  • Опубліковано 18 січ 2025


  • @bushiS
    @bushiS 6 місяців тому +9

    Jam geg nga Mati, e te them te drejtën shumë fjalë geg do thoja ndryshe.
    "Jam gêg prej Mati, ene do gjana do i thusha nreshe"😊

    • @yllbardh
      @yllbardh 6 місяців тому

      Jam gegë pej Prishtine e disa sene i kisha thanë nryshe.

  • @Dardan88
    @Dardan88 6 місяців тому +7

    Mua me pelqeu gegenishtja me shume se ata tjert. Por
    mendoi se nuk eshte dallim i madhe mes geg dhe tosk.
    Ju dua te gjithe 🇦🇱🫡

  • @Piloti.
    @Piloti. 11 днів тому

    2:19 Thrrime e kam ngju ene n’Mirdit.

  • @BjeshkaLule
    @BjeshkaLule 6 місяців тому +1

    Ide e mrekullueshme, JU LUMTE

  • @Ben-Dedia
    @Ben-Dedia 6 місяців тому +9

    Une erdh ne Greqi takova shume Arvanitas mu ba zemra mal

  • @sajmir6129
    @sajmir6129 5 місяців тому

    @3:16 in my region we say: “boj t’fala satome”

  • @drenicasi345
    @drenicasi345 5 місяців тому +3

    1.Te lutem, tregoma dhomen
    2. Ku oshte dyqani ma i nghat?
    3. A muj ktu me ba ni foto?
    4. Ik! Pirdhu! Shporru!
    5. Nimom, Qele/Hape!
    6. Te lutem/Tu lutna thirre mjekun
    7. Jam hupé/ kam gabu udhen
    8. Ti dukesh si (babi yt, baba jot)
    9. Sot aoshté ditlindja jeme
    10. A flet/ fol arbrisht?
    11. A fol/ flet shqip?
    12. Une nuk e (foli,flas)/ une se (foli,flas)/ une (s'foli, s'flas)
    13. A po m(e)'kupton? A m'kupton?
    14. Nuk t'kuptoj, s'te kuptoj
    15. Veç pak, veç ni tro
    16. Nuk e di, se dij
    17. Ka je, nga je, i kahit je?
    18. Jam i Gjermanise, jam nga Gjermania, jam prej Gjermanise
    19. Te lutem perserit'ma
    20. Unxhu
    21. Lem t'shkoj
    22. Tfala nanes tane prej meje
    23. Un jam lind n'shqipni
    24. Un jam lind n'sicili
    25. Po shkoj te shpia
    26. Çysh, Ç(k)a?// Pse? Per çka?
    27. Sa aosht ora?
    28. Ku a banjo?
    29. Ajo kush aosht? Kush aosht ajo?
    30. Ajo a, aoshte tezja jeme
    31. Te du(a)
    32. Sot aosht zheg/nxeht
    33. Tung, Mirupafshim.
    Nga Drenica e Dardanise sone, ju pershendes.

  • @drenicasi345
    @drenicasi345 5 місяців тому +1

    video-ideja eshte e bukur shume, ju lutemi vazhdoni me kte format.
    nje kritik e vogel, qe iu shkon pjesmarrs've, a mundeni te zhvilloni fjaline ngjajshem, qe te jane te unisuara.
    Dhe patjeter deshiroja titra arbereshe, nuk do arrij t'i kuptoj fjalet kjarte-kuptueshem...
    Lum per Arbereshet kudo qe jane, Mashallah.
    Te fala nga Drenica.

