Winston please reassert our sovereign rights and save us from WEF, WHO et al. Provincial New Zealand need to rise to Statehood, just like Australia accomplished a century ago.
They are siblings in Polynesian Mythology. Now if we apply Modern Science and Physics and Plant Biology in which Vibration plays a key role in our existence and reality and also in a form of communication in plant ecosystems. It is therefore scientifically feasible that a Whale Song which is one of the greatest natural vibrational Sonics on the planet could be detected by the plant world. However my scientific viewpoint is that it is more likely The Whale Sonic Vibration and The Kauri Sonic Vibration are instrumental in maintaining the vibrational health of their individual unique ecosystems rather than upon each others. However if this experiment was done with the proper equipment used to detect and record the Kauri reaction to the whale song l would be interested to see if there was a detectable reaction. You may scoff at Mythology but as we have discovered repeatedly over the centuries Science, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Medicine, Pharmacology, Archeology, Anthropology, Navigation and Discovery has been moved a long way by those of our researchers who have looked to Mythology, Legend and Ancient Writings for clues.
It appears that a woman, MP Ron Mark`s daughter, who is one of the people that hands out the grants, handed out $4million to herself her business partner
I am a NZ First voter and I support the Treaty Principles bill, because, although I fully understand NZ Firsts position and support their reasoning, the Treaty Principles bill makes it official.
@malcolm-danielfreeman5940 people like you are the problem. You speak with such virtue while having no real understanding of the past. Not one single indigenous person anywhere in the entire history of the world ever had individual human rights and freedom until Britain, France, and then the US forced it on the world. Do you think pre colonial Maori were free to choose their life path? Do you think you could wake up in the morning and have a choice about your life? Unless you were a Chief or someone important you had no choices. You were not free. It seems your anger stems from lack of support and guidance from YOUR family and now place blame on others for the failing of YOUR family. It is easier to blame others and racism than be honest about why YOUR family didnt look to the future. I know heaps of Maori families that did, and many that didn't. Which one were you ?
@@malcolm-danielfreeman5940no, superior Technology, superior Agriculture, military might, vastly larger numbers and of course Maori culture which practiced and recognized territory and power acquisition through conquest.
@@malcolm-danielfreeman5940 you sign or you fight ,,,,,, that us? you have no idea what the other options wouldve been vs the advantages my family have had two battles on our land that guess what we still own good luck getting it off us had a family member in ever war conflict since the start and we arnt going anywhere ironic that we bought our land from a appoved maori seller that had the lawfull right to sell only almost 200 years later for others to try saying he wasnt sopposed too well that is some thing you can take up with him you will need a spade and a siv because hes dust
Luxon is a globalist, doing as requested !!! He would not have been chosen, if he had shown any signs of individual thoughts or questions!! A one world government boy, at attention!!!
minto should have been jailed or confined to a mental institution decades ago - authorities have an obligation to protect the public from complete lunacy.
id be more interested in knowing where he currently lives know some people who would like to offer him a holiday overseas free spose you dont know where he is?
Many would agree with Winston’s position, but doing nothing is not stopping the grift. National and NZ First are not offering a solution, they are gatekeepers to stop ACT’s bill. This will be remembered at the next election.
nz first next bill is a going to be a explosion compared to the principle bill its winnie old school they are just using the pincipal bill to get the attention and sopport and it also gives national a easy out but winnies one will be like a brick to the face its all about timing and knowing when to play your hand just sit back and wait you will see
Who gives the ok for these people to get money for whale song to be played to trees. Seriously, we New Zealand people pay our taxes for this. I'm gob smacked.
the ironic thing is botany and shit like that is a living developing thing plants animals humans change and adapt to environments whitch also include becoming extinct because of lots of reasons from natural to man made to weak genetics that just cant keep up with natural and modern bugs just like if someone transported themselves from the past to today they would either die very quickly or at min would be horrifically sick however they would have other advantages over us the men would have stronger testosterone compared to modern men and diabetes wasnt around neither weight problems, it is natural for all things to come to an end somehow it isnt natural for things not to change there are multiple classes of kauri trees Aussie ones fijian ones north and south ones all have adjusted to certain environments and things from to much water to wind to sun to disease can kill plants hell some plants just give up because of genetics living things have to die otherwise are they living by the definition of the word .? im taking up debating as a hobbie and it helps with my autism so tact has always been difficult for me hope you understand .
It is not espoused that it was not only Jews that were victims of the holocaust, there were many, many more of differing ethnicities and religious faiths. We should not forget those victims.
@@stevehughes1510 You can google it...and also have no doubt that when certain ppl have driven out the Jews they will just move onto the next group on their list...
@@stevehughes1510 Poles 1.8 million Ukrainians 3 million Soviet Slavs and POWs 2.8 million Romani 250,000 to 500,000 Incomplete list there were many more groups the nazis considered Untermensch subhuman to be exterminated .
