Depression And Weightlifting - Starting Strength Radio

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • Weightlifting is a natural treatment for depression. Don't let people in power take it away from you.
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  • @Luther_Luffeigh
    @Luther_Luffeigh 3 роки тому +103

    Hearing this answer probably caused him more depression

    • @incorectulpolitic
      @incorectulpolitic 3 роки тому +3

      ‘’Scientific societies are as yet in their infancy… It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries.
      Fitche laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished.
      Diet, injections(vaccines) and injunctions will combine, from very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible...’’ - Bertrand Russell, 1953
      MUST READ BOOK: Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein(FREE PDF):
      OR here for the updated version:
      Catholic pope=201
      Jorge mario bergoglio=201
      Ignatius of loyola=201
      The Jesuit order=201
      The pope is the first jesuit catholic pope, the jesuits were founded by Ignatius of Loyola.
      This pope is the first to live in apartment "201" at the "domus sanctae martha".
      domus sanctae marthae=201
      Know what else = 201?
      I'm sure it's all just a coincidence...😂
      Now u know who was behind "event 201" the oct 18th 2019 coronavirus pandemic simulation held the same day as the military world games, in WUHAN china.....Just more mere coincidences....the rona is a jesuit hoax just like the spinning ball is a hoax.
      MUST READ BOOK: The Contagion Myth by Thomas S. Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell:
      About the members of W.H.O.(World Hell, I mean ‘Health’ Organisation): As soon as he became director-general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus appointed Robert Mugabe, former president of Zimbabwe, to serve as goodwill ambassador of the WHO. In 1980, as president of Zimbabwe, Mugabe rounded up some 40,000 of his political opponents and put them to death in Matabeleland province. Before becoming head of the WHO, Tedros was the leader of the Tigray People's Liberation Front in Ethiopia, the country's ruling Marxist regime. As Ethiopia's health minister, he met Bill Gates and became board chairman of the Gates-linked Global Fund. From this position, he then formed an association with Bill & Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, and became a recipient of donations from the Clinton Foundation that flowed into the Global Fund. Are we now getting a better perspective on this corruption scheme?
      MUST READ BOOK: BÉCHAMP or PASTEUR? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by Ethel Douglas Hume(FREE PDF):
      The Bilderberg Group was founded by JESUIT Joseph Retinger and Vatican Knight of Malta ( SMOM ) Prince Bernard of Holland was the first Bilderberg chairman. Chairman of Bilderberg the last years was the french Roman Catholic Henri de Castries, before him Dame of Malta ( SMOM ) Queen Beatrix. George Soros is a Vatican Knight of Malta ( SMOM ), and Kissinger has been an official advisor of the Papal Roman Empire since Pope Ratzinger Appointed him. Freemason CEO's, presidents and nobility bow to the Papal Roman Empire, they serve Rome. When this system fails(by design), the Papacy will act as "Savior" offering the New Age SOCIALIST World System under the U.N. as the "Solution" to the chaos(they created). While unknown to many, luciferian (not so) secret societies like the Jesuits, Freemasonry and Papal Rome caused most of the problems in the first place. All (New World Order) roads lead to the 1500 year old ANTICHRIST/IN-PLACE-OF-CHRIST in Rome, just like the word of God the Bible predicted. To see what the future holds, read the 1611 King James Bible, the last book: The Book of Revelation.
      ‘’1945-1990 - Russophobia, 1990-2015 - Russophobia AND Islamophobia, 2015- ??... Isn’t it time the MI Complex created a new boogeyman?” ― Arindam Mukherjee
      How The CONVID19(84) WAS/IS MADE and Spread(video recorded from the beginning of the hoax, i.e. March-April)!!!):
      “The less educated people are, the more Elite rich people benefit from it.’’ As John D. Rockefeller said, "I don't want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers.” ― Beta Metani'Marashi
      In the 60s, the KGB did some fascinating psychological experiments. They learned that if you bombard the human subjects with fear messages nonstop, in two months or less most of the subjects are completely brainwashed to believe a false message(i.e. a lie). To the point that no amount of clear, correct, accurate information (i.e. the truth) they are shown, to the contrary, can change their mind.
      "For a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." George Orwell
      “All roads lead to UN Agenda 21.” ― Robert Black ; Agenda 21 For Dummies:
      The Kiss My Ass Plan Explained:
      The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich(‘’just doing our jobs’’):
      UN Announces Planetary Lockdown, Concentration Camps For Dissenters:
      Psychologists have known for years from studying prisoners that they are institutionalized into their new normal forgetting their past normal in as little as 120 days
      "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.’’ - Thomas Jefferson
      Hermann Goering, was asked by one of the prosecutors, how did you get the German people? The German people are the most educated people in the world, they were some of the most tolerant people in the world. The Weimar Republic was one of the strongest democracies in the world. How did you get them?
      These people were so well educated and so awakened and so tolerant and turned them into obedient slaves who had committed some of the worst atrocities in human history?
      and Goering said, ”oh, that’s a simple thing.”
      And any of you can look up his quote and I urge you to do so.
      And he said, “And it works not just in the fascist government, but it works in a democracy, in a monarchy and in a communist government, and any government that you want, the job of the government is to put the people in fear.
      And and if you can keep them in fear, you can get them to do ANYTHING that you want them to do, that they will turn into sheep.
      The non-existent morona lierus is so smart that he avoided: Belarus, Sweden, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, North Korea, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Vanuat... although the presidents of these countries were offered huge amounts of money by the U.N./W.H.O. to jump in on the hoax/fraud and crack down on their population with restrictions/lockdowns/masks etc.
      People are so bored with their overly catered to, simplistic, boring, meaningless lives. With no hobbies/interests besides watching and agreeing with professional/expert con artists/liars/eugenicists. They're looking for stuff to be worried about/virtue signal and make a fuss over.
      You can fool some people all of the time, all people some of the time, but not all people all of the time. - Abraham Lincoln

