Hello Cat from rainy UK, once again a very good video of a beautifully made model, I enjoy your complete breakdown of the models you video and also the information you give us on the real car before showing the model. I do wish they didn't put the yellow stripes on a ferrari leave plain for me unless a race version with decals. Leave the stripes to the Ford gt and Mustangs.solid metallic colours would be my preference. This model I won't buy , but I do hope the collectors that do enjoy it.
Thx for sharing! 最初睇296GTB個樣都有啲唔慣,個線條尖尖哋但有啲位又有啲60年代拉利嘅圓潤位。
我發現BBR64比起MINI GT和Kaido House最大分別係內籠detail。但因為有拉利license嘅“加持”,差不多要$180一部,係一部MINI GT嘅double,玩家期待更多更好嘅細節都好正常,如果可以加返煞車碟真係好好多(雖然我知道機會真係唔大😅)
Hello Calvin , 對比起之下喺內部結構嘅刻劃同你所講嘅一樣係唔同不過價錢方面就同大家預期嘅的而且確有少許嘅落差我諗未來佢哋都會喺呢一啲方面例如細節會再做好啲,BBR 對比起之下喺內部結構嘅刻劃同你所講嘅一樣係痛不過價錢方面就同大家預期嘅的而且確有少許嘅落差我諗未來佢哋都會係呢啲方面例如細節會再做好啲
Hello Cat from rainy UK, once again a very good video of a beautifully made model, I enjoy your complete breakdown of the models you video and also the information you give us on the real car before showing the model.
I do wish they didn't put the yellow stripes on a ferrari leave plain for me unless a race version with decals.
Leave the stripes to the Ford gt and Mustangs.solid metallic colours would be my preference.
This model I won't buy , but I do hope the collectors that do enjoy it.
Hello Wayne , There should be a metallic color version in the future, but I don’t think the yellow version is to everyone’s taste.
Hello Kin 個個都話佢似鴨仔我反而覺得佢似Iron Man , 不過佢今次個範圍就真係好大可能個圖案真係唔係人人都鍾意
Hello Ted , 個個都咁講
Hello 失業有錢佬, 嚟緊應該轉返啲金屬顏色或者正式嘅版本我諗大家會更加鍾意, 始終都係代工 收到喺設計上當然一定唔及自己品牌好啦咁再考慮吓等下一款正式版本啦
這個塗裝我實在不愛 而且定價這麼高了 連給個碟盤卡鉗都沒有..
Hello 張孝先 , 之前已經說過他們不會製作剎車卡鉗因為對於推動會有所阻礙。 不過暫時有法拉利版權的也只有他們