I personally can’t wait for the hyper realistic police simulator with such high octane missions such as “sitting in a dark parking lot for and hour before maybe pulling someone over “ and “ showing up to the same house for the 3rd time this week because the middle aged couple can’t hold their liquor”
I find it funny that in the original video, he also says Swat 4 is "copaganda" which is funny as hell considering Swat 4 is extremely critical of the police. There is literally a level in Swat 4 where you are stopping these Robbers at a diamond centre, but the game reveals through environment clues that the diamond centre's owners are running child slavery mines in South Africa and performing other unethical acts. You are literally protecting rich people and harming poor people in that level. Its exactly the point he's trying to make, but because its a game where you play as the officers, its suddenly copaganda.
I find it absolutely hilarious, and also hypocritical of him, saying how he's not a leftist but immediately starts bringing up leftist stuff. Either way it's literally just a video game Also hello there, a surprise to find you again
@@rseven0no, that is just what every good police officer strives for, and they know they can’t say anyone, so to quote spider man here they save the people they can in order to make up for the ones they couldn’t save
@@Aurora-bv1ys It means that in the case of a mass shooting, LEO's are supposed to radio in for backup then go straight in to engage the threat. The faster a trained LEO can engage the target and stop them from taking more innocent lives, the fewer people will be shot and the faster EMS can get to those who already have been shot. An example of the opposite of this was at Uvalde, where instead of engaging the shooter while holding an advantage in firepower, numbers and armour, Uvalde PD stayed back for over an hour before engaging the shooter, resulting in many lives being unnecessarily lost.
Seriously. It's nihilism, at best and existential crisis at worst. Can't really accomplish much with that mindset, much less make a concerted effort to enact change or reform.
The healthcare system, for example. It's unethical and extortionary in its treatment of its patients in this country, therefore, doctors are incapable of performing a moral good when treating cancer patients. It's absurd to take that stance. Police, like doctors, can and do perform good deeds, and their compliance towards or omission of the corrupt elements of the justice system in their interactions with citizens neither makes them wrong for taking up the job in the first place, nor does it mean that good cops are a fantasy. More relevantly to this discussion, Ready or Not doesn't take any stance on what side you're on as the officer. You're penalized for using excessive force, but that doesn't necessarily speak to whether or not arresting these people in the first place is the morally justified thing to do in all cases, and you as an officer have full discretion to kill pr brutalize as many or as few people as you want over the course of a mission. You can be the good guys, or the bad guys. That's up to you. You are, like many SWAT team members (which this game depicts, not patrol officers, very different situations more often than not), put in a tough situation where it is very easy to make the wrong call, even if you think it might be justified in the moment. That's not propaganda. That's barely even a statement on its own. It's just showing you a sample of what it's like to do this job. What you pull from that is up to you.
@@leftwardglobe1643 Well said, nice to see some people with common sense in here. I had thought about typing out something similar but decided against it due to this being, well, YT.
I recently got into airsoft and i remember after my second game when i was in bed trying to get to sleep i kept hearing the impact of BBs on wood and jumping, like so sort of mini PTSD, i couldnt imagine being in an actual firefight
I don't agree with Gunmetal here but Karl Marx is not entirely wrong, and I certainly don't get why being a Marxist is considered to be so "villainous"
@@___SourR34___ It's literally an ideology that has to subvert systems because it's so blatantly unpalatable, dividing people on arbitrary standards, making a slave underclass and all of that says nothing of how it's tangential to communism which has killed more people than every religion combined. Read a goddamn book.
@@___SourR34___ nobody is calling it villainous. at the same time, though, every attempt at following marx's ideals has become... well, history exists for a reason
Ready or Not has never been "Copaganda", that game is supposed to be a representation of what a SWAT team does, how they operate, and their priorities. They go in, save those who can be saved, and fire when needed. I 100% agree with your statement, anyone who calls this game Copaganda, is an idiot.
Problem is a game is what the audience makes of it, especially MP games. Just go to a public lobby and you can see for most RoN players RoN is some sort of sick police power fantasy. Public lobbies make up the majority of players but serious players avoid them at all costs for a reason. Id say its definitely copaganda though as it presents police as being highly effective with non-lethal weapons in situations we all know they theyd just be gunning people down. So it definitely presents a more propaganda focused vision of police work in general. Anyone whos ever worked in the legal field but not on the side of the police knows what cops are really like. The game does a poor job of presenting reality in that way. Ive dealt with SWAT personally and yeah the average SWAT team is a bunch of fat dudes. I remember watching them get ripped to shreds trying to climb a roof thinking there was a burglar. Turned out to be two kids playing on the roof of school. When they came back down all scratched up with two teenagers the other cops were all making fun of them. RoN really shows none of that. It only shows the good side and is by nature propaganda of some form.
I've been saying this sense the day it came out. At its core it is a tactical horror game where the monsters are real life problems. It is intense, and a single mistake can cost you and your entire team's life. It does a good job of making you empathize with police, and even can help you realize why a lot of 'murders' by officers are a justified act of self defense. It can be seen as propaganda in that minor regard, however part of propaganda is that it is misleading...otherwise it wouldn't need to exist. And the cold hard fact is that this job is too dangerous to afford suspects infinite second chances.
There's also the problem of folks on platforms like twitter, who have zero real knowledge of situations, who outright lie about someone being "unarmed" or "innocent" and just blame it on race or something. A specific example was a guy who, in the bodycam footage, very clearly had a gun, and when he refused to place it on the ground, and in fact tried to raise it, he was shot non-fatally, but twitter users were complaining about how they "shot an unarmed man"
Working in psychiatry, I know how dangerous people can be in a confined environment with no weapons and lots of people on hand to deal with the problem. I often feel ill-equipped. Police often deal with issues all on their own and get repeatedly hit with videos of officers dying in seemingly ordinary circumstances to keep their guard up.
And people will make conclusions without even seeing footage or bodycam footage and people will just lie about how the suspect was unarmed or innocent. The amount of times I've seen people talk about innocence when the guy had a weapon and/or already assaulted someone is insane. It's just like the riots in France about the shooting of Nahel most people that are talking about police brutality or are rioting only seen the 10 second twitter video and haven't read about the 30 minute high speed chase
@@danilapolesciuk4316 Did not even get reported here in Norway. Most of the privately funded news picked it up as a quick story and did not follow it up with the reveal of the high speed chase. Don't remember even seeing anything about it on public funded news.
like what one of the commentator in Gunmetal video were stated : " *Ready or not theme is it's entire story, your work force is de funded, and all your teammates are the best because you're the only ones left. Lets face it, you're getting throw into these situations wether you're ready or not* " -Myaimskindagood
@@alexisborden3191 before update 1.0 the statio were in ruined, it looks dirty and unkept, they use their funds to buy ammunitions and supplies to keep upholding their works, but now in 1.0 they got funded :D
its realistic tactics and weapons wise. and considering how much of a hell hole the US looks to be at this point, you never know wtf will happen@@alexisborden3191
Goddamned racist communism crap. Every time one of these morons pulls out the “late stage capitalism” crap, I wonder how many centuries that “late stage” will last. Also, a commie deriding police brutality is just golden.
It felt to me like he was just reading off posts from reddit, lol. The way this guy talks, how anti everything he is, down to his really annoying voice just screams redditor to me.
He comes off as the person who would continue to argue with you even after you won the argument and pointed out every hole while you get downvoted to oblivion and possibly banned from the sub.
As a man living in Denmark who loves to follow along with the politics and whatever else happens in America, I see all of these opinions about policing and drug culture as a cultural problem and a media problem. I often see how the media completely blow things out of proportion and I know myself and from studying psychology how much media can impact peoples opinions and because anger and fear really gets people going that is what's shown. As for guns and drugs we have a saying in Denmark that roughly translated goes "if someone really want to get something, they WILL get it" therefore plenty of people have guns and are drug addicts, but most of our news media is not made for profit, and hell even our schools if we want to get into that, teachers have strict rules about being unbiased when it comes to religion or politics, and since you spend something like half of your choldhood in school here, they have alot of influence, but still the drug and gun cuture here is completely different even from some other Scandinavian countries (Sweden mostly) but for the most part policing here is respected for the most part and the times where things do go wrong or the media do make headlines about it you are hard pressed to someone how isn't critical about the situation and say that the police most likely were in the wrong because "why would you react in such a way if you have nothing to hide" Sorry for the long text i rarely ever comment so when i do it's usually a word vomit of all my opinions, also sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors
For some reason we have this double think in the states, especially in cities. People don't want cops around and argue we should defund them, ok that's being done. But as a result of that there's been a massive influx in crime concerning looting of stores, whether local or corporate, carjackings, homicides, and shootings. And the irony of it all is the same people who were chanting "defund the police" are now all of a sudden confused and demanding law enforcement take action. Me personally I find that really weird.
@@altechelghanforever9906 I totally agree with you, although sometimes I think the person who can scream the loudest will often get heard first, so alot of people will follow along with what is being said without thinking critically about the consequences of said thing. I also think that most people often ask "what did they do" instead of why.. why did the police respond in that way, but also why did the criminal do it in the first place, what could have been done to prevent such a thing from happening. Sometimes I think people have gotten frustrated over a long period and just want to rebel against whatever is happening around them, people are angry so they want to let off steam so to say because of it, but I think the anger is often pointed in the wrong direction, although I am not certain on that. I find it all to be a little tragic to be honest.
@@altechelghanforever9906 you live in a fictional world. None of this is true. No Departments have been defunded, this is just the cope people like you tell yourselves to justify the continually failing police policy. I wish folks like you were capable of thinking of protestors as more than the strawmen the media you consume portrays them as.
The problem with Gunmetal's "argument" is that we need police no matter how broken justice system is, moreover that void will be always filled by someone. Be it mafia, warlord's army or rich guy's mercenaries.
I honestly just don't think his point was even attempted to be understood. I think that's actually the bigger problem here. I hold a similar opinion about the system being broken, but I can simultaneously understand the human component of crime and the need to regulate people. It's only convenient for opponents of people who believe the system is broken to pretend like multiple factors can't simultaneously be true. I really think it would do us all justice to try to understand people's arguments more before constantly jumping to the most obvious responses.
What i hate about calling ready or not copaganda, is the fact that its not going all hiphop "oh yeah, here we are to become heroes!", because really, its the other way round, its about the GRIM sides of being a cop, not the good parts, okay justice is cool, but its also messed up to deal with stuff like human trafficking, ect, and will damage your mental health.
Not to mention, the whole 'copaganda' argument falls apart on one simple factor. The mental health mechanic. In the campaign, you have to maintain a balance of non-lethal vs lethal tactics. Putting your teams through too much violence will start to put a strain on them, push them too far and they'll quit the force or worse. If this game was trying to be some kind of superhero cop stuff. Why bother with this mechanic?
@@BrokenCornholio1537 Plus school shooting situations always leaves a lot of psychological scars for everyone in the department because at the end of the day, someone in the force lost their kid to the attack or knew someone who lost their kid and likely saw the shooter either die by eating their own gun or shot because of the implications
@@TheEmolano That just makes it a fantasy depiction of cops. The reason some people would argue that a game like this is copaganda is because it doesn't reflect reality. American Police often don't try to use non-lethal force. Its a problem the same way the Modern Warfare games are a problem. It shows only the best, most idyllic depictions of the police, without commenting on the actual systemic problems that come with a militarized police force.
You mentioning how police departments doing something some where else doesn’t mean other police departments do the same Is way to too true Over here in *Australia* we have a lot of people who use *American* examples of police brutality to say that our police are all bad
@@someguy6260 well, to be fair... I have seen clips of australian police and while it was only a handful, the image I got from it was normal people high on power. but it was only a few clips, but in general I hear a lot of bad things from australia, not just police related, but laws and so on in general.
@@DatAsianGuy Sounds very similar to most of the clips I see of the police here in America so I guess there's some room for discussion but still that's kinda wild.
I mean a Sydney lawfirm wrote an article that basically states 1 in 40 Australian cops have criminal convictions. The Police commission also defended the tazing of an elderly woman before she even saw the video evidence. Which was a cop going bugger it and immediately tazing her.
@@DatAsianGuy We should note the bias surrounding those kinds of situations. No one records or shares the videos of cops being normal, because it's not interesting for social media, which is what most people want out of interactions with the police.
Whenever people ask me what part of being a cop is hard to explain, it’s ultimately the interplay between discretion and duty: “Why are you bothering that homeless man, he’s not bothering anyone?” -The shop owner asked him to move and he wouldn’t. He’s been peeing against the side of the building and threatening customers to give him change. “Why are you arresting my boyfriend/girlfriend, I said I don’t want them to go to jail.” -They put hands on you, and my state states an arrest SHALL occur in domestic situations to avoid further potential harm. “You wouldn’t arrest, ticket, fight, shoot X-person for X-reason, you just hate X-person.” -Crime affects both the individual and wider society. Laws can require me to take certain actions and limit my discretion. If I have used my discretion to arrest/cite/whatever, facts/your attitude/exigent circumstances have led me to such decisions. I hate writing tickets, but I know why I do it. I don’t like taking people to jail, but I know why I do it. I want to help people and give them as much support as possible, but the law requires me to act as an officer first and to support the wider public’s best interests because many of the people I get out with have committed some crime or are actively harming the integrity or peace of another individual by their actions. I appreciate the hell out of your video, too many people in this profession are too afraid to provide the context behind what we do. We need to be transparent, not just for our integrity, but to show the public why we take the actions we do and the constant minefield we are tapping around whenever we get out of the car.
“Why are you arresting my boyfriend officer!?!” Officer: Cause I’m going to make sweet sweet love to him. tell them that the next time they fuss at you lol
Yeah, my local police bureau have done a great deal to keep the peace amidst the current fentanyl epidemic in spite of their dire lack of funding and manpower. It's specifically thanks to their efforts that I haven't had to resort to violence to defend my property since I moved back to my hometown. I haven't met a bad one yet.
I had a moment in this game I’ll never forget. A few months ago I was playing Ready or Not and after clearing a room one of the civilians who was told to get down springs up, pulls out a phone and proceeds to take a picture with her cellphone, producing a flash. Me thinking she pulled a gun I snapped my sights over to her and dropped her. I literally froze for a couple minutes and I was horrified in a way I have never experienced in any game. I know it’s nothing like actually taking the life of an innocent person but it still shook me. I acknowledge there are problems with our justice system and I know some cops aren’t the best at their jobs, to say the least, but playing this game just reinforced my respect for our boys in blue. Thank you for all you do.
@@dolphin5177 yeah but if i have 5 rifles pointed at me by people in full swat gear yelling at me to get down i'd probably want to avoid quickly grabbing for something in my pocket
@@angelusincorde. not everyone has more than 3 braincells, people take their phones out for the smallest shit, and it makes them look like complete retards, so if officers come in with guns drawn, its more than likely someone is gonna take out a phone
also LMAO calm tf down this is a game, you shot a model coded with binary created on the Unreal engine, you care WAY too much about shooting a fake person, you did absolutely nothing and you should live on believing so. what you did affected nothing except the score in your game that you probably died in anyways.
I am a 10 month sober junkie, not a police officer. At least in Iceland. You only get prison time if you sell, bit I get no time in Iceland, but little time in the USA. Also. Addicts not in recovery is difficult to deal with.
@@mmfe116I’d say it’s more that they live in harmony. Almost any large corporation could deal a serious blow to the federal government if they wanted to, the same way the feds could quickly destroy almost any corporation should it become too problematic for them. Corporations recruit people in congress and the feds recruit people in boards of directors.
Honestly, I stopped taking gunmetal's arguments seriously after he vaguely argued that RoN's gameplay is a very small fraction of police work and the volume of action is completely unrealistic for a median police officer, and thus it does not reflect reality, but a fantasy which by extension is a copaganda. Like, sir, it's a video game. It's suppose to be fun and exciting. Paperwork and routine is not fun. Breaching and clearing is fun. I am here to be entertained. If I wanted "realism" I would play Beurocracy Simulator. I think it's ridiculous that according to him the game is not ethical because it lacks in the self-policing department, but that's very in line with submissive tankie thought process. I know one thing, and that's Amos gets the bullet in every playthrough.
It's quite simple to figure out why he doesn't want this game to be fun and that's because to people like him everything is political and by extension everything must be a critique there can be no fun for the sake of fun it has to some bezmenov demoralization campaign
@@casualspawnpeeking3680the worst part about that crowd is that they only have a basic understanding of political theory, so while you could say all art is political, they couldn't differentiate the politics of the art. Those folks just like spouting out half-baked ideas
@@arcwiz "All games are political" says the incredibly smart individual that can't tell the difference between Fallout, Metal Gear and an Amy Schumer skit.
Imagine thinking that a game where you dismantle drug rings and child trafficking rings while being penalized for using excessive force against said criminals is copaganda is truly a brainlet take
I watched both of the videos with a grain of salt at first, but yours takes the cake for being a genuine, sensible, context-backed argument with a interesting perspective. Keep up the good work!
I’m a fairly rookie corrections officer working for my local sheriff. This video means a lot to me as I recently have been learning to deal with the public’s poor perception on law enforcement despite living in a very conservative part of my state. I didn’t take this job to hurt people, I took it to help those who can’t or won’t help themselves. Hopefully one day I can make it to the streets to do so more effectively.
@@ballmunch6714 I love how you hop around this comment section after the fact, parroting shit you read off of 4chan or some subreddit where they give awful insight on issues that are horribly percieved while asking warped questions out of spite.
@@heyyou9472 I don't use 4chan or reddit :yawn: your just a retarded Westerner with to much faith and bootlicking tendencies your police force is a joke
I had no idea anyone even thought this was a thing. I also never heard of the term "copaganda" before. Like... even if it was a positive reflection on law enforcement, so what? 1 blue man bad = all blue men bad is a childish notion and should be ridiculed.
Copaganda is a very real thing, please don't think it isn't. I don't think this game is really copaganda though. Copaganda is media that portrays the cops in a good light nearly almost all the time, and makes anyone who dissents or has an issue look like they're crazy. Cops aren't a monolith, and my own relationship with the police is complicated (I grew up with a US Marshall in the family and wanted to be a 911 operator but my mental health kept me from that). I think that nearly everyone can agree that the police aren't perfect and the system needs to be reworked, but i mean going around saying "cops are all bad the system broke but we can't do shit about it" is just a braindead take as, "cops are good, they only ever help and they don't have any problems". I'm one of those I guess hippy liberals that definitely think that the way we approach policing and law enforcement needs to change, however, I also have a lot of respect for cops, because it is a hard job and I also know what it's like to be a cog in a larger system that it feels almost powerless to change. I'm not equivocating at all because I've never in my life done anything that approaches the level of a first responder, but I used to work for a major tech company that most people believe is like Umbrella Inc. or someshit lol I was just a lowly tech, helping people but I often got accused of lying to get more money, or upselling, or just all these things that weren't true. I didn't upsell anything, I often times had shitty metrics because I took time to explain to people things so they didn't walk away feeling cheated. yet, you still go online and see stuff like, "all those techs want to do is just take your money" which... ok. Like i don't get a bonus or anything if you buy a phone but you can think that all you want i guess. the point is, being mad at me, the tech isn't going to change the fact that the way that tech company runs things is not good and needs to change. it's like getting upset at an amazon worker for the fact that amazon is also probably turning into Umbrella. anyway, my point was that this shit is nuanced and that by going with absolutes like "all cops are bad", then we are closing the door for discussion and the reform that law enforcement needs. I hope this didn't sound crazy or anything.
