4:35 In Russian the common way to pronouce Burberry is "Бёрбери" (Byorberi). Also it is really interesting that some people from Western European countries said that the pronunciation depends on how well the speaker knows the original spelling of the brand name. In Russian even if you know the original ("correct") pronunciation you have to stick to the commonly accepted spelling in order to be understood.
It’s probably depends on part of country where you from. Because in Tatarstan me and my friends often pronounce it as “Бурбери" (Boorbery) or “Барбери" (Barbery)
Most ppl here, who speak decent English tend to have very little to no (foreign) accent at all, rather an American one, I think it's partially bcs we got no dubbing here on TV or in cinemas (only occasionally for some children's shows intended for an audience below the age of 6) so we're pretty much exposed to native English speech from a young age.
I love the girl from Poland! She is not only uniting people but also she has super nice energetic vibe. She is funny and has a kind of sex appeal. She seems to be completely ok with her life, mind, body etc. You live your life well, do not ever change girl!
In Russia we say GERMES, because traditionally in Russian, the Greek god's name is pronounced this way. the Ancient Greek aspiration was transliterated as G. The same as Heracles - Gerkules, Hera - Gera, Homer - Gomer, Helios - Gelios, etc
C’est ce que j’avais compris de ce qu’a dit Taya. À savoir : le nom de l’entreprise ne fait pas référence au dieu, c’est le nom de famille du fondateur, Thierry Hermès.
Так сложилось что в русском языке некоторые английские слова начинающиеся с "H" произносятся как "G". Например Harry Potter мы произносим как Garry potter. Я не знаю почему так, но буквально все так делают.
@@big_bag_basket9991 Забавно что Emma Watson у нас Эмма Уотсон, а dr. John Watson - доктор Джон Ватсон. И в фильмах в зависимости от переводчика (хотя такой вариант я встречал реже), бывает Хэрри. Например в людыне павуке Сэма Рэйми я всегда думал, что друга Питера зовут Хэри из-за перевода, потом я понял что он Гарри. Так же и с Говардом-Ховардом Лавкрафтом, Хайзенберг-Гейзенберг, Миссис Хадсон, а пролив почему то Гудзон, хотя и то и то Hudson. Мы знаем Гекльберри Фина, друга Тома Сойера, а в америке Хаклберри
In Serbian, the pronunciation depends from region to region; whether someone has heard of that brand or not, and sometimes depending on whether someone knows the original language of a particular brand. Gucci - "Guči"; Chanel - "Šanel" (the accent varies, sometimes it's on a, sometimes on e); Burrberry - "Barberi" and "Burberi"; Balenciaga - "Balensijaga, Balenciaga"; Rolex - "Roleks"; Dolce & Gabbana - "Dolče i Gabana" (but often just "Dolče Gabana"); Givenchy - "Živenši, Živanši" (similar to original French but some may also read it to a lesser extent as Đivenći or Givenči); Hugo Boss - "Hugo Bos"; Yves Saint Laurent - "Iv Sen/San Loran" (sound similar to French and Russian); Versace - Versaće (same as Italian, some may say Versaći but to very lesser extent); Hermès - "Hermes". In Serbian we have "č"(hard sound) and "ć" (soft sound), this are two different voices and letters (Polish is the only Slavic language that has these two sounds as Serbian, the other Slavic languages have only č or some sound that is read something between č and ć).
There are no silent letters in Finnish words, that is every letter is meant to pronounce in the same way whether it's the first letter or the last letter. For instance unlike letter Y in English, the letter Y in Finnish is pronounced quite similar way as the German letter ü (U-umlaut). If "YES" and "READY" were Finnish words they are written like JEES and REDI according to their pronouciation. If a Finn pronounces foreign names with heavy accent, it is usually called as "Rally English" (rallienglanti). Originally when the Finnish rally drivers gave interviews to the international press in English they didn't care much about the subtlety of pronounciation.
