1:33 'sarangnee' club rules = 사랑니 sarangnee is 'wisdom tooth', literally translate as 'love tooth' also symbolize 'first love' by Korean about the pain we felt when wisdom teeth grow that compared to the pain of a first heartbreak.
Dentophobia: A fear of blood or the possibility of bleeding during a dental procedure Bloody teeth or the extraction of teeth, scares me. The slight suction noise when the vacuum is broken when a tooth is pulled out bothers me. So yeah, I like this song, but the MV dealing with teeth extraction as a form of love is very weird for me to understand.
1:33 'sarangnee' club rules = 사랑니 sarangnee is 'wisdom tooth', literally translate as 'love tooth' also symbolize 'first love' by Korean about the pain we felt when wisdom teeth grow that compared to the pain of a first heartbreak.
Dentophobia: A fear of blood or the possibility of bleeding during a dental procedure
Bloody teeth or the extraction of teeth, scares me. The slight suction noise when the vacuum is broken when a tooth is pulled out bothers me. So yeah, I like this song, but the MV dealing with teeth extraction as a form of love is very weird for me to understand.