What are some of the ways you've been able to re-write or retell your life story in more empowering way? I'd love to know. Also access my free email newsletter here: modernintuitionist.com
@kirdot2011 One of the things I wanted to emphasize in the video (that maybe I didn't emphasize enough) is this: the importance of self-compassion. Please be kind to yourself. Our society often celebrates early 'successes' i.e., someone who achieves an incredible breakthrough very young in life. But they are the exception (and often it brings with it many other problems and insecurities as they grow older and feel compelled to constantly try to recapture the success of their youth). Even among people who achieve outward material success, many of them are miserable and unfulfilled: www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/22/therapist-super-rich-succession-billionaires We hear less about the many people who find fulfillment later in life as "late bloomers." Everyone progresses through their journey in their own way. Genuine fulfillment is less about material wealth and more about creating and finding meaning in our lives and the stories we tell ourselves about who we are. Probably less than 5% of the people who watch this video will actually do the exercise described in it, but that's okay. I made it for that small percentage who will. Because if you try it, it will help you become more conscious and aware of the story we all tell ourselves which are often unconscious and motivate many of the choices we make. And it helps us catch ourselves in those moments when we're telling a disempowering story. There are many things we can't control in the world, but the one thing you can control is the story you tell and the meaning you derive from your experiences. For me that is one of the most powerful insights from Dr. Viktor Frankl and Dr. Jerry Long. I'm rooting for you. I believe we all have a magnificent and beautiful story inside of us that is waiting to be set free. This ability to create meaning is accessible to everyone. May you bring your own beautiful stories to life.
This video just made me realize that I don't remember much about my life. And when I stop to try and remember, I realize that I don't really want to remember any of it. That's rather tragic.
@dotty1220 people like us only have to options. Continue as we are and always be as we are. Or fundamentally change ourselves and embrace the hardships in order to live a better life.
@aCarolinaGal I'm working on it. But rn it's tough because I'm stuck in a place where I'm waiting for answers. And it's hard to change when you're inert. But rest assured no matter how heavy my heart is i won't give up 💪
@liamconnelly3115 Exactly! When you're inert you're like the caterpillar in the cocoon preparing to emerge and spread your wings for a beautiful flight to a new and amazing journey ... and it will be spectacular 😉🙏🏻💕
I work in a residential treatment center, and since I started playing your videos for the clients I’ve seen a substantial change in perspective with a few of them
Wow, that's so wonderful to hear! Thank you Matthew for the important work and healing you're doing, and making the world a kinder and more beautiful place. I appreciate you, my friend!
I have broken my neck too 1999 and as a result ❤I live with more appreciation and respect for life 🙏 I’m humbled 😢by this process and pray that we all continue to grow in LOVE 🥰
The story about the garbage collector in Warsaw is very heartwarming. He might have an ordinary job, but he clearly has an extraordinary attitude about life 🗑️ ➡️ 🐎
You are a master of emojis, Streptomyces! 🗑️ ➡️ 🐎 I imagine that pictures like this were probably the original (and earliest forms) of storytelling. Big love to you and yours as always, and my best to you in the new year, my friend!
The timing of your video in my life is so apt. Listening about the wounded healer at a time where my story, I keep petpetuating, is filled with loneliness and loss. I have to turn my life around again, at 55, feeling broken and alone. My story only I can change. Thank you for the comfort of being reminded that our lives can change once we rewrite it. Wishing you a magnificent 2025.
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your comment, Odette! Some of the kindest and most empathic healers I've known have been wounded people as well. I am rooting for you, my friend. Big love to you and your loved ones, and all the best in the new year! And thank you too @aCarolinaGal! I really appreciate you both!
You're baaaaack!!! Happy New Year to you and most of all to all of us who follow your brilliant, interesting and so inspirational content. Thank you. As usual, I watched once, and then again. Love all you do. Thank you again. And may the New Year bring you much joy and happiness.
You're the best, Vivienne! I am so grateful for your ongoing support, and for always showing love for what I'm doing. May you bring your most beautiful stories to life. Big love and my best to you in the new year!
Anytime I see stories like this, while I recognize that these hardships make these people strong in ways I can never know, I'm profoundly grateful I can still walk, use both hands, see, hear....I try not to take anything for granted. Despite the depths of our strength, sometimes life can seem so fragile. Writing about myself is difficult, but I want to try this out. My strength with the written word seems to be more in editing what others have written rather than writing my own stories. Even so, I feel like if I do buckle down and give it a go, I can create a better, more empowering life story when I'm in a "triumph" phase of life. I feel like I'm approaching one now. Of course, change is the only constant, as they say, and tomorrow is never promised, but I feel like things are moving in a positive direction for me because of recent choices I've made. Your videos have always given me something to think about, and the thoughts and feelings they elicit stay with me for a long time, coloring how I approach life. You've definitely been part of my upward trajectory, and I'm grateful to you for that. You're doing profound work. I hope you continue to find the inspiration to make these videos and strive to have a positive impact on people's lives. I'm reminded of the advice Mr. Rogers used to give when children asked him how to deal with fear and uncertainty. He used to tell them to "look for the helpers". Well, you're one of the helpers, my friend. Happy New Year, Elson!