The motivation of the perpetrators of evil was to remove all non Aryan but the Jews were a religious group that were a threat because of their beliefs that did not fit with the ideology of the nazi regime and who would not bow the knee. The Jews believed in the sanctity and value of every human life. We remember the holocaust because it was the biggest genocide of one people group wherever they had lived. We recognise that others also suffered under the nazi regime but they suffered as individuals not a distinguishable people group. Evil should never be taken lightly and that is the point of remembering. I am not Jewish but am grateful that this holocaust remembrance was put in place for us all to be reminded of the value of every human life - something the modern world seems to have 'ignored' in recent times, choosing between ideologies and choosing to take a position of relativism when it comes to the value of a human life. A simple, common, modern day question is sufficient to suggest how partial we have become - 'whose life is to be valued - the mother or the yet to be born child?'
@@isaacwalker2045 let you know brother i think the three of us can handle them good my good bud living up the valley Ron Marks with me as well just one thing we got to let him be boss im all for bring it on
Winston, Please do not let Luxon & Seymour get the WEF and associates to build PPP infrastructure in New Zealand. We do not want or need them here. Instead look to restart the Ministry of Works, it worked well in the past and it can be made to work well for us in the future. Thank you most Sincerely.
Over 4 million to play a whale noises mix tape to trees in order to help them, due to the belief that whales are brothers to Kauri trees - Yeah, sounds legit.
Frankly I feel Winston is correct, we should not look to redefine the Principals of the Treaty or treat it as a Partnership. The Treaty is the Treaty, it is a stand alone document that says what is says very clearly. NZL needs to make it a serious crime if people try and twist its meaning to suit themselves and their own agenda/s. Section 73 (e) and (f) of The Crimes Act seems appropriate. People need to be charged under those provisions IMO. That is why they are there, are they not? AND, Happy new year to you Winston, happy new year. :)
In 1840, when 99 percent of the population was native and tribalised, Tino Rangatiratanga was a self-evident fact. But after 185 years of tribal, ethnic and cultural mixing, it is a practical nonsense,
It was also a time where some Māori chiefs were fighting against the outlawing of slavery. The descendants of those slaves should be thankful it did not succeed.
Winston, very good at pointing out the obvious but when are we actually going to see some action out of you. You're the leader of a party and you aint overseas every day of the week.
@anthony-m9m1i worked it out long long ago. Normies can't see it so planting seeds just in case a few whom are waking up will read and watch a bit harder.
That's a blot on old Ron Mark, he ought to have told his daughter to grow up, but wait, he's a gravy train guy as well. The Maori dream is a gravy train.
John Minto should be arrested and prosecuted. If he was far right, he'd be come down on with lightening speed by the authorities. It will be interesting to see if, because he is far left and his target is Israelis/Jews, there is the same speed of action from the authorities, if any action at all.
We ALL have Treaties with the Crown which specifically enshrine Equal Rights, Advantages and Privileges for ALL subjects. The Crown was a "Treaty Partner" (to utilise woke terminology) with many other "Treaty Parties" well before Maori were added as English subjects in the Maori version of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi. These Treaties include the 1215 Magna Carta, the 1267 Treaty of Montgomery (Wales), the 1706 Treaty of Union (Scotland) and the 1800 Treaty of Union (Ireland), and their respective enactments. The "Treaty of Waitangi" is actually the 1840 Treaty of Union (New Zealand). In 1840 the "Crown" was already a "Partnership" with several "First Nations Partners" - ie. the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.The Union Flag was specifically created by Article 1 of the 1706 Treaty of Union to represent the Union of "Treaty Parties". The 1840 Treaty of Waitangi was specifically signed over the Union Flag to represent this. This is like a going concern which has several existing partners, taking on another partner and absorbing their concern into a greater whole - with each partner being on an exactly equal footing. Article 1 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states;"That the two Kingdoms of Scotland and England, shall, upon the first Day of May next ensuing the Date hereof, and for ever after, be united into one Kingdom by the Name of Great-Britain, and that the Ensigns Armorial of the said united Kingdom, be such as her Majesty shall appoint; and the Crosses of St. Andrew and St. George be conjoined in such a manner as her Majesty shall think fit, and used in all Flags, Banners, Standards, and Ensigns, both at Sea and Land." Several Articles of these Treaties require that all citizens have equal rights, advantages and privileges and that no new party added should be given exclusive ones. For example, Article 4 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states;"That all the Subjects of the united Kingdom of Great-Britain shall, from and after the Union, have full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation, to and from any Port or Place within the said united Kingdom, and the Dominions and Plantations thereunto belonging; and that there be a Communication of all other Rights, Privileges, and Advantages, which do or may belong to the Subjects of either Kingdom, except where it is otherwise expressly agreed in these Articles." Also for Example, Article 6 of the 1801 Act of Union (Ireland) states;"That it be the sixth article of union, that his Majesty’s subjects of Great Britain and Ireland shall, from and after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and one, be entitled to the same privileges, and be on the same footing as to encouragements and bounties on the like articles, being the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country respectively, and generally in respect of trade and navigation in all ports and places in the united kingdom and its dependencies; and that in all treaties made by his Majesty, his heirs, and successors, with any foreign power, his Majesty’s subjects of Ireland shall have the same privileges, and be on the same footing as his Majesty’s subjects of Great Britain." As above, these Treaties