

    My all time favorite Madder Rose song. Great to hear Julianna's voice on this!

  • @TheHughLundy
    @TheHughLundy 11 років тому

    Great to hear your still enjoying the music you like keep going keep enjoying.I more than likely have misunderstood your comment on Margo- seems very hard.Even artists I hate like Adele, Amy Whitehouse I wouldn't be as harsh about.To me part of Margo's magic is her voice( I love her singing Powderfinger )yet can't listen to Neil Youngs version.. Again thanks for an intelligent and reaoned discussion.

  • @selinakyle4054
    @selinakyle4054 11 років тому +1

    Two years later, here's my comeback! Ha! Margo rides on her brothers' coat tails, she just sings their boring songs. Juliana is an amazing songwriter and lead guitarist, Margo couldn't write an interesting song to save her life and just stands there and sings like a cow stuck in mud. Evan was in Juliana's band the Blake Babies first, so he rode on HER coat tails.. And I've listened to more of Evan's stuff, he's actually quite talented. So there.

  • @selinakyle4054
    @selinakyle4054 14 років тому +2

    Juliana is a great songwriter and performer, she's not known as someone with amazing vocal abilities. Could care less for the Lemonheads/Evan Dando.
    Juliana is one of the most underrated musicians/songwriters around.

  • @selinakyle4054
    @selinakyle4054 14 років тому

    You only know Juliana's more commercial stuff, she has put out many records since "My Sister" and is much more musically diverse than most artists. Riding on someone's coattails, that's judgement you choose to make about someone you don't even know. If she wasn't talented she wouldn't have fans; most people don't know who or what an Evan Dando is. They are friends and have performed together recently, that's what friends and fellow musicians do.

  • @sghuijs
    @sghuijs 14 років тому


  • @TheHughLundy
    @TheHughLundy 14 років тому +1

    @GreenRuled Evan Dando guitarist/vocalist(all round egomaniac) with The Lemonheads who had hit's with (My Name Is) Luka & Mrs Robinson.He is a great artist but impossible to work with booted out all the band members included eually/more talented Ben Deily.Julianna Hatfield rode on his coatails for a while.

  • @TheHughLundy
    @TheHughLundy 14 років тому

    @selinakyle I am not attempting to get into a arguement with you. I respect the fact that you like whatever artist you like. I am just stating that there are people who consider Juliana Hatfield to be highly overated.Also putting forward equally valid reasons for this case of course you have valid reasons to oppose it.Put it this way Juliana Hatfield & Ami Mann I like the idea of while not actually liking them but again good luck toJuliana and her like hyped but not the worst.

  • @TheHughLundy
    @TheHughLundy 14 років тому

    @selinakyle Fair enough each person has brains and ears and you clearly like Juliana and I hope she continues to give you pleasure. However for me Margo has done it the true way without latching on to anyone's coat tails(I admire Even Dando as a performer not as a person). Margo mightn't have Juliana's fame or sucess but she is real and has talent were it matters. Please don't think I'm a music snob I do like commerical bands REM & The Bangles.

  • @selinakyle4054
    @selinakyle4054 14 років тому

    I don't know why Juliana left the 'comfort' of a band. A lot of musicians find it better to work alone on their music then be in a band setting.
    I'll take Juliana's vocals over Margo Timmins any day, though.

  • @TheHughLundy
    @TheHughLundy 14 років тому

    @selinakyle How come she left the comfort of a band to go solo then if she doesn't fancy herself as a singer?.I really believe Juiana Hatfield is an example of hype over talent. However it would never do if we all liked the same things. I will say she should be credited for writting her own songs, unlike the sad reheated cover versions modern hyped performers are now forcing on unsuspecting kids.

  • @GreenRuled
    @GreenRuled 14 років тому

    Who the $%#! is Even Dando?

  • @selinakyle4054
    @selinakyle4054 11 років тому

    I think accusing people of only getting attention by riding other people's coat tails and not making it the true way and not being real and having talent where it matters is much more harsh than anything I said. Also Amy Winehouse has an incredible voice, but whatever floats yr boat, luv.

  • @TheHughLundy
    @TheHughLundy 14 років тому

    Ah Julianna Hatfield the most overrated female singer I've heard in a long long time. Hope Sandoval, Mago Timmins, PJ Harvey & Beth Orton are all far superior to her. It's clear she only ever got noticed for her association with Evan Dando. Shame as I like what the guys in this band were doing.

    • @deathkampdrone
      @deathkampdrone Рік тому

      For someone who doesn't enjoy Juliana Hatfield, you write a lot in this threat. I'm a huge Lemonheads fan for decades, but fact is she really lifted those songs with her presence. And she is way more interesting than Polly Jean AKA discount Patti Smith, if you wanna name names. Personal sound and timeless songs, not just a garage rock prototype female artist... She even lifted this song, as she does with most covers she does.