యోగ సాధన ఎలా చెయ్యాలి? How to do yoga sadhana?

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2020
  • samam kaayashirogreevam dhaarayannachalam sthirah'
    samprekshya naasikaagram svam dishashchaanavalokayan .. 6-13
    A yogi should keep his body stable by putting his trunk and the neck and the head in an erect posture and perpendicularly, he should erectly, - without moving any thing, any where, without moving he should go on looking upwards; here, naasikaagram, samprekshya, this is very very scientific procedure, Paramatma is telling. Samprekshya - eekshya means seeing, prekshya means seeing with intensity, samprekshya means thoroughly seeing. So, how can you see thoroughly? Unless you do some thing process inside, simply by meditating or what you call dhyanam, you can never see like that. You can never sit erect like that. But, a person who is doing yogasadhana, that is, vayusadhana can only sit erectly and he will keep his eyes upwards. What is the purpose of keeping eyes upwards? You have to turn the eyeballs upwards inside, the only thing is, the black portion of the eye, that is Cornea, should be turned upwards inside and the only spare of white portion of the eye should be seen outside. Why? There is a deeper meaning in it.
    Say, the Corneal nerves, means the first olfactory that is supplying to the nose and the second, third, fourth and sixth nerves of the brain coming from the Cranial nerves, all these are supplying to our eyes only. So if you turn the eyes upwards, the force which is coming from the brain, again it will be turned inside.
    In Mantra Pushpam, in Mahanarayanopanishad it is mentioned like that, Neelatoyada madhyasthaa - Neelatoyadam means the black portion of the eye; vidyullekheva bhaasvaraa - some people they will translate like this, that is a cloud in outside in the atmosphere. They say that that is also called Neelatoyadamu. In that, that cloud there will be water vapor inside. Water in it. That's why it is also called Neelatoyadamu. But here the eyeball itself, vidyullekheva bhaasvaraa - vidyullekheva bhaasvaraa - that means just like the lightning, that means the spark like light will be coming from the eyes. You know in everybody there will be divine light coming outside as a glow through the eyes. That is the black portion of the eye, cornea there is iris you know. Through that there is a black hole and through that divine light coming like a glow. The, a patient, who is dying that glow will be diminished. A person who is having much sufficient Prana Shakti, that glow will be more. If a yogi does yogam thoroughly, the glow will be, glowing like anything, that light, divine light will be coming through the eyes and that will be flowing outside there by forming a circuit. Our Gurudev used to say, if you turn your eye balls upwards, the glow coming from the brain will be again turned inside to the soul through the eyeballs.
    A Jeevan Mukta will see his own divine light, which is passing out through the eyes. So when you turn it upwards, you will see the divine light inside the fore brain, that is, forehead. How, by seeing your own light which is coming out through the eyeballs. So Svayamēva svayaṁ paśyēt - he will see his own divine light; ātma rājyē sukhēvasēt - with that only, he will enjoy the Bliss of the Atman; ātmānaṁ svayaṁ bhōkṣyēt - one who enjoys that internal bliss by his own self; sa jīvanmukta ucyatē - he is called a Jeevan Mukta. He is the liberated soul. That's why, we say, he is an enlightened soul. enlighten means making light. Enlighten means to make light. That means, one who does yogam, he will convert his life energy into light. Then only he will be called as enlightened soul.
    Here also, naasikaagram means not at the tip of the nose. But, naasikam means nose; agram means, agrajudu means the starting point of the nose is, that is at bhrumadhyam. Here also most of the pundits they have translated that the naasikaagram means tip of the nose, they don't know alphabets of pranayamam. But here, Lord Shri Krishna saying you have to see at the root of the nose, means that is in the center of the eyebrows. Recently initiated ask Guruji shall I keep my eyeballs in a conjoint way, that means at the one point between the eyebrows or shall I have to keep my eye upwards? Always keep your balls upwards only. Don't converge. That, that convergence will be there automatically inside. But yogi should look upwards, straightaway upwards only. So you need strain to concentrate to converge these eyeballs. Simply look upwards, that's all. Now Bhagavan is saying don't see the sides means when you close the eyes, there is no question of saying this thing. Lord Sri Krishna, by opening eyes only, you don't see the side wards. That is by doing Pranayama only, by doing Pranayama only, you can sit erect and keep your eyes upwards. These two things are possible only for a yogi, but not for a ordinary meditator.
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