Bu dünyada çok kısa bir süre için bulunduğumuzu ve amacımızın dünyevi zevklerin ve bedensel arzuların tadını çıkarmak değil, Allah'a ibadet etmek olduğunu unutmamak gerekir. Allah Müslümanlara hayatta özel bir görev vermiştir; bu da yalnızca Allah'a ibadet etmektir ve bu da, nikâhlı eş bile olsa karşı cinsle gereksiz saatler geçirmek de dâhil olmak üzere dünyevi zevklere aşırı düşkün olmamak anlamına gelir. Fiziksel ve cinsel ilişki saplantısı insan ruhunu tahrip eder. Evlilik içinde yasal olsa bile, bu bir lükstür ve insanlar hangi lükse fazla düşkünlük gösterirlerse bunun acısını ağır bir şekilde çekerler. Birisi çok fazla şeker yese bile şeker hastası olur. Müslümanlar bu cinsel hastalık yüzünden dünyanın her yerinde hakarete uğruyor ve acı çekiyor. Cahil insanların cinsel faaliyetler hakkında konuşurken kullandıkları terimlere ve yanlış ilkeleri yaymak için peygamber geleneklerini kullanmalarına tahammül edemiyorum. İnsanların İslam'ı kendi arzularını tatmin etmek için kullandıklarını görmek beni öfkelendiriyor. Evlilik ve seks Müslümanlar için asla hayatın amacı değildir. Önemli olan Allah'ı sevmektir. Birisi evliliği gerekli bulsa bile, sırf doğru olduğunu düşündüğümüz için herkesi evlenmeye ikna etmemelidir. İmran'ın kızı Hz. Meryem bekârdı. Allah onları sevdi. Her türlü zevke düşkünlük insan için zararlıdır. Müminler bu dünyaya lüksün tadını çıkarmak için gönderilmedi. Bizler Allah'a ve Resulüne ibadet ve itaat etmek için yaratıldık. Peygamberimiz Muhammed(sav) bu ilkeye göre yaşadı ve çok iş yaparak çok zengin olabilecekken, ölene kadar yoksulluk içinde kalmayı tercih etti. Kendi düşkünlüğümüz ve gayrimüslimlerin uygulamalarını takip ederek cinsel faaliyetlere saplanmamız nedeniyle, binlerce Suudi Arabistanlı genç, Kuveytli ve Pakistanlı genç, Katarlı erkek ve kadın, Ummanlı ve Bahreynli yaşlı girişimciler ve hatta Endonezya ve Malezya, Afrika ve Hindistan'dan bilim adamları, CIA'in Bush döneminden kalma ve bugüne kadar birçok Avrupa ülkesinde gizlilik içinde yürütülen sorgulama programlarında en ağır işkencelere maruz kalmaktadırlar. İnsanlar İslam'ı ordular halinde terk ediyor çünkü seks takıntımızdan iğreniyorlar. Siz hiç bir Hıristiyan rahibin ya da Yahudi hahamın böyle utanmazca bir video yüklediğini gördünüz mü? Sizce Allah kimi cennete kabul edecek? Müslümanlar Allah tarafından mantıklı olmaları için uyarılıyor. Küba'daki Guantanamo Deniz Üssü'nün yanı sıra Afganistan, Litvanya, Romanya, Polonya, Tayland, Bulgaristan, Norveç ve hatta Kanada'da yüzlerce masum erkek, kadın ve Müslüman çocuğun alıkonulduğu ve Amerikalı, İngiliz ve Avrupalı gardiyanlar tarafından elektrikle öldürüldüğü ve cinsel saldırıya uğradığı kara siteler bulunmaktadır. Tüm bunlar çok sayıda Müslümanın cinsel ilişkiye ve cinsel hazza kafayı takması ve sürekli olarak internette evlilik hayatından zevk almanın yollarını araması nedeniyle yaşanıyor. Gayrimüslim kara site işkencecileri tarafından yakalanan tüm bu erkekler, helal eşleriyle farklı seks tarzları yaşadıklarını ve bu sorgu odalarında kendi kızlarına cinsel saldırıda bulunmaya zorlandıklarını itiraf ettiler. Bu yüzden Allah'tan korkun ve hayvanlar gibi olmayın! Bazı kara sitelerde görev yapan gardiyanlar da Müslüman oğullarını annelerine cinsel saldırıda bulunmaya zorladılar! Bu insanların hepsi bir zamanlar İslami eşleriyle iğrenç seks yapmayı haklı çıkarmak için hadis ve Kuran'ı kullandılar. İşte bu yüzden herkese bekâr ve iffetli olmalarını söylüyorum. Bazı Müslümanlar bana bağırıyor, sakın helali haram yapmaya kalkma diye! Ben de onlara diyorum ki, o kara sitelerde işkence görürken bunun için Allah'ı suçlamaya kalkmayın. O kara hapishanelerde işkence görenlerin çoğu gayrimüslim oldu, İslam'dan nefret etti ve imtihanlarından dolayı Allah'ı suçladı. Sadece cinsel saldırıya uğramak ve işkence görmekle kalmadılar, aynı zamanda iman ve itikatlarından da vazgeçtiler. Müslümanlar sapkın ve hastalıklı cinsel ilişkilere girdiklerinde ve karılarına ya da kocalarına cinsel bir et gibi davrandıklarında olan budur. Binlerce eski Müslümanla görüştüm ve hepsi evlilik içi ilişkilerde çok aktif olduklarını ve eşleriyle her zaman yeni hastalıklı cinsel tarzlar denediklerini itiraf ettiler, tabii ki helal yollarla seks oyuncakları ve diğer sapkınlıkları kullanarak. Şimdi, sadece eski Müslüman olmakla kalmadılar, aynı zamanda Allah'a ve Peygamberine karşı vaaz veriyorlar. İslam'a odaklanmalı ve peygamberin gerçek yolunu takip etmeliyiz. O halde herkes eş sevgisine ve bu hayatta mutluluk takıntısına odaklanmadan dindar olsun. Biz ahiret için yaratıldık. Bu dünyada mutluluğu ve aşkı bulmak için değil. İnsan sevgisi takıntısı bazen birçok kadın ve erkeğin hem duygusal hem de fiziksel olarak tamamen çökmesine neden oluyor. Kişisel deneyimlerime göre, eşlerine cinsel açıdan aşırı hoşgörülü davranan düzinelerce insan gördüm, ki buna dinen tamamen izin veriliyor, ancak onların aynı zamanda acı ve ıstırabı yaşadıklarını da gördüm. Dünyanın her yerindeki tüm Müslümanların hakarete uğradığı ve acı çektiği bir ortamda, Müslümanların İslam'ı, sürekli konuşmak ve kendi arzuları doğrultusunda hareket etmek için bir bahane olarak kullanmayı bırakmaları ve zamanlarını, Çin’de, Orta Doğu’da ve Myanmar’da işkence gören ve öldürülen kardeşleri için Allah'a yalvararak geçirmeleri gerektiğini düşünüyorum. İnanın bana, Allah'ın kendisine ibadet etmemize ve itaat etmemize ihtiyacı yok. O, kirli ve iğrenç şehvetlerini tatmin etmek için İslami yasaları çarpıtan Müslümanlar yerine, iffetli gayrimüslimleri kolayca İslam'a sokacak ve ebedi cennete girmelerini sağlayacaktır. Diğer Müslümanları cahilce konuşmalarla şehvet düşkünlüğüne asla ikna etmeyelim ve onlara ebedi azap ve zarar vermeyelim. Bir Müslümanın üreme niyeti olmaksızın eşiyle cinsel ilişkiye girmesine asla izin verilmez ve bir Müslümanın fiziksel şehvet için eşini nesneleştirmesine asla izin verilmez. Çünkü evrendeki tüm günahlar eşe bir arzu nesnesi olarak davranmakla başlar. Önceki tüm günahkâr milletler bu şekilde yok edilmişlerdir. Şehvetlerini tatmin etmek için kadınları kullandılar, sonra erkeklere yöneldiler, sonra çocukları istismar etmek için onları yetiştirdiler ve sonra da kutsal aile bağlarını ihlal etmeye başladılar. Müslümanların arzuları üzerinde kontrol sahibi olmaları zorunludur. Güçlü bir Müslüman olmak, fiziksel olarak enerjik olmak değil, günahkâr faaliyetlerden uzak durma kapasitesine sahip olmak anlamına gelir. Bir Müslüman utanç verici arzulara ve şehvete karşı savaşma yeteneğine sahiptir, bu nedenle asla şehvet dolu ya da bencilce ilişkilere girmemelidir. Kur'an Mucizesi İslami Mahremiyet Yasaları by Mufti Ubaidullah Awal
This is blessing of Islam that meke every person from each part of world love each other even they Do not know each other. Oh my brothers God bless u all
@@hamzahsamah8039 The whole system of democracy is kufar. We can't establish Islam by kufar system.therefore we need to restore Kihlafaah & Shriyaat & bring back Islam. This democracy is Shirk where MPs sit in the chair of Allah & make laws whereas ALLAH(swt) is the One and Only law maker. Most of Our Ulma are sitting on Taboot. They are afraid of Taboot. They just care for their Pockets & don't tell Us real Islam. They can't be the Muslims Ulmaa. Nationalism & democracy is Haram in Islam. Jihaad is for Islam & it is worldwide, not for country or land (nationalism or kashmir) We are living in a kafir state. The Whole system is of kufr. There is not even a single law of Shriyaat & Quran, & Umaah is sleeping😣😣. We lose Our lagecy all over the World bcz of our sins. Astagfirullah. The soliders of ALLAH Almighty plz check:- www.theonion.com/cia-issues-posthumous-apology-after-new-evidence-clears-1831607536? ua-cam.com/video/xPBzZ9hYk9s/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/mf2lA5EGTj4/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/-fbclJ4GpFw/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/NCwqh9X1HDg/v-deo.html My Islamic Brothers The Quran Majeed is made for Self, not for Shelf. Plzz Read Atleast One Verse of Quran Pak with Tarjama daily. JazakALLAH. Pray for Me & Umaah brother. May ALLAH Almighty gives us Heedyaat & Strength of Emaan & Protect us from fitna of dajjal & disease of wahan(Ameen).
