Kudos to you! Very educational. Thank you for your endless efforts and dedication. Thank you for clarifying misconception and misunderstanding history of the flag.
This very good information on our national flag is a Christmas gift from our beloved professor. In now days, one don’t have to be Christian to give/receive Christmas gift (My own opinion), hence this info is a gift to all Eritreans. Any one who hasn’t subscribed to this channel is missing out a lot. I will share this info to those whom I know ask them to subscribe. A big thanks for these educational videos regarding to Eritrea and Eritreans.
I agree. I called so many of my contacts to not miss out on this great channel and its educational content. Followers of this channel not only learn history, but also critical thinking and how to debate and engage in logical conversations without the need to run their mouth with wild insults.
I'm Eritrean I know much history of East Africa and the Middle East I born in sudan I always get ask from friends (Eritrean) about geography history plotics around our country and my plotican view and they tell me that I know too much and smart but I always get silent when it's about my country I just hear we learn in the school but it was basic information I hope Eritrean with knowledge better to tell true history of Eritrea than to fight each others you are gebha or hgdef it's sad we don't have UA-camrs tell as history I think I subscribed to this channel negarit 6 month a go I really like this guy thanks Salih I'm leaning much from you.
Don’t worry. If you have a good grasp of regional history you can always find the missing parts like you are doing now. You are in a good standing and don’t underestimate you knowledge. It just needs to grow and cover missing parts which you are aware of and doing. I am glad I am of some help. Thank you
The new flag is illegitimate and the people were not consulted about it. The life of the flag is limited to the life of PFDJ and Iseyas. Thank you again for your very educational messages.
اخي صالح قاضي الفاضل تحياتي أرجو منك مواضيع مثل حلقة اليوم أرجو منك أن تعمل نفسها ب اللغة العربية لاءن عدد لا يستهان به من شبابنا لا يفقهون التقرنجا وذالك لظروف ولادتهم خارج الوطن وانا علي يقين سوف يستفيدون خاصة موضوع وطني تاءريخي مثل حلقة اليوم وفقك الله
المشاهدة بالعربي ضعيف جدا استاذ احمد شريف في اريسات مثال لذلك ما عندو مشاهدة لانو باللغة العربية 😐😔 اللغة العربية الان اصبحت لغة رسميه في الفيفا و يتكلم بها أكثر من نص مليار حول العالم 😊اللغة العربية ام اللغات و كلماتها موجودة في الفارسية و في التركية و في الإنجليزية و في الكردية و في العبريه و في التقرينيا و في الصومالية الخ ..... محباتي للغة العربية الغنيه 😍🖤🧡💖
عامل الوقت لا يسعف، ولكن مترجم بالانجليزي في موقع عواتى ومنه متروك للمهتم ولكن كان من الافضل اذا وجد متطوع يترجم لانني مع لللاسف لا استطيع تحمل اعباء اكثر
Hi Mr. Saleh, is it true Meley is supposed to be 11 leaves on the left side 11 on the right, 12 in the middle = 34 leaves. the 34 stands for 34 Christian and 34 Muslim that voted = 68 total parliament seat? This is what I was told by my elders. Can you confirm this is true? And why is that some of the blue flags don’t look like the one jebha carried. Did jebha change the flag or was it always 34 leaves? I noticed many of today’s blue flag wavers don’t use the proper meley flag that you have in your office. Thanks for your time.
Both are our flag this one is ours now many Eritrean martyrs died and are still dying for this flag🇪🇷 We shouldn’t see one different from the other. Whether anyone likes it or not ELM started the independence struggle it evolved into ELF then ELF evolved into EPLF. See this one and that one as demon and demonizing them is a childish game we Eritreans are one people with one flag and this is it.🇪🇷 It’s beautiful flag with a very good meaning the blood resembles the blood of Eritreans the green the pastures the blue the sea the yellow the gold minerals inside the country. No such flag has more meaning and beautiful colors as ours and I think most99% of Eritreans agree with me. Again this isn’t PFDJ flag but the Eritrean flag because all Eritreans paid atleast one part of his family blood to plant it in the UN and in our country. I only said this because lately many goons are using our country beautiful flag to divide us following the same divide and rule policy among the unionist and ertraNertrawyan days. May God bless Eri shikor and it’s people wherever they are🇪🇷😍
Btaemi Nexur meglexi btaemi nmesgnena . Edmen teenan dma ymneyelka. Gn hanti heto Ala deqas tkhelani bzaeba eza bandera ab ktema Keren ab bet tmerti awaled .yarett enttbrhalna ab qexali . Ymesgneka & happy new year
@@NEGARIT yqenyeley sle to tgediska mmlaska. Hetoy gn ab Keren nezia bandera sheytoma ab bet tmehri awaled ybhal . Bzaebeu afleto entleka knegrena ylabeweka
I was born in the late 90's and I have always been told that the meley flag represents only the extreme religious. but now I'm going to buy it and hang it on the wall in my bedroom.
