Sivir's E works for single target once and helped me avoid primary CC before using Cleanse if a chain is in coming but as a former Sivir main (Current Senna) I would say she's still good if you can chain her W and R well and I guess play smart.
It's even more funny cause it's ironic, remember when people didn't know how to play against nadoes and didn't walk around windwalls, good times in silver
I'm answering here because it is the newest comment but please don't overreact, guys, her base damages are extremely low, meaning she can rarely 1v1 someone except if very ahead. She will be very support and team reliant in my opinion, kinda like Kalista, so after they abuse her in pro play, they will nerf her into being almost useless and forgotten in SoloQ. Atleast this is my opinion
@@thebluefog8261 I played her against a Aatrox top lane, you just have to poke and go all in even pre 6. Against melee except jax, its pretty solid top lane pick. But! Dont expect to get plates early as you said her damage is extremly low. Oh and dont build death dance only bloodthirster. Death dance is useless on her. The healing you get is from BT is 20-30+ more Snowball potential is extreme, since she is also an Assasin
@@mmmarz6531 actually kinda No! Once u see them how they play, their just consider as norm champ after a few games. But ya doesn't mean u don't have a point though. But thiers still some old champ that are real BS!
If everything is broken, nothing is broken. The philosophy that is existence itself. When we developed weapons that could wipe out entire countries. Nothing is unfair, unbalanced, if everything is just wild enough to be crazy.
And 90% of the classic ADCs don't have escape because they are ADCs : Big Damage Big range Low defense Low mobility But Samira is : Absolute damages Big range Big defense More mobility than some assassins But thanks Riot they have so much nerf her she's just dead and it's good I hate her
@@jovanloncar1879 So do you want Aphelios *E* to work? From what I heard its an invulnerability long range dash which kill any champion and cooldown resets evertime he swich wepon's so that's insain cause he can just keep switching his main and off hand XD
@@slisaey9342 Sacrificing a bit of damage for survivability which adcs really lack. Hopefully crimson shield bow, gale force and other items help with that
I'm surprised not many ppl know about DMC or how this champ has Devil May Cry written all over it When I saw the passive changes letters and styles, I was like "Hmm, that feels too familiar" then I saw two guns and 1 greatsword and was like "Huhhh" then he said "Devil.. I mean Inferno Trigger" OKAY I get it now lol.
If she hits someone without hitting them with the same attack. She gets a point that allows her to ult. Why do you tards actually try to pretend things are difficult, and blame riot about balance on why you are silver? Balance is impossible, and besides adc, it's probably the best it's been.
@@wooaahh23 It's this trash community, they hate on every new champion. It's like they want the game to stop getting new content and get stale or something.
LMFAOOOO remember when Riot once said “Azir and Kalista are too overloaded and we don’t know how to balance them” a couple seasons back? Now we get an overloaded champ every patch PepeLaugh
@@freshlymemed5680 Aphelios is like the poster child of that. Very overcomplicated and overloaded, but actually surprisingly easy to play once you memorized his weapons. Its like every champ nowadays needs a novel of text for each ability and 15 passives, but then all they do ingame is fall asleep on their keyboard whilst outclassing 70% of the roster.
Samira isn’t that overloaded. Yes the knock up is gratuitous but the reason Kalista was overloaded was because she basically has flash with every auto.
I mean she *WAS hilariously busted on release,* but she got toned down and nerfed pretty quickly, she was basically Tank-Ekko all over again *JUST AS THEY HAD NERFED IT TO OBLVION*
@@4007a Definitely not a rip off and just a reference. The stacking letters could just be normal stacks, or numbers. They didn’t need to give her two guns, and he didn’t need to mention devil trigger in the reveal. The character would still be the same if u take away DMC references
@@user-bn8vd9jv1y definitely a rip off, like any other champion in league of legends She has 0 identity, because she's a cheap clone. They made her because of DMC 5 hype
Samira isn’t inherently unbalanced tho. aphelios is hard to balance because of all the weapons and weapon combinations you have to account for. The main problems I can see with samira’s kit are ult cd and ult ad ratios and possibly the w, which is a high cd low duration ability that basically functions like an aoe sivir e more than a wind wall
I think the point of that is to just make you buy the champ. I would have fallen for it if the community didn't catch on and started banning her from most matches.
That "once Samira earns an S grade, she can cast her Ultimate, Devil-I mean, Inferno Trigger." Really gets me, so this is what they called as DMC reference.. nice😂❤️
They DON'T is the thing. Champs like Shaco, Morgana, Nasus, and Yasuo exist. I think it's actually official that Riot DOES NOT CARE about making champs fun to play against. Especially referencing in this video how annoying the community finds abilities like Yasuo wind wall.
@@Ic-gv2eo Shaco, Morgana, and Nasus fine to play against. If you don't like them, you're prob just bad. Yasuo can be a bit more annoying 'cause of his windwall and dashes, but if you use your brain, he becomes fun to play against.
You dislike my v*deos? Are you just a h8er boi? I say see you l8er boi. Don't watch my stuff anymore. Your dislikes are damaging my good reputation. I am a superstar, dear jon
Samira no boomerang tho, idk if other sivir mains feel the same way but the joy for me is the relaxing wave clear of bouncing boomerangs and not jumping into fights and being some melee marksman god. Sivir does need a better ult tho :c
@@Lin2Waterfall its just so meh compared to other ulties like its not even that fast. I reckon any other adc with the cat on top would win in a race (plus how many adcs have speed boosts in their kits that arent their ulti) and idk have you ever played sivir against kaisa? It feels so bad when she just jumps on me and my zooms do nothing :(
Aphelios : 5 weapons Samira : 4 passives Next champ: 9 abilities toggle with r with 7 passives and 2 passives on each ability. Oh yea forgot to mention, each ability is a copy of another champs, just redesigned edit: they just released viego, who has the kit of all champs Edit: they added hwei, I predicted it 💀💀
I'm just waiting for the power scaling to get so inflated they literally just give up and make a champion with no passive, just 5 point and click abilities that deal 100% max HP true damage.
don't forget they transform, which gives them another 9 abilities and 8 passives, which now change with a stacking rage bar. also means Silas gets all of that too.
@@Hiken_Bakuzan Very true but if they actually did a true Devil trigger it would be too similar to Aatrox ult I guess and I don't think Riot wants that.