We can’t be Khalid in this day and age but we can be great strategist like him and conquer the world through internet, liking , subscribing and donating. It’s the last we could do for the kegacy of our beloved prophet, Khalid ,salahdin ,omar, ali,aboubakr and Mehmed ghazi and all the other staunch soldiers of Islam who dedicated their lives to spread the message ❤❤❤
@Leonardo Da Vinci on what basis that you claim Muhammad did all the terrible act. Do you have any proof. I am a muslim and islam teach me not to do any of the above
@@mohsinrezvani9187 are u mad mind ur language u bloody idiot whom u calling munafik khalid ibn walid was the greatest commander of mohammed pbuh u idiot
@@-alblowi1550 Arabs invaded Somalia, Soudan, Ethiopia by milions during many centuries and that is an historic fact you will never change... Somalians, Soudanese, Ethiopians have very clear skins, aquiline noses, smooth hair : they are not black at all just BROWN and for the majority they consider themselves like ARABS and that is the true because Arabs made babies by milions to black females slaves in the past. You can denie but it will change nothing :)
@Breno Arabs invaded Somalia, Soudan, Ethiopia by milions during many centuries and that is an historic fact you will never change... Somalians, Soudanese, Ethiopians have very clear skins, aquiline noses, smooth hair : they are not black at all just BROWN and for the majority they consider themselves like ARABS and that is the true because Arabs made babies by milions to black females slaves in the past. You can denie but it will change nothing :)
one of the greatest commanders in the history of mankind. he had never lost a battle. He was the only one who did defeat Muslims before his conversion to Islam.
@@4kmeditation910 ignore bro. Even before the Prophet Muhammad SAW emerged, Mecca was still known as a holy place, and people around the world used to come and do tawaad around the Ka'bah 🕋❤🙌
@@fasih-ur-rehman9630 because it’s the number of Algerian martyrs in the liberation revolution against france the last century it was between 1954 and 1962
Don sam-!!!- OK, sellam alejkum-ve-rahmetullahi-ve berekjatuhu for all muslim sister's on the world-!!!- sellam 4 all Ultras on -masrik-magrib- - Alger--Maroco-Tunis-!!;- selam four mi muslim sister don sam😁😁😁
We can’t be Khalid in this day and age but we can be great strategist like him and conquer the world through internet, liking , subscribing and donating. It’s the last we could do for the kegacy of our beloved prophet, Khalid ,salahdin ,omar, ali,aboubakr and Mehmed ghazi and all the other staunch soldiers of Islam who dedicated their lives to spread the message ❤❤❤
Umar kathab r.a and khalid ibn al walid r.a the greatest warrior in islamic history....love from india divided by borders ,language and culture but united as ummah thats beauty of islam..
@@arabamir3890 it's not about who is better but in the battle field Khalid ibn Waleed was the greatest commander without losing a battle he was named the Sword of Allah he broke 9 Swords in 1 battle
Mansi Musa was from Mali too. He was a great generous Muslim.. He's still considered to be the most fortunate man in history. He spent his wealth on building mosques and helping the poor. Regards from Tunisia
Before you take pride in your hypocrite country, Pakistan🇵🇰 has been supporting US invading Afghanistan for 19yrs, where US military logistics have been transferred from Karachi port Pakistan into Afghanistan for past 19yrs resulting in killing of 100-150 Afghans per day.
@@Mu5tyLaghmani The whole system of democracy is kufar. We can't establish Islam by kufar system.therefore we need to restore Kihlafaah & Shriyaat & bring back Islam. This democracy is Shirk where MPs sit in the chair of Allah & make laws whereas ALLAH(swt) is the One and Only law maker. Most of Our Ulma are sitting on Taboot. They are afraid of Taboot. They just care for their Pockets & don't tell Us real Islam. They can't be the Muslims Ulmaa. Nationalism & democracy is Haram in Islam. Jihaad is for Islam & it is worldwide, not for country or land (nationalism or kashmir) We are living in a kafir state. The Whole system is of kufr. There is not even a single law of Shriyaat & Quran, & Umaah is sleeping😣😣. We lose Our lagecy all over the World bcz of our sins. Astagfirullah. The soliders of ALLAH Almighty plz check:- www.theonion.com/cia-issues-posthumous-apology-after-new-evidence-clears-1831607536? ua-cam.com/video/xPBzZ9hYk9s/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/mf2lA5EGTj4/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/-fbclJ4GpFw/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/NCwqh9X1HDg/v-deo.html My Islamic Brothers The Quran Majeed is made for Self, not for Shelf. Plzz Read Atleast One Verse of Quran Pak with Tarjama daily. JazakALLAH. Pray for Me & Umaah brother. May ALLAH Almighty gives us Heedyaat & Strength of Emaan & Protect us from fitna of dajjal & disease of wahan(Ameen).