I understand. You are young and you grew up surrounded by propaganda and partisan politics. It’s your fate not your mistake. But the good thing is you grow up, become a critical thinker and make up your mind freely. I am glad you are observant. Don’t give up your own views based on verifiable information. People like you give me hope. Thank you
Thank you for this video but You still didn't explain who chose this flag for Eritreans? Was it imposed on the parliament or Eritreans members of the parliament designed it? Is it fair to say Eritrean people chose this flag, when in fact they didn't participate or choose their representatives?? Some of the parliament members during Federation were chosen by the Ethiopian empire; can we really say they represented the Eritrean people? It is also important to cite or mention resources otherwise its hersay.
Thank you The parliament deliberated and chose it Haile Selassie appointed his rep but the parliamentarians were elected by the people from all parts of the country. Documents are in major libraries or the UN records.
Saleh hold on your horses. The whole video 23:49 you talked is to say that MELEY was ORIGINALLY Invented in ERITRA. Very good. You are right, Indeed. I personally believe like that. Like Wise no ERITREAN would like to hear "Temetswita" Our Parents were not Stupid to accept and used it to represent their straggle. I appreciate your elaborated efforts to convince us that the propagandists tireless efforts to make us believe the wrong way!
If the government was legal as a temporary government until 1997, and was legal enough to issue the new constitution then doesn't this make it legal to choose the new flag. Any how having under perspective all the issues we have to address as a nation, it as my belief that colours in our flag are the least of our concerns!
Least of your concern is not least of concern of others. And it’s not the colors but the principle of legal rights of the citizens and lack of respect for it. You will find that in the presentation, maybe you didn’t listen to it fully. The PFDJ was not an elected government but it based it’s authority on right of arms. Important national decision should be made by all the stakeholders not by a power with guns that over-stretched its mandate. Citizens must be assertive about their rights. If they are not, it’s “give them an inch they take a mile”. And that is what they have been doing. Neglect one think and you will be asked to neglect everything that follows as is evident in the last 30 years. Thank you
The swoosh sound from time to time is very annoying, as we could not focus on your useful and important information on your video and thaks for all your videos.
شكرا جزيلا الأستاذ صالح قاضي على هذه الحلقة المميزة، بالتأكيد قدمت معلومات قيمة وثرية ستفيد الجميع بغض النظر عن الإتفاق أو الإختلاف الناتج عن القناعات السياسية. أستاذنا الكريم كما ذكرت في سردك دعك من علم الدولة، قد تتغير اسم الدولة بكاملها ولا ضير في ذلك وهو ما تم في بعض الدول الأفريقية ودول شرق أوروبا وغيرها. صراحة ما يحز في النفس هو هذا التيه الذي يعيش فيه الإنسان الإرتري منذ الإستعمار التركي مرورا بالطليان والإنجليز ثم الإستعمار الإثيوبي والذي إنتهى في مايو 1991 م ، استبشر الشعب الإرتري خيرا بتحقيق الإستقلال بغض النظر عن التنظيم السياسي الذي أنجز الحلم ، إذ أن كافة التنظيمات الإرترية خارجة من مشكاة واحدة وناضلت من أجل هدف واحد وهو تحرير كامل التراب الإرتري وتأكيد سيادة الشعب الإرتري على أرضه وتم تحقيقه بفضل الله وتعاون الشعب الإرتري مع ثورته، حينها كان أمام الجبهة الشعبية فرصة ذهبية للأسف ضيعتها ونتيجة لذلك ضاعت كل الجهود التي بذلت من أجل تحقيق الإستقلال والعيش برفاهية وأمان في دولة لا تنقصها الموارد ولكن تنقصها قيادة فطنة تنظر لمصالح الشعب كأولوية. المواطن الإرتري أينما كان ومهما كانت ظروفه المادية على أحسن ما يكون إلا أنه يعيش مكسور الخاطر يتألم من الداخل لأن كرامة الإنسان في بلده الأم. نتمنى أن يتحد الجميع من أجل إريتريا لنكتب نهاية لهذا التيه ونعيش في دولة يسودها القانون والديمقراطية والمساواة بين كافة مكوناتها الإثنية ويكون لها شأن في محيطها الإقليمي والقاري والدولي، علما بأن إريتريا تمتلك كل الموارد الموجودة في باطن الأرض وخارجه بالإضافة إلى ساحل بحري مترامي الأطراف ولا تنقصها سوى القيادة الرشيدة. ارتريا تخسر مرتين ، الأولى بهجرة الشباب إلى الخارج والثانية بإجراءات لم شمل الأسر، ارتريا تستغيث فهل من مغيث. *هام جدا * الأستاذ الكريم ، يرجى عرض العلم الحالي لدولة إريتريا بصورته الصحيحة، إختلاف الآراء لا ينبغي أن يعمينا من عرض الحقائق .