  • @brooklybeli6970
    @brooklybeli6970 6 місяців тому +1

    I say bën vapë too; I also say çne (which I think is more like how or for what reason than why?). I wonder if this is just a personal thing or a dialect thing I learnt from my parents

  • @Ben-Dedia
    @Ben-Dedia 6 місяців тому +3

    ma mire se ghua jone ska

  • @bwoisness
    @bwoisness 6 місяців тому +1

    For bathroom we say nevetorja

  • @jetonsaljihi9947
    @jetonsaljihi9947 Місяць тому

    Po ni skaj we use the word skej for a litlle place or we say dama ni skej it means give me a little piece of something this word when i was younger we used it always now a days we used very rarely

  • @jetonsaljihi9947
    @jetonsaljihi9947 Місяць тому

    Thuj apet na i thojm fjalen pameta nuk e perdorim edhe fjalen prap e perdorim shum pak ose thuj edhe ni her

  • @Ben-Dedia
    @Ben-Dedia 6 місяців тому +3

    tane duhet mu bashku per me lidh fis a fe bashk e ghuhen tone mos me harru hiq

    •  6 місяців тому +3

      Hiq = mosgje

    • @sajmir6129
      @sajmir6129 6 місяців тому +1

      Comes from turkish “hiç”.

    • @farijeleka2890
      @farijeleka2890 6 місяців тому +2

      Asgjë 😊

    •  6 місяців тому +2

      @@farijeleka2890Arberisht thomi mosgje

    • @sajmir6129
      @sajmir6129 5 місяців тому

      We say “as ni gjo” or “as i gjo”.

  • @gertituzi4659
    @gertituzi4659 5 місяців тому

    Ndrëngoj (kuptoj) si e ka etimologjinë ?

    •  5 місяців тому +2

      Ndrëngonj < ndërgjegj

    • @gertituzi4659
      @gertituzi4659 5 місяців тому

      Aha, ka më shumë ndrëngim se sa kuptimi

  • @AlphaInvest-e3s
    @AlphaInvest-e3s 4 місяці тому +1


  • @mega9158
    @mega9158 6 місяців тому +5

    Arberesh is Tosk

    •  6 місяців тому +3

      Arberesh and Tosk have evolved in completely different ways. When you watch the video you will see

    • @brooklybeli6970
      @brooklybeli6970 6 місяців тому +2

      Jo s'është; të dyja kanë të njëjtat rrënjë por janë ndarë si degët të pemës- nuk janë njësoj por kanë evoluar gjatë shekujve. Arbërishtja nuk është as shqipe e vjetër (apo arbërisht e vjetër)

    • @mega9158
      @mega9158 6 місяців тому

      Its still Tosk though, genetically it is

    • @mega9158
      @mega9158 6 місяців тому +1

      Gjuhet klasifikohen nga gjenetika, e arberishtja klasifikohet si variant i toskerishtes, e cila eshte dege e shqipes.

    • @sajmir6129
      @sajmir6129 6 місяців тому +3

      Arbëresh has Gheg elements as well. It is known from toponyms and family names that a lot of Ghegs moved south due to Slavic displacements/invasion, as well as being invited to settle areas in what is now Greece by Byzantine and Latin rulers.

  • @illyrian7935
    @illyrian7935 6 місяців тому +1

    Arberesh is a subdialect of Tosk, just like arvanite dialect.

    •  6 місяців тому

      And your point is ?

    • @illyrian7935
      @illyrian7935 6 місяців тому

      My point is that I see that in some coments you are a bit confused and say that the arberesh dialect is a different language from the tosk, but it is very incorrect to state something like that. And mybe you say that because you mistake the standard albanian with the actual tosk that is spoken in the south.

    •  6 місяців тому

      @@illyrian7935tosk is a classification, it doesn’t mean that arberesh is a dialect of it

    • @illyrian7935
      @illyrian7935 6 місяців тому

      Tosk and Geg are the two dialects of Albanian language, and each of this two have their subdialetcs, arberesh is well known that is a subdialetc of the Tosk dialect. It is very easibly understood if you listen to the actual tosk that is spoken in the south, especially in the villages. And you should not confond the actual tosk dialect with the standard Albanian because they are very different.

    • @illyrian7935
      @illyrian7935 6 місяців тому

      And it's really surprising how you have doubts because even in this video you can see how much similiar arberisht is to the tosk dialect.