They've already been doing marriage for twenty years. Been through trials and tribulations yet were be eachother's side. The marriage ceremony is just the formality to celebrate their love with their friends and beloved. Robin and Amber have the absolute best friends. Love this so much ❤️
No, you are wrong. It's most definitely not "just the formality", it's a whole new level of commitment and devotion. "Doing marriage" and actually being married are two completely different things, even legally but on many other levels as well.
I pray they turn from their sin before it’s too late. God never ever approves of relationships with same sex partners. How can they sit up there and smile, and kiss, and say they are getting married and say they are Christians at the same time? This is so wrong on so many levels!
“This” really brings people together to eventually overcome (make the adjustment) and support (in this together) each other It is a blessing in disguise. It truly is. Can I get an Amen?
Jesus says love your neighbour as your self and that is the Word of God and as your neighbour he means everybody no matter what your race, gender, religion or sexual orientation is he wants you love and accept everyone for who they are and not judge and discriminate them.
Because you have no real morals or values. You ride the tide wherever it goeth. If the world says jump you say how high and if someone refuses to follow suite you accuse them of being irrationally fearful. Same old story.
A man shall leave his father’s house and be united to his wife. That is the definition of marriage by the founder and creator of it, the one who created mankind. Anything outside of that is a pervasion and sin. God is gonna punish not only those who take part in such but also those who take pleasure in such sin. God will judge.
Yeah, I guess Robin and Amber will be in line amongst all the killers, rapists and child neglectors when meeting their maker. Mow go repent for being a hater and against love and respect. You are part of why society is failing.
Never thought in a million years, that on national Television, you see two women, have a bachelorette party, or for that matter, Two women, would use a national primetime ABC, to have a party for two women .why did you have to use the whole show for their wedding party, that should have done in private, I knew niece would be their, she has lost a lot of fans, since she married a woman, that dress niecy had on look so cheap!...why do we have to be subject to peoples, wives, their love life.this should have not been done in their own home in private, This was really shameful...I was shocked & really pissed off ..Im shocked at ABC..😮
@@nicoletrudell2065and you seem very Spiritually and BIBLICALLY illiterate about life and the world NOT KNOWING you will breath your last and Stand before a HOLY God whether you believe or not. Many dying left and right and will answer for what they have DONE to the temple God gave AGAIN it doesn't matter if you believe or not YOU WILL DIE AND BREATH NO MORE EVENTUALLY
Congrats Amber and Robin.may you have many more happy years together. You can get through any challenges if you do it together. From Judy and Carol ( 31 years together)
Congratulations!!!! To you guy's in marriage, as my wife and I the Mrs. Mrs. Weber family here, send lot's of love and best of wishes and May God forever bless!! You both and you family!!!!
This is ashame before God, two lesbians marrying going against God's word. I hope this is worth going to hell for. How can the same sex person feels this is normal. I'm glad I am not employed there, I would lose my job. I see why hell has been enlarged. I pray they'll one day find Jesus.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
I Love Robin ❤ She's a beautiful person inside & out. GOD has brought her thru so much and It's great to see her in excellent health and so Happy!! GOD Bless u.
Go preach to all he criminals in the world, killing, raping, stealing, neglecting children. I'm sure God sees the "love" not the hate you are spewing, Idiot!
If people would just put gender to the side and see the love and genuine respect, we would be in a much better place. Robin is always so caring and nurturing to everyone she meets and deserves that in return. So what if it is with a woman! Let her happiness be enough for you!! ❤❤
HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD: . Jude 1:7 ~ Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. Romans 1:26-28 ~ For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
@@nicoletrudell2065no. Homosexuality is an abomination and I haven't seen any baby come out saying they want to be gay or Lesbians. God made MALE AND FEMALE. The word of God doesn't change and yes very few are born with both organs but IT RARE OR BORN eunuchs...... THIS IS PURE BLASPHEME ABOMINATION Man rebellion Against a holy CREATOR.
So Tj Holmes and Amy were booted for adultery, but we have no issue with perversion. This company tries to play the moral code in what world? What does the Bible say or better yet what is God’s word on such a union.
God will bless them opposed to welcoming all the criminals, adulterers, haters (like yourself). Time to repent your vicious comments against love, support and respect.
Jesus says love your neighbour as your self and that is the Word of God and as your neighbour he means everybody no matter what your race, gender, religion or sexual orientation is he wants you love and accept everyone for who they are and not judge and discriminate them.
I'm so happy for the two of you. Congratulations on your up coming vows. You two look so beautiful together. I want to wish you all the best. 😍🤗💓💕💝💞💗💚❣
Proverbs 6:16-19 lists seven things which are also abominations: "haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers."