شكرا علي التعليق الذي فيه اجماع وطني. ولكن النقطة الاخيرة غير واضحة بالنسبة لى. ماذا تقصد العلم الارتري بشكله الحالي؟ الم اعرض العلم الاصلي؟. يرجى التوضيح. وشكرا لك
@@NEGARIT نعم أستاذنا الكريم، في سياق عرضك للعلم الإرتري في مختلف الحقب ولكن عند وصولك إلى الفترة الحالية والعلم المعترف به دوليا ، هنالك خطأ في اللون الأصفر(غصن الزيتون) تحديدا عند الدقيقة الثالثة عشرة ، ربما كان خطأ غير مقصود من قبلكم أثناء المونتاج ولكن من الأهمية بمكان أن يعرض بصورته الصحيحة، اتفقنا أو اختلفنا مع الحزب الحاكم .... تحياتي وودي
THANKS መር ሳለሕ ዝፈልጥ ዘይፈልጥ ከከምዝመስሎም እዬም ትርጉም ዝህቡዋ ነሮም ሕጂ ግን እዝጊ ጥዕና ይሀብካ ጽቡቅ ገርካ ገሊጽካያ አለኻ። 💒🕌❤️🇪🇷❤️🇪🇷
ክብር ሐው ሳልሕ ብጣዕሚ አገዳሲ ዝኮነ ታረክ እዩ እዚ እዩ አቲ ሐቀኛ ታሪክ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይምነየልካ ።
Kudos to you! Very educational.
Thank you for your endless efforts and dedication. Thank you for clarifying misconception and misunderstanding history of the flag.
ሕጅ ግርም። መለይ እታ ሓቅኛ ባንደራ ኤረትራ። thank you wedi Johar ብጣዓም ደስ ትብልን ኣንቃሕት መደብ
Very good history 19 41 and 2022 iam 46 years old from eritrea keren thankyou
❤❤❤❤❤💯💯💯💯💯You are a king I couldn't say it better Fantastic👏🏾👏🏾🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷 Real Eritrean✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾
The moment of awareness when you say BLUE definitely a smirk which stamped on memory easily . Thaaaaaanks
Very few realized how catchy it’s. Thank you. I am already using #eritreablue in my comments. Thank you
All the time the best programme and educational I will thanks you for giving me free knowledge.
This very good information on our national flag is a Christmas gift from our beloved professor.
In now days, one don’t have to be Christian to give/receive Christmas gift (My own opinion), hence this info is a gift to all Eritreans.
Any one who hasn’t subscribed to this channel is missing out a lot.
I will share this info to those whom I know ask them to subscribe.
A big thanks for these educational videos regarding to Eritrea and Eritreans.
Absolutely agree 💯👍
Very true. Merry Christmas
I agree. I called so many of my contacts to not miss out on this great channel and its educational content. Followers of this channel not only learn history, but also critical thinking and how to debate and engage in logical conversations without the need to run their mouth with wild insults.
This is the very True story of olive blue, Meley/Kadra. I was asking my self why Wedi Qadi has one Negarit for kadra, never too late. Thank you Saleh.
Well articulated, informative, awakening presentstion. Hope it narrows the gap between us, to bring change soon. Thank you! Happy New Year.
Thanks for your contributions in transferring knowledge on Eritrean history.
Great explanation about our meley Eritrean flag💯👍👍👍
You are always amazing Brother Salh .JZK
Thank you Kibret yhabelna Yqenielna zihawey nayabohagoy sili zerakNi 🙏🏽🙋🏽♀️👍🏽
ከም ዛራ ማይ ዝጸረየ ዋሕዚ ንጹር መልእኽቲ ኢዩ። ከምቲ ዝበልካዮ ክምንበጽሕ ድማ ኣይንጠራጠርን!
