MIT-д тэнцсэн түүх, Академик сонирхолоо дэлхийд гаргах нь

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
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  • @AriunOyun
    @AriunOyun  2 роки тому +2

    COLLEGE PREP FALL HIVE элсэлт 9 сарын 8 17:00 цаг хүртэл авагдана! ⬇

    • @Abeturk
      @Abeturk Рік тому

      Su=water /水 (Suv)=fluent-flowing Suvu> Sıvı=fluid, liquid
      Suv-up =liquefied (~soup)
      Suv-mak= to make it flow onwards or upwards (>suvamak)
      Suy-mak= to make it flow over
      Süv-mek= to make it flow inwards
      Sür-mek= to make it flow ON something
      Sur-up(şurup)=syrup / Suruppah(chorba)=soup /Suruppat(şerbet)=sorbet /meşrubat=beverage /şarap=wine
      Süp-mek= to make it flow outwards / Süp-der-mek>süptürmek>süpürmek=to sweep
      Say-mak= to make it flow drop by drop (one by one from the mind) = ~ to count ~ to deem (sayı=number) (bilgisayar=computer)
      Söy-mek= to make it flow out of the mind / Söy-le-mek= to make the sentences flowing through the mind = to say, ~to tell
      Sev-mek= to make it flow(pour) from the mind to the heart = to love
      Söv-mek=to say whatever's on own mind (~call names)
      Süy-mek= to make it flow through (Süyüt> süt= milk)
      Soy-mak= to make it flow over it/him/her ( to peel, ~to strip, ~to rob ) (Suy-en-mak)>soyunmak=to undress
      (Suy-der-mak)>sıyırmak= ~skinning , ~skimming
      Siy-mek= to make it flow downwards / to pee Siyitik>sidik= urine
      Sav-mak= ~to make it pour outward /put forward / set forth in >Sahan=the container to pour water
      (Sav-en-mak)>savunmak=to defend (Sav-en-al-mak)>savunulmak=to get being defended
      (Sav-eş-mak)1.savaşmak=to pour blood / to shed each other's blood (savaş= war)
      2.savuşmak=to get spilled around (altogether/downright)> sıvışmak=~run away in fear
      Sağ-mak= ~to make it pour down (Sağanak=downpour)
      Sağ-en-mak>Sağınmak= ~to spill it from thought into emotions> ~longing
      Sağn-mak>San-mak= ~to get it pour from thought to idea(to arrive at a guess)
      Sak-en-mak> Sakınmak =~to ponder hard/ worry out/ beware
      Soğ-mak=to penetrate inwards > Soğurmak=~ make it spread in own essence/~to suck
      Sok-mak= ~to put/take it (by forcing) inward
      Sök-mek= ~take/put it (by forcing) from the inside out (~unstitch/rip out)
      Sık-mak = ~to squeeze (by forcing)/tighten (Sıkı= stringent)
      Sığ-mak= ~fit inside
      Süz-mek=~to make it lightly flow from up to downwards (~to filter, strain out)
      Sez-mek=~to make it lightly flow into the mind (~to perceive, to intuit)
      Sız-mak=~to get flowed slightly/slowly (~to infiltrate)
      Suŋ-mak=to extend forwards (presentation, exhibition, to offer)
      Süŋ-mek=to get expanded outwards (sünger=sponge) (süngü=bayonet)
      Sıŋ-mak=to reach by extending up or forwards
      Siŋ-mek=to shrink (oneself) by getting down or back (to lurk, to hide out)
      Söŋ-mek=to get decreased by getting out or in oneself (to get extinguished)
      al-mak =~to have via
      et-mek=~ to make
      der-mek= ~to provide
      en=own diameter
      Tan= the dawn /旦
      Tanımak= to recognize (~to get the differences of)
      Tanılamak=tanı-la-mak= diagnose /to identify
      Tanınmak = tanı-en-mak= to be known/recognized
      Tanıtmak = tanı-et-mak=to make known /to introduce
      Tanışmak=tanı-eş-mak= to get to know each other =(to meet for the first time)