Obviously, the pronunciation of brands is directly related to advertising. Guests also speak several languages and know the origins of the mentioned brands. If you change the words to something unfamiliar, the pronunciation difference becomes striking. For example, how differently the exact names of people or cities are pronounced. John-Juan-Jean-Gianni-Giovanni-Hans-Ivan-Jan. Eugine-Eugenio-Eugeni-Ywein-Owen. Frankfurt-Francfort-Frankfurto-Francoforte -Fráncfort
Гарри Поттер - Garry Potter. But Хагрид - Hagrid (with a bit harsher "kh"). Гиппогриф - gippogrif (greek root becomes "gippo-" in every word), but Хогвартс - Hogwartz. There is no consistency. Just a history.
Merry Christmas everyone 🌲, each time i heard the pronunciantion of a brand, especially the ones who are expensive, i try to speak as the original language, i like Gucci and Versace
As a Russian I've been training to pronounce words like American ppl, especially w/ accent from New York (as I know, there are several accents of USA, including New York's one). Sometimes I clearly speak without Russian accent, sometimes it's little bit harsh, especially when I spell such letters as "T", "C" and "S". I speak fast on my mother lang and on American English and that's why I sometimes don't notice how these letters sound 😅 And btw I noticed that when I speak American English my voice goes low. Have no idea, why
You certainly write English well. How Taya speaks in the video is pleasant to listen to, it's a nice accent, you don't have to try too hard to lose it. Slowing it down probably helps, English is like German, we speak fairly slowly compared to Spanish or Italian, for example.
О! Я заметила, что когда Юра Борисов даёт интервью на английском у него становится более глубокий и низкий голос, такой почти бархатный, более красивый, чем на русском. И у Даниила Медведева разные голоса на русском и английском, но не так сильно отличаются. Хотя большинство говорит одинаково на разных языках. Интересно от чего это зависит?
whenever I see that Spanish girl in these videos I am thinking about tv show FROM. she looks so alike that actress. btw in Serbia we usually say Versace as Italians but some would say with English letter "e" at the end
I really like world friend . However I have noticed the audio quality on the last few video that I have watched is below average and I hope that is fixed soon
I feel like “Russian girl” not really fluent in Russian, so many times I felt that she has pronunciation problems, but now I think that she just maybe mixed pr raised out of Russia. Her answers not really represent how we really say some words
Had to google a lot of brands. Turns out in Bulgarian we take the brand and phonetically spell it. So I've said Versace like in English because of social media but if I were to read it in my language it would definitely be the Italian way. This happened with every single brand name.
she didn't pronounce the H, tbh she didn't even pronounce the accent, she pronounced 'ermes, but the Italian pronounciation of that word should be er'mɛs. That's pretty similar to the real pronounciation except for the h. Anyway, a lot of commercials of these brands are broadcast in Italy in original language, so the commercial of Hermès, Chanel, Louis Vuitton etc... are in French, the commercial of Hugo Boss is in English, the commercial of Suzuki - well they say only the brand name - is in Japanese.
@@nicoladc89When she says it, I hear the H pronounced like in English and 2 open E sounds. Basically like the French pronunciation (ɛʁmɛs) but stressed on the first syllable with a pronounced H and a rolled R. It's interesting that the commercials for those brands are in the original languages in Italy.
@@Maivember nope. She did a very typical thing in Italian, especially in some areas, she almost geminate the first letter she said something like eermes. The syntactic gemination of the first letter is a rule in Standard Italian, but in some areas people geminate everything and in some other areas people don't geminate anything. For example "Da Vinci" is read "Davvinci", "A Casa" is read "Accasa" And the e are both Close-mid front unrounded vowel (é in Italian, the same of bed in Australian English), but Hermès has è that in Italian indicates the Open-mid front unrounded vowel (bed in Received Pronounciation).
There are Finnish letters Š (sh) and Ž (zh) borrowed from Czech, but they are rarely used, only with words of foreign origin such as Tšekki (Czechia) and Fidži (Fiji).
@@eowhiskass Сужу не по своему городу. Я увлекаюсь парфюмерией и знаю как люди произносят эти люксовые бренды в разных уголках страны. Причем, если бы она озвучила в том числе так, как говорит большинство, то вопросов бы не было. Но как она сказала "Барберри", "Хермес", "Гермес" - так говорит меньшая часть людей. Так говорят в основном те, кто не знаком с этими брендами. Многое зависит от того, насколько человек знает как звучит оригинальное название. Но, например, Guerlain никто не будет называть так, как это звучит в оригинале. А вот Burberry и Hermes многие озвучат приближенно к оригиналу.