አቲ ሰማያዊት አብ ደገ ሐዲርኪ ከም አራዊት። ሰመያዊት ባንደራና አብ ዓዳ ክትምለስ ቀሪባ አላ። እታ ናይ ህግደፍ ባንዴራ ክርኢ ከለኹ ዓቢ ዓርጌንዩ ዝረአየኒ 💒🕌🇪🇷❤️🇪🇷❤️
ናይብሐቅ ታርኽ ዘሎዋ አውልዕ ባንዴራና ታርኽ ንዘለአለም ይንበር ፡ሰላም 🤝 ፍቅር ❤️ ራሕዋ ፍትሕ ንሕዝብ ኤርትርያ ይኹን 🙏🏽 ምሕረቱ የውርደልና 🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽
Nice Christmas and New Year 2020 Gift - the History of Eritrean Flag
I like your openness. We have to unit to build our beloved country.
ሳልሕ ረቢ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብካ መምህር ዓቢ ስብ።
Thank you for the educational message.ኣቲ ሰማያዊት ኣብ ደገፍ ሓዲርኪ ከም ኣራዊት " ብ ወዲ ገብሩ ናይ 70 ታት ደርፊ"
Yase you are right my harowe wledane erterawe edma yhbeka 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🕍🕌🙏💯💯🎊🎊🎊🕍🕌🙏🎊☃️☃️🐆🐆♥️🇪🇷💞💐💐💐it is for you happy new year to you
Excellent, Saleh. Let's hope for the best.....
ኤርትራውነት እንደ ሓደረ ዝዕንብብ ክብር መንነት ዘልአለማዊ ክብርን ዝኽርን ንስዋአትና ምስጋና ንሐይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ ዓወት ንሐፋሽ
ዕድመ ይሃብካ ሳልሕ ጀውሃር ቃዲ ፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ፖሎቲካዊ ተሳታፍነት ስለዘየብሉ ብፍላይ ኣብ ትሕቲ ህግደፍ ሓደ ዓቢ ሽግር ኢዩ።
እዚ ንኡሽተይ ወለዶ ነዚ ክርዳእ ዝጽገም ዘጥርዩልና ዘለዉ ገደደ ።
Keep going teach your sons.
Thanks. I have to do it to relieve my conscience.
Thank you for every information we got brother Saleh.
ሰላማት ባባ ሳልሕ ደጊም ዚ ግዜ ናብ ክልተ ደምበ ዝገማምዓና ይመስለኒ ። ኤረትራውያን ኮይኖም ትግራይ ትስዕር : ተቓወምቲ ኮይና ኤረትራ ንኤረትራዉያን ብ ኤረትራዉያንን ። ከመይ መስለካ its me john from adi keih 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷 thanks
Thank u so much.
I'm Eritrean I know much history of East Africa and the Middle East I born in sudan I always get ask from friends (Eritrean) about geography history plotics around our country and my plotican view and they tell me that I know too much and smart but I always get silent when it's about my country I just hear we learn in the school but it was basic information I hope Eritrean with knowledge better to tell true history of Eritrea than to fight each others you are gebha or hgdef it's sad we don't have UA-camrs tell as history I think I subscribed to this channel negarit 6 month a go I really like this guy thanks Salih I'm leaning much from you.
Don’t worry. If you have a good grasp of regional history you can always find the missing parts like you are doing now. You are in a good standing and don’t underestimate you knowledge. It just needs to grow and cover missing parts which you are aware of and doing. I am glad I am of some help. Thank you
Thanks a lot for your information. Keep it up.
Thank you very essential info
God bless you
انها الحقيقة . والتاريخ لا يظلم أحد . تسلم اخي صالح جوهر. المزيد والمزيد علهم يفهموا . شكرا
Thankyou with respect
Thank you ! Perfect
اتمنى لكم دوام الصحة والتوفيق الله يبارك فيك أخي الحبيب على هذا معلومات ضروري و ومفيد جدا بارك الله فيك ربنا يكرمك
Yase you are right my harowe wledane erterawe edma yhbeka wade ertera 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷💯💯💯🐆🐆🐆🐆♥️🙏🙏♥️🐆🥂🔊☃️☃️🎊🎊🎊💐💐💐👍👍👍🕍🕌🙏💯🎊happy new year to you
Happy New Year Gadi. Great work very educational!!
Thanks. I am doing great. I think calls are still free!m😀Call if you are around.
Thank you our Teacher Saleh Johar keep it up
عشت ياعم صالح واطال الله في عمرك 🌏🌄
Thank you Saleh for important story still i love our old flag keep going for good job 👍👍👍
ኣገዳሲ ሓበሬታ እዩ ብዛዕባ ሰማያዊት መለይ እሞ የቀንየልና🙏🏽
ኣቦይ ኣብ ገዛና ዝሓበኣ ነይራቶ.