All sin is wicked. RObin, like us all, needs to repent of her sins and trust in Jesus. Hell is not worth a few decades of sin that in the end brings death.@@godisgoodgodisgood8941
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
But they where allowed to use a national primetime show l, which ABC.. this was shocking, I don't want my young nieces & nephews watching this & thinking its okay Its not okay..I don't care who Robin Roberts is...She got enough money where she could have had it at her own home!!..
Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her
Trans girls maybe, they're BOTH MEN with MANDIBLE SQUARE JAWLINES of a MAN and probably same anatomy of a MAN in PLAIN hypnotizes us ALL with TRICKERY!!!
An interview with robin robert’s is always like “just a talk”.
They've already been doing marriage for twenty years. Been through trials and tribulations yet were be eachother's side. The marriage ceremony is just the formality to celebrate their love with their friends and beloved. Robin and Amber have the absolute best friends. Love this so much ❤️
No, you are wrong. It's most definitely not "just the formality", it's a whole new level of commitment and devotion. "Doing marriage" and actually being married are two completely different things, even legally but on many other levels as well.
They celebrate sin so openly. Sheep to the slaughterhouse
What is their sin, @@thinkandgoaloe2432 ?
What do you mean by that, @@TriciaRP ?
Good for them. Congratulations to you both, ladies.
They've both supported each other through highs and lows. So glad they've made it to this. Congratulations to you both!! 💍❤️🎉
I love that you shared your beautiful life experience with all of us!
I so love this!
I lost my wife of 17 yrs.
Watching this I cried and smiled.....
Enjoy your time in hell.
Such a blessing that they are sharing these special moments with us .
I pray they turn from their sin before it’s too late. God never ever approves of relationships with same sex partners. How can they sit up there and smile, and kiss, and say they are getting married and say they are Christians at the same time? This is so wrong on so many levels!
God do approve same-sex marriages. You can get married, in church, with God's blessing.
Agreed 100% 💯
Robin is such a ray of sunshine
6:18 “Lets move into the bedroom” 🛏️ 😂
Robin is an absolute gem!
American ICON
You mean robert? 😂😂😂😂
This people put a smile on my face love how yall are family and congratulations to Robin & Amber ❤😍
“This” really brings people together to eventually overcome (make the adjustment) and support (in this together) each other It is a blessing in disguise. It truly is. Can I get an Amen?
This is beyond disgusting-its REPULSIVE to watch this
@@Rasira2023There's no credible evidence to show or support a God in existence anywhere in reality.
We are all sinners so who are you to judge?
@@efraimalexander5378 God fearing sinners trying to change don't condone/approve/flaunt their sin as if it's normal.
Jesus says love your neighbour as your self and that is the Word of God and as your neighbour he means everybody no matter what your race, gender, religion or sexual orientation is he wants you love and accept everyone for who they are and not judge and discriminate them.
I just love this!!!!! Happy for them!
Because you have no real morals or values. You ride the tide wherever it goeth. If the world says jump you say how high and if someone refuses to follow suite you accuse them of being irrationally fearful. Same old story.
Oh my God! I remember when all TV was Black and White and here we are again. 😂
Congratulations!!! Many years of happiness ahead!!!
Does anyone not wish this marriage the absolute BEST?! ❤❤❤ Thank you, Robin, Amber and GMA Family!
Congratulations Robin and Amber❤... I can see the genuine love you two have for each's so beautiful ❤❤
Everyone? I kinda doubt that.
Lara is Number one and what a legend and such a pretty woman 👩
Who's brave enough to tell them about misguided compassion? If there's a heaven there's a hell.
well said.
That’s right! Jesus loved us and died but choice is ours. Choose wisely.
Such a beautiful caring couple!!! Congratulations to you both❤
A man shall leave his father’s house and be united to his wife. That is the definition of marriage by the founder and creator of it, the one who created mankind. Anything outside of that is a pervasion and sin. God is gonna punish not only those who take part in such but also those who take pleasure in such sin. God will judge.
Yeah, I guess Robin and Amber will be in line amongst all the killers, rapists and child neglectors when meeting their maker. Mow go repent for being a hater and against love and respect. You are part of why society is failing.
@mandlas4305 I agree 100% it's so true.
😆 just get some help
@@dianam9028you first.
I'm fine Jimmy 😉 @@JamesWillard1923
Always admired you Robin, wishing you and Amber a lifetime of love & happiness! ❤🌈🥂
Never thought in a million years, that on national Television, you see two women, have a bachelorette party, or for that matter, Two women, would use a national primetime ABC, to have a party for two women .why did you have to use the whole show for their wedding party, that should have done in private, I knew niece would be their, she has lost a lot of fans, since she married a woman, that dress niecy had on look so cheap!...why do we have to be subject to peoples, wives, their love life.this should have not been done in their own home in private, This was really shameful...I was shocked & really pissed off ..Im shocked at ABC..😮
Y'all seem very pressed about a show you don't have to watch and a video you didn't have to click on 😂
@@nicoletrudell2065 hush karen
Because someone in the top in ABC IS LGBT. trust start at the top and slime it way down!!!
