Hello you are welcome. dude. Have a Good and successful weekend with the great weather we are having. I am still convinced that the right girl for me is still out there for me. If she only knew, the time is now. Here I am. Ethan man, Best on your relationships with women and your work. Peace. blessed.
Oh man, it's so good to get this update from you dude. Sorry to hear about the hardships of your breakup, but glad it was for the best. And congratulations on getting a timeframe setup for your phalloplasty! That is really exciting. I am looking forward to future updates. I do have 1 question so far: what is the difference in results between the thigh and forearm flap?
+Dinosaurs and Coyotes Thanks Wes! I always appreciate your comments. Saw your video about downsizing and living small. That will be interesting, looking forward to hearing more about that. As for the difference between thigh and forearm, basically its size and the amount of surgery needed to complete each flap. Thigh will take longer to complete because it has a less dense blood supply to aid in recovery so they have to space out the work they can do (will always be multi-stage surgery). Also, if you don't have a very low BMI (low 20s), you will get a huge very girthy penis, which I am not interested in. Just not for me. Here's a video from Crane about the differences www.informingconsent.org/2015/08/17/donor-sites/. Hope that helps! And yes, I was exhausted when I made this video, so it probably doesn't show very well, but I'm really excited about moving forward with Phallo finally.
That video was extremely helpful. Thank you! One more question: he touched on it a little in the video but I'm still unclear-- do you get to choose the length of your phallus? I get that the girth is determined by donation site, and that the length is impacted by donation site, but are these things you get to provide input and preference about?
+Dinosaurs and Coyotes Sorry it took me so long to reply. You're welcome, I thought it was a great video too. I think you have some say in the length of the phallus. Especially with the thigh because they have more to work with. With the arm, I know the size is limited, but within that limit, I'm sure Crane could go up or down a bit. I think he generally says 5-5.5inches for forearm is what they usually do. I'm good with that. I was mostly worried about girth because I have skinny forearms, but from the consult it sounds like that's not a problem and if it is they can do some fat grafting later to add girth.
Thank you. Happy Successful New Years to you too, Best Wishes! :)
+I Love Me I Love Me, thank you! May it be a good year for you too.
Hello you are welcome. dude. Have a Good and successful weekend with the great weather we are having. I am still convinced that the right girl for me is still out there for me. If she only knew, the time is now. Here I am. Ethan man, Best on your relationships with women and your work. Peace. blessed.
Oh man, it's so good to get this update from you dude. Sorry to hear about the hardships of your breakup, but glad it was for the best. And congratulations on getting a timeframe setup for your phalloplasty! That is really exciting. I am looking forward to future updates. I do have 1 question so far: what is the difference in results between the thigh and forearm flap?
+Dinosaurs and Coyotes Thanks Wes! I always appreciate your comments. Saw your video about downsizing and living small. That will be interesting, looking forward to hearing more about that. As for the difference between thigh and forearm, basically its size and the amount of surgery needed to complete each flap. Thigh will take longer to complete because it has a less dense blood supply to aid in recovery so they have to space out the work they can do (will always be multi-stage surgery). Also, if you don't have a very low BMI (low 20s), you will get a huge very girthy penis, which I am not interested in. Just not for me. Here's a video from Crane about the differences www.informingconsent.org/2015/08/17/donor-sites/. Hope that helps! And yes, I was exhausted when I made this video, so it probably doesn't show very well, but I'm really excited about moving forward with Phallo finally.
That video was extremely helpful. Thank you! One more question: he touched on it a little in the video but I'm still unclear-- do you get to choose the length of your phallus? I get that the girth is determined by donation site, and that the length is impacted by donation site, but are these things you get to provide input and preference about?
+Dinosaurs and Coyotes Sorry it took me so long to reply. You're welcome, I thought it was a great video too. I think you have some say in the length of the phallus. Especially with the thigh because they have more to work with. With the arm, I know the size is limited, but within that limit, I'm sure Crane could go up or down a bit. I think he generally says 5-5.5inches for forearm is what they usually do. I'm good with that. I was mostly worried about girth because I have skinny forearms, but from the consult it sounds like that's not a problem and if it is they can do some fat grafting later to add girth.