@@Giantkiller130-t that's a perfectly reasonable perspective to have. I fully agree. There's bad cops, there's good cops. Taking the extreme side of either that all cops are bad or all cops are good is also incredibly stupid.
@@FakeAmerican I don't care if every single police officer has called someone a slur, my issue is with the policing institution and the fact that it doesn't work. Divert money from the police to social programs that will actually reduce crime instead of raising the policing budgets.
Let me take this time and reiterate: Officers are not a collective. We do not have some universal brain we use in order to dictate our decision making. Just as in any group, there are people capable of great evil and do so. That doesn't then make the whole evil. Just as the whole isn't perfect. To steal @VisibleToeHead 's comment: If you apply the "system broke, so why bother..." mentality to anything else, things would go sideways real quick. "but theres the power structure of you being a governmental employee that allows you to opress the popul-" At the end of the day I'm just a dude. When I take my uniform off, I go home, I make my ramen noodles. I enjoy a show, listen to some TOP, maybe play a game or two. I go to bed. I wake up the next day wanting to do good for the people I serve, but also to act as a consequence for injustice. I don't go to work with the intent of being an oppressive cop. I think I meet that standard generally but some people would disagree with my actions no matter what I do or how I act. Am I always perfect in every interaction I have? Absolutely not. I strive for it, outside of my own want to do good for others I think that the current political climate necessitates it. But no-one is perfect in anything they do. Whether it be a Data scientist, a store clerk, an HR rep, a student, or anything else, we generally try to make the best decisions for ourselves and for others. Sometimes those decisions end up being wrong, sometimes they are right. We do the best with what we have. "You need to be held to a higher standard you're in a position of power, you dont get that excuse!" You are right. And by God am I trying to do my best. I am human, I am fallible. I am you, just as you are me. I hope you can see it that way. I pray you do. God Bless - Sixty
I completely agree and find it heartwarming to be able to understand your Perspective, especially as someone who is a bit sceptical about (NOT AGAINST!!!) the Government and it's Influences. I just wanted to quickly cut to your Point about Ethical Policing, or rather the Point GunMetal wanted to make. I think he means that Laws, as a Concept, are a Set of Boundaries made by the Powerful to control the Weak. Not to protect them, but to keep them and their Influence in check, to steer them in the Direction, that they, the Powerful, want to head towards. And as such, the People who represent those Laws are an Instrument of Oppression. I think that's the Point he wanted to make. I don't agree with that Point completely. It's just like Education. Sure, you are getting indoctrinated, get fed specific Ideas to some Point while in School. But you also learn how to read, how to write, how to count, how to multiply, how to communicate and spend Time with People you don't like. It's not JUST bad, it has some huge Advantages as well. Just wanted to clarify that for some reason, because it jumped out at me. Thanks for the Video, keep up the good Work!
@@RaaBae The reason I honed in on those topics is because he explicitly has stated that his argumentation is directed at individual officers. This is a direct quote from Gunmetal when responding to someone on his pinned comment. "Glad you enjoyed the video! The other ones are less intense, I promise. As for your family in Law Enforcement, I don't know them so I can't speak to their character or intent, but *_even if they're truly good people who want to do right by themselves, their community, and the American Project, it's still impossible for them to ethically uphold the current status quo._* Like I said in the video, *cops oppress ALL poor people because the Justice System is built to punish the impoverished and protect the wealthy.* The job of the police is explicitly to maintain this system - even if they do help people here and there, the oppression at large completely overshadows any good intentions." -Gunmetal He is _directly_ pointing the blame at individual officers and as such is his main point. That's part of why I took that argument to heart. I appreciate you being respectful my friend.
Its very disrespectful and even disingenuous that in the video of gunmetal there is a thesis and arguments made for 15 min, and you omited very crucial parts, only presenting 2:30 min aprox of hollow bits, that if im not wrong, you dont even present in correct order making even harder to understand what gunmetal points out in his video. Also the video is not about you personally.
I feel like gunmetals video is just him pushing his views onto a fictional game set in a fictional city in a fictional world. I mean what real world police department would use a flash grenade launcher indoors 😂
I found Gunmetal's video essay quite a good watch, but yeah it reeks of the ACAB & Anti-Establishment views that have really roared to life these days. Excellent response essay, not all of us think cops are soulless inhuman machines to enforce the whims of corporations and ghouls.
One thing that bothers me about a lot of people that are against the police is that they just call you a "bootlicker" as soon as you try to give any counter-argument. Your video was pretty fantastic and spot-on though, good work!
One thing that bothers me about a lot of people that are against reconsidering how we enforce the law is that they just call you a "Leftist Libtard" as soon as you try to give a counter-argument. Lets actually discuss things instead of giving anyone who uses name calling as a tool of argument any shred of attention. They aren't even worth acknowledging
The "I'm not a tankie" section of his video marked a turning point, he raised some really good issues then took a super hard left and started slowly introducing some REALLY tankie stuff mixed in with actual points. Was super weird.
Especially when he went on a weird anti christian tirade because the game didn't explicitly say the cult was Christian which he had a problem with. Anti theism + far left rhetoric = tankie
As a police officer myself, you said it great. The Dunning Kruger effect is strong in those who make absolutist statements and dont actually experience where the rubber meets the road.
@@cenfre2866Yeah... I'm truly sorry on behalf of all the dipsticks who scream "Baby killer" and "Illegal Invader" and all that to veterans such as yourself. It truly is moronic.
This is an applaudable and very well-thought out take on why blanket-blaming individual officers for the corruption of the system above them isn't valid. Ready or Not is a video game with realistic themes but its still just a video game. it is, at it's core, fantasy. The game will penalize you for shooting civilians, true, but it doesn't end the game. the game ends when you want, and you're free to terrorize, abuse, and murder the innocent and guilty at your leisure, the game only waggling its finger at you on the practically meaningless scoreboard that comes and goes without any kind of permanence. Like any other game, the fantasy comes from a lack of consequence. Ready or Not is very clearly intended to be political, but not with a particularly obvious bias at its core, i.e. all cops are good/bad, as the game goes to great lengths to not lean in favor of or against the actions of individuals officers one way or another outside of the scoring system, instead saying something more about the cycle of violence poverty creates when society is more than willing to give a incredibly small portion of individuals immense resource control. one mission you're taking down an obvious and extremely wealthy pedophile, the next you're bringing the institutional hammer down on a gang of aging veterans who had their healthcare pulled out from under them by the very system that employees you. You are right, and wrong. black, and white. shades of gray, even. Listening to the voicemails in the precinct reveals that the building is failing inspections, falling apart, as if it had very little funding, and yet you as an officer have access to even the rarest of foreign weaponry, from grenade launchers to AK platforms, .44 magnums to fully automatic assault rifles. semi-automatic shotguns to gas grenades... and yet, the precinct itself is under funded to the point of failing routine integrity and safety inspections? They can afford the greatest force-multipliers even the military would salivate over, but their headquarters are as dilapidated as the rest of the low-income areas of the city, with only a few exorbitantly wealthy locations visible in the game? To me, this makes a statement about those who choose where money gets spent. The people at higher stages of the institution who determine that providing officers better, arguably more violent equipment is more important than maintaining the precinct itself. In my opinion, this shows exactly how nuanced and careful the devs were with the political ideas slipped quietly into the environment around you. the kindof things a surface level glance at the game doesnt reveal, and no simple sledgehammer argument can penetrate, in a way not dissimilar to the real issue of policing in america. Ready or Not at the surface is a slick, gritty depiction of the dangerous and thrilling missions that SWAT officers experience, without shying away from the grim realities of crime that make law enforcement necessary in any society. Below the surface, however, under the skin, it seems to show an incredibly bleak outlook on how law enforcement operates in this country. How, like many other occupations, passion and duty are taken advantage of and abused by those with the resources and authority to do so for the enrichment of themselves, or other wealthy actors, at the cost of those below them in the arbitrary hierarchy. It depicts a world where the poor enslave the poor at the behest of the wealthy, where the officers putting themselves in danger are provided the best equipment with which to enforce laws with violence, while the needs of their precinct and the value of their human comforts are horribly and unashamedly neglected, just as the many impoverished and crime-ridden areas of the city are neglected by the cities wealthy shot-callers who we, intentionally, never see, never hear from, cannot identify and directly protect through our actions. A system of puppets, strings, and death, where the only winners are the ones writing the rules for a game everyone but them has to play...
I vaguely remember watching Gunmetal's video and thinking "This guy isn't really asking a question as much as he's pushing a narrative that is laden with biased opinions"... This video is a breath of fresh air compared to that. Officers don't have an easy switch in tense situations from "Good cop" to "Bad cop"... situations change in a nanosecond and no officer is truly ever prepared to deal with _everything._ It's always more complicated and nuanced than anyone can possibly understand in a moderately sized video or essay, It's the reason why I always try to be as passive as possible when I talk with an officer... I don't know how their day is going and what they have to put up with on a daily basis (but I can picture quite a few scenarios that would definitely put them in a depressed state of mind). Keep up the great work!
Yeah, it’s something I’ve noticed a lot of people do: they present loaded questions based on highly debatable beliefs, and they don’t have enough self-awareness to realize that lots of people don’t even agree with their starting points. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been accused of “dodging a question” when it’s really a situation of, “I disagree with the assumptions your questions are built on.”
If you don't antagonize the police, it's copaganda If you don't demonize the WWII German soldier, you're a Nazi And whatever you do will be racist to someone I'm just happy that the dev team of this game is trying to show us a horrible and unbiased reality in terms of gameplay, and also in the lore behind all this, everyone is a victim of a system in this game world, the same as ours.
and history repeats itself "All Quiet on The Western Front" humanised nazi soldiers and showed horrors of war because of this it was banned both in poland and nazi germany
>if you don't demonize WW2 German Soldiers, you're a Nazi. What a weird example. Yes, if you don't demonize the guys doing a genocide, then you are condoning their actions. I wouldn't compare the police to literal Nazis lol.
I hate the standard tankie take that cops are tools for the wealthy or whatever. I've never seen a poor person complaining that there's too much policing in their neighborhood, usually it's the opposite.
@@jamesmcpherson8599 not really, in poor areas it’s a frequent problem that there aren’t enough cops and they take too long to respond to calls and get there, whereas in richer areas they get there quicker and there’s more of them, poor people want more cops, back when I lived in a shitty neighborhood in the bay area I would’ve felt way safer if I saw the occasional cop passing thru
I live in New Orleans and let me tell you, the overwhelming majority of residents are BEGGING for more police to be on the streets. You're pretty much guaranteed to have your car window smashed at least once a year and murders happen almost every day. Tankies are the most idiotic people in the world
Something that people forget with the War on Drugs is that a lot of aspects of it were supported *even by minority communities* when it first began. The late 70s through early 90s had some truly wild crime rates and a big part of it was linked to drug use. Tough on crime laws were supported in particularly by minority communities. Yes, many of these policies turned out to not work, sometimes making problems worse, and created whole new problems but that is the power of hindsight. History is full of "we thought X would work but actually it didn't" scenarios. Not everything has to be an evil scheme by a shadowy cabal. Often times it's people and politicians doing their best to make things work and coming up with inadequate if not wholly counterproductive ideas. Most of the people critical of the policies are so young they have no memory of the time period when these "tough on crime" laws seemed like a good idea. Worse is that at first it appeared to be working as crime steadily began to fall as anyone looking at the data can see. It looked like the War on Drugs was achieving things. It looked like being "tough on crime" was working. On a longer timescale though, and with continued changes and escalations, it has shown to be far, far more dubious. IDK, it just irks me when people have these axioms about cops being evil and the police are inherently immoral. It leads to looking for that shadowy cabal behind every public policy misstep when it's seldom there.
Well, it is still sort of true. The criminalization of Weed for example, that was pure bullshit just so they could raid... Mexicans if memory serves right? The guy who proposed its criminalization knew it has harmless even. He didn't care. His department wanted more funding and criminalizing a new drug worked wonders.
Hanlon’s Razor comes to mind: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." (granted, mistakes =/= stupid, but you get the idea)
@@riptide3340 This is true, but giving politicians the benefit of the doubt I find unsavory, especially when they've already been caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar over and over again with 0 recourse. Of course, I suppose this is also a fault of the populace which is too stupid and apathetic to stop voting for these clowns, which is a much harder problem to fix.
Something I learned in almost all of my criminal justice classes in college is that most police officers are just doing their jobs. The justice system has corruption, but the system and the police are often different entities. It’s not the officer’s fault that a judge was bought out. My professors made sure to show nuance of the system. The police and the court is capable of being completely honest and try their best for their communities, or corrupt that only looks after themselves. You need to know both sides if you want to get into this field.
Weakest argument in the world. There are coward cops who would disarm American citizens in a heartbeat for a pension and a good job. There are also cops who are true patriots and protectors of their communities who lay down their lives everyday. "Just doing my job" doesn't cut it with the cop-critical crowd for a good damn reason.
even if it was, who cares. we have propaganda for mentally ill people who want to sterilize themselves, but we can't for the people doing life threatening work maintaining the law?
@@jamesmcpherson8599Is that what all of us are doing at the end of the day? Boss orders you to do something and you do it or they'll find someone else to do it.
That moment of confusion as the video started and my brain went 'since when does Ravenshield have that level of graphics mods?'. That said: No, Ready Or Not is not 'copaganda'. The only 'copaganda' aspect of it is that the missions you are being sent on are high-risk entries where the other party is undeniably aggressive and hostile (and with some potential exceptions, the types of people a 'normie' would hold no qualms about treating as rabid animals). In reality, those incidents make up maybe 1% of police interactions, if that. It falls into the same 'propaganda' problem that literally ANY game seeking to relate to a real-world thing without bogging down in the minutiae does: It focuses on the 'exciting' parts, and ignores the boring doldrums of 90% of the activity. There is a reason outright simulators often fail to obtain mass market appeal. Even those that do have abnormal appeal, like Truck simulator, don't have you suffer through all the behind the scenes BS truck drivers get to deal with. You get a water down version of those elements. The video you are responding to REALLY seems like something that should be just openly treated as an ignorant 'activist' spouting off the head, not as something to take truly serious. The way he just keeps dragging in the ills of federal level and cracks in the overall justice system (a great many of which also result from, well, the federal influence), as well as making constant unbacked claims of corpo influence just makes it very clear he's an anti-capitalist type that hasn't ACTUALLY examined the info presented to him. He goes out of his way to ignore basic logic in order to present things in a black and white manner that satisfies his ideological bias. Do cops screw up? Absolutely. Are there people who's birth certificates should have been apology letters from the birth control manufacturer in LE? Yep. But that doesn't mean everyone in the same job field is culpable for the actions of the panicked, ignorant, or evil. This generalized 'us vs them' mentality of things does far more harm than good, on BOTH sides of the fence. It does nothing but sow division and prevent problems from getting fixed.
this is the best comment ı've seen yet but genuienly didn't get the impression that he was talking about individual officers. Yeah he did absolutely tried to show his political views and ideas out but ı never got the impression that the video painted individual officers as bad or tools of the rich. Instead the interpetertion ı've got was that, ''these bodies of goverment and coporations are corrupt and they affect the police badly so much so that no matter how good of an officer you are you can't fix this broken system that you are part of but don't support''. I guess this is something to do with impression and interpetertion of the base material.
I remember a great youtuber named Face Full of Eyes and his video about SWAT 4 (RoN's spiritual predecessor), where he said: "You can turn this game into a psychopath simulator if you wish, but that would be like reading a book backwards: Nobody would deny that you are reading it, but you're only engaging with it on the level of an object. The game expects a certain level of seriousness from the player and it counts on it."
I think the issue is that Gunmetal is being very general and vague with whatever point he's trying to make. Despite me being "anti-cop" (though that in itself is an over simplification) it's very clear that the issue with the justice system is much less the fact that individual police officers are cartoon villains, but instead that the federal government which makes those laws is extremely prone to corruption that targets minorities and the poor. A good example is the war on drugs. Individual cops enforcing the war on drugs aren't trying to be evil, but the fact that there is a lot of evidence the CIA intentionally planted drugs in minority communities so that those cops would be targeting minorities inadvertently points to a sort of "greater evil". It's also strange to me that his argument is centered around the idea that "cops in media is always going to be copaganda adjacent because the system is broken", since that's not an argument i've heard before. The big issue with copaganda is that police officers are often allowed to act with impunity due to lobbying and unions, and Copaganda films help enforce that such impunity is justified because "sometimes you gotta make the hard calls". When it comes to Copaganda, the issue isn't the Justice System's legislation, the issue is that the system often allows individual cops to get away with doing awful things and Copaganda often idolizes that.
This is a much more reasonable and down to earth critique of policing. I completely understand the sense of apprehension many face where police are considered, but the reasons gunmetal lists for such are inane. A significantly more productive conversation is long overdue between those who harbor feelings of distrust for police and those who generally support them. Babbling back and forth, as gunmetal demonstrates, accomplishes nothing but the feeding of one’s own biases. Our nation is filled with so much division in so many ways, caused by this very carelessness of character. In this new age of information, we must uphold ourselves to a better standard, rather than disappoint the ghosts of all human lives lost for us to have gotten here. There is so much more to be improved together.
1: the CIA often operates without clearance from the federal government itself. In other words, going rogue. I doubt there are many politicians in the loop when these operations are ran. What the typical politician thinks when these laws are proposed is “oh, well there’s a drug issue so we should probably vote to give drug dealers/possessors a harsher sentence.” This is a few people in the CIA pushing drugs to minorities. As a result, these laws are passed, not necessarily targeting minorities, but that’s the perception of the public due to prior CIA interference in those communities. The objective is to create division among the population, to divide and conquer. It’s not about race for them, it’s about controlling everyone. 2: acting with equal force is not acting with impunity. You respond to lethal force with lethal force. You respond to being punched by punching back. “Making hard decisions” isn’t an excuse for brutality. Making hard decisions is part of the job. Furthermore, the idea that unions and legislators are protecting officers who actually abuse their power is ludicrous. These days, even when police act within the law and respond to violence with violence, if the media covers it people will call for their badge taken and them to be jailed. No amount of lobbying or unionization can save you from public scrutiny. If a cop does anything bad nowadays chances are they lose their job, get imprisoned, or both.
This is a lie copogandists and bootlickers tell themselves to feel better about their own cowardice. Police do not solve crimes like you imply, the react to them, usually after the fact. If your house has been robbed the police aren't gonna do shit except make note of it. It's why so many stay strapped, they know the police aren't gonna help whatsoever.
@@jamesmcpherson8599he said "call the cops when shit goes down". I can see why "solve crimes" is implied, but the "cops only react to crimes" doesn't say he's wrong.
"There's no ethical policing, because the entire justice system is built to protect the wealthy and powerful and inflict further misery on the poor". This reads like a point in a anti-cop manifesto.
It's just another example of marxist thinking, it's so intrinsic to most left-wing viewpoints these days. It's fucking stupid, and you can pretty much predict every argument that they can make before it even comes out of their mouth.
@@SerialEntity I bet your a Republican american who preaches about upholding traditions and proceeds to watch the American footie game and beat his wife and kids
Your comment reads like something written by a nationalist bot, who has had his brain rotted by propaganda media put out by billionaire owned “news channels”. You are just to dumb to realise that there is one set of rules for normal people and a completely different set for the most corrupt people on the planet.
@ballmunch6714 "The guy I arguing with doesn't believe what I do, maybe if I make them out to be the worst person possible with no evidence, they'll believe my point."