Don't you love to go back to these videos and be like "Haha, yeah, remember she could dash to allies? Remember you could cast your ult with basically no cooldown?"
The "casual" players don't seem to complain about complexity in champs. That's usually the people, who spend 4+ hours on the game every day. And it's been that way ever since Riot has released more interesting champs than Warwick.
This isn't scaring casual players. It's luring and frustrating them. Riot wants them to watch people play Samira and think she's cool, then play the game and feel like they can't win unless they buy Samira, and since they're unlikely to have much BE after just joining, and can't gain BE by losing, they will buy her with RP. Then, as those players play Samira and get easy, unsatisfying wins, they are forcing more players to buy Samira to get wins. And they won't nerf Samira for months because this is so lucrative to them.
Samira vs Katarina: Q is a ranged attack? Check W involves dealing damage in a round shape around the champion? Check E is mobility, deals damage and can reset on kill? Check R deals damage to all surrounding enemies overtime? Check
She is exactly this. Her damage is so busted it kind of throws up the skill cap this champ, just like aphelios. "One of the hardest champ to master" yet Riot had him press R with infernum to win, or wiping DPSing everybody with chakram, or hitting people from base with calibrum.
Riot : We want to release champions ready from now on so that they might be underpowered and might only need minor tweaks on live server. Riot a month later: Ok this is samira, good luck with that one guys. maybe she wont have to be banned after her 30th consecutive nerf like aphelios.
This is the whole issue with balancing a complex champion. You want it to be strong when mastered for the champion to be rewarding to the player, because no one wants to play a champion that need to invest hours and hours mastering for it to be as strong as a champion you can understand and be good with very easily. So they HAVE to make it very good or no one will play it. But the problem is, in fact, that thry ARE better than some other champions, making it overpowered by nature. So the solution would be to only make champions that are easy to play and master, but if you do that the game will get very repetitive and boring for veteran players, who keep playing the game because feeling that you're getting better is gratifying. And you WANT to keep your veteran players, as they are your only stable playerbase. Complex problem really.
@@ICinnamonI because you should be able to choose guns or knives and u should be able to change it if u want. Nit if your shooting someone down range but after every shot u have to do a random knives in the air. Or if you are in close range but after every knives you shoot. I mean cmon
i honestly have n o clue what that champ does he has 5weapon 1 of them shot purple stuff that slow and snare 1 heal 1 give range and he got talon ult or smthg no fkn clue what's going on
I actually like the idea of them taking huge inspiration from already existing characters, like Dante. They won't ever get Dante as a playable thing so this is the next best thing. As a huge DMC5 fan I approve of this. I reckon they should do it again.
@@davidevans7477 if your answer is cc i can honestly tell ya she's broken what if you main a champ with no cc or your ability's with cc are on cd ya no she's busted if that's your answer :/
Her passive gives her bonus magic damage and execute damage in melee range, bonus movement speed, and a mini yasuo ult. She has an Ezreal q that does slightly less damage but can crit and waveclear. She has a hybrid of Yasuo dash and Katarina shunpo. She has a circular wind wall that does damage. We don't even need to talk about her ult... we all agree having no real cooldown, doing 600% ad plus crits and lifesteal in 2 seconds, is all overloaded af.
Yep, been going on for a while now, it is just frustrating. Don't get me wrong, i like her as a character (minus the modern gun, that is too modern) but her passive alone would have been an entire champions kit in 2014
ye i dont get why riot does this. as if being able to build against it is bad for the game. thats the only thing that makes the game balanced. and then they just try to fit as many abilities in her qwer, because more is better right. They literaly say move over yas the tilt queen is here, well if u want a fun game maybe try to not tilt players and make it fun for everyone.
well, she is overloaded as in she has way too much dmg. Look at her ult: 10 shots with (level 16) 30 (+60% AD) dmg means 300 (+600% AD) Damage. And that's only if not a single shot crits. With crit she deals up to 600 (+1200% AD) Dmg on a SINGLE spell. 1200% scaling on one spell is more than overloaded if you ask me. And that same spell is on a 3 second cooldown and only "capped" by her Style, which only is a problem in low elo because high elo players already spell weave on every champion anyways. So every 3 seconds she has that 1200% AD scaling ult up. And again, that is only ONE of her abilities. She has 3 more and a passive that also deals dmg (two if you count her taunt) But tbf: She has no broken mechanics that take 10 patches to fix (looking at you Akali shroud or Aphelios). Everything that makes her op is just dmg and dmg is easy to fix by just changing her numbers. That can be done during one patch cycle or even as a hotfix. She has nothing that needs to be removed completely like Akali shrouding in turret range or Aatrox' revive.
@@dragonheart1357 Of course shes balancable but her kit is unnecessary, why does she have a knockup, why does she need both bonus magic damage, crits on her abilities and movement speed(when she already has a dash with reset and an ability block), and why not still have a cooldown on her ult aside from the s rank. Yes, her abilities arent unable to be balanced, but i just dont get why she needs to be SO INCREDIBLY OVERLOADED.
@@konstantinivanov1717 I'm a big DMC fan(played the first one around 2005 and then followed it since) _and_ a League gamer, and I must say, I love how crazy this party turned out to be 😂
@@princeoflies8031 gameplay elements dont, or shouldnt affect her characterization. Only her characterization should affect her gameplay (ie fiddlesticks is scary, so he has a fearing effect). I think the S rank is neat but i understand how it could be considered too similar, but Dante and her look nothing alike
Mundo's Passive: Health Regen Garen's Passive: Health Regen on steroids Hecarim's Passive: Go Fast = Deal Damage Rammus' Passive: Go Armor = Deal Damage Nami's Passive: Abilites on allies = Move fast, Ultimate on allies = Move faster Leona's Passive: Abilites on enemies = Allies deal more damage Aphelios' Passive: *OVERUSED JOKE* Guns, and more guns and a whole lotta more guns Samira's Passive: Book one, Chapter 1 of 240, "Innate" ...
Sivir's passive: Land hit, go fast Tristana's passive: Level up, reach up Soraka's passive: Go fast when ally low Morgana's passive: Spell vamp Nasus' passive: Regular lifesteal J4's passive: First hit hits harder Jhin passive: Gun needs to be reloaded, last shot stronk, crits giv speed but do less...