    • @incorectulpolitic
      @incorectulpolitic 3 роки тому +2

      I’m wondering, what gives these professional, expert liars/con-artist employees, acting authoritatively in the idiotbox, I mean telievision, employed and owned by a few billionaires, ANY credibility? WHY would anybody believe ANYTHING from these degenerates, scum of the earth?
      "'Coincidence' is just a word for when we can not see the bigger plan." - Sonny Kapoor
      “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt
      Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” - Voltaire, 1765
      War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength - George Orwell
      ‘Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary ‘Safety’, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.’ - Benjamin Franklin
      Imagine a lierus, I mean a ‘virus’ so deadly, you need a test to see if you have it. Imagine a vaccine so safe and effective you have to threaten and force people to take it. Imagine a product so safe that the manufacturers have to be exempt from prosecution for all the harm their product will cause? Would you like your vaccine now?
      Treating people who are NOT SICK by forcing them to ACT SICK (e.g. wearing masks, (anti)social-distancing and staying home) is a MENTAL ILLNESS known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. This syndrome is a condition where a caregiver (these are the con-artists/professional liars in the idiot box/T.V.) fabricates, exaggerates or induces mental or physical health problems in those who are in their ‘’care’’, with the primary motive of gaining attention or sympathy from others. ‘’Caregivers’’ have been given prison sentences for misterating children and adults in this manner.
      The nazis had a phrase which covered ALL abuses by the ‘’State’’(aka the satan worshipping pedo-cannibals, aka the scum of the earth, aka the degenerates/criminals): ‘’Fur Ihre Sicherbeit’’, which means: It’s for your safety’’.
      A female reporter asked an amish girl how did the amish not get the CONvid19(84) LIErus/CONrus ? The girl replied: ‘we don't have idiotbox, aka television’.
      The Germ Theory Hoax Exposed Playlist:
      CONvid1984onSteroids ‘’virus’’ explained:
      How The CONVID19(84) WAS/IS MADE and Spread(video recorded from the beginning of the hoax, i.e. March-April)!!!):
      ‘’Never forget that two thirds of people would shock you to death just because someone in ‘’charge’’ told them it was for a ‘’good reason’’. The disappearence of a sense of responsibility is the most far reaching consequence of submission to authority.’’ - Stanley Milgram, the Millgram Experiment
      “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?
      Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else awas at hand?...
      The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if…We didn't love freedom enough. And even more - we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
      Any student of history will know that Hitler and his Nazi party used grievance and fear to gain control of Germany. And we know how that worked out.
      Josef Mengele was also a 'doctor' surrounded by ''famous', ''accredited'' ''scientists''/ ''academicians'' who ''scientifically' came to the conclusion and proved that the millions of people they murdered(jews, gypsies, coincidence/conspiracy theorists, political opposition), were ''NOT essential''. 😘
      Hitler started his cool and trendy regime with: ‘’science’’, ‘’scientists’’, ‘’doctors’’, ‘’experts’’. In 1933 Hitler appointed Hermann Goring Minister of the Interior. His first orders were to defund and eliminate police departments so that they would not interfere with his Brown Shirts whose mission it was to riot, burn, beat up and kill citizens in an effort to sway the elections.