@@Mu5tyLaghmani Kashmir Mujahideen hi solve krwayeen gyy or In Allah k bandoon na hi Islam k lia Jihad shuru kia wahan. Yaa JOo Mujahideen-e-Islam hnn inhy naa zalim Indian Army ko tagni k naach nachahaye haa. Hindu fooj tu aram sa zulam krte, rapes krte, Marti, loatati or chali jati. Mgr Shaheed Burhan Wani, Ameer Zakir Musaa ki mahnaat haa yaa. Joo Shriyaat ya Shahdaat sirf Deen k lia bula rhe hnn HuM sbb Muslmaano ko. Wrna 70 saalon sa kyu yaa 345 wagrah khtam nae kii wahan? Bhea JAaan Wataniyat ki Jhung or Democracy tu Haram haa Islam maa. Woo Pakistan k sth nae ana chahte balke Islamic Shriyaat chahty hnn or Pora Hindustan frr sa ALLAH Pak ki zameen chahty hnn. Or Pakistan sirf Kashmir is lia chahta ha k Pani na rook lnn or Pakistan ki security ko masla na hoo wrna inhy Kashmir sa kuxh lena dena nae tha. Wrna establishment or fooj na Burma, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, China, Libya, Boseneya, Chahaniya k lia Awaz kyu nae utate. Kya hamra farz nae banta tha Un k lia larna?? Afghanistan maa App na khud Mujahideen ko Shaheed kae. HuM akk naam k Islamic mgr secular country maa raah rhe hnn jahan akk b Islam k qanoon nafiz nae. Or isy fooj na Mujahideen k training centers band kae, kitne Mujahideen ko Shaheed kea or hazroon Mujahideen ko Jaloon ma band kea. Sirf dollars or dinaar or dhram ko inhon na apne zubane lagaye hoe hnn. Kashmir maa Islam Mujahideen hi laa krr ayen gyy InshahAllah bht Jald. ALLAH momenoo k sath haa Hum jese clean shave naam k muslamaano k sath nae joo ALLAH k nizaam k lia Jihaad nae krte or batil or kufareya nizaam ma khush hnn. Dr. Israr Ahmad b iss qoom ko jagaty raah gaye. Or App k Ulma sirf tabootoon paa bethy howe hnn. Inhy sirf apne peat ki haa. Yaa kbi Islam ki sahe baat nae kre gyy. Quran Pak k khud tarjama parheen plzzz. ALLAH Pak hamy Heedyat or Haq k sath dene or ALLAH ki raah maa Jihaad krne ki toufeeq ata farmaye(Ameen). May ALLAH Almighty gives us Strength of Emaan & Protect us from sins & protect us from disease of Wahan(Ameen)💖 Shriyaat yaa Shahdaat💖💖👆 My Islamic brother plz Read Quran. Watch Dr. Israr Ahmad & Mujahideen Msgs for Muslims brother & sisters. This ISI martyred Usama bin Ladim, give sister Afia Sadqe to non-muslims, martyrs Mujahideen in Afghanistan as much as America martyrs. Dictators & politicians no one has anything to take with Islam. Brother plz have right knowledge first & then plz spread message & strong the rows of Mujahideen. InshahAllah soon I will join Mujahideen. My brother everything is done by agencies. This Army martyred the Ishq e Rasool Mumtaz Qadir & jailed Khadim Husain rivzi & other Muslims. This Army killed Muslims in lal Masjid. Is this the Muslim Army? & fights for Islam or land? Fighting for land is totally haram in Islam. And in this land they are killing Muslims who want Shriyaat & Chalphat. First be a good Muslim & gain knowledge of Islam & then spread the message of ALLAH Almighty. These sarkari molvi are sitting on taboot & never tell us real Islam & whoever talks about the Islam they all mentioned him bagi & kills him. We are send to this world to implement the rule of ALLAH Almighty & the Shriyaat. These degrees are secondary thing, first thing is Islam & ALLAH. Remember Mujahideen in Prayers as they Pray for us whole Muslim Umaah. Prayers for you💖. ALLAH UAkbar💖💖💖👆
@Therese What is this ma'am .. Dont u see ..there is no religion if there is terrorism...the Holy Quran never tell us kill innocent people for something and its the biggest sin for muslims . i know the Holy Bible and the Torah too they never teach bad things.. I think your problem is personal and ur psycho social life and ur culture bcuz people teach u like that but its not true. u should just remove ur horse glasses and clean spider webs from ur mind. Inshallah u can see rights.
@@theresecoco1887 this toppics about another time in War place and in War time ofcourse people will kill the enemies soo if its like that why there are soo many verses like that... 1.Say : O ye that reject Faith! 2.I worship not that which ye worship, 3.Nor will ye worship that which I worship. 4.Nor will I worship those whom you have worshipped;, 5.Nor will ye worship that which I worship. 6.To you be your Way, and to me mine. (109. Surah )
@@theresecoco1887 anyways ma'am u believe whatever you want and dont touch mine to nobody will touch u too be sure about this ... Insallah 1 day u can see whats right.. Take care
I am a Muslim from Somalia ❤️ All my people became Muslims and accepted the religion of God even without the use of Sword..... We looked it and understood that it's the True religion and the purest of all that makes us clean, God-fearing and good people that can be trusted inside and outside 😭❤️❤️ Alhamdullilah thuma alhamdullilah.... I was born a Muslim, raised as a Muslim and I will die as a muslim Inshallah 😭😭❤️
@@dailychallenges2595 I'm an indian muslim ,,,. We people's become muslim through Muslim rulers who came from Afghanistan ,central Asia in 10 century and ruled Indian subcontinent for 800 year .... And now we are more in numbers than other muslim countries ,,we are 250 million Muslim's living in india .....
In our country, this is also the case, Islam spread here in The Philippines without the use of sword, despite being a current Christian country, Alhamdulillah for being a Muslim from The Ummah!
رب يفرج عليكم اخواننا في العراق اما بعد فأنا عربي لكن فخري باسلامي اكبر و بكثير من فخري بعروبتي انشاء الله نعود قوما يفخر بدينه لا بقومياته و انسابنا كما كان اجدادنا. نحن قوم اعزنا الله بالاسلام ان ابتغينا العزة في غيره اذلنا الله كل الحب لاخواننا المسلمين في كل ارض الله
@@abdouabdou-tp3tr وانا عربي ولكني افخر باسلامي اكثر و افخر باخواني المسلمين في كل بقاع الارض.. فهناك من العرب من هو شيعي يسب الصحابة وامهات المومنين ومن هو مسيحي و ملحد وغيرهم.. فالفخر بالاسلام وحده.. فالفخر بالنسب والحمية لها من شيم الجاهلية
The army of Syria ?!?! Do you feel proud watching Khalid Ibn Alwalid ? I hope you felt proud when your holy great army burned his grave We all muslims should do like the great Syrian army and burn our Islamic heroes and figures grave as way of showing that we are proud of them I really don't how a person get so ignorance and unashamed
i'm muslim from Malaysia🇲🇾❤️ Allahuakbar
I am muslim from Malaysia too
مسوي خوي
i am muslim from thailand
I am muslim from Indonesian
Alhamdulillah! Being born into Islam and being a Muslim is truly the biggest blessing of Allah Ta'aala.
Omar series all episodes Urdu/hindi see here-ua-cam.com/video/wO362RWyy1s/v-deo.html
نعم، افضل نعمة ان تكون مسلما، الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام، وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد، وعلى اله وصحبه، وعلى من تبعه باحسان الى يوم الدين.
Yes Bro ❤
Selâm aleyküm ve rahmetullahi kardeş,Cenab Allah'ın emirlerini yerine getirirsen,ne mutlu sana,hayrolasın,sas zdraveto!!!
Love u brother
I’m muslim from Sénégal🇸🇳🍀💚
Sadio mane
assalamu alaikum brother
اسلام عليكم
@@صلىعلىمحمد-م6د وعليكم سلام يا اخي
@@hashimibnhashim3989 waalay kum salam frère
Allahu Is the greatest!!