bound, and continue to bind, the Crown and all of its successors, such as the "Crown of New Zealand". Several legal precedents have been made dating back to at least the Union of the Crowns of England and Scotland in 1603 confirming that subjects under the Crown must be treated equally. This includes Calvin's Case (1608), 77 ER 377, (1608) Co Rep 1a, also known as the Case of the Postnati. The Crown cannot even begin to envision unequally restricting, or granting more, Rights, Advantages and Privileges of one or more "Treaty Parties" without being in breach of these Treaties. However, the Crown has increasingly been acting in breach of these Treaties and needs to immediately honour them. For example, Article 25 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states;"That all Laws and Statutes in either Kingdom, so far as they are contrary to, or inconsistent with the Terms of these Articles, or any of them, shall, from and after the Union, cease, and become void, and shall be so declared to be, by the respective Parliaments of the said Kingdoms." The pre and post 1840 "Treaty Parties" who have equal Rights, Advantages and Privileges within the Crown of New Zealand include English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Australian, Dutch, French, Moriori, Maori, and subjects of the Realm of New Zealand. The Crown has no doubt learnt its lesson when historically trying to breach the rights of some of these subjects. Rather than the "Treaty" situation being like two halves of an apple (ie the Crown and Maori), the real situation is like an orange, wherein each of the segments represent the numerous equal "Treaty Partners" and the protective and encapsulating skin represents the Crown. The only question is how much power the "Crown" has (ie. how thick is the skin of the orange) but each "First Nation" "Treaty Partner" segment is identical. This does not in any way reduce the "Treaty Rights" of any one "Treaty Partner". It simply extends them to all. The Crown is the only one who can lose rights, or conversely have more rights granted to it by the people - as long as those affect all equally. New "communities" can be envisioned as the new growth segments between the original segments (as in an orange) but always within the protective skin of the "Crown" and its powers. In fact, the segments near the centre of the orange have become fused together as populations merge and therefore subjects usually have more than one treaty in their lineage. In fact it is these earlier Treaties, for example Article 2 of the 1706 Treaty of Union (Scotland) which specifically defines the "Crown" and who exactly reigns and succeeded as the sovereign. If these earlier treaties are breached by the "Crown", tried to be ignored by "Treaty Deniers", or an attempt made to try and undermine or demote their relative importance by "Treaty Bigots", then the legitimacy of the current monarchs themselves would be jeopardised (and the Monarch over the Water - ie the Stuart dynasty, would therefore need to be re-established). There can be no apartheid under these Treaties and the time has come to honour them equally.
There has been no mention (in the bill) that I have seen that limits the number of principles. If Labour/greens/maouri party colation gets in they could add in more principles. Or have I missed something?
They want the bill to disappear, and for nobody to be talking about the treaty at all. What the introduction of the bill has done is their worst nightmare - Everyone discussing it to the point where the majority understand why it needs to be defined or rewritten as it relates to all New Zealanders in society now.
@@anthony-m9m1i You are the same person who was having a tantrum because you tried to take over the "give one specific example of a law that Māori have to comply with that non Māori do not." question. And still came up with nothing.
WORDS, TALK, more TALK WORDS, more mean less WORDS. {{I will, I think, I promise}} WHERE is the ACTION, ACTION, ACTION, Mr. Peters. If you need courage, you can borrow some from me!
You won't hear about the atrocities that happened under communist and or socialist rule, because that would taint the idea of "left is good" and therefore does not fit that narrative.
Mr Peter's is correct as usual, the bill is not needed as their are no principles in the first place, but for that to work you need a government and leader to have a spine!? So long as NZers keep voting for spineless government, more worried about the next election and not standing up to those who would destroy this country to get their unearned privileges by dint of a percentage of blood .
Is that why so many boats were made of Kauri Timber, sure is good timber for going to sea in. Didn`t see many Whales coming to have a sing song all the same,,,
Dont listen to small numbers of radical woke moari an dont listen to small number of bigot fascist pakeha let them fight each other . Most moari an pakeha an others have fair moderate views an common sense . Its rich vs poor in nz now . The treaty used properly can work for the working class in nz against Banks an corporations an elite taking over completely an enslaving the workers an the 1% owning everything . Roger douglas / labour crushed labour unions .
Dob in members of the IOF who are enjoying nz hospitality as a reward for serving in the genocide israel is conducting in gaza What does that say about how we respect our ww2 generation who fought against that fascist mentality for us to be free This govt has no right now to be at anzac this year
Minto ;at the forefront of the '81springbok tour where the all blacks and Springboks should've been....minto not at the forefront of the genocide of creep "mug"abe in Zimbabwe absolutely absent... morally, physically and "mental"ly....mintos nose is offside!
Editing Out polite comments. So much for your much vaunted freedom of speach platform. But l notice you allow the insulters and ranters to comment. Good old NZ eh? As long as we toe the your line it's ok but to debate hell no.
I still dont get from Peters his solution to the maori problem….as usual he avoids the question by slagging off others…and Sean does not have the intellect to press him for a solution
Mr Peter's you are talking about removing reference to the Treaty in legislation BUT new bills are being forwarded with maori given authority to provide comment with Treaty considerations taken into account. One example of this is the gene technology bill. This bill must be struck down because it goes against all human rights and individuals bodily autonomy. Despite my feelings regarding the bill Treaty considerations and maori input is required. Makes a mockery of your Saud intentions.
