Yoo Brother crazy footage. But i believe you didn't get all of what they Said. There are many Hidden Statements you probably dont understood. In can Tell you some shit about German Nazis when you want. I come from east Germany and living around Nazis since my birth and have a lot to tell. Then you can get why some people say you giving them a platform. When you're interestet in some Storys an Details about the German Nazis and there Evolution from then to now hit me Up. I can Show you some crazy historical places and Projekts too. There are in every single town in Germany.
@TheTabooRoomWithAaron That was a good neutral , honest and very interesting Report . No german speaking Journalist could have make it better , No one. Thanks for your Visit in Germany . Wish you all the best and hope you will go on. Enjoy Christmas Time , God bless you .🇦🇹🇩🇪🤝🇬🇧🇬🇧
Especially Dortmund has also another face. You can find one of the cores of the german graffiti scene for example. A culture in which all these politics dont have a meaning. I mean all that counts is making it happen to live like you basically do what you want without harming others, right? The Ruhrgebiet is a beautiful place full of contrasts and interesting individuals. Organised migrant criminality besides neonazis, and also a lot of nice and average people =D Hope you met some nice ones bro! Peace from germany
Dont you understand that you gave them an ANOTHER ground for their Promotion? You - Dont - speak - with - Nazis. If u rly think they respected you in any Kind u are just naive. They used your Format to speak to the world and share their believes. You are a just a tool. If These people would have the possibility to find me or my comrades - Personal Terror would rise. Like many other people who were or are left experienced it in Dorstfeld. There were several families in Dortmund who have been terrorized and threatened by exactly THESE people. Because they didnt accepted their actions. Slashed tires, threatening phone calls, threatening letters...you name it. The authorities were powerless against it and the result was: the citizens had to leave Dortmund and move to another city. You simply interviewed a bunch of nationalists and criminals - nothing more. The left has been fighting for decades against the spread of political idealogy from Dortmund and then channels like you come along to “document” something - it's all documented. We know everything. We know who has something to say We know which of them have been convicted We know the leading personalities We know the networks among the comradeships. These people have no respect for your channel. You are just a means to an end.
Bro no hate but I'm german and I live in Dortmund and I got in big trouble with fellas like these multiple times (I wasn't disrespectful or anything, I just had the wrong political views in a bar). Of course this is not exemplary for all of them but there's good reason to not believe them (if you took a closer look at what they're doing politically for example, what kind of rallies they're attending and how they're behaving otherwise) I'm pretty sure they just used you for media presence. They're smart, they know how to sell themselves and their worldview, that's why their "comrades" are gaining more and more popularity on TikTok for example. They want to seem innocent and nice so that they can win ground in the center of the population. How can you hate someone that's sympathetic and only defending their views? They know that. Yes, they said that people would say this. But does it make the statement I'm making wrong? no not necessarily. It's a rethorical trick. Don't fall for it, don't believe everything you see or hear. Of course you can also apply this to what I'm saying - if you want to - but it's good to take a deeper look at things if you're portraying people like them.
Wir haben etwa 1000 Rechtsmotivierte Gewalttaten pro Jahr, 700 Linksmotivierte und über 200 000 Gewalttaten durch Migranten und da sind die Sexualdelikte noch gar nicht mit einbezogen.
Regards from Dortmund. I know these guys. They did not act usual, they are usual guys with an unpopular opinion. I would not mess with them because they know how to react and they have a huge network, but they are no violent criminals. Sorry to say that, but the interviewed immigrants talk about stabbing and owning guns. These are the examples more and more people complain about multiculturalism.
Eigentlich peinlich 😂 hier denkt jeder er wäre krass und macht auf gangster, weil sie vielleicht paar Kisten pushen aber in Amerika würden die keinen Tag in Baton Rouge oder Detroit überleben.
As a migrant myself, I'm surprised by the intelligence and eloquence of the national socialists and shocked by the stupidity and criminal energy of those gangster rappers.
10:15 he asks do you have to say something to other migrants living in Germany and he answers „keep on doing like you’re doing right now, we will take over“… see the problem?
Brother he is half German the translation is misunderstood, what he he saying is that that we schould stand against the right side and take over with a peaceful Germany
mhmm, und im Hintergrund: "Bruder was machts du? Die nehmen das wieder ganz falsch auf und denken wir wollen Deutschand uebernehmen" - klar, dass du das wieder ueberhoerst.
@@almightyIrie Kennst du solche Jungs persönlich? Dann wüsstest du, das ist typisches provokantes Macho-Getue und eben absolut kein Spaß. Es geht nicht darum, dass diese Person tatsächlich so etwas vorhat, es geht darum, dass sie so eingebildet ist, es sagen zu müssen. Peinlich.
Stark dass du mit Leuten geredet hast , anstatt sie direkt zu verurteilen. Das Problem in Deutschland ist nämlich, es wird nicht mehr mit einander geredet . Nice Video bro
Ist ja lustig das gerade jemand wie du so etwas sagt. Auf euren Demos ist nämlich niemand bereit mit Außenstehenden zu reden und wenn doch jemand bereit ist, dann kommt sofort jemand der sich berufen fühlt das Gespräch zu unterbinden. Mann kann sein Land auch lieben ohne Faschismus zu glorifizieren. Ich bin stolz auf unser Land, unsere Verfassung, das wir eine weltoffene Demokratie sind. Das man die Politik kritisieren kann ohne direkt inhaftiert zu werden, das jeder seine individuelle Sexualität ausleben kann ohne vom Staat verfolgt zu werden. Ich habe auch Probleme mit kriminellen Migranten und übertriebener Religiösität. Ich würde aber niemals rechts wählen. Diese Leute in Dorstfeld sind mir genauso unsympathisch wie Migranten die sich nicht integrieren wollen. Und dieses Gelaber, das einem heute Homosexualität aufgedrängt wird oder das man darin bestärkt wird seine sexuelle Identität zu ändern, ist doch Bullshit. Es geht einfach darum den Menschen die anders sind zu zeigen, das es okay ist und sie nicht ausgegrenzt werden.
was gibts mit nazis zu reden? deren ideologie und vorbilder sind für die schlimmste katastrophe der jüngeren menschheitsgeschichte verantwortlich... holy fuck, wie kann man so beschränkt sein. wenn die politisch rechten wollen, dass man mit ihnen redet, dann sollten sie vielleicht anfangen weniger hass zu verbreiten und IRGENDETWAS konstruktives zum politischen diskurs beitragen.
@@miyamotomusashi1195 yeah but we didnt have 60+ gang grapes or knoife attacks per day pre 2015 now we have to have apps like messerinzidenz or einzelfallkarte [apps to show you where the "new" germans are actively involved in shtabbings or grape ] have to write it like this so yt doesnt delete the comment & you have to check those apps every day before you take public transit or go to work to not get enriched by certain peoples!
Ist auf seine Ethnie Stolz, Türkei ist nun mal ein präsentes starkes Volk. Russen-Deutsche sind auch auf beide Länder stolz da beide nun mal zwei starke Völker sind. Das eine schließt das andere nicht aus. Außerdem nimmt er es nicht so ernst und freut sich eher darüber als so manch anderer(Ich meine er drückt sich sehr jugendlich aus)
Ich fand die Doku seehr gut gemacht.. Endlich mal lässt man die "Bösen Rechten" mal AUSREDEN!!! Ganz stark!!! Denke viele werden das nach dem schauen hier ähnlich sehen...
@ Durch illegalen Waffenbesitz machst du das Land A nicht sicherer und B stehen diese Vorfälle fast immer in Verbindung zu weiteren illegalen Aktivitäten.
@@anthonyu406Hier ein Paradebeispiel eines im Wohlstandsghetto aufgewachsenen Linken, der sich mit Händen und Füßen dagegen wehrt, die Welt zu sehen, wie sie ist. Selbst wenn Teile der vom Vorredner geäusserten Beschuldigungen im Video zu sehen sind.
but guess what, we got more violence from the left wing than right wing. prime example is the US. look at all these liberal lefties saying they lost their human rights and now women cant do anything mi mi mi. in fact, nothing changed.
LMAO seriously you pinned a comment because you practice bjj? I know Nazis that you couldn't land one hit on or get close enough to sweep! They'd knock you out in under 20 seconds!
Why did he need to resort to Jits alone ? Surely he was at the advantage. Why not take on his oponent with gloves on ? Some real Jits should always be able to handle that. He bended the rules of engagement to his favour to avoid some humiliation.
@jaybone4732 He didn't bend anything. He offered, without challenging anyone in particular (when you challenge someone in particular, it is inadvertently forcing that individual into a physical encounter.) One of the lads accepted and they went at it. Aaron withnessed how messy an MMA sparring gets minutes before that, influencing his decision, I bet, to limit the rules to submissions of BBJ.
He is filming a series bro! He probably didn't want to risk a bloody and bruises face, because you know, he's there doing a job as a independent journalist and documentarian.@@jaybone4732
@@biker0777 Sure thing, in my experience it is german dudes who are reason to switch side of the road. Maybe it is just how you look, I myself consider more german people sketchy than immigrants. Might be, it is eastern Germany though.
@@mbnhiphopmusik6429 Germans do look like they hate everyone and everything but are actually very friendly when you speak to them. Gangs of migrants outside every subway station blaring music and asking if you want to buy cocaine are not.
10:16 Bestes Beispiel: Er hatte nie Ärger mit den ''Nazis''aber es gab Messerstechereien mit über 30 Leuten...klar wer diese Leute dann waren. Er sagt sie respektieren sich gegenseitig, aber dann als Nachricht an alle verkündet er mit einem Lächeln: "WIR übernehmen noch!" Also wieso ist es verboten, das zu verhindern und einen Platz im eigenen Land zu haben?
Vorallem die Messerstecher waren ALLES Muslime, er sagt selber, er wurde von jemanden wie ihm selbst (also ein Muslim?) angestochen. Es sind immer die gleichen, die so agieren und schau dir sein lächeln an, sie fühlen sich cool dabei. Ich frage mich wie er schaut, wenn er das vor seinen Eltern erzählt... aber die können wahrscheinlich auch nach 40 Jahre in Deutschland wohnen immer noch keinen einzelnen graden deutschen Satz bilden 😂 Aber denk dran, wehe du als Deutscher bist gegen Migranten, dann bist du sofort rechts!!
Im a german with a lot of foreigner friends and I think this 'Documentation' is very poorly made. The portrayal of the interviewees with National Socialist ideas was largely uncritical. Statements that are clearly anti-Semitic, homophobic and racist were hardly questioned by the host. Leaving such propaganda uncommented or mixing it with an apparent “normality” (e.g. by drinking beer together) risks normalizing extremist ideologies. This is particularly problematic given the growing number of right-wing extremist crimes in Germany, which, according to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, amounted to over 23,000 cases in 2023. Another point of criticism is that the host failed to critically analyze the ideological foundations and political demands of the right-wing parties. A substantive examination of their party manifestos could have helped to place the statements of the Nazis interviewed in a broader context and highlight the dangers of their political ideology. According to an analysis by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the programs of many right-wing populist and far-right parties contain misanthropic and unconstitutional demands, particularly with regard to migration, minority rights and democracy. I consider the choice of a Turk with that behavior and criminal involvement as a “counterpart” to the Nazis interviewed to be extremely unfortunate.This example plays into the hands of right-wing narratives that often associate migrants with criminality and a refusal to integrate.A better example would have been a person who offered a positive counterpoint to the Nazis' statements through commitment, education or other integrative achievements. I live in Berlin and there are way more foreign people in my surrounding that want to integrate into german culture and have no criminal behaviour. Communicating socially explosive topics such as right-wing extremism and migration requires a high degree of journalistic responsibility. It is of central importance to critically examine extremist statements, place them in the right context and give viewers a differentiated picture. Unfortunately, the documentary lacked this differentiated view.
u know that palestinians atacking jews and other violent crimes committed by right wingers like grey wolfs germany (turkish nationalists) gets counted to right wing crimes right? the making of that statistic is reality altering, check the ppks 23 for that
While you make some good arguments, I disagree with this one: "Statements that are clearly anti-Semitic, homophobic and racist were hardly questioned by the host." It's not necessarily the interviewer's job to question them. He asked very straight-forward, even blunt questions, and I applaud him for that. But everyone who watches this video should be able to make up his or her own mind about the answers they gave. I for one am perfectly able to draw moral conclusions based on those statements and don't need anyone else to question them. I'm a gay man, by the way.