It's interesting what Draga said, about training in front of the mirror to roll her R's (tongue too short, lol), because how come some languages/accents roll the R's? Where did this come from?
Hanna from Poland is cool and all, but I think she tried to make 'how my father who don't know any brands would say that' out of it all. She explicitly said 'maybe people shopping in Sephora or something would pronounce it differently' but yeah, that was the thing: how the brands are pronounced by people who know these brands:) And none of them was how people in Poland really pronounce them. I mean those who know them.
@@Faral-kf5et może nie wymyśla, a może rzeczywiście są w Polsce ludzie, którzy tak mówią. To że w twoich regionach mówi się w jakiś określony sposób, nie znaczy, że w całej Polsce jest tak samo
It’s kind of weird that the English has to qualify every name with … obviously we know the correct way but. Anyone in any country could know the correct way. It’s more interesting to hear what the average person says.
That would be like someone from Kazan representing Tatar instead of Russian. Also, brand names would likely be pronounced the same by a Welsh and English person.
You need to hire someone who knows audio. Everyone has a mic but 3 or 4 of them actually work. The volume is different between everyone. It's very difficult to listen to.
For most of these examples, people usually know where the brands come from and attempt an appropriate accent to say the name. In my case, usually unsuccessfully. But the thing is, "Hermes" is different. I personally am not aware of how a Greek person would pronounce the name of the messenger of the Greek gods if it's written in the Cyrillic alphabet (the Romanized spelling may be phonetically butchered, who knows?) so I'd have to go off of the English words "Her" and "me" and throw an "s" on the end of it. The Danish pronunciation makes sense to me, with the English long "a" sound for "e", like in German. Her accent sounds the closest to what we sound like in Wisconsin, I wouldn't be surprised if she spent some time in the USA.
There is a problem with the pronunciation of the brand name "Hermes" in russian. If a russian reads "Hermes" by letters, then the first letter would sound like KH, the second like E and the third R - "KHER". The sound of other letters doesn't matter because these three letters form a word that means a male sexual organ in a very obscene form. So after that all the magic of luxury disappears. I think the brand's marketers know this problem and they suggested reading the first letter as G. Therefore in Russia they pronounce it as GERMES.
2 out of 10 mics are working. This is progress for this channel. 😅
Наоборот, два из десяти не работали. Дания и Сербия пострадали
That drunken audio editor, though…
Bro it is my alarm clock sound (part of) on 1:44 😭 it is disturbing to me everytime i hear it
Это звукорежиссёр и ассистенты пьяные. Их микрофоны плохо работали
I love the Polish girl, she’s such a vibe 😂❤
4:35 In Russian the common way to pronouce Burberry is "Бёрбери" (Byorberi).
Also it is really interesting that some people from Western European countries said that the pronunciation depends on how well the speaker knows the original spelling of the brand name. In Russian even if you know the original ("correct") pronunciation you have to stick to the commonly accepted spelling in order to be understood.
да она уже в каком видео говорит не так , как говорят в России. Возможно давно уже не жила в рф или вовсе не жила толком
@@ГогаКут Да она вообще не с Рассеи. А может и не с Земли. А может и не человек.
In my environment everybody says Barberi (Барбери), sometimes I hear the variation Börberi (Бёрбери), but not really often.
so kind of like japnese id imagine
It’s probably depends on part of country where you from. Because in Tatarstan me and my friends often pronounce it as “Бурбери" (Boorbery) or “Барбери" (Barbery)
Omg Draga!!!!! I MISSED HER.
Hands on the table, young man!
Hips don't lie, but you can see those tight jeans better in the previous video. :P
Draga is a charming woman
@@fabricio4794 she's also language wise
@@ioniamapping8874 she is Ana s(from Brasil)friend
Draga seems very intelligent and other than the girl from Wales, her English is closest to a native level.
