Good focusing skill is needed for using that 0.95 lens on a M. Although I like it on my M10-M for b&w, I prefer to have it on my SL2 for color especially under low lighting conditions.
Thanks for your support and sharing. Indeed 0.95 need precise focus skill, nowadays EVF on M body helps a lot, unlike the old day using mechanical M body or M8, M9 without external EVF 😄 Happy shooting😄
Good focusing skill is needed for using that 0.95 lens on a M. Although I like it on my M10-M for b&w, I prefer to have it on my SL2 for color especially under low lighting conditions.
Thanks for your support and sharing. Indeed 0.95 need precise focus skill, nowadays EVF on M body helps a lot, unlike the old day using mechanical M body or M8, M9 without external EVF 😄 Happy shooting😄
E58配菲林超正,如果用數碼機,都係新鏡好解像度夠,用CCD M9例外
haha 我好似都係第一支50mm是F/1.5 Summarit....
不過之後殺左,用鏡筒來改Old Nokton .... 買返一支更好condition的 Summarit 🙂真的好喜歡
我现在用m11 mono 配 Leica APO-Summicron-M 50mm F/2
翟師兄,請問leica noctilux-m 75mm f/1.25 asph和Noctilux 50mm0.95如何評價,如果選一支你會選那一枝😁
hi^^你好^^钟意睇你d片,,正 小弟正想入手部m9, 成像偏向vintage,唔sharp, 请问推荐边支镜头..? (35mm) 唔好太贵😅 希望师父教路
多謝你的支持,一機一鏡, Vintage,我一定揀八妹😄
要求画质立体 谢谢
请问Summilux 35mm FLE (11663) 系咪比summicron更加立体更加油润..? 😊
請問一機一鏡,想入手M10+50mm f1.0 IV E60。是否好選擇?有冇更好建議?
當然好,E60 或 0.95 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
翟師兄leica noctilux-m 75mm f/1.25 asph 與 Noctilux 50mm 0.95點評價和選擇😁
兩支鏡頭我都有,視乎師兄喜歡用那一個焦距比較多,有人喜歡用50 ,有人喜歡用75,我兩者都喜歡,所以兩支都有收😄
.95 好Q重 ,去旅行比較辛苦 😢
淨係拎一機一鏡出街, OK啦😄
50mm 1.4 邊一個版本最吸引你?
一定係第一代ASPH 😄😄❤️❤️
Where is Xenon
Good suggestion, I had never try that