A real woman will not test you to lose you. A real woman can make you go through tests to see how you handle situations, and still be supportive whether you pass or fail. It's all about growing together with a constant respect towards each other because a real woman knows that she is not a goddess and she has her weaknesses too similar to a man or her significant other. Anything other than that is not healthy and should not be tolerated for a longer period of time.
Truth to this… tests should be about getting to someone to see where they may lack and help them grow if it is not a deal breaker. Knowing other stregths hold up of corse to keep. Agree tests shouldn’t go on long term or not healthy.
Yeh that true. I feel sorry for the men who has a gf that allways try to prove herself to her female friends! That type of gf will drain her self, and her bf. She will drag them both down. A toxic relationship! Remember you have your limits, no matter how masculin you are. Set bounderies! After 1‐2 years the test should stop. Unless shes insecure.
I love the test thing. It’s told me accurately just when to walk away. Thankfully I found my life partner this way. I walked away for 4 years ,no contact and now we are back together with NO B.S. She admired and admitted, we both grew and are happy to not entertain the need for test. Thank God, I figured I’d be happily single but surprise surprise. Thankful
What ive noticed is when a woman really likes me, she doesnt test, she opens up to me. She makes it easy. Tests are like her throwing construction cones at me and slowing traffic down lol
@@gabem6863 Words of truth. All women I encountered using shit test were not worth it. It is kind of a checklist for me now. Get out of the trap, brothers. It doesn't matter if it's a bit late when you realized the circumstances. Sooner the better.
Women are different individually just as guys are different individually. You guys shouldn't generalise that way. Why do you care if she tests you if you weren't interested in the first place. You know what you want, go get it. All this entitled bullshit won't get you anywhere.
Watching this captivating video stirs up painful memories of the recent end of my 4 year relationship. My beloved partner chose to depart, leaving me with an unyielding ache. Despite my relentless efforts to reconcile, I find myself grappling with frustration and an inability to envision a future without him. Despite attempts to purge him from my mind, I remain haunted by his absence, feeling compelled to express my longing here.
It's hard to let go of someone you love; I went through a similar experience when my 12-year relationship ended. I tried everything to get him back, and eventually I had to turn to a spiritual counselor for assistance.
to me that means that games will always have to be played. We think we are showing her true love and she is playing games to test us. So l see that no matter what you never stop playing the game.
I’m a woman & I agree with you. I avoid being friends with these women who plays mind games, controlling & manipulative. They’re not emotionally intelligent enough to be in a healthy & mature relationship.
The one and only way to pass all the tests and put her in her place and get her respect you is ‘Just don’t care’. Have the attitude of there are plenty of fish. Now she has to win you over and do all the hard work
Women, remember, just like YOU'RE trying to make a good impression, so are we. Maybe give him a little break. Dont let it be pass/fail. How about be nice, maybe he really likes you and has good intentions!
The actual tests begin when she first sees you. Your dress, body language, grooming, body composition and of course height. If a relationship is established between you both. The tests such as AP points out here will continue for the rest of your relationship. Some could be glaringly obvious and some not so easy to pick up on. But you can be assured you will be tested in every way imaginable. Physical to emotional. Women forget nothing. They are constantly in their heads taking mental notes. Evaluating everything you do. This is part of a woman's hypergamous nature. Looking for the absolute best provider, protector, and a man with the best genetics. Her initial evaluation of you were based on these principles. The weaknesses she sees in you during the relationship makes you less, and less acceptable in her eyes. This fact is relevant no matter how long you've been in a relationship. Two months of dating, or ten years of marriage. If the relationship ends. She may not tell you exactly why she wanted it to end. But there is a good chance your value became lower than what she could expect from the next guy. As far as men testing women. Never accept the standard "Show up and allow access" Don't get caught up in the physical attraction. This happens a lot with men and it gives women much control in the relationship. Back in the early 1970's. Esther Vilar wrote in her book "The Manipulated Man" - "A man who wants to gain power over a woman must follow the example of women and condition his sex drive. If he succeeds in becoming as cold as she, she can no longer bait him with sex into the role of provider." So look past the physical. Every woman wants a good man until, that man requires her to be a better woman. A good woman can be a wonderful compliment to a man's life. A bad one can destroy in. Choose wisely men.
they do this to use this as and excuse to divorce and take everything they can because they are just hoes in the first place and not women with value. fake nails fake love fake everything
How about women stop the BS games and stop disrespecting us? How about that for a solution? Guys like me have had enough of this crap, we don't need the hassle, the headaches, and the annoyance anymore.