@@EneTheGene even if you have knowledge about something, actually living through the event is a totally different thing. A person can know how to handle a situation but when they find themselves in one they may react differently because you actually need experience in the field
@@blubbblubb.7867 How exactly? You can't just pretend to know everything about a particular job, without even having worked there, if anything that makes your argument completely pointless, since you don't know what its like, are you alright mate?
@@blubbblubb.7867 Let me use the logic of a person who is the exact opposite of the comment “I’m parts of the USMC. COD 3 is very accurate on what I go through.”
As a person living in a 3rd world country, all I can say is that we definitely need the police and other law enforcement agencies. We're grateful to them for persevering through all the dirty shit in my country, and I'm thankful that this game lets me atleast act like them
I may be fairly left leaning myself, I may be highly critical and distrusting of many police actions in the state, but never for a moment would I be dumb or callous enough to disrespect individuals or call some game out for being "copaganda." A law enforcement in a society built on laws will ALWAYS be necessary, while ideas like anarchism and communism are ideals, I am skeptical that they would ever come close to working. This game is meant to be a degree of simulation, it is not 100% obviously, but this is supposed to be about how the SWAT team solves situations with violent criminals, and at its core, being the one who has to discharge a firearm on a few criminals to save the many innocents is a noble cause. Criticism and distrust should not be placed on par with disrespect or lack of understanding, as I am a citizen who believes in the immense importance of self preservation. No matter who you are or what you do, there may be a time where you have to take a life to save yourself or someone else, so people should be knowledgeable and prepared. Police and Military find themselves in these situations as an integral part of their career. There is a difference between the police corruption and negligence that we see when minority groups are disproportionally targeted and people are beaten and killed unjustly, and an officer of good moral standing who unfortunately has to take a life in a split second decision, DO NOT MIX THESE THINGS UP PEOPLE. Be critical, not spiteful. Police will always be in America, whether you believe them to be defenders of the people or the attack dogs of the state, it is our responsibility to hold them accountable and above all else, be decent and respectful.
@@stroads.Anarchists want to reach the same goals as communists and libertarian socialists, but authoritarian leftists like leninists and maoists think they can use the state to create a stateless society. If anything, anarchism tries to live up to communist ideals more than the USSR and its imitators.
@@stroads. Communism is an ideal form of Anarchy, and any state that is constructed with the Communist Manifesto in mind is necessarily a Socialist state (because there indeed is a state). Calling the Soviet Union or China Communist is a subversion because they both call/called themselves Socialist (in the case of the USSR, it is literally in the name). It is hilarious and horrifying at the same time to see how these ideological people (meaning leftists, in this case) intentionally and/or unintentionally confuse and twist the meanings of common words in order to subvert and ultimately accomplish their goals.
I like how you take some points and agree, then take other points and disprove or disagree. This is how a discussion/argument should be. Calm collected, here is how it is. Nowadays there is so much 'I WILL DISPROVE EVERY SYLLABLE YOU SAY WRONG' and it sucks the humanity from any discussion.
Ready or not is a horror game to its core. Its real horror, that happens almost on the daily. It's not a fantasy, it's a truth. some of the worst monsters are people. The Police have always had my upmost respect, even when mistakes are made. I just wish my family would feel the same.
i dont respect policing as a profession. i respect good cops. there is not much you can really do about the fact that a lot of school bully types are attracted to that profession like a fucking magnet for all the wrong reasons. i have met both great and evil cops before. i have met one or two real bad cops and a bunch of genuinely nice ones. the problem is, no matter how unbiased you try to be, those bad cops will always leave a bitter taste in your mouth. i think that is why a lot of people are super anti-cop.
@@Slava_Ukraini1991 I feel like this is a good median between respecting police, and not respecting police. I really like your opinion, because you aren't generalizing anything or anyone. It seems like police are almost discriminated against nowadays, and its just saddening to see good officers get treated so poorly by the public just because some other dickhead of an officer did something bad. It's weird how people can promote anti-discrimination, yet they do just that; discriminate.
@@Slava_Ukraini1991 i agree. of course, there are good cops and bad cops, but unfortunately as humans we're hard wired to remember even one bad experience in a sea of good ones.
Perfect video. People always act like it's a monstrous thing to paint the police as protectors, even though that is what they are. It's due to people who have had it so drilled into their heads that anarchism is somehow good, and the police need to be defunded or destroyed over very vocal minorities of problematic officers. Also, outside of my previous point, this game is very much not a fantasy. You die faster than you can think. Hell, there's even upcoming lines in the game for the officers doing the wrong things. There's an as-of-yet unused line from Eli where he says the team should kill Voll. I'm in SWAT. Every time we go out, I'm afraid either I won't be going home, or one of the men I've spent years becoming friends with won't. I'm equally afraid someone innocent won't make it out alive. It's a job few can stomach. There's no fantasy involved. No power. You're just there to save lives.
Why is it drilled into your head that anarchism is specifically bad? Why is it that nothing get done about cops who do kill unarmed people besides getting fired in any situation? What causes that if not for the inadequacy of police?
Yeah, the guys who you have to worry about blowing your brains out if you so much as twitch the wrong way, who can and will arrest or beat you for: -Being the wrong color in the wrong area -Saying impolite things about a police officer -Not sucking their cock Are definitely protectors. As a member of SWAT, half your job is raiding people for having drugs. LVPD SWAT blew one's brains out over his toilet for making a "furtive movement", when not only was he not armed, but they tried to claim he was someone else with the same name in order to get the warrant. You've bought into too much of your own department's propaganda. If you're afraid of not going home, maybe ask your superiors to stop sending you to kick in people's doors in the dead of night when they'll be most confused, alarmed, and likely to resort to violence, and for things that are none of your business, like narcotics offenses.
I don't agree that all cops are bastards, some, indeed, are but there are a lot of cops who really dedicate themselves. Who calls the game "Copaganda" surely didn't play the game, just go watch a ready or not lore video and you will find out that the whole game is focused on the hard life of a corrupt and falling apart city.
I remember taking an introduction to criminal justice class and it had a large section about discretion and how an officer is supposed to use it at all times instead of going just by the book
@@saltminer4463 It's a hilarious, yet tragic form of irony for someone that goes that close to marxist ideals, ones that are proven to be the basis for exploitation of people from the ones in higher positions, economic downfall, famine and even totalitarian regimes over and over again, to talk about anti-government and anti-system topics and cursing corruption and "power of the wealthy".
Having recently graduated from SFSU with a degree in Criminal Justice. There is a huge casysm between the academia of criminal justice, law makers, and boots the ground officers. All of what gunmetal said was a verbatim pulled directly from the academia sector. Its Critical theory (the marxist framework) and metaphysics applied specifically to crime, law, and law enforcement. This, naturally, is not how it is seen by law makers or law enforcement. The issue is the prominent citations and research come with a bias against law and law enforcement BECAUSE of the critical framework. If the system (the haves) enforces itself against someone or something or some group(the have nots), then its oppression because of the power dielectric. As such, there are no criminals but victims, there is no law enforcement but systematic use of violence. It doesnt matter what is or isnt the case, the framework causes the prviously mentioned assumed outcome to be read into every into every interaction with the CJ system. This is simply repurposed class struggle applied to criminal justice.
I broadly agree with what you have said, however, as far as drug use is concerned, I believe it is generally due to either economic hardship and lack of hope, or unresolved trauma. I faced both, and even was arrested twice for drunk and disorderly behavior in public (no charges, just a fine and a warning). Do I feel what I did was wrong? Absolutely. Do I blame myself for it? Not really, as the circumstances (which are dynamic) had exposed me to certain situation which I had no prior experience dealing with, or even resources for that matter. I had a totally different state of mind, something which wouldn't have occured unless those particular combination of dire conditions presented themselves. That being said, the cops were simply doing their job. If someone disagrees with the law and it's implementation, they should push for change via political means (ie. at the ballot box, electing representatives, and unionizing with people with similar conditions and goals).
"Do I blame myself for it? No my circumstances are at fault." THAT'S exactly what people are talking about. Your total lack of accountability as a substance user, and the lack of it from other substance users. You literally just said "what I did was wrong" but then IMMEDIATELY pivoted to complaining about how it's not your fault. That's why you drug users sicken me and you deserve some light jailtime to think about your actions. Mayne if you HAD gotten thrown in the slammer once or twice, you wouldn't be crying like a brat about how your actions (which only YOU control) somehow aren't your fault.
@@Eye_Of_Odin978 control is an illusion. if someone is born in a shit family, grows up learning shit and only knows shit, well, what kind of "choices" do you think that person is gonna be making in life? and let's not even bring genetics and all that into the table because it makes it all the more bleak
@@Eye_Of_Odin978 Dude, just shut up. It's really easy to judge when you haven't been in their shoes, and have had bias injected into you from the media and politics you consume. Your line of thinking is the exact same as Gunmetal's, just pointed at something else.
As a former marine who has never seen combat or deployed, I will say its always those who have never stepped up to change or make what they criticise better, yes opinions are whatever you want them to be but it doesn't make it true just cause you believe the opinion. I support police and hate on bad officers making it worse for good officers. But would i ever join a department probably not. Stay safe out there and honestly people like him make my blood boil. Some people love speaking from their ass
What does being a service member have to do with this in any way? Should I start every comment I make that I'm an 11B in the army to let everyone know my opinion is valid? How does being a marine relate to stepping up to make change?
So what I’m getting is that: People are mad because this game portrays law enforcement doing their legal duties instead of beating minorities and abusing power.
its people like gunmetal who think that there are only a few hundred police officers in the world, those being the ones you see on the news who do bad stuff. i personally as someone who is a child of first-gen immigrants, i see a common problem others like me have to deal with that isn't talked about much is that our parents often come to this country with hope and belief in the idea that the usa is a land of the free and one that is willing to accept all into its borders. until they actually become a citizen and something snaps inside of them, causing them to want every other race out of the country and acting as if it was made just for them
5:13 Mentioning discretion reminds me of a video I saw where a cop asked the guys he pulled over to give him their weed or something. So these guys give him a huge bag of marijuana, he tells them to throw it on the ground. And he gives them a ticket for littering
I am glad there has been pushback at Gunmetal's video. Glad you also talked about the terrible FBI statistic, I had to look it up and it was nothing like he was saying.
I watched gunmetal's video, and I left quite depressed afterward. I also wondered what people like you would think, so I'm glad to see another perspective. Clearly, I need to do a better job of taking things with a grain of salt, since you brought up some nice counter points.
In the new update, your squadmates will literally get depressed if they kill a suspect or use lethal force too much, so much so that you have to send them to therapy
I'm glad my assumptions about gunmetals video from the title and thumbnail were correct. I had a feeling that it was incredibly dehumanizing of police and tone deaf.
@@unhelpfullmedic4758 Just ignore him, he's been posting on every comment chain and just either calling people idiots or regurgurating far left talking points.
The only "fantasy" part of games like Ready or Not and SWAT 4 is that a single department with the exact same crew has done all of these missions. SWAT 4 took inspirations from real world missions and with some of the devs in Ready or Not having used to work on SWAT 4 its no surprise that they kept to that. Something else to add on is that Gunmetal seems (Speculation) to have only really watched or seen videos where police have been in the wrong or abusing their authority. Or only seen what the media has put out in front. The only people who hate bad cops more than anybody else are good cops. I'm currently not a police officer because of that. Probably for the better too cause I can have a very short fuse... (I was going to school to be a Police Officer during Ferguson [Michael Brown]) Discretion: I've seen plenty of videos, both on Donut's channel and Code Blue where if the suspects would have just cooperated they likely would have only gotten away with a warning or a ticket at most. Instead they escalate things while saying they aren't and it turns into some jail time. You'll also see people turn within an instant into who they really are underneath their plastic smiles. Acting all innocent and nice then as soon as the cuffs come out turn into the most disrespectful people on the planet. Even going from concern about a person they may have hurt to only being concerned with themselves. I did first see gunmetal's video and you countered it way better than I ever could have. Great work! I did start typing up a comment to rebut some of his claims but decided not too. Partially due to again my short fuse with people... I don't think a comment like "You sound like some salty communist or anarchist" would get anywhere. (And no those weren't my exact words but very easily could have been simplified to that phrase. For sure was a thought.)
The fact that you wrote all this hollow tripe makes me GLAD you pulled out of police training. You're exactly the kind of person who would be a problem and make police looks worse than they already do.
@@77SilentAssassin77 So your gripe is that he voiced his views, and had the self-reflection to understand that he wouldn't be a good fit as an officer based off his personality traits? Get fucked kid.
Actually, it makes sense in the lore of the world of Ready or Not. Surprisingly there are actually a lot of differences between our world and the ready or not one. One major one is that the department we work for is going under do to constant pay cuts by higher up city officials. It's why the HQ looks so dilapidated and old. The reason why our team is sent to ALL of this is that we're the only officers left on the payroll, with every other company or business either left to fend for itself or high private security (Many of which we actually fight like the Mind Jot PMC's and Voll's security force) Essentially, the story of Ready or Not is the story of a city being eaten away and disintegrated by corruption, fear, and evil and it's our job to "bring order to chaos."
Great video man, thank you for holding your values as an officer, and for the work you’ve done. It was really refreshing to hear you humanize police and explain the reasons you took the job. It’s way too easy to get sucked into the grim side of anything online, especially around this subject. Good shit dude.
This is the first time I’ve ever come across your channel. As an economics Master’s student with a strong interest in public policy relating to policing - this was a beautiful video. Fantastic sources and reporting of said sources. Even your basic essay structure was beautiful. Your thesis, supporting arguments, and resolution were great! I have no idea if your level of education, but regardless this was done brilliantly.
I want nothing more to be a police officer or a trooper to help the people I live with and most of the time when I bring up wanting to join online is normally results in me getting called a fascist or a racist it makes me very sad but I still want to do it.
Don’t give up on it man. People told me the same thing before I joined. I’m now in a position where I can help the community every single day I go into work. It’s such a blessing. Those people don’t see that side of things and quite frankly they probably never will. Just gotta do right by the people you encounter and be of service in any way possible and you’ll do alright! Good luck to you my friend!
Becoming a police officer is something I've always wanted to achieve. I never understood people who think all cops are inherently corrupt. My life was literally saved by a police officer. The reason a lot of people view cops negatively is because the only widespread media attention they get is when they do something bad, but if media reported on every instance of police saving a life or stopping a suspect, everyone would see how proportionally good police are.
Oh trust me i know feeling of being called from Nazi to Fascist to War criminal and it happened so many times i just laugh at tham because how stupid they act. My country was in war in 1995 (Yugo wars) my country which is Serbia was only one that have been blamed for war crimes, yes we did but also others did, Croatia bombed civilians that are tring to go back to Serbia, Bosnian soldiers killed unarmed Serbia soldiers after they gived civilians to UN officers, and now every time i say how i am supporting my country but not war criminals, i am called Nazi, Fascist and so on and on honestly at this point i this Serbophobia (ww1 Anti-Serb sentiment) actually still exist and to i just laugh at tham because If i am Nazi for being Nationalist for my own country Than what are they if they are Nationalist for their country or if they love their country?
@@Revisedcone This is probably what's missing, in france cops are such a joke that they have their own TV shows, where a reporter goes with them on different missions, those missions usually end with the suspect getting away, or the cops being incredibly bad at their jobs, it's used as entertainment here in france that cops are useless and inneffective. So there must be more to this job that we are not seeing because no one else would want to be a cop if that was all they did, fail arrests and being useless.
I just wanna say like none of the guy’s video actually revolves around Ready or Not being copaganda and was basically a video essay on his thoughts on policing
The "I'm not a tankie" defense was very telling, a lot of people with his talking points tend to just be openly pro-Crime and Anti-Authority in almost every instance imaginable. These ideas are why San Francisco is effectively lawless. But I commend you trying to honestly address his points even though it feels like to me he clearly had an agenda with a clear political bent. No portrayal of law enforcement that is not overtly villainous is acceptable to these guys.
You hit every nail on the head. I will never understand how people can call the police evil and whatnot. They risk their lives to make sure your life is unscathed and in turn you shun them? Aye, there are bad apples, but for every bad apple there's a dozen good ones.
I heard that in Portland police have been refusing several times to go out and bring order, because they didn't want to be attacked all over social media for being the bad guy, while the protest over the last years have destroyed, defiled and vandalized the city. But for some reason those people, some of which have actually killed or executed people are the good guys, while they burn down their own city and pretend to be the good guys.
Nicely executed video. I am a cop in South Dakota and agree with everything you said. Discretion is how we operate and here the only "must arrests" we have are domestic violence related. We make the call and decide how we handle them. We also have THC vapes and wax listed as a controlled substance, a felony the same as having meth. We write paraphernalia tickets or just educate and confiscate. Cannabis should 100% be legal and completely decriminalized. We are doing our part and still people will continue to be critical of us. It is what it is. I encourage the anti-cop people to sign up for a ride along and ask questions. They would learn a lot more about what we actually do vs what the media suggests we do.
@@getthegoons no, I'd rather cops actually used discretion and just let people be when the crime they're committing hurts nobody and nothing. Police enformcent of victimless crimes is a big part of the reason people don't like the police. But hey, nice try, next time don't be so obviously dim and maybe you'll do better.
@@KILLASAURUSFLEXit’s a crime and confiscation of marijuana isn’t exactly a life ruining act. Leaving crimes unattended isn’t an option, so a lax consequence is well suited as a method of enforcement. Don’t just go call somebody dim for an opposing opinion.
Thank you for essentially calling out district attorneys and judges as being more worthy of blame than officers. They too often let people off with sig bonds multiple times for crimes that should land them right in prison. It's everyone else that suffers. Also thanks for establishing discretion as being just as big of a component of law as enforcement is. Officers not enforcing laws and policies that are patently unjust is something we need to see more of.
@@jamesmcpherson8599 absolutely not what I said. Very ofttlen the most crime is committed by repeat offenders that don't care about the law. Judges and DA's write them signature bonds rather than have them sentenced to terms or set court appearance dates that they never show up to. They then end up going around committing more crime or worse crimes. I'll directly cite Darrel Brookes Junior, the guy who ran over around 70 people at the Waukesha Christmas parade, killing six and injuring dozens more, permanently scarring and injuring many of them. Prior to the indident, he was released on bond several times for violent crimes including domestic violence against his girlfriend, and firing a stolen firearm at his nephew. The very day he ran those people over, he was physically assaulting his girlfriend for not paying his bond after he was arrested for *trying to run her over* with his mom's SUV. He became so enraged from it that he drove off recklessly and didn't care who he hit. That's an extreme case of course, but the lax approach to what would've prevented tragedy has played out *countless* times and has done far more harm to law abiding citizens than it has done good, and only benefits the criminals, and the courts that are supposed to be keeping criminals off our streets.
@@uncledoctor6920okay apologies for misunderstanding the purpose of your statement. I agree that their should definitely be bail reform and restrictions for getting out if you pose a clear and present danger to someone or the public at large. I definitely despise the lackadaisical attitude that judges have when signing off on things, both when it comes to this type of stuff and certain search warrants. Darrell Brookes was a psycho in the most literal sense of the word. Their were also alot of other circumstancial factors leading to his release like COVID overcrowding jails and overworked buerocrats. I don't think this should be used as an attack against bail reform but as an example of how our institutions failed to protect the public.
@@jamesmcpherson8599 no problem, I'm glad you know about that case already. I want people to see that awful event as the kick in the pants people need to push for reform, mostly just for DA's and judges to stop thinking they know better than the officers on the ground and stick with their recommended charges rather than drop everything and let them walk on bond. Whether their intentions are benign or malicious, it's being greatly misused and abused.