Most ppl here, who speak decent English tend to have very little to no (foreign) accent at all, rather an American one, I think it's partially bcs we got no dubbing here on TV or in cinemas (only occasionally for some children's shows intended for an audience below the age of 6) so we're pretty much exposed to native English speech from a young age.
All girls are gorgeous. Happy holydays, very good cozy channel.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Finnish girl had pointy ears and lived in middle earth
Oh she's really attractive
tolkien’s elvish was actually inspired by finnish!
What's problem with sound? Repair microphones for your guests, please.😢😮
I love the girl from Poland! She is not only uniting people but also she has super nice energetic vibe. She is funny and has a kind of sex appeal. She seems to be completely ok with her life, mind, body etc. You live your life well, do not ever change girl!
I Love Draga from Serbia too,she is Atractive to me...
@@fabricio4794yes, Draga is very smart well balanced girl :) Plus she is polyglot 😊❤
bulgarian, danish, russian is top3 for me, not that is relevant but funny all men notice these unrelated things
For me top 3 is russian, serbian, british, not necessarily in that order.
Omg thank you so much 🥹
The girl from Finland is so gorgeous and her smile is so pretty.
In Poland we say (Givenchy). Żiwąszi/Żiwęszi/Żiwążi
(Something similar to Russian and Serbian)
Slavic languages pronouncing 😊
Дживанши or Живанши :)
jakby ktos nie wiedzial jak sie czyta to by pewnie przeczytal Giwenczi
Thank you my Bulgarian fella you did us well ❤
I love your nickname and I think I know what it means ;)
The smile of the Finnish girl is great.
In Russia we say GERMES, because traditionally in Russian, the Greek god's name is pronounced this way.
the Ancient Greek aspiration was transliterated as G.
The same as Heracles - Gerkules, Hera - Gera, Homer - Gomer, Helios - Gelios, etc
C’est ce que j’avais compris de ce qu’a dit Taya.
À savoir : le nom de l’entreprise ne fait pas référence au dieu, c’est le nom de famille du fondateur, Thierry Hermès.
Так сложилось что в русском языке некоторые английские слова начинающиеся с "H" произносятся как "G".
Например Harry Potter мы произносим как Garry potter. Я не знаю почему так, но буквально все так делают.
@@big_bag_basket9991 Просто буква Г изначальнов начале слова читалась примерно как англйиская Hh․
@@Fandechichounette But perhaps his surname comes from the name of the Greek god Hermes.
@@big_bag_basket9991 Забавно что Emma Watson у нас Эмма Уотсон, а dr. John Watson - доктор Джон Ватсон. И в фильмах в зависимости от переводчика (хотя такой вариант я встречал реже), бывает Хэрри. Например в людыне павуке Сэма Рэйми я всегда думал, что друга Питера зовут Хэри из-за перевода, потом я понял что он Гарри. Так же и с Говардом-Ховардом Лавкрафтом, Хайзенберг-Гейзенберг, Миссис Хадсон, а пролив почему то Гудзон, хотя и то и то Hudson. Мы знаем Гекльберри Фина, друга Тома Сойера, а в америке Хаклберри
In Serbian, the pronunciation depends from region to region; whether someone has heard of that brand or not, and sometimes depending on whether someone knows the original language of a particular brand. Gucci - "Guči"; Chanel - "Šanel" (the accent varies, sometimes it's on a, sometimes on e); Burrberry - "Barberi" and "Burberi"; Balenciaga - "Balensijaga, Balenciaga"; Rolex - "Roleks"; Dolce & Gabbana - "Dolče i Gabana" (but often just "Dolče Gabana"); Givenchy - "Živenši, Živanši" (similar to original French but some may also read it to a lesser extent as Đivenći or Givenči); Hugo Boss - "Hugo Bos"; Yves Saint Laurent - "Iv Sen/San Loran" (sound similar to French and Russian); Versace - Versaće (same as Italian, some may say Versaći but to very lesser extent); Hermès - "Hermes". In Serbian we have "č"(hard sound) and "ć" (soft sound), this are two different voices and letters (Polish is the only Slavic language that has these two sounds as Serbian, the other Slavic languages have only č or some sound that is read something between č and ć).