It is a dichotomy.Strength in life whereas life is fragile. A shattered life appears fragile yet once the pieces are reconstructed, the strength becomes very apparrant. Thus the saying Strength comes from weakness(fragility)
Wonderful comment, Spacegoat! I always appreciate and look forward to your comments, and I feel the same away about the sense of gratitude I have when I learn about people who've found courage to carry on in spite of tremendous hardships and handicaps in their life. You're an excellent writer and a wealth of knowledge, and I consider you to be one of the helpers as well (which is such an awesome quote that I'd never heard before!). I'm also very grateful you've found me and for your generosity in sharing your insights with all of us here. Thanks as always for your kind comments, it really warmed my heart to read. My best to you and your loved ones in the new year, my friend!
Your channel is invaluable, Elson. You cannot put a price on this type of content. Unreal. Thank you. I’ve been going through a little bit of a heartbreak since August and honestly when you asked what moments did it almost feel like life peaked at, I would right away say when I was in love with her. Everything felt worth it, all the ups and downs up to that point because it lead me to her. I finally felt like I belonged in the universe. I’ll be joining the newsletter soon!
You're the best, Sukwinder. Thanks so much. I'm reminded of the quote: "The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief - But the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love." Hillary Stanton Zunin I agree with you, that the pain of love is worth it. We are all wounded in our own unique way, but in that lies the potential to be wounded healers too. As always, I'm grateful for your continued support, my friend
Wow, that brought tears to my eyes. What beautiful view of what makes life worth living. So many foolishly think happiness, but meaning is far more nourishing to the soul.
Happy New Year 😊 Thanks for another great video. I think of Dr. Edith Eger and Paul Alexander ("The man in the iron lung") as well when I think of life stories that have inspired me in a life changing way. I went through a time when I was between a bed and a wheelchair for a couple of years and it was a reminder how life can change in the blink of an eye, in both ways. It can get really difficult in a minute the same way it become absolutely brilliant in another minute. Perspective is ultimately all we have in life.
I always look forward to reading your comments, coolbreeze! Thanks so much for sharing your insights and experience, and especially the thought that life can be difficult in one minute and brilliant in another. Your continued support means the world to me, my friend. Big love and all the best to you and yours in the new year!
Another amazing video! And the synchronicities are uncanny. I feel so fortunate to have found your channel years ago. I always look forward watching your video’s. I will definitely sign up for your newsletter! Thanks also for the sweet comment under my video. I think it is clear to say I am rewriting my story and the impact I can make with my creations or guiding people into creating really is due to the dept of the well 🦇. This weekend I gave a workshop, a mix of mindfulness, intuitive creation and an element of yoga. Seeing myself in this setting with participants feeling safe and open to share, creating together and connecting with eachother and our deepest self, makes me the happiest person alive. Deep within I felt this and creating helped me to define it. 💫
Thanks so much, JJ! I feel the same way about you and all the wonderful people who take the time to engage with my work. Wonderful comments like yours really warm my heart, and inspires me to keep creating. And I appreciate your patience and sticking with me despite the long periods between uploads. Big love to you and yours, my friend
This could be one of the best videos ever made because, it has technicalities, processes, and steps to start. I'm still in the process of awakening and haven't lived in the life of enlightenment. Still lost and embarking on my journey. Some of us are in limbo knowing our purpose, decoding our dark night and enhancing our intuition. Honestly, I'm still waiting and having the hard time to get there. I think the research is over, it's time to test the water. Every theory must have an execution. 🎉❤ Your vlogs sir, is like a medical consultation for our spirituality. Thanks for healing us.
You are so welcome, Chris! Thanks so much for your support, and I extend to you the same good wishes. That you and your loved ones have good health, happiness, and prosperity in the new year. Take good care my friend
Your video and a recent rejection just brought me back to writing my autoethnography. I really appreciate your guidance to get back to writing my story.
Good morning Elson! Hoping you and yours had a good Christmas and New Year’s 🥰. Always look forward to your videos. They give much food for thought. Socrates said “the unexamined life is not worth living.” I’m no philosopher but from my 60+ years, I know the twists and turns that our lives take are for a purpose we do not realize, in the moment. When I look backward, in hindsight, I see that I grew more from the bad experiences more than the good. The good makes us complacent. All the “bad” in my early to mid life make me appreciate what I have even more. I finally have achieved that elusive goal of peace, serenity and love that I had been longing for and despaired of ever achieving. In a letter to his daughter, Einstein wrote “Love unfolds and reveals. For love we live and die. Love is God and God is Love. This force explains everything and gives meaning to life.” Please continue sharing your thoughts in your videos, I always look forward to seeing them. Blessings ❤❤❤🤗
I always look forward to reading your comments too, Silvertree, as you know. I appreciate you taking the time to share your wisdom and rich insights with all of us. I completely agree with you; growth doesn't often happen in times comfort, but in times of hardship and challenge. And I genuinely believe that we are more resilient than we realize. That is a beautiful quote from Einstein, and one of the things I appreciate most about him is that he retained in his imagination and curiosity throughout his life. And I did have a great holiday season, thank you! Big love to you and yours, and may you continue to find peace, serenity, and love and bring your most beautiful dreams to life, my friend. Your continued support really means the world to me.
