the leads on this record are gonna be the best. Patrick is freakin' beast on guitar... I sure hope he helps Ryan write the next record though, there needs to be more crazy riffing!
ok the only thing i hate about demon hunter atm is that they use floyd roses.....meh it's his choice and if they give him the sound he want's then i'm not complaining
What a nice studio...
@MrTheEvanS I agree completely. Patrick can use whatever he wants and it'll still sound amazing. So live with it.
the leads on this record are gonna be the best. Patrick is freakin' beast on guitar... I sure hope he helps Ryan write the next record though, there needs to be more crazy riffing!
lol, Patrick reminded me of Skwisgaar when he was practicing :P
its because all those days were drum tracks
we need demos of the album NAOW.
where's day 3 4 and 5??!!
Yeah. Maybe just for fanclub members or something.
back up vocals perhaps?
@mrmcevilweevil i would agree, floyd rose is terrible and a pain. but i dont think they effect sound that much.
LOL theres like five mics on that amp
ok the only thing i hate about demon hunter atm is that they use floyd roses.....meh it's his choice and if they give him the sound he want's then i'm not complaining
Arghh.. he was using a dean! i dont like those that much