muslim from Bangladesh🇧🇩🇧🇩
I amMuslim from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩...I love the personality of khalid bin walid(ra.)...we need such a warrior in this era
Bu dünyada çok kısa bir süre için bulunduğumuzu ve amacımızın dünyevi zevklerin ve bedensel arzuların tadını çıkarmak değil, Allah'a ibadet etmek olduğunu unutmamak gerekir. Allah Müslümanlara hayatta özel bir görev vermiştir; bu da yalnızca Allah'a ibadet etmektir ve bu da, nikâhlı eş bile olsa karşı cinsle gereksiz saatler geçirmek de dâhil olmak üzere dünyevi zevklere aşırı düşkün olmamak anlamına gelir. Fiziksel ve cinsel ilişki saplantısı insan ruhunu tahrip eder. Evlilik içinde yasal olsa bile, bu bir lükstür ve insanlar hangi lükse fazla düşkünlük gösterirlerse bunun acısını ağır bir şekilde çekerler. Birisi çok fazla şeker yese bile şeker hastası olur. Müslümanlar bu cinsel hastalık yüzünden dünyanın her yerinde hakarete uğruyor ve acı çekiyor. Cahil insanların cinsel faaliyetler hakkında konuşurken kullandıkları terimlere ve yanlış ilkeleri yaymak için peygamber geleneklerini kullanmalarına tahammül edemiyorum. İnsanların İslam'ı kendi arzularını tatmin etmek için kullandıklarını görmek beni öfkelendiriyor. Evlilik ve seks Müslümanlar için asla hayatın amacı değildir. Önemli olan Allah'ı sevmektir. Birisi evliliği gerekli bulsa bile, sırf doğru olduğunu düşündüğümüz için herkesi evlenmeye ikna etmemelidir. İmran'ın kızı Hz. Meryem bekârdı. Allah onları sevdi. Her türlü zevke düşkünlük insan için zararlıdır. Müminler bu dünyaya lüksün tadını çıkarmak için gönderilmedi. Bizler Allah'a ve Resulüne ibadet ve itaat etmek için yaratıldık. Peygamberimiz Muhammed(sav) bu ilkeye göre yaşadı ve çok iş yaparak çok zengin olabilecekken, ölene kadar yoksulluk içinde kalmayı tercih etti. Kendi düşkünlüğümüz ve gayrimüslimlerin uygulamalarını takip ederek cinsel faaliyetlere saplanmamız nedeniyle, binlerce Suudi Arabistanlı genç, Kuveytli ve Pakistanlı genç, Katarlı erkek ve kadın, Ummanlı ve Bahreynli yaşlı girişimciler ve hatta Endonezya ve Malezya, Afrika ve Hindistan'dan bilim adamları, CIA'in Bush döneminden kalma ve bugüne kadar birçok Avrupa ülkesinde gizlilik içinde yürütülen sorgulama programlarında en ağır işkencelere maruz kalmaktadırlar. İnsanlar İslam'ı ordular halinde terk ediyor çünkü seks takıntımızdan iğreniyorlar. Siz hiç bir Hıristiyan rahibin ya da Yahudi hahamın böyle utanmazca bir video yüklediğini gördünüz mü? Sizce Allah kimi cennete kabul edecek? Müslümanlar Allah tarafından mantıklı olmaları için uyarılıyor. Küba'daki Guantanamo Deniz Üssü'nün yanı sıra Afganistan, Litvanya, Romanya, Polonya, Tayland, Bulgaristan, Norveç ve hatta Kanada'da yüzlerce masum erkek, kadın ve Müslüman çocuğun alıkonulduğu ve Amerikalı, İngiliz ve Avrupalı gardiyanlar tarafından elektrikle öldürüldüğü ve cinsel saldırıya uğradığı kara siteler bulunmaktadır. Tüm bunlar çok sayıda Müslümanın cinsel ilişkiye ve cinsel hazza kafayı takması ve sürekli olarak internette evlilik hayatından zevk almanın yollarını araması nedeniyle yaşanıyor. Gayrimüslim kara site işkencecileri tarafından yakalanan tüm bu erkekler, helal eşleriyle farklı seks tarzları yaşadıklarını ve bu sorgu odalarında kendi kızlarına cinsel saldırıda bulunmaya zorlandıklarını itiraf ettiler. Bu yüzden Allah'tan korkun ve hayvanlar gibi olmayın! Bazı kara sitelerde görev yapan gardiyanlar da Müslüman oğullarını annelerine cinsel saldırıda bulunmaya zorladılar! Bu insanların hepsi bir zamanlar İslami eşleriyle iğrenç seks yapmayı haklı çıkarmak için hadis ve Kuran'ı kullandılar. İşte bu yüzden herkese bekâr ve iffetli olmalarını söylüyorum. Bazı Müslümanlar bana bağırıyor, sakın helali haram yapmaya kalkma diye! Ben de onlara diyorum ki, o kara sitelerde işkence görürken bunun için Allah'ı suçlamaya kalkmayın. O kara hapishanelerde işkence görenlerin çoğu gayrimüslim oldu, İslam'dan nefret etti ve imtihanlarından dolayı Allah'ı suçladı. Sadece cinsel saldırıya uğramak ve işkence görmekle kalmadılar, aynı zamanda iman ve itikatlarından da vazgeçtiler. Müslümanlar sapkın ve hastalıklı cinsel ilişkilere girdiklerinde ve karılarına ya da kocalarına cinsel bir et gibi davrandıklarında olan budur. Binlerce eski Müslümanla görüştüm ve hepsi evlilik içi ilişkilerde çok aktif olduklarını ve eşleriyle her zaman yeni hastalıklı cinsel tarzlar denediklerini itiraf ettiler, tabii ki helal yollarla seks oyuncakları ve diğer sapkınlıkları kullanarak. Şimdi, sadece eski Müslüman olmakla kalmadılar, aynı zamanda Allah'a ve Peygamberine karşı vaaz veriyorlar. İslam'a odaklanmalı ve peygamberin gerçek yolunu takip etmeliyiz. O halde herkes eş sevgisine ve bu hayatta mutluluk takıntısına odaklanmadan dindar olsun. Biz ahiret için yaratıldık. Bu dünyada mutluluğu ve aşkı bulmak için değil. İnsan sevgisi takıntısı bazen birçok kadın ve erkeğin hem duygusal hem de fiziksel olarak tamamen çökmesine neden oluyor. Kişisel deneyimlerime göre, eşlerine cinsel açıdan aşırı hoşgörülü davranan düzinelerce insan gördüm, ki buna dinen tamamen izin veriliyor, ancak onların aynı zamanda acı ve ıstırabı yaşadıklarını da gördüm. Dünyanın her yerindeki tüm Müslümanların hakarete uğradığı ve acı çektiği bir ortamda, Müslümanların İslam'ı, sürekli konuşmak ve kendi arzuları doğrultusunda hareket etmek için bir bahane olarak kullanmayı bırakmaları ve zamanlarını, Çin’de, Orta Doğu’da ve Myanmar’da işkence gören ve öldürülen kardeşleri için Allah'a yalvararak geçirmeleri gerektiğini düşünüyorum. İnanın bana, Allah'ın kendisine ibadet etmemize ve itaat etmemize ihtiyacı yok. O, kirli ve iğrenç şehvetlerini tatmin etmek için İslami yasaları çarpıtan Müslümanlar yerine, iffetli gayrimüslimleri kolayca İslam'a sokacak ve ebedi cennete girmelerini sağlayacaktır. Diğer Müslümanları cahilce konuşmalarla şehvet düşkünlüğüne asla ikna etmeyelim ve onlara ebedi azap ve zarar vermeyelim. Bir Müslümanın üreme niyeti olmaksızın eşiyle cinsel ilişkiye girmesine asla izin verilmez ve bir Müslümanın fiziksel şehvet için eşini nesneleştirmesine asla izin verilmez. Çünkü evrendeki tüm günahlar eşe bir arzu nesnesi olarak davranmakla başlar. Önceki tüm günahkâr milletler bu şekilde yok edilmişlerdir. Şehvetlerini tatmin etmek için kadınları kullandılar, sonra erkeklere yöneldiler, sonra çocukları istismar etmek için onları yetiştirdiler ve sonra da kutsal aile bağlarını ihlal etmeye başladılar. Müslümanların arzuları üzerinde kontrol sahibi olmaları zorunludur. Güçlü bir Müslüman olmak, fiziksel olarak enerjik olmak değil, günahkâr faaliyetlerden uzak durma kapasitesine sahip olmak anlamına gelir. Bir Müslüman utanç verici arzulara ve şehvete karşı savaşma yeteneğine sahiptir, bu nedenle asla şehvet dolu ya da bencilce ilişkilere girmemelidir. Kur'an Mucizesi İslami Mahremiyet Yasaları by Mufti Ubaidullah Awal
A Muslim from the Swahili coast here in Kenya 🇰🇪 love all Muslims we will one day unite assalamu aleikum
@@AthenaMinerva1 kazak brother hope to see you there
inshAllah brother. Wa Alaikumussalaam.
Love from the coast of Pakistan.
Waalaikumsalam akhi, from the Pacific Ocean coast here
@@fahadus www.Kaheel7.c
@@fahadus www.Kaheel7.com
Salam Alaikum brothers from Bosnia. ALLAH AKBAR! ☝️🇧🇦💙💙🕋
This is blessing of Islam that meke every person from each part of world love each other even they Do not know each other.
Oh my brothers God bless u all
Yes many ethnicity but one ☝ ummah , Alhamdoullilah
Walaikumsalam waramatullah brother from malaysia ALLAHHUAKHBAR☝️🇲🇾
Walaikumsalam my brothers, Allahu Akbar!!!!
From Paris France always 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Khalid bin Walid RA...🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🤲🤲🤲
Oe il été incroiyable 😅
Oe grave
I'm muslim from Albania 🇦🇱☝️ Allah Akbar ❤
Im from Indonesia brother. Assalamualaikum
Selam Alejkum shqipe, si je vlla
@@user-wf5bw6eh7z wa alaikum salam brother muslim. Im from Indonesia, im respect to you
Khairul Imam respect to ❤️☪️
Welcome my brother your brother from iraq allha akbar
Alhamdulilahi,I'm Muslim I'm very proud to be Muslim.
From Somalia 🇸🇴🇸🇴. Salaam brothers & Sisters.