      Danışmak= to get information through each other
      Tıŋı= the tune (timbre) /调 /ட்யூன்
      Tıŋ-mak=to react verbally
      Tıŋı-la-mak= to get the sound out >(Tınlamak=~reacting /answering /~to take heed of)
      Tiŋ-mek=to get at the silence >Dinmek= to calm down / to get quiescent
      Tiŋi-le-mek=to get the sound in >(Dinlemek= to listen / 听)
      Çığ (chuw) = snowslide / 雪崩
      Çığ-ur-mak =çığırmak= ~to scream / ~to sing shouting
      Çığırı > Jigir > Shiur> Şiir = Poetry / 诗歌
      Cır-la-mak > Jırlamak > to squeal / shouting with a shrill noise
      Çığırgı > Jırgı> Shuirgı> Şarkı = Song / 曲子
      Çağ-ur-mak =çağırmak= calling - inviting / 称呼 / 邀请
      Çağrı = Calling / 称呼
      Uç > ~up-side (endpoint) (o-bir-uç=burç=extreme point= bourge) / tepe=~top-point
      (Uç-mak)= to fly (~go up)
      (Uç-a-var)> Uçar=it flies (has a chance to fly / arrives by flying)
      (Uç-ma-bas)> uçmaz= doesn't fly (~gives up flying / doesn't bother to fly)
      (Uç-der-ma-bas) >uçturmaz> uçurmaz= doesn't fly it (doesn't make it fly)
      (Uç-eş-ma-bas)>uçuşmaz= doesn't (all)together fly
      (Uç-al-ma-bas)>uçulmaz= no one has gotten to fly /~no one's allowed to fly
      İç > ~in-side (inner)
      (İç-mek) = to drink (include inside) / İç-der-mek> içermek= to contain
      (Bu Adam Çay İç-e-er)>> Bu adam çay içer=This man gets to drink tea>This man drinks tea then
      (Aç-mak)= to open (to see/show inside)
      (Aş-mak)=~to exceed /go beyond
      Dış> ~out-side
      (Dış-a-aş-mak)>Taşmak =~overflow
      Taş =stone (portable rock)
      Taşı-mak =~to take (moving) it to a different place
      Taşı-et-mak =Taşıtmak> to make it moved to a different place
      Taşı-en-mak =Taşınmak> to move oneself to a different place
      Der-mek= (~to provide) to set the layout by bringing together (der-le-mek= to compile)
      Dar-mak= to bring into a different order by disrupting the old (thara-mak=to comb)
      Dur-mak= to keep being present/there (~to remain/~to survive)
      thuror =permanent /(bogha-thor>boğatur>bahadır(hero)>ghadhur>hazır=existent>ready
      Dur-der-mak> durdurmak= ~to stop
      Dür-mek= to roll it up (to make it become a roll)
      Dör-mek= to rotate on its axis ( Thörmek>old meaning)- to stir /to mix (current meaning)
      (döngü)törüş/törüv=tour (törüv-çi / törüv-giş=tourist / thörük halk=mixed people among themself
      (Thöre-mek)>türemek= to get created a new layout/form by coming together in the same medium (tür= kind / type)
      Töre=the order established over time= custom/tradition > (torah=sacred order) (tarih=history)
      Thör-et-mek=türetmek= to create a new layout combining them= to derive
      Thör-en-mek>dörünmek= to rotate oneself /(2. to turn by oneself)
      Thör-en-mek>>dörn-mek>Dönmek= to turn oneself
      (Dön-der-mek)>döndürmek= to turn something
      (Dön-eş-mek)>dönüşmek= to turn (altogether) to something
      (Dön-eş-der-mek)>dönüştürmek= to convert/ to transform
      Eğ-mek=to turn something the other way or to a curved shape> eğmek= to tilt/ to bend
      Eğ-al-mek=Eğilmek=to get being inclined/ to be bent over
      Eğ-et-mek=Eğitmek=to educate
      Eğir-mek= to turn around itself by bending it or make it turn to another way in a specified time =~ to spin (eğri =curve /awry)
      Evir-mek=to make it turn upside or turn up in other way over a specified time =~to invert /make it turn to something different in a specified time