    • @varolussalsanclar1163
      @varolussalsanclar1163 3 роки тому +4

      Im not even English and it caused me more depression

  • @soldierside365
    @soldierside365 3 роки тому +28

    Sometimes I use words like ‘whilst’ to make myself sound more photosynthesis

  • @leeroyjenkins552
    @leeroyjenkins552 3 роки тому +28

    Weight training always makes my depression subside after the 5th rep of the 3rd set; even when I’m sobbing my eyes out during the session it always feels calmer when the training is done

  • @dalebraithwaite6890
    @dalebraithwaite6890 3 роки тому +28

    Most houses in the UK don't have porches, we tend to use our backyards instead, but we call them back gardens.

  • @briant7652
    @briant7652 3 роки тому +23

    I wish I lived in Free America so I can lift weights. Maybe I should burn down the other half of Minneapolis for exercise. I don’t think it’s illegal from what I saw.

  • @UncleDanBand64
    @UncleDanBand64 3 роки тому +24

    Just do bodyweight exercises, Save your money and move to Texas!

    • @JoshBenware
      @JoshBenware 3 роки тому +17

      Geez, we got enough clowns moving from California. We dont need the euros moving here too! We're barely keeping our state red as it is.

    • @UncleDanBand64
      @UncleDanBand64 3 роки тому +3

      @@JoshBenware LOL, true enough!

    • @Eledaraumar
      @Eledaraumar 3 роки тому +5

      @@JoshBenware Just let him move to El Paso.

    • @JoshBenware
      @JoshBenware 3 роки тому +3

      @@Eledaraumar that wont help with his depression 😅

    • @Eledaraumar
      @Eledaraumar 3 роки тому +1

      @@JoshBenware Nope, won't help his depression at all. But at least he'll be in some libtard city. Maybe you'll get lucky and Mexico will annex EP in the future.

  • @Vintagetom790
    @Vintagetom790 3 роки тому +44

    In 38 years I have had some sort of seasonal depression (that almost proved fatal some seasons).
    Weight training has staved off that depression. Thank you, Starting Strength!

    • @GreyRock100
      @GreyRock100 3 роки тому +9

      I'm glad you found a weapon to fight your depression. I grew up in a pretty crappy environment and my parents were constantly worried and in fear. So I think I grew up thinking I had no control over things. The very first time I got in the gym and saw that I could change how my body looked and felt, I knew that wasn't true.

  • @itachiuchiha1714
    @itachiuchiha1714 3 роки тому +22

    Hearing you pronounce “more” the way us brits pronounce it made me lol

    • @tenchu006
      @tenchu006 3 роки тому +3

      It tripped me out mate hahahah legit sounded English

    • @DylanFowler
      @DylanFowler 3 роки тому


  • @andrewmcinnes3350
    @andrewmcinnes3350 3 роки тому +10

    I live in a 1 bed flat and while the gyms were closed I managed to get hold of a an old barbell and some weights and 3x a week I drag all those weights outside and do my squats, press/bench and DLs. I do this literally come rain or shine, the lights were off and for a week or so I had to do it in the dark as well. I have friends who created their own weights out of scaffolding poles and cement. Covid restrictions are a joke but you can find a way if you care enough.

  • @wesley_makes
    @wesley_makes 3 роки тому +12

    I agree with everything said in this video, however, I felt a bit of pity for the guy asking for advice, then getting his home [rightfully] dragged through the mud in a rant and not much else.
    If it's important to him, he almost certainly can build his own gym. I won't convert for currency, but anyone reading should get the idea:
    $60 for a 1"x72" steel round bar, 20" of 2"-tubing, and a few packages of JBWeld steel stick putty would get him a barbell.
    $50 worth pf lumber, or pipe, used creatively would serve as a squat stand with safety shelf that's L-shaped and moveable/storable.
    $45 worth of horse stall mat cut into three sections (where the plates touch the ground, and one to be stood on) can function as a deadlift "platform." This is only needed if you're lifting inside or on a surface that can be damaged, so this is optional really.
    $40 worth of high strength concrete, a length of 2" pipe, and a couple weeks worth of patience and you would have 400lbs worth of weight plates. If change plates are needed, I'd probably cut them from plywood, but change plates are still findable at the moment.
    $25 worth of lumber would get you a serviceable bench too! Assuming he doesn't already have a usable bench.
    Everything listed here would cost about $220, and can be stored in a small closet. A couple of these things are probably optional too, so the cost may be even less.
    I say all this as someone who has recently built his own gym following the government shutdown. The more creative you are, the more quality you can get for less money.

    • @damontunstall3129
      @damontunstall3129 3 роки тому +2

      Its also a matter of space dude (though not quite as small as RIP says)

    • @Russocass
      @Russocass 3 роки тому +1

      Great comment!!!

