I have a problem. My transmitter that does not transmit an image to the client (Television). I tell you. I have a WOLCK VT-1510D transmitter, with the following default values: *LD_Power: 10.3dBm * RF Out: 111dBuV (I think I have to reduce it, but I don't know the procedures to do it). I am connecting to a Wolck VTA-EY1620D EDFA through a 1x8 Splitter (with this it reaches me at 0 db approx). However, I still don't have a TV image. Any idea what is going on and how to fix it? My EDFA: Each OutPwr = 19.8 dBm
I have a problem. My transmitter that does not transmit an image to the client (Television).
I tell you. I have a WOLCK VT-1510D transmitter, with the following default values:
*LD_Power: 10.3dBm
* RF Out: 111dBuV (I think I have to reduce it, but I don't know the procedures to do it).
I am connecting to a Wolck VTA-EY1620D EDFA through a 1x8 Splitter (with this it reaches me at 0 db approx). However, I still don't have a TV image.
Any idea what is going on and how to fix it? My EDFA: Each OutPwr = 19.8 dBm
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