The Funeral of a Great Myth (of Universal or Popular Evolution) by C.S. Lewis Doodle

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2024
  • In this doodle, C.S. Lewis gives us his eulogy of a great origin myth or the fairy tale of cosmic evolution (the rival to the Creation account in Genesis 1 where God, not time, is the most important factor), & then buries/damns evolution with high praise. Very academic, but very worth your while if you can persevere to the end! Notes:
    (1:17) Lewis echoes a famous Shakespearean phrase “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.” The speech curiously, brilliantly does the opposite and enrages the Roman crowd against Caesar's conspirators.
    (3:48) There was a drought on one of the Galapagos Islands, it is thought that due to this event the average finch beak size became larger. However, this proved not to be the end of the story. When the drought stopped, average finch beak size became smaller again.
    (5:55) Keats was very much attuned to the spirit & cause of the French Revolution. He thought that people were sacrificing their lives [& it turns out murdering] for the cause of equality and liberty. His sympathies were with those whom he thought were making an untiring struggle for the replacement of the tyrannical old order by a new one based on 'brotherhood, liberty & equality'. Keats wanted to bring home the message that the old order must yield place to the new, & it is this struggle between two systems that Keats represents through the struggle between Titans and Olympians, whereby the poem assumes an allegorical significance. Keats makes use of the Titan, Oceanus, to give expression to the philosophy of old order versus new. Oceanus puts it in very unambiguous terms before the fallen Titans that they must accept the supremacy of the new order that has established its superiority over the old. (J. Ash).
    (12:32) The actual theorem of biological evolution makes no metaphysical statements, i.e. statements about whether there is a God beyond Nature.
    (14:19) “Sidereal” (Sidereal from Latin: ‘stars’) i.e. the distant stars (the constellations or fixed stars, not the sun or planets). S/b pronounced, "Sye-DEER-ee-ul".
    (15:30) Molecular Biology has progressed since 1944, they show the evolution of even one useful individual DNA protein is so unlikely as to be impossible: “It’s easy to see that the total number of possible sequences is immense. It’s easy to believe (although non-chemists must take their colleagues’ word for it) that the subset of USEFUL sequences-sequences that create real, usable proteins-is, in comparison, tiny. But we must know how immense and how tiny. The total count of possible 150-link chains, where each link is chosen separately from 20 amino acids, is 20 to the power of 150. In other words, many. 20 to the power of 150 roughly equals to 10 to the power of 195, & there are only 10 to the power of 80 atoms in the universe” (Giving up Darwin, David Gelernter). Practically macroevolution is impossible.
    (24:04) New Humanist Paul More’s insight into the "enormous error" of secular humanists was that when the religious impulse is replaced by the "mere 'brotherhood of man,' fratricide is not far distant."
    (24:35) "How has it come about that we use the highly emotive word 'stagnation', with all its malodorous & malarial overtones, for what other ages would have called 'permanence'? Why does the word 'primitive' at once suggest to us clumsiness, inefficiency, barbarity?" ('De Descriptione Temporum'). See also the 'Poison of Subjectivism' on the use of the word "stagnation".
    (30:10) For "the nation", I’ve shown a Communist board, which is essentially a violent mob which took undemocratic control of the whole Russian nation, but I could have shown a violent mob of any sort. The contrast in the doodle is between a lawless ‘Minority Violent Mob’ & a 'Majority Rule Democracy’ & Rule of Law.


  • @thecrew777
    @thecrew777 5 місяців тому +9

    Oh, how I wish our media would honestly reflect this. Thank you to this channel for doodling this talk.

  • @andrewgilbertson5672
    @andrewgilbertson5672 4 місяці тому +5

    This is one of my more recent discoveries of Lewis' (I hadn't read Christian Reflections until just recently), but I quite love it. It is so wonderfully insightful on how infectious the mindset of evolution is, and how it influences the psychology of everything from consumerism to human destiny, and furthermore, WHY it is so.

  • @mrace2900
    @mrace2900 4 місяці тому +4

    This is wonderful work you are doing! Please continue with the wonderful research and presentation. I especially enjoy getting to hear some of Lewis' more obscure works. Please keep it up! God bless.