Fantastic video. Everyday we just have the be the best we can be. It's weird the most people try to basically say that good cops should just quit in most of these discussions. Blows my mind. Stay safe out there.
Good cops should be outspoken against the bad ones who hide behind crazy powerful unions and qualified immunity, but that is almost never the case. The police chief in Ohio defended the officer who had a police dog attack a black trucker when it wasn't warranted until the story made nation headlines and he was pressured to criticize the criminal officer. Police simps will argue that most of those officers weren't problematic, yet they all fell in line to protect the bad officer at first. This is the reason people say all cops are bad cops, the criminal organization has been normalized to "the good ones" and they defend their own as much as possible.
@@killraven123 you're taking a singular example of a department currently under active investigation for corruption, and acting as if it applies to every department globally.
@@killraven123 Qualified immunity is just the protection against civil liability in the performance of their duties. It doesn't protect someone who breaks the law or someone who was incorrectly performing their duty. Qualified immunity is not something I will ever be against. Now your union argument I find interesting. Are you against all unions or just police unions? I usually find people who are for unionizing are ironically against police unions. Unions provide blanket protection for cops just like a defense attorney does for anyone accused of a crime. Yeah do they sometimes defend bad people? Yep. Does that bad person have a right to this? Depends on if you believe in unions or not. Also I find this "outspoken against the bad ones" thing hilarious. Dude you think I have any idea what the guy one district over does on his shift? Let alone the guy one agency over? People always have this weird view that cops are all psychically connected or something. Each agency is completely different from the other. Each shift is completely different. Each individual officer is completely different. If I see a bad use of force or video of a cop doing something illegal, I'm going to call it like I see it. The difference is since I've got experience with the real deal, I'll reserve judgement till I have all the facts, just like how I would for making a decision for an arrest. If an article says a cop shoots a man I'm not going to randomly jump up in arms until I know everything that went down. You can't just jump to a snap judgment like a lot of people do.
@@nazrac3449 Incorrect, the "No Russian" mission had a purpose. Makarov's intent in speaking English and using American weapons and armour was to frame the attack as an American one. His goal was to provoke a war between America and Russia, saying, "All of Russia will cry for war." It's best not to assume knowledge you don't have, as it isn't well-received.
@@SrakchBut that's a nothingburger in the field of political theory, you can argue that is realpolitik but that's it. Just like the guy said above, "no real political substance" to justify OP's point.
The thing I hate about so many political hot takes is the use of the superlative. ACAB, for example. A handful of officers enforce their own racist ideals and the countless fantastic people who risk their lives are bastardized too? No. The entire justice system is broken because a handful of organizations are overreaching? No. And it's not just an exception to the standard either. It often is the standard. It's just that good cops and functional justice aren't polarizing headlines. Maybe the justice and law enforcement systems are flawed, but the truly broken system is the one that delivers media to the people.
Eh, I guess think about it like school shooting. Some people say that the statistic isn't as high as media would have people believe, but at the same time it is also true that it shouldn't happen at all. Just like school, police has higher standard in the eyes of society. If any of these two are involved in selling drugs for example, that'd make for a much bigger headline than people selling drugs in some guy's garage.
@@Hell_O7 I can see that. The big statistic I notice that no one looks at for some reason is how good officers today are compared to half a century ago. Absolutely we should have impartial LEOs no matter what, but no system of funneling out the bad guys can be 100% effective, and we as a society have advanced leaps and bounds since cops would spray down civil rights protestors with fire hoses. Not to mention how localities respond when officers do reach beyond their rights as an LEO. So while yes, it is disappointing that officer bias is a problem that modern society must grapple with, I do think that today's institutions are doing very well to lay the foundation for an impartial future in law enforcement.
You know I was watching along, and while not agreeing with his points I was like "yeah okay, I can UNDERSTAND his points. Most police engagements arent this violent." Then he turned it into a race thing, I think what specifically got me was "Unless your a white shooter", and I just clicked off. I honestly think the video is more of a race thing then it is about police being manipulated or having too much power. Feel bad for the officers who listened to that.
While I appreciate you taking a kind and nuanced approach to Gunmetal’s video, it’s always going to fall on deaf ears, and here’s why. Gunmetal’s video is actually a Vaush video masquerading as a video game critique. He says “this isn’t Marxism from some frothing at the mouth tankie,” but most marxists aren’t tankies. Most leftists are the kind of people you would find in Los Suenos…upper middle class yuppie lefties who have never spent a weekend in a red part of any of their states. You can tell by their vocabulary and their framing, it’s impossible to miss once you’re familiar with seeing it. These are people who consistently vote blue in large urban voting blocks within walking distance of corporations with rainbow flags in their logos and “this is an inclusive space” in their windows, with legacy democrat politicians who have been there since the Carter administration, and yet with so much wealth in such blue hands, these urban hellscapes just keep getting worse and worse when it comes to “income inequality.” All you have to do is look at these “looming bastions of fascist capitalism,” LA and San Francisco. It’s like a comic book how wacky it all is, but we’re actually living it. These same people, the ones that can’t even solve their own issues within their own blocks and still stand with a smug sense of moral virtue, want to lecture actual working class people while turning their nose down at them for being backwards right wingers. Sure, there are some proper criticisms to be levied at the justice system, but look at who these are actually effecting. A hint, it’s not the people shooting up in broad daylight. It’s not the people looting stores so blatantly that corporations are moving out of the cities. It’s not the illegal immigrants that start their “naturalization” by instantly breaking laws. It’s the people that want taxes low enough to keep a small business open. It’s the people that wanted to see their dying family members during COVID. It’s the people who are murdered and assaulted on the streets that aren’t followed up on because someone is afraid to be called racist. These lefties are completely and utterly disconnected from reality. Nobody should take any of their propaganda seriously and each ridiculous statement should be met with mockery. End of rant. Enjoyed the video!
the entire video is a marxist take. marxism is all about breaking a society down to the oppressed vs. the oppressors. if you work for a system deemed "oppressive" (like a police department), it means you are an oppressor by extension, no matter how morally sound you are. there is no such thing as "individuality" to marxists, they actively reject libertarian ideals. that's how he concludes the game is copaganda. the system isn't perfect, it has brought legitimate harm to innocents, therefore a fictitious depiction of police doing their job proper is copaganda.
@@asongeveryday You clearly missed this video's point and the Gunmetal's point, both said that his game is not copaganda. You're more braindead that the person you try to paint a broad brush as
marxists always try to hide that they are a marxist, its part of their scheme to normalize their beliefs. They want you to think they are just the guy in the center. but they are far from that. They want to push the overton window to their leanings and pretend like nothing is changing. Always call them out for what they are cause thats how you defeat them.
I liked GunMetalStug's Girls Und Panzer parody videos but his take on Ready Or Not video essay was just strange lol. Glad you released your perspective on it because a lot of points in his video I didn't agree with.
a surprising amount of people do think of all police departments as one collective body answering to the same people and that's definitely a stigma that needs to be taught that it's wrong
@@TheTritonGuy it's not commonly stated but I've told a few people that over the years and I've gotten a lot of (no that's not right is it?) and (wait then how does ___ work?)
@@tehwhaffle3088 I know departments will work together in some situations, but some people think they are all one organization? Lean new things every day.
@@TheTritonGuy People tend to assume there is some over-arching standard, set of laws, training, etc. In part they are right; all states have a commission on Law Enforcement which sets the standards and procedures for hiring, training, disciplining and so on. However, these are the baselines, written to meet a minimum Federal requirement, and vary from state to state in the particulars (some states allow hiring peace officers who are not citizens, some do not. Some mandate more training, and so on). A large metropolitan department has more officers, a larger budget, and probably has specialist teams and taks forces. A rural county Sheriff has a fraction of that budget, might have only a tenth of the number of officers, a lot of territory to cover, a very different crime profile and almost certainly cannot afford dedicated officers. That department also has to run its jail, which is probably where at least half its personnel actually serve. It's not quite apples to oranges, since they are both law enforcement agencies, but it's definitely not "the same".
I may agree with gunmetal point of view but I felt like his examples were poor and he didn't elaborate beyond just the war on drugs. I wished he would go harder to the legislature or judicial side. He should have used more evidence. I agree with your point as well we as the public don't really view the police as separate entities from county to county, jurisdiction to jurisdiction but as a collective. You absolutely opened up the weakness of his case. I also agree that we need police or a similar entity to have a more functional society. But I'm glad this was a good civil discussion. I think you made a great point.
Thank you for ur service man 💪🏻it takes alot of balls to put ur life on the line for people everyday and I’m hope I can pursue a career in law enforcement and help with the the good and the bad
I'm so glad this came in my recommended. I'm currently about to begin my 3rd year of college for my CJ major and it's nice to know that officers like you are speaking on the glorifying of crime and violence from the public while they also simultaneously demonizing those trying to prevent it. To me that's a pretty quick way to have crime run cities.
I really hope Gunmetal gets a chance to watch this, and I hope he opens up a dialogue with you. Stuff like this, hearing both sides of a conflicting point of view, is really what the world needs.
ready or not lets you be the officer in a safe environment where you can truly see how difficult it is to help and save people that actively (basically) try not to be saved
@@Random_Lurker turns out it's pretty realistic actually if you actually look at reality lots of people are retarded, even more so in the area you're going to intervene as a SWAT team, EVEN more so in California
@@AI_LANDO1 When you take on the Tran household in ready or not do you think the family sees you as "saving" them? ofc not, they see the horrific debts incurred upon them by a broken medical system and now that they have turned to less legal pursuits to pay those debts the enforcers of a wider system have come to take that away too. The Tran family may be putting lives at risk by putting illegally modified weaponry into an already saturated firearms market, but when you arrive you aren't saving them in the slightest. You are shutting down their operation and handing them over to other authorities. You don't get a say in acquitting them because of the situation they're in, or trying to ensure their mother gets the care she needs even if the family faces imprisonment. You have arrived to bring suspects into custody and shut down an illegal operation. Ready Or Not recognises that this is not a fair situation. It could probably do more, but that's a critique of the art, not the intention. Portraying that interaction as "saving" the people you yell at from the other end of a barrel IS copaganda.
The fact that “copaganda” is even a term is ignorant. Copaganda would be following the code to the letter which is what people claim they want from the police. Soooooo
Hey Doc! I'm a friend of Gun's, in fact I'm one of the Virtual SWAT Officers in his gameplay. And I've brought his attention to your video. I come from a military/police family, everyone in my family was either a cop or a soldier/sailor/airman. Im the first civilian but Im a military historian/journalist who spends his life around them. I'm also closer politically to Gun so maybe my take might be worth something. To simplify the position, the argument about policing here at least in my view is the institutional nature of police under the current socio-economic and geopolitical order. It's not so much about the individual, in fact I know better than most the heroism our men and women in all uniforms do every day, both here in Australia and in the United States. But the fact of the matter is the system all of us are working under, that being late stage capitalism as you pointed out, is inherently designed to crush not only us but you the officers as well. About half of this video is you yourself identifying problems in your workplace and stating your disagreement with it, which if an enforcer of the law is doing that says quite a lot about where we find ourselves. The criticism of the police, is as an institution, yes there may be variations and sure on paper we may say all laws are enforced equally. But thats not reality as you say, celebrities and politicians can walk. And while officers don't get a say in that, when an officer makes a mistake or worse, trusts their consciense to take action on that front. The consequences to not match their actions. While anecdotal, my Grandfather in the London Metropolitan Police is a great example. He was, like yourself, using his discretion to help the average person where possible. He did it a lot, but likewise he had not a lot of time for people who used wealth and status to get out of crime. So he made a point of holding wealtheir/notable people to account when he caught them. Sure enough, every time he applied for promotion to Inspector, he was denied, while less qualified people were promoted. Now that's anecdotal and from the 70's, but when you see "administrative leave" etc for officers who clearly used excessive force. And other such cases. ( we get them here too ) it shows that like every institution out there under our current economic and political system are inherently conservative and rife with nepotism. So the argument that "there are no good cops" or "no ethical policing" is more directed at the idea that as long as we live under our current governments, our current method of economic production. Ethical policing is inherently impossible, not due to the officers in fact you guys in my view are the victim a lot of the time. Rather that the lack of accountability both in your political leadership and your superior ( as in commissioner types ) officers will always lead to you enforcing unjust law or being used as the attack dogs regardless of your opinion on the matter. Thus there can be no ethical policing. Again you're right, There is a lot of nuance here. And it requires a few drinks and four hours. But that's kinda the gist of it. Great video!
As an officer, you are the ENTRT point for the justice system. You activate the system, that then takes control for better or worse. If you don't pick your battles carefully, you will end up causing more harm than good arresting people the system is unfit to handle. Be they guilty or not. This is obvious when you make an arrest without enough evidence for a prosecutor to use, and they get off without any charges. But less obvious are the ones where you have them dead to rights, but the punishment does not come close to fitting the crime, such as drug possession, various domestic disputes, self defense and defense of property. You have no control of what the courts will do, but you still have a choice between handing them over to the courts or letting them go. For over a decade, the federal government has upheld Marijuana to be an illegal substance. But barely any Police or Sherriff deptments uphold the law, even in states that have not legalized it in direct opposition to federal law. The fed likewise has done little to enforce it from the top down. Law enforcement have defacto vetoed the law. This needs to happen more often because our laws are worse than the late Roman Empire. The average citizen commits 3 felonies a day, and that includes police. They only get away with it because the law is not enforced. It is IMPOSSIBLE at this point to uphold the law as infallible. And until our retarded government addresses the problem legally, it's up to law enforcement to rectify the matter themselves.
I personally can’t wait for the hyper realistic police simulator with such high octane missions such as “sitting in a dark parking lot for and hour before maybe pulling someone over “ and “ showing up to the same house for the 3rd time this week because the middle aged couple can’t hold their liquor”
I'm sure there's a market for that mundane stuff. If people like Euro Truck Simulator 2, why not make Euro Cop Simulator?
GTA V Police RP? lol
@@johnlime1469 I said Euro Cop
@@KoylTrane No offense I wasn't talking to you -_-
@@johnlime1469 no offense but you could've just ignored that
I find it funny that in the original video, he also says Swat 4 is "copaganda" which is funny as hell considering Swat 4 is extremely critical of the police. There is literally a level in Swat 4 where you are stopping these Robbers at a diamond centre, but the game reveals through environment clues that the diamond centre's owners are running child slavery mines in South Africa and performing other unethical acts. You are literally protecting rich people and harming poor people in that level. Its exactly the point he's trying to make, but because its a game where you play as the officers, its suddenly copaganda.
That being said, Swat 4 is probably much too subtle and tasteful in its commentary for him.
@@Eyeling yeah, the dude in the original video is way to biased to ever see that.
I find it absolutely hilarious, and also hypocritical of him, saying how he's not a leftist but immediately starts bringing up leftist stuff. Either way it's literally just a video game
Also hello there, a surprise to find you again
@@OperatorMax1993Does it matter to you if he is a Leftist or that you think he’s lying about being one?
@@omniscientbarebones To me, no, they are all communists and they are all active threats to society
"Stop the killing. Stop the dying."
Damn. That goes hard.
@@rseven0no, that is just what every good police officer strives for, and they know they can’t say anyone, so to quote spider man here they save the people they can in order to make up for the ones they couldn’t save
What does it mean
@@Aurora-bv1ys It means that in the case of a mass shooting, LEO's are supposed to radio in for backup then go straight in to engage the threat. The faster a trained LEO can engage the target and stop them from taking more innocent lives, the fewer people will be shot and the faster EMS can get to those who already have been shot.
An example of the opposite of this was at Uvalde, where instead of engaging the shooter while holding an advantage in firepower, numbers and armour, Uvalde PD stayed back for over an hour before engaging the shooter, resulting in many lives being unnecessarily lost.
@@inv3rted_moment884I know this is kinda late, but Im not a english native speaker, what is a LEO?
@@nighthawk3305 Law Enforcement Officer.
If you apply the "system broke, so why bother..." mentality to anything else, things would go sideways real quick
An old, tired quote that still has to be said, for some reason: "All it takes for evil to triumph is good men to do nothing."
Seriously. It's nihilism, at best and existential crisis at worst. Can't really accomplish much with that mindset, much less make a concerted effort to enact change or reform.
@@matthewcarroll2533yeah that's only make things worse if you do nothing about it
The healthcare system, for example. It's unethical and extortionary in its treatment of its patients in this country, therefore, doctors are incapable of performing a moral good when treating cancer patients.
It's absurd to take that stance. Police, like doctors, can and do perform good deeds, and their compliance towards or omission of the corrupt elements of the justice system in their interactions with citizens neither makes them wrong for taking up the job in the first place, nor does it mean that good cops are a fantasy.
More relevantly to this discussion, Ready or Not doesn't take any stance on what side you're on as the officer. You're penalized for using excessive force, but that doesn't necessarily speak to whether or not arresting these people in the first place is the morally justified thing to do in all cases, and you as an officer have full discretion to kill pr brutalize as many or as few people as you want over the course of a mission. You can be the good guys, or the bad guys. That's up to you.
You are, like many SWAT team members (which this game depicts, not patrol officers, very different situations more often than not), put in a tough situation where it is very easy to make the wrong call, even if you think it might be justified in the moment. That's not propaganda. That's barely even a statement on its own. It's just showing you a sample of what it's like to do this job. What you pull from that is up to you.
@@leftwardglobe1643 Well said, nice to see some people with common sense in here. I had thought about typing out something similar but decided against it due to this being, well, YT.
Saying if Ready Or Not is Copaganda is like saying: Is Airsoft a Recruitment tool for kids to join the military.
Hideo Kojima kinda started that shit in 2008 in MGS4 with "FPS games create Child soldiers"
I recently got into airsoft and i remember after my second game when i was in bed trying to get to sleep i kept hearing the impact of BBs on wood and jumping, like so sort of mini PTSD, i couldnt imagine being in an actual firefight
@Spaghetti_ONeil haha tbf thatd probably me reaction to a grenade, luckily I've not been victim of one yet
@@CentreMetre wtf mini ptsd from airsoft
“This is not a crazy Marxist take”
Proceeds to state Carl Marx’s theory on law and morality
I don't agree with Gunmetal here but Karl Marx is not entirely wrong, and I certainly don't get why being a Marxist is considered to be so "villainous"
@@___SourR34___ It's literally an ideology that has to subvert systems because it's so blatantly unpalatable, dividing people on arbitrary standards, making a slave underclass and all of that says nothing of how it's tangential to communism which has killed more people than every religion combined. Read a goddamn book.
@@___SourR34___ Communist Russia, Communist China, North Korea, Venezuela
@@___SourR34___ nobody is calling it villainous. at the same time, though, every attempt at following marx's ideals has become... well, history exists for a reason
@@___SourR34___Check history.
Ready or Not has never been "Copaganda", that game is supposed to be a representation of what a SWAT team does, how they operate, and their priorities. They go in, save those who can be saved, and fire when needed. I 100% agree with your statement, anyone who calls this game Copaganda, is an idiot.
Gee I wonder when the school level where you just stand outside will release!
Problem is a game is what the audience makes of it, especially MP games. Just go to a public lobby and you can see for most RoN players RoN is some sort of sick police power fantasy. Public lobbies make up the majority of players but serious players avoid them at all costs for a reason. Id say its definitely copaganda though as it presents police as being highly effective with non-lethal weapons in situations we all know they theyd just be gunning people down. So it definitely presents a more propaganda focused vision of police work in general. Anyone whos ever worked in the legal field but not on the side of the police knows what cops are really like. The game does a poor job of presenting reality in that way.