All the ladies are so articulate and charming. I'm literally falling in love with Jenny and Laura though the accents and they are so cute
There are no silent letters in Finnish words, that is every letter is meant to pronounce in the same way whether it's the first letter or the last letter. For instance unlike letter Y in English, the letter Y in Finnish is pronounced quite similar way as the German letter ü (U-umlaut). If "YES" and "READY" were Finnish words they are written like JEES and REDI according to their pronouciation.
If a Finn pronounces foreign names with heavy accent, it is usually called as "Rally English" (rallienglanti). Originally when the Finnish rally drivers gave interviews to the international press in English they didn't care much about the subtlety of pronounciation.
Finns also like over explaining their language and culture to foreigners.
@@randomlee4308in this group Finnish was the only non-indoeuropean language. It makes sense to emphasize the oddballness.
It's similar in Polish. We also pronounce every single letter. But Finnish seems impossible to speak for me, very difficult language
JRR Tolkien, a philologist, used to claim that finnish was the best language he ever studied, and inspired his elven constructed one.
finnish kinda sounded a lot of the times how i would say those in hungarian. there may be some truth to that distant language relationship
Я так понимаю звукорежиссёр спился. Иначе я не могу объяснить то что происходит со звуком.
On est d'accord bro
Feliz navidad hermano 🎄🎅
@mondy3437a happy holidays! 🎉
@mondy3437aon z duzym prawdopodobieństwem obchodzi święta w innym terminie 🙂 Bezpieczniej życzyć szczęśliwego nowego roku
@@Faral-kf5et muito obrigado
@@Faral-kf5et, брат, не важно когда ты поздравил, главное что поздравил)
Это они ещё русское BMW не слышали!😂😂
Obviously, the pronunciation of brands is directly related to advertising. Guests also speak several languages and know the origins of the mentioned brands. If you change the words to something unfamiliar, the pronunciation difference becomes striking. For example, how differently the exact names of people or cities are pronounced.
Frankfurt-Francfort-Frankfurto-Francoforte -Fráncfort
Wait wait wait, Eugine is Owen?
My brokeass pronounce it like Temu, Walmart, Second-hand 😅
Same here 😂
What is going on with the audio lately? :/
Все девушки хорошие
girl thank you girls for filming can't wait to be in the filming 💓👻
I love this girl gang. Polish girl is such a nice vibe. She pulls everyone together
I love this chanel it's so funny and interesting 😂❤
La prise de son est parfaite ! Bravo !
J'entends ton sarcasme 5/5
@@Captainumerica 😉
In men's language we pronounse these like: EXPENSIVE
Hahahahaga 🤣🤣🤣, funny and true 👍
And expensive would be 'Skupo or Скупо' in Serbian. I wonder how other Slavs say it.
I've honestly never even heard about half of these brands.
@@RaveMasterSRBin russian скупой means stingy. Expensive would be dorogoy дорогой
this vid was good
All these Ladies are amazing, but the Welsh girl is out of this world :)
14:00 Harry Potter is turning into Garry Potterom in Russia 😂😂
Гарри Поттер - Garry Potter. But Хагрид - Hagrid (with a bit harsher "kh"). Гиппогриф - gippogrif (greek root becomes "gippo-" in every word), but Хогвартс - Hogwartz. There is no consistency. Just a history.
@@ilshat2955 Sergei Potterev and the world of Howitzerwartz..the land of "Magic Cannons"
it is Gary Potter in nominative case
С Гермесом просто - это же бог торговли у древних греков, на русском он Гермес, хотя он Эрмис, а в английском он Hermes.
Merry Christmas everyone 🌲, each time i heard the pronunciantion of a brand, especially the ones who are expensive, i try to speak as the original language, i like Gucci and Versace
Merry christmas hermano 🎄🎅 from 🇭🇹
What a beauty the young french lady is! But the russian, finnish and even the dannish young ladies are very beautiful !!
High pressure in your sack??
i know right, French girl is so beautiful af
What do you mean - "even"? She's the ultimate waifu
Please fire the sound master. Can't listen to it.
hey, he might be reading it
@@yyyy12344 so he better takes some notes : D
The smile of the Finnish girl is great
Что такого ambarrassing в имени Гермес? Тут нечего стесняться. Это историческое произношение имени древнегреческого бога в России.