Viktor passive: starts off with an upgradeable core Reksai passive: borrow = heal Darius passive: hit = bleed Gragas passive: use abilities to heal(has a moderate cooldown) Moakai passive: hit to heal(has a moderate cooldown) Jax passive: hit to get atk speed Singed passive: go next to other champs to move faster
@@WalidNasri Not to be rude, but Vayne's passive makes her go faster towards visible enemy champs in a certain range, what you mentioned is her W, which is also a passive, but not her actual passive.
Yes, but you have to get your combo to full to use it, meaning if people like Caitlyn, Kindred, Tristana or anybody who can extend their aa range, position themselves correctly, she's countered. Not to mention she is incredibly squishy when she isn't using her ulti. So many people moan about her being broken, if you out-range her she's literally useless cause her entire combo relies on closing the gap, just treat her like an assasin and she dies.
The "switch between melee and ranged" thing is interesting. The Q is kinda vanilla, which is honestly fine - it doesn't even need the combo with E that it has. The W is pretty unique. The E is basically an Akali ult, and the R is a straight up Katarina ult.
For how much they seem to want Samira associated with DMC, she reminds me of Bayonetta a lot more, seeing how her skills focus on her guns instead of her sword. I mean, even her stinger is a kick instead of a stab.
@@azidal3755 Pretty much. Though in the anime it's shown that he becomes op to the point even his guns one shot demons, since he also uses demonic energy as bullets.
Samira is a Ranged Melee Tanky DPS Assassin Mage Tank Support Jungler.
She excels at everything.
Ok but who asked
@@zefix3133 Not everything revolves around you.
Probably not a jungler :(
@@aMilling actually she is a jungler better than adc 🧐🤫
reminds me of the old lee spotlight lmfao
Sivir: Who are you?
Samira: I'm you, but my passive is longer than your entire kit and backstory.
I'm you, but my spellshield is a wide AOE
Sivir's E works for single target once and helped me avoid primary CC before using Cleanse if a chain is in coming but as a former Sivir main (Current Senna) I would say she's still good if you can chain her W and R well and I guess play smart.
Sivir needs a minirework or something
Sivir is very old and outdate character so she need to rework like mundo
remember when a champion was just a fat guy running around with his barrel?
Fat topless drunk guy holding a barrel running around in the rift
Its rufus
No, it's Gragas
2009: Ashe. A girl, that shoots ice arrows.
2020: Hahahahhahahhahahhah
pepperidge farm remembers...
Samira walks into a bar.
There are no counters.
Top comment right here
How many comments do you make, on average, per day?
Who are you and what did you do to the guy with the mustache?!?!?!
Actually, she has counters lol
Literally any champion with CC counters her
In two years champions’ abilities will have more words than college essays
Reminds me of yugioh cards
I mean, sure. But this one is rather simple
So this is his q wich has 200 different passive for each existing champions all of those involve stacking and 3 of the champs put a dash on your q
And teemo still wont have an update
Riot: "We don't like our players being toxic"
Also Riot: "mOvE OveR YaSuO thE TiLt QuEeN iS HeRe"
Literally the Tilt queen LMAO
The tilt isn’t the fault of riot btw
@@izzino6794 since they don't do anything about their game being extremely addicting and frustrating, yes it is.
*Me coming back to league after 3 years :*
Aight Imma head out
Bro, same exact story here
Just ban her lol
@@pvv890Yeah! Just ban every OP champ! How many bans do we get now?
@@Malhaloc still 1 😓
Literally me lol
Plus I'm a DMC player, why would I play this discount Dante ripoff in League of Legends lol
Riot: People will have to get really fancy with Samira to activate her ult.
Samira Players: Auto, Q, Auto, Q, Auto, Q, S-Rank, Ult
The ult dont even have cooldown.
@@lithius5479 zy
@@lithius5479 it has a 3sec cooldown...but it's still short
@@nothingstrange9706 her ult duration is 3 sec xd
@@lazarsekulic333 yeah but it has still cooldown of 3 sec so it rest my case you still need tha s rank style anyways to use it
ahh yes, in germany we call it "permaban until nerfed"
No Joke ich habe noch nicht einmal gegen oder mit einer gespielt
ah yes my favourite german quote
In France we call it : '' surrender at 15 s'il vous plaît monsieur oui''
Weird we say the same thing in Italian
Yasuo:” What happened to my tornado?!”
Literally every single champion with any sort of projectile:”First time?”
It's even more funny cause it's ironic, remember when people didn't know how to play against nadoes and didn't walk around windwalls, good times in silver
@@kilos5958 funny how things change
Obviously not the first time since you can play against other yasuo as yasuo in normals..
@@AleexGod who tf plays blind pick
Samira: she is both marksman and fighter with no cd on ultimate
Rammus: ok
Rammus in china : Koi
[Q]: How will we make adc a viable role?
[A]: Make assassin adc's
Now we need Assasin sup
@@Ilidan9 we already have pyke, what's more funnyis that samira's playstyle compliments pyke's
@@unknownherrscher true how could i forget pyke xD
I'm answering here because it is the newest comment but please don't overreact, guys, her base damages are extremely low, meaning she can rarely 1v1 someone except if very ahead. She will be very support and team reliant in my opinion, kinda like Kalista, so after they abuse her in pro play, they will nerf her into being almost useless and forgotten in SoloQ. Atleast this is my opinion
@@thebluefog8261 I played her against a Aatrox top lane, you just have to poke and go all in even pre 6. Against melee except jax, its pretty solid top lane pick.
But! Dont expect to get plates early as you said her damage is extremly low. Oh and dont build death dance only bloodthirster. Death dance is useless on her. The healing you get is from BT is 20-30+ more
Snowball potential is extreme, since she is also an Assasin
Now I understand that Aphelios is just a normal champion.
Thats the point. Every new champion just needs to be bigger BS than the last one so we accept it.
@@mmmarz6531 actually kinda No! Once u see them how they play, their just consider as norm champ after a few games. But ya doesn't mean u don't have a point though.
But thiers still some old champ that are real BS!
Lulit999 Wait until the antagonist Serephine makes Samira look so normal! 😁
@@ricardohoang8452 Nah but she makes Samira a lot better, at least she's not a copy...
@@rishijoshi7989 shes a copy of sona and ahri
"Devil ahmmm I mean inferno trigger"
Dante: "Deadweight"
Funny thing is she says dead weight.
devil what? i dont know the reference
@@thebest3702 Devil May Cry, my friend!
@@Nat_alia314 you say that as if everyone has played those games
@@thebest3702 Devil Triggers are the names given to special techniques in the Devil May Cry series
"Once she reaches an S style she can cast the Devil ... I mean inferno trigger"
is it something to do with Devil May Cry?
At least some people noticed
One greatsword, two guns, all Style and has a Trigger as her ultimate.
No, once she reaches S style.. She can use the same ultimate as Claude from Mobile Legends.. 😁
@@lalemang2897 ML pleb lmao
Samira's passive: three paragraphs and 200 years of bs
Udyr's entire kit: walk, slap
bruh at least credit Trick2g if you are going to quote him
@@danieltsiu7383 that's the godyr baby
Nice name and pfp
Walk,slap, chainsaw noise*
At this point, begging Riot for balancing is like asking the murderer not to kill you.
At this point? that was the point since Yasou came out lol.
At this point asking hard stuck fans to stop complaining is like asking a toddler to stop crying.
Yone is more balanced than this
If everything is broken, nothing is broken.
The philosophy that is existence itself.
When we developed weapons that could wipe out entire countries.
Nothing is unfair, unbalanced, if everything is just wild enough to be crazy.
well more like begging a comet to stop falling from the sky
We need clearly 30 bans, not 10
@@MultiZapor 100 bans
It was 6 before they changed it and first pick could only ban.
Could just remove Yasuo from the game altogether.
We have been needing 2 bans per person for at least 2 years already
Nasus passive: Nasus has 12% bonus lifesteeal
It was when they had 2 collective years.
Now with 200, the power is a hundredth time stronger.
1200% lifesteal equivalent.
Also Nasus, has an infinitely scaling Q. You can't take one part of a champ and compare without taking into consideration the whole kit.
@@treymtz mundos passive: health regen
@@treymtz its. a. joke.
malphite passive : get tiny shield
"Only one escape tool"
*also has basically permanent bonus movement speed, a yasuo windwall you dont have to aim and said escape tool's cd can reset*
and she can build Galeforce
And 90% of the classic ADCs don't have escape because they are ADCs :
Big Damage
Big range
Low defense
Low mobility
But Samira is :
Absolute damages
Big range
Big defense
More mobility than some assassins
But thanks Riot they have so much nerf her she's just dead and it's good I hate her
@@carnivorze1052 this aged well
@@conan3773 😂
Aphelios is looking really balanced so far.
Put your hand together for Mr.200 years people.
Atleast this champion is fun and intresting. Aphelios is just auto auto Q.
So do you want Aphelios *E* to work?
From what I heard its an invulnerability long range dash which kill any champion and cooldown resets evertime he swich wepon's so that's insain cause he can just keep switching his main and off hand XD
@Thomas Clifford Yeah i swear these complainers don't even keep up on the game
Riot be like "Everybody hates adcs, so let's just make a hyper mobile bruiser with range instead"
All the whining finally paid off
bruiser? more like assassin
@@slisaey9342 Sacrificing a bit of damage for survivability which adcs really lack. Hopefully crimson shield bow, gale force and other items help with that
@@slisaey9342 next season all adcs do true damage have a sett shield or a yasuo dash
@@FadeAwaye *WTF KNOWS ANYMORE!!!!!!*
Gamers: "Can you do something about ADC Yasuo?"
Riot: "Yeh sure"
hey it ADC Katarina as well
gangplank, katarina, yasuo and miss fortune combined, oh and urgot!
Samira: Essentially the closest League of Legends will get to a Devil May Cry character.
No? Viego lol
I'm surprised not many ppl know about DMC or how this champ has Devil May Cry written all over it When I saw the passive changes letters and styles, I was like "Hmm, that feels too familiar" then I saw two guns and 1 greatsword and was like "Huhhh" then he said "Devil.. I mean Inferno Trigger" OKAY I get it now lol.
For me is Aatrox.
@@yuushouma1263 female Dante To be exact
Guns and sword + style passive. Definitely Devil May Cry inspired!!!
Therapist: Moving Katarina Ult with crit, lifesteal and no cd isn t real, it can t hurt you.
Samira: *laughs in AA Q AA Q AA E Ult + 6items*
if you survive that much if she already has 6 items, then you are either a full armor malphite or samira did buy only fulltank items
don't forget she can use other abilities during it
dont forget that samira can dash/flash with R on
@@picapes such bs
“Her ult has no cool down” god who thought this was a good idea
The person that designed Katarina
@@melovil9199 Katarina can’t move during her ult and needs 3 kills for it to reset completely.
@@Havenscythe but she doesnt need to stack 5 times to use it
@@QuantumNetwork 😂😂 stacking your ult as Samira is not even remotely difficult.
@@Havenscythe its still a big difference between her and Kat
Sivir didn't actually die in the intro, she just fell asleep listening to Samira describing her passive.
If she hits someone without hitting them with the same attack. She gets a point that allows her to ult. Why do you tards actually try to pretend things are difficult, and blame riot about balance on why you are silver? Balance is impossible, and besides adc, it's probably the best it's been.
Then do not look at top laners ability they always have 20 extra things
@@wooaahh23 It's this trash community, they hate on every new champion. It's like they want the game to stop getting new content and get stale or something.
@@goodgamer1023 THEY ALWAYS HAVE! I've been playing since season 2. Like anyone name a champ. It can easily be made to sound overloaded.
@@wooaahh23 T'was only a joke - perhaps even ironic - for you, a haiku.
"Devil...uh i mean Inferno Trigger"
They're not even tried to hide it lol
Samira: *Hits you with a coin*
Pyke: *Knocks you out with a bag of gold*
that was actually a painted joke in R/pykemains
Riven Kills Both if you guys
@@hadoukenocx4746 *laughs in gift of the drowned and * ez dodge lol
@@hadoukenocx4746 who asked you, sweaty riven main. No one. You didn't even contributed to the joke
@@hadoukenocx4746 all of the riven mains i see get destroyed in top lane
"To learn more about this flashy Marksman, check out the links in the description below"
The links in the description below: *pls play lol*
League of Legends Champion Spotlight: Featuring Samira from Summoners May Cry
This should have gotten more upvotes.
take to aram and hide take to rank and flex and ban
go to normal at your own parallel
Summoners *will* Cry
Passive: Demon Hunter Rank
Q: Sword Master
W: Royal Guard
E: Trickster
R: Gunslinger
More like Ascended May Cry
Dr.Mundo passive : *R E G E N*
*H E A L*
Samira: mortal reminder and lord dominic 😍
Cassiopeia passive: S P E E D
Nasus' passive: *L I F E S T E A L*
LMFAOOOO remember when Riot once said “Azir and Kalista are too overloaded and we don’t know how to balance them” a couple seasons back? Now we get an overloaded champ every patch PepeLaugh
Riot still doesn't know the difference between difficulty and overloaded brokeness it seems.
give rito your shekles
@@freshlymemed5680 Aphelios is like the poster child of that. Very overcomplicated and overloaded, but actually surprisingly easy to play once you memorized his weapons. Its like every champ nowadays needs a novel of text for each ability and 15 passives, but then all they do ingame is fall asleep on their keyboard whilst outclassing 70% of the roster.
In momments like this I'm glad its been 1 years since I don't touch this game.
Big yikes.
Samira isn’t that overloaded. Yes the knock up is gratuitous but the reason Kalista was overloaded was because she basically has flash with every auto.
"Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series!"
@Baxi Tabaxi wtf is your problem?
@AtomikHors Bayonetta you mean
Like removed to maintain the perfect 420
even phreak said at the end "whos ready for some pizza" dante confirmed
"featuring Samira from Everyone May Cry"
Underrated comment!
It's not underrated just it's just an unpopular meta meme. Only smt fans still makes this joke :D
@@TheLordrain12 it is, coz samira is copy of dante
Ok, why she knocking enemies into the air with her gun?
Devil may cry
Cause Dante and Bayonetta can do that duhhh 🙄
its a gunblade
When using dmc as inspiration, didn't think dmc2 would be involved but ok
Is the 300 years champion?
YoinkedGaming Nah. Not enough guns
nah its the"we created an hack n slay but it got canceled just put it in lol we dont are how op she is she will be mony
Samira: 3 Paragraphs for every skill.
Singed: *haha me go run run*
malphite: each skill is literally one sentence
How about Udyr?
He literally just changes clothes
@@erevvos973 the beauty of old champion designs.
Dr Mundo: get and lose hp
I mean she *WAS hilariously busted on release,* but she got toned down and nerfed pretty quickly, she was basically Tank-Ekko all over again *JUST AS THEY HAD NERFED IT TO OBLVION*
She is still broken kek, but nothing in comparison to samira nad aphelios on realese.
@Thomas Clifford Very much true.
Welcome to league of legends.
Samira is Dante from Devil may cry. Big sword, 2 guns, and her stacking letters are like combo's grades from this game, plus she is Katarina 2.0
more like nero actually
a rip off game league of legends 0 originality
@@4007a Definitely not a rip off and just a reference. The stacking letters could just be normal stacks, or numbers. They didn’t need to give her two guns, and he didn’t need to mention devil trigger in the reveal. The character would still be the same if u take away DMC references
@@user-bn8vd9jv1y definitely a rip off, like any other champion in league of legends
She has 0 identity, because she's a cheap clone. They made her because of DMC 5 hype
@@4007a Dmc 5 hype was 3 years ago
"devil.. I mean inferno trigger..." wow, they are not even trying to hide it at this point...
And at the end Phreak even through in a pizza reference, which is dante's favorite food.
and the pizza thing at the end
Its called hinting
I mean Sett was a pretty big JoJo reference. His Japanese VA voiced DIO
@@DerpASherpa117 woah really?
Riot: Releases Aphelios
Players: wtf is this 200 years bs how is this balanced??
Riot: Hold my beer
If every champion is unbalanced, the game is balanced
@@Dogaojuiz but not all champs are unbalanced so the game is unbalanced
@@stylishsleet3872 they are trying to make it
You bralw stars
Samira isn’t inherently unbalanced tho. aphelios is hard to balance because of all the weapons and weapon combinations you have to account for. The main problems I can see with samira’s kit are ult cd and ult ad ratios and possibly the w, which is a high cd low duration ability that basically functions like an aoe sivir e more than a wind wall
"and how will we balance this champ"
I think the point of that is to just make you buy the champ. I would have fallen for it if the community didn't catch on and started banning her from most matches.
That "once Samira earns an S grade, she can cast her Ultimate, Devil-I mean, Inferno Trigger." Really gets me, so this is what they called as DMC reference.. nice😂❤️
"Hard crowd control will knock Samira out of her ultimate, so look for the right moment to go BANG BANG BANG"
@@IcySkolver "Who's ready for some Pizza"
This champ is a moba version of Dante
They really did their Devil May Cry research for this one, ngl...
No one gonna acknowledge that she has THREE passives?
Her style one
Her juggle one
And her two weapons
Aphelios: pathetic
Aphelios :
@@Falkueche well, Aluna then)
Ngl, its like looking at Dante in DMC where you gain ranks and must be distinct attacks, basically asking for combos?
@@azminalibsp4800 pretty sure its modelled after dmc but then again THAT GAME IS A HACK AND SLAY AGAINST COMPUTER ENEMIES
''she can cast her Ultimate Devil- ahhm.. Inferno Trigger''
Devil may cry reference if you are living under a rock
And the pizza reference lol
Bang Bang Bang was also there)
In Russian spotlight says "Dante. Uhm.. I mean Samira..."
I was waiting for the reference from the first second glad they did it
Back in my days every ability was described with one sentence and it did one thing.
She looks like a champion I might accidentally do well with in ARAM
My Katarina senses are tingling.
She looks like a champion you might do well with in any game ;-;
@@localfiddlesticksmain2185 na shes definitely a trap for average players, once shes fine tuned, her win rate will be low outside of high diamond+
Sounds like me with Evelynn
"Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series"
Honestly, even just her Passive + Q and Ult alone is enough to make a whole champion. Wtf is this
I am from the future and there is a champ named Akshan whose Passive is enough to make a whole champ... I think u already know about him 🤣
@@rupy0220 A 2-hit auto that grants a shield for autoing :')
@@KoOkiEzRoCkz that deals magic dmg and grants movement speed that u can cancel an auto or stay still to fire second auto
"Here at riot, we like to develop champions that are balanced and fun to play against."
They DON'T is the thing. Champs like Shaco, Morgana, Nasus, and Yasuo exist. I think it's actually official that Riot DOES NOT CARE about making champs fun to play against. Especially referencing in this video how annoying the community finds abilities like Yasuo wind wall.