@@alansmith7158 The IDF are the defenders of the only Jewish state on earth. The Arabs in Gaza need to stop supporting a terrorist organisation, and the IDF won't retaliate. If you think Israel is wrong in it's retaliation in Gaza, then you love terrorism.
Yeah, but you can get whale songs on the Internet, free. You can purchase a big Bob Marley speaker for 600 bucks. Grab a keen volunteer, How the hell did 4 million get into it?😢
One of the people involved in handing out the money for the grant was an owner of the business who received the grant. As if it couldn't get any more ridiculous than whales being the brothers of Kauri trees.
John Minto's Genocide is a disaster !!! Gaza's net population has gone UP by 60,000 , since Oct 7 . Perhaps Minto should go and explain the concept to them ?
Were the hell did you get that BS figure from. Israel has dropped 90 000 bombs on Gaza. Many bodies are still under the rumble. If the population is not down by 100 thousand I would be shocked.
Winston is spot on with regard to his description of John Minto and what his lot are doing.
If he does get charged, the greens and t.p.m should be next.
@@logicalanswer3529 Spoiler alert, he won't be charged.
Yeah but doing nothing about it
@@Colin_Izer1111 I did reply, but due to mentioning a certain All Blacks daughter, it was removed.
@ Typical, comment removed, story of my life here on YT!
Keep us out of evil WEF, get out of the who and un
And the meaningless Paris Accord
Winston please reassert our sovereign rights and save us from WEF, WHO et al.
Provincial New Zealand need to rise to Statehood, just like Australia accomplished a century ago.
WEF wrecking everyone s future
Minto came through Lincoln University in the late sixties. He was and idiot then and a gross attention seeker. Nothing has changed.
Rumour has it Mossad are looking for him...........
Lock Minto up he is a threat to New Zealand and our Allies.🇳🇿👍
So whales and kauri are siblings. This will be a shock to evolutionary scientists.
It is as factual as my niece claiming that cauliflower will make her sick and poisonous.
I'm going to plant whale spoof in my garden and grow myself a whale. The neighbour's will be very impressed.
Science is racist.
They are siblings in Polynesian Mythology. Now if we apply Modern Science and Physics and Plant Biology in which Vibration plays a key role in our existence and reality and also in a form of communication in plant ecosystems.
It is therefore scientifically feasible that a Whale Song which is one of the greatest natural vibrational Sonics on the planet could be detected by the plant world. However my scientific viewpoint is that it is more likely The Whale Sonic Vibration and The Kauri Sonic Vibration are instrumental in maintaining the vibrational health of their individual unique ecosystems rather than upon each others.
However if this experiment was done with the proper equipment used to detect and record the Kauri reaction to the whale song l would be interested to see if there was a detectable reaction.
You may scoff at Mythology but as we have discovered repeatedly over the centuries Science, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Medicine, Pharmacology, Archeology, Anthropology, Navigation and Discovery has been moved a long way by those of our researchers who have looked to Mythology, Legend and Ancient Writings for clues.
They're all related according to retarded evolutionary theory
So who is being accountable for the whale song nonsense sounds criminal to me
It appears that a woman, MP Ron Mark`s daughter, who is one of the people that hands out the grants, handed out $4million to herself her business partner
Just another way to milk the taxpayers!!! When will someone stop this stupidity??
@@ageingtrucker Ex MP. Now Mayor of somewhere or other we don't remember.
I am a NZ First voter and I support the Treaty Principles bill, because, although I fully understand NZ Firsts position and support their reasoning, the Treaty Principles bill makes it official.
makes what official - unlawful white colonisation ?
the treaty is the only thing that gives you colonisers right to be here
@malcolm-danielfreeman5940 people like you are the problem. You speak with such virtue while having no real understanding of the past. Not one single indigenous person anywhere in the entire history of the world ever had individual human rights and freedom until Britain, France, and then the US forced it on the world.
Do you think pre colonial Maori were free to choose their life path? Do you think you could wake up in the morning and have a choice about your life? Unless you were a Chief or someone important you had no choices. You were not free.
It seems your anger stems from lack of support and guidance from YOUR family and now place blame on others for the failing of YOUR family. It is easier to blame others and racism than be honest about why YOUR family didnt look to the future. I know heaps of Maori families that did, and many that didn't. Which one were you ?
@@malcolm-danielfreeman5940no, superior Technology, superior Agriculture, military might, vastly larger numbers and of course Maori culture which practiced and recognized territory and power acquisition through conquest.
@@malcolm-danielfreeman5940 you sign or you fight ,,,,,, that us? you have no idea what the other options wouldve been vs the advantages my family have had two battles on our land that guess what we still own good luck getting it off us had a family member in ever war conflict since the start and we arnt going anywhere ironic that we bought our land from a appoved maori seller that had the lawfull right to sell only almost 200 years later for others to try saying he wasnt sopposed too well that is some thing you can take up with him you will need a spade and a siv because hes dust
He's been doing it for years? So why is there no consequences for Mr Minto then, Mr Peters?
The Minto Bar
You tell me. He’s been arrested a few times.
Not Peter's fault minto seems to get away with shit for 40 years
weak law. you want it sorted vote NZFirst
“Send mintoto Gaza
Lol he won't even go to south Africa to pick up his 😅😅😅😅😅
Luxon is spineless.