As a Russian I've been training to pronounce words like American ppl, especially w/ accent from New York (as I know, there are several accents of USA, including New York's one). Sometimes I clearly speak without Russian accent, sometimes it's little bit harsh, especially when I spell such letters as "T", "C" and "S". I speak fast on my mother lang and on American English and that's why I sometimes don't notice how these letters sound 😅 And btw I noticed that when I speak American English my voice goes low. Have no idea, why
You certainly write English well. How Taya speaks in the video is pleasant to listen to, it's a nice accent, you don't have to try too hard to lose it. Slowing it down probably helps, English is like German, we speak fairly slowly compared to Spanish or Italian, for example.
@@EddieReischlthanks. But I have an aim to pronounce as much clear as it possible 😊
О! Я заметила, что когда Юра Борисов даёт интервью на английском у него становится более глубокий и низкий голос, такой почти бархатный, более красивый, чем на русском. И у Даниила Медведева разные голоса на русском и английском, но не так сильно отличаются. Хотя большинство говорит одинаково на разных языках. Интересно от чего это зависит?
@@СветланаПахтусова-й1в о, не смотрела его интервью. Надо будет глянуть) Сама хотела бы узнать
@@Vera_N_насколько я помню по школе в английском звуки нечёткие - вроде буквы " r" - будете их четко выделять -сразу распознают иностранку
Draga is back!
whenever I see that Spanish girl in these videos I am thinking about tv show FROM. she looks so alike that actress. btw in Serbia we usually say Versace as Italians but some would say with English letter "e" at the end
Finnish is such a pleasant language to listen to and a bit funny as well
Wow, another great video. Finnish language is full of surprises.
14:04 Они еще не знают, что у нас Гарри Поттер, а не Хэрри Потта
Гарри ещё как-то норм, но если им сказать, что у нас не Хёрмайни, а ГеРмИоНа, то попробуй объясни почему
@@Ogurets-i6w А еще легендарный ммдемс
Draga is all I'm looking at. ☺
12:13 that joke was so cool 😂
I really like world friend . However I have noticed the audio quality on the last few video that I have watched is below average and I hope that is fixed soon
I agree 👍 with the UK 🇬🇧 woman on where you grew up.
Interestingly Spanish and Finnish share two very characteristic sounds the thrilled R and the strong G.
yes really unnexpected similarites!! it seems that finnish has the same sounds for a,e,i,o,u as spanish but it probably has more vowels overall.
12:58 hell no, never heard anyone say Versaci in Bulgaria, ahhh, where do you find these people...
Same in Serbia, we say it Versace, no idea where the girl came up with Versaci...
She is probably from Varna, Burgas or Dobich bc we speak soft softish and add I even tho is a E
@ivo15666 nah, I heard her speaking in other videos. She doesn't have an Eastern Bulgaria accent.
If you go to Pernik they will say Versaci hahah, I have heard the Valenciaga thought, I think people confuse it with Valencia.
@@georgigeorgiev2782 who will say it? the roma people there? 😂 if you think they represent Bulgaria...
Our european ladies
They got attractive looking young women together and made them talk about luxury brands.🤔
And I watched it😆
Well played!
I feel like “Russian girl” not really fluent in Russian, so many times I felt that she has pronunciation problems, but now I think that she just maybe mixed pr raised out of Russia. Her answers not really represent how we really say some words
5:20 very high finnish accent and i love it. They have so many doubling letters in their language like ää, uu, ii and so on
(about Versace) "this one is controversial"
Hugo Boss: am I a joke to you?
Had to google a lot of brands. Turns out in Bulgarian we take the brand and phonetically spell it. So I've said Versace like in English because of social media but if I were to read it in my language it would definitely be the Italian way. This happened with every single brand name.
13:28 I'm surprised Italians pronounce the H in Hermès when H is a silent letter in both Italian and French.