Ive dealt with SWAT personally and yeah the average SWAT team is a bunch of fat dudes. I remember watching them get ripped to shreds trying to climb a roof thinking there was a burglar. Turned out to be two kids playing on the roof of school. When they came back down all scratched up with two teenagers the other cops were all making fun of them. RoN really shows none of that. It only shows the good side and is by nature propaganda of some form.
@@thc_freebaser 🤓🤓
@@thc_freebaser that was one school bro is just like gun metal, just because one pd did that doesn’t mean every police department does
@@Tinylittledansonman bro what are you on about???
I've been saying this sense the day it came out. At its core it is a tactical horror game where the monsters are real life problems. It is intense, and a single mistake can cost you and your entire team's life. It does a good job of making you empathize with police, and even can help you realize why a lot of 'murders' by officers are a justified act of self defense. It can be seen as propaganda in that minor regard, however part of propaganda is that it is misleading...otherwise it wouldn't need to exist. And the cold hard fact is that this job is too dangerous to afford suspects infinite second chances.
There's also the problem of folks on platforms like twitter, who have zero real knowledge of situations, who outright lie about someone being "unarmed" or "innocent" and just blame it on race or something. A specific example was a guy who, in the bodycam footage, very clearly had a gun, and when he refused to place it on the ground, and in fact tried to raise it, he was shot non-fatally, but twitter users were complaining about how they "shot an unarmed man"
Working in psychiatry, I know how dangerous people can be in a confined environment with no weapons and lots of people on hand to deal with the problem. I often feel ill-equipped. Police often deal with issues all on their own and get repeatedly hit with videos of officers dying in seemingly ordinary circumstances to keep their guard up.
And people will make conclusions without even seeing footage or bodycam footage and people will just lie about how the suspect was unarmed or innocent. The amount of times I've seen people talk about innocence when the guy had a weapon and/or already assaulted someone is insane. It's just like the riots in France about the shooting of Nahel most people that are talking about police brutality or are rioting only seen the 10 second twitter video and haven't read about the 30 minute high speed chase
What a wonderful appraisal in the video and in this comment. Thank you so much!
@@danilapolesciuk4316 Did not even get reported here in Norway. Most of the privately funded news picked it up as a quick story and did not follow it up with the reveal of the high speed chase.
Don't remember even seeing anything about it on public funded news.
like what one of the commentator in Gunmetal video were stated :
" *Ready or not theme is it's entire story, your work force is de funded, and all your teammates are the best because you're the only ones left. Lets face it, you're getting throw into these situations wether you're ready or not* "
I thought this was supposed to be a realistic game? Police de funded, that's never happened and isn't likely to anytime soon.
@@alexisborden3191 before update 1.0 the statio were in ruined, it looks dirty and unkept, they use their funds to buy ammunitions and supplies to keep upholding their works, but now in 1.0 they got funded :D
@@alexisborden3191knowing how stupid people are it will
its realistic tactics and weapons wise. and considering how much of a hell hole the US looks to be at this point, you never know wtf will happen@@alexisborden3191
Where have you been? That has BEEN happening @@alexisborden3191
This guy making it seem like all police are the combine from half life 2💀
Kinda wish real life police had their voices though ngl.
@@combineordinal7730 Gangsters be gangsta until the first responder says "Overwatch viscon on 2-4, daggers out"
@@combineordinal7730or the fear replicants'
Look up how Police Unions act.
@@jamesmcpherson8599 Look up the labor union tyranny of 70s UK
It genuinely felt like gunmetal was reading the back of some cyberpunk novella rather than a take on our current reality
Goddamned racist communism crap. Every time one of these morons pulls out the “late stage capitalism” crap, I wonder how many centuries that “late stage” will last.
Also, a commie deriding police brutality is just golden.
Yrah what an idiot
It felt to me like he was just reading off posts from reddit, lol. The way this guy talks, how anti everything he is, down to his really annoying voice just screams redditor to me.
@@Easy8_ lmao yeah, he has such a characteristic reddit voice, and his out of touch perspectives match it very well
He comes off as the person who would continue to argue with you even after you won the argument and pointed out every hole while you get downvoted to oblivion and possibly banned from the sub.
The real copaganda is the friends we made along the way
Cringe copycat
As a man living in Denmark who loves to follow along with the politics and whatever else happens in America, I see all of these opinions about policing and drug culture as a cultural problem and a media problem.
I often see how the media completely blow things out of proportion and I know myself and from studying psychology how much media can impact peoples opinions and because anger and fear really gets people going that is what's shown.
As for guns and drugs we have a saying in Denmark that roughly translated goes "if someone really want to get something, they WILL get it" therefore plenty of people have guns and are drug addicts, but most of our news media is not made for profit, and hell even our schools if we want to get into that, teachers have strict rules about being unbiased when it comes to religion or politics, and since you spend something like half of your choldhood in school here, they have alot of influence, but still the drug and gun cuture here is completely different even from some other Scandinavian countries (Sweden mostly) but for the most part policing here is respected for the most part and the times where things do go wrong or the media do make headlines about it you are hard pressed to someone how isn't critical about the situation and say that the police most likely were in the wrong because "why would you react in such a way if you have nothing to hide"
Sorry for the long text i rarely ever comment so when i do it's usually a word vomit of all my opinions, also sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors
Also great video :)
For some reason we have this double think in the states, especially in cities. People don't want cops around and argue we should defund them, ok that's being done.
But as a result of that there's been a massive influx in crime concerning looting of stores, whether local or corporate, carjackings, homicides, and shootings.
And the irony of it all is the same people who were chanting "defund the police" are now all of a sudden confused and demanding law enforcement take action.
Me personally I find that really weird.
@@altechelghanforever9906 I totally agree with you, although sometimes I think the person who can scream the loudest will often get heard first, so alot of people will follow along with what is being said without thinking critically about the consequences of said thing.
I also think that most people often ask "what did they do" instead of why.. why did the police respond in that way, but also why did the criminal do it in the first place, what could have been done to prevent such a thing from happening.
Sometimes I think people have gotten frustrated over a long period and just want to rebel against whatever is happening around them, people are angry so they want to let off steam so to say because of it, but I think the anger is often pointed in the wrong direction, although I am not certain on that.
I find it all to be a little tragic to be honest.
@@altechelghanforever9906 you live in a fictional world. None of this is true. No Departments have been defunded, this is just the cope people like you tell yourselves to justify the continually failing police policy.
I wish folks like you were capable of thinking of protestors as more than the strawmen the media you consume portrays them as.
there's just to many fucking people in the US. the share quantity of it means the bad stories come out more often, which means more headlines.
The problem with Gunmetal's "argument" is that we need police no matter how broken justice system is, moreover that void will be always filled by someone. Be it mafia, warlord's army or rich guy's mercenaries.
You can go to Haiti if you wanted to see what a country without policing looks like.
@@Mortablunt Or San Francisco
I don't think people like Gunmetal have fully considered the consequences of a world without policing.
I honestly just don't think his point was even attempted to be understood. I think that's actually the bigger problem here.
I hold a similar opinion about the system being broken, but I can simultaneously understand the human component of crime and the need to regulate people. It's only convenient for opponents of people who believe the system is broken to pretend like multiple factors can't simultaneously be true.
I really think it would do us all justice to try to understand people's arguments more before constantly jumping to the most obvious responses.
@@ne0nmancer or portland.
What i hate about calling ready or not copaganda, is the fact that its not going all hiphop "oh yeah, here we are to become heroes!", because really, its the other way round, its about the GRIM sides of being a cop, not the good parts, okay justice is cool, but its also messed up to deal with stuff like human trafficking, ect, and will damage your mental health.
Not to mention, the whole 'copaganda' argument falls apart on one simple factor. The mental health mechanic.
In the campaign, you have to maintain a balance of non-lethal vs lethal tactics. Putting your teams through too much violence will start to put a strain on them, push them too far and they'll quit the force or worse.
If this game was trying to be some kind of superhero cop stuff. Why bother with this mechanic?
@@BrokenCornholio1537 and you can't get a S tier with lethal force.
@@BrokenCornholio1537 Plus school shooting situations always leaves a lot of psychological scars for everyone in the department because at the end of the day, someone in the force lost their kid to the attack or knew someone who lost their kid and likely saw the shooter either die by eating their own gun or shot because of the implications
@@TheEmolano That just makes it a fantasy depiction of cops. The reason some people would argue that a game like this is copaganda is because it doesn't reflect reality. American Police often don't try to use non-lethal force. Its a problem the same way the Modern Warfare games are a problem. It shows only the best, most idyllic depictions of the police, without commenting on the actual systemic problems that come with a militarized police force.
@@cannedsploog4203 the modern warfare games are a problem?? since when?
You mentioning how police departments doing something some where else doesn’t mean other police departments do the same
Is way to too true
Over here in *Australia* we have a lot of people who use *American* examples of police brutality to say that our police are all bad
Bro what how do they even make that argument?
@@someguy6260 well, to be fair... I have seen clips of australian police and while it was only a handful, the image I got from it was normal people high on power.
but it was only a few clips, but in general I hear a lot of bad things from australia, not just police related, but laws and so on in general.
@@DatAsianGuy Sounds very similar to most of the clips I see of the police here in America so I guess there's some room for discussion but still that's kinda wild.
I mean a Sydney lawfirm wrote an article that basically states 1 in 40 Australian cops have criminal convictions.
The Police commission also defended the tazing of an elderly woman before she even saw the video evidence. Which was a cop going bugger it and immediately tazing her.
@@DatAsianGuy We should note the bias surrounding those kinds of situations. No one records or shares the videos of cops being normal, because it's not interesting for social media, which is what most people want out of interactions with the police.
Whenever people ask me what part of being a cop is hard to explain, it’s ultimately the interplay between discretion and duty:
“Why are you bothering that homeless man, he’s not bothering anyone?”
-The shop owner asked him to move and he wouldn’t. He’s been peeing against the side of the building and threatening customers to give him change.
“Why are you arresting my boyfriend/girlfriend, I said I don’t want them to go to jail.”
-They put hands on you, and my state states an arrest SHALL occur in domestic situations to avoid further potential harm.
“You wouldn’t arrest, ticket, fight, shoot X-person for X-reason, you just hate X-person.”
-Crime affects both the individual and wider society. Laws can require me to take certain actions and limit my discretion. If I have used my discretion to arrest/cite/whatever, facts/your attitude/exigent circumstances have led me to such decisions.
I hate writing tickets, but I know why I do it. I don’t like taking people to jail, but I know why I do it. I want to help people and give them as much support as possible, but the law requires me to act as an officer first and to support the wider public’s best interests because many of the people I get out with have committed some crime or are actively harming the integrity or peace of another individual by their actions.
I appreciate the hell out of your video, too many people in this profession are too afraid to provide the context behind what we do. We need to be transparent, not just for our integrity, but to show the public why we take the actions we do and the constant minefield we are tapping around whenever we get out of the car.
Solid comment, very on point.
“Why are you arresting my boyfriend officer!?!”
Officer: Cause I’m going to make sweet sweet love to him.
tell them that the next time they fuss at you lol
@@Spearmint22425 people have sued for that. too much trouble
Thank you for your service as an officer.
So you would say that sometimes it's out of your hand, like it's systemic or smth?
I grew up in a poor household and never had a bad interaction with a police officer. I am currently going to college to be a police officer.
Yeah, my local police bureau have done a great deal to keep the peace amidst the current fentanyl epidemic in spite of their dire lack of funding and manpower. It's specifically thanks to their efforts that I haven't had to resort to violence to defend my property since I moved back to my hometown. I haven't met a bad one yet.
have fun protecting epstein's clients
@@vergil.enjoyerbro missed the point
@@vergil.enjoyer UGGHHH people like you annoy me
@@vergil.enjoyerwelp we know what you’re favorite goon material is
Great take on things, fully agree. Great argument without attacking anyone. Need more discussions like this. Show facts not fangs.
I had a moment in this game I’ll never forget.
A few months ago I was playing Ready or Not and after clearing a room one of the civilians who was told to get down springs up, pulls out a phone and proceeds to take a picture with her cellphone, producing a flash. Me thinking she pulled a gun I snapped my sights over to her and dropped her. I literally froze for a couple minutes and I was horrified in a way I have never experienced in any game. I know it’s nothing like actually taking the life of an innocent person but it still shook me.
I acknowledge there are problems with our justice system and I know some cops aren’t the best at their jobs, to say the least, but playing this game just reinforced my respect for our boys in blue.
Thank you for all you do.
Suicide by cop in a game is crazy
@@charlesdemers1197its technically accidental i think the logic is getting evidence or something because people will record interactions
@@dolphin5177 yeah but if i have 5 rifles pointed at me by people in full swat gear yelling at me to get down i'd probably want to avoid quickly grabbing for something in my pocket
@@angelusincorde. not everyone has more than 3 braincells, people take their phones out for the smallest shit, and it makes them look like complete retards, so if officers come in with guns drawn, its more than likely someone is gonna take out a phone
also LMAO calm tf down this is a game, you shot a model coded with binary created on the Unreal engine, you care WAY too much about shooting a fake person, you did absolutely nothing and you should live on believing so. what you did affected nothing except the score in your game that you probably died in anyways.
Gunmetal seems to be convinced that he lives in the world of Cyberpunk.
In a sense, we do. We just don't realize yet because it doesn't look the same.
@@reverseshotgun721 we most certainly don't. Corporations are the bitch of the feds, not the other way around
I am a 10 month sober junkie, not a police officer. At least in Iceland. You only get prison time if you sell, bit I get no time in Iceland, but little time in the USA. Also. Addicts not in recovery is difficult to deal with.
@@mmfe116I’d say it’s more that they live in harmony. Almost any large corporation could deal a serious blow to the federal government if they wanted to, the same way the feds could quickly destroy almost any corporation should it become too problematic for them. Corporations recruit people in congress and the feds recruit people in boards of directors.
sheltered little twitter activist doesnt touch grass
news at 9
Honestly, I stopped taking gunmetal's arguments seriously after he vaguely argued that RoN's gameplay is a very small fraction of police work and the volume of action is completely unrealistic for a median police officer, and thus it does not reflect reality, but a fantasy which by extension is a copaganda. Like, sir, it's a video game. It's suppose to be fun and exciting. Paperwork and routine is not fun. Breaching and clearing is fun. I am here to be entertained. If I wanted "realism" I would play Beurocracy Simulator. I think it's ridiculous that according to him the game is not ethical because it lacks in the self-policing department, but that's very in line with submissive tankie thought process. I know one thing, and that's Amos gets the bullet in every playthrough.
my man your like kinda crazy on those roids my bro. waltuh
It's quite simple to figure out why he doesn't want this game to be fun and that's because to people like him everything is political and by extension everything must be a critique there can be no fun for the sake of fun it has to some bezmenov demoralization campaign
@@casualspawnpeeking3680 politics-addicted snobs when confronted with simplistic enjoyment
@@casualspawnpeeking3680the worst part about that crowd is that they only have a basic understanding of political theory, so while you could say all art is political, they couldn't differentiate the politics of the art. Those folks just like spouting out half-baked ideas
@@arcwiz "All games are political" says the incredibly smart individual that can't tell the difference between Fallout, Metal Gear and an Amy Schumer skit.
Imagine thinking that a game where you dismantle drug rings and child trafficking rings while being penalized for using excessive force against said criminals is copaganda is truly a brainlet take
so you justify excessive force?
@@ballmunch6714what part of "penalized for using excessive force" did you not comprehend?
@@ballmunch6714 Against Pedophiles? Yes.
@@mctescotenacious5285 excessive force is never the option you mongrel
@@mctescotenacious5285Based 👍
"copaganda" probably sits at the top of the list of most reddity bug terms ever coined
I watched both of the videos with a grain of salt at first, but yours takes the cake for being a genuine, sensible, context-backed argument with a interesting perspective. Keep up the good work!
I’m a fairly rookie corrections officer working for my local sheriff. This video means a lot to me as I recently have been learning to deal with the public’s poor perception on law enforcement despite living in a very conservative part of my state. I didn’t take this job to hurt people, I took it to help those who can’t or won’t help themselves. Hopefully one day I can make it to the streets to do so more effectively.
Thank you, truly. This world needs more people like you.
@@Timewalker13 Althought simple, I can not describe how much this comment cheered me up. thank you brother.
"won’t help themselves" so your gonna force people to do things and oppress them?
@@ballmunch6714 I love how you hop around this comment section after the fact, parroting shit you read off of 4chan or some subreddit where they give awful insight on issues that are horribly percieved while asking warped questions out of spite.
@@heyyou9472 I don't use 4chan or reddit :yawn: your just a retarded Westerner with to much faith and bootlicking tendencies your police force is a joke
I had no idea anyone even thought this was a thing. I also never heard of the term "copaganda" before. Like... even if it was a positive reflection on law enforcement, so what? 1 blue man bad = all blue men bad is a childish notion and should be ridiculed.
Copaganda is a very real thing, please don't think it isn't. I don't think this game is really copaganda though. Copaganda is media that portrays the cops in a good light nearly almost all the time, and makes anyone who dissents or has an issue look like they're crazy. Cops aren't a monolith, and my own relationship with the police is complicated (I grew up with a US Marshall in the family and wanted to be a 911 operator but my mental health kept me from that). I think that nearly everyone can agree that the police aren't perfect and the system needs to be reworked, but i mean going around saying "cops are all bad the system broke but we can't do shit about it" is just a braindead take as, "cops are good, they only ever help and they don't have any problems".
I'm one of those I guess hippy liberals that definitely think that the way we approach policing and law enforcement needs to change, however, I also have a lot of respect for cops, because it is a hard job and I also know what it's like to be a cog in a larger system that it feels almost powerless to change. I'm not equivocating at all because I've never in my life done anything that approaches the level of a first responder, but I used to work for a major tech company that most people believe is like Umbrella Inc. or someshit lol I was just a lowly tech, helping people but I often got accused of lying to get more money, or upselling, or just all these things that weren't true. I didn't upsell anything, I often times had shitty metrics because I took time to explain to people things so they didn't walk away feeling cheated. yet, you still go online and see stuff like, "all those techs want to do is just take your money" which... ok. Like i don't get a bonus or anything if you buy a phone but you can think that all you want i guess. the point is, being mad at me, the tech isn't going to change the fact that the way that tech company runs things is not good and needs to change. it's like getting upset at an amazon worker for the fact that amazon is also probably turning into Umbrella.
anyway, my point was that this shit is nuanced and that by going with absolutes like "all cops are bad", then we are closing the door for discussion and the reform that law enforcement needs. I hope this didn't sound crazy or anything.
@@Giantkiller130-t that's a perfectly reasonable perspective to have. I fully agree. There's bad cops, there's good cops. Taking the extreme side of either that all cops are bad or all cops are good is also incredibly stupid.
@@FakeAmerican I don't care if every single police officer has called someone a slur, my issue is with the policing institution and the fact that it doesn't work. Divert money from the police to social programs that will actually reduce crime instead of raising the policing budgets.
Let me take this time and reiterate: Officers are not a collective. We do not have some universal brain we use in order to dictate our decision making. Just as in any group, there are people capable of great evil and do so. That doesn't then make the whole evil. Just as the whole isn't perfect.
To steal @VisibleToeHead 's comment:
If you apply the "system broke, so why bother..." mentality to anything else, things would go sideways real quick.
"but theres the power structure of you being a governmental employee that allows you to opress the popul-"
At the end of the day I'm just a dude. When I take my uniform off, I go home, I make my ramen noodles. I enjoy a show, listen to some TOP, maybe play a game or two. I go to bed.