Ic333 , don’t take it from me but I think that was a joke
@Michael Ferchmin-Rowe yasuo isn't even good in the meta now. Much more annoying to face vayne or ekko
@Michael Ferchmin-Rowe I'm mostly talking about Yasuo wind wall, and yeah I was just giving examples. There are MANY more champs than those.
@@Ic-gv2eo Shaco, Morgana, and Nasus fine to play against. If you don't like them, you're prob just bad. Yasuo can be a bit more annoying 'cause of his windwall and dashes, but if you use your brain, he becomes fun to play against.
Samira: Give you coins
New Champions: Give you RP
New Bug: Actually steal you 1 RP everytime it gives you one.
You dislike my v*deos? Are you just a h8er boi? I say see you l8er boi. Don't watch my stuff anymore. Your dislikes are damaging my good reputation. I am a superstar, dear jon
@@AxxLAfriku what?
balance team in some weeks be like "uhm yeah, lets reduce her initial attack by 1.5. now she's balanced"
No, lets lower her movement speed by 5
@@ondrejmichalek2602 By 2* Come on man 5 is too much!!
Change that to one day, she was nerfed already
I was actually looking at returning to see what had changed. this has changed my mind.
Seen Seraphine or what?
@@PoisonVibe666 lol
have you tried reading aphelios' description?
“Think can you keep up?”
Nope. I still havent figured out Aphelios
Don't worry, no one does. And given his nerfs *cough* rebalance adjustments, apparently he shines less than a new moon now.
@@reviewreaper8508 A NEW MOON IS RISING
Samira: everything I wish Sivir was, but isn’t.
well now u have 2 sivirs then c:
Then you don't like Sivir from the start.
Samira no boomerang tho, idk if other sivir mains feel the same way but the joy for me is the relaxing wave clear of bouncing boomerangs and not jumping into fights and being some melee marksman god. Sivir does need a better ult tho :c
@@The.Painted.Angel. but....but.....the zoomies.
@@Lin2Waterfall its just so meh compared to other ulties like its not even that fast. I reckon any other adc with the cat on top would win in a race (plus how many adcs have speed boosts in their kits that arent their ulti) and idk have you ever played sivir against kaisa? It feels so bad when she just jumps on me and my zooms do nothing :(
"This spell has no cooldown"
*Pa po pe papalapapope what*
I'm calling out from balance world
Aphelios : 5 weapons
Samira : 4 passives
Next champ: 9 abilities toggle with r with 7 passives and 2 passives on each ability.
Oh yea forgot to mention, each ability is a copy of another champs, just redesigned
edit: they just released viego, who has the kit of all champs
Edit: they added hwei, I predicted it 💀💀
Each ability is a copy of another champs, just redesigned and combined with the ability/passive of one or more other champs*
Fixed it for you
I'm just waiting for the power scaling to get so inflated they literally just give up and make a champion with no passive, just 5 point and click abilities that deal 100% max HP true damage.
" each ability is a copy of another champs, just redesigned"
you just predicted Séraphine
Viego: All abilities
don't forget they transform, which gives them another 9 abilities and 8 passives, which now change with a stacking rage bar. also means Silas gets all of that too.
"Move over Yasuo, the Tilt Queen is here"
... Oh no. RIP normal ADCs.
ban samira for the rest of your life , and you will never know it even came out .
Normal adcs have been dead for a while already.
This is literally the first champ i'm more exited to ban than to play.
Phreak: "she can cast her ult devil...... i mean inferno trigger"
Phreak: thank god i dodge that lawsuit bullet for Riot.
IKR time to replay DMC 3, and wait for 5 SE when it comes out for PS5.
He even says " Who's ready for some pizza? " at the end. And she's a dessert rose, red one, lol.
@@adixar Yep a dmc 3 reference I guess Phreak played it like the rest of us.
the DMC joke would be nice if it was anything close to a Devil Trigger
but its just Reaper's Death Blossom, even the animation looks similar
@@Hiken_Bakuzan Very true but if they actually did a true Devil trigger it would be too similar to Aatrox ult I guess and I don't think Riot wants that.
Don't you love to go back to these videos and be like "Haha, yeah, remember she could dash to allies? Remember you could cast your ult with basically no cooldown?"
Riot *REALLY* makes sure to scare off the casual players...
lmao truuuuu
The only thing that scares off the casual players are sweaty players
The "casual" players don't seem to complain about complexity in champs. That's usually the people, who spend 4+ hours on the game every day. And it's been that way ever since Riot has released more interesting champs than Warwick.
@@MrCmon113 rework ww is pretty pful
This isn't scaring casual players. It's luring and frustrating them. Riot wants them to watch people play Samira and think she's cool, then play the game and feel like they can't win unless they buy Samira, and since they're unlikely to have much BE after just joining, and can't gain BE by losing, they will buy her with RP. Then, as those players play Samira and get easy, unsatisfying wins, they are forcing more players to buy Samira to get wins. And they won't nerf Samira for months because this is so lucrative to them.
Devil May Cry: The Champion.
Also this is like a Ranged Katarina, which is just terrifying to think about.
Samira vs Katarina:
Q is a ranged attack? Check
W involves dealing damage in a round shape around the champion? Check
E is mobility, deals damage and can reset on kill? Check
R deals damage to all surrounding enemies overtime? Check
Eric Lin actually
So since I’m a kata main
Maybe I should pick her up
ADC Will Cry
@@ericlin7775 But only this time, Samira has her ultimate back almost immediately and doesn't require kills to have a shorter CD.
I feel like she's supposed to be a high skill cap champion but is going to just be a noob keyboard roll as long as you can dodge skill shots champion
You mean... block skillshots with skill W when hit xD
similar to aphelios tbh
That sounds like every champ Rito makes these days.
She is exactly this. Her damage is so busted it kind of throws up the skill cap this champ, just like aphelios. "One of the hardest champ to master" yet Riot had him press R with infernum to win, or wiping DPSing everybody with chakram, or hitting people from base with calibrum.
@@nano6726 Yer "skill cap" is just doing AA between skills. Which you should do on a lot of champions anyway.
Actually, if you do the throwing coin taunt, she can say sometimes ''You're deadweight''
I believe a certain white haired half demon had a phrase that fits this: "Jackpot."