Happy New Year Elson! Ty for another deep thinker's video! My life story has lots of bumps but way more blessings. When I think about a bump I ask myself how long did it last in relation to my whole life. I stay hopeful and try to learn from everything and mentor from my experiences.
Named Beth (house or home) by a mother I never knew, I went on to work for people experiencing homelessness for 35 years. I lost my first home (mother) to help others find theirs.
Thanks. I thought about messaging you before 2024 ended. I appreciate your works very much. I'm sure many treasure your meaningful, enlightening videos worthy of sharing. A prosperous 2025 to you! Thanks again!
Thank you, Meow! I am so grateful for your continued support, my friend. And Big love and best wishes to you and your loved ones for 2025. May you bring your most beautiful stories to life
Your videos always pop up at such perfect times and resonate so much with my life that it's starting to get a little creepy at this point 😂 I seriously need to check my place for hidden cameras.. All jokes aside, though, I've been stuck in a contamination sequence for a while, and only recently realized all of that suffering has ultimately happened for the better... But, as you pointed out, it's up to me to shift my perspective and take advantage of that. It's a sink or swim scenario where I can either drown or swim to new, previously undiscovered lands of happiness, and it's all up to me and the way I CHOOSE to see the whole picture. :)
Good stuff....and a really good follow on to the Dark Knight video. What can work well by way of regaining and retaining momentum is to pivot a little on your approach i.e. ask yourself if you are spending time running away from something or investing time running to something. Not absolute, but the former is born from fear (and, yes, can be quite motivational in its own way) whereas the latter tends to be more inspirational and takes the form of a quest toward becoming what you can, and want, to be.
Once I accepted that life sucks, a huge weight fell from my shoulders, I received inspiration and my life changed for the better. No longer denying my true feelings was very liberating and it allowed me to stop pretending, be real and authentic. Completely the opposite of what this video says (life's great, find meaning, you're a hero) but that's logical since I'm no longer living in denial and I've accepted that life sucks. From there on it only got better. Just like an alcoholic needs to accept he has a problem before his life can change. As long as he denies it, he'll keep living in Fartville and pretend everything is A-OK like that crippled teacher who gives an intellectual answer about his true feelings. It's a false self but safer than diving into his abyss of shame, grief, despair and humiliation. Can't fool me though. ;-) Peace out!
I do remember that as well! It's so awesome that you're still here after all those years. I genuinely appreciate your continued support, Garima! My best to you and yours
Thank you, It's so terrible thst my psychoanalyst and psychologist screwed my life by mental manipulation. She recommanded that i " don't write between sessions because it kept material away from sessions". Can you imagine? I surely was not writing duting sessions. Then there was no writing, no understanding, no figuring out how sick she was, wanting to dominate my naive life. And she crushed it. Her corporation (professional order) and association whitewashed her without real deep investigation
I'm so sorry to hear that happened, Myrtilles. I'd be curious to know why she told you not to write between sessions. There might be legitimate reasons why she would recommend that, but in your case there appears to have been a major loss in confidence that eroded the therapist-patient relationship between you. There are good and bad therapists, and I hope your experience does not dissuade you from finding the good ones out there. Big love to you Myrtilles, I'm rooting for you. May you find healing, and bring your most beautiful and empowering stories to life.
I can’t believe I stumbled on this. I have just re-read Frankl’s first book, and am also reading on Heidegger, Kierkegaard and Deurzen in relation to a research degree….but more significantly to me - I am currently seeking for some purpose or meaning to life. I no longer have any ‘why’. Each day stretches endlessly. It IS up to me to ‘find meaning’…but am lost. Living seems absolutely pointless. I don’t say this to invoke a ‘pity party’….merely to illustrate the extraordinary synchronicity of finding this on a desultory scrolling of UA-cam. Thank you. I will look forward with interest to further output from you.
