Christ that note she puts out at 6:30 gets me every time. Almost brings a tear to my eye never mind hairs standing up. Wolf Alice are really something else.
Я не пойму, прекрасная группа, отличная песня, супер сама мелодия, а звук какой-то слабый... Звукотехники вы вообще? Алиса возьмите себе звукооператоров других... 😶
Joel is such a legend omggg, that drumming is insane!
Nothing phases her she's amazing
Guitar didn’t work so she thought fuck it I’ll just go say hi to the crowd. Love that!
This is greatness!
Cheers bro was a fun gig she's so rad shot for the vid
They sound amazing live
Christ that note she puts out at 6:30 gets me every time. Almost brings a tear to my eye never mind hairs standing up. Wolf Alice are really something else.
It's awesome, isn't it :) And, yeah, there are very few vocalists whose artistry can bring me to tears, but Ellie is very definitely one of them.
Я не пойму, прекрасная группа, отличная песня, супер сама мелодия, а звук какой-то слабый... Звукотехники вы вообще? Алиса возьмите себе звукооператоров других... 😶