@@BeneLavNorth Germans are the Ancestors from Britain, dude. The Anglo and the Saxons are two Germanic Tribes from Schleswig-Holstein and this Tribes invade England as Vikings. Thats the reason why English and Lowgerman (Plattdeutsch) sounds so silmilar, because english and Dutch comes from low german. South Danish People and North Germans are the first Germanic People, they are the Originals.
@@preuischerjung4769 jain es gab auch die originalen norddeutschen aber die wurden durch die kriege und briten gemixt. aber ja im grunde haste schon recht.
@@bkoo3443 Tatsächlich auch witzig! Und, hab ich als Kölner auch schon mitbekommen... Diese Ideologie ist ihnen reine Bevormundung und sehr verhasst...
@jml-r2p Well yes of course, but you will just trigger the far right to win eventually, and they will remove you the hard way OR the easy way 🤷🏻 Its not like Germany has no experience with this 🤣
Jetzt sind wir am zug mein libber ihr habt keine chance das ist die warheit und ihr seit selber schuld. Es liegt nicht an uns sondern an euch, ihr seit einfach zu weich 😢
Yeah, just because this guy said so, it must be true? In my opinion, he made a joke when he said that. And even if it was no joke, is this guy the speaker for ALL (muslim) immigrants? I think you can't honestly claim to know this, although you seem to fear it.
First of all I gotta say that I'm amazed by how brave and respectful you are. This video was my introduction to you and you are doing an amazing job by asking the right questions and letting the people speak. It was a very interesting watch and I was refreshed by the neutrality. However, one central problem with this video is the selection of interview guests. On the one hand we have an experienced speaker in Sascha Krolzig, a politician for "Die Heimat" former "NPD". He knows exactly how to present himself in a format like this. And on the other hand we have Raffi, a rapper, who comes with a friend that brags about being stabbed. He wants to prove his street credibility. Not really a surprise that he is not scared by the nazis in his neighborhood. I'm wondering how a young women with migration background is feeling when walking through this neighborhood. Or how gay people feel when they are allowed to be "free" to do what they want (as long its not actually free but behind closed doors). Or what a couple with mixed backgrounds has to endure... The nazis in this video are downplaying the holocaust, see Hitler as a shining light of the past and are ready for violence. They just learned to tell their story in a diplomatic way and know how to behave infront of cameras. The content is still disturbing and concerning. If you would have interviewed an "average" nazi or "Rechtsrocker" (nazi musician) and lawyer/politician with migration background from the same location, the documentary would leave a completely different impact. I'm shocked about the positive comments regarding the nazis in this video. I wish people would start to see others as individuals and do not value them by their innate characteristics.
Thats what happens if you talk down to everyone with a slight disagreement and put them in the nazi corner. No wonder they will eventually side with actual nazis. When the AFD movement started the media and established parties should have taken the core issues seriously, engaged in discussions and looked for solutions. Instead they drew a hard line. They tried to take a high ground and virtue signal at any chance. As a result a huge part of the population got pushed into echo chambers and got radicalized. Add the modern left on top with social media "activists" aggressively pushing for gender language, cancel culture, DEI and climate idiots glueing themselves on the streets - the perfect poison to antagonize average people even more. Of course actual nazis will welcome those estranged people with open arms and try to manipulate them further. This political correctness nonsense destroyed decades of progress in terms of cultural acceptance, feminism, integration, climate change and other important movements. And its not just happening in Germany. Its all over the world. We as humans were way more progressive some years ago. This decline in acceptance isnt the fault of the right wing. It was caused by the very same people who actually want to achieve the opposite. However they cant stop being self-righteous with their constant need to police opinions and enforce certain behavours. I miss when liberals and the left had actual visionary thinkers who had respect for other people´s concerns and tackled important issues in an open minded discours instead of the current clown show.
pro-nazi people always unite in the comment section under videos like this... months ago i saw a video of a speech of h*tler and the comment section was all "this was when germany was still germany", "back then germans still had pride in their nation", "kids without tiktok and trans people, what a great time" and other BS. i could not believe my eyes.
Instant follow from me. Completely neutral, no prejudices, just journalism. And you asked them some very risky questions too. Thats what the world needs. Trying to understand the other side, and openly discussing it.
Meine Mutter ist deutsch, mein Vater Grieche. Ich selber bin blond, mit blauen Augen, bin hier in Deutschland geboren und aufgewachsen, und muss sagen, ich sympathisiere mit den "Nazi" Jungs. Könnte mal bitte einer von euch kommentieren, was für eine Stellung ihr zu Leuten wie mir habt?
Wenn du dich als Deutscher identifizierst und nicht auf Krampf so cool sein möchtest wie das Exemplar hier im Video gibt es kein Problem. Zumal du sowieso Europäer bist und Griechenland sehr christlich geprägt ist.
Descendants of Europe are made up primarily of Y-haplogroups that encompass EEF (Early European Farmers), WHG (Western Hunter Gatherers), and Yamnaya - with each nation made up of a unique mixture. Your genetic makeup based upon what you have said would still make you broadly European - meaning that if you were to have children with a German woman, your children would have a majority German makeup whilst still inheriting broadly European features from your non-german side. This would be different if you had been half Han (Sinitic/Chinese) where your children would inherit starkly different characteristics. I can't speak to knowing if German nationalist groups would be accepting of you.
i'm a 28 year old german and never saw a nazi in my whole life and same with my friends and family. I only saw crimes committed by refugees. Its just funny to always see dokus like this but never see dokus about crimes from refugees... There are so few Nazis in Germany. When I was in school, the Germans were bullied and there were only 4 Germans in my class out of a total of 24.
why does your personal perspective matter when it's biased, you might have just lived in a multicultural area and were obviously bullied which i am sorry for you, but imagine being a lone immigrant kid in a all german school and yet you don't speak out about that because you only care about yourself
@@microwavenam682 it's the other way around. your perspective is biased. This kid ist telling the truth, but you cant accept it because propaganda told you something different.
We have a huge problem in Germany! Too many People from other countrys live here cause the state is paying everything for them. My wife is from brasil, my best friend nigerian,they work and they pay tx for the System, thats the way to stay here. Germany was safe,now you have to be scared in public.its a joke
If you got migrant friends that pay taxes. Why being against them. Most of em pay taxes. Small percent is ruining it for the whole group. You should know that if your wife is one.
@@Jaa__17 The rates of migration are unbearable for systems to function at this point. Naturally migrations like this would barely happen,at much lower rates. Humans are too tribal by nature for that.
Ich habe NOCH NIE so eine neutrale und sachliche Doku gesehen! Großen Respekt an deine wertvolle und wirklich neutrale Arbeit. Sowas wirst du in Deutschland NIEMALS sehen!
@@sinanPistpedo11minbeweisvideo Komischerweise haben dieses Problem nur Leute mit rechtsextremistischen Gedankengut. Ich habe kein Problem damit meine Meinung offen und klar zu äußern. Nazis eben schon, da deren „Meinung“ gegen unsere Verfassung und Menschenrechte verstößt. Ganz einfach
Being German, I think it's a very interesting documentary. But if you want to make a documentary about potentially dangerous Neo-Nazis, you should have visited Eastern Germany. There, you might have had some scary experiences with openly aggressive and xenophobic, hooligan-like men in some Eastern German cities, if you had been at the "wrong place, wrong time". However, in West Germany you may encounter other shocks like the open aggressiveness of Middle Eastern gang members and even teenager "refugees" in public areas. A very interesting documentary regarding racism in Germany is also by famous German civil rights activist Günther Wallraff: "Schwarz auf Weiß". Further, there is a fundamental difference between the political positions of the German NPD party and the AfD party. The NPD is classical Neo-Nazi (pro Hitler, racist, against Jews and Israel), while the AfD is part of the "new right" (conservative but as far as I know not racist; standing against the Hitler regime; supporting Israel and especially also Israeli right-wing policies). The very radical, racial views presented by the German guys in this video are clearly NPD, and certainly any open support for Hitler would not be tolerated in the AfD and result in exclusion from the party. But also there have been several AfD politicians with contacts to the far right. However, the AfD has grown strong after the mass immigration policy by Angela Merkel, which has shifted the CDU from Center party to the political left in terms of IMMIGRATION only. That's why the AfD, which is quite strong today in Germany, filled the vacuum between the CDU and NPD. A conservative, right-wing party allied with the RN in France (also a "new right" party and not anymore Neonazi party) and other right-wing conservative movements in Europe. What I particularly dislike about the AfD is their big support for authoritarian politicians like Viktor Orbán and Donald Trump, as well as their secret love for Putin's Russia. With the AfD being stronger and stronger, the CDU is increasingly alarmed and trying to re-gain voters shifted to the right, but will they ever be able to correct the past mistakes of the Merkel government (as well as the current Scholz government)?
East Germany was the stronghold of neonazism in the 90's, and it was genuinly scary. Many people call it the "baseball-bat-era". Youth gangs terrorizing entire cities, with the former GDR police being totally outnumbered and losing control. But places like Northrhine Westfalia... Immigrants run this place, and those guys are probably just being tolerated, lol. The remaining threat of real nazis might be terrorism, like the NSU case or just lonewolfs attacking people, like it happened in Hanau. I think the real neo-nazi movement of today is very weak compared to the 90's, even though the media likes to paint a different picture. AfD is growing, but it's mainly just old conservative working class voters, who are unhappy with the migration agenda.
These conservative voters frequently and out of habit create their own problems and I can't get myself to shed tears for their situation if they can't even take responsibility for getting themselves and the entire country there. Like what do you think is going to happen to your living standards if you put all those taxes you pay into industries that give kickbacks to private parties. Oh look, no more money. Oh no, things are now more desperate than before, we can't afford to take in more refugees, we now need every cent for ourselves. Say what, a private equity firm needs a couple of hundred millions from us? Say no more, you have it, fam, sky's the limit. Ooo but the migrants tho! They're voting AfD because the AfD does what the CDU/CSU did, only more recklessly and with even less regard for the small man, and they love it and will continue to love it until the bitter end, because they grew up that way. It's impossible for them to imagine a world where they have solid living circumstances, and they will never work towards that goal because it doesn't exist for them. Instead, they throw themselves at any populism they can get a hold of and beg for escalation.
Yeah they run Brussels & are known as the European Parliament & are behind all this Bs all to keep boomer retirements alive remember they want you dead your children ethnically replaced and the death of all nations
Deutsch Türke aber sich den aber als Türke sehn obwohl man hier aufgewachsen ist finde ich immer schwierig. Das ist glaube ich den Punkt den der Nazi meinte mit Vermischung der Nationalitäten
gibt 50000 andere Sachen, die mich in diesem Video stören und du redest davon. Den Deutschen stören nur Menschen, die sich nicht als Deutsche identifizieren. Schonmal gefragt, weshalb dieser Mensch das so sieht ? Er fühlt sich nicht zugehörig und weicht aufgrund dessen auf seine andere Nationalität aus. Ich befürworte das alles nicht. Aber es gibt Gründe, weshalb man sich nicht zugehörig fühlt. Da geht es jetzt für mich nicht um Kulturanpassung. Da geht es rein darum, sich als Deutscher zu identifizieren. Der Deutsche möchte nicht, dass sich ein Ausländer als Deutscher fühlt . Jedoch wenn der Ausländer sich als Ausländer sieht, fragt sich der Deutsche dann wieso er sich nicht als Deutscher sieht. jetzt fragst du dich sicherlich, ja aber er ist ja hier geboren. Ja genau , er sollte ja ein Deutscher sein. Kommt er aber in die Schule und hat irgendein ausländischen Nachnamen, hat er schon reingeschissen. Egal, ob er sich als Deutscher fühlt .Er wird in die Ausländerschiene gedrückt, durch dumme Kommentare Anderer in seiner Umgebung. Früher oder später muss genau dieser Mensch für sich entscheiden, wie er damit fertig wird und wie er es verarbeitet. Viele weichen auf ihre andere Kultur aus. Das ist halt meist der einfachere Weg. Nicht der Beste. Nicht falsch verstehen - ich finde verschiedene Kulturen zu haben schön und würde auch nie Jemanden deshalb als schlechten Mensch kategorisieren. Nein, damit möchte ich widerum nicht sagen, dass der Deutsche dafür die Schuld trägt, wieso sich Ausländer oder Deutsche mit Migrationshintergrund hier falsch benehmen. Ich möchte einfach nur die andere Sicht etwas erläutern. Es ist nicht immer so einfach wie man denkt.