For the info. I definitely wouldn't get defensive to that kind of "teasing" but those examples you gave would be such a turn off for me that I likely wouldn't want to invite her on a second date.
Why are women so insecure that they have to rely on pointless, loveless games like this? They pull stuff like this and wonder why all the good guys walk away. Sad and ridiculous. Ladies: if you want an authentic, open, honest guy, STEP UP AND ACT THE SAME!
Public comment. They play games alot . No games. No lust and greed and anger and false pride and attachments and jealous. Fallow your heart . Kindness and compassion and love and respect and commitment by understanding the principles of life in words and taught and deeds weather physical mental or emotional self realization is the key to success.
7:55 Emotional stability that she seeks out from a guy actually stems from her own weakness. This I found a little too late in my age. The more I watch these videos, the more I wonder why I should even spend energy for insecure women.
The problem with the "roasting" test is that most women just aren't funny enough to pull it off in a way that's endearing. There's a fine line between roasting and being an asshole and a lot of women can't stick the landing.
This is the problem with women and life in 2024. Not all women , but many . Its not a game . men don't want games. If a woman is going to make everything a game , I guess she's not worth knowing. I'm 44 years old , and I'm only starting to understand this now .
Man it's really a mind game girl likes to play 😂😂😂, guy's when you focus on yourself and become a goal oriented individual. That's what makes us valuable, let's not waste our energy something worthless. We men should love our family and become a supportive foundation for our family.
The problem with the guys that can't get a woman is that they lost themselves in the mid way between childhood and adulthood and for whatever reasons failed to become a man. Women don't want robots who can answer perfectly to anything, don't want geniuses - they may feel intimidating, they want a good looking man, respectable, capable of being bad and confront an adversary but good to her, with an acceptable social status and education, capable of making her feeling good, then loved.
This feminist culture we live in has played its huge role in this problem. A big part of what makes a man a man is being a provider and when you take this away from a man what do you have?? Women are competing with men now as the top providers while simultaneously complaining that men arent men.. On top of this you women steal the kids away from their fathers, You know the ones THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO TEACH THEM TO BE MEN!!
Tests are a sign of toxicity, and I'm starting to notice a pattern of these videos indoctrinating the younger people into believing this is normal and healthy behavior.
Absolutely. Unfortunately, it's like that since too looooong time, nobody Want to admit it. Yes i say Want...!! Instead, for most people, if you see these behaviors as toxic, they will tell you it's weakness from you as a man... Wich is... manipulation, toxicity...!! 🔄
Public comment. Good character and personality gives great energy. Discipline and self control allows you to achieve success in words and taught or deeds weather physical mental or emotional self realization powerful.
Love your content Apollonia!!! I out of these 3 am proud to say I am one that does what he says he’ll do! Just have a hard time finding someone that also matches my needs and wants in a woman
when she cant handle conflict and she walksaway and sulks and refuses to talk,when she is confrontational and then changes to passive aggressive,and shouts at her man get out of her house and her street?she has outbursts of anger?
What if a woman teases me? i dont know how to respond? usually i find the teases stupid and not funny.. so i dont know what to say and i go silent? How do i react to things that dont make me laugh or want to jump on the tease?
You are speaking here imagining a good woman, that had good marks in school, that is sociable, has a career, had a few boyfriends (didn't sleep with everyone "for fun", so she has some self appreciation), but it highly depends on the girl, as not all girls are the same. Some girls may even like a boy who is dirty, is rather alcoholic (like her), speaks dirty all the time, is rather crazy than rational, sometimes beats her, takes she with his friends to a pool, things like that. So, worrying that much, thinking about tests, well, if a man has self confidence, doesn't take it all that seriously, doesn't give her anything she wants, even is laughing at her, and doesn't seem to care that much of her personally, doesn't speak too much about him, only what is necessary, is sociable, