Seriously, not at all, that's the majority of the fandom! I don't even support Sayaka/Kyosuke (I think he's really dense and didn't treat Sayaka well after all she did to support him, but that's my opinion). It even says in the production notes that Sayaka would probably not be happy if they were together because he would do something like stand her up for the violin. Even though I try to avoid yuri, Sayaka/Kyoko and Oktavia/Ophelia are A LOT more cannon and possible. ^^
Yea She sacifice alot but she didn't tell him and this is important since hetomi is more willing to confess her love for him and face the possibility of getting reject like madoka's mom says in the beginning a boy who doesn't confess his feeling in person is worthless
Sayaka es mi personaje favorito del anime, quizá por lo fácil que es identificarse con ella si una persona por la que darías tu propia vida te desprecia y te cambia por otra que sin esfuerzo alguno logró más en una semana de lo que tu has hecho en meses o incluso años. Por eso es tan humana, por eso pierde el rumbo de su vida, porque su sentido precisamente era esa persona amada, y al ver que esta persona no siente lo mismo simplemente pierdes el rumbo y la dirección de tu vida.
I don't know how anyone really could after the pain she suffered because of him and her so called "friend" (I don't care if she gave her one day, that's not enough time to confess the love you had for most of your life and Hitomi knew that, anyone with half a brain knows that).
SilenceGlaiveMaster Hitomi is a a good girl, she just didn't understand Sayaka's fellings. And if she had no iniciative the boy wasn't hers to keep, Hitomi well could go there and stab Sayaka's eyes (where I came fro this means basically steal ur friends crush but anyways) but she warned her. U have a point, 1 day is not nearly enought to confess a whole life love, but that's exactly THE poin. Sayaka had her whole life, not only 1 day. Hitomi just gave her a "now or never"
And I don't care what you say -- most people I know wouldn't have given her any time at all, they'd just have confessed to Kyōsuke and said tough luck to Sayaka. Hitomi is more mature than most 14-year-olds I've seen in my life.
Can someone plis give me link to that pict. The one in the thumbnail. I like that one and het the link in the description doesn't have this one due to the owner remove it or something. Thanks
Ophelia is the official witch form for Kyoko and is described as the Witch of Wudan and has the nature of abandonment. It was revealed in the PSP game Madoka Portable (which was written by the production team from the show) and designed by Inu Curry (the one who designs all the witches). If Homura kills Oktavia on her own Kyoko will fall into despair because she feels like being a magical girl is meaningless. The Puella Magi wiki has all the information if you're curious. Mami's witch form is also revealed in the game as Candeloro and you need to read her whole backstory revealed in the game to know the first possibility which can also be found on the wiki
you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain...
Such is the fate of a magical girl
This is the most beautiful arrange I have heard in my existence, thus far.
2:07 that picture is perfect for the sudden change in music :D
After so long, I have found it.
Seriously, not at all, that's the majority of the fandom! I don't even support Sayaka/Kyosuke (I think he's really dense and didn't treat Sayaka well after all she did to support him, but that's my opinion). It even says in the production notes that Sayaka would probably not be happy if they were together because he would do something like stand her up for the violin. Even though I try to avoid yuri, Sayaka/Kyoko and Oktavia/Ophelia are A LOT more cannon and possible. ^^
I don't think he was aware of how much Sayaka was doing for him, but that's just my opinion, too. I'm a big Sayaka-Kyōko fan BTW.
Yea She sacifice alot but she didn't tell him and this is important since hetomi is more willing to confess her love for him and face the possibility of getting reject like madoka's mom says in the beginning a boy who doesn't confess his feeling in person is worthless
Sayaka es mi personaje favorito del anime, quizá por lo fácil que es identificarse con ella si una persona por la que darías tu propia vida te desprecia y te cambia por otra que sin esfuerzo alguno logró más en una semana de lo que tu has hecho en meses o incluso años. Por eso es tan humana, por eso pierde el rumbo de su vida, porque su sentido precisamente era esa persona amada, y al ver que esta persona no siente lo mismo simplemente pierdes el rumbo y la dirección de tu vida.
I don't know how anyone really could after the pain she suffered because of him and her so called "friend" (I don't care if she gave her one day, that's not enough time to confess the love you had for most of your life and Hitomi knew that, anyone with half a brain knows that).
SilenceGlaiveMaster Hitomi is a a good girl, she just didn't understand Sayaka's fellings. And if she had no iniciative the boy wasn't hers to keep, Hitomi well could go there and stab Sayaka's eyes (where I came fro this means basically steal ur friends crush but anyways) but she warned her. U have a point, 1 day is not nearly enought to confess a whole life love, but that's exactly THE poin. Sayaka had her whole life, not only 1 day. Hitomi just gave her a "now or never"
And I don't care what you say -- most people I know wouldn't have given her any time at all, they'd just have confessed to Kyōsuke and said tough luck to Sayaka. Hitomi is more mature than most 14-year-olds I've seen in my life.
En cerio esta canción me pone muy melancolico
Do you want me to break in tears ?
Can someone plis give me link to that pict. The one in the thumbnail. I like that one and het the link in the description doesn't have this one due to the owner remove it or something. Thanks
I feel so bad for Sayaka. How about everyone else?
I relate to Sayaka. Feel bad for me, please.
+UnendingEmpire Who is Ophelia?
Ophelia is the official witch form for Kyoko and is described as the Witch of Wudan and has the nature of abandonment. It was revealed in the PSP game Madoka Portable (which was written by the production team from the show) and designed by Inu Curry (the one who designs all the witches). If Homura kills Oktavia on her own Kyoko will fall into despair because she feels like being a magical girl is meaningless. The Puella Magi wiki has all the information if you're curious.
Mami's witch form is also revealed in the game as Candeloro and you need to read her whole backstory revealed in the game to know the first possibility which can also be found on the wiki
I knew about Mami but not about Sakura-san yet o: Thankies. :3
No problem! ^^
kyouko's witch