ወታደራት ኢትዮ.ክፍትሹ ክመጹና ከለው(ኣከታቲሎም ንኩሉ ገዛ ይፍትሹ
ስለዝነበሩ) ኣብ ንሕና ውን ዘይንፈልጦ
ይሕብኣ ነይሩ..ስጋብ ናጽነት 1991 ድማ ጸኒሓ ብፍቅርን ብናፍቆትን ንሪኣ ነርና..በዓል ዓባየይ ኣደይ ድማ መለይ እንዳበላ ይደርፋላ ምንባረን ይዝከረኒ❣️
እዚ እዩ እቲ ሓቂ። እዝኩሉ ጸገም ህዝቢ ታሪክ ስለ ዘየንብብ እዩ በብዝመስሎ እንዳከደ ጉድ ረኪብና ሕጅውን ባንዴራ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ከም ኤርትራውያን ፍልልያትና ኣቀሚጥና ንሓንቲ ኤርትራ እንተንቃለስና ኣብቲ እንደልዮ ክንበጽሕ ኢና።
Waw now we know,, thank you legend. GBU
Amazing enjera alem belae… excellent
الله يسلمك يارب
اجمعين يا رب
Thank you for education.
The new flag is illegitimate and the people were not consulted about it. The life of the flag is limited to the life of PFDJ and Iseyas. Thank you again for your very educational messages.
Very true
تشكر يا استاذ جوهر محباتي اليك 💓💓💓
Respect ! 🙏
ኣያና ሳልሕ ,,, መቸም እዚ ወሎዶ ከመይ ከመስግነካ ከምዘለዎ እንድዒ ? ኩሉ ግዜ ብሉጽ ስራሕ: እዋናዊ ጉዳይ ::
ተማሒርካ ኣለኻ ::
shukran katerr Habibna
That is our flag. ስድራ ብዛዕባ እዛ ኣውሊዕ ባንዴራ እዮም ክዛረብ ይሰምዕ ነይረ።
اخي صالح قاضي الفاضل تحياتي أرجو منك مواضيع مثل حلقة اليوم أرجو منك أن تعمل نفسها ب اللغة العربية لاءن عدد لا يستهان به من شبابنا لا يفقهون التقرنجا وذالك لظروف ولادتهم خارج الوطن وانا علي يقين سوف يستفيدون خاصة موضوع وطني تاءريخي مثل حلقة اليوم وفقك الله
المشاهدة بالعربي ضعيف جدا
استاذ احمد شريف في اريسات مثال لذلك ما عندو مشاهدة لانو باللغة العربية 😐😔
اللغة العربية الان اصبحت لغة رسميه في الفيفا و يتكلم بها أكثر من نص مليار حول العالم 😊اللغة العربية ام اللغات و كلماتها موجودة في الفارسية و في التركية و في الإنجليزية و في الكردية و في العبريه و في التقرينيا و في الصومالية الخ .....
محباتي للغة العربية الغنيه 😍🖤🧡💖
عامل الوقت لا يسعف، ولكن مترجم بالانجليزي في موقع عواتى ومنه متروك للمهتم ولكن كان من الافضل اذا وجد متطوع يترجم لانني مع لللاسف لا استطيع تحمل اعباء اكثر
BRAVO!!! Thank you!!!
Thanks 🙏 I don’t know before now I know about it
Woooooow!!! THANK YOU!!!!
Hi Mr. Saleh, is it true Meley is supposed to be 11 leaves on the left side 11 on the right, 12 in the middle = 34 leaves. the 34 stands for 34 Christian and 34 Muslim that voted = 68 total parliament seat? This is what I was told by my elders. Can you confirm this is true? And why is that some of the blue flags don’t look like the one jebha carried. Did jebha change the flag or was it always 34 leaves? I noticed many of today’s blue flag wavers don’t use the proper meley flag that you have in your office. Thanks for your time.
That’s a widespread belief among Eritreans but I am not sure of it.
This is the real story that iI heard from my family
Both are our flag this one is ours now many Eritrean martyrs died and are still dying for this flag🇪🇷
We shouldn’t see one different from the other.
Whether anyone likes it or not ELM started the independence struggle it evolved into ELF then ELF evolved into EPLF.
See this one and that one as demon and demonizing them is a childish game we Eritreans are one people with one flag and this is it.🇪🇷
It’s beautiful flag with a very good meaning the blood resembles the blood of Eritreans the green the pastures the blue the sea the yellow the gold minerals inside the country.