Thank you for sharing that Alison! Synchronicities have played a big part in my life and I am always fascinated by their numinous character, and how they happen in important turning points in our lives. I never get tired of reading people's synchronicity stories. I didn't mention it in this video but in my other video on Frankl, I explore some of the synchronicities Frankl describes in his own life (although he doesn't explicitly use the term 'synchronicity' what he describes are 'meaningful coincidences' that would meet Jung's definition IMO). You probably recall these examples since you've recently re-read his book, but for anyone who may be stumbling onto this comment, there are at least two remarkable synchronicities I can think of: 1. When Frankl was first taken to the concentration camps he was ordered to change his clothes and when he put on the rags of a previous prisoner who had already died, he found inside his pocket, a single page torn from a Hebrew prayer book, and on that page was the most important Jewish prayer: the Shema Yisrael. He took this as a sign to draw on the strength of his spirituality. 2. Frankl was separated from his family and his wife by the guards. But one day in the concentration camp when Frankl was ordered to work in a trench, his mind went to thoughts of his wife. Something inside of him told him to talk to her silently in his mind. Suddenly he felt the presence of a powerful spirit and in the distance he saw a farmhouse which stood in the horizon, as if it was painted there underneath the morning sky. He was overcome with the feeling that if he just stretched out his hand, he'd be able to reach out and hold on to his wife's hand. It genuinely felt to him like his wife was with him in that moment. At that instant, a bird flew down and perched at his feet, and for what felt like ages, it stood there watching and looking at him. He took this as another sign of the connection he shared with his wife. There are skeptics who would dismiss these as random 'coincidences' but the timing of these incidents were extraordinary, and they gave Frankl a profound sense of meaning and kept him going during a truly desperate time. I believe if you continue to follow your intuition you will find what you're looking for, Alison. May you bring your most beautiful and most empowering stories to life!
Reflection is key. 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ "Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge; hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again." 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ --Diamond Dragons (series)
@@ModernIntuitionist There's no way you *would* be familiar with the quote unless you'd read or encountered the series. And since it's fairly new (2021-202x), this isn't surprising. :) Additionally, since many YT channels are now entirely comprised of A.I., it isn't as though said channels could truly 'read', let alone parse the novels for legitimate comprehension; they'd never understand it (by design).
Impressed of those who manage not to become bitter . James Mahu says our physical life is a product of a fraction of our consciousness dreaming- our subconsciousness animates our daily life. How to shape it? I dont know. He says acceptance and try to watch the physical as not real- observe The real us is not physical
What are some of the ways you've been able to re-write or retell your life story in more empowering way? I'd love to know.
Also access my free email newsletter here: modernintuitionist.com
that`s the thing....there havent been any major break through`s in my life.
@@kirdot2011 are you talking inner or outer?
@kirdot2011 One of the things I wanted to emphasize in the video (that maybe I didn't emphasize enough) is this: the importance of self-compassion. Please be kind to yourself. Our society often celebrates early 'successes' i.e., someone who achieves an incredible breakthrough very young in life. But they are the exception (and often it brings with it many other problems and insecurities as they grow older and feel compelled to constantly try to recapture the success of their youth).
Even among people who achieve outward material success, many of them are miserable and unfulfilled: www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/22/therapist-super-rich-succession-billionaires
We hear less about the many people who find fulfillment later in life as "late bloomers." Everyone progresses through their journey in their own way.
Genuine fulfillment is less about material wealth and more about creating and finding meaning in our lives and the stories we tell ourselves about who we are.
Probably less than 5% of the people who watch this video will actually do the exercise described in it, but that's okay. I made it for that small percentage who will. Because if you try it, it will help you become more conscious and aware of the story we all tell ourselves which are often unconscious and motivate many of the choices we make. And it helps us catch ourselves in those moments when we're telling a disempowering story.
There are many things we can't control in the world, but the one thing you can control is the story you tell and the meaning you derive from your experiences. For me that is one of the most powerful insights from Dr. Viktor Frankl and Dr. Jerry Long.
I'm rooting for you. I believe we all have a magnificent and beautiful story inside of us that is waiting to be set free. This ability to create meaning is accessible to everyone. May you bring your own beautiful stories to life.
@@robertdabob8939 both but mostly outer
This video just made me realize that I don't remember much about my life. And when I stop to try and remember, I realize that I don't really want to remember any of it. That's rather tragic.
@dotty1220 people like us only have to options. Continue as we are and always be as we are. Or fundamentally change ourselves and embrace the hardships in order to live a better life.
I have faith that, as I did, you'll choose the latter. Much Love 🙏🏻💕
@aCarolinaGal I'm working on it. But rn it's tough because I'm stuck in a place where I'm waiting for answers. And it's hard to change when you're inert. But rest assured no matter how heavy my heart is i won't give up 💪
@liamconnelly3115 Exactly! When you're inert you're like the caterpillar in the cocoon preparing to emerge and spread your wings for a beautiful flight to a new and amazing journey ... and it will be spectacular 😉🙏🏻💕
I work in a residential treatment center, and since I started playing your videos for the clients I’ve seen a substantial change in perspective with a few of them
Wow, that's so wonderful to hear! Thank you Matthew for the important work and healing you're doing, and making the world a kinder and more beautiful place. I appreciate you, my friend!