    • @wesley_makes
      @wesley_makes 3 роки тому

      @@damontunstall3129 I feel like I addressed that. Everything I've listed can be stored in a closet, and brought out three days a week. To workout, you would only need about 32sqft of floor space.

  • @robertnussbaum1937
    @robertnussbaum1937 3 роки тому +10

    Reporting from South California: I lifted this morning at 6am inside a tent outside a commercial gym. The temperature was 41 degrees. I learned some this morning. I learned something about myself during the last rep. Thank you

  • @treasurethetime2463
    @treasurethetime2463 3 роки тому +6

    Rip is a fine trainer, but damn I think he has another calling as a comedian.

  • @ricknicklen9059
    @ricknicklen9059 3 роки тому +6

    Just remember, if an American friend asks you to "do the Math" you should probably volunteer to "do the English" as well.......

  • @RockResume335
    @RockResume335 3 роки тому +14

    I will never stop using the word, “irregardless.”

    • @Fullyautomagic
      @Fullyautomagic 3 роки тому +2

      Or a whole nother

    • @incorectulpolitic
      @incorectulpolitic 3 роки тому +1

      @@Fullyautomagic ‘’Scientific societies are as yet in their infancy… It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries.
      Fitche laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished.
      Diet, injections(vaccines) and injunctions will combine, from very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible...’’ - Bertrand Russell, 1953
      MUST READ BOOK: Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein(FREE PDF):
      OR here for the updated version:
      Catholic pope=201
      Jorge mario bergoglio=201
      Ignatius of loyola=201
      The Jesuit order=201
      The pope is the first jesuit catholic pope, the jesuits were founded by Ignatius of Loyola.
      This pope is the first to live in apartment "201" at the "domus sanctae martha".
      domus sanctae marthae=201
      Know what else = 201?
      I'm sure it's all just a coincidence...😂
      Now u know who was behind "event 201" the oct 18th 2019 coronavirus pandemic simulation held the same day as the military world games, in WUHAN china.....Just more mere coincidences....the rona is a jesuit hoax just like the spinning ball is a hoax.
      MUST READ BOOK: The Contagion Myth by Thomas S. Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell:
      About the members of W.H.O.(World Hell, I mean ‘Health’ Organisation): As soon as he became director-general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus appointed Robert Mugabe, former president of Zimbabwe, to serve as goodwill ambassador of the WHO. In 1980, as president of Zimbabwe, Mugabe rounded up some 40,000 of his political opponents and put them to death in Matabeleland province. Before becoming head of the WHO, Tedros was the leader of the Tigray People's Liberation Front in Ethiopia, the country's ruling Marxist regime. As Ethiopia's health minister, he met Bill Gates and became board chairman of the Gates-linked Global Fund. From this position, he then formed an association with Bill & Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, and became a recipient of donations from the Clinton Foundation that flowed into the Global Fund. Are we now getting a better perspective on this corruption scheme?
      MUST READ BOOK: BÉCHAMP or PASTEUR? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by Ethel Douglas Hume(FREE PDF):
      The Bilderberg Group was founded by JESUIT Joseph Retinger and Vatican Knight of Malta ( SMOM ) Prince Bernard of Holland was the first Bilderberg chairman. Chairman of Bilderberg the last years was the french Roman Catholic Henri de Castries, before him Dame of Malta ( SMOM ) Queen Beatrix. George Soros is a Vatican Knight of Malta ( SMOM ), and Kissinger has been an official advisor of the Papal Roman Empire since Pope Ratzinger Appointed him. Freemason CEO's, presidents and nobility bow to the Papal Roman Empire, they serve Rome. When this system fails(by design), the Papacy will act as "Savior" offering the New Age SOCIALIST World System under the U.N. as the "Solution" to the chaos(they created). While unknown to many, luciferian (not so) secret societies like the Jesuits, Freemasonry and Papal Rome caused most of the problems in the first place. All (New World Order) roads lead to the 1500 year old ANTICHRIST/IN-PLACE-OF-CHRIST in Rome, just like the word of God the Bible predicted. To see what the future holds, read the 1611 King James Bible, the last book: The Book of Revelation.
      ‘’1945-1990 - Russophobia, 1990-2015 - Russophobia AND Islamophobia, 2015- ??... Isn’t it time the MI Complex created a new boogeyman?” ― Arindam Mukherjee
      How The CONVID19(84) WAS/IS MADE and Spread(video recorded from the beginning of the hoax, i.e. March-April)!!!):
      “The less educated people are, the more Elite rich people benefit from it.’’ As John D. Rockefeller said, "I don't want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers.” ― Beta Metani'Marashi
      In the 60s, the KGB did some fascinating psychological experiments. They learned that if you bombard the human subjects with fear messages nonstop, in two months or less most of the subjects are completely brainwashed to believe a false message(i.e. a lie). To the point that no amount of clear, correct, accurate information (i.e. the truth) they are shown, to the contrary, can change their mind.
      "For a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." George Orwell
      “All roads lead to UN Agenda 21.” ― Robert Black ; Agenda 21 For Dummies:
      The Kiss My Ass Plan Explained:
      The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich(‘’just doing our jobs’’):
      UN Announces Planetary Lockdown, Concentration Camps For Dissenters:
      Psychologists have known for years from studying prisoners that they are institutionalized into their new normal forgetting their past normal in as little as 120 days
      "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.’’ - Thomas Jefferson
      Hermann Goering, was asked by one of the prosecutors, how did you get the German people? The German people are the most educated people in the world, they were some of the most tolerant people in the world. The Weimar Republic was one of the strongest democracies in the world. How did you get them?
      These people were so well educated and so awakened and so tolerant and turned them into obedient slaves who had committed some of the worst atrocities in human history?
      and Goering said, ”oh, that’s a simple thing.”
      And any of you can look up his quote and I urge you to do so.
      And he said, “And it works not just in the fascist government, but it works in a democracy, in a monarchy and in a communist government, and any government that you want, the job of the government is to put the people in fear.
      And and if you can keep them in fear, you can get them to do ANYTHING that you want them to do, that they will turn into sheep.
      The non-existent morona lierus is so smart that he avoided: Belarus, Sweden, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, North Korea, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Vanuat... although the presidents of these countries were offered huge amounts of money by the U.N./W.H.O. to jump in on the hoax/fraud and crack down on their population with restrictions/lockdowns/masks etc.
      People are so bored with their overly catered to, simplistic, boring, meaningless lives. With no hobbies/interests besides watching and agreeing with professional/expert con artists/liars/eugenicists. They're looking for stuff to be worried about/virtue signal and make a fuss over.
      You can fool some people all of the time, all people some of the time, but not all people all of the time. - Abraham Lincoln