Hi bin Ausländer und praktizierender muslim. Bin für Frieden und so Hasse rassismus und bereit für jeden Kampf gegen rassismus. Aber einerseits versteh ich die deutschen .. ja auch ein deutscher darf stolz auf sein Land sein und es beschützen
sein land zu beschützen heißt aber nicht neonazi zu werden. sein land zu beschützen heißt diesen braunen antidemokratischen dreck zu beseitigen und eine friedliche gesellschaft für alle zu schaffen, egal wo jemand geboren wurde. wir brauchen einwanderung, das ist eine wirtschaftliche notwendigkeit. wir brauchen sogar die angeblich arbeitslosen ausländer, denn das geld was der staat verteilt wird ausgegeben und läuft wieder in den wirtschaftskreislauf zurück. rechte politiker, gestützt von lobbyisten, wollen dieses geld dem wirtschaftskreislauf entziehen, indem sie fordern sozialleistungen zu schwächen. dies wiederum wird die mittelständische wirtschaft (also geschäfte, handwerker, dienstleister wie friseure usw) schwächen, jedoch großkonzerne stärken, da sie die dadurch die entstandene wirtschaftliche kluft einnehmen können. rechte politik läuft IMMER darauf hinaus, dass der normale bürger ärmer wird, auch die mittelschicht, und die reichen noch reicher werden. wer das immer noch nicht verstanden hat, nach all den versuchen die weltweit betrieben wurden und werden, der sollte vielleicht einfach nochmal nen kleinen deepdive ins thema kapitalismus und faschismus machen, denn dann werden diese zusammenhänge sehr schnell deutlich. allein jetzt zeichnet sich in den USA bereits ab, was dort auf die bevölkerung zukommen wird. man hört immer wieder von mittelständischen betrieben die schon anfangen sämtliche restbestände an produkten aufzukaufen, bevor die importzölle eingeführt werden, weil sie sonst den betrieb nicht halten könnten. aber auch dadurch sichert man sich nur für einige monate. der mittelstand wird unter trumps politik extrem leiden, und somit auch die arbeiterschaft.
This is a really good documentary, love the unbias reporting and letting people speak and explain there position without trying to insert your own ideals. Much respect and i hope you do more
As a half-German, I'm a huge nerd for German/Germanic history: The language, historical poems, the natural environment of Germany wich inspired our ancestors to create literature, cuisine and other local traditions ... also our ancient democratic and socialist traditions wich were norms prior to feudalism wich you read about in history books (Thingwesen, Bauhütten, Gildenwesen, Gemeindwesen, Allmende, ...). I think it is a shame, that people associate the roots of our identity with a minority of people who are trying to politicise our culture.
A culture is necessarily politicised, and you politicised your being half German by making that the first thing you said about yourself. We could actually have a debate on to which extent those traditions you reference are compatible with the social democratic (liberal socialism) paradigm if you wish. The fact that you feel the need to first hide behind the skirt of qualifications to display to others the extent to which you identify with Germans just shows me that you don't consider yourself German, you're insecure in it. The roots of your identity, and what are those roots exactly, and why do you suppose that you or the liberal socialist society you exist in have an exclusive access to that insight to the extent that you could claim to be an authority thereof?
People somehow siding with hitler and being open about it and people supporting it is actually insane. This world is burning and everyone seems to love it
Exactly; so many people who have no clue about history (or just refuse to challenge what fits their extremist ideology) saying how it's just "relatable patriots who don't like immigration" etc. while those guys are sitting there reciting Hitler talking points and jewish conspiracy theories...
its just ppl get stamped as left or right wing no inbetween and if ppl agree with 1 thing hitler did then they are all nazis kinda how it goes he did bad things also good things
Im ceratinly not a nazi but very important thing to understand is knowledge of history and how it was written by the winners after the WW2. Im not saying that nazis didnt do anything wrong, yes they did same as almost every other nation back then specioally soviets that killed way more innocent people than germany. The key to understanding history is deeply diving into it. Did you ever wonder why every war in the history was won by the good guys?
@@KG-ut7kl Every war won by 'the good guys'..? Mao Zedong, Vietnam, Afghanistan? LOL 😂. "History written by winners" is an obsolete statement in today's scientific and information society.
Man when I saw Aaron shoot that takedown and pass guard in one sequence, I saw he's got some really great training behind him, that shit isn't easy to do in practice, let alone just jump in on the turf, respect Aaron, great documentary bro and BBJ skills!!
Sehr sehr starkes Video. Noch viel interessanter,wenn man die Personen im Video sowie die Locations kennt. War erschrocken,als ich „meine Haustür“ auf einmal auf yt gesehen habe😂😂
First he says that he refuses to take responsibility for the Holocaust, and the other guy says that winners have the right to shape the new reality, but then he complains that "eastern territories" were taken away from them. Fool, you were the aggressor and you were defeated. They are against genocide in Palestine but they take no responsibility for the war when their grandfathers literally tried to wipe out the Jews and the Polish from this world. That’s relativism in its finest. Despicable.
This was a solid interview that explains Social Nationalism. It is to preserve national culture, not racial population. They stated they personally prefer their own race for dating and procreating but that isn't the point of their political movement. I personally don't hate any races and think multiracial people can live together just fine, but culture and religion need not be freely integrated at risk of disrupting people.
Caring about some imagined racial population literally is what their movement is about. Also, I always wonder what is "national culture" in Germany supposed to mean...talk to someone from a Bavarian village in the Alps, then to someone from Rügen and I bet they will give you "national culture".
👍🏻 wirklich eine sehr spannende Doku , die du dort gemacht hast in dem Stadtteil! Viele hätten sich dort gar nicht hingetraut, ob jetzt mit Kamera oder ohne... aber es hat sich natürlich auch vieles geändert hinsichtlich dessen, das die Neonazis heutzutage sich komplett anders verhalten, als noch vor 20 o. 30 Jahren! Man darf nicht vergessen mit wem man auch die Gespräche führt und desto klüger diese Personen sind, umso gefährlicher sind sie im Grunde genommen, auch wenn Sie sich hier sehr gut verkauft haben, kann ich trotzdem einige Ansichten von ihnen absolut nicht teilen, obwohl ich auch ein voller Patriot unseres schönen Landes bin, nur waren mir einige Aussagen , insbesondere von Sven , dann doch zu radikal, aber andererseits lieber so und ehrlich, als verlogen, oder gar nichts zu sagen! Zu unserem eigentlich halb Deutsch halb türkischen Landsmann, kann ich nur sagen, dass ja genau dieser die aktuelle "möchtegern Rapper Gangster Kultur" darstellt, wie sie leider von viel zu vielen jungen Leuten gefeiert wird! Es ist eigentlich ein Trauerspiel wenn man das Gefühl bekommt, dass wenn man ihn sprechen hört, dass er genauso gut vor ein paar Jahren erst nach Deutschland gekommen ist, weil er sich nicht besser ausdrücken kann, oder es nicht will keine Ahnung... btw, die Nummer mit der Waffe war absolut unnötig und zeigt mal wieder nur, wie kurz der Jarak unseres kleinen Gangster Rappers sein wird 😂 weil seien wir doch mal ehrlich ☝️ jemand, der genau weiß was er kann oder hat, braucht solche Sachen nicht zu zeigen und außerdem spricht es auch nicht für eine besondere Intelligenz, aber naja gut, das ist ein anderes Thema, viel wichtiger finde ich, dass er noch mal ein anderes Licht auch diese Neonazis geworfen hat, das hätte auch ganz anders ausgehen können! So LIKE und ABO ist hinterlassen, freue mich auf weitere Videos von dir ❗ ... und natürlich: Take care Buddy 🤜💥🤛‼️
... And yet, it was possible to have a mature eloquent conversation with the nazis... On the opposite you have immature and aggressive boys selling weapons and drugs, simply talking rubbish in a bad accent
We are here in East Germany, the base of the AfD. I am an immigrant, yet I have not experienced any racism here, except for occasional comments from children who greet me based on my appearance. To me, this is not racism; it’s more like innocent curiosity. I simply correct them politely. Sometimes, they ask me in a cordial way if I belong to a particular race, and I tell them no. Germans are very nice people, but they have little patience for nonsense or for not following rules. I often hear something like this: “We don’t have a problem with those of you who pay taxes. What we don’t want are those living off social benefits, who don’t work and just expect free stuff from the government.” This is one of the reasons the AfD is gaining popularity. We shouldn’t label people as right-wing just because they want normalcy in their country. As immigrants, we are visitors here. The Germans have accepted us with open arms, and the least we can do is respect their culture and avoid insulting them. Unfortunately, there are some immigrants who come here expecting to impose their own culture and religion. Germany is a multicultural state, and it’s important to be polite and integrate. We should follow their example and adopt their culture of being orderly and respectful.
In the first place, migration to Germany is not "unlimited"- actually, it's currently receding. Second, Germany NEEDS migration to keep its' current (overall) standard of living because of its demographics. Otherwise we'd have to FORCE people to have MINIMUM 3 children per family or practice human cloning, as our national robotics technology is somewhat backward ;). Yes, there are also problems caused by migration, but they can be solved differently than by just kicking anyone you dislike out of the country. Criminality, terrorism etc. are social problems, not cultural or "racial" ones!
Es ist für niemanden gut. Das Gebiet ist viel zu klein und schon jetzt überbevölkert, was zu Wohnungsnot, Ärztemangel etc. führt. Es wäre besser den Menschen vor Ort, in ihren Heimatländern, zu helfen. Das sollte aber nicht nur an den Deutschen hängen, sondern ein gemeinschaftliches Hilfsprojekt sein, bei dem sich viele Völker/Staaten einbringen.
hey Bro..absolute n1ce Dokumentation!!!Finally someone is reporting a true picture of "my" country, Germany. You are a brave man who speaks true words!
The dynamic in the interview so interesting jet scary at the same time. The way he is asked in English , which he seems to understand perfectly, and deliberately chooses to answer in English bares a striking resemblance to video interviews from the British Press and Joseph Göbbels.
Hey, i am from Germany, thank you for your work. What I would have found interesting would have been the question about mentaly and physically disabled People. The nazis in your Video say, helping the Weak is a question about humanity. But one big goal of the nazis was to kill them or hinder them from repopulating. So whats up with that nowdays?
Ganz genau! Und hier in den Kommentaren wird gesagt, man dürfe die Aussagen der Nationalisten nicht unkommentiert stehen lassen. Diese Leute übernehmen jedoch fremde Meinungen ( z.B. die der kontrollierten Medien), ungeprüft.
Yeah, just letting them spew their practiced script without comment, Literally every talking point I heard in this video is old and known right wing propaganda which you will see repeated on and on in their media outlets, mostly originating from post ww2 nazi cope books...
Es ist einfach verrückt… Bin in Dortmund geboren und hab hier alles gelernt und gesehen. In der Ausbildung hatte damals(Mitte 90er) ein Junge bei uns angefangen, 1 Lehrjahr unter mir. Unser Ausbilder hat ihn eingestellt weil er wirklich handwerklich stark war, er war allerdings auch ein großer Name in Dorstfeld. Mit mir wurde nicht wirklich ein Wort gesprochen(bin Ausländer😅) Nach 6 Monaten wurde uns beiden ein Auftrag gegeben von Zeichnung über Ausführung bis zur Montage. Nach 2 Monaten haben wir beide uns so gut verstanden, dass wir uns am Wochenende oft im Soundgarden (Dortmund) getroffen haben und n Bier getrunken haben,…. dass ich mich dafür eingesetzt habe das er nach der Lehre ein Vertrag bekommt. Es war unglaublich als er mich mit zu sich nach Hause mal genommen hat um sein Vater kennenzulernen. War allerdings nur 1x da😂… Vater und Sohn haben in Dorstfeld ne Menge zu sagen gehabt.. Leider hat man sich irgendwann aus den Augen verloren. Man kann miteinander auskommen aber nur wenn es mit dem Respekt läuft.
der ist untergetaucht, er hat doch grade nen europaweiten haftbefehl am laufen, wäre also nicht so schlau wenn er einfach enstpannt durch dorstfeld läuft :D
@ ok das ist crazy wenn’s stimmt. Habe lustiger Weise vor der Doku gesehen, dass Aaron ihm auf Insta folgt aber hätte niemals mit so einem Film hier gerechnet.. 😂😂
Eine echt gute Doku, muss ich echt sagen. Aber dieser Türkische Möchtegerne Gangster mit seinem schlechten Englisch hätte man echt weglassen können. Das war schon echt sehr unangenehm sich seine Stellen anzugucken.
One of the most powerful documentaries on UA-cam. Ich finde das was die "Neo Nazis" gesagt haben zu mindestens 70-80% korrekt und hoffe dass es auch in Zukunft friedlich bleibt hier im Land.
Interesting what the Turkish guy said in his massage for all the migrants: “go on like this, we will take over”. At least they’re honest about what they want.
This documentary is so much harder to watch in one go than the one about the Monroe ghetto. I have a low bullshit tolerance and it caps out at the 4:12 question when the interviewed man says that one does not become a nazi, one realizes they have always been one, and they realized it when they listened to nazi music in his early teens and got pulled into nazi groups. _I am convinced nobody becomes addicted to crack. I'm sure everybody is always addicted to crack and only realizes that at some point. For me, it was when I started smoking crack and then met crack dealers and other crack enthusiasts. It's not that I became a crack addict when I started regularly smoking crack. I was just born a crack addict and regular crack consumption made me realize it._ I think this is what puts me off of nazis more than the abhorrent violence and deranged mythological ideas. I don't think I've ever heard an actual nazi say a coherent paragraph that made sense when subjected to an active, sober brain. Either they're logically inconsistent in everything they say or they find logic chains that are based on false premises or they lack knowledge to put things into context. I would truly respect these people more if they just spat truth and said they hate brown skin without trying to look like they had any resemblence to normal thought processes in hopes of converting the cognitively less agile or emotionally stunted members of society.
That comparison makes no sense at all wtf. Why do you think there has to be a single event that made someone become who he is today and why do you think that answer was dishonest?
Cool documentation. Of course, the people who called this neighborhood and the neo-Nazis living there dangerous will now claim that their behavior was only played for the camera. Which, in reality, is nonsense. The problem is that their views and statements are shaped solely by third parties and they are merely passing on their views. However, none of them has ever dealt with reality, let alone sought contact with these people to verify their statements. The opinions and views here in Germany are largely shaped by the public media and unfortunately the majority of citizens blindly follow their statements. And this majority would never think of questioning their statements. If you start to look at something critically and question it, you are immediately labeled a Nazi, even though it has nothing to do with the actual definition of a Nazi. I've been in so many discussions like this, and every time I've heard the killer argument that you're a Nazi. And then you say: "you don't talk to Nazis". So no sensible communication can take place if the other side won't let you. It's just pointless because you don't know where to start in order to credibly reflect reality without being directly defamed.
They proclaim themselves as Neo-Nazis. Or the trendy word ‚nationalist‘ hidden behind its facade a fascistic ideology. So how are you, defending those in your comment, just a critically thinking person? Open political discourse is the base of democracy, so you’re free to criticise the shambolic government in Germany, but only if you respect the core values on which the modern society stands on. Maybe start by not defending Nazis. To quote Isaac Asiimov ‘when stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent’.
Wie Leo vom Kanal "Ketzer der Neuzeit". Versucht unaufhörlich ins Gespräch mit diesen anscheinend hohlen Leuten zu kommen und wird nur mit dem Wort "Nazi" abgewiesen.
wow.. so interesting... to me as a person born in german, every opinion is worth listening to even if its against my own inner way but to hear what this site has to say is necesarry to understand and slove problems for the future. Thank you very much for this dokumentation.
Respekt an meinen deutschen Brüdern scheiss Egal was sie euch sagen lasst euch nicht unterkriegen Deutschland war ist und bleibt stark. Grüße aus Albanien.
@ Es gibt keine nennenswerten alles Sozis/Transen. Traumatisierte Versager, die Begriffe wie Nazi oder Faschist nicht verstehen und einfach nachplappern.
A lot of the people who have watched this have never watched a Louis Theroux documentary. The job of the journalist is not to criticise the subjects but to ask questions which reveal the subjects beliefs. The interviewer does this in a subtle but effective manner. People want a shouting match but that's not journalism.
Guter Bericht. Offen, ehrlich, nicht tendenziös. Also quasi das direkte Gegenteil von praktisch jedem Bericht der deutschen Medien zu diesem Thema. Sowohl der Interviewer als auch die beiden Gäste machen auf den ersten Blick den Eindruck von anständigen Menschen. Und das ist das Allerwichtigste. Dass wir alle Menschen bleiben, dass wir fair bleiben, dass wir uns nicht in Ideologie verennen, egal welchem Lager wir angehören.
Die sind geübt in Interviews zu geben, natürlich versuchen die sich von ihrer besten und friedlichsten Seite zu verkaufen, wobei selbst beim zuhören, alleine als Mensch mit Verstand einem schlecht wird. Wer heutzutage noch von Menschenrassen spricht, sollte den Rest seines Lebens nicht frei rumlaufen dürfen! Über den angedeuteten Antisemitismus und der Verfälschung eines Kriegsverbrechens (Israel-Palästina Konflikt) will ich gar nicht erst anfangen. Aber naja, Interviews zu analysieren, lernt man erst in der Oberstufe, anscheinend haben sehr viele diese nicht besucht.
Wow! That was a super neutral and differentiated documentation! I am also from NRW (Federal State within the German Federal Republic), 30 km distant from Dortmund and I know the cities here in NRW. Some are in the Top 5 of the poorest cities ind Germany (Gelsenkirchen, Duisburg, Herne). But we are all very loveable people here! Stay healthy and keep going! Glück Auf! (Salutation of the coal miners from here!)
To Support me and help me make higher production docs, consider signing up to my Patreon: www.patreon.com/user?u=81055086 - Aaron
Yoo Brother crazy footage. But i believe you didn't get all of what they Said. There are many Hidden Statements you probably dont understood. In can Tell you some shit about German Nazis when you want. I come from east Germany and living around Nazis since my birth and have a lot to tell. Then you can get why some people say you giving them a platform. When you're interestet in some Storys an Details about the German Nazis and there Evolution from then to now hit me Up. I can Show you some crazy historical places and Projekts too. There are in every single town in Germany.
So viele dumme Faschos in den Kommentaren hier, traurig
That was a good neutral , honest and very interesting Report . No german speaking Journalist could have make it better , No one. Thanks for your Visit in Germany . Wish you all the best and hope you will go on. Enjoy Christmas Time , God bless you .🇦🇹🇩🇪🤝🇬🇧🇬🇧
Especially Dortmund has also another face. You can find one of the cores of the german graffiti scene for example. A culture in which all these politics dont have a meaning. I mean all that counts is making it happen to live like you basically do what you want without harming others, right? The Ruhrgebiet is a beautiful place full of contrasts and interesting individuals. Organised migrant criminality besides neonazis, and also a lot of nice and average people =D Hope you met some nice ones bro!
Peace from germany
Dont you understand that you gave them an ANOTHER ground for their Promotion?
You - Dont - speak - with - Nazis.
If u rly think they respected you in any Kind u are just naive.
They used your Format to speak to the world and share their believes.
You are a just a tool.
If These people would have the possibility to find me or my comrades - Personal Terror would rise.
Like many other people who were or are left experienced it in Dorstfeld.
There were several families in Dortmund who have been terrorized and threatened by exactly THESE people. Because they didnt accepted their actions.
Slashed tires, threatening phone calls, threatening letters...you name it.
The authorities were powerless against it and the result was: the citizens had to leave Dortmund and move to another city.
You simply interviewed a bunch of nationalists and criminals - nothing more.
The left has been fighting for decades against the spread of political idealogy from Dortmund and then channels like you come along to “document” something - it's all documented. We know everything.
We know who has something to say
We know which of them have been convicted
We know the leading personalities
We know the networks among the comradeships.
These people have no respect for your channel. You are just a means to an end.
In one hand, he says Multiculti will work. On the other hand, at the start of the interview, he says, ''This country will be ours soon''.
Because "Multiculturalism" actually means "eradication of European cultures".
And his friend immediately after says :" what are you saying, they will think we want to take over again haha". Idiot
That's exactly how "multiculturalism" works. The guy said it already, it destroys all cultures involved.
That was a joke
Very inappropriate joke then when it comes to such serious topics
His mom is German but he acts like a dude immigrate like 2 years ago, shame on you how you sell your self.
Тебе какое дело до фрицев?
@@ДенисГармаев-х5у Ihr Russen seid bei solchen Videos immer anwesend. Wir leben in euren Köpfen kostenlos und jetzt sei leise. Dein Stuhl bricht bald
Nah bruv that’s just German youth/rap culture. I ain’t gonna lie he seems like a fairly chill German/turkish kid
That german mother was a really selfish person. Messing her kid up like that by being with an immigrant. No selfrespect.
Bro no hate but I'm german and I live in Dortmund and I got in big trouble with fellas like these multiple times (I wasn't disrespectful or anything, I just had the wrong political views in a bar). Of course this is not exemplary for all of them but there's good reason to not believe them (if you took a closer look at what they're doing politically for example, what kind of rallies they're attending and how they're behaving otherwise) I'm pretty sure they just used you for media presence. They're smart, they know how to sell themselves and their worldview, that's why their "comrades" are gaining more and more popularity on TikTok for example. They want to seem innocent and nice so that they can win ground in the center of the population. How can you hate someone that's sympathetic and only defending their views? They know that.
Yes, they said that people would say this. But does it make the statement I'm making wrong? no not necessarily. It's a rethorical trick. Don't fall for it, don't believe everything you see or hear. Of course you can also apply this to what I'm saying - if you want to - but it's good to take a deeper look at things if you're portraying people like them.
Thank u !!
Wir haben etwa 1000 Rechtsmotivierte Gewalttaten pro Jahr, 700 Linksmotivierte und über 200 000 Gewalttaten durch Migranten und da sind die Sexualdelikte noch gar nicht mit einbezogen.
gut gesagt löwe grüße aus köln
Junge einer der einzigen vernünftigen Kommentare hier
Regards from Dortmund. I know these guys. They did not act usual, they are usual guys with an unpopular opinion. I would not mess with them because they know how to react and they have a huge network, but they are no violent criminals.
Sorry to say that, but the interviewed immigrants talk about stabbing and owning guns. These are the examples more and more people complain about multiculturalism.
They are both criminals
Wir übernehmen noch sagt er am Ende. Junge .....
Rassismus ist alles aber keine Meinung.
@@adb_500Patriotism is not a Crime.
ja sind gude jungs
Krass, habe die ganzen Drill-Dokus aus Chicago, Philly und St. Louis gesehen und jetzt chillt er einfach in Dorstfeld! 😂😂😂
Zu wild
ich schwör so witzig
Mehr infos bidde
Das ist abgefahren alter
Eigentlich peinlich 😂 hier denkt jeder er wäre krass und macht auf gangster, weil sie vielleicht paar Kisten pushen aber in Amerika würden die keinen Tag in Baton Rouge oder Detroit überleben.
As a migrant myself, I'm surprised by the intelligence and eloquence of the national socialists and shocked by the stupidity and criminal energy of those gangster rappers.
Really? This has been my experience since childhood.
So who is right? Who would you rather live with?
It’s like they said, the media wants you to have a bad view on them, they want you to hate them but in real life it’s not like that.
herzlich willkommen in deutschland. laut medien bist du mit dieser aussage ein nazi. finde den fehler
The German rap was like listening to a 4 year old trying to imitate Eminem lol
it wasn't even german
@@kunobuje542 😂⚡️
10:15 he asks do you have to say something to other migrants living in Germany and he answers „keep on doing like you’re doing right now, we will take over“… see the problem?
Brother he is half German the translation is misunderstood, what he he saying is that that we schould stand against the right side and take over with a peaceful Germany
@@JounesBruggmann bullshit....
@@JounesBruggmannthat's absolutely not what he meant.
@@JounesBruggmannHast du irgendwelche Beweise die deine Interpretation unterstützen?
@@2yt4u.14. ja ich bin der den er interviewt hat und das wurde komplett falsch verstanden
show germany's most dangerous muslims and you will see the devil
Hell nah if it got something to do with Christianity than you will see the devil and false profits
"Wir übernehmen noch, macht euch keine Sorgen" sagt alles über diese ....
mhmm, und im Hintergrund: "Bruder was machts du? Die nehmen das wieder ganz falsch auf und denken wir wollen Deutschand uebernehmen" - klar, dass du das wieder ueberhoerst.
@@almightyIriegenau, wir nehmen es nur wieder falsch auf .... 🫣🐑
@@almightyIrie Kennst du solche Jungs persönlich? Dann wüsstest du, das ist typisches provokantes Macho-Getue und eben absolut kein Spaß. Es geht nicht darum, dass diese Person tatsächlich so etwas vorhat, es geht darum, dass sie so eingebildet ist, es sagen zu müssen. Peinlich.
Du pickst einen Satz raus und gibt dem diese Bedeutung. Und alles andere hörst du nicht?
Eens, ze hebben een grote mond, en hebben geen respect voor onze landen & waarden. Ze spugen op onze vlaggen. Letterlijk 🇳🇱🇩🇪🇮🇹
Stark dass du mit Leuten geredet hast , anstatt sie direkt zu verurteilen. Das Problem in Deutschland ist nämlich, es wird nicht mehr mit einander geredet . Nice Video bro
Rede Du doch mal mit den Jungs in den Ballungsräumen😂😂😂😂Kasper
Mit Faschisten redet man nicht.
Ist ja lustig das gerade jemand wie du so etwas sagt. Auf euren Demos ist nämlich niemand bereit mit Außenstehenden zu reden und wenn doch jemand bereit ist, dann kommt sofort jemand der sich berufen fühlt das Gespräch zu unterbinden.
Mann kann sein Land auch lieben ohne Faschismus zu glorifizieren. Ich bin stolz auf unser Land, unsere Verfassung, das wir eine weltoffene Demokratie sind. Das man die Politik kritisieren kann ohne direkt inhaftiert zu werden, das jeder seine individuelle Sexualität ausleben kann ohne vom Staat verfolgt zu werden.
Ich habe auch Probleme mit kriminellen Migranten und übertriebener Religiösität.
Ich würde aber niemals rechts wählen. Diese Leute in Dorstfeld sind mir genauso unsympathisch wie Migranten die sich nicht integrieren wollen. Und dieses Gelaber, das einem heute Homosexualität aufgedrängt wird oder das man darin bestärkt wird seine sexuelle Identität zu ändern, ist doch Bullshit.
Es geht einfach darum den Menschen die anders sind zu zeigen, das es okay ist und sie nicht ausgegrenzt werden.
was gibts mit nazis zu reden? deren ideologie und vorbilder sind für die schlimmste katastrophe der jüngeren menschheitsgeschichte verantwortlich... holy fuck, wie kann man so beschränkt sein. wenn die politisch rechten wollen, dass man mit ihnen redet, dann sollten sie vielleicht anfangen weniger hass zu verbreiten und IRGENDETWAS konstruktives zum politischen diskurs beitragen.
Ja sehr stark, weil die Faschos damals ja auch so viel mit den Opfern des Holocausts geredet haben 🤦🏼♂️🤦🏼♂️🤦🏼♂️
First Christmas markets had been closed due to danger of terrorist attacks - i think we know what our real problem is...
Muslims, like in every other country too...
@@Spike0666im muslim and I am not a threat to anyone
@@miyamotomusashi1195 yeah but we didnt have 60+ gang grapes or knoife attacks per day pre 2015 now we have to have apps like messerinzidenz or einzelfallkarte [apps to show you where the "new" germans are actively involved in shtabbings or grape ] have to write it like this so yt doesnt delete the comment & you have to check those apps every day before you take public transit or go to work to not get enriched by certain peoples!
follow your leader
@@tang-c1v Telling truth doesnt mean your a ns. Do better
Klassischer Türke, in DE leben und im Türkei Shirt herumrennen
Und seine Mutter ist deutsche 😅
@@bixman7896So wie er aussieht ist sein Vater auch deutsch.Weiß er wahrscheinlich nur nicht.😅
Ist auf seine Herkunft stolz weil er ansonsten nichts hat 😂😂😂😂
@@thomasneu8878 wie so viele Anhänger der AFD
Ist auf seine Ethnie Stolz, Türkei ist nun mal ein präsentes starkes Volk. Russen-Deutsche sind auch auf beide Länder stolz da beide nun mal zwei starke Völker sind. Das eine schließt das andere nicht aus. Außerdem nimmt er es nicht so ernst und freut sich eher darüber als so manch anderer(Ich meine er drückt sich sehr jugendlich aus)
Er hat Waffen zuhause, verkauft wahrscheinlich Drogen und macht das Land unsicher und spricht vom Respekt, den man anderen Menschen geben sollte….
Ich fand die Doku seehr gut gemacht.. Endlich mal lässt man die "Bösen Rechten" mal AUSREDEN!!! Ganz stark!!! Denke viele werden das nach dem schauen hier ähnlich sehen...
Hier ein parade beispiel von rassistischen vorurteilen
@ Durch illegalen Waffenbesitz machst du das Land A nicht sicherer und B stehen diese Vorfälle fast immer in Verbindung zu weiteren illegalen Aktivitäten.
@@anthonyu406Hier ein Paradebeispiel eines im Wohlstandsghetto aufgewachsenen Linken, der sich mit Händen und Füßen dagegen wehrt, die Welt zu sehen, wie sie ist. Selbst wenn Teile der vom Vorredner geäusserten Beschuldigungen im Video zu sehen sind.
@@anthonyu406 bist du ein Bot? Was soll der Unsinn?
bro really made nazis look like they have good thoughts and intentions
Read what you Typed and think about it
@@GangoGangy hes right, uncritical journalism makes them look reasonable, ur comment stinks bro
but guess what, we got more violence from the left wing than right wing. prime example is the US. look at all these liberal lefties saying they lost their human rights and now women cant do anything mi mi mi. in fact, nothing changed.
@@SIDELANEKINGDidnt thought about this. Youre absolutely right. This is horrible journalism without any critical overthinking.
@@user-sh5ow6zq4hnein, dass ist echter Journalismus ohne zu indokrinieren
Immediately notice your BJJ skills when you swept that guy when grappling
LMAO seriously you pinned a comment because you practice bjj? I know Nazis that you couldn't land one hit on or get close enough to sweep! They'd knock you out in under 20 seconds!
Why did he need to resort to Jits alone ? Surely he was at the advantage. Why not take on his oponent with gloves on ? Some real Jits should always be able to handle that. He bended the rules of engagement to his favour to avoid some humiliation.
@@jaybone4732 not really the best of idea's, to have a natzi and a colored person trow hands at each other, right?
@jaybone4732 He didn't bend anything. He offered, without challenging anyone in particular (when you challenge someone in particular, it is inadvertently forcing that individual into a physical encounter.) One of the lads accepted and they went at it. Aaron withnessed how messy an MMA sparring gets minutes before that, influencing his decision, I bet, to limit the rules to submissions of BBJ.
He is filming a series bro! He probably didn't want to risk a bloody and bruises face, because you know, he's there doing a job as a independent journalist and documentarian.@@jaybone4732
Germany use to be amazing, with Berlin being my favourite city.. you couldn’t pay me to go there now.
thanks to the immigrants
@@biker0777 Sure thing, in my experience it is german dudes who are reason to switch side of the road. Maybe it is just how you look, I myself consider more german people sketchy than immigrants. Might be, it is eastern Germany though.
@@mbnhiphopmusik6429 Germans do look like they hate everyone and everything but are actually very friendly when you speak to them.
Gangs of migrants outside every subway station blaring music and asking if you want to buy cocaine are not.
@@mbnhiphopmusik6429Nonsense..stats tell a different story , ur brainwashed
All of Europe seems lame for real.
10:16 Bestes Beispiel: Er hatte nie Ärger mit den ''Nazis''aber es gab Messerstechereien mit über 30 Leuten...klar wer diese Leute dann waren. Er sagt sie respektieren sich gegenseitig, aber dann als Nachricht an alle verkündet er mit einem Lächeln: "WIR übernehmen noch!"
Also wieso ist es verboten, das zu verhindern und einen Platz im eigenen Land zu haben?
Vorallem die Messerstecher waren ALLES Muslime, er sagt selber, er wurde von jemanden wie ihm selbst (also ein Muslim?) angestochen. Es sind immer die gleichen, die so agieren und schau dir sein lächeln an, sie fühlen sich cool dabei. Ich frage mich wie er schaut, wenn er das vor seinen Eltern erzählt... aber die können wahrscheinlich auch nach 40 Jahre in Deutschland wohnen immer noch keinen einzelnen graden deutschen Satz bilden 😂 Aber denk dran, wehe du als Deutscher bist gegen Migranten, dann bist du sofort rechts!!
streck deine arme aus, dreh dich im kreis. hast doch platz.
Raffi is a bad example for immigrants in germany and rather a victim to classism than racism
99% of Mulims are like him…….
Er ist ein sehr passendes Beispiel für Ausländer in Deutschland.
Yea bud thats in every country in europe. They are exakt like this
young people are like this .. mostly , does not matter the country they are from.
hes not a victim at all. hes a perpetrator
If you live in Europe then you know the problem is immigrants, not neo nazi.
Imagine not seeing that with your own eyes. Bellow 100 iq can't even comprehend
Im a german with a lot of foreigner friends and I think this 'Documentation' is very poorly made.
The portrayal of the interviewees with National Socialist ideas was largely uncritical. Statements that are clearly anti-Semitic, homophobic and racist were hardly questioned by the host. Leaving such propaganda uncommented or mixing it with an apparent “normality” (e.g. by drinking beer together) risks normalizing extremist ideologies. This is particularly problematic given the growing number of right-wing extremist crimes in Germany, which, according to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, amounted to over 23,000 cases in 2023.
Another point of criticism is that the host failed to critically analyze the ideological foundations and political demands of the right-wing parties. A substantive examination of their party manifestos could have helped to place the statements of the Nazis interviewed in a broader context and highlight the dangers of their political ideology. According to an analysis by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the programs of many right-wing populist and far-right parties contain misanthropic and unconstitutional demands, particularly with regard to migration, minority rights and democracy.
I consider the choice of a Turk with that behavior and criminal involvement as a “counterpart” to the Nazis interviewed to be extremely unfortunate.This example plays into the hands of right-wing narratives that often associate migrants with criminality and a refusal to integrate.A better example would have been a person who offered a positive counterpoint to the Nazis' statements through commitment, education or other integrative achievements. I live in Berlin and there are way more foreign people in my surrounding that want to integrate into german culture and have no criminal behaviour.
Communicating socially explosive topics such as right-wing extremism and migration requires a high degree of journalistic responsibility. It is of central importance to critically examine extremist statements, place them in the right context and give viewers a differentiated picture. Unfortunately, the documentary lacked this differentiated view.
Yeah or that migrants does really represent lots of them
Ich entschuldige mich für diesen angeblichen Deutschen. Wirklich, es sind nicht alle so bei uns…
Thank you! I think you explained it very Well! 👍😊💐
u know that palestinians atacking jews and other violent crimes committed by right wingers like grey wolfs germany (turkish nationalists) gets counted to right wing crimes right? the making of that statistic is reality altering, check the ppks 23 for that
While you make some good arguments, I disagree with this one: "Statements that are clearly anti-Semitic, homophobic and racist were hardly questioned by the host." It's not necessarily the interviewer's job to question them. He asked very straight-forward, even blunt questions, and I applaud him for that. But everyone who watches this video should be able to make up his or her own mind about the answers they gave. I for one am perfectly able to draw moral conclusions based on those statements and don't need anyone else to question them. I'm a gay man, by the way.
Anglo/Europeans are the only group where the desire to maintain and uphold their ethnic roots and culture is taboo and shameful.
Germans are not anglo
@@BeneLav The point still stands. Im speaking on the European diaspora as a whole.
@@BeneLavNorth Germans are the Ancestors from Britain, dude.
The Anglo and the Saxons are two Germanic Tribes from Schleswig-Holstein and this Tribes invade England as Vikings. Thats the reason why English and Lowgerman (Plattdeutsch) sounds so silmilar, because english and Dutch comes from low german.
South Danish People and North Germans are the first Germanic People, they are the Originals.
@@preuischerjung4769 jain es gab auch die originalen norddeutschen aber die wurden durch die kriege und briten gemixt. aber ja im grunde haste schon recht.
thats what u get for backing the soviet union
20:54 Das ist irgendwie schon komisch.
Sogar die Nazis beschweren sich darüber, das man alles und jeden als Nazis bezeichnet...
Ja, das war komisch. "Hallooooo! WIR sind die echten Nazis!" 🤣
@@didoviewSchwule haben auch kein Bock auf Regenbogen …
@@bkoo3443 Tatsächlich auch witzig!
Und, hab ich als Kölner auch schon mitbekommen... Diese Ideologie ist ihnen reine Bevormundung und sehr verhasst...
Did this Turk just say to his fellow migrants: "keep doing what youre doing, we will eventually take over"? Get him out, NOW
We do, and we are taking over
@jml-r2p Well yes of course, but you will just trigger the far right to win eventually, and they will remove you the hard way OR the easy way 🤷🏻 Its not like Germany has no experience with this 🤣
@@jml-r2pwhy are you so up for taking over built up countries? Like you’re so nationalistic why not stay in the dump that is turkey
@@jml-r2pEurope for Europeans.