اهلا وسهلا بك اخى من الصومال. انما المؤمنون اخوه
Wa aalikum salaam bro💐💐💐
Allah Subhanahutaala bless my brothers and sisters 🤚🤚
Walaikum as salam
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام.
I'm Muslim, from Palestine.
I love n supported all Palestin Muslim sunni..Salam from Malaysia🇵🇸💚🇲🇾💞🇮🇩
@@hamzahsamah8039 The whole system of democracy is kufar. We can't establish Islam by kufar system.therefore we need to restore Kihlafaah & Shriyaat & bring back Islam. This democracy is Shirk where MPs sit in the chair of Allah & make laws whereas ALLAH(swt) is the One and Only law maker.
Most of Our Ulma are sitting on Taboot. They are afraid of Taboot. They just care for their Pockets & don't tell Us real Islam. They can't be the Muslims Ulmaa. Nationalism & democracy is Haram in Islam. Jihaad is for Islam & it is worldwide, not for country or land (nationalism or kashmir)
We are living in a kafir state. The Whole system is of kufr. There is not even a single law of Shriyaat & Quran, & Umaah is sleeping😣😣. We lose Our lagecy all over the World bcz of our sins. Astagfirullah.
The soliders of ALLAH Almighty plz check:-
My Islamic Brothers The Quran Majeed is made for Self, not for Shelf. Plzz Read Atleast One Verse of Quran Pak with Tarjama daily. JazakALLAH. Pray for Me & Umaah brother. May ALLAH Almighty gives us Heedyaat & Strength of Emaan & Protect us from fitna of dajjal & disease of wahan(Ameen).
@@shariyaatyaashahadat5841 fuck you brother.. with all respect.. and yes I'm a Smart Muslim
@@medfadel473 I didn't check the links but from what he said he's right and also don't swear it's Haram and there's no respect in that as you claim.
@@zak.886 you are right.. sorry bro Tawheed
I am a Muslim from Kuwait
We thank God for the blessing of Islam
We thank Allah for the blessing of Islam.
I love Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed
He is a great comander of Islam❤️😘 lots of love From (Islamic Republic) Of Pakistan 🇵🇰
Bro ye movie he kya
Ager he to apko pata he ke iska nam or ye kaha se dekh sakte he
@@chaudharyyt4756 It's called Omar Series (30 Episodes)
Not a movie
@@MrWolfPUBGMobile thanks dear
We can’t be Khalid in this day and age but we can be great strategist like him and conquer the world through internet, liking , subscribing and donating. It’s the last we could do for the kegacy of our beloved prophet, Khalid ,salahdin ,omar, ali,aboubakr and Mehmed ghazi and all the other staunch soldiers of Islam who dedicated their lives to spread the message ❤❤❤
Alhamdolillah I’m a convert Muslim from Cuba 🇨🇺
Sultan Issa Al-Cubi alhamdulillah...
subhan allah
@Leonardo Da Vinci on what basis that you claim Muhammad did all the terrible act. Do you have any proof. I am a muslim and islam teach me not to do any of the above
Leonardo Da Vinci and what is your evidence for all this 😂
Leonardo de Vinci 70 percent you said is a lie
Shukran ya rabbi.. I am müslim.salam from Turkey to all müslims
Walaekum salam from Pakistan
I'm g.Mustafa (Muslim) from Pakistan will u plz give me hand of friendship because I love turkey's Muslims I also love sir rajab tayab urdgan
Wassalam.. From Brunei Darussalam 🇧🇳❤🇹🇷
Wa aleykum sallam from Algeria
🇩🇿 ❤ 🇹🇷
Walaekum salam from Bangladesh.
السلا م عليكم من الصومال ياإخوان أ لمسلمين واإخواةالمسلمات في العالم ❤❤
قال تعالى (إنما المؤمنون إخو ة)❤❤
وعليكم سلام من الجزائر اللهم واحد صفوفن
اللهم وحد صفوفنا اخوك من اليمن
اسف مررررررره
السلام عليكم
عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته أهلاً وسهلاً بكم اخوننا المسلمين والمسلمات في الصومال
يا هلا فيكم اخواني الصوماليين 💙💚
Love for all muslims from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
thanks from algeria
thanks from myanmar
Alhamdulilah I,am islam from *Somalia* 🇸🇴
Salaam oll Muslim prathers and sister's 😍👑❤
Salam I'm Bangladeshi
الصورة الشخصية حرام ذنوب غيريها نصيحة فقط 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Wll sawirka aad saaratay waa xaaran fadlan iska daji talo oo kaliya😊
@@Ibrozanaaji21345 Talo Waan isku Leenahay Mr KalaY MahadsaniT Wlaal 😍
@@dailyxiin kaqaad dee mxaa kaqaldan runta miyaa kudibeeso😎
l am muslim from somalia 🇸🇴
I’m Muslim from oromia my mom knows somali
Hhh ar bajunta
I'm Muslim from Indonesia, assalamualaikum my brother
وعليكم السلام
Watching this I can't hold my tear to fall.. May the martyrs be rest in peace in Jannatul ferdaus in sha ALLAH.
Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
Is this TV series or Film?
@@sanwarsumon1974 tv series.
search as omar faruq tv series
Thé best of All serie Omar series
@@Türkiyemy Absolutely right.
@@prantikjulkernine5046 লিংক দেন প্লিজ..আমিও বাংলাদেশ থেকে
Général Général Général !!! KHALID IBN WALID MY LOVE ICON.
From Sénégal 🇸🇳
Khaled ibn al whaled Rahimahullah 😢😢😢💔💔💔👀👀😭😭
Am Muslim from Ghana 🇬🇭
الله اكبر
🇧🇩❤️🇬🇭 ☪️
Allahuakbar!!! From Indonesian 🇮🇩
Iam muslim from Pakistan.
I love the one man army, the man equal to a billion men, the sword of Allah Khalid bin waleed❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'm proud to be a Muslim from Liberia in West Africa.
Elhamdulillah. From Turkey
Alhamdu lilah
Assalamu alaikum from India 🇮🇳
Alhamdulilah brother from Somalia 🇸🇴❤
Alhamdulillah,i am proud to be a muslim from Bangladesh
I am Muslim from Syria
Allahu Akbar ❤
We Muslims should be united again so that we could rise again, a Muslim from Pakistan love you all my brothers ramadan Mubarak
Inchaa Allah
@ismart genius ismart genius insh allah
Of course if Insha Allah we will see my favourite Muslims and my friends see you soon good bay
Muslims were never united after the demise of RasulAllah(saww), even at his time there were munafiqeen.
I'm Muslim from Kuwait 🇰🇼❤.
Allahuakbar !!! الله اكبر الحمدلله على نعمه اسلام
Ebû Bekir ve Omar
From Tunisia 🇹🇳😍
Proud to have brothers and sisters from all over the world 🌍❤️
Thank u 😍
Mashallah 🇸🇴🇸🇴 أنا الصومال
سلسلة حروب التتار
Radyallahu anh😢😢😢
From Algeria
I love Khalid bin alwalid
If you liked prophet, you would have liked Khalid, he was not more than a monafiq.
Omar mukhtar the great in DP
قنلرم ال بم حكمت عليه ال ي
@@mohsinrezvani9187 are u mad mind ur language u bloody idiot whom u calling munafik khalid ibn walid was the greatest commander of mohammed pbuh u idiot
I'm a Muslim from India 🇮🇳
الله يعينك على الكفار من حولك
ما شاء الله ربي يثبتك و يثبتنا على الاسلام
Iam Muslim from Bangladesh
@@orkochowdhury7016 kitapi
@@orkochowdhury7016 allah with you
I’m muslim from Mauritania 🇲🇷🇲🇷🇲🇷
i am Pakistan Muslim 🇵🇰
اللہ اکبر
Allah akbar
I love all pakistan muslim brothers am from somalia🇸🇴❤🇵🇰
Am muslim from Azerbaydjan. Pakistan is our brother
@@azadliqugrunda7252 we love azerbaijan💓
Khan Shahid,,..no one's perfect.
I'am Muslim from Somalia🇸🇴🇸🇴
Somalians are Arabs : never forget it !