    • @incorectulpolitic
      @incorectulpolitic 3 роки тому +1

      @@Fullyautomagic I’m wondering, what gives these professional, expert liars/con-artist employees, acting authoritatively in the idiotbox, I mean telievision, employed and owned by a few billionaires, ANY credibility? WHY would anybody believe ANYTHING from these degenerates, scum of the earth?
      "'Coincidence' is just a word for when we can not see the bigger plan." - Sonny Kapoor
      “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt
      Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” - Voltaire, 1765
      War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength - George Orwell
      ‘Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary ‘Safety’, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.’ - Benjamin Franklin
      Imagine a lierus, I mean a ‘virus’ so deadly, you need a test to see if you have it. Imagine a vaccine so safe and effective you have to threaten and force people to take it. Imagine a product so safe that the manufacturers have to be exempt from prosecution for all the harm their product will cause? Would you like your vaccine now?
      Treating people who are NOT SICK by forcing them to ACT SICK (e.g. wearing masks, (anti)social-distancing and staying home) is a MENTAL ILLNESS known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. This syndrome is a condition where a caregiver (these are the con-artists/professional liars in the idiot box/T.V.) fabricates, exaggerates or induces mental or physical health problems in those who are in their ‘’care’’, with the primary motive of gaining attention or sympathy from others. ‘’Caregivers’’ have been given prison sentences for misterating children and adults in this manner.
      The nazis had a phrase which covered ALL abuses by the ‘’State’’(aka the satan worshipping pedo-cannibals, aka the scum of the earth, aka the degenerates/criminals): ‘’Fur Ihre Sicherbeit’’, which means: It’s for your safety’’.
      A female reporter asked an amish girl how did the amish not get the CONvid19(84) LIErus/CONrus ? The girl replied: ‘we don't have idiotbox, aka television’.
      The Germ Theory Hoax Exposed Playlist:
      CONvid1984onSteroids ‘’virus’’ explained:
      How The CONVID19(84) WAS/IS MADE and Spread(video recorded from the beginning of the hoax, i.e. March-April)!!!):
      ‘’Never forget that two thirds of people would shock you to death just because someone in ‘’charge’’ told them it was for a ‘’good reason’’. The disappearence of a sense of responsibility is the most far reaching consequence of submission to authority.’’ - Stanley Milgram, the Millgram Experiment
      “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?
      Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else awas at hand?...
      The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if…We didn't love freedom enough. And even more - we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
      Any student of history will know that Hitler and his Nazi party used grievance and fear to gain control of Germany. And we know how that worked out.
      Josef Mengele was also a 'doctor' surrounded by ''famous', ''accredited'' ''scientists''/ ''academicians'' who ''scientifically' came to the conclusion and proved that the millions of people they murdered(jews, gypsies, coincidence/conspiracy theorists, political opposition), were ''NOT essential''. 😘
      Hitler started his cool and trendy regime with: ‘’science’’, ‘’scientists’’, ‘’doctors’’, ‘’experts’’. In 1933 Hitler appointed Hermann Goring Minister of the Interior. His first orders were to defund and eliminate police departments so that they would not interfere with his Brown Shirts whose mission it was to riot, burn, beat up and kill citizens in an effort to sway the elections.