In Portuguese and Spanish too, I think it's something that comes from Latin.
she didn't pronounce the H, tbh she didn't even pronounce the accent, she pronounced 'ermes, but the Italian pronounciation of that word should be er'mɛs. That's pretty similar to the real pronounciation except for the h.
Anyway, a lot of commercials of these brands are broadcast in Italy in original language, so the commercial of Hermès, Chanel, Louis Vuitton etc... are in French, the commercial of Hugo Boss is in English, the commercial of Suzuki - well they say only the brand name - is in Japanese.
@@nicoladc89When she says it, I hear the H pronounced like in English and 2 open E sounds. Basically like the French pronunciation (ɛʁmɛs) but stressed on the first syllable with a pronounced H and a rolled R.
It's interesting that the commercials for those brands are in the original languages in Italy.
@@Maivember nope. She did a very typical thing in Italian, especially in some areas, she almost geminate the first letter she said something like eermes. The syntactic gemination of the first letter is a rule in Standard Italian, but in some areas people geminate everything and in some other areas people don't geminate anything. For example "Da Vinci" is read "Davvinci", "A Casa" is read "Accasa"
And the e are both Close-mid front unrounded vowel (é in Italian, the same of bed in Australian English), but Hermès has è that in Italian indicates the Open-mid front unrounded vowel (bed in Received Pronounciation).
Gemination is the doubling of consonants. Which consonant did she double?
Draga is my crush
Dear Draga, if you are reading this, just know that no one would ever guess that you had any problems speaking as a child.
Kind regards!
There are Finnish letters Š (sh) and Ž (zh) borrowed from Czech, but they are rarely used, only with words of foreign origin such as Tšekki (Czechia) and Fidži (Fiji).
In Serbian we have Ž(zh), Š(sh), Ć(tj), Č(ch) Dž(as J in word Jay) too 😊
3:42 The difference between the Welsh and Spaniard pronunciation of Burberry sent me ☠️ "berbree 💅" 🏴/ "BOORBETTY 🗣️" 🇪🇦
Feliz Navidad 💚🤍❤️🎅🏻
Igualmente 🎉🎉
@@ednadaniel9271 Gracias!
Feliz Natal!
@@lemonz1769 Obrigado!
Взаимно. С наступающим!
I see Serbian flag i click because i know Draga is gonna kill it
L'audio è perfettamente chiaro ! 😂
2:59 wtf is she saying, no one says as she said it fist try, everyone speaks as she said it second time
Забавно что мне почему то интереснее всего знать как говорят на русском, хотя я и так знаю)))
Она неправильно сказала про Бёрберри и Эрмес, именно так большинство произносит в России, а не так, как она сказала.
@@Daniel-qn4zv а у вас в России сколько кольцевых автодорог? То что говорят у вас в городе не значит что так же говорят даже в соседней области.
@@eowhiskass Сужу не по своему городу. Я увлекаюсь парфюмерией и знаю как люди произносят эти люксовые бренды в разных уголках страны. Причем, если бы она озвучила в том числе так, как говорит большинство, то вопросов бы не было. Но как она сказала "Барберри", "Хермес", "Гермес" - так говорит меньшая часть людей. Так говорят в основном те, кто не знаком с этими брендами. Многое зависит от того, насколько человек знает как звучит оригинальное название. Но, например, Guerlain никто не будет называть так, как это звучит в оригинале. А вот Burberry и Hermes многие озвучат приближенно к оригиналу.
The bulgarian one should've said the joke "Dolchi i Gergana" 😂
Вроде на каждой висит петличка, а звук будто с камеры. С петличек очень редко звук слышно
I'm glad I'm Polish, because this Polish girl is wonderful 💕😊
Idea for next video - cars brand
Ahhh Danish girl... ! Cheers from Poland.
I fell in love with Jenny fr
I did too, and not just because welsh sounds similar to the american accent.
The Russian girl kept on saying the brand names with any accent but Russian
ну преувеличили вы знатно, конечно, но да, было много моментов, в которых она не как россиянин произносила названия брендов)
Cant decide whitch girl is best all are so pretty. I'm Bulgarian
beautiful video❤
Yeah... And the audio is even better...
It's interesting what Draga said, about training in front of the mirror to roll her R's (tongue too short, lol), because how come some languages/accents roll the R's? Where did this come from?