@@nicoletrudell2065and you seem very Spiritually and BIBLICALLY illiterate about life and the world NOT KNOWING you will breath your last and Stand before a HOLY God whether you believe or not. Many dying left and right and will answer for what they have DONE to the temple God gave
AGAIN it doesn't matter if you believe or not YOU WILL DIE AND BREATH NO MORE EVENTUALLY
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven has come near. Matthew 3:2.
I hope all the killers, rapists and child neglectors repent as well, you idiot for being a hater, not a follower!
All I see is an abomination
All I see in you is homophobia.
@@efraimalexander5378 Phobia is a fear [and I doubt they have a fear of homosexuals]. A more accurate term would be homodisgusted.
2 beautiful Queens!
Best wishes to both of you ❤ Love really does conquer all ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Love Lara Spenser on GMA she is truly the greatest and driving force of GMA and has been for quite some time now
She is a beautiful woman love ❤️ Lara number one lady on GMA no questions
808's blood test , I was told diabetes, I don't have dementia 😊
afterlife will reveal the results.
😂 Bless your heart
Congrats Amber and Robin.may you have many more happy years together. You can get through any challenges if you do it together. From Judy and Carol ( 31 years together)
congrats! Ive been a fan of Robin such a great host, congrats to both!
Crying tears of happiness for you both.
I am too I'm so happy for them ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Niecy Nash looks amazing😍
Congratulations!!!! To you guy's in marriage, as my wife and I the Mrs. Mrs. Weber family here, send lot's of love and best of wishes and May God forever bless!! You both and you family!!!!
They say hell is not half full, it is about now. Hold the elevator operator got two more and those clowns 🤡 attendees to join them.
This is ashame before God, two lesbians marrying going against God's word. I hope this is worth going to hell for. How can the same sex person feels this is normal. I'm glad I am not employed there, I would lose my job. I see why hell has been enlarged. I pray they'll one day find Jesus.
It is normal. We're human. What works for you may be different to others. That's beauty of life.
Fabulous ❤️❤️👏👏👏
You are nuts 0:55
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV
if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
I Love Robin ❤ She's a beautiful person inside & out. GOD has brought her thru so much and It's great to see her in excellent health and so Happy!! GOD Bless u.
So happy for U both!!!! Love is a beautiful thing❤❤❤❤❤❤
God calls this "union" an abomination. He's not pleased.... repentance is available through Jesus.
Go preach to all he criminals in the world, killing, raping, stealing, neglecting children. I'm sure God sees the "love" not the hate you are spewing, Idiot!
God do approve same-sex marriages. You can get married, in church, with God's blessing.
The Holy Spirit does not approve this mess
@@Mimi502stu The Holy Spirit does not approve priests raping little boys, but it still happens. Why can't you be happy for people who love, not hate?
Congratulations!! Wishing you love and joy in all the coming years together.
They Both Deserve This Happiness..... Congrats To Both Beautiful Ladies 🤘🏽👌🏽🔥🔥❤
ITS AN ABOMINATION UNTO GOD. Woman was made for man and man for woman.😮
Make me shake my head how many congrats the couple . You're need to repent
You need to live and let live
If people would just put gender to the side and see the love and genuine respect, we would be in a much better place. Robin is always so caring and nurturing to everyone she meets and deserves that in return. So what if it is with a woman! Let her happiness be enough for you!! ❤❤
Awwwww they are so beautiful congratulations you two ❤
Congratulations from Southwestern Ontario Canada!!!
Congrats to both Robin and Amber!
Jude 1:7 ~ Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.
Romans 1:26-28 ~ For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
Homosexuality occurs in most species - all of which were made by God, correct?
@@nicoletrudell2065no. Homosexuality is an abomination and I haven't seen any baby come out saying they want to be gay or Lesbians. God made MALE AND FEMALE. The word of God doesn't change and yes very few are born with both organs but IT RARE OR BORN eunuchs...... THIS IS PURE BLASPHEME ABOMINATION
Man rebellion Against a holy CREATOR.
@@nicoletrudell2065are we animals? Lol😂
I always loved @RobinRoberts 🎊🇺🇸🎉
Congratulations robin and amber
This is beyond disgusting-its REPULSIVE to watch this
A beautiful love story 💕💕💕💕🙏🏽
Isaias 28
So Tj Holmes and Amy were booted for adultery, but we have no issue with perversion. This company tries to play the moral code in what world? What does the Bible say or better yet what is God’s word on such a union.