  • @tenchu006
    @tenchu006 3 роки тому +8

    As a Brit I'd love Rip to talk about the UK more lol

  • @DylanFowler
    @DylanFowler 3 роки тому +5

    Known fact that Mark and weightlifting get rid of depression.

  • @jfkesq
    @jfkesq 3 роки тому +8

    I am writing up this part of the diary whilst I am waiting for the coach …
    - Bram Stoker

  • @stevenwest7447
    @stevenwest7447 3 роки тому +2

    I'm from UK.i never agreed to this shit .got my own little gym. And I'm pink!

  • @Healthyholistics
    @Healthyholistics 3 роки тому +5

    As a licensed clinical counselor, I get an "up close and personal" look at how all these shutdowns are doing so much incredible damage to people's mental health and well-being. But how many news channels are talking about that??
    And as a clinician, it's vitally important for me to practice what I preach and keep my own stress levels in check. The best remedy?? Starting Strength 3x/week, some regular sunshine, and fresh air (without a mask).

    • @someguy2972
      @someguy2972 Рік тому

      It's up to people like you to push back when they try to lock us down the next time.

    • @barryallen767
      @barryallen767 Рік тому

      do you still do strength training?

  • @larcenymccheese2806
    @larcenymccheese2806 3 роки тому +2

    no, I have not learned anything about depression and weightlifting

  • @copeenthuisiast5453
    @copeenthuisiast5453 3 роки тому +21

    Rip is such a damn legend

  • @aaronnolan5377
    @aaronnolan5377 2 роки тому +1

    Your accent is a mangling of the english language

  • @jackbyrnes9557
    @jackbyrnes9557 3 роки тому +1

    Rip: *tells a depressed person that their fucked*

  • @jarredgeis625
    @jarredgeis625 3 роки тому +41

    Honestly this is the part of Rip I can't stand. Instead of giving the dude some actual advice like go outside and find some heavy rocks and logs he just decides to make a political point. I don't think anyone comes to you for your political views Rip.

    • @richardspicer4738
      @richardspicer4738 3 роки тому +18

      Grow some thicker skin, he’s telling it like it is. Ripp ain’t here to sugar coat it or sell you advice that doesn’t work!! Actually what he said was advice in of itself. Young men need to grow some balls and act like men!!

    • @jerrycunningham1820
      @jerrycunningham1820 3 роки тому +5

      Oh yes I do! Love the get off my grass. Yeah baby.

    • @johnh6928
      @johnh6928 3 роки тому +18

      @@richardspicer4738 he didnt really answer the question tho, instead it was a fat rant about Chinese communism or some shit

    • @richardspicer4738
      @richardspicer4738 3 роки тому +8

      He answered the question and then some. you're not wise enough yet to realize it. And I don’t mean that in a hurtful way. Keep listening to this clip as you get older and the more it will make sense to you.

    • @jamescollinge9082
      @jamescollinge9082 3 роки тому +1

      Rocks, Old tires, Scaffolding bars. It would take more than a gym shut down to stop me training.

  • @malcolmhales8181
    @malcolmhales8181 3 роки тому +2

    Funnily enough in England porch is still a porch. Yep, your speaking American, being an Englishman I speak the queens English. True we are in lockdown, and I too am missing by barbel training. Yeah, we've got far to with agreeing our government.

  • @HAL-dm1eh
    @HAL-dm1eh 3 роки тому +3

    Here to tell ya strength training helped my depression and generalized anxiety a great deal. Did it CURE it? No. But I had only been "allowed" to go through LP and was right at the end before my gym shut down for "covid".
    I'm now about to be hit with full on SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and decided to not even wait til the holidays are over to start lifting again, because I know what's coming.