I wake up the next day wanting to do good for the people I serve, but also to act as a consequence for injustice. I don't go to work with the intent of being an oppressive cop. I think I meet that standard generally but some people would disagree with my actions no matter what I do or how I act.
Am I always perfect in every interaction I have? Absolutely not. I strive for it, outside of my own want to do good for others I think that the current political climate necessitates it.
But no-one is perfect in anything they do. Whether it be a Data scientist, a store clerk, an HR rep, a student, or anything else, we generally try to make the best decisions for ourselves and for others. Sometimes those decisions end up being wrong, sometimes they are right. We do the best with what we have.
"You need to be held to a higher standard you're in a position of power, you dont get that excuse!"
You are right. And by God am I trying to do my best.
I am human, I am fallible.
I am you, just as you are me.
I hope you can see it that way.
I pray you do.
God Bless
- Sixty
I completely agree and find it heartwarming to be able to understand your Perspective, especially as someone who is a bit sceptical about (NOT AGAINST!!!) the Government and it's Influences.
I just wanted to quickly cut to your Point about Ethical Policing, or rather the Point GunMetal wanted to make. I think he means that Laws, as a Concept, are a Set of Boundaries made by the Powerful to control the Weak. Not to protect them, but to keep them and their Influence in check, to steer them in the Direction, that they, the Powerful, want to head towards. And as such, the People who represent those Laws are an Instrument of Oppression. I think that's the Point he wanted to make.
I don't agree with that Point completely. It's just like Education. Sure, you are getting indoctrinated, get fed specific Ideas to some Point while in School. But you also learn how to read, how to write, how to count, how to multiply, how to communicate and spend Time with People you don't like. It's not JUST bad, it has some huge Advantages as well.
Just wanted to clarify that for some reason, because it jumped out at me.
Thanks for the Video, keep up the good Work!
@@RaaBae The reason I honed in on those topics is because he explicitly has stated that his argumentation is directed at individual officers. This is a direct quote from Gunmetal when responding to someone on his pinned comment.
"Glad you enjoyed the video! The other ones are less intense, I promise. As for your family in Law Enforcement, I don't know them so I can't speak to their character or intent, but *_even if they're truly good people who want to do right by themselves, their community, and the American Project, it's still impossible for them to ethically uphold the current status quo._* Like I said in the video, *cops oppress ALL poor people because the Justice System is built to punish the impoverished and protect the wealthy.* The job of the police is explicitly to maintain this system - even if they do help people here and there, the oppression at large completely overshadows any good intentions."
He is _directly_ pointing the blame at individual officers and as such is his main point. That's part of why I took that argument to heart. I appreciate you being respectful my friend.
Aaah, didn't get that! That's actually hilariously harsh and unfounded, I agree.
Its very disrespectful and even disingenuous that in the video of gunmetal there is a thesis and arguments made for 15 min, and you omited very crucial parts, only presenting 2:30 min aprox of hollow bits, that if im not wrong, you dont even present in correct order making even harder to understand what gunmetal points out in his video. Also the video is not about you personally.
What mods where you using in the gameplay?
I feel like gunmetals video is just him pushing his views onto a fictional game set in a fictional city in a fictional world. I mean what real world police department would use a flash grenade launcher indoors 😂
Maybe in Cleveland? 🤔
@@bluephoenix7565 true.........
@@bluephoenix7565"You ain't from Cleveland if you've never done this before!" *BOOM*
I've gotta disagree, it just sounds like you didn't like his views
@@The-one-who-drives it's just a game
I found Gunmetal's video essay quite a good watch, but yeah it reeks of the ACAB & Anti-Establishment views that have really roared to life these days. Excellent response essay, not all of us think cops are soulless inhuman machines to enforce the whims of corporations and ghouls.
One thing that bothers me about a lot of people that are against the police is that they just call you a "bootlicker" as soon as you try to give any counter-argument.
Your video was pretty fantastic and spot-on though, good work!
because they are boot lickers you cant be a stand your ground and love the police
One thing that bothers me about a lot of people that are against reconsidering how we enforce the law is that they just call you a "Leftist Libtard" as soon as you try to give a counter-argument.
Lets actually discuss things instead of giving anyone who uses name calling as a tool of argument any shred of attention. They aren't even worth acknowledging
@@FateBringsMe2U I personally get called a "conservative communist" whenever I defend anything cop-related.
The "I'm not a tankie" section of his video marked a turning point, he raised some really good issues then took a super hard left and started slowly introducing some REALLY tankie stuff mixed in with actual points. Was super weird.
"I'm not a tankie"
Immediately starts spouting stuff only tankies believe
Especially when he went on a weird anti christian tirade because the game didn't explicitly say the cult was Christian which he had a problem with.
Anti theism + far left rhetoric = tankie
Tankies are subversive by nature
You can hear he's a tankie from the sulky nasal mumble of his voice
@@shizw1919 oh my god, you are right.
People like that have that type of nasal mumble voice so many times.
As a police officer myself, you said it great. The Dunning Kruger effect is strong in those who make absolutist statements and dont actually experience where the rubber meets the road.
As someone who's worked in military, I've only gotten a taste of this with people calling me a baby killer.
@@cenfre2866Yeah... I'm truly sorry on behalf of all the dipsticks who scream "Baby killer" and "Illegal Invader" and all that to veterans such as yourself.
It truly is moronic.
@@cenfre2866 Those people are so ignorant.
"This is reality."
feels more like cynicism
Gotta stay away from that black pill man.
100% of leftists I've seen who say "I'm being realistic/This is reality" are just pure blackpillers who have zero joy in their lives.
I know right! He sounds so dour, as if these problems couldn't be fixed. He sounds so hopeless.
This is an applaudable and very well-thought out take on why blanket-blaming individual officers for the corruption of the system above them isn't valid. Ready or Not is a video game with realistic themes but its still just a video game. it is, at it's core, fantasy. The game will penalize you for shooting civilians, true, but it doesn't end the game. the game ends when you want, and you're free to terrorize, abuse, and murder the innocent and guilty at your leisure, the game only waggling its finger at you on the practically meaningless scoreboard that comes and goes without any kind of permanence. Like any other game, the fantasy comes from a lack of consequence.
Ready or Not is very clearly intended to be political, but not with a particularly obvious bias at its core, i.e. all cops are good/bad, as the game goes to great lengths to not lean in favor of or against the actions of individuals officers one way or another outside of the scoring system, instead saying something more about the cycle of violence poverty creates when society is more than willing to give a incredibly small portion of individuals immense resource control. one mission you're taking down an obvious and extremely wealthy pedophile, the next you're bringing the institutional hammer down on a gang of aging veterans who had their healthcare pulled out from under them by the very system that employees you. You are right, and wrong. black, and white. shades of gray, even.
Listening to the voicemails in the precinct reveals that the building is failing inspections, falling apart, as if it had very little funding, and yet you as an officer have access to even the rarest of foreign weaponry, from grenade launchers to AK platforms, .44 magnums to fully automatic assault rifles. semi-automatic shotguns to gas grenades... and yet, the precinct itself is under funded to the point of failing routine integrity and safety inspections? They can afford the greatest force-multipliers even the military would salivate over, but their headquarters are as dilapidated as the rest of the low-income areas of the city, with only a few exorbitantly wealthy locations visible in the game? To me, this makes a statement about those who choose where money gets spent. The people at higher stages of the institution who determine that providing officers better, arguably more violent equipment is more important than maintaining the precinct itself. In my opinion, this shows exactly how nuanced and careful the devs were with the political ideas slipped quietly into the environment around you. the kindof things a surface level glance at the game doesnt reveal, and no simple sledgehammer argument can penetrate, in a way not dissimilar to the real issue of policing in america.
Ready or Not at the surface is a slick, gritty depiction of the dangerous and thrilling missions that SWAT officers experience, without shying away from the grim realities of crime that make law enforcement necessary in any society. Below the surface, however, under the skin, it seems to show an incredibly bleak outlook on how law enforcement operates in this country. How, like many other occupations, passion and duty are taken advantage of and abused by those with the resources and authority to do so for the enrichment of themselves, or other wealthy actors, at the cost of those below them in the arbitrary hierarchy. It depicts a world where the poor enslave the poor at the behest of the wealthy, where the officers putting themselves in danger are provided the best equipment with which to enforce laws with violence, while the needs of their precinct and the value of their human comforts are horribly and unashamedly neglected, just as the many impoverished and crime-ridden areas of the city are neglected by the cities wealthy shot-callers who we, intentionally, never see, never hear from, cannot identify and directly protect through our actions. A system of puppets, strings, and death, where the only winners are the ones writing the rules for a game everyone but them has to play...
This comment is literal art
Can I use this for my English final? Lmao jk
One of the best summaries of the game.
I vaguely remember watching Gunmetal's video and thinking "This guy isn't really asking a question as much as he's pushing a narrative that is laden with biased opinions"... This video is a breath of fresh air compared to that.
Officers don't have an easy switch in tense situations from "Good cop" to "Bad cop"... situations change in a nanosecond and no officer is truly ever prepared to deal with _everything._ It's always more complicated and nuanced than anyone can possibly understand in a moderately sized video or essay, It's the reason why I always try to be as passive as possible when I talk with an officer... I don't know how their day is going and what they have to put up with on a daily basis (but I can picture quite a few scenarios that would definitely put them in a depressed state of mind).
Keep up the great work!
Yeah, it’s something I’ve noticed a lot of people do: they present loaded questions based on highly debatable beliefs, and they don’t have enough self-awareness to realize that lots of people don’t even agree with their starting points.
Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been accused of “dodging a question” when it’s really a situation of, “I disagree with the assumptions your questions are built on.”
If you don't antagonize the police, it's copaganda
If you don't demonize the WWII German soldier, you're a Nazi
And whatever you do will be racist to someone
I'm just happy that the dev team of this game is trying to show us a horrible and unbiased reality in terms of gameplay, and also in the lore behind all this, everyone is a victim of a system in this game world, the same as ours.
These people absolutely despise the concept of neutrality and will stop at nothing to politicize everything
and history repeats itself
"All Quiet on The Western Front" humanised nazi soldiers and showed horrors of war
because of this it was banned both in poland and nazi germany
>if you don't demonize WW2 German Soldiers, you're a Nazi.
What a weird example. Yes, if you don't demonize the guys doing a genocide, then you are condoning their actions.
I wouldn't compare the police to literal Nazis lol.
I hate the standard tankie take that cops are tools for the wealthy or whatever. I've never seen a poor person complaining that there's too much policing in their neighborhood, usually it's the opposite.
I sure have
@@jamesmcpherson8599 🤓
@@jamesmcpherson8599 not really, in poor areas it’s a frequent problem that there aren’t enough cops and they take too long to respond to calls and get there, whereas in richer areas they get there quicker and there’s more of them, poor people want more cops, back when I lived in a shitty neighborhood in the bay area I would’ve felt way safer if I saw the occasional cop passing thru
I have. However, they were pro-gang and had no problem with the constant shootings in Baltimore.
I live in New Orleans and let me tell you, the overwhelming majority of residents are BEGGING for more police to be on the streets. You're pretty much guaranteed to have your car window smashed at least once a year and murders happen almost every day. Tankies are the most idiotic people in the world
Something that people forget with the War on Drugs is that a lot of aspects of it were supported *even by minority communities* when it first began. The late 70s through early 90s had some truly wild crime rates and a big part of it was linked to drug use. Tough on crime laws were supported in particularly by minority communities. Yes, many of these policies turned out to not work, sometimes making problems worse, and created whole new problems but that is the power of hindsight. History is full of "we thought X would work but actually it didn't" scenarios. Not everything has to be an evil scheme by a shadowy cabal. Often times it's people and politicians doing their best to make things work and coming up with inadequate if not wholly counterproductive ideas. Most of the people critical of the policies are so young they have no memory of the time period when these "tough on crime" laws seemed like a good idea. Worse is that at first it appeared to be working as crime steadily began to fall as anyone looking at the data can see. It looked like the War on Drugs was achieving things. It looked like being "tough on crime" was working. On a longer timescale though, and with continued changes and escalations, it has shown to be far, far more dubious.
IDK, it just irks me when people have these axioms about cops being evil and the police are inherently immoral. It leads to looking for that shadowy cabal behind every public policy misstep when it's seldom there.
Well, it is still sort of true. The criminalization of Weed for example, that was pure bullshit just so they could raid... Mexicans if memory serves right? The guy who proposed its criminalization knew it has harmless even. He didn't care. His department wanted more funding and criminalizing a new drug worked wonders.
Drugs hurt everyone
Hanlon’s Razor comes to mind: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
(granted, mistakes =/= stupid, but you get the idea)
@@riptide3340 This is true, but giving politicians the benefit of the doubt I find unsavory, especially when they've already been caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar over and over again with 0 recourse. Of course, I suppose this is also a fault of the populace which is too stupid and apathetic to stop voting for these clowns, which is a much harder problem to fix.
Something I learned in almost all of my criminal justice classes in college is that most police officers are just doing their jobs. The justice system has corruption, but the system and the police are often different entities. It’s not the officer’s fault that a judge was bought out.
My professors made sure to show nuance of the system. The police and the court is capable of being completely honest and try their best for their communities, or corrupt that only looks after themselves. You need to know both sides if you want to get into this field.
Just following orders, you could say?
@@jamesmcpherson8599thats...not at all what he's saying?
Weakest argument in the world. There are coward cops who would disarm American citizens in a heartbeat for a pension and a good job. There are also cops who are true patriots and protectors of their communities who lay down their lives everyday. "Just doing my job" doesn't cut it with the cop-critical crowd for a good damn reason.
even if it was, who cares. we have propaganda for mentally ill people who want to sterilize themselves, but we can't for the people doing life threatening work maintaining the law?
@@jamesmcpherson8599Is that what all of us are doing at the end of the day? Boss orders you to do something and you do it or they'll find someone else to do it.
That moment of confusion as the video started and my brain went 'since when does Ravenshield have that level of graphics mods?'.
That said: No, Ready Or Not is not 'copaganda'. The only 'copaganda' aspect of it is that the missions you are being sent on are high-risk entries where the other party is undeniably aggressive and hostile (and with some potential exceptions, the types of people a 'normie' would hold no qualms about treating as rabid animals). In reality, those incidents make up maybe 1% of police interactions, if that. It falls into the same 'propaganda' problem that literally ANY game seeking to relate to a real-world thing without bogging down in the minutiae does: It focuses on the 'exciting' parts, and ignores the boring doldrums of 90% of the activity. There is a reason outright simulators often fail to obtain mass market appeal. Even those that do have abnormal appeal, like Truck simulator, don't have you suffer through all the behind the scenes BS truck drivers get to deal with. You get a water down version of those elements.
The video you are responding to REALLY seems like something that should be just openly treated as an ignorant 'activist' spouting off the head, not as something to take truly serious. The way he just keeps dragging in the ills of federal level and cracks in the overall justice system (a great many of which also result from, well, the federal influence), as well as making constant unbacked claims of corpo influence just makes it very clear he's an anti-capitalist type that hasn't ACTUALLY examined the info presented to him. He goes out of his way to ignore basic logic in order to present things in a black and white manner that satisfies his ideological bias.
Do cops screw up? Absolutely. Are there people who's birth certificates should have been apology letters from the birth control manufacturer in LE? Yep. But that doesn't mean everyone in the same job field is culpable for the actions of the panicked, ignorant, or evil. This generalized 'us vs them' mentality of things does far more harm than good, on BOTH sides of the fence. It does nothing but sow division and prevent problems from getting fixed.
this is the best comment ı've seen yet but genuienly didn't get the impression that he was talking about individual officers. Yeah he did absolutely tried to show his political views and ideas out but ı never got the impression that the video painted individual officers as bad or tools of the rich. Instead the interpetertion ı've got was that, ''these bodies of goverment and coporations are corrupt and they affect the police badly so much so that no matter how good of an officer you are you can't fix this broken system that you are part of but don't support''. I guess this is something to do with impression and interpetertion of the base material.
I did a total double take when I saw those raven shield levels too
I remember a great youtuber named Face Full of Eyes and his video about SWAT 4 (RoN's spiritual predecessor), where he said:
"You can turn this game into a psychopath simulator if you wish, but that would be like reading a book backwards: Nobody would deny that you are reading it, but you're only engaging with it on the level of an object. The game expects a certain level of seriousness from the player and it counts on it."
I think the issue is that Gunmetal is being very general and vague with whatever point he's trying to make.
Despite me being "anti-cop" (though that in itself is an over simplification) it's very clear that the issue with the justice system is much less the fact that individual police officers are cartoon villains, but instead that the federal government which makes those laws is extremely prone to corruption that targets minorities and the poor.
A good example is the war on drugs. Individual cops enforcing the war on drugs aren't trying to be evil, but the fact that there is a lot of evidence the CIA intentionally planted drugs in minority communities so that those cops would be targeting minorities inadvertently points to a sort of "greater evil".
It's also strange to me that his argument is centered around the idea that "cops in media is always going to be copaganda adjacent because the system is broken", since that's not an argument i've heard before. The big issue with copaganda is that police officers are often allowed to act with impunity due to lobbying and unions, and Copaganda films help enforce that such impunity is justified because "sometimes you gotta make the hard calls".
When it comes to Copaganda, the issue isn't the Justice System's legislation, the issue is that the system often allows individual cops to get away with doing awful things and Copaganda often idolizes that.
This is a much more reasonable and down to earth critique of policing. I completely understand the sense of apprehension many face where police are considered, but the reasons gunmetal lists for such are inane. A significantly more productive conversation is long overdue between those who harbor feelings of distrust for police and those who generally support them. Babbling back and forth, as gunmetal demonstrates, accomplishes nothing but the feeding of one’s own biases. Our nation is filled with so much division in so many ways, caused by this very carelessness of character. In this new age of information, we must uphold ourselves to a better standard, rather than disappoint the ghosts of all human lives lost for us to have gotten here. There is so much more to be improved together.
Dude, *you* should make the copaganda video essay, not these two massive bozos.
1: the CIA often operates without clearance from the federal government itself. In other words, going rogue. I doubt there are many politicians in the loop when these operations are ran. What the typical politician thinks when these laws are proposed is “oh, well there’s a drug issue so we should probably vote to give drug dealers/possessors a harsher sentence.” This is a few people in the CIA pushing drugs to minorities. As a result, these laws are passed, not necessarily targeting minorities, but that’s the perception of the public due to prior CIA interference in those communities. The objective is to create division among the population, to divide and conquer. It’s not about race for them, it’s about controlling everyone.
2: acting with equal force is not acting with impunity. You respond to lethal force with lethal force. You respond to being punched by punching back. “Making hard decisions” isn’t an excuse for brutality. Making hard decisions is part of the job. Furthermore, the idea that unions and legislators are protecting officers who actually abuse their power is ludicrous. These days, even when police act within the law and respond to violence with violence, if the media covers it people will call for their badge taken and them to be jailed. No amount of lobbying or unionization can save you from public scrutiny. If a cop does anything bad nowadays chances are they lose their job, get imprisoned, or both.
In all honesty, GTA V portrays cops in a more copagandistic (is that a word) way then Ready or Not.
Is is Copaganda? Not the way we play, that's for sure 😂
*mag dump Monday flash backs intensify*
gunmetal sounds like he's on the verge of tears whenever he talks
I would be too if I was that pitiful
It's typical of breadtube essayists
Gunmetal is the type of dude that says "ACAB" and "defund the police" but is the first to call the cops when shit goes down.
This is a lie copogandists and bootlickers tell themselves to feel better about their own cowardice.