Now we wait for the certain twin brother of the said white haired half demon
SSS rank
Samira can certainly *pull my Devil Trigger* if ya know what I mean.
@@zigfaust or burry your "light" deep within her lmao
Ah, you're right. Inuyasha *did* say that.
Riot : We want to release champions ready from now on so that they might be underpowered and might only need minor tweaks on live server.
Riot a month later: Ok this is samira, good luck with that one guys. maybe she wont have to be banned after her 30th consecutive nerf like aphelios.
This is the whole issue with balancing a complex champion. You want it to be strong when mastered for the champion to be rewarding to the player, because no one wants to play a champion that need to invest hours and hours mastering for it to be as strong as a champion you can understand and be good with very easily.
So they HAVE to make it very good or no one will play it. But the problem is, in fact, that thry ARE better than some other champions, making it overpowered by nature.
So the solution would be to only make champions that are easy to play and master, but if you do that the game will get very repetitive and boring for veteran players, who keep playing the game because feeling that you're getting better is gratifying. And you WANT to keep your veteran players, as they are your only stable playerbase.
Complex problem really.
@@JM-vl3cy doing normal champions is too hard? lmao what's the hard thing in not putting 184628 passives and a lot of different abilities in 1?
When riot can't decide what type of role to make the new champ so they include everything.......
Stealth tank!!!! Do it riot!
I'm comfused why does it auto switch from knives to guns
@@mra2259 why not?
@@ICinnamonI because you should be able to choose guns or knives and u should be able to change it if u want. Nit if your shooting someone down range but after every shot u have to do a random knives in the air. Or if you are in close range but after every knives you shoot. I mean cmon
Samira:Has combos with guns and blade
Sivir: Throw boomerang
Jhin and Graves with Ammosystem: "Are we a Joke to you?"
also Aphelios
"Think you can keep up?"
Still trying to keep up with Aphelios' passive
RIOT:Samira 3 part passive
Me:Still reading aphelios abilities
This joke stopped being funny.
im diamond 2 on the way to diamond 1 and i still don't know how aphelios works
too much brain power to use
@@sascha8843 haha 5 guns go brr
i honestly have n o clue what that champ does he has 5weapon 1 of them shot purple stuff that slow and snare 1 heal 1 give range and he got talon ult or smthg no fkn clue what's going on
Darius: Dont say it
Samira: Jackpot
Sett: I'm a Jojo Reference. WRYYYY
Samira: Hold my Devil Trigger,
YUPPY ONE ew no tf
It's death blossom
@@lenpra2140 Pretty sure devil may cry got to it waaaay before reaper did.
I actually like the idea of them taking huge inspiration from already existing characters, like Dante. They won't ever get Dante as a playable thing so this is the next best thing.
As a huge DMC5 fan I approve of this.
I reckon they should do it again.
@@lobster6736 We kinda already have a lot of dash-and-slash champs, now if they add an Armstrong or a Monsoon in that'd be interesting
@@anamggss we could use another punchy tank true
Funny, Mobile Legends literally had Dante at one point with Nero's arm and sword. And also Riven's moveset.
Just DMC5? Not a fan of any other DMC?
Samira: "The Flashy Marksmen"
Me: Freaking banned is what it is!
Banned in a flash, not wrong tho
Me, rather ban shen. Just build armor, and/or time her engages. She is weak to CC
They could go for strategy, tactic, thinking and yes, also mechanical skill, or...LETS HAVE A TON OF FLASHY STUFF IN YOUR FACE.
@@davidevans7477 if your answer is cc i can honestly tell ya she's broken what if you main a champ with no cc or your ability's with cc are on cd ya no she's busted if that's your answer :/
2:25 "Devil... i mean INFERNO trigger" *DMC intensifies*
Her passive gives her bonus magic damage and execute damage in melee range, bonus movement speed, and a mini yasuo ult. She has an Ezreal q that does slightly less damage but can crit and waveclear. She has a hybrid of Yasuo dash and Katarina shunpo. She has a circular wind wall that does damage. We don't even need to talk about her ult... we all agree having no real cooldown, doing 600% ad plus crits and lifesteal in 2 seconds, is all overloaded af.
Yep, been going on for a while now, it is just frustrating. Don't get me wrong, i like her as a character (minus the modern gun, that is too modern) but her passive alone would have been an entire champions kit in 2014
ye i dont get why riot does this. as if being able to build against it is bad for the game. thats the only thing that makes the game balanced. and then they just try to fit as many abilities in her qwer, because more is better right. They literaly say move over yas the tilt queen is here, well if u want a fun game maybe try to not tilt players and make it fun for everyone.
well, she is overloaded as in she has way too much dmg. Look at her ult: 10 shots with (level 16) 30 (+60% AD) dmg means 300 (+600% AD) Damage. And that's only if not a single shot crits. With crit she deals up to 600 (+1200% AD) Dmg on a SINGLE spell. 1200% scaling on one spell is more than overloaded if you ask me. And that same spell is on a 3 second cooldown and only "capped" by her Style, which only is a problem in low elo because high elo players already spell weave on every champion anyways. So every 3 seconds she has that 1200% AD scaling ult up.
And again, that is only ONE of her abilities. She has 3 more and a passive that also deals dmg (two if you count her taunt)
But tbf: She has no broken mechanics that take 10 patches to fix (looking at you Akali shroud or Aphelios). Everything that makes her op is just dmg and dmg is easy to fix by just changing her numbers. That can be done during one patch cycle or even as a hotfix. She has nothing that needs to be removed completely like Akali shrouding in turret range or Aatrox' revive.
@@dragonheart1357 Of course shes balancable but her kit is unnecessary, why does she have a knockup, why does she need both bonus magic damage, crits on her abilities and movement speed(when she already has a dash with reset and an ability block), and why not still have a cooldown on her ult aside from the s rank.
Yes, her abilities arent unable to be balanced, but i just dont get why she needs to be SO INCREDIBLY OVERLOADED.
0:47 Me: Wow, that's like Devil May Cry
2:24 Riot: Hold my Beer, it's time for -Devil- Inferno Trigger
Yasuo: I'll try it your way for once...
Samira: Remember what we used to say?
Baron: DON'T DO IT!
Yasuo and Samira: JACKPOT!
give that to me
2:26 I heard that, Riot
Samira is Devil May Cry in League.
Sometimes it feels like the lol champion team is locked in a room with redbull, a homeless man, and no way out.