  • @deon404
    @deon404 3 роки тому +11

    I am a South African working in China. I have been in China non stop since Jan 2019. Got stuck now in China because no flights available because of the global "pandemic" elsewhere in the world. In China it is actually very relaxed. I can easily travel everywhere except leaving the country. China only had a hard lockdown early in Feb and March, but since then all is back to normal. During this time I was still able to complete my melanomas cancer treatment.
    So from my perspective, the world has a problem not able to work effectively together to solve a issue quickly. Ignoring the problem, and passing blame around does not solve the issue. Just deal with it, and go on with life.
    Just a bit of ranting....
    In terms of the Starting Strength program, I must say that it is great. I am well on my way recovering from the two year chemotherapy.
    Rip, your experience is worth Gold!

    • @johnh6928
      @johnh6928 3 роки тому +2

      big part of my family lives in China and that had been their experience as well. Sometimes it's necessary for people to work together for a little bit for the common good imo

  • @duncanidaho9218
    @duncanidaho9218 Рік тому +1

    This is funny. I am a subeditor for a British newspaper. We always change “whilst” to “while,” “amongst” to “among” and “amidst” to “amid.” The reason being is that the removed words are ridiculously arcane, even by British standards of etiquette: tradition is good but we don’t live in 1835 anymore. Pretension lives on in all countries and all years.

  • @johnwilson2071
    @johnwilson2071 3 роки тому +3

    It has helped me to not be dead from stage 4 for over 5 years. Best program out there . Best coaching.

  • @danielcavallarigoncalves7309
    @danielcavallarigoncalves7309 3 роки тому +10

    The heavy things make the voices go away, true fact.
    Also, somebody ought to tell the governments that 1984 was NOT supposed to be an instruction manual.

  • @Besse109
    @Besse109 3 місяці тому

    Starting lifting because I was depressed now I’m depressed with how small and weak I am after 2 years 😂

  • @trevorvarney4900
    @trevorvarney4900 Рік тому

    Firstly Rip don't slag off my country. Secondly as experienced coaches I would have thought you advised the man to learn pistol squat, planche press up, handstand press up etc. But I guess you don't think they are worthy exercises as they don't include a barbell

  • @duckslayer11000
    @duckslayer11000 3 роки тому +2

    You can't afford not to get a home gym. Here's some words to live by, if you aren't growing you are dying.

  • @teodormrdenovic1981
    @teodormrdenovic1981 3 роки тому +3

    As soon as I start to build some momentum in terms of progress a lockdown forces gyms to close; and a month or two later gyms open up again with me going back to where I was before I started the program pretty much. At this point I’m contemplating wether the on/off going to the gym then losing all the progress is just giving me depression and I should just stop lifting until I can get a home gym.

    • @jms0313
      @jms0313 Рік тому

      Get a home gym. It’s an absolute necessity if you want to make legit consistent progress

  • @M8541Reaper
    @M8541Reaper 3 роки тому

    The only thing worse than hearing about European nations doing lockdown for this stupid shit, is being an American living (temporarily) in Europe and having to deal with this bullshit...especially when said American owns land in a free state.

  • @Matt-xi8zr
    @Matt-xi8zr 3 роки тому +3

    👍👍 for Rip on Covid

  • @henriksvensson126
    @henriksvensson126 3 роки тому +7

    Taking walks and if possible, lifting things in a outdoor gym. Otherwise do the closest thing to it like going out in the woods and train with branches, logs and stones.

  • @theotherway1639
    @theotherway1639 3 роки тому +1

    There's a helpful mindfulness guide titled "30 Days to Reduce Depression" by Harper Daniels, found online...I recommend it. Pass it on!

    @SACREDFlRE Рік тому

    'Ave you got a loicense for that, mate?

  • @salamaaghila171
    @salamaaghila171 3 роки тому +2

    Give RIP a Brit Citizenship

  • @noelfrancisnunez5729
    @noelfrancisnunez5729 3 роки тому +1

    Dude in the uk buy some kettlebell

  • @stevesedgwick5789
    @stevesedgwick5789 3 роки тому +4

    In the UK, we did NOT agree to the lockdown and Gym closures, the government enforced it.

    • @cmdrfunk
      @cmdrfunk 3 роки тому +1

      Your inaction against tyranny is approval. It's okay, most people are lazy cowards too.

    • @stevesedgwick5789
      @stevesedgwick5789 3 роки тому

      @@cmdrfunk don’t understand your reply?

  • @Account2129
    @Account2129 3 роки тому +4

    2:51 English came from England, Rip. The words they use have more legitimacy than what an American would call it

  • @alanneale3657
    @alanneale3657 3 роки тому

    We didn’t agree to being locked down . We get on the spot fines of up to £10.000 if you were to open your business so it’s a little Naive of you to say otherwise are you saying no gyms in America have been forced to close .