3salamu 3leykum I am Muslum from New Dheli India
@@algeriearabe3995 no they are not they are black people the arab just in arabian peninsula the other country they just speak Arabic
@@-alblowi1550 Arabs invaded Somalia, Soudan, Ethiopia by milions during many centuries and that is an historic fact you will never change... Somalians, Soudanese, Ethiopians have very clear skins, aquiline noses, smooth hair : they are not black at all just BROWN and for the majority they consider themselves like ARABS and that is the true because Arabs made babies by milions to black females slaves in the past. You can denie but it will change nothing :)
@Breno Arabs invaded Somalia, Soudan, Ethiopia by milions during many centuries and that is an historic fact you will never change... Somalians, Soudanese, Ethiopians have very clear skins, aquiline noses, smooth hair : they are not black at all just BROWN and for the majority they consider themselves like ARABS and that is the true because Arabs made babies by milions to black females slaves in the past. You can denie but it will change nothing :)
Alhambylila I am musilim I am from Kazakhstan 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿
from india
I'm Muslim from srilanka
I’m from Iraq
I am Muslim from Somalia🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴alhamdulilah
ان تولد مسلم موحد بالله هذه نعمه يقف العقل عندها تأمل عطايا ربك الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام وكفى بها نعمه .
Seyfullah khaled ibn whaled
Ameen ya Allah
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام
Alhamdulilah..Thanks to Allah swt..Im Muslim from Malaysia🇲🇾..proud with all brotherhood here.
Alhamdulillah, I'm muslim from Philippines salaam everyone 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
Proud of u brother
Ve Aleyküm Selâm. From Turkey 🇹🇷
@@SYlmaz-wb1wb I love Turkey maybe soon i can go there i wish i wish dream come true😊😊
@@diyabersaumay5060 We would be more happy, İf Muslims come to Turkey from distant Countries🌍.Everytime Welcome.🙂🙂
@@SYlmaz-wb1wb Thank you 🇵🇭♥️🇹🇷😊👍
I'm Christian, and it's great to get a little insight as to who Khalid Ibn Walid was. Hoping to learn more 👍
هنا قد نجد المزيد عن. سيف الله
خالد ابن الوليد
You might like the Chanel kings n generals , there's a whole series about him
@@sultanalsultan9906 ''kings'' and general
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
اسلام عليكم و رحمتہ الله وبرکاته
So, I invite you to Islam.
one of the greatest commanders in the history of mankind. he had never lost a battle. He was the only one who did defeat Muslims before his conversion to Islam.
Iam muslim from lebanon 🇱🇧
Allahu Akbar
Rahimahullah aleyke Ahi selam ehli sünnet Lebanon lanet mecus İran
Selam ehli sünnet Lübnan
Alhamdulillahi I'm Muslim from Ethiopia
Mudin Mhammed من القارئ في بداية المقطع
Mudin Mhammed من القارئ في بداية المقطع
اخى من اثيوبيا اتقوا الله فينا فى مياه النيل
i am form Ethiopia 🇪🇹 الحمدالله مسليم ☝️☝️
الحمد لله**
ما شا الله
مسلم وليست مسليم
Abbysnia 💗
I'm Muslim from Kazakhstan 🇰🇿❤️☝🏻☪️
salam to our kazakh brother
im muslim from Kazakhstan🇸🇦🇰🇿
I am your brother from Pakistan
@@Ali-Scary-DarkNights Assalamu yaleikum
@@АянЖезовский وعليكم السلام و رحمۃ اللہ و برکاتہ
Аян Ахмедиев
Assalamu aliykum .köp jaqsi
i am muslim from myanmar rohingya
Salam from Pakistan, may ALLAH help you
OMG I fell bad for ur people dont worry those idiots will pay!🤬😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
@@mkhan1482 jee shukoriya bro
@@mdnoyim3712 hope you are safe brother.
We love you bro from Algeria , ALLAH IS WITH US !
Am Muslim from Niger🇳🇪Alhamdulillah
Maiga Aida muslim from somali
And me from morroco 🇲🇦
From Algéria neighbors may Allah bring us together and unite us
Don’t say that word u racist🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
I'm muslim from indonesia🇮🇩
love khalid bin walid❤
I am Muslim from Jordan 🇯🇴 those men are true believers
@d zora lmao kid go and lloll
@@4kmeditation910 ignore bro.
Even before the Prophet Muhammad SAW emerged, Mecca was still known as a holy place, and people around the world used to come and do tawaad around the Ka'bah 🕋❤🙌
Butake friendship with israel.
وأنا كمان مسلم أردني حياك الله أخوي
Thank to the companion for brought islam to your land and all the levantine
I am muslim from India..... اللہ اکبر۔۔۔۔
ye movie urdu m nhi h kya
@@straightway1 dailymotion main dekh lo Omer series
I’m a Muslim from Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 , Allah is The Greatest.
Im muslim indonesia.. Assalamualaikum
@@Aynadergahi assalamualaikum
@@Aynadergahi insaallah amin...sleep my house in indonesia... Do you now my nomber phone??
@ایران گرایی love.muhammad.abu bakar.umar.usman.ali.hasan&husen..all muslim
I'm a muslim
I love Khalid bin walid
From Pakistan
Islam Long alive
Allah u akbar
I love Pakistanis. Devotes muslims who were not deceived by the foreign elements ❤❤
I am Muslim from Iraq 🇮🇶
Allah Akbar Walillah Alhamd ❤☝️
Es selam aleyke ırak 😢😢😢
بالانكليزي نكتب مسلم والعربي نسب بعض انت شيعي وانت سني 😂😂😂
@@Türkiyemy we love turkey, I hope osman can again come back 😁😁
هههه لا ليش
تغيرت كثير امور هالأيام
اللهم أحشرني مع خالد إبن الوليد وصحابة رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم اللهم أجمعني بهم في فردوس أعلي يارب فإني مشتاق إليهم
موت اتي اتي موت وانت مخلص دينك لي ربك و إياك أن تشرك بالله إحذر
اللهم آمين يارب وإياكم
اخي ، اللهم صل *✅ ، وليس "صلي" ❌ لأنها تأنيث لله - ف تعالى الله عن هذا -
و ( الحمد لله ) هكذا تكتب 🤍🤍💛
Long live Khalid bin Waleed
Our Hero 🇸🇦🇹🇷🇵🇰
يقول طول الحياه وخالد ابن الوليد بطلنا 👍
يحي✊ خالد بن الوليد بطلنا
Khalid Bin Walid
I m from pakistan, love to every muslim man in this world. This a very good drama.
Al Hamdoullilah I'm Muslim from Morocco 🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🙏
Muslim From Pakistan🇵🇰
اللہ اکبر
Asalaam walekum. I'm from Hindustan
@@praharshraj6304 r u a Muslim?
الله اكبر
Muslim from Bangladesh
I am muslim from Indonesian 🙌🇮🇩
I.m Muslim from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇵🇰🇹🇷🇱🇷❤❤
i am muslim from the bronx nyc. as salaamu alikum my brothers and sisters. #STRIVEHARDER in the cause of ALLAH swt!
لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّهِ
Ya saiyyidi ya rasulullah
@yohan John mouhammed died normaly in 63 old but pleas give me an evedant
9155ttŕfycfwioo0qoqoo990887tevuhy higcxzgtorffdTgu6uulkì11qmqke9k
The merciful servant اسلا مهند
@@hanz86hanszse87 يا سيدي يسوع ال مذسيح انت ابن الله انت نور ال عالم انت نبي وحد
I'm very lucky I'm Muslim from Somalia also there is no god but there is Allah and Mohammed is last massenger scw peace be upon him
lol soomaali baan ahay
Najiib Alphahagtdgge
@@goldenleaf8670 bahahahaha my ass!!!
@@anabosman7654 my ass 😂😂😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈🙈
I am a Muslim from the country of a million martyrs 🇩🇿❤🇵🇸
Which country?
@@fasih-ur-rehman9630 ALGERIA
@@abdellahkarim340 Why is it called that?
@@fasih-ur-rehman9630 because it’s the number of Algerian martyrs in the liberation revolution against france the last century it was between 1954 and 1962
@@abdellahkarim340 May Allah grant all the martyrs the highest place in Jannah. Respect from Pakistan.
I'm Muslim from India🇮🇳🇮🇳
And Allahu Akbar
I'm Muslim from srilanka
Nayeem sister 🤲🤲 Allah Hamud Lilah
Cool and mool 🙂
Nayeem Mansha Allah I am from Somalilandr American
Big Prick
Do you know how is hell?
*Allhamdullillah I am muslim from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳*
Alhamdulillah I am Muslim I'm from bangladesh.