No such flag has more meaning and beautiful colors as ours and I think most99% of Eritreans agree with me.
Again this isn’t PFDJ flag but the Eritrean flag because all Eritreans paid atleast one part of his family blood to plant it in the UN and in our country.
I only said this because lately many goons are using our country beautiful flag to divide us following the same divide and rule policy among the unionist and ertraNertrawyan days.
May God bless Eri shikor and it’s people wherever they are🇪🇷😍
Thanks salh Johar lebam zereba
እስታዝ ሳልሕ ክብሪ ይሃብካ ስለቲ ከይሰልከኻ ከምዚ ዓይነት ዓቢ ምህሮ ትልግሰልና ።
Btaemi Nexur meglexi btaemi nmesgnena . Edmen teenan dma ymneyelka. Gn hanti heto Ala deqas tkhelani bzaeba eza bandera ab ktema Keren ab bet tmerti awaled .yarett enttbrhalna ab qexali . Ymesgneka & happy new year
ኣትሕዘኒሞ ዝፈልጣ እንተኾይነ ብታሕጏስ እንተዘይኮነ ፈቲሻ ከምጽልካ እየ
@@NEGARIT lebawi mesganay yqedmelka :- qexile ab Keren wehudat sebat awridom sheytoma ybhal Kmy u haqnetu
@@NEGARIT yqenyeley sle to tgediska mmlaska. Hetoy gn ab Keren nezia bandera sheytoma ab bet tmehri awaled ybhal . Bzaebeu afleto entleka knegrena ylabeweka
the picture you showed us is not of Gerges, he is Berhane minister of finance minister
I was born in the late 90's and I have always been told that the meley flag represents only the extreme religious. but now I'm going to buy it and hang it on the wall in my bedroom.
I understand. You are young and you grew up surrounded by propaganda and partisan politics. It’s your fate not your mistake. But the good thing is you grow up, become a critical thinker and make up your mind freely. I am glad you are observant. Don’t give up your own views based on verifiable information. People like you give me hope. Thank you
Aya Johar how can we contact you? I would like to have a chatt with you. The work your doing is much appretiated
I am on tweeter, messenger, and WhatsApp
ኣገናዕ ሓርበኛ ብጻይ ሳልሕ ጋዲ
መለይ እታ ሓቀኛ ባንዴራና ኢያ
Estaz Saleh ab hiwetka tiena abserahka asaleto yehabka 🌹❤️🥀
Bri good
Jigena memeherena sala xaerekum tefereyu. Alekume. Meneiseye. Tebarabirome
ያ ብሱል ሓሳብ
Shokorin Istaz ✌🌹🌹🌹👏👏👏
Well said brother.
ተዛሪብካ እኮ ግን ሎምስ ነዞም ትግርኛ ውን ኣእሚንካና በሓቂ በሓቂ✌️
እወ ሃግእርካ ስልትፈቱ'ዩ ኣነ እንታይ ወሲኸሉ ኢልካኒ:: የቀንየለይ
Thank you for this video but You still didn't explain who chose this flag for Eritreans? Was it imposed on the parliament or Eritreans members of the parliament designed it? Is it fair to say Eritrean people chose this flag, when in fact they didn't participate or choose their representatives?? Some of the parliament members during Federation were chosen by the Ethiopian empire; can we really say they represented the Eritrean people? It is also important to cite or mention resources otherwise its hersay.
Thank you
The parliament deliberated and chose it
Haile Selassie appointed his rep but the parliamentarians were elected by the people from all parts of the country.
Documents are in major libraries or the UN records.
Saleh hold on your horses.
The whole video 23:49 you talked is to say that MELEY was ORIGINALLY Invented in ERITRA. Very good. You are right, Indeed.
I personally believe like that. Like Wise no ERITREAN would like to hear "Temetswita"
Our Parents were not Stupid to accept and used it to represent their straggle.