  • @henryjsx
    @henryjsx 3 роки тому +3

    Hearing this has caused me less depression.

  • @yeahdudex
    @yeahdudex Рік тому

    I don't often agree with Rip, but this is one of those cases where I couldn't agree with him more

  • @zealotscout
    @zealotscout 3 роки тому

    I wish to reach out to the writer, get yourself a chin up + dip station, a dip belt and some plates and you'll at least have upper body gains while in quarantine. Add 5lbs to the dip belt every workout and you'll see yourself reaching 2 plate dips and 1-2 plate chin ups in no time. Hang in there friend, good times will be upon us soon.

  • @sincman
    @sincman 3 роки тому

    All this criticism on English from the guy that pronounces the H's in Who, what....

  • @MrJayapurves
    @MrJayapurves 3 роки тому

    Do american people not say whilst? Do they also think it's fancy in some way? It's just a more senior version of the word 'while'.

  • @BitMatt1
    @BitMatt1 2 роки тому

    As he sits with his "science" mug. I believe "science" is how we got into this mess.

    @IRISHSALTMINER61 3 роки тому

    Porch is the same, even spell it the same... Texan’s can not speak Ingrish goodly.....

  • @caswell62
    @caswell62 3 роки тому +2

    I work at a crisis stabilization psychiatric facility/hospital,as a R.N.
    PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHIATRIC MEDICINE is,as least in part, a Frakkin Ponzi scheme. A RIP-off!
    See, if it was morally legit, it would be called a RIP - on.
    Because RIP , deep down, under the gruff exterior ( see: Rhett Butler) is occupied by the Spirit from up upon High.
    Strength training can do more fer mental health problems than any potions whipped up in the moderna day Pharmakopia caldrons!

  • @JohnCollinsCDOT
    @JohnCollinsCDOT 3 роки тому

    Global pandemic.... isn't a pandemic just an epidemic, but on a global scale?

  • @aw195
    @aw195 3 роки тому +5

    Man, did I just tune into Starting Conspiracy Theories radio?

    • @Quinicus
      @Quinicus 3 роки тому +1

      Just keep Obeying

  • @thomasgrabowski2202
    @thomasgrabowski2202 3 роки тому

    Rofl so fucking blunt. 😂😂😂

  • @williamhernando6366
    @williamhernando6366 3 роки тому

    Am I the only one seeing these subtitles on screen???

  • @johnmaguire3608
    @johnmaguire3608 3 роки тому

    Hey Rip. If you tell me to think for myself, I will. Because you told me to.

    • @louismailhiot9501
      @louismailhiot9501 2 роки тому

      You are not smart enough. You will be ending thinking what Rip thinks.

  • @frankiecash3274
    @frankiecash3274 3 роки тому

    why dont you come down to my gym MArk? teach you a little humility go few rounds hard sparring?

    • @yuckfoutube3
      @yuckfoutube3 Рік тому

      He's like 63 dude lol

    • @barryallen767
      @barryallen767 Рік тому

      You are challenging an old man to a spar...
      I don't think you have any humility.

  • @stevesshawl7977
    @stevesshawl7977 3 роки тому

    Rip for President

  • @guylehman9482
    @guylehman9482 3 роки тому

    Walk as free people 🇺🇸

  • @hughwheaton2705
    @hughwheaton2705 3 роки тому +2

    Closing the gyms is oppression. It's a first world problem, but living in the first world, it's a problem. The gym should be a human right. The gyms were closed for 3 months earlier this year in Australia, and during that time, it undid all of my mental work I'd done digging myself out of a hole for 3 years. I cannot explain just how much more antisocial it made me, even now, and I can't believe anyone even considered it as a possibility.

  • @Glyn23
    @Glyn23 3 роки тому

    Punk is dead.

    • @reavsie1
      @reavsie1 3 роки тому

      You take that back!

  • @LordMacragge77
    @LordMacragge77 3 роки тому

    Tf is a kilo?

  • @geesus77
    @geesus77 3 роки тому +1

    New Zealand doesn't have covid too.

    • @M8541Reaper
      @M8541Reaper 3 роки тому +1

      They’re also a tiny rock with like five people in the middle of nowhere with fuck all for rights. Maybe Covid would bring them some happiness.

    • @ResistanceQuest
      @ResistanceQuest 3 роки тому

      @@M8541Reaper why would covid bring them happiness?

  • @LEDlightisNasty
    @LEDlightisNasty 3 роки тому

    Yup, rethink that.