God will bless them opposed to welcoming all the criminals, adulterers, haters (like yourself). Time to repent your vicious comments against love, support and respect.
So true.
Jesus says love your neighbour as your self and that is the Word of God and as your neighbour he means everybody no matter what your race, gender, religion or sexual orientation is he wants you love and accept everyone for who they are and not judge and discriminate them.
Congratulations gorgeous couple🥰💙
Sending best wishes to Robin and Amber
Congratulations 🎊🍾🎈
I'm so happy for the two of you. Congratulations on your up coming vows. You two look so beautiful together. I want to wish you all the best. 😍🤗💓💕💝💞💗💚❣
Hello Julie
@@JustinCarl-dy7ni hi how are you doing?
@@julieproctor5455 So where are you from if I may ask?
@@JustinCarl-dy7ni I live in Maine. Thank you for adking. I hope you have a wonderful day.
@@julieproctor5455 Okay that's good to know.
Congratulations 🍾, I’ve Always Loved Robin Roberts.
Me too ❤❤❤❤❤
This makes me so happy
Good Morning America
Good Bye Journalism
This is so beautiful ❤
Congratulations ladies wishing you all the happiness in the world
1 corinthians 6:9 says gay sex is a sin. God created man and woman and marriage is for them.
Proverbs 6:16-19 lists seven things which are also abominations: "haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers."
All sin is wicked. RObin, like us all, needs to repent of her sins and trust in Jesus. Hell is not worth a few decades of sin that in the end brings death.@@godisgoodgodisgood8941
Niecy looks great
So happy for them
It's a sin
Priests who rape little boys is a sin but it still happens. Only difference here is, they love and respect each other
They are sickening
Wow congratulations ladies!!!! 😊🎉
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Amen. God has NOT changed His mind!
Awww this is so great,people celebrating wickedness..I’m in tears🤦🏾♂️
love love love this!!! congrats!!
Had no idea they were lesbians. Congratulations!!!!! 🎊🍾🎈🎉
Thanks for saying what everyone’s thinking when seeing the thumbnail.
Guess you don't watch GMA or follow Robins career 😂
@@thelastdragon5551nope, anyone following GMA or Robins career forever knows 😂
@@joanneweiss3864 I don’t follow the ladies. I do watch this channel on occasions. Never have I’ve seen this shared until now.
@@joanneweiss3864right lol 🤣
Awww. I’m so happy for both of them. ❤❤❤ I wish them the very best.
All the love for BOTH!!!!!!
👩❤️👨 👨❤️💋👨 👩❤️💋👨 👩❤️👨 👨❤️👨 💏 👩❤️💋👩 👩❤️💋👨 👩❤️👩💑
Congratulations to your upcoming wedding day!
Congratulations 🎉
Who's interested in two women getting married
I love Robin
Robin has a pleasant morning smile I enjoyed for quite some time. but she going to get on her way.
So exciting. Congrats ladies.
Robin and amber please her me find a best friend i need someone to lean on im so happy for both of you
Congratulations and Blissful Blessings to you both ❤️❤️
Robin is SO handsome. ❤
She is a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. There is nothing handsome about Robin. Just take a look at her for real.
Yep a DUDE is handsome!!
But they where allowed to use a national primetime show l, which ABC.. this was shocking, I don't want my young nieces & nephews watching this & thinking its okay Its not okay..I don't care who Robin Roberts is...She got enough money where she could have had it at her own home!!..
Agreed again!!
Try educating your children like you are supposed to and they will be alright, misfit
@@twiggyb8962 you must be over the rainbow
..aahhhh gotcha🫠
Garbage television at it's best
I can’t get ABC streaming live anymore. Still love Robin Roberts!
20 years! Congrats!!!❤
Change your wicked ways before you meet God and then it’s too late
God do approve same-sex marriages. You can get married, in church, with God's blessing.
Congrats, Hope you ladies have a beautiful wedding 💒 best wishes always ❤🎉🙏🎂🌺
Its Disgusting.
no you are@@olivebelgians809
Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her
Amazing, how did you get a spiritual counsellor, and how do i reach her?
Maybe you will find hope in the Bible and change your wicked ways
Fix your relationship with your Maker (God) and see what he can do for you.
KJV Bible has all the answers!!!
@@charlene7005 LOL yeah no.
Congratulations to you both
I wish you all of the very best.
they never touch each other in public…🤔
Elated to see them happy and HEALTHY!!!!❤❤
Role models for lil girls.
Just like priests are role models for raping little boys
Trans girls maybe, they're BOTH MEN with MANDIBLE SQUARE JAWLINES of a MAN and probably same anatomy of a MAN in PLAIN hypnotizes us ALL with TRICKERY!!!