I appreciate your elaborated efforts to convince us that the propagandists tireless efforts to make us believe the wrong way!
yap kemaka yebzehu Azmarino tentanika astemheroka betaemy moderyt thanks eri seb alewaa
Hhhhhuhhj was
አያና ሳልህ አጆኻ እታ ናይ ጀብሃ ባንዴራ ክትትከል እያ ብጣዕሚ ድፈትዋ ባንዲራ
ባንዴራ ናይ ጀብሃ ኣይኮነትን ናይ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኢያ
ብከመይ እንተ ዳኣ ኢልካኒ እዛ ባንዲራ ብዉሑዱ ካብ 1952 አያ ኔራ ሃይለስላሴ ኢዩ ብሓይሊ ካብ ኤርትራ ከጥፋኣ ፈቲኑ።
ጀብሃ ካኣ ካብ 1961ንድሓር ኢዩ ዝጅምር ስለዚ እዛ ባንዴራና ቅድሚ ጀብሃ ኢያ ኔራ ።
@@RimesRemo Eza hji zela ke entay godiluwa kedem niera bdhriu znebere kalsi bmntay ywkel ?
@@samrawitgerezgiher6478 እዛ ናይ ሕጂ ባንዴራ ዝጎደላ ነገር ኣሎ ኣይኮነን እቲ ርእይቶ እቲ ሓሳብ ጽቡቅ ገርኪ ተርድእዮ ንመለይ ግን ባንዴራ ጀብሃ ኢያ ኢላ ስልዝገለጸታ ኢየ ባንዴራ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሙካና ከርዳኣ ፈቲነ ።
@@RimesRemo eza hji zela eye zbelku
ናይ ኤርትራ ባንደራ ዳኣ🌷
If the government was legal as a temporary government until 1997, and was legal enough to issue the new constitution then doesn't this make it legal to choose the new flag. Any how having under perspective all the issues we have to address as a nation, it as my belief that colours in our flag are the least of our concerns!
Least of your concern is not least of concern of others. And it’s not the colors but the principle of legal rights of the citizens and lack of respect for it. You will find that in the presentation, maybe you didn’t listen to it fully. The PFDJ was not an elected government but it based it’s authority on right of arms. Important national decision should be made by all the stakeholders not by a power with guns that over-stretched its mandate. Citizens must be assertive about their rights. If they are not, it’s “give them an inch they take a mile”. And that is what they have been doing. Neglect one think and you will be asked to neglect everything that follows as is evident in the last 30 years. Thank you
07:07 1960 or 1950???
@@NEGARIT okay thank you ብድምጺ ግን 1960 ኢልካ 😂
Well said aya 👏 ❤
አብ መንጎ ስገም አብ መንጎ ስርናይ ቦቂላ አውሊዕ አድጊ መጺኡ ነየነተን ክብልዕ እዝጊ አርኤና መሪራቶ ክፍኝዕ " ወዲ ገብር "
salih johar edmen tenan yhabka
ጽቡቅ ሓቤረታ ሓው ሳልሕ
ሓደ ምልክት ሓደ ሕዝቢ ይፈጥር አዚ ደማ ሰጋብ ባይቶ ኤርትራ ተመስሪቱ ዘይለወጦ መለይ ባንዲራ አየ ሕጋወነት
Thank you negaret good topic
Good things coming to Eritrea .
Criminal Isyas his time is up .
The swoosh sound from time to time is very annoying, as we could not focus on your useful and important information on your video and thaks for all your videos.
A half second interval bothers you?
ክቡር ሓው አዛ ሰማያዎት ባንደራ ብደጀዝማት በየነ ዛህላይ ዓዲ ቀይሕ ተቐሪጻ ናብ ባይቶ ኤርትራ ምስ ቀረበት ብትርጉማ ሰማይና ባሕርና ኣውሊዕና ዝብል ትርጉም ስለ ዝሓዘት ንኽሊቲኡ ሃይማኖት ደስ ዘበለት ስለ ዝነበረት ትቕባልነት ረኺባ ዝበል ዛንታ ኣሎ።
ኣብ ኣይንፋላለ ዝበል መጽሓፍ ተመልከት።
Btami xbuq medeb aqribkalna yeqeniyelna
شكرا جزيلا الأستاذ صالح قاضي على هذه الحلقة المميزة، بالتأكيد قدمت معلومات قيمة وثرية ستفيد الجميع بغض النظر عن الإتفاق أو الإختلاف الناتج عن القناعات السياسية.
أستاذنا الكريم كما ذكرت في سردك دعك من علم الدولة، قد تتغير اسم الدولة بكاملها ولا ضير في ذلك وهو ما تم في بعض الدول الأفريقية ودول شرق أوروبا وغيرها.