Allahou Akbar I'm Muslim I am from Sénégal
Salam alaikum brothers I'm from Al maghreb 🇲🇦 salute to you
Alhamdulilah from Uganda 🇺🇬 but current in 🇸🇦 Arabia
Selamunaleykum From Turkey 🇹🇷 to all Muslım Brothers
Aleyküm selam kardeşim 😊😊😊
May God’s peace be upon you, from a Muslim woman who wishes you goodness and mercy
🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷 2023 inshallah from Kuwait
selamunaleykum bu videonun başındakı kuranı okuyan hafızın ismi nedir aceba
@@ahmadfrhan5265 merhaba ahuy ente dovle kuweyt
I'm muslim from Azerbaijan
La ilahe illallah
Muhammadun rasulAllah
☝Allah-!!!- I am muslim from Sarajevo --!!!- Bosnia 💟
Ve Aleyküm Selâm. From Turkey 🇹🇷
@@SYlmaz-wb1wb sellam
Salam alaykom sister from Algeria 🇩🇿
Don sam-!!!- OK, sellam alejkum-ve-rahmetullahi-ve berekjatuhu for all muslim sister's on the world-!!!- sellam 4 all Ultras on -masrik-magrib- - Alger--Maroco-Tunis-!!;- selam four mi muslim sister don sam😁😁😁
I am a man 😊, my sister. We hope to become friends .. I am a fan of Bosnians ❤️🙏
JazakAllah... Proud of our bravest khulafa e Rashidin...Hazrat Umars role is truly splendid in Islamic history... 💞💞💞💕💗💗💗💗
Salam alaikum brother and sisters. I’m muslim from UZBEKISTAN 🇺🇿🌹
alekum alsalam
Walaikum ssalam
Uzbekistan people are very lovely hv visited last year
@@junaidbhuiyan5435 thank you.
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام
I'm Muslim from Morocco 💔
Kenza Boughallad walekum Asslam Brother
Ve Aleyküm Selâm. 🇹🇷
اذكروا الله و صلوا على الحبيب المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم
الحمدالله الذى جعلنا من المسلمين
Good job I am Muslim form Afghanistan 🇦🇫🦁☪️⚔️⚔️☪️🇦🇫⚔️⚔️⚔️
Salam alikum brother you defeated america you guys are tough
We need a hero like Khalid ibn Walid . I am from Bangladesh. I love him very much.
We can’t be Khalid in this day and age but we can be great strategist like him and conquer the world through internet, liking , subscribing and donating. It’s the last we could do for the kegacy of our beloved prophet, Khalid ,salahdin ,omar, ali,aboubakr and Mehmed ghazi and all the other staunch soldiers of Islam who dedicated their lives to spread the message ❤❤❤
Umar kathab r.a and khalid ibn al walid r.a the greatest warrior in islamic history....love from india divided by borders ,language and culture but united as ummah thats beauty of islam..
Ali is the greatest warrior in islam ,but Khalid and Umar are great too.
Brother Hazrat Ali is the greatest warrior of Islam. After Hazrat Ali Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed is the greatest.... I'm not shia btw I'm a Muslim
Good joke 😂Ali will beat both of them
@@arabamir3890 it's not about who is better but in the battle field Khalid ibn Waleed was the greatest commander without losing a battle he was named the Sword of Allah he broke 9 Swords in 1 battle
سيف الله المسلول خالد بن الوليد قاهر الفرس المجوس و قياصرة الروم . .. ...عجزت النساء ان يلدن مثل خالد
الحمدلله زنده باد اسلام دین کامل برادر افغانستانی تان🇦🇫
ALLAH UAkbar💖💖👆
Chalphat Zindabaad💖💖💖
Islam Zindabaad💖💖💖
Mujahideen-e-Islam Zindabaad💖💖💖
Rostam Panjshir ارهابي افغانستان
What Afghanistani hahaha I thought is afghani. Are you sure your dad is an Afghan
I'm muslim from 🇸🇴 somalia
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام والايمان
الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام
Thank God for the blessing of Islam ..
His name is Allah, not his name is God
@@عمرعمر-ذ6م5ك Allah means God.
Allah proper noun
But the word God is not proper noun = illah=اله
@@peloentupantalla7768 Allah الله is proper noun but God in not proper noun bcause god =illah = اله
Im khaled abn wali from afghanistan and im so proud that my father chosen that name for me
Yes big proud for u
I’m proud of afghanistan men who defeated Americans and Russians from Kuwait 🇰🇼
Sallahu alayhi wasalaam wa barak ala sayeedina Muhammadin abdikah wa rasulikah was salli alil mumineena wal muminaat
Mansi Musa was from Mali too. He was a great generous Muslim.. He's still considered to be the most fortunate man in history. He spent his wealth on building mosques and helping the poor. Regards from Tunisia
From Indonesian
السلام عليكم
I'm muslim from morocco la ilaha illa allah mohammad rasolo allah
100%muslim from SOMALIA🇸🇴 muslim for ever💙
I,m Moslim fRom Pakistan 🇵🇰
Before you take pride in your hypocrite country, Pakistan🇵🇰 has been supporting US invading Afghanistan for 19yrs, where US military logistics have been transferred from Karachi port Pakistan into Afghanistan for past 19yrs resulting in killing of 100-150 Afghans per day.
@@Mu5tyLaghmani The whole system of democracy is kufar. We can't establish Islam by kufar system.therefore we need to restore Kihlafaah & Shriyaat & bring back Islam. This democracy is Shirk where MPs sit in the chair of Allah & make laws whereas ALLAH(swt) is the One and Only law maker.
Most of Our Ulma are sitting on Taboot. They are afraid of Taboot. They just care for their Pockets & don't tell Us real Islam. They can't be the Muslims Ulmaa. Nationalism & democracy is Haram in Islam. Jihaad is for Islam & it is worldwide, not for country or land (nationalism or kashmir)
We are living in a kafir state. The Whole system is of kufr. There is not even a single law of Shriyaat & Quran, & Umaah is sleeping😣😣. We lose Our lagecy all over the World bcz of our sins. Astagfirullah.
The soliders of ALLAH Almighty plz check:-
My Islamic Brothers The Quran Majeed is made for Self, not for Shelf. Plzz Read Atleast One Verse of Quran Pak with Tarjama daily. JazakALLAH. Pray for Me & Umaah brother. May ALLAH Almighty gives us Heedyaat & Strength of Emaan & Protect us from fitna of dajjal & disease of wahan(Ameen).
