Navnet Jesus blekner aldri / Never fades the name of Jesus | Hauptwerk | St Mary Redcliffe

  • Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
  • Of all the hymns this is one of the most majestic ones i know of. Few hymns create the emotional response that this one brings.
    "How I love the name of Jesus", or "Never fades the name of Jesus", is a hymn written by David Welander. He wrote the entire hymn on the train home to Norway in January 1923. It was completed overnight. It was printed in the magazine "Krigsropet" shortly thereafter. Several melodies were used in the early days of the text, including "What a Friend We Have in Jesus", but the melody we use today soon became the standard. This melody is from Zululand and became known in Oslo following Salvation Army officers returning from travelling.
    Navnet Jesus blekner aldri,
    tæres ei av tidens tann.
    Navnet Jesus, det er evig,
    ingen det utslette kan.
    Det har bud til unge, gamle,
    skyter stadig friske skudd.
    Det har evnen til å samle
    alle sjeler inn til Gud.
    Navnet Jesus må jeg elske,
    det har satt min sjel i brann.
    Ved det navnet fant jeg frelse,
    intet annet frelse kan.
    Jesu navn! Hvor skjønt det klinger,
    la det runge over jord!
    Intet annet verden bringer
    håp og trøst som dette ord.
    For det navn må hatet vike,
    for det navn må ondskap fly.
    Ved det navn skal rettferds rike
    skyte friske skudd på ny.
    Midt i nattens mørke blinker
    som et fyrlys Jesu navn,
    og hver hjelpløs seiler vinker
    inn til frelsens trygge havn.
    Og når solen mer ei skinner,
    Jesu navn, det lyser enn.
    Da den frelste skare synger
    høyt dets pris i himmelen!
    Verse 1
    Never fades the name of Jesus,
    Nor is dimmed by passing time.
    Jesus' name is everlasting,
    For its meaning is sublime,
    Jesus' name brings joy and gladness,
    Daily sending forth new life;
    In his name there's power to gather
    Souls of men from ways of strife.
    How I love the name of Jesus!
    He has set my heart aflame!
    I have found a great salvation
    Through the merits of his name.
    Verse 2
    Beautiful the name of Jesus;
    Let it echo round the earth,
    For to weary, hopeless nations
    Jesus' name has matchless worth.
    Hate at last must yield to Jesus,
    Sinfulness before him flee;
    Through his name shall truth and justice
    Reign again to make men free.
    Verse 3
    In the night his dear name shineth
    Like a lighthouse evermore,
    Guiding lonely shipwrecked seamen
    Safely to salvation's shore.
    When the sun's last rays are fading,
    Into darkness spread his fame,
    Till the ransomed hosts in Heaven
    Sing the praises of his name.
    #hymn #salvationarmy #pipeorgan #christianhymn #churchorganist #churchorgan #churchmusic #hauptwerk #StMaryRedcliffeSampleset #organmusic #jarleifsmusic #jarleifvaagen