Very timely on this one, Margery! Just yesterday I finally started weaving on a warp that called for me to fix a threading error, fix two denting errors and then again a threading error. And of course I had to tie on and start to weave before discovering each next error. 😢Time consuming but worth it in the long run!
I wouldn't have changed it either. I think your work is beautiful. Thank you for sharing. What is the type and brand name of your shuttle. I would like to buy one like it. My second request. Thank you.
I believe this is a mixed twill. You weave twill and add tabby. I did a whole series from picking yarn from your stash to completed project. This is from that series called Weaving Yarn to Fabric. Here is the link to part one
Very timely on this one, Margery! Just yesterday I finally started weaving on a warp that called for me to fix a threading error, fix two denting errors and then again a threading error. And of course I had to tie on and start to weave before discovering each next error. 😢Time consuming but worth it in the long run!
I hope to do more. Need to remember to turn the camera on while fixing an error.
It's a lovely fabric. What you with 12 yards? I learn so much from your videos. I weave and can always pick up tips and tricks from you.
Wonderful! Yes this one warp was probably 12 yards.
I wouldn't have changed it either. I think your work is beautiful. Thank you for sharing. What is the type and brand name of your shuttle. I would like to buy one like it. My second request. Thank you.
Thank you so much! The brand is Harrisville. I found this one fits my hand well and I like the weight.
I love the texture pattern, what is it? Love your videos 🎉
I believe this is a mixed twill. You weave twill and add tabby. I did a whole series from picking yarn from your stash to completed project. This is from that series called Weaving Yarn to Fabric. Here is the link to part one