@@Mu5tyLaghmani Kashmir Mujahideen hi solve krwayeen gyy or In Allah k bandoon na hi Islam k lia Jihad shuru kia wahan. Yaa JOo Mujahideen-e-Islam hnn inhy naa zalim Indian Army ko tagni k naach nachahaye haa. Hindu fooj tu aram sa zulam krte, rapes krte, Marti, loatati or chali jati. Mgr Shaheed Burhan Wani, Ameer Zakir Musaa ki mahnaat haa yaa. Joo Shriyaat ya Shahdaat sirf Deen k lia bula rhe hnn HuM sbb Muslmaano ko. Wrna 70 saalon sa kyu yaa 345 wagrah khtam nae kii wahan? Bhea JAaan Wataniyat ki Jhung or Democracy tu Haram haa Islam maa. Woo Pakistan k sth nae ana chahte balke Islamic Shriyaat chahty hnn or Pora Hindustan frr sa ALLAH Pak ki zameen chahty hnn. Or Pakistan sirf Kashmir is lia chahta ha k Pani na rook lnn or Pakistan ki security ko masla na hoo wrna inhy Kashmir sa kuxh lena dena nae tha. Wrna establishment or fooj na Burma, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, China, Libya, Boseneya, Chahaniya k lia Awaz kyu nae utate. Kya hamra farz nae banta tha Un k lia larna?? Afghanistan maa App na khud Mujahideen ko Shaheed kae. HuM akk naam k Islamic mgr secular country maa raah rhe hnn jahan akk b Islam k qanoon nafiz nae. Or isy fooj na Mujahideen k training centers band kae, kitne Mujahideen ko Shaheed kea or hazroon Mujahideen ko Jaloon ma band kea. Sirf dollars or dinaar or dhram ko inhon na apne zubane lagaye hoe hnn. Kashmir maa Islam Mujahideen hi laa krr ayen gyy InshahAllah bht Jald. ALLAH momenoo k sath haa Hum jese clean shave naam k muslamaano k sath nae joo ALLAH k nizaam k lia Jihaad nae krte or batil or kufareya nizaam ma khush hnn. Dr. Israr Ahmad b iss qoom ko jagaty raah gaye. Or App k Ulma sirf tabootoon paa bethy howe hnn. Inhy sirf apne peat ki haa. Yaa kbi Islam ki sahe baat nae kre gyy. Quran Pak k khud tarjama parheen plzzz. ALLAH Pak hamy Heedyat or Haq k sath dene or ALLAH ki raah maa Jihaad krne ki toufeeq ata farmaye(Ameen). May ALLAH Almighty gives us Strength of Emaan & Protect us from sins & protect us from disease of Wahan(Ameen)💖
Shriyaat yaa Shahdaat💖💖👆
My Islamic brother plz Read Quran. Watch Dr. Israr Ahmad & Mujahideen Msgs for Muslims brother & sisters. This ISI martyred Usama bin Ladim, give sister Afia Sadqe to non-muslims, martyrs Mujahideen in Afghanistan as much as America martyrs. Dictators & politicians no one has anything to take with Islam. Brother plz have right knowledge first & then plz spread message & strong the rows of Mujahideen. InshahAllah soon I will join Mujahideen. My brother everything is done by agencies. This Army martyred the Ishq e Rasool Mumtaz Qadir & jailed Khadim Husain rivzi & other Muslims. This Army killed Muslims in lal Masjid. Is this the Muslim Army? & fights for Islam or land? Fighting for land is totally haram in Islam. And in this land they are killing Muslims who want Shriyaat & Chalphat. First be a good Muslim & gain knowledge of Islam & then spread the message of ALLAH Almighty. These sarkari molvi are sitting on taboot & never tell us real Islam & whoever talks about the Islam they all mentioned him bagi & kills him. We are send to this world to implement the rule of ALLAH Almighty & the Shriyaat. These degrees are secondary thing, first thing is Islam & ALLAH. Remember Mujahideen in Prayers as they Pray for us whole Muslim Umaah. Prayers for you💖.
ALLAH UAkbar💖💖💖👆
Islam will rise again.. Allaah hu Akbar..!!
Allahu Akbar, Allah promise will never wrong..
i think right now the judgement day become closer my friend..
allaah Snakbar
Frosan Petrov
atheist russian shut up for your ass will be whacked
agna ilmi easy targets . kkkk
The chalpih Imam mahdi.
im a muslim from Malaysia 🇲🇾
لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا اللهُ
Laa ilaaha illallah ! Allahuakhbar !
صدق او لا تصدق نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام فمهما ابتغينا العزة بغيره أذلنا الله.
اي والله لاعزة لنا غير الاسلام
+سامي الشامي joooukjn kl p o iii o iuuyy.
Dj Husseina
والله صح الصح
Dj Husseina + صح لسانك
صدق من سماه خالد سيف الله المسلول على اعداءه. وكيف لا وقد سماه وشهد له حبيب رب العرش العظيم. بابي وامي ياخالد 😍😍😍😍
Thanks I'm a Christian but I love Muslim so much. God is supreme.
@Therese What is this ma'am .. Dont u see ..there is no religion if there is terrorism...the Holy Quran never tell us kill innocent people for something and its the biggest sin for muslims . i know the Holy Bible and the Torah too they never teach bad things.. I think your problem is personal and ur psycho social life and ur culture bcuz people teach u like that but its not true. u should just remove ur horse glasses and clean spider webs from ur mind. Inshallah u can see rights.
@@theresecoco1887 ofcourse i want plz...if its like that i will think about my religion again
@@theresecoco1887 this toppics about another time in War place and in War time ofcourse people will kill the enemies soo if its like that why there are soo many verses like that...
1.Say : O ye that reject Faith!
2.I worship not that which ye worship,
3.Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4.Nor will I worship those whom you have worshipped;,
5.Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6.To you be your Way, and to me mine.
(109. Surah )
@@theresecoco1887 Islam is the most tolerance religion in the world if Allah wants us to kill non muslims or others u were not in alive now
@@theresecoco1887 anyways ma'am u believe whatever you want and dont touch mine to nobody will touch u too be sure about this ... Insallah 1 day u can see whats right.. Take care
I am a Muslim from Somalia ❤️ All my people became Muslims and accepted the religion of God even without the use of Sword..... We looked it and understood that it's the True religion and the purest of all that makes us clean, God-fearing and good people that can be trusted inside and outside 😭❤️❤️ Alhamdullilah thuma alhamdullilah.... I was born a Muslim, raised as a Muslim and I will die as a muslim Inshallah 😭😭❤️
Inchalllah ameen
@Farhan Ibn Adam yeah bro, but still there is no God but Allah....
Thanks.... Allah is worthy of worthy and no one else...
@@dailychallenges2595 I'm an indian muslim ,,,. We people's become muslim through Muslim rulers who came from Afghanistan ,central Asia in 10 century and ruled Indian subcontinent for 800 year .... And now we are more in numbers than other muslim countries ,,we are 250 million Muslim's living in india .....
@@faisi wow awesome brother, keep making our good faith awake and worshipping our Creator for it's must!! Let us pray for one Another tooo💓
In our country, this is also the case, Islam spread here in The Philippines without the use of sword, despite being a current Christian country, Alhamdulillah for being a Muslim from The Ummah!
Am muslim alhamdulilh from somalia 🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴❤️
انا موسليمون قازاقيا الله اكبر☝
بارك الله بك حبيبي
اهلا بك في قلوبنا من مسلمي عراق
سلام عليكم اخي تحية طيبة اليكم
ما شاء الله تبارك الله كل المسلمون أخوة سوري وافتخر بكم
Баур.Баур Ахмад
اهلا بك
الحمد الله على نعمتل اصلام 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
اللهم صلى وسلم على نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
نعمة الاسلام*✅💙
Ben bu filmin türkçesinide izledim mükemmel🇸🇦🇹🇷
Movie Name ?
@@Mightsurpass omer
@@20032o Can You Send Me The Link ?
@@Mightsurpass ua-cam.com/video/rQlqkZnDWf8/v-deo.html
@@20032o Jazakallah
I’m Muslim from Iraq 🇮🇶 I’m Arabic man alhamdulilah . I am proud of my Arab ancestors who fought and spread Islam ☪️
Selam aleyke ırak 😢😢😢
رب يفرج عليكم اخواننا في العراق
اما بعد فأنا عربي لكن فخري باسلامي اكبر و بكثير من فخري بعروبتي انشاء الله نعود قوما يفخر بدينه لا بقومياته و انسابنا كما كان اجدادنا.
نحن قوم اعزنا الله بالاسلام ان ابتغينا العزة في غيره اذلنا الله
كل الحب لاخواننا المسلمين في كل ارض الله
@@abdouabdou-tp3tr وانا عربي ولكني افخر باسلامي اكثر و افخر باخواني المسلمين في كل بقاع الارض.. فهناك من العرب من هو شيعي يسب الصحابة وامهات المومنين ومن هو مسيحي و ملحد وغيرهم.. فالفخر بالاسلام وحده.. فالفخر بالنسب والحمية لها من شيم الجاهلية
أنا مغربي وفخور بإسلامي وعروبتي وأحب الشعب العراقي الشقيق
No Arab is superior to a non Arab..No clan is superior to other..the superiority depends on Thakwah-Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) on farewell speech
I’m Muslim from Syria 🇸🇾 ☝🏻 Allah Akbar
Es selam aleyke hur sryia 😢😢😢
The army of Syria ?!?!
Do you feel proud watching Khalid Ibn Alwalid ?
I hope you felt proud when your holy great army burned his grave
We all muslims should do like the great Syrian army and burn our Islamic heroes and figures grave as way of showing that we are proud of them
I really don't how a person get so ignorance and unashamed
@@HBKZD Where did you get this news? I cant seem to fins any source on this...
Aziz I’m Syrian and that’s true
@@karam4762 صلاح الدين عراقي 🙂🙂🙂
umat e muslima united again . from pakistan
We hope so 😢
Insha'Allah. ☝️💙
Nationalism secularism is haram in islam.
Allahu akbar allahu akbar la ilaha ilallah
Muslim from Al Hind (India)⚔🇮🇳⚔🇮🇳⚔🇮🇳⚔.Allah hu Akbar