One term prime minister. Vote Act
@@5150show he won’t make the end of this term given he has 2 strong coalition partners leaders.
John Key clone....will take a stand on nothing except the rights of some foreign company to make a profit
Luxon is such a underwhelming disappointment. Promised a change and to stand up for equal rights and he is just another lier and hides from issues
Luxon is a globalist, doing as requested !!! He would not have been chosen, if he had shown any signs of individual thoughts or questions!! A one world government boy, at attention!!!
I hope they were playing the whale song on traditional Maori audio equpment
Cuzzy Radio.........
is that a g?cord or a wack of a stick? or the sound of a fart creeping out squeezed between your cheeks floating up your back?
On the conch shell recorder ?
the treaty has turned out to be a massive joke and kick back system......should have stuck with the musket wars..
yeh send in the old two great grandfathers were part of them back then...bring back oh bring back...
Wish Sean would ask Winston about the 100M given to Kiribati who don't even respect us.
I believe last nights news said that gate have shut no more money for kiribati
@@leemanson1964 I want all the money back, 100M is a serious amount of money to throw away.
I think we need a trump someone who actually walks the talk.
Like when he said he would end the Ukraine war in 24 hours?
@@rattedbug5003 that person is has always been Winston Peter's weather you like or not
minto should have been jailed or confined to a mental institution decades ago - authorities have an obligation to protect the public from complete lunacy.
yet we still have the M party...hmmmm
id be more interested in knowing where he currently lives know some people who would like to offer him a holiday overseas free spose you dont know where he is?
yep complete luna-sea...
Many would agree with Winston’s position, but doing nothing is not stopping the grift. National and NZ First are not offering a solution, they are gatekeepers to stop ACT’s bill. This will be remembered at the next election.
nz first next bill is a going to be a explosion compared to the principle bill its winnie old school they are just using the pincipal bill to get the attention and sopport and it also gives national a easy out but winnies one will be like a brick to the face its all about timing and knowing when to play your hand just sit back and wait you will see
Who gives the ok for these people to get money for whale song to be played to trees. Seriously, we New Zealand people pay our taxes for this. I'm gob smacked.
You are partially to blame - you voted them in
the ironic thing is botany and shit like that is a living developing thing plants animals humans change and adapt to environments whitch also include becoming extinct because of lots of reasons from natural to man made to weak genetics that just cant keep up with natural and modern bugs just like if someone transported themselves from the past to today they would either die very quickly or at min would be horrifically sick however they would have other advantages over us the men would have stronger testosterone compared to modern men and diabetes wasnt around neither weight problems, it is natural for all things to come to an end somehow it isnt natural for things not to change there are multiple classes of kauri trees Aussie ones fijian ones north and south ones all have adjusted to certain environments and things from to much water to wind to sun to disease can kill plants hell some plants just give up because of genetics living things have to die otherwise are they living by the definition of the word .? im taking up debating as a hobbie and it helps with my autism so tact has always been difficult for me hope you understand .
MInto should be arrested for inciting violence. Who does he think he is?
Himmler as both born on 7th October.
It is not espoused that it was not only Jews that were victims of the holocaust, there were many, many more of differing ethnicities and religious faiths. We should not forget those victims.
Who were the others.
@@stevehughes1510 You can google it...and also have no doubt that when certain ppl have driven out the Jews they will just move onto the next group on their list...
Poles 1.8 million
Ukrainians 3 million
Soviet Slavs and POWs 2.8 million
Romani 250,000 to 500,000
Incomplete list there were many more groups the nazis considered Untermensch subhuman to be exterminated .
The motivation of the perpetrators of evil was to remove all non Aryan but the Jews were a religious group that were a threat because of their beliefs that did not fit with the ideology of the nazi regime and who would not bow the knee. The Jews believed in the sanctity and value of every human life. We remember the holocaust because it was the biggest genocide of one people group wherever they had lived. We recognise that others also suffered under the nazi regime but they suffered as individuals not a distinguishable people group. Evil should never be taken lightly and that is the point of remembering. I am not Jewish but am grateful that this holocaust remembrance was put in place for us all to be reminded of the value of every human life - something the modern world seems to have 'ignored' in recent times, choosing between ideologies and choosing to take a position of relativism when it comes to the value of a human life. A simple, common, modern day question is sufficient to suggest how partial we have become - 'whose life is to be valued - the mother or the yet to be born child?'
Yes people with disabilities, LGBTQ groups and Romani people we're also amongst those cleansed.
i have worked for the idf i live at 1 brandon street Featherston send to Minto
Well said.
Nice place i grew up there, love feddy
Ok, will do. What's your phone number?
good on you im in coromandel if you need a hand always willing to help a brother out quality over qantity
@@isaacwalker2045 let you know brother i think the three of us can handle them good my good bud living up the valley Ron Marks with me as well just one thing we got to let him be boss im all for bring it on
Please do not let Luxon & Seymour get the WEF and associates to build PPP infrastructure in New Zealand. We do not want or need them here. Instead look to restart the Ministry of Works, it worked well in the past and it can be made to work well for us in the future.
Thank you most Sincerely.
sshhh hes part of it, no one knows.
@@operatorsix6933 Absolute rubbish, Winston is not part of bow to anything at all, never has been never will be...