I am halfway and I had to stop to thank you for putting this out in the world
You are so welcome, Viktor! Thank you, I'm so grateful for your continued support, my friend
I have broken my neck too 1999 and as a result ❤I live with more appreciation and respect for life 🙏 I’m humbled 😢by this process and pray that we all continue to grow in LOVE 🥰
The story about the garbage collector in Warsaw is very heartwarming. He might have an ordinary job, but he clearly has an extraordinary attitude about life
🗑️ ➡️ 🐎
You are a master of emojis, Streptomyces! 🗑️ ➡️ 🐎 I imagine that pictures like this were probably the original (and earliest forms) of storytelling. Big love to you and yours as always, and my best to you in the new year, my friend!
I was actually on your channel yesterday thinking about how I wish you'd upload again. I love your content! Also, happy new year!!! 😁
Thank you for your patience Jay and for always returning to support my work! My best to you and your loved ones for 2025
I was about to go to bed but a new Modern Intuitionist video is worth staying up for.
Thanks so much, Xercon! Your support really means the world to me. Big love to you and yours, my friend
The timing of your video in my life is so apt. Listening about the wounded healer at a time where my story, I keep petpetuating, is filled with loneliness and loss. I have to turn my life around again, at 55, feeling broken and alone. My story only I can change. Thank you for the comfort of being reminded that our lives can change once we rewrite it. Wishing you a magnificent 2025.
You're not alone, I'm m in the same boat at 52. Much Love 🙏🏻💕
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your comment, Odette! Some of the kindest and most empathic healers I've known have been wounded people as well. I am rooting for you, my friend. Big love to you and your loved ones, and all the best in the new year!
And thank you too @aCarolinaGal! I really appreciate you both!
Thank you for another great video! Will definitely do this and report back as I’m struggling to find the purpose of my life. I know there is one.
You're baaaaack!!! Happy New Year to you and most of all to all of us who follow your brilliant, interesting and so inspirational content. Thank you. As usual, I watched once, and then again. Love all you do. Thank you again. And may the New Year bring you much joy and happiness.
You're the best, Vivienne! I am so grateful for your ongoing support, and for always showing love for what I'm doing. May you bring your most beautiful stories to life. Big love and my best to you in the new year!
@@ModernIntuitionist 💞
Anytime I see stories like this, while I recognize that these hardships make these people strong in ways I can never know, I'm profoundly grateful I can still walk, use both hands, see, hear....I try not to take anything for granted. Despite the depths of our strength, sometimes life can seem so fragile.
Writing about myself is difficult, but I want to try this out. My strength with the written word seems to be more in editing what others have written rather than writing my own stories. Even so, I feel like if I do buckle down and give it a go, I can create a better, more empowering life story when I'm in a "triumph" phase of life. I feel like I'm approaching one now. Of course, change is the only constant, as they say, and tomorrow is never promised, but I feel like things are moving in a positive direction for me because of recent choices I've made. Your videos have always given me something to think about, and the thoughts and feelings they elicit stay with me for a long time, coloring how I approach life. You've definitely been part of my upward trajectory, and I'm grateful to you for that.
You're doing profound work. I hope you continue to find the inspiration to make these videos and strive to have a positive impact on people's lives. I'm reminded of the advice Mr. Rogers used to give when children asked him how to deal with fear and uncertainty. He used to tell them to "look for the helpers". Well, you're one of the helpers, my friend.
Happy New Year, Elson!
It is a dichotomy.Strength in life whereas life is fragile. A shattered life appears fragile yet once the pieces are reconstructed, the strength becomes very apparrant. Thus the saying Strength comes from weakness(fragility)
Beautifully said 🙏🏻💕
Wonderful comment, Spacegoat! I always appreciate and look forward to your comments, and I feel the same away about the sense of gratitude I have when I learn about people who've found courage to carry on in spite of tremendous hardships and handicaps in their life. You're an excellent writer and a wealth of knowledge, and I consider you to be one of the helpers as well (which is such an awesome quote that I'd never heard before!).
I'm also very grateful you've found me and for your generosity in sharing your insights with all of us here. Thanks as always for your kind comments, it really warmed my heart to read. My best to you and your loved ones in the new year, my friend!
Your a true Artist!! And your work is truely inspiring and thought provoking, so happy to be part of this channel 😊❤
Your channel is invaluable, Elson. You cannot put a price on this type of content. Unreal. Thank you.
I’ve been going through a little bit of a heartbreak since August and honestly when you asked what moments did it almost feel like life peaked at, I would right away say when I was in love with her. Everything felt worth it, all the ups and downs up to that point because it lead me to her. I finally felt like I belonged in the universe.
I’ll be joining the newsletter soon!
You're the best, Sukwinder. Thanks so much. I'm reminded of the quote:
"The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief - But the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love."
Hillary Stanton Zunin
I agree with you, that the pain of love is worth it. We are all wounded in our own unique way, but in that lies the potential to be wounded healers too.
As always, I'm grateful for your continued support, my friend
There you are! Was looking for a new one. Thanks!
I appreciate your patience! And I'm so grateful for your continued support, my friend. Thank you
What a great storytelling.. Loved every part of it. Thank you.
Thanks so much, Val! I appreciate you!