      Eğir-al-mek=Eğrilmek= to become a skew / to become twisted
      Evir-al-mek=Evrilmek= to get a conversion/transformation over time
      (evrim=evolution evren=universe)
      Uğra-mak= to get (at) a place or a situation for a specified time> uğramak= drop by/ stop by
      Uğra-eş-mak=to stop altogether by into each other for a specified time> uğraşmak=to strive/ to deal with
      Uğra-et-mak= uğratmak = to put in a situation for a specific time (uğru = the way of)
      Öğre-mek=to get (at) a status or a level / to get an accumulation within a certain time
      Öğre-en-mek=to get (at) a knowledge or a knowledge level at a certain time> öğrenmek= to learn
      Öğre-et-mek=to have somebody get (at) a knowledge / level (at a certain time)= to teach
      Türkçe öğretiyorum =I am teaching turkish
      İngilizce öğreniyorsun = You are learning english
      Öğreniyorsun = You are learning > Öğren-i-yor-u-sen= You try to learn
      Öğreniyorum = I am learning
      Öğreniyordum = I was learning
      Öğreniyormuşum=I heard/realized that I was learning
      Öğrenmekteyim=I have been learning / I am in (the process of) learning
      Öğrenmekteydim=I had been learning / I was in (the process of) learning
      Öğrenmekteymişim=I heard/noticed that I had been learning
      Öğrenirim =~ I learn (then) > Öğren-e-er-im= I get to learn
      Öğrenirdim= ~I used to learn / I would learn (~I‘d get (a chance) to learn )
      Öğrenirmişim=I heard/noticed that I would be learning ( I realized I’ve got (a chance) to learn)
      Öğreneceğim= I will learn
      Öğrenecektim= I would gonna learn (I would learn)
      Öğrenecekmişim=I heard/ realized that I would have to learn
      Öğrendim = I learned
      Öğrenmiştim= I had learned
      Öğrenmiş oldum (öğrenmiş durumdayım)= I have learned
      Öğrendiydim= I remember having learned /I remember such that I've learned
      Öğrenmişim =I noticed that I've learned
      Öğrendiymişim=I heard that I’ve learned -but if what I heard is true
      Öğrenmişmişim=I heard that I've learned -but what I heard didn't sound very convincing
      Öğreniyorumdur =I guess/likely I am learning
      Öğreniyordurum =I think/likely I was trying to learn
      Öğreniyormuşumdur=As if I was probably learning
      Öğreneceğimdir= I think that I will probably learn
      Öğrenecektirim=I guess/likely I would gonna learn
      Öğrenecekmişimdir=As if I would probably have to learn
      Öğrenecekmiştirim=Seems that I would probably be learned
      Öğrenmişimdir = I think that I have probably learned
      Öğrenmiştirim= I guess/likely I had learned

  • @amarabilguun6044
    @amarabilguun6044 2 роки тому +7

    ард нь яваад байгаа ая хэтэрхий чанга байна багасчуул зүгээр байна шүү !!!

  • @mnhzula31
    @mnhzula31 2 роки тому +2

    sn bnu AriunOyun egchee. tani vnenc fan bnaa. 2 jiliin umnuus vloguudiig tani vzej ehelsn. Bi ene namraas swetsari ulsruu surahaar shiidsn. ter dundaa ETH Zurich university. Ta ene ulsad ih surguuli tugssun hvntei vlog hiij bolohu?

  • @eoyunkhand4133
    @eoyunkhand4133 2 роки тому +1

    Сонсох юмсан мэдэх юмсан гэсэн болгоныг маань үргэлж тзгээж явдагт баярлалаа. Ажил үйлс нь дэлгэрч яваарай 🥰

  • @Baagiijagaa65
    @Baagiijagaa65 Рік тому


  • @Jisa_Mio
    @Jisa_Mio 2 роки тому


  • @Agia1
    @Agia1 2 роки тому