صراحة ما يحز في النفس هو هذا التيه الذي يعيش فيه الإنسان الإرتري منذ الإستعمار التركي مرورا بالطليان والإنجليز ثم الإستعمار الإثيوبي والذي إنتهى في مايو 1991 م ، استبشر الشعب الإرتري خيرا بتحقيق الإستقلال بغض النظر عن التنظيم السياسي الذي أنجز الحلم ، إذ أن كافة التنظيمات الإرترية خارجة من مشكاة واحدة وناضلت من أجل هدف واحد وهو تحرير كامل التراب الإرتري وتأكيد سيادة الشعب الإرتري على أرضه وتم تحقيقه بفضل الله وتعاون الشعب الإرتري مع ثورته، حينها كان أمام الجبهة الشعبية فرصة ذهبية للأسف ضيعتها ونتيجة لذلك ضاعت كل الجهود التي بذلت من أجل تحقيق الإستقلال والعيش برفاهية وأمان في دولة لا تنقصها الموارد ولكن تنقصها قيادة فطنة تنظر لمصالح الشعب كأولوية.
المواطن الإرتري أينما كان ومهما كانت ظروفه المادية على أحسن ما يكون إلا أنه يعيش مكسور الخاطر يتألم من الداخل لأن كرامة الإنسان في بلده الأم.
نتمنى أن يتحد الجميع من أجل إريتريا لنكتب نهاية لهذا التيه ونعيش في دولة يسودها القانون والديمقراطية والمساواة بين كافة مكوناتها الإثنية ويكون لها شأن في محيطها الإقليمي والقاري والدولي، علما بأن إريتريا تمتلك كل الموارد الموجودة في باطن الأرض وخارجه بالإضافة إلى ساحل بحري مترامي الأطراف ولا تنقصها سوى القيادة الرشيدة.
ارتريا تخسر مرتين ، الأولى بهجرة الشباب إلى الخارج والثانية بإجراءات لم شمل الأسر، ارتريا تستغيث فهل من مغيث.
*هام جدا *
الأستاذ الكريم ، يرجى عرض العلم الحالي لدولة إريتريا بصورته الصحيحة، إختلاف الآراء لا ينبغي أن يعمينا من عرض الحقائق .
شكرا علي التعليق الذي فيه اجماع وطني. ولكن النقطة الاخيرة غير واضحة بالنسبة لى. ماذا تقصد العلم الارتري بشكله الحالي؟ الم اعرض العلم الاصلي؟. يرجى التوضيح. وشكرا لك
@@NEGARIT نعم أستاذنا الكريم، في سياق عرضك للعلم الإرتري في مختلف الحقب ولكن عند وصولك إلى الفترة الحالية والعلم المعترف به دوليا ، هنالك خطأ في اللون الأصفر(غصن الزيتون) تحديدا عند الدقيقة الثالثة عشرة ، ربما كان خطأ غير مقصود من قبلكم أثناء المونتاج ولكن من الأهمية بمكان أن يعرض بصورته الصحيحة، اتفقنا أو اختلفنا مع الحزب الحاكم .... تحياتي وودي
እስታዝ ሳልሕ ብጣዕሚ ጽቡቕ ኣስተምህሮ! ብዛዕባ መለይ ምንጋርካ ኣዚየ የመስግነካ። መለይ ናይ ኣቦታትና ባንዴራን ክብሪ ከም ዝግባኣን ምሂርካና። ሓደ ነገር ክነግረካ ግን ንሕና ብፍላይ ድሕሪ 91 ዝተወለድና ኤርትራ ሃገር ምስ ኮነት ኢና ኣርኪብናላ እዛ 🇪🇷ባንዴራ ድማ ምስ ፍቅሪ ሃገርናን ዝኽሪ ንእስነትናን ኣታሓሒዝና ነፍቅራ ኢና። ሰባት ናይ ኢሰያስ ዳበሉ ከቃጽልዋ ከለዉ ድማ ክብሪ ሃገርና ተደፊሩ ኮይኑ ተሰሚዕና ንቁጣዕን ንጸርፎምን።ንሕና ግን ከም ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ንክልቲአን ባንዴራታት ነኽብረን ድሕሪኡ ኣብ ዓድና እንተደሊና ብሕጊ ንቅይር ኢና ንብሎም። ስለዚ ነቶም ነዛ ዘላ ባንዴራ ዘቋሽሹን ዘቃጽሉን እንታይ ርኢቶ ኣለካ ክሰምዕ ደስ ምበለኒ!! Thanks and God bless you 🙏🏾🙏🏾
ኣይትኾሪ ኣይትጻረፍ ብዓይኒ ሕግን ንቡርን ሓድነት ህዝብን ረኣዯ:: እቲ ግብሪ እምበር ሕብሪ ባንደራ ኣይኮነን ባእስና:: ዘይሕጋዊ ድማ ክንቅብሎ የብልናን ብዝኾነ ምኽንያት