The reason why we can't have ministry of works is because the govt is incapable of running anything. It's a new breed of bureaucrats these days.
Please withdraw from WEF and WHO😊
@@yingle6027 How do we fix that..?
Over 4 million to play a whale noises mix tape to trees in order to help them, due to the belief that whales are brothers to Kauri trees - Yeah, sounds legit.
How dare you sir, it’s Maori science ;)
Probably a remixed dub step with bass boost🤣😂😅
The leaves grinding along with the vibe
That's one expensive Ghetto Blaster!............
Frankly I feel Winston is correct, we should not look to redefine the Principals of the Treaty or treat it as a Partnership. The Treaty is the Treaty, it is a stand alone document that says what is says very clearly. NZL needs to make it a serious crime if people try and twist its meaning to suit themselves and their own agenda/s. Section 73 (e) and (f) of The Crimes Act seems appropriate. People need to be charged under those provisions IMO. That is why they are there, are they not?
AND, Happy new year to you Winston, happy new year. :)
Winston has literally said the treaty has no principles and that they ceded sovereignty.
In 1840, when 99 percent of the population was native and tribalised, Tino Rangatiratanga was a self-evident fact. But after 185 years of tribal, ethnic and cultural mixing, it is a practical nonsense,
It was also a time where some Māori chiefs were fighting against the outlawing of slavery. The descendants of those slaves should be thankful it did not succeed.
you forgot colonisation
@@malcolm-danielfreeman5940Everyone has colonized this country
Id argue that Tino Rangatiratanga, or self determination, would have been less in a tribal setting than in a western democracy.
Winston, very good at pointing out the obvious but when are we actually going to see some action out of you. You're the leader of a party and you aint overseas every day of the week.
Winston has always done what's best for Winston - haven't you worked that out yet.
@anthony-m9m1i worked it out long long ago. Normies can't see it so planting seeds just in case a few whom are waking up will read and watch a bit harder.
Peters makes a good point . The Treaty principles bill could determine that there are no principles .
What about the Armenian Holocaust where they lost half their entire population ?
That's a blot on old Ron Mark, he ought to have told his daughter to grow up, but wait, he's a gravy train guy as well. The Maori dream is a gravy train.
Ron mark is an Israel apologist.
John Minto should be arrested and prosecuted. If he was far right, he'd be come down on with lightening speed by the authorities. It will be interesting to see if, because he is far left and his target is Israelis/Jews, there is the same speed of action from the authorities, if any action at all.
These are the same people who screech Nazi at every small thing. You cant make this shit up.
His target is IDF soldiers, not all Jews just the one's taking a holiday from their genocide.
We ALL have Treaties with the Crown which specifically enshrine Equal Rights, Advantages and Privileges for ALL subjects.
The Crown was a "Treaty Partner" (to utilise woke terminology) with many other "Treaty Parties" well before Maori were added as English subjects in the Maori version of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi.
These Treaties include the 1215 Magna Carta, the 1267 Treaty of Montgomery (Wales), the 1706 Treaty of Union (Scotland) and the 1800 Treaty of Union (Ireland), and their respective enactments. The "Treaty of Waitangi" is actually the 1840 Treaty of Union (New Zealand).
In 1840 the "Crown" was already a "Partnership" with several "First Nations Partners" - ie. the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.The Union Flag was specifically created by Article 1 of the 1706 Treaty of Union to represent the Union of "Treaty Parties". The 1840 Treaty of Waitangi was specifically signed over the Union Flag to represent this.
This is like a going concern which has several existing partners, taking on another partner and absorbing their concern into a greater whole - with each partner being on an exactly equal footing.
Article 1 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states;"That the two Kingdoms of Scotland and England, shall, upon the first Day of May next ensuing the Date hereof, and for ever after, be united into one Kingdom by the Name of Great-Britain, and that the Ensigns Armorial of the said united Kingdom, be such as her Majesty shall appoint; and the Crosses of St. Andrew and St. George be conjoined in such a manner as her Majesty shall think fit, and used in all Flags, Banners, Standards, and Ensigns, both at Sea and Land."
Several Articles of these Treaties require that all citizens have equal rights, advantages and privileges and that no new party added should be given exclusive ones. For example, Article 4 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states;"That all the Subjects of the united Kingdom of Great-Britain shall, from and after the Union, have full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation, to and from any Port or Place within the said united Kingdom, and the Dominions and Plantations thereunto belonging; and that there be a Communication of all other Rights, Privileges, and Advantages, which do or may belong to the Subjects of either Kingdom, except where it is otherwise expressly agreed in these Articles."
Also for Example, Article 6 of the 1801 Act of Union (Ireland) states;"That it be the sixth article of union, that his Majesty’s subjects of Great Britain and Ireland shall, from and after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and one, be entitled to the same privileges, and be on the same footing as to encouragements and bounties on the like articles, being the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country respectively, and generally in respect of trade and navigation in all ports and places in the united kingdom and its dependencies; and that in all treaties made by his Majesty, his heirs, and successors, with any foreign power, his Majesty’s subjects of Ireland shall have the same privileges, and be on the same footing as his Majesty’s subjects of Great Britain."