Wow, that brought tears to my eyes. What beautiful view of what makes life worth living. So many foolishly think happiness, but meaning is far more nourishing to the soul.
So beautifully said, Bob. Thank you! As always I am so grateful for your ongoing support for what I'm doing. Big love to you and yours, my friend.
Happy New Year 😊
Thanks for another great video. I think of Dr. Edith Eger and Paul Alexander ("The man in the iron lung") as well when I think of life stories that have inspired me in a life changing way.
I went through a time when I was between a bed and a wheelchair for a couple of years and it was a reminder how life can change in the blink of an eye, in both ways. It can get really difficult in a minute the same way it become absolutely brilliant in another minute.
Perspective is ultimately all we have in life.
I always look forward to reading your comments, coolbreeze! Thanks so much for sharing your insights and experience, and especially the thought that life can be difficult in one minute and brilliant in another. Your continued support means the world to me, my friend. Big love and all the best to you and yours in the new year!
Thank you for another masterpiece of content and a great start to the year ⚾✨🙏🙏
You are so welcome, Zia! Big love and my best to you and yours in the new year ⚾✨🙏🙏 I appreciate you
@@ModernIntuitionist Thanks for your reply! Best Wishes to you and yours in the New Year too!! ✨💫
Another amazing video! And the synchronicities are uncanny. I feel so fortunate to have found your channel years ago. I always look forward watching your video’s. I will definitely sign up for your newsletter! Thanks also for the sweet comment under my video. I think it is clear to say I am rewriting my story and the impact I can make with my creations or guiding people into creating really is due to the dept of the well 🦇. This weekend I gave a workshop, a mix of mindfulness, intuitive creation and an element of yoga. Seeing myself in this setting with participants feeling safe and open to share, creating together and connecting with eachother and our deepest self, makes me the happiest person alive. Deep within I felt this and creating helped me to define it. 💫
Yes! What a great start to the new year. Wishing you all the best for 2025 ❤
Thanks so much Rachel! Big love to you and yours and may you bring your greatest story to life
You never let us down with so much inspiration to our inner soul. Look forward to so many more videos. ❤️ them. 🐺
Thanks so much, JJ! I feel the same way about you and all the wonderful people who take the time to engage with my work. Wonderful comments like yours really warm my heart, and inspires me to keep creating. And I appreciate your patience and sticking with me despite the long periods between uploads. Big love to you and yours, my friend
thanks for your effort, as always very good.
Thanks so much, Eduardo! I appreciate you!
Thank you for this beautiful gift.
Thanks so much, Sage! Big love to you and yours, my friend
Finally. I am the first here. You have good content, thanks for your effort, it is highly appreciated!
Thank you Mohamed! I appreciate you too!
This could be one of the best videos ever made because, it has technicalities, processes, and steps to start. I'm still in the process of awakening and haven't lived in the life of enlightenment. Still lost and embarking on my journey. Some of us are in limbo knowing our purpose, decoding our dark night and enhancing our intuition. Honestly, I'm still waiting and having the hard time to get there. I think the research is over, it's time to test the water. Every theory must have an execution. 🎉❤ Your vlogs sir, is like a medical consultation for our spirituality. Thanks for healing us.
Thank you so much for all your wonderful work! It is profoundly inspirational! Happy New Year to you and your family.🙏🏻🎆☀️
You are so welcome, Chris! Thanks so much for your support, and I extend to you the same good wishes. That you and your loved ones have good health, happiness, and prosperity in the new year. Take good care my friend
Yours is one of the greatest, most enriching channels on youtube. Thank you for making these videos. ❤
Wow, thanks so much, psychedianic! And you are so welcome. I appreciate you
A totally amazing video. Thank you! :)
You're so welcome, Nicole! Thank you for your words of support, my friend
You're certainly welcome! Your videos are extremely well thought through, enticing and up-lifting. Well done! 😁
What an incredible video. Thanks for sharing this with us. 💪
I downloaded it and am play/stop-ing it to write ✍️ the process down.
So you're so welcome, and thank you! May you bring your most beautiful stories to life
What a beautiful life lesson!
Thank you for the video, I teared up at the end.
I'm going to follow this guide!
Your video and a recent rejection just brought me back to writing my autoethnography. I really appreciate your guidance to get back to writing my story.
Once again you're synched to what's gripping me. Thanks, Elson. :)
You're so welcome, Jamie! Thanks so much for taking the time to watch and support my work and for being here.
Happy New Year! Thank you for the inspiration!💜
Thanks so much, and happy new year Linda! 💜
Happy new year!! Empowering video!
Happy new year to you and your loved ones, my friend! Thanks so much, I hope you're doing well
@@ModernIntuitionist hope your doing well to! Wishing you and your loved ones be whole and healthy!