@@jml-r2p go home
We take over 10:09
it says all. welcher deutsche das nicht rafft hat ein schaden
Jetzt sind wir am zug mein libber ihr habt keine chance das ist die warheit und ihr seit selber schuld. Es liegt nicht an uns sondern an euch, ihr seit einfach zu weich 😢
Yeah, just because this guy said so, it must be true? In my opinion, he made a joke when he said that.
And even if it was no joke, is this guy the speaker for ALL (muslim) immigrants?
I think you can't honestly claim to know this, although you seem to fear it.
Und was sagt sein Kollege danach im Hintergrund? Vielleicht mal richtig zuhören dann nimmst du auch nichts falsch auf.
First of all I gotta say that I'm amazed by how brave and respectful you are. This video was my introduction to you and you are doing an amazing job by asking the right questions and letting the people speak. It was a very interesting watch and I was refreshed by the neutrality.
However, one central problem with this video is the selection of interview guests. On the one hand we have an experienced speaker in Sascha Krolzig, a politician for "Die Heimat" former "NPD". He knows exactly how to present himself in a format like this. And on the other hand we have Raffi, a rapper, who comes with a friend that brags about being stabbed. He wants to prove his street credibility. Not really a surprise that he is not scared by the nazis in his neighborhood.
I'm wondering how a young women with migration background is feeling when walking through this neighborhood. Or how gay people feel when they are allowed to be "free" to do what they want (as long its not actually free but behind closed doors). Or what a couple with mixed backgrounds has to endure... The nazis in this video are downplaying the holocaust, see Hitler as a shining light of the past and are ready for violence. They just learned to tell their story in a diplomatic way and know how to behave infront of cameras. The content is still disturbing and concerning.
If you would have interviewed an "average" nazi or "Rechtsrocker" (nazi musician) and lawyer/politician with migration background from the same location, the documentary would leave a completely different impact.
I'm shocked about the positive comments regarding the nazis in this video. I wish people would start to see others as individuals and do not value them by their innate characteristics.
One would think that this is obvious. But then again, people don't like to see obvious things.
Thats what happens if you talk down to everyone with a slight disagreement and put them in the nazi corner. No wonder they will eventually side with actual nazis. When the AFD movement started the media and established parties should have taken the core issues seriously, engaged in discussions and looked for solutions. Instead they drew a hard line. They tried to take a high ground and virtue signal at any chance. As a result a huge part of the population got pushed into echo chambers and got radicalized. Add the modern left on top with social media "activists" aggressively pushing for gender language, cancel culture, DEI and climate idiots glueing themselves on the streets - the perfect poison to antagonize average people even more. Of course actual nazis will welcome those estranged people with open arms and try to manipulate them further.
This political correctness nonsense destroyed decades of progress in terms of cultural acceptance, feminism, integration, climate change and other important movements. And its not just happening in Germany. Its all over the world. We as humans were way more progressive some years ago. This decline in acceptance isnt the fault of the right wing. It was caused by the very same people who actually want to achieve the opposite. However they cant stop being self-righteous with their constant need to police opinions and enforce certain behavours.
I miss when liberals and the left had actual visionary thinkers who had respect for other people´s concerns and tackled important issues in an open minded discours instead of the current clown show.
Heul leise
pro-nazi people always unite in the comment section under videos like this... months ago i saw a video of a speech of h*tler and the comment section was all "this was when germany was still germany", "back then germans still had pride in their nation", "kids without tiktok and trans people, what a great time" and other BS. i could not believe my eyes.
As a German I'm really amazed about your work! Just normal, no mean answer expectation, just showing, what is. Great!
Dick in die Rhetorik-Falle reingetappt
Problem is: they are not showing what is. They are showing what they want to be seen. What is a completely different thing.
@@didoviewTrue for both sides actually he didn’t show migrants stabbing, robbing, harassing protestant priests, and many more
Instant follow from me. Completely neutral, no prejudices, just journalism. And you asked them some very risky questions too. Thats what the world needs. Trying to understand the other side, and openly discussing it.
you are a sheep among wolves mate time to wake up
@FlyAwayTooHighToday And you are a wolf huh
It's fine if you like the channel but setting eerie background music to an interview is not neutral at all, it's manipulative.
@@FlyAwayTooHighToday ok tuff guy
Wow look at what a terrible place Dorstfeld is, the streets are clean and drug addicts aren't wondering around. How horrible.
you've never been there, don't you? those nazis are the junkies. they're all meth heads dude
its depressing and unlively, Dortmund in general is a horrible city
Meine Mutter ist deutsch, mein Vater Grieche. Ich selber bin blond, mit blauen Augen, bin hier in Deutschland geboren und aufgewachsen, und muss sagen, ich sympathisiere mit den "Nazi" Jungs. Könnte mal bitte einer von euch kommentieren, was für eine Stellung ihr zu Leuten wie mir habt?
Wenn du dich als Deutscher identifizierst und nicht auf Krampf so cool sein möchtest wie das Exemplar hier im Video gibt es kein Problem. Zumal du sowieso Europäer bist und Griechenland sehr christlich geprägt ist.
Gibt sowieso viele griechische Kameraden wie goldene Morgenröte, die lehnen die Moslems jeglicher Art ab
Descendants of Europe are made up primarily of Y-haplogroups that encompass EEF (Early European Farmers), WHG (Western Hunter Gatherers), and Yamnaya - with each nation made up of a unique mixture. Your genetic makeup based upon what you have said would still make you broadly European - meaning that if you were to have children with a German woman, your children would have a majority German makeup whilst still inheriting broadly European features from your non-german side. This would be different if you had been half Han (Sinitic/Chinese) where your children would inherit starkly different characteristics. I can't speak to knowing if German nationalist groups would be accepting of you.
Solange du nicht kriminell bist und anderen Menschen denselben Respekt gibst den du auch selbst bekommen willst wirst du nie Feinde haben.
Das ist eine nette Floskel, entspricht aber leider nicht der Wahrheit.
i'm a 28 year old german and never saw a nazi in my whole life and same with my friends and family. I only saw crimes committed by refugees. Its just funny to always see dokus like this but never see dokus about crimes from refugees...
There are so few Nazis in Germany. When I was in school, the Germans were bullied and there were only 4 Germans in my class out of a total of 24.
You are totally right!
Gruß geht raus!
why does your personal perspective matter when it's biased, you might have just lived in a multicultural area and were obviously bullied which i am sorry for you, but imagine being a lone immigrant kid in a all german school and yet you don't speak out about that because you only care about yourself
@@microwavenam682 just look at the numbers befor you talk :)
@@microwavenam682 it's the other way around. your perspective is biased.
This kid ist telling the truth, but you cant accept it because propaganda told you something different.
We have a huge problem in Germany! Too many People from other countrys live here cause the state is paying everything for them. My wife is from brasil, my best friend nigerian,they work and they pay tx for the System, thats the way to stay here. Germany was safe,now you have to be scared in public.its a joke
If you got migrant friends that pay taxes. Why being against them. Most of em pay taxes. Small percent is ruining it for the whole group. You should know that if your wife is one.
@@Jaa__17 The rates of migration are unbearable for systems to function at this point. Naturally migrations like this would barely happen,at much lower rates. Humans are too tribal by nature for that.
Props to the Editing Team. Good Editing, real cinematic Vibe.
Love ur Videos
Ich habe NOCH NIE so eine neutrale und sachliche Doku gesehen! Großen Respekt an deine wertvolle und wirklich neutrale Arbeit. Sowas wirst du in Deutschland NIEMALS sehen!
Love Germany!
This is my first Video from your channel and I want to say - thank you. All the best for your future!
They're really great at answering direct questions, indirectly.
Muss man auch sonst gibt es gleich ne Anzeige
Man kann nicht mehr offen vor der kamara reden...
@@sinanPistpedo11minbeweisvideower Nazigrößen auf dem Bein tätowiert hat, sollte auch nicht offen reden können
Komischerweise haben dieses Problem nur Leute mit rechtsextremistischen Gedankengut. Ich habe kein Problem damit meine Meinung offen und klar zu äußern. Nazis eben schon, da deren „Meinung“ gegen unsere Verfassung und Menschenrechte verstößt. Ganz einfach
@@sinanPistpedo11minbeweisvideo sonst würde da auch nur menschenverachtender Müll bei rumkommen.
@@sinanPistpedo11minbeweisvideo *kamera
Being German, I think it's a very interesting documentary. But if you want to make a documentary about potentially dangerous Neo-Nazis, you should have visited Eastern Germany. There, you might have had some scary experiences with openly aggressive and xenophobic, hooligan-like men in some Eastern German cities, if you had been at the "wrong place, wrong time". However, in West Germany you may encounter other shocks like the open aggressiveness of Middle Eastern gang members and even teenager "refugees" in public areas. A very interesting documentary regarding racism in Germany is also by famous German civil rights activist Günther Wallraff: "Schwarz auf Weiß". Further, there is a fundamental difference between the political positions of the German NPD party and the AfD party. The NPD is classical Neo-Nazi (pro Hitler, racist, against Jews and Israel), while the AfD is part of the "new right" (conservative but as far as I know not racist; standing against the Hitler regime; supporting Israel and especially also Israeli right-wing policies). The very radical, racial views presented by the German guys in this video are clearly NPD, and certainly any open support for Hitler would not be tolerated in the AfD and result in exclusion from the party. But also there have been several AfD politicians with contacts to the far right. However, the AfD has grown strong after the mass immigration policy by Angela Merkel, which has shifted the CDU from Center party to the political left in terms of IMMIGRATION only. That's why the AfD, which is quite strong today in Germany, filled the vacuum between the CDU and NPD. A conservative, right-wing party allied with the RN in France (also a "new right" party and not anymore Neonazi party) and other right-wing conservative movements in Europe. What I particularly dislike about the AfD is their big support for authoritarian politicians like Viktor Orbán and Donald Trump, as well as their secret love for Putin's Russia. With the AfD being stronger and stronger, the CDU is increasingly alarmed and trying to re-gain voters shifted to the right, but will they ever be able to correct the past mistakes of the Merkel government (as well as the current Scholz government)?
If they receive all refugees in Muslim countries such as Persia or Dubai. Problem solved.
@@djwildlifeclips9779 Das wird wahrscheinlich die AFD nach der Wahl versuchen…die Fehler Merkels zu korrigieren.
Some true statements in this comment, yet the Neo-N4zi scene in Dortmund is widely known to be actively and habitually violent.
East Germany was the stronghold of neonazism in the 90's, and it was genuinly scary. Many people call it the "baseball-bat-era". Youth gangs terrorizing entire cities, with the former GDR police being totally outnumbered and losing control. But places like Northrhine Westfalia... Immigrants run this place, and those guys are probably just being tolerated, lol. The remaining threat of real nazis might be terrorism, like the NSU case or just lonewolfs attacking people, like it happened in Hanau. I think the real neo-nazi movement of today is very weak compared to the 90's, even though the media likes to paint a different picture. AfD is growing, but it's mainly just old conservative working class voters, who are unhappy with the migration agenda.
These conservative voters frequently and out of habit create their own problems and I can't get myself to shed tears for their situation if they can't even take responsibility for getting themselves and the entire country there. Like what do you think is going to happen to your living standards if you put all those taxes you pay into industries that give kickbacks to private parties. Oh look, no more money. Oh no, things are now more desperate than before, we can't afford to take in more refugees, we now need every cent for ourselves. Say what, a private equity firm needs a couple of hundred millions from us? Say no more, you have it, fam, sky's the limit. Ooo but the migrants tho!
They're voting AfD because the AfD does what the CDU/CSU did, only more recklessly and with even less regard for the small man, and they love it and will continue to love it until the bitter end, because they grew up that way. It's impossible for them to imagine a world where they have solid living circumstances, and they will never work towards that goal because it doesn't exist for them. Instead, they throw themselves at any populism they can get a hold of and beg for escalation.
nope they just changed the way how they behave in public...so they are much harder to identify on first sight they look pretty normal
Great interview, all allowed to talk and not interrupted by you 👍
If after watching the video you find the Nazis more sympathetic than the Turks. Great video on a difficult topic
können wir mal kurz auf die krassen shots und den schnitt eingehen?!
great job mariano👏
The most dangerous are working in silence away from the public…
Yeah they run Brussels & are known as the European Parliament & are behind all this Bs all to keep boomer retirements alive remember they want you dead your children ethnically replaced and the death of all nations
You my brother, got tricked hard!