As above, these Treaties bound, and continue to bind, the Crown and all of its successors, such as the "Crown of New Zealand". Several legal precedents have been made dating back to at least the Union of the Crowns of England and Scotland in 1603 confirming that subjects under the Crown must be treated equally. This includes Calvin's Case (1608), 77 ER 377, (1608) Co Rep 1a, also known as the Case of the Postnati.
The Crown cannot even begin to envision unequally restricting, or granting more, Rights, Advantages and Privileges of one or more "Treaty Parties" without being in breach of these Treaties. However, the Crown has increasingly been acting in breach of these Treaties and needs to immediately honour them.
For example, Article 25 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states;"That all Laws and Statutes in either Kingdom, so far as they are contrary to, or inconsistent with the Terms of these Articles, or any of them, shall, from and after the Union, cease, and become void, and shall be so declared to be, by the respective Parliaments of the said Kingdoms."
The pre and post 1840 "Treaty Parties" who have equal Rights, Advantages and Privileges within the Crown of New Zealand include English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Australian, Dutch, French, Moriori, Maori, and subjects of the Realm of New Zealand. The Crown has no doubt learnt its lesson when historically trying to breach the rights of some of these subjects.
Rather than the "Treaty" situation being like two halves of an apple (ie the Crown and Maori), the real situation is like an orange, wherein each of the segments represent the numerous equal "Treaty Partners" and the protective and encapsulating skin represents the Crown. The only question is how much power the "Crown" has (ie. how thick is the skin of the orange) but each "First Nation" "Treaty Partner" segment is identical.
This does not in any way reduce the "Treaty Rights" of any one "Treaty Partner". It simply extends them to all. The Crown is the only one who can lose rights, or conversely have more rights granted to it by the people - as long as those affect all equally.
New "communities" can be envisioned as the new growth segments between the original segments (as in an orange) but always within the protective skin of the "Crown" and its powers. In fact, the segments near the centre of the orange have become fused together as populations merge and therefore subjects usually have more than one treaty in their lineage.
In fact it is these earlier Treaties, for example Article 2 of the 1706 Treaty of Union (Scotland) which specifically defines the "Crown" and who exactly reigns and succeeded as the sovereign. If these earlier treaties are breached by the "Crown", tried to be ignored by "Treaty Deniers", or an attempt made to try and undermine or demote their relative importance by "Treaty Bigots", then the legitimacy of the current monarchs themselves would be jeopardised (and the Monarch over the Water - ie the Stuart dynasty, would therefore need to be re-established).
There can be no apartheid under these Treaties and the time has come to honour them equally.
Do we get the money back,if not,why and has this stupidity been stopped.
The Right Honorable Winston Peters, the best politician we have in the country 🎉
Is Minto proud of what South Africa, the 'Rainbow Nation', became?
Yeah it's not fair that the blacks got to vote or go to places only for whites.
Lol. Is that your attempt to answer... suits you sir! Oh.
@@anthony-m9m1iSome people are not able to be civilised.
Winston coming in with the low IQ take of, we must remember what putting one race above others leads to, but I won't support David Seymour's bill.
He's unbelievable
There has been no mention (in the bill) that I have seen that limits the number of principles. If Labour/greens/maouri party colation gets in they could add in more principles. Or have I missed something?
They want the bill to disappear, and for nobody to be talking about the treaty at all. What the introduction of the bill has done is their worst nightmare - Everyone discussing it to the point where the majority understand why it needs to be defined or rewritten as it relates to all New Zealanders in society now.
@@logicalanswer3529 I agree, it does need to be revised for the current times but not by Seymore Butts and his cronies.
@@anthony-m9m1i You are the same person who was having a tantrum because you tried to take over the "give one specific example of a law that Māori have to comply with that non Māori do not." question. And still came up with nothing.
But people forget about Uyghur genocide which is current.
WORDS, TALK, more TALK WORDS, more mean less WORDS. {{I will, I think, I promise}} WHERE is the ACTION, ACTION, ACTION, Mr. Peters. If you need courage, you can borrow some from me!
so mate what is Winston going to do about It i no he disagrees still all talk we need answers mate
I hope Minto is feeling heart issues.
Tired of hearing about the Holocaust. When do we get to hear about The Stalinist Purges and Mao's Great famine?
Or the Congo holocaust.
You won't hear about the atrocities that happened under communist and or socialist rule, because that would taint the idea of "left is good" and therefore does not fit that narrative.
Winston 'all talk and no action' Peters
Baised court systems need to be made accountable an these woke professors need to be made accountable
Winston says a lot but as usual does NOTHING!
Bring back the Minto bar.
Mr Peter's is correct as usual, the bill is not needed as their are no principles in the first place, but for that to work you need a government and leader to have a spine!? So long as NZers keep voting for spineless government, more worried about the next election and not standing up to those who would destroy this country to get their unearned privileges by dint of a percentage of blood .
Winston should be congratulated for his stand. But there there should not be appeasement.
we need to know where that $4m went
Is that why so many boats were made of Kauri Timber, sure is good timber for going to sea in. Didn`t see many Whales coming to have a sing song all the same,,,
Dob in Israeli tourists - for doing what exactly?
A.- survieing Satan
Minto should be charged with hate speech.
Please do an episode on what is currently taking place in Wanganui.....imbeding co-governance with IWI, by law, into the Wanganui District Council.