  • @Garrick1983
    @Garrick1983 4 місяці тому +3

    Absolutely splendid presentation. One of the best in my 40 years. Thank you

  • @CSLewisDoodle
    @CSLewisDoodle  4 місяці тому +5

    Repost: @shuntensatsu11 This was my favorite one you made, so glad you could get it back up!

  • @CSLewisDoodle
    @CSLewisDoodle  5 місяців тому +17

    Reposted comment: @CMVBrielman I’m watching this while my daughter is watching the Bluey episode “Flatpack” which is basically a summation of this exact myth - 13:56.

    • @CSLewisDoodle
      @CSLewisDoodle  4 місяці тому +5

      Reminds me of that Joy Lewis quote: "But my generation sucked in atheism with its canned milk" (

  • @CSLewisDoodle
    @CSLewisDoodle  4 місяці тому +3

    Reposted comment: @JoshSJoshingWithYa I personally struggle with respecting the myth with all of the social degradation that has occurred as a result of it, but he's right that we must see it as something that deeply resonates with us who hear it. Very interesting video.

  • @CSLewisDoodle
    @CSLewisDoodle  5 місяців тому +4

    Reposted comment @sparkomatic 21:33 This is the transcendental argument.

  • @salli4588
    @salli4588 4 місяці тому

    Excellent work as always. Thank you @CSLewisDoodle

  • @doomsdayduck4479
    @doomsdayduck4479 5 місяців тому

    Excellent as always, thank you for what you do!

  • @FLAYYMz
    @FLAYYMz 5 місяців тому

    Incredible work! Lewis' arguments are enriched by your imagery. You've tracked down some obscure references in your research.

  • @schweinehund3497
    @schweinehund3497 5 місяців тому

    Love it, outstanding work as always.

  • @CSLewisDoodle
    @CSLewisDoodle  4 місяці тому +1

    Repost: "Voici un truc assez inusité et TRÈS original, soit l'utilisation d'un dessin animé sur le thème d'un essai génial, mais peu connu de CS Lewis, soit The Funeral of a Great Myth.
    The Funeral of a Great Myth (of Popular Evolution) by C.S. Lewis Doodle
    Et ce dessin animé (vidéo 36min) est accompagné de la voix d'un narrateur qui lit l'essai de Lewis dans un anglais... Il faut noter que c’est aussi stimulant sur le plan visuel que sur le plan intellectuel... Et dans l’espace visuel dans lequel l’artiste travail il fait de VRAI prouesses pour ne pas se retrouver dans un cul-de-sac sur le plan graphique et ne pas pouvoir développer/terminer une idée... Tout ça ne s’improvise PAS...
    Et non, Lewis ne discute pas des preuves de l'évolution, mais examine ce qu'on appel la théorie de l'évolution, mais d'un point de vue particulier de la littérature mythologique. Si c'est très instructif (et c'est un précurseur à mon propre étude dans Fuite de l'Absolu, volume 2) Lewis reste assez terre à terre et discute de Walt Disney ainsi que du romancier de science fiction HG Wells. Lewis expose certains fait historiques fort utiles au sujet de la pensée évolutionniste, c'est-à-dire que l’idéologie évolutionniste était bien en place (et issue du Siècle des Lumières) AVANT que Darwin accouche de cette théorie. De l’avis de Lewis c’est donc la mythologie évolutionniste qui a suscité la théorie... C’est donc un besoin idéologique qui a suscité ce mythe*. Évidemment je devine que ce n’est PAS ce qu’on vous a enseigné à l’université? Hein? Avec son esprit analytique superbe, Lewis dissèque bien les grand thèmes de l’évolution, bien qu’à mon avis Lewis concède un peu trop vite le caractère scientifique de l’évolution en biologie. Mais le débat sur les origines était à un stade embryonnaire à son époque, c’est donc tout à faire pardonnable...
    Bonne Année!
    Paul Gosselin
    St-Augustin, QC"
    His Bio here:

  • @MatthewFearnley
    @MatthewFearnley 4 місяці тому

    Thanks for keeping on doing these.

  • @zgobermn6895
    @zgobermn6895 5 місяців тому

    Great essay by Lewis!

  • @wesholmes9012
    @wesholmes9012 5 місяців тому


  • @marcuscato9312
    @marcuscato9312 5 місяців тому


  • @azren2255
    @azren2255 5 місяців тому +2

    No excuse for making them again... yet here we go again... again.