Deutsch Türke aber sich den aber als Türke sehn obwohl man hier aufgewachsen ist finde ich immer schwierig. Das ist glaube ich den Punkt den der Nazi meinte mit Vermischung der Nationalitäten
Es.gibt.keine.Menschenrassen. In Biologie Kreide holen gewesen? Oder überhaupt die Schule besucht?
@@lxfivefournine6839 Genau
@@aoust8311 machn kopf zu
gibt 50000 andere Sachen, die mich in diesem Video stören und du redest davon. Den Deutschen stören nur Menschen, die sich nicht als Deutsche identifizieren. Schonmal gefragt, weshalb dieser Mensch das so sieht ? Er fühlt sich nicht zugehörig und weicht aufgrund dessen auf seine andere Nationalität aus. Ich befürworte das alles nicht. Aber es gibt Gründe, weshalb man sich nicht zugehörig fühlt. Da geht es jetzt für mich nicht um Kulturanpassung. Da geht es rein darum, sich als Deutscher zu identifizieren. Der Deutsche möchte nicht, dass sich ein Ausländer als Deutscher fühlt . Jedoch wenn der Ausländer sich als Ausländer sieht, fragt sich der Deutsche dann wieso er sich nicht als Deutscher sieht.
jetzt fragst du dich sicherlich, ja aber er ist ja hier geboren. Ja genau , er sollte ja ein Deutscher sein.
Kommt er aber in die Schule und hat irgendein ausländischen Nachnamen, hat er schon reingeschissen. Egal, ob er sich als Deutscher fühlt .Er wird in die Ausländerschiene gedrückt, durch dumme Kommentare Anderer in seiner Umgebung.
Früher oder später muss genau dieser Mensch für sich entscheiden, wie er damit fertig wird und wie er es verarbeitet.
Viele weichen auf ihre andere Kultur aus. Das ist halt meist der einfachere Weg. Nicht der Beste.
Nicht falsch verstehen - ich finde verschiedene Kulturen zu haben schön und würde auch nie Jemanden deshalb als schlechten Mensch kategorisieren.
Nein, damit möchte ich widerum nicht sagen, dass der Deutsche dafür die Schuld trägt, wieso sich Ausländer oder Deutsche mit Migrationshintergrund hier falsch benehmen.
Ich möchte einfach nur die andere Sicht etwas erläutern. Es ist nicht immer so einfach wie man denkt.
@@aoust8311 Biologie meinte damals auch es gab nur zwei Geschlechter, aber okay
Hi bin Ausländer und praktizierender muslim.
Bin für Frieden und so
Hasse rassismus und bereit für jeden Kampf gegen rassismus. Aber einerseits versteh ich die deutschen .. ja auch ein deutscher darf stolz auf sein Land sein und es beschützen
ohhh wahabi, problem ist nur einwanderungspolitik nicht schutz oder so dass kein kriegsgebiet inshallah (noch nicht)
Islam isnt a race.
Na klar. Patriotismus ≠ Nationalismus
Heil Ukraine
sein land zu beschützen heißt aber nicht neonazi zu werden. sein land zu beschützen heißt diesen braunen antidemokratischen dreck zu beseitigen und eine friedliche gesellschaft für alle zu schaffen, egal wo jemand geboren wurde. wir brauchen einwanderung, das ist eine wirtschaftliche notwendigkeit. wir brauchen sogar die angeblich arbeitslosen ausländer, denn das geld was der staat verteilt wird ausgegeben und läuft wieder in den wirtschaftskreislauf zurück. rechte politiker, gestützt von lobbyisten, wollen dieses geld dem wirtschaftskreislauf entziehen, indem sie fordern sozialleistungen zu schwächen. dies wiederum wird die mittelständische wirtschaft (also geschäfte, handwerker, dienstleister wie friseure usw) schwächen, jedoch großkonzerne stärken, da sie die dadurch die entstandene wirtschaftliche kluft einnehmen können. rechte politik läuft IMMER darauf hinaus, dass der normale bürger ärmer wird, auch die mittelschicht, und die reichen noch reicher werden. wer das immer noch nicht verstanden hat, nach all den versuchen die weltweit betrieben wurden und werden, der sollte vielleicht einfach nochmal nen kleinen deepdive ins thema kapitalismus und faschismus machen, denn dann werden diese zusammenhänge sehr schnell deutlich. allein jetzt zeichnet sich in den USA bereits ab, was dort auf die bevölkerung zukommen wird. man hört immer wieder von mittelständischen betrieben die schon anfangen sämtliche restbestände an produkten aufzukaufen, bevor die importzölle eingeführt werden, weil sie sonst den betrieb nicht halten könnten. aber auch dadurch sichert man sich nur für einige monate. der mittelstand wird unter trumps politik extrem leiden, und somit auch die arbeiterschaft.
This is a really good documentary, love the unbias reporting and letting people speak and explain there position without trying to insert your own ideals. Much respect and i hope you do more
As a half-German, I'm a huge nerd for German/Germanic history: The language, historical poems, the natural environment of Germany wich inspired our ancestors to create literature, cuisine and other local traditions ... also our ancient democratic and socialist traditions wich were norms prior to feudalism wich you read about in history books (Thingwesen, Bauhütten, Gildenwesen, Gemeindwesen, Allmende, ...).
I think it is a shame, that people associate the roots of our identity with a minority of people who are trying to politicise our culture.
These people know nothing about German history. Do they look like people who read Goethe? Lol, they are frauds.
A culture is necessarily politicised, and you politicised your being half German by making that the first thing you said about yourself. We could actually have a debate on to which extent those traditions you reference are compatible with the social democratic (liberal socialism) paradigm if you wish. The fact that you feel the need to first hide behind the skirt of qualifications to display to others the extent to which you identify with Germans just shows me that you don't consider yourself German, you're insecure in it.
The roots of your identity, and what are those roots exactly, and why do you suppose that you or the liberal socialist society you exist in have an exclusive access to that insight to the extent that you could claim to be an authority thereof?
People somehow siding with hitler and being open about it and people supporting it is actually insane. This world is burning and everyone seems to love it
Exactly; so many people who have no clue about history (or just refuse to challenge what fits their extremist ideology) saying how it's just "relatable patriots who don't like immigration" etc. while those guys are sitting there reciting Hitler talking points and jewish conspiracy theories...
Have you actually watched the video and paid attention or is your attention span and cognitive intake that clapped
its just ppl get stamped as left or right wing no inbetween and if ppl agree with 1 thing hitler did then they are all nazis kinda how it goes he did bad things also good things
Im ceratinly not a nazi but very important thing to understand is knowledge of history and how it was written by the winners after the WW2. Im not saying that nazis didnt do anything wrong, yes they did same as almost every other nation back then specioally soviets that killed way more innocent people than germany. The key to understanding history is deeply diving into it. Did you ever wonder why every war in the history was won by the good guys?
@@KG-ut7kl Every war won by 'the good guys'..? Mao Zedong, Vietnam, Afghanistan? LOL 😂. "History written by winners" is an obsolete statement in today's scientific and information society.
Man when I saw Aaron shoot that takedown and pass guard in one sequence, I saw he's got some really great training behind him, that shit isn't easy to do in practice, let alone just jump in on the turf, respect Aaron, great documentary bro and BBJ skills!!
Sehr sehr starkes Video.
Noch viel interessanter,wenn man die Personen im Video sowie die Locations kennt.
War erschrocken,als ich „meine Haustür“ auf einmal auf yt gesehen habe😂😂
Dieser Satz ist so wichtig. "Meine Eltern sind stolz auf ihren Sohn! " :D
Starke Doku. Sie zeigt für mich wie sinnbefreit und instrumentalisierend Ideologien sind wenn vernunftbegabte Menschen miteinander sprechen.
Die Patrioten sind hier nicht das Problem.
First he says that he refuses to take responsibility for the Holocaust, and the other guy says that winners have the right to shape the new reality, but then he complains that "eastern territories" were taken away from them. Fool, you were the aggressor and you were defeated. They are against genocide in Palestine but they take no responsibility for the war when their grandfathers literally tried to wipe out the Jews and the Polish from this world. That’s relativism in its finest. Despicable.
Ich bin selbst europäischer Ausländer und wähle nur noch 💙💙💙💪🏻
Ich gönn dir dann auch abgeschoben zu werden.
dann viel spaß wenn du "remigrieren" musst lmao
chicken vote for KFC!
@@JimnyRicardo der hat so hart gesoffen es ist amüsant
da sind Millionen, die vor mir gehen müssen 😂😂 ich mach mir da keine Sorgen
Amazing video my friend.
also wenn jemand schon leichte Blumenkohlohren hat und mich so selbstsicher zum ringen herausfordert dann wäre ich etwas skeptischer 😂
First thing I noticed 🤣
Danke dir mein freund. Sehr Objektiv.👍🏻
This was a solid interview that explains Social Nationalism.
It is to preserve national culture, not racial population.
They stated they personally prefer their own race for dating and procreating but that isn't the point of their political movement.
I personally don't hate any races and think multiracial people can live together just fine, but culture and religion need not be freely integrated at risk of disrupting people.
Caring about some imagined racial population literally is what their movement is about. Also, I always wonder what is "national culture" in Germany supposed to mean...talk to someone from a Bavarian village in the Alps, then to someone from Rügen and I bet they will give you "national culture".
👍🏻 wirklich eine sehr spannende Doku , die du dort gemacht hast in dem Stadtteil! Viele hätten sich dort gar nicht hingetraut, ob jetzt mit Kamera oder ohne... aber es hat sich natürlich auch vieles geändert hinsichtlich dessen, das die Neonazis heutzutage sich komplett anders verhalten, als noch vor 20 o. 30 Jahren! Man darf nicht vergessen mit wem man auch die Gespräche führt und desto klüger diese Personen sind, umso gefährlicher sind sie im Grunde genommen, auch wenn Sie sich hier sehr gut verkauft haben, kann ich trotzdem einige Ansichten von ihnen absolut nicht teilen, obwohl ich auch ein voller Patriot unseres schönen Landes bin, nur waren mir einige Aussagen , insbesondere von Sven , dann doch zu radikal, aber andererseits lieber so und ehrlich, als verlogen, oder gar nichts zu sagen!
Zu unserem eigentlich halb Deutsch halb türkischen Landsmann, kann ich nur sagen, dass ja genau dieser die aktuelle "möchtegern Rapper Gangster Kultur" darstellt, wie sie leider von viel zu vielen jungen Leuten gefeiert wird!
Es ist eigentlich ein Trauerspiel wenn man das Gefühl bekommt, dass wenn man ihn sprechen hört, dass er genauso gut vor ein paar Jahren erst nach Deutschland gekommen ist, weil er sich nicht besser ausdrücken kann, oder es nicht will keine Ahnung...
btw, die Nummer mit der Waffe war absolut unnötig und zeigt mal wieder nur, wie kurz der Jarak unseres kleinen Gangster Rappers sein wird 😂 weil seien wir doch mal ehrlich ☝️ jemand, der genau weiß was er kann oder hat, braucht solche Sachen nicht zu zeigen und außerdem spricht es auch nicht für eine besondere Intelligenz, aber naja gut, das ist ein anderes Thema, viel wichtiger finde ich, dass er noch mal ein anderes Licht auch diese Neonazis geworfen hat, das hätte auch ganz anders ausgehen können! So LIKE und ABO ist hinterlassen, freue mich auf weitere Videos von dir ❗
... und natürlich: Take care Buddy 🤜💥🤛‼️
this is so stupid like of course they were nice to you, you're there with a whole ass camera crew making a documentary
... And yet, it was possible to have a mature eloquent conversation with the nazis... On the opposite you have immature and aggressive boys selling weapons and drugs, simply talking rubbish in a bad accent
What do you think if he went there without a camera he would be attacked?
We are here in East Germany, the base of the AfD. I am an immigrant, yet I have not experienced any racism here, except for occasional comments from children who greet me based on my appearance. To me, this is not racism; it’s more like innocent curiosity. I simply correct them politely. Sometimes, they ask me in a cordial way if I belong to a particular race, and I tell them no.
Germans are very nice people, but they have little patience for nonsense or for not following rules. I often hear something like this: “We don’t have a problem with those of you who pay taxes. What we don’t want are those living off social benefits, who don’t work and just expect free stuff from the government.”