Good morning Elson! Hoping you and yours had a good Christmas and New Year’s 🥰. Always look forward to your videos. They give much food for thought. Socrates said “the unexamined life is not worth living.” I’m no philosopher but from my 60+ years, I know the twists and turns that our lives take are for a purpose we do not realize, in the moment. When I look backward, in hindsight, I see that I grew more from the bad experiences more than the good. The good makes us complacent. All the “bad” in my early to mid life make me appreciate what I have even more. I finally have achieved that elusive goal of peace, serenity and love that I had been longing for and despaired of ever achieving. In a letter to his daughter, Einstein wrote “Love unfolds and reveals. For love we live and die. Love is God and God is Love. This force explains everything and gives meaning to life.”
Please continue sharing your thoughts in your videos, I always look forward to seeing them. Blessings ❤❤❤🤗
I always look forward to reading your comments too, Silvertree, as you know. I appreciate you taking the time to share your wisdom and rich insights with all of us. I completely agree with you; growth doesn't often happen in times comfort, but in times of hardship and challenge. And I genuinely believe that we are more resilient than we realize. That is a beautiful quote from Einstein, and one of the things I appreciate most about him is that he retained in his imagination and curiosity throughout his life.
And I did have a great holiday season, thank you! Big love to you and yours, and may you continue to find peace, serenity, and love and bring your most beautiful dreams to life, my friend. Your continued support really means the world to me.
As always... well worth waiting for! Thanks, again!
Thanks so much, Prof Gura! Always a pleasure to hear from you, I hope you are well my friend. My best wishes to you and yours in the new year
Beautiful content. As always. ❤
As always, your continued support means the world to me, Kimberly. Thanks so much!
Uplifting thoughts, beautifully put forth in this video👌
Thank you. 🖤
You're so welcome, Trever! Thank you!
Happy New Year Elson! Ty for another deep thinker's video! My life story has lots of bumps but way more blessings. When I think about a bump I ask myself how long did it last in relation to my whole life. I stay hopeful and try to learn from everything and mentor from my experiences.
Fantastic content. Love going through your backlog since I just discovered this channel
Thanks so much, Dash! Big love to you and yours!
Named Beth (house or home) by a mother I never knew, I went on to work for people experiencing homelessness for 35 years. I lost my first home (mother) to help others find theirs.
Keep going! I need more videos so my addiction to your content can be fed!
Thank you! So informative and an honest representation!
Thanks so much!
Thanks. I thought about messaging you before 2024 ended. I appreciate your works very much. I'm sure many treasure your meaningful, enlightening videos worthy of sharing. A prosperous 2025 to you! Thanks again!
Thank you, Meow! I am so grateful for your continued support, my friend. And Big love and best wishes to you and your loved ones for 2025. May you bring your most beautiful stories to life
Yayyyyyyy modern intuitionist is baaaaaack🎉❤
And thank you Dr. Ferdaouss for always coming back to support my work. I appreciate you, my friend! 🎉❤
Subscribed. Thank you for enlightening me. I appreciate your insight. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2025.
Thank you Slayparader, and my best wishes to you and yours for 2025!
excellent production.
Thanks so much!
your vídeos are so profound. thank you
Thank you so much, Zara! Your continued support means the world to me
Hugs from Brazil
Big hugs to you Anando from Canada!
I like the editing of your video ,the way it has this cyber vibes
Thank you Pranjal!
Your videos always pop up at such perfect times and resonate so much with my life that it's starting to get a little creepy at this point 😂 I seriously need to check my place for hidden cameras..
All jokes aside, though, I've been stuck in a contamination sequence for a while, and only recently realized all of that suffering has ultimately happened for the better... But, as you pointed out, it's up to me to shift my perspective and take advantage of that. It's a sink or swim scenario where I can either drown or swim to new, previously undiscovered lands of happiness, and it's all up to me and the way I CHOOSE to see the whole picture. :)
Thank you Syncs! May you bring your most beautiful and empowering stories to life
Good stuff....and a really good follow on to the Dark Knight video. What can work well by way of regaining and retaining momentum is to pivot a little on your approach i.e. ask yourself if you are spending time running away from something or investing time running to something. Not absolute, but the former is born from fear (and, yes, can be quite motivational in its own way) whereas the latter tends to be more inspirational and takes the form of a quest toward becoming what you can, and want, to be.
Beautifully said, Paul! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your valuable insights with all of us. I appreciate you!
Thank you.
Thanks so much, GT4md!
Once I accepted that life sucks, a huge weight fell from my shoulders, I received inspiration and my life changed for the better. No longer denying my true feelings was very liberating and it allowed me to stop pretending, be real and authentic.
Completely the opposite of what this video says (life's great, find meaning, you're a hero) but that's logical since I'm no longer living in denial and I've accepted that life sucks. From there on it only got better. Just like an alcoholic needs to accept he has a problem before his life can change. As long as he denies it, he'll keep living in Fartville and pretend everything is A-OK like that crippled teacher who gives an intellectual answer about his true feelings. It's a false self but safer than diving into his abyss of shame, grief, despair and humiliation. Can't fool me though. ;-) Peace out!