I just heard the passive and I can already imagine the meeting at Riot: "we want dmc audience"
They're not gonna get it, tho
Why would we play as this discount Dante in LoL when we can actually play DMC?
@Saitama thanks for strengthening my point, because that's more of a reason why DMC players wouldn't care💀💀💀
@@konstantinivanov1717 I'm a big DMC fan(played the first one around 2005 and then followed it since) _and_ a League gamer, and I must say, I love how crazy this party turned out to be 😂
Bcuz it's different game, league is MOBA.
"She can cast her ultimate -devil- i mean.. inferno trigger"
yea i noticed that
2:46 Pull my Devil Trigger
Am I the only one who finds this lazy and not smart at all? The whole Devil may cry reference? She doesn't feel like her own character anymore.
@@princeoflies8031 she wasnt her own character since the beginning, they literally made dante
@@princeoflies8031 gameplay elements dont, or shouldnt affect her characterization. Only her characterization should affect her gameplay (ie fiddlesticks is scary, so he has a fearing effect).
I think the S rank is neat but i understand how it could be considered too similar, but Dante and her look nothing alike
Man, I counted every Devil May Cry reference and I got you on 4 guys! Gotta say, def makes me want to play the champ lol
more like rip off
Phreak: "teamfights is where samira really gets lit"
Also Phreak: "How do you do fellow kids?"
Jinx Passive: Move faster for a bit after you kill a champ/take an objective.
Samira Passive: The entire lore of Kingdom Hearts spoken in Klingon
Did not expect to find a KH reference here... Nice
So this is Samira's ability
BUT she can do this!
and this!
and this!
and this!
Almost like every new champion lately...
Yasuo: Show me your motivation
"The Desert Rose"
Sting: "Huh, did someone say something"
Mundo's Passive: Health Regen
Garen's Passive: Health Regen on steroids
Hecarim's Passive: Go Fast = Deal Damage
Rammus' Passive: Go Armor = Deal Damage
Nami's Passive: Abilites on allies = Move fast, Ultimate on allies = Move faster
Leona's Passive: Abilites on enemies = Allies deal more damage
Aphelios' Passive: *OVERUSED JOKE* Guns, and more guns and a whole lotta more guns
Samira's Passive: Book one, Chapter 1 of 240, "Innate" ...
Sivir's passive: Land hit, go fast
Tristana's passive: Level up, reach up
Soraka's passive: Go fast when ally low
Morgana's passive: Spell vamp
Nasus' passive: Regular lifesteal
J4's passive: First hit hits harder
Jhin passive: Gun needs to be reloaded, last shot stronk, crits giv speed but do less...
Viktor passive: starts off with an upgradeable core
Reksai passive: borrow = heal
Darius passive: hit = bleed
Gragas passive: use abilities to heal(has a moderate cooldown)
Moakai passive: hit to heal(has a moderate cooldown)
Jax passive: hit to get atk speed
Singed passive: go next to other champs to move faster
Vel'Koz passive: put stacks for true damage.
Vayne passive: move speed toward enemies.
Jinx passive: got a kill, go fast.
Lee Passive: refund energy, atk speed.
zed passive: execute damage.
yasuo passive: shield
janna passive: allies fast toward you
teemo passive:
shyvana passive: kill drake, get mr and armor.
Edit: corrected vayne's passive.
@@WalidNasri Not to be rude, but Vayne's passive makes her go faster towards visible enemy champs in a certain range, what you mentioned is her W, which is also a passive, but not her actual passive.
@@max-potato-muncher yeah that's true, forgot about that. Thank you for correcting me.
"this spell has no cooldown"
Thanks riot, AOE 69420 dps has no CD.
Yes, but you have to get your combo to full to use it, meaning if people like Caitlyn, Kindred, Tristana or anybody who can extend their aa range, position themselves correctly, she's countered. Not to mention she is incredibly squishy when she isn't using her ulti. So many people moan about her being broken, if you out-range her she's literally useless cause her entire combo relies on closing the gap, just treat her like an assasin and she dies.
try to get out of range with dash that resets on kill gl dude
@@AmeLem The dash has a shorter range than her aa range. If you struggle to stay out of range of that as a Caitlyn then YOU'RE the problem, not her.
@@AmeLem Also you made no comment on the ulti cooldown, you just went straight for the comment about her dash which wasn't even a topic point.
@ZrPd About what? He made a comment about the ultimate and then a false comment about her dash, what was he right about? 😂
The "switch between melee and ranged" thing is interesting. The Q is kinda vanilla, which is honestly fine - it doesn't even need the combo with E that it has. The W is pretty unique. The E is basically an Akali ult, and the R is a straight up Katarina ult.
so GP forgot to pull out of MF and kata raised the baby
this comment makes so much sense
Didnt gp kill mf's parents
@@Manisfast yep
@@Manisfast What do you think he did after?
For how much they seem to want Samira associated with DMC, she reminds me of Bayonetta a lot more, seeing how her skills focus on her guns instead of her sword. I mean, even her stinger is a kick instead of a stab.
I mean Dante is a swordmaster and all, but he is a gunslinging cowboy expy first. He tends to gravitate more to gunplay then swordplay.
@@grizzlymelon8376 it feels to me like Dante when he's playing around gravitates towards his guns but when he gets serious he pulls out his sword.
@@azidal3755 Pretty much. Though in the anime it's shown that he becomes op to the point even his guns one shot demons, since he also uses demonic energy as bullets.
Remember Dmc 2 or just Gunslinger Style Maxed in Dmc 3. Royalguard is broken but Gunslinger is just behind it.
Underrated comment, hope it blows up
Better than all the puns from Phreak combined in this video :)
Dont worry, she'll be picked from us by every mid and top main :)
Yeah man, they decide to release Samire when Vayne with her kit is still there. The meta is gonna be reeeeeeeeeeealy fun in the next month.
How dare you hide that in the Show more tab!
she said "Dante? Never heard of him. Bayonetta? Who?? OH that's my performer name."
bruh imagine playing kogmaw adc in 2020 with all these hyper mobile champs KEKW.
Also semira is a cool name of an ancient Assyrian princess Semiramis.
imagine using kekw in a youtube comment
Just get a thingy called Lulu and your Life will be easier
I mean if you play Kog Lulu vs her and she dashes in, she will probably die during the Poly duration past 6.
I am a Kog'Maw main. It hurts.