This is one of the reasons the AfD is gaining popularity. We shouldn’t label people as right-wing just because they want normalcy in their country. As immigrants, we are visitors here. The Germans have accepted us with open arms, and the least we can do is respect their culture and avoid insulting them. Unfortunately, there are some immigrants who come here expecting to impose their own culture and religion.
Germany is a multicultural state, and it’s important to be polite and integrate. We should follow their example and adopt their culture of being orderly and respectful.
Can someone explain to me how unlimited mass migration is a good thing for Germany?
It isn't
And it isn't good for any country
In the first place, migration to Germany is not "unlimited"- actually, it's currently receding.
Second, Germany NEEDS migration to keep its' current (overall) standard of living because of its demographics. Otherwise we'd have to FORCE people to have MINIMUM 3 children per family or practice human cloning, as our national robotics technology is somewhat backward ;).
Yes, there are also problems caused by migration, but they can be solved differently than by just kicking anyone you dislike out of the country. Criminality, terrorism etc. are social problems, not cultural or "racial" ones!
Es ist für niemanden gut. Das Gebiet ist viel zu klein und schon jetzt überbevölkert, was zu Wohnungsnot, Ärztemangel etc. führt.
Es wäre besser den Menschen vor Ort, in ihren Heimatländern, zu helfen. Das sollte aber nicht nur an den Deutschen hängen, sondern ein gemeinschaftliches Hilfsprojekt sein, bei dem sich viele Völker/Staaten einbringen.
hey Bro..absolute n1ce Dokumentation!!!Finally someone is reporting a true picture of "my" country, Germany. You are a brave man who speaks true words!
The dynamic in the interview so interesting jet scary at the same time. The way he is asked in English
, which he seems to understand perfectly, and deliberately chooses to answer in English bares a striking resemblance to video interviews from the British Press and Joseph Göbbels.
Hey, i am from Germany, thank you for your work. What I would have found interesting would have been the question about mentaly and physically disabled People. The nazis in your Video say, helping the Weak is a question about humanity. But one big goal of the nazis was to kill them or hinder them from repopulating. So whats up with that nowdays?
This is real journalism 👍🏻
uncriticized nazi propaganda
Ganz genau! Und hier in den Kommentaren wird gesagt, man dürfe die Aussagen der Nationalisten nicht unkommentiert stehen lassen. Diese Leute übernehmen jedoch fremde Meinungen ( z.B. die der kontrollierten Medien), ungeprüft.
@@alexzippo7229 So sieht es aus. Wir hingegen sollten dankbar sein, dass man uns die Gelegenheit gegeben hat, für uns selbst zu sprechen.
Yeah, just letting them spew their practiced script without comment, Literally every talking point I heard in this video is old and known right wing propaganda which you will see repeated on and on in their media outlets, mostly originating from post ww2 nazi cope books...
@@essahdamus161 Only for people who think independently.
Es ist einfach verrückt…
Bin in Dortmund geboren und hab hier alles gelernt und gesehen.
In der Ausbildung hatte damals(Mitte 90er) ein Junge bei uns angefangen, 1 Lehrjahr unter mir.
Unser Ausbilder hat ihn eingestellt weil er wirklich handwerklich stark war, er war allerdings auch ein großer Name in Dorstfeld.
Mit mir wurde nicht wirklich ein Wort gesprochen(bin Ausländer😅)
Nach 6 Monaten wurde uns beiden ein Auftrag gegeben von Zeichnung über Ausführung bis zur Montage.
Nach 2 Monaten haben wir beide uns so gut verstanden, dass wir uns am Wochenende oft im Soundgarden (Dortmund) getroffen haben und n Bier getrunken haben,…. dass ich mich dafür eingesetzt habe das er nach der Lehre ein Vertrag bekommt.
Es war unglaublich als er mich mit zu sich nach Hause mal genommen hat um sein Vater kennenzulernen.
War allerdings nur 1x da😂…
Vater und Sohn haben in Dorstfeld
ne Menge zu sagen gehabt..
Leider hat man sich irgendwann aus den Augen verloren.
Man kann miteinander auskommen aber nur wenn es mit dem Respekt läuft.
Ohh junge junge, hast du schlaganfall bekommen beim schreiben???
Really awesome and honest documentary, thanks for your work and your neutral point of view in this video!!
& Grüße nach Dorstfeld!
Wo war eig Habibi Steven? Den hätte ich echt gefeiert in der Doku..
der ist untergetaucht, er hat doch grade nen europaweiten haftbefehl am laufen, wäre also nicht so schlau wenn er einfach enstpannt durch dorstfeld läuft :D
Bin der Meinung der hat nen Haftbefehl und wird gesucht, deshalb ist er erstmal untergetaucht
@ ok das ist crazy wenn’s stimmt. Habe lustiger Weise vor der Doku gesehen, dass Aaron ihm auf Insta folgt aber hätte niemals mit so einem Film hier gerechnet.. 😂😂
Vielen Dank an die interviewten.
Read thalmud who is rhe racist hah ?
Eine echt gute Doku, muss ich echt sagen. Aber dieser Türkische Möchtegerne Gangster mit seinem schlechten Englisch hätte man echt weglassen können. Das war schon echt sehr unangenehm sich seine Stellen anzugucken.
Hut ab für diese Doku
how else did you think this would end
Because of humanity that fight each other instead of working together.
One of the most powerful documentaries on UA-cam. Ich finde das was die "Neo Nazis" gesagt haben zu mindestens 70-80% korrekt und hoffe dass es auch in Zukunft friedlich bleibt hier im Land.
Auch die Verharmlosung des Holocausts?
„bleibt“ 😂
Interesting what the Turkish guy said in his massage for all the migrants: “go on like this, we will take over”.
At least they’re honest about what they want.
That has always been the plan Europeans became naive to not know that
This documentary is so much harder to watch in one go than the one about the Monroe ghetto. I have a low bullshit tolerance and it caps out at the 4:12 question when the interviewed man says that one does not become a nazi, one realizes they have always been one, and they realized it when they listened to nazi music in his early teens and got pulled into nazi groups.
_I am convinced nobody becomes addicted to crack. I'm sure everybody is always addicted to crack and only realizes that at some point. For me, it was when I started smoking crack and then met crack dealers and other crack enthusiasts. It's not that I became a crack addict when I started regularly smoking crack. I was just born a crack addict and regular crack consumption made me realize it._
I think this is what puts me off of nazis more than the abhorrent violence and deranged mythological ideas. I don't think I've ever heard an actual nazi say a coherent paragraph that made sense when subjected to an active, sober brain. Either they're logically inconsistent in everything they say or they find logic chains that are based on false premises or they lack knowledge to put things into context.
I would truly respect these people more if they just spat truth and said they hate brown skin without trying to look like they had any resemblence to normal thought processes in hopes of converting the cognitively less agile or emotionally stunted members of society.
That comparison makes no sense at all wtf. Why do you think there has to be a single event that made someone become who he is today and why do you think that answer was dishonest?
Cool documentation.
Of course, the people who called this neighborhood and the neo-Nazis living there dangerous will now claim that their behavior was only played for the camera. Which, in reality, is nonsense. The problem is that their views and statements are shaped solely by third parties and they are merely passing on their views. However, none of them has ever dealt with reality, let alone sought contact with these people to verify their statements. The opinions and views here in Germany are largely shaped by the public media and unfortunately the majority of citizens blindly follow their statements. And this majority would never think of questioning their statements. If you start to look at something critically and question it, you are immediately labeled a Nazi, even though it has nothing to do with the actual definition of a Nazi. I've been in so many discussions like this, and every time I've heard the killer argument that you're a Nazi. And then you say: "you don't talk to Nazis". So no sensible communication can take place if the other side won't let you. It's just pointless because you don't know where to start in order to credibly reflect reality without being directly defamed.
They proclaim themselves as Neo-Nazis. Or the trendy word ‚nationalist‘ hidden behind its facade a fascistic ideology. So how are you, defending those in your comment, just a critically thinking person? Open political discourse is the base of democracy, so you’re free to criticise the shambolic government in Germany, but only if you respect the core values on which the modern society stands on. Maybe start by not defending Nazis.
To quote Isaac Asiimov ‘when stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent’.
@@probemitpreis8781Communists get a free pass, and nazi's dont? Hypocrite commie
@probemitpreis8781 then what is the problem you got with people that consider themselves nationalists?
I can tell you've never been hunted for looking a lil too foreign or a little too gay.
Wie Leo vom Kanal "Ketzer der Neuzeit". Versucht unaufhörlich ins Gespräch mit diesen anscheinend hohlen Leuten zu kommen und wird nur mit dem Wort "Nazi" abgewiesen.
aaron, glad I came across another exciting yt channel. As I see it keep going hard and have fun getting rich!
Europa for Europeans
Niemals aufgeben 🇩🇪
wow.. so interesting... to me as a person born in german, every opinion is worth listening to even if its against my own inner way but to hear what this site has to say is necesarry to understand and slove problems for the future. Thank you very much for this dokumentation.
Deutschland hat halt am meisten geschafft, wo es noch Deutsch war…
Und die Mauer noch war
Gastarbeiter haben euere hauptstadt wieder aufgebaut du lelek
Brother. You’re a badass journalist. Much love. Keep it goin and hoping you stay safe brother.
Thank you for telling this story. Nice one mate.
Respekt an meinen deutschen Brüdern scheiss Egal was sie euch sagen lasst euch nicht unterkriegen Deutschland war ist und bleibt stark. Grüße aus Albanien.
[speaking Turkish] 32:47
Said arabic word : vallahi
Yea not only that - I think this guy isnt even really "turkish" at all lol same as "aywah" that isnt turkish aswell but more like arabic.
Props and big thanks from Germany for this eye-opening documentary.
Es gibt keine nennenswerten Nazis in Deutschland. Das ist ein Gespenst.
nice try deine glaubensbrüder zu decken
@ Es gibt keine nennenswerten alles Sozis/Transen. Traumatisierte Versager, die Begriffe wie Nazi oder Faschist nicht verstehen und einfach nachplappern.
@ Es gibt nur Kommunisten die sowas als Kampfbegriff benutzen, aber erklären können sie die Begriffe nicht.
@greencow4554 nur noch Kommunisten.
@greencow4554 Erklären kannst du die Begriffe nicht.
A lot of the people who have watched this have never watched a Louis Theroux documentary. The job of the journalist is not to criticise the subjects but to ask questions which reveal the subjects beliefs. The interviewer does this in a subtle but effective manner. People want a shouting match but that's not journalism.
Guter Bericht. Offen, ehrlich, nicht tendenziös. Also quasi das direkte Gegenteil von praktisch jedem Bericht der deutschen Medien zu diesem Thema. Sowohl der Interviewer als auch die beiden Gäste machen auf den ersten Blick den Eindruck von anständigen Menschen. Und das ist das Allerwichtigste. Dass wir alle Menschen bleiben, dass wir fair bleiben, dass wir uns nicht in Ideologie verennen, egal welchem Lager wir angehören.
Die sind geübt in Interviews zu geben, natürlich versuchen die sich von ihrer besten und friedlichsten Seite zu verkaufen, wobei selbst beim zuhören, alleine als Mensch mit Verstand einem schlecht wird. Wer heutzutage noch von Menschenrassen spricht, sollte den Rest seines Lebens nicht frei rumlaufen dürfen! Über den angedeuteten Antisemitismus und der Verfälschung eines Kriegsverbrechens (Israel-Palästina Konflikt) will ich gar nicht erst anfangen. Aber naja, Interviews zu analysieren, lernt man erst in der Oberstufe, anscheinend haben sehr viele diese nicht besucht.
Deutschland ⚫️⚪️🔴
🇩🇪 Die richtigen Farben sollte man schon kennen
@@essahdamus161 sind nicht die richtigen.
@@Þiudiskaz Kaiserzeit ist vorbei
@@Þiudiskazin der Schule Kreide geholt? Oder die Schule nur von außen betrachtet?
@@aoust8311 sind halt wunschdenker. genau die hat hitler damals in der SS verheizt. optimales kanonenfutter
Thank you very much! Very good Interview situations and constellations you performed with a very interesting results. I appreciate it.
Top, grosses Lob an den netten Ausländer Aaron 🙋
My nigga Aaron keep doing these docs bro
Wow! That was a super neutral and differentiated documentation! I am also from NRW (Federal State within the German Federal Republic), 30 km distant from Dortmund and I know the cities here in NRW. Some are in the Top 5 of the poorest cities ind Germany (Gelsenkirchen, Duisburg, Herne). But we are all very loveable people here! Stay healthy and keep going! Glück Auf! (Salutation of the coal miners from here!)
another banger bro