Dont listen to small numbers of radical woke moari an dont listen to small number of bigot fascist pakeha let them fight each other .
Most moari an pakeha an others have fair moderate views an common sense .
Its rich vs poor in nz now .
The treaty used properly can work for the working class in nz against Banks an corporations an elite taking over completely an enslaving the workers an the 1% owning everything .
Roger douglas / labour crushed labour unions .
If any whale song cured any tree of an illness it would be a fluke.😜
Albert Pike - Mr freemason said, when the people need a hero we will provide him
Minto needs to go go
John Minto he is a nobody.. years ago he should have shut up…. 😡🤬 ….love Winston ❤️
Ron Marks need to have a strong word with his whanau and Winston needs to call him out
Whales song to cure kauri trees an cost 4 million to tax payers ,( thats madness)those people should have made to pay the money back .
So Sean what is the reference to The Holocaust meant to mean? is it a justification for what's happening in Gaza?
Ones a genocide (in, the Jews), and the other is retaliation for an horrific terrorist attack.
Yes moron. What part of "Never again" do you not understand?
Is Minto arrested already?
he s in mason Clinic
We need ti bring back nepotism rules and actually enforce them for gvt wmployees,
OOps the critical question was left unanswered ....... where is our honourable Prime Minister really on this issue he was elected PM on?
Winstons position on Treaty bill sounds like semantics to scuttle, but without an alternative way forward
Dob in members of the IOF who are enjoying nz hospitality as a reward for serving in the genocide israel is conducting in gaza
What does that say about how we respect our ww2 generation who fought against that fascist mentality for us to be free
This govt has no right now to be at anzac this year
Purely for balance I wonder if Winnie (and Sean) has viewed the documentary "The Bibi Files?" Won't offer an opinion but it's worth a look.
luxon definately does not "get it" I would never ever vote for him again, what a let down.
Minto ;at the forefront of the '81springbok tour where the all blacks and Springboks should've been....minto not at the forefront of the genocide of creep "mug"abe in Zimbabwe absolutely absent... morally, physically and "mental"ly....mintos nose is offside!
Whens Nakbar rememberance?
Editing Out polite comments. So much for your much vaunted freedom of speach platform. But l notice you allow the insulters and ranters to comment. Good old NZ eh? As long as we toe the your line it's ok but to debate hell no.
wouldn't trust jones or Peters as far as I could throw them
Getting a bit disjointed with this goverment luxon we will spike the bill
Winston a slippery fish and dodged the kauri tree issue
I still dont get from Peters his solution to the maori problem….as usual he avoids the question by slagging off others…and Sean does not have the intellect to press him for a solution
Mr Peter's you are talking about removing reference to the Treaty in legislation BUT new bills are being forwarded with maori given authority to provide comment with Treaty considerations taken into account. One example of this is the gene technology bill. This bill must be struck down because it goes against all human rights and individuals bodily autonomy. Despite my feelings regarding the bill Treaty considerations and maori input is required. Makes a mockery of your Saud intentions.
your annoying but thanks that you on my feed cheers
minto DODO
21 york street chch your welcome
We dont forget the holocaust but you forgot the live genocide right now.
Where is the genocide?
@@keepingitreal618You're a sick individual
The IDF are the defenders of the only Jewish state on earth. The Arabs in Gaza need to stop supporting a terrorist organisation, and the IDF won't retaliate.
If you think Israel is wrong in it's retaliation in Gaza, then you love terrorism.
Old man, we've seen the german and british archives pertaining to ww2, and it is shocking
44000 dead innocent Palestinians.
But that doesn't mstter
Not to Hamas, it's the ideology they want to survive at all costs.
Go Minto - kia kaha
Go to prison Minto
John Minto would do a better job than you Winston.
Grow up
@@schlookiegrow up
Shame on you, peters. The starvation of children is a war crime.
Grow up
@@schlookie Not a fan of free speech, schlookie?
❤❤❤❤IDF disappointing numbers
@ Everything about the iof is disappointing.
Bit gullible or deliberately ignorant again eh Marinus Van der Lubbe
You're view of the treaty is fine winston but what have you done about it. we haven't heard anything about it from NZfirst.
Yeah, but you can get whale songs on the Internet, free. You can purchase a big Bob Marley speaker for 600 bucks. Grab a keen volunteer,
How the hell did 4 million get into it?😢
Consultations about paying the whales and their "managers" royalties I would suspect.
@fredjones9750 Dude, I'd fall down laughing , it wasn't somewhat true
One of the people involved in handing out the money for the grant was an owner of the business who received the grant. As if it couldn't get any more ridiculous than whales being the brothers of Kauri trees.
John Minto's Genocide is a disaster !!! Gaza's net population has gone UP by 60,000 , since Oct 7 .
Perhaps Minto should go and explain the concept to them ?
Were the hell did you get that BS figure from. Israel has dropped 90 000 bombs on Gaza. Many bodies are still under the rumble. If the population is not down by 100 thousand I would be shocked.
John, Don't you co.e from Graymouth, let's DOXS John.
It's anti zionist not anti semetic
Why does the nz government show support to israel??
Because we love Israel and its people
Ah how sweet a Hamas supporter 🙄
Zionist have NO place in NZ