Thank you❤⚾️
Thank you Lisa! Big love to you and yours, as always ❤⚾️
Amazing ❤
Thanks so much, Rachel!
I still remember when I first talked to you on stargirl’s channel a couple years ago.
I do remember that as well! It's so awesome that you're still here after all those years. I genuinely appreciate your continued support, Garima! My best to you and yours
Thank you,
It's so terrible thst my psychoanalyst and psychologist screwed my life by mental manipulation. She recommanded that i " don't write between sessions because it kept material away from sessions". Can you imagine? I surely was not writing duting sessions. Then there was no writing, no understanding, no figuring out how sick she was, wanting to dominate my naive life. And she crushed it. Her corporation (professional order) and association whitewashed her without real deep investigation
I'm so sorry to hear that happened, Myrtilles. I'd be curious to know why she told you not to write between sessions. There might be legitimate reasons why she would recommend that, but in your case there appears to have been a major loss in confidence that eroded the therapist-patient relationship between you. There are good and bad therapists, and I hope your experience does not dissuade you from finding the good ones out there. Big love to you Myrtilles, I'm rooting for you. May you find healing, and bring your most beautiful and empowering stories to life.
I can’t believe I stumbled on this. I have just re-read Frankl’s first book, and am also reading on Heidegger, Kierkegaard and Deurzen in relation to a research degree….but more significantly to me - I am currently seeking for some purpose or meaning to life. I no longer have any ‘why’. Each day stretches endlessly. It IS up to me to ‘find meaning’…but am lost. Living seems absolutely pointless. I don’t say this to invoke a ‘pity party’….merely to illustrate the extraordinary synchronicity of finding this on a desultory scrolling of UA-cam. Thank you. I will look forward with interest to further output from you.
Thank you for sharing that Alison! Synchronicities have played a big part in my life and I am always fascinated by their numinous character, and how they happen in important turning points in our lives. I never get tired of reading people's synchronicity stories.
I didn't mention it in this video but in my other video on Frankl, I explore some of the synchronicities Frankl describes in his own life (although he doesn't explicitly use the term 'synchronicity' what he describes are 'meaningful coincidences' that would meet Jung's definition IMO).
You probably recall these examples since you've recently re-read his book, but for anyone who may be stumbling onto this comment, there are at least two remarkable synchronicities I can think of:
1. When Frankl was first taken to the concentration camps he was ordered to change his clothes and when he put on the rags of a previous prisoner who had already died, he found inside his pocket, a single page torn from a
Hebrew prayer book, and on that page was the most important Jewish prayer: the Shema Yisrael. He took this as a sign to draw on the strength of his spirituality.
2. Frankl was separated from his family and his wife by the guards. But one day in the concentration camp when Frankl was ordered to work in a trench, his mind went to thoughts of his wife. Something inside of him told him to talk to her silently in his mind. Suddenly he felt the presence of a powerful spirit and in the distance he saw a farmhouse which stood in the horizon, as if it was painted there underneath the morning sky. He was overcome with the feeling that if he just stretched out his hand, he'd be able to reach out and hold on to his wife's hand. It genuinely felt to him like his wife was with him in that moment. At that instant, a bird flew down and perched at his feet, and for what felt like ages, it stood there watching and looking at him. He took this as another sign of the connection he shared with his wife.
There are skeptics who would dismiss these as random 'coincidences' but the timing of these incidents were extraordinary, and they gave Frankl a profound sense of meaning and kept him going during a truly desperate time.
I believe if you continue to follow your intuition you will find what you're looking for, Alison. May you bring your most beautiful and most empowering stories to life!
Reflection is key.
"Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge; hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again."
--Diamond Dragons (series)
Beautifully said! I wasn't familiar with that quote before, thanks for taking the time to share it, Novastar!
@@ModernIntuitionist There's no way you *would* be familiar with the quote unless you'd read or encountered the series. And since it's fairly new (2021-202x), this isn't surprising. :) Additionally, since many YT channels are now entirely comprised of A.I., it isn't as though said channels could truly 'read', let alone parse the novels for legitimate comprehension; they'd never understand it (by design).
Impressed of those who manage not to become bitter
James Mahu says our physical life is a product of a fraction of our consciousness dreaming- our subconsciousness animates our daily life.
How to shape it? I dont know. He says acceptance and try to watch the physical as not real- observe
The real us is not physical
Beautifully said, thanks so much Henrik!
⚾️ thank you
Thank you, Ten!
Thank you, Miss!
⚾️🦽🧭Choose one's own way🛤 📝📚✨️✨️✨️👩🏫♥️🌞🚶♀️➡️
Third i guess
But you are first in our hearts, Kenny! Happy new year
Thank you, Shawn!
What a great way to start off 2025!
Happy New Year ❤️🙏🏻🫡
Modern Intuitionist is the 🐐
Thanks so much, Thomas! May you bring your most beautiful stories to life in 2025. Big love to you and yours, my friend! ❤️🙏🏻🫡
@modernintuitionist thank u