Police do not solve crimes like you imply, the react to them, usually after the fact. If your house has been robbed the police aren't gonna do shit except make note of it. It's why so many stay strapped, they know the police aren't gonna help whatsoever.
@@jamesmcpherson8599 Literal NPC
@@jamesmcpherson8599he said "call the cops when shit goes down". I can see why "solve crimes" is implied, but the "cops only react to crimes" doesn't say he's wrong.
@@jamesmcpherson8599 Oh guys, guys look! He said bootlicker! Lets all join in and tell him how smart and admirable his viewpoints are!!
"There's no ethical policing, because the entire justice system is built to protect the wealthy and powerful and inflict further misery on the poor". This reads like a point in a anti-cop manifesto.
Sounds like something I would read on a Terrorist manifesto.
It's just another example of marxist thinking, it's so intrinsic to most left-wing viewpoints these days. It's fucking stupid, and you can pretty much predict every argument that they can make before it even comes out of their mouth.
@@SerialEntity I bet your a Republican american who preaches about upholding traditions and proceeds to watch the American footie game and beat his wife and kids
Your comment reads like something written by a nationalist bot, who has had his brain rotted by propaganda media put out by billionaire owned “news channels”. You are just to dumb to realise that there is one set of rules for normal people and a completely different set for the most corrupt people on the planet.
@ballmunch6714 "The guy I arguing with doesn't believe what I do, maybe if I make them out to be the worst person possible with no evidence, they'll believe my point."
I hate how people who arent in a specific job field pretend to know everything about it.
I mean, you kind of can know a lot about a job without working it. Not true in this video's subject of course but still.
@@EneTheGene even if you have knowledge about something, actually living through the event is a totally different thing. A person can know how to handle a situation but when they find themselves in one they may react differently because you actually need experience in the field
that such a weak argument
@@blubbblubb.7867 How exactly? You can't just pretend to know everything about a particular job, without even having worked there, if anything that makes your argument completely pointless, since you don't know what its like, are you alright mate?
@@blubbblubb.7867 Let me use the logic of a person who is the exact opposite of the comment
“I’m parts of the USMC. COD 3 is very accurate on what I go through.”
As a person living in a 3rd world country, all I can say is that we definitely need the police and other law enforcement agencies.
We're grateful to them for persevering through all the dirty shit in my country, and I'm thankful that this game lets me atleast act like them
Which country do you live in?
@@wooblydooblygod3857 The US if i have to guess 🤡
His channel says Philippines. @@wooblydooblygod3857
omg bro your so funny 🤡🤡🤡@johnbridger1403
US unfortunately isnt considered 3rd world, even if they do their best to act like it@@johnbridger1403
I may be fairly left leaning myself, I may be highly critical and distrusting of many police actions in the state, but never for a moment would I be dumb or callous enough to disrespect individuals or call some game out for being "copaganda." A law enforcement in a society built on laws will ALWAYS be necessary, while ideas like anarchism and communism are ideals, I am skeptical that they would ever come close to working. This game is meant to be a degree of simulation, it is not 100% obviously, but this is supposed to be about how the SWAT team solves situations with violent criminals, and at its core, being the one who has to discharge a firearm on a few criminals to save the many innocents is a noble cause. Criticism and distrust should not be placed on par with disrespect or lack of understanding, as I am a citizen who believes in the immense importance of self preservation. No matter who you are or what you do, there may be a time where you have to take a life to save yourself or someone else, so people should be knowledgeable and prepared. Police and Military find themselves in these situations as an integral part of their career. There is a difference between the police corruption and negligence that we see when minority groups are disproportionally targeted and people are beaten and killed unjustly, and an officer of good moral standing who unfortunately has to take a life in a split second decision, DO NOT MIX THESE THINGS UP PEOPLE. Be critical, not spiteful. Police will always be in America, whether you believe them to be defenders of the people or the attack dogs of the state, it is our responsibility to hold them accountable and above all else, be decent and respectful.
Communism has nothing to do with anarchy
@@stroads.Anarchists want to reach the same goals as communists and libertarian socialists, but authoritarian leftists like leninists and maoists think they can use the state to create a stateless society. If anything, anarchism tries to live up to communist ideals more than the USSR and its imitators.
I was gonna write something with the same ideas in mind, but you absolutely knocked it out of the park with this comment
@@stroads. Communism is an ideal form of Anarchy, and any state that is constructed with the Communist Manifesto in mind is necessarily a Socialist state (because there indeed is a state). Calling the Soviet Union or China Communist is a subversion because they both call/called themselves Socialist (in the case of the USSR, it is literally in the name). It is hilarious and horrifying at the same time to see how these ideological people (meaning leftists, in this case) intentionally and/or unintentionally confuse and twist the meanings of common words in order to subvert and ultimately accomplish their goals.
@@stroads. The definition of communism is very close to anarchy.
I like how you take some points and agree, then take other points and disprove or disagree. This is how a discussion/argument should be. Calm collected, here is how it is. Nowadays there is so much 'I WILL DISPROVE EVERY SYLLABLE YOU SAY WRONG' and it sucks the humanity from any discussion.
Ready or not is a horror game to its core.
Its real horror, that happens almost on the daily.
It's not a fantasy, it's a truth. some of the worst monsters are people.
The Police have always had my upmost respect, even when mistakes are made. I just wish my family would feel the same.
i dont respect policing as a profession. i respect good cops. there is not much you can really do about the fact that a lot of school bully types are attracted to that profession like a fucking magnet for all the wrong reasons. i have met both great and evil cops before. i have met one or two real bad cops and a bunch of genuinely nice ones. the problem is, no matter how unbiased you try to be, those bad cops will always leave a bitter taste in your mouth. i think that is why a lot of people are super anti-cop.
@@Slava_Ukraini1991 I feel like this is a good median between respecting police, and not respecting police. I really like your opinion, because you aren't generalizing anything or anyone. It seems like police are almost discriminated against nowadays, and its just saddening to see good officers get treated so poorly by the public just because some other dickhead of an officer did something bad. It's weird how people can promote anti-discrimination, yet they do just that; discriminate.
@@Slava_Ukraini1991 i agree. of course, there are good cops and bad cops, but unfortunately as humans we're hard wired to remember even one bad experience in a sea of good ones.
@@Slava_Ukraini1991 Reminds me of "I don't respect the Army, but I respect Soldiers," absolutely based. Thank you.
Perfect video. People always act like it's a monstrous thing to paint the police as protectors, even though that is what they are. It's due to people who have had it so drilled into their heads that anarchism is somehow good, and the police need to be defunded or destroyed over very vocal minorities of problematic officers.
Also, outside of my previous point, this game is very much not a fantasy. You die faster than you can think. Hell, there's even upcoming lines in the game for the officers doing the wrong things. There's an as-of-yet unused line from Eli where he says the team should kill Voll.
I'm in SWAT. Every time we go out, I'm afraid either I won't be going home, or one of the men I've spent years becoming friends with won't. I'm equally afraid someone innocent won't make it out alive. It's a job few can stomach. There's no fantasy involved. No power. You're just there to save lives.
Why is it drilled into your head that anarchism is specifically bad? Why is it that nothing get done about cops who do kill unarmed people besides getting fired in any situation? What causes that if not for the inadequacy of police?
Every one in the comments section is now magically a swat officer lol
@@thc_freebaser CHAZ happened and that was a failure.
can confirm, I was the tactical red dot sight attachment on your submachinegun
Yeah, the guys who you have to worry about blowing your brains out if you so much as twitch the wrong way, who can and will arrest or beat you for:
-Being the wrong color in the wrong area
-Saying impolite things about a police officer
-Not sucking their cock
Are definitely protectors.
As a member of SWAT, half your job is raiding people for having drugs. LVPD SWAT blew one's brains out over his toilet for making a "furtive movement", when not only was he not armed, but they tried to claim he was someone else with the same name in order to get the warrant.
You've bought into too much of your own department's propaganda. If you're afraid of not going home, maybe ask your superiors to stop sending you to kick in people's doors in the dead of night when they'll be most confused, alarmed, and likely to resort to violence, and for things that are none of your business, like narcotics offenses.
I don't agree that all cops are bastards, some, indeed, are but there are a lot of cops who really dedicate themselves.
Who calls the game "Copaganda" surely didn't play the game, just go watch a ready or not lore video and you will find out that the whole game is focused on the hard life of a corrupt and falling apart city.
I remember taking an introduction to criminal justice class and it had a large section about discretion and how an officer is supposed to use it at all times instead of going just by the book
"this isn't a frothy Marxist take from an infantile tankie" uhhh yes it is. everything this guy said was exactly that.
Maybe he’s just an anarchist.
Not really most police departments are inherently flawed and even good cops are contributing to them
@@Seth9809 he is 100% no where's near an anarchist. he spouted very clear marxist smooth brained talking points
@@saltminer4463 It's a hilarious, yet tragic form of irony for someone that goes that close to marxist ideals, ones that are proven to be the basis for exploitation of people from the ones in higher positions, economic downfall, famine and even totalitarian regimes over and over again, to talk about anti-government and anti-system topics and cursing corruption and "power of the wealthy".
Having recently graduated from SFSU with a degree in Criminal Justice. There is a huge casysm between the academia of criminal justice, law makers, and boots the ground officers. All of what gunmetal said was a verbatim pulled directly from the academia sector. Its Critical theory (the marxist framework) and metaphysics applied specifically to crime, law, and law enforcement. This, naturally, is not how it is seen by law makers or law enforcement. The issue is the prominent citations and research come with a bias against law and law enforcement BECAUSE of the critical framework. If the system (the haves) enforces itself against someone or something or some group(the have nots), then its oppression because of the power dielectric. As such, there are no criminals but victims, there is no law enforcement but systematic use of violence. It doesnt matter what is or isnt the case, the framework causes the prviously mentioned assumed outcome to be read into every into every interaction with the CJ system.
This is simply repurposed class struggle applied to criminal justice.
I broadly agree with what you have said, however, as far as drug use is concerned, I believe it is generally due to either economic hardship and lack of hope, or unresolved trauma. I faced both, and even was arrested twice for drunk and disorderly behavior in public (no charges, just a fine and a warning). Do I feel what I did was wrong? Absolutely. Do I blame myself for it? Not really, as the circumstances (which are dynamic) had exposed me to certain situation which I had no prior experience dealing with, or even resources for that matter. I had a totally different state of mind, something which wouldn't have occured unless those particular combination of dire conditions presented themselves. That being said, the cops were simply doing their job. If someone disagrees with the law and it's implementation, they should push for change via political means (ie. at the ballot box, electing representatives, and unionizing with people with similar conditions and goals).
"Do I blame myself for it? No my circumstances are at fault."
THAT'S exactly what people are talking about. Your total lack of accountability as a substance user, and the lack of it from other substance users.
You literally just said "what I did was wrong" but then IMMEDIATELY pivoted to complaining about how it's not your fault.
That's why you drug users sicken me and you deserve some light jailtime to think about your actions.
Mayne if you HAD gotten thrown in the slammer once or twice, you wouldn't be crying like a brat about how your actions (which only YOU control) somehow aren't your fault.
@@Eye_Of_Odin978 control is an illusion. if someone is born in a shit family, grows up learning shit and only knows shit, well, what kind of "choices" do you think that person is gonna be making in life? and let's not even bring genetics and all that into the table because it makes it all the more bleak
@@Eye_Of_Odin978 Dude, just shut up. It's really easy to judge when you haven't been in their shoes, and have had bias injected into you from the media and politics you consume. Your line of thinking is the exact same as Gunmetal's, just pointed at something else.
As a former marine who has never seen combat or deployed, I will say its always those who have never stepped up to change or make what they criticise better, yes opinions are whatever you want them to be but it doesn't make it true just cause you believe the opinion. I support police and hate on bad officers making it worse for good officers. But would i ever join a department probably not. Stay safe out there and honestly people like him make my blood boil. Some people love speaking from their ass
@lilzumi284 nice pfp
Thank you for your service.
What does being a service member have to do with this in any way? Should I start every comment I make that I'm an 11B in the army to let everyone know my opinion is valid? How does being a marine relate to stepping up to make change?
So what I’m getting is that:
People are mad because this game portrays law enforcement doing their legal duties instead of beating minorities and abusing power.
Basically, people like Gunmetal want their arguments to be true, instead of them just believing it is. It's about reinforcing a preexisting bias.
its people like gunmetal who think that there are only a few hundred police officers in the world, those being the ones you see on the news who do bad stuff. i personally as someone who is a child of first-gen immigrants, i see a common problem others like me have to deal with that isn't talked about much is that our parents often come to this country with hope and belief in the idea that the usa is a land of the free and one that is willing to accept all into its borders. until they actually become a citizen and something snaps inside of them, causing them to want every other race out of the country and acting as if it was made just for them
Literally what was listed as a controversy in the game's Wikipedia article
5:13 Mentioning discretion reminds me of a video I saw where a cop asked the guys he pulled over to give him their weed or something.
So these guys give him a huge bag of marijuana, he tells them to throw it on the ground. And he gives them a ticket for littering
I am glad there has been pushback at Gunmetal's video. Glad you also talked about the terrible FBI statistic, I had to look it up and it was nothing like he was saying.
Turns out communists lie, who would have known?
Fair, critical, self-aware, intelligent, seemingly very knowledgeable, memes ... hard fuckin' subbed.
I watched gunmetal's video, and I left quite depressed afterward. I also wondered what people like you would think, so I'm glad to see another perspective.
Clearly, I need to do a better job of taking things with a grain of salt, since you brought up some nice counter points.
It's good to see an actual officer's take on the matter in the video essay format
In the new update, your squadmates will literally get depressed if they kill a suspect or use lethal force too much, so much so that you have to send them to therapy
I'm glad my assumptions about gunmetals video from the title and thumbnail were correct. I had a feeling that it was incredibly dehumanizing of police and tone deaf.
if you're worried about *the police* being the ones dehumanized you truly arent paying attention.
@@jamesmcpherson8599 🤡
@@jamesmcpherson8599 elaborate
@@jamesmcpherson8599 If you're worried about dehumanization you truly aren't paying attention to deez nuts on yo face.
@@unhelpfullmedic4758 Just ignore him, he's been posting on every comment chain and just either calling people idiots or regurgurating far left talking points.
The only "fantasy" part of games like Ready or Not and SWAT 4 is that a single department with the exact same crew has done all of these missions. SWAT 4 took inspirations from real world missions and with some of the devs in Ready or Not having used to work on SWAT 4 its no surprise that they kept to that. Something else to add on is that Gunmetal seems (Speculation) to have only really watched or seen videos where police have been in the wrong or abusing their authority. Or only seen what the media has put out in front. The only people who hate bad cops more than anybody else are good cops. I'm currently not a police officer because of that. Probably for the better too cause I can have a very short fuse... (I was going to school to be a Police Officer during Ferguson [Michael Brown])
Discretion: I've seen plenty of videos, both on Donut's channel and Code Blue where if the suspects would have just cooperated they likely would have only gotten away with a warning or a ticket at most. Instead they escalate things while saying they aren't and it turns into some jail time. You'll also see people turn within an instant into who they really are underneath their plastic smiles. Acting all innocent and nice then as soon as the cuffs come out turn into the most disrespectful people on the planet. Even going from concern about a person they may have hurt to only being concerned with themselves.
I did first see gunmetal's video and you countered it way better than I ever could have. Great work! I did start typing up a comment to rebut some of his claims but decided not too. Partially due to again my short fuse with people... I don't think a comment like "You sound like some salty communist or anarchist" would get anywhere. (And no those weren't my exact words but very easily could have been simplified to that phrase. For sure was a thought.)
The fact that you wrote all this hollow tripe makes me GLAD you pulled out of police training. You're exactly the kind of person who would be a problem and make police looks worse than they already do.
@@77SilentAssassin77 So your gripe is that he voiced his views, and had the self-reflection to understand that he wouldn't be a good fit as an officer based off his personality traits? Get fucked kid.
Actually, it makes sense in the lore of the world of Ready or Not. Surprisingly there are actually a lot of differences between our world and the ready or not one. One major one is that the department we work for is going under do to constant pay cuts by higher up city officials. It's why the HQ looks so dilapidated and old. The reason why our team is sent to ALL of this is that we're the only officers left on the payroll, with every other company or business either left to fend for itself or high private security (Many of which we actually fight like the Mind Jot PMC's and Voll's security force) Essentially, the story of Ready or Not is the story of a city being eaten away and disintegrated by corruption, fear, and evil and it's our job to "bring order to chaos."
Great video man, thank you for holding your values as an officer, and for the work you’ve done. It was really refreshing to hear you humanize police and explain the reasons you took the job.
It’s way too easy to get sucked into the grim side of anything online, especially around this subject. Good shit dude.
This is the first time I’ve ever come across your channel. As an economics Master’s student with a strong interest in public policy relating to policing - this was a beautiful video. Fantastic sources and reporting of said sources. Even your basic essay structure was beautiful. Your thesis, supporting arguments, and resolution were great! I have no idea if your level of education, but regardless this was done brilliantly.
I want nothing more to be a police officer or a trooper to help the people I live with and most of the time when I bring up wanting to join online is normally results in me getting called a fascist or a racist it makes me very sad but I still want to do it.
Don’t give up on it man. People told me the same thing before I joined. I’m now in a position where I can help the community every single day I go into work. It’s such a blessing. Those people don’t see that side of things and quite frankly they probably never will. Just gotta do right by the people you encounter and be of service in any way possible and you’ll do alright!
Good luck to you my friend!
Becoming a police officer is something I've always wanted to achieve. I never understood people who think all cops are inherently corrupt. My life was literally saved by a police officer. The reason a lot of people view cops negatively is because the only widespread media attention they get is when they do something bad, but if media reported on every instance of police saving a life or stopping a suspect, everyone would see how proportionally good police are.
Oh trust me i know feeling of being called from Nazi to Fascist to War criminal and it happened so many times i just laugh at tham because how stupid they act. My country was in war in 1995 (Yugo wars) my country which is Serbia was only one that have been blamed for war crimes, yes we did but also others did, Croatia bombed civilians that are tring to go back to Serbia, Bosnian soldiers killed unarmed Serbia soldiers after they gived civilians to UN officers, and now every time i say how i am supporting my country but not war criminals, i am called Nazi, Fascist and so on and on honestly at this point i this Serbophobia (ww1 Anti-Serb sentiment) actually still exist and to i just laugh at tham because
If i am Nazi for being Nationalist for my own country
Than what are they if they are Nationalist for their country or if they love their country?
@@Revisedcone This is probably what's missing, in france cops are such a joke that they have their own TV shows, where a reporter goes with them on different missions, those missions usually end with the suspect getting away, or the cops being incredibly bad at their jobs, it's used as entertainment here in france that cops are useless and inneffective.
So there must be more to this job that we are not seeing because no one else would want to be a cop if that was all they did, fail arrests and being useless.
I just wanna say like none of the guy’s video actually revolves around Ready or Not being copaganda and was basically a video essay on his thoughts on policing
The "I'm not a tankie" defense was very telling, a lot of people with his talking points tend to just be openly pro-Crime and Anti-Authority in almost every instance imaginable.
These ideas are why San Francisco is effectively lawless. But I commend you trying to honestly address his points even though it feels like to me he clearly had an agenda with a clear political bent. No portrayal of law enforcement that is not overtly villainous is acceptable to these guys.
"San Francisco is lawless"
Opinions discarded, political pundit and fearmonger.
@@jamesmcpherson8599 :soy: 🤡
@@jamesmcpherson8599 At least make the excuse that it's all subsistence crime.