У России акцент есть и половину слов вообще неправильно произносила
только тая так по русски говорит🤣
12:55 In this case we still pronounce E as E. Most Bulgarians are not saying Versace with "i" sound at the end.
Hanna from Poland is cool and all, but I think she tried to make 'how my father who don't know any brands would say that' out of it all.
She explicitly said 'maybe people shopping in Sephora or something would pronounce it differently' but yeah, that was the thing: how the brands are pronounced by people who know these brands:) And none of them was how people in Poland really pronounce them. I mean those who know them.
hope you could include Zara in this type of videos because no country usually come close to the original pronunciation
3 people mics are not working 😂
Polska jak mowimy CHANEL !? nigdy nie sluszalam pierwszej wersji, która powiedzialas. Wszyscy mowia SZANEL
To nie jest pierwszy raz kiedy ona wymyśla wymowę jakiegoś słowa i twierdzi że "tak mówią w Polsce".
Ja słyszałem dwie wersje: szanel i czanel
a jak ona w pierwszej wersji powiedziała? bo chyba trochę się przycięło
@@Faral-kf5et może nie wymyśla, a może rzeczywiście są w Polsce ludzie, którzy tak mówią. To że w twoich regionach mówi się w jakiś określony sposób, nie znaczy, że w całej Polsce jest tak samo
Ej stara to dźwięk ucięło, oczywiście że wszyscy mówią szanel, mi mikrofon nie działał przez pół nagrania 🤣🤣🤣
Красивые девушки!
Франция бы очень удивилась, узнав, что их Эркюль на русском языке звучит как Геркулес)
нет, дурик. французское hercule. происходит от греческого "Геркулес".
@ИринаИльина-ш7ъ нет, глупышка. В Греции Геркулеса зовут Ираклис
The Finnish girl sounds like Linus Torvalds
I don't know who that is but I love her smile and presence.
Linus is my Master(im a Linux Mint user)
@@Tar_kat Linux Torvalds is the new Bill Gates..
The girl from Wales does not have a Wales accent. I'm so confused.
she know wallish language?
It’s kind of weird that the English has to qualify every name with … obviously we know the correct way but. Anyone in any country could know the correct way. It’s more interesting to hear what the average person says.
13:58 I think no one say “Hermes” with H… usually ppl say “Ermes”
Рыженькая же из Уэльса. Почему она представляет английский, а не валлийский?
That would be like someone from Kazan representing Tatar instead of Russian. Also, brand names would likely be pronounced the same by a Welsh and English person.
@lemonz1769 до этого она представляла валлийский язык
Hello I am from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩
Interesting 👍
You need to hire someone who knows audio. Everyone has a mic but 3 or 4 of them actually work. The volume is different between everyone. It's very difficult to listen to.
For most of these examples, people usually know where the brands come from and attempt an appropriate accent to say the name. In my case, usually unsuccessfully.
But the thing is, "Hermes" is different. I personally am not aware of how a Greek person would pronounce the name of the messenger of the Greek gods if it's written in the Cyrillic alphabet (the Romanized spelling may be phonetically butchered, who knows?) so I'd have to go off of the English words "Her" and "me" and throw an "s" on the end of it.
The Danish pronunciation makes sense to me, with the English long "a" sound for "e", like in German. Her accent sounds the closest to what we sound like in Wisconsin, I wouldn't be surprised if she spent some time in the USA.
pretty girls!
I like the UK Girl 😂
Can you pls do a segment about foreigner and baybayin (first filipino script/way of writing)😊😊
There is a problem with the pronunciation of the brand name "Hermes" in russian. If a russian reads "Hermes" by letters, then the first letter would sound like KH, the second like E and the third R - "KHER". The sound of other letters doesn't matter because these three letters form a word that means a male sexual organ in a very obscene form. So after that all the magic of luxury disappears. I think the brand's marketers know this problem and they suggested reading the first letter as G. Therefore in Russia they pronounce it as GERMES.
How can I become a participant of this show? ❤️😂
In Poland most people say Shanel so I'm not sure if she knows those names. I never heard of 75% of them lol