@@jamesmcpherson8599didn’t they just drop charges on someone who stole and crashed a car on video?
he would defend the actions of a modern NKVD if given the chance. don't give 'em an inch
You hit every nail on the head. I will never understand how people can call the police evil and whatnot. They risk their lives to make sure your life is unscathed and in turn you shun them? Aye, there are bad apples, but for every bad apple there's a dozen good ones.
I heard that in Portland police have been refusing several times to go out and bring order, because they didn't want to be attacked all over social media for being the bad guy, while the protest over the last years have destroyed, defiled and vandalized the city. But for some reason those people, some of which have actually killed or executed people are the good guys, while they burn down their own city and pretend to be the good guys.
a single bad apple spoils the bunch
@@dangdudedan8756 Yes , but not the entire apple industri
@@dangdudedan8756No, it doesn’t. Humans are individuals and are responsible for their own actions.
yeah man, like uvalde right?
god forbid a guy can play as a police officer in a videogame💀🙏
Nicely executed video. I am a cop in South Dakota and agree with everything you said. Discretion is how we operate and here the only "must arrests" we have are domestic violence related. We make the call and decide how we handle them. We also have THC vapes and wax listed as a controlled substance, a felony the same as having meth. We write paraphernalia tickets or just educate and confiscate. Cannabis should 100% be legal and completely decriminalized. We are doing our part and still people will continue to be critical of us.
It is what it is.
I encourage the anti-cop people to sign up for a ride along and ask questions. They would learn a lot more about what we actually do vs what the media suggests we do.
"I use discretion and think marijuana should be legal, so I just rob them and break their stuff instead of ruining their life"
@@KILLASAURUSFLEXso you'd rather they go to jail on felonies? Got it, hope the cops take it to heart.
@@getthegoons no, I'd rather cops actually used discretion and just let people be when the crime they're committing hurts nobody and nothing. Police enformcent of victimless crimes is a big part of the reason people don't like the police. But hey, nice try, next time don't be so obviously dim and maybe you'll do better.
@@KILLASAURUSFLEXit’s a crime and confiscation of marijuana isn’t exactly a life ruining act. Leaving crimes unattended isn’t an option, so a lax consequence is well suited as a method of enforcement. Don’t just go call somebody dim for an opposing opinion.
Thank you for essentially calling out district attorneys and judges as being more worthy of blame than officers. They too often let people off with sig bonds multiple times for crimes that should land them right in prison. It's everyone else that suffers.
Also thanks for establishing discretion as being just as big of a component of law as enforcement is. Officers not enforcing laws and policies that are patently unjust is something we need to see more of.
Ah yes the problem in the USA is that their isnt ENOUGH mass incarceration!
@@jamesmcpherson8599 absolutely not what I said. Very ofttlen the most crime is committed by repeat offenders that don't care about the law. Judges and DA's write them signature bonds rather than have them sentenced to terms or set court appearance dates that they never show up to. They then end up going around committing more crime or worse crimes.
I'll directly cite Darrel Brookes Junior, the guy who ran over around 70 people at the Waukesha Christmas parade, killing six and injuring dozens more, permanently scarring and injuring many of them. Prior to the indident, he was released on bond several times for violent crimes including domestic violence against his girlfriend, and firing a stolen firearm at his nephew.
The very day he ran those people over, he was physically assaulting his girlfriend for not paying his bond after he was arrested for *trying to run her over* with his mom's SUV. He became so enraged from it that he drove off recklessly and didn't care who he hit.
That's an extreme case of course, but the lax approach to what would've prevented tragedy has played out *countless* times and has done far more harm to law abiding citizens than it has done good, and only benefits the criminals, and the courts that are supposed to be keeping criminals off our streets.
@@uncledoctor6920okay apologies for misunderstanding the purpose of your statement. I agree that their should definitely be bail reform and restrictions for getting out if you pose a clear and present danger to someone or the public at large. I definitely despise the lackadaisical attitude that judges have when signing off on things, both when it comes to this type of stuff and certain search warrants. Darrell Brookes was a psycho in the most literal sense of the word.
Their were also alot of other circumstancial factors leading to his release like COVID overcrowding jails and overworked buerocrats. I don't think this should be used as an attack against bail reform but as an example of how our institutions failed to protect the public.
@@jamesmcpherson8599 no problem, I'm glad you know about that case already. I want people to see that awful event as the kick in the pants people need to push for reform, mostly just for DA's and judges to stop thinking they know better than the officers on the ground and stick with their recommended charges rather than drop everything and let them walk on bond. Whether their intentions are benign or malicious, it's being greatly misused and abused.
@@jamesmcpherson8599 Ah yes the problem with deez nuts on yo face.
all there is to say about this is to thank Whiskey, he beat down every bad part of the mistaken Man's argument.
Fantastic video. Everyday we just have the be the best we can be. It's weird the most people try to basically say that good cops should just quit in most of these discussions. Blows my mind. Stay safe out there.
Good cops should be outspoken against the bad ones who hide behind crazy powerful unions and qualified immunity, but that is almost never the case. The police chief in Ohio defended the officer who had a police dog attack a black trucker when it wasn't warranted until the story made nation headlines and he was pressured to criticize the criminal officer. Police simps will argue that most of those officers weren't problematic, yet they all fell in line to protect the bad officer at first.
This is the reason people say all cops are bad cops, the criminal organization has been normalized to "the good ones" and they defend their own as much as possible.
@@killraven123 you're taking a singular example of a department currently under active investigation for corruption, and acting as if it applies to every department globally.
@@killraven123 Qualified immunity is just the protection against civil liability in the performance of their duties. It doesn't protect someone who breaks the law or someone who was incorrectly performing their duty. Qualified immunity is not something I will ever be against.
Now your union argument I find interesting. Are you against all unions or just police unions? I usually find people who are for unionizing are ironically against police unions. Unions provide blanket protection for cops just like a defense attorney does for anyone accused of a crime. Yeah do they sometimes defend bad people? Yep. Does that bad person have a right to this? Depends on if you believe in unions or not.
Also I find this "outspoken against the bad ones" thing hilarious. Dude you think I have any idea what the guy one district over does on his shift? Let alone the guy one agency over? People always have this weird view that cops are all psychically connected or something. Each agency is completely different from the other. Each shift is completely different. Each individual officer is completely different. If I see a bad use of force or video of a cop doing something illegal, I'm going to call it like I see it. The difference is since I've got experience with the real deal, I'll reserve judgement till I have all the facts, just like how I would for making a decision for an arrest.
If an article says a cop shoots a man I'm not going to randomly jump up in arms until I know everything that went down. You can't just jump to a snap judgment like a lot of people do.
@@LoneWolfCreator Absolute unit. Couldn't have said it better myself.
@@killraven123 You say this as if non-police unions aren't capable of this same abuse
Been waiting for this one, you knocked it out of the park whisky. Stay safe out there, and keep ethically policing.
0:39 the gaming community hates politics but loves the mission in mw2 where you commit a terrorist attack
Because the victims are Russian.
tbh that was more just crummy shock value than anything with real political substance
@@nazrac3449 Incorrect, the "No Russian" mission had a purpose.
Makarov's intent in speaking English and using American weapons and armour was to frame the attack as an American one.
His goal was to provoke a war between America and Russia, saying, "All of Russia will cry for war."
It's best not to assume knowledge you don't have, as it isn't well-received.
@@SrakchBut that's a nothingburger in the field of political theory, you can argue that is realpolitik but that's it. Just like the guy said above, "no real political substance" to justify OP's point.
love it when he busts out the serious tone. great and informative
The thing I hate about so many political hot takes is the use of the superlative. ACAB, for example. A handful of officers enforce their own racist ideals and the countless fantastic people who risk their lives are bastardized too? No. The entire justice system is broken because a handful of organizations are overreaching? No. And it's not just an exception to the standard either. It often is the standard. It's just that good cops and functional justice aren't polarizing headlines. Maybe the justice and law enforcement systems are flawed, but the truly broken system is the one that delivers media to the people.
Eh, I guess think about it like school shooting. Some people say that the statistic isn't as high as media would have people believe, but at the same time it is also true that it shouldn't happen at all. Just like school, police has higher standard in the eyes of society. If any of these two are involved in selling drugs for example, that'd make for a much bigger headline than people selling drugs in some guy's garage.
@@Hell_O7 I can see that. The big statistic I notice that no one looks at for some reason is how good officers today are compared to half a century ago. Absolutely we should have impartial LEOs no matter what, but no system of funneling out the bad guys can be 100% effective, and we as a society have advanced leaps and bounds since cops would spray down civil rights protestors with fire hoses. Not to mention how localities respond when officers do reach beyond their rights as an LEO. So while yes, it is disappointing that officer bias is a problem that modern society must grapple with, I do think that today's institutions are doing very well to lay the foundation for an impartial future in law enforcement.
It's quite a bit more than a handful mate.
Civil forfeiture and qualified immunity needs to be put to more scrutiny.
@calebmiller3644 I completely understand why qualified immunity and civil forfeiture exist and I am no way implying that they should be removed.
You know I was watching along, and while not agreeing with his points I was like "yeah okay, I can UNDERSTAND his points. Most police engagements arent this violent."
Then he turned it into a race thing, I think what specifically got me was "Unless your a white shooter", and I just clicked off. I honestly think the video is more of a race thing then it is about police being manipulated or having too much power.
Feel bad for the officers who listened to that.
Well said Whiskey! I completely agree with you and absolutely love this style of video. Can't wait for more!
More videos like this would be great!
While I appreciate you taking a kind and nuanced approach to Gunmetal’s video, it’s always going to fall on deaf ears, and here’s why.
Gunmetal’s video is actually a Vaush video masquerading as a video game critique.
He says “this isn’t Marxism from some frothing at the mouth tankie,” but most marxists aren’t tankies. Most leftists are the kind of people you would find in Los Suenos…upper middle class yuppie lefties who have never spent a weekend in a red part of any of their states.
You can tell by their vocabulary and their framing, it’s impossible to miss once you’re familiar with seeing it.
These are people who consistently vote blue in large urban voting blocks within walking distance of corporations with rainbow flags in their logos and “this is an inclusive space” in their windows, with legacy democrat politicians who have been there since the Carter administration, and yet with so much wealth in such blue hands, these urban hellscapes just keep getting worse and worse when it comes to “income inequality.” All you have to do is look at these “looming bastions of fascist capitalism,” LA and San Francisco. It’s like a comic book how wacky it all is, but we’re actually living it.
These same people, the ones that can’t even solve their own issues within their own blocks and still stand with a smug sense of moral virtue, want to lecture actual working class people while turning their nose down at them for being backwards right wingers.
Sure, there are some proper criticisms to be levied at the justice system, but look at who these are actually effecting. A hint, it’s not the people shooting up in broad daylight. It’s not the people looting stores so blatantly that corporations are moving out of the cities. It’s not the illegal immigrants that start their “naturalization” by instantly breaking laws. It’s the people that want taxes low enough to keep a small business open. It’s the people that wanted to see their dying family members during COVID. It’s the people who are murdered and assaulted on the streets that aren’t followed up on because someone is afraid to be called racist.
These lefties are completely and utterly disconnected from reality. Nobody should take any of their propaganda seriously and each ridiculous statement should be met with mockery.
End of rant. Enjoyed the video!
"This is not a marxist take from a frothing, infantile tankie" - I'm quite sure it actually is.
the entire video is a marxist take. marxism is all about breaking a society down to the oppressed vs. the oppressors. if you work for a system deemed "oppressive" (like a police department), it means you are an oppressor by extension, no matter how morally sound you are. there is no such thing as "individuality" to marxists, they actively reject libertarian ideals. that's how he concludes the game is copaganda. the system isn't perfect, it has brought legitimate harm to innocents, therefore a fictitious depiction of police doing their job proper is copaganda.
@@asongeveryday retard take 2.0, I see...
@@asongeveryday You clearly missed this video's point and the Gunmetal's point, both said that his game is not copaganda. You're more braindead that the person you try to paint a broad brush as
marxists always try to hide that they are a marxist, its part of their scheme to normalize their beliefs. They want you to think they are just the guy in the center. but they are far from that. They want to push the overton window to their leanings and pretend like nothing is changing. Always call them out for what they are cause thats how you defeat them.
I liked GunMetalStug's Girls Und Panzer parody videos but his take on Ready Or Not video essay was just strange lol.
Glad you released your perspective on it because a lot of points in his video I didn't agree with.
I didn't come here for the memes but I'll stay for the memes
a surprising amount of people do think of all police departments as one collective body answering to the same people and that's definitely a stigma that needs to be taught that it's wrong
People think that? Ive never heard of that.
@@TheTritonGuy it's not commonly stated but I've told a few people that over the years and I've gotten a lot of (no that's not right is it?) and (wait then how does ___ work?)
@@tehwhaffle3088 I know departments will work together in some situations, but some people think they are all one organization? Lean new things every day.
@@TheTritonGuy People tend to assume there is some over-arching standard, set of laws, training, etc. In part they are right; all states have a commission on Law Enforcement which sets the standards and procedures for hiring, training, disciplining and so on. However, these are the baselines, written to meet a minimum Federal requirement, and vary from state to state in the particulars (some states allow hiring peace officers who are not citizens, some do not. Some mandate more training, and so on). A large metropolitan department has more officers, a larger budget, and probably has specialist teams and taks forces. A rural county Sheriff has a fraction of that budget, might have only a tenth of the number of officers, a lot of territory to cover, a very different crime profile and almost certainly cannot afford dedicated officers. That department also has to run its jail, which is probably where at least half its personnel actually serve. It's not quite apples to oranges, since they are both law enforcement agencies, but it's definitely not "the same".
I may agree with gunmetal point of view but I felt like his examples were poor and he didn't elaborate beyond just the war on drugs. I wished he would go harder to the legislature or judicial side. He should have used more evidence. I agree with your point as well we as the public don't really view the police as separate entities from county to county, jurisdiction to jurisdiction but as a collective. You absolutely opened up the weakness of his case. I also agree that we need police or a similar entity to have a more functional society. But I'm glad this was a good civil discussion. I think you made a great point.
Thank you for ur service man 💪🏻it takes alot of balls to put ur life on the line for people everyday and I’m hope I can pursue a career in law enforcement and help with the the good and the bad
I'm so glad this came in my recommended. I'm currently about to begin my 3rd year of college for my CJ major and it's nice to know that officers like you are speaking on the glorifying of crime and violence from the public while they also simultaneously demonizing those trying to prevent it. To me that's a pretty quick way to have crime run cities.
I really hope Gunmetal gets a chance to watch this, and I hope he opens up a dialogue with you. Stuff like this, hearing both sides of a conflicting point of view, is really what the world needs.
ready or not lets you be the officer in a safe environment where you can truly see how difficult it is to help and save people that actively (basically) try not to be saved
"people that actively (basically) try not to be saved"
This is the part that people are arguing is copaganda how are you so close but still not there.
@@Random_Lurker wat
@@Random_Lurker turns out it's pretty realistic actually if you actually look at reality
lots of people are retarded, even more so in the area you're going to intervene as a SWAT team, EVEN more so in California
@@AI_LANDO1 When you take on the Tran household in ready or not do you think the family sees you as "saving" them?
ofc not, they see the horrific debts incurred upon them by a broken medical system and now that they have turned to less legal pursuits to pay those debts the enforcers of a wider system have come to take that away too.
The Tran family may be putting lives at risk by putting illegally modified weaponry into an already saturated firearms market, but when you arrive you aren't saving them in the slightest. You are shutting down their operation and handing them over to other authorities. You don't get a say in acquitting them because of the situation they're in, or trying to ensure their mother gets the care she needs even if the family faces imprisonment. You have arrived to bring suspects into custody and shut down an illegal operation. Ready Or Not recognises that this is not a fair situation. It could probably do more, but that's a critique of the art, not the intention. Portraying that interaction as "saving" the people you yell at from the other end of a barrel IS copaganda.
100%, I have a ton of respect for brave officers like you. God bless
The fact that “copaganda” is even a term is ignorant. Copaganda would be following the code to the letter which is what people claim they want from the police. Soooooo
Hey Doc! I'm a friend of Gun's, in fact I'm one of the Virtual SWAT Officers in his gameplay. And I've brought his attention to your video.
I come from a military/police family, everyone in my family was either a cop or a soldier/sailor/airman. Im the first civilian but Im a military historian/journalist who spends his life around them. I'm also closer politically to Gun so maybe my take might be worth something.
To simplify the position, the argument about policing here at least in my view is the institutional nature of police under the current socio-economic and geopolitical order. It's not so much about the individual, in fact I know better than most the heroism our men and women in all uniforms do every day, both here in Australia and in the United States. But the fact of the matter is the system all of us are working under, that being late stage capitalism as you pointed out, is inherently designed to crush not only us but you the officers as well. About half of this video is you yourself identifying problems in your workplace and stating your disagreement with it, which if an enforcer of the law is doing that says quite a lot about where we find ourselves.
The criticism of the police, is as an institution, yes there may be variations and sure on paper we may say all laws are enforced equally. But thats not reality as you say, celebrities and politicians can walk. And while officers don't get a say in that, when an officer makes a mistake or worse, trusts their consciense to take action on that front. The consequences to not match their actions. While anecdotal, my Grandfather in the London Metropolitan Police is a great example. He was, like yourself, using his discretion to help the average person where possible. He did it a lot, but likewise he had not a lot of time for people who used wealth and status to get out of crime. So he made a point of holding wealtheir/notable people to account when he caught them.
Sure enough, every time he applied for promotion to Inspector, he was denied, while less qualified people were promoted. Now that's anecdotal and from the 70's, but when you see "administrative leave" etc for officers who clearly used excessive force. And other such cases. ( we get them here too ) it shows that like every institution out there under our current economic and political system are inherently conservative and rife with nepotism.
So the argument that "there are no good cops" or "no ethical policing" is more directed at the idea that as long as we live under our current governments, our current method of economic production. Ethical policing is inherently impossible, not due to the officers in fact you guys in my view are the victim a lot of the time. Rather that the lack of accountability both in your political leadership and your superior ( as in commissioner types ) officers will always lead to you enforcing unjust law or being used as the attack dogs regardless of your opinion on the matter. Thus there can be no ethical policing.
Again you're right, There is a lot of nuance here. And it requires a few drinks and four hours. But that's kinda the gist of it. Great video!
no ones reading ur essay bro 😂
As an officer, you are the ENTRT point for the justice system. You activate the system, that then takes control for better or worse.
If you don't pick your battles carefully, you will end up causing more harm than good arresting people the system is unfit to handle. Be they guilty or not.
This is obvious when you make an arrest without enough evidence for a prosecutor to use, and they get off without any charges.
But less obvious are the ones where you have them dead to rights, but the punishment does not come close to fitting the crime, such as drug possession, various domestic disputes, self defense and defense of property.
You have no control of what the courts will do, but you still have a choice between handing them over to the courts or letting them go.
For over a decade, the federal government has upheld Marijuana to be an illegal substance. But barely any Police or Sherriff deptments uphold the law, even in states that have not legalized it in direct opposition to federal law. The fed likewise has done little to enforce it from the top down.
Law enforcement have defacto vetoed the law.
This needs to happen more often because our laws are worse than the late Roman Empire.
The average citizen commits 3 felonies a day, and that includes police. They only get away with it because the law is not enforced.
It is IMPOSSIBLE at this point to uphold the law as infallible. And until our retarded government addresses the problem legally, it's up to law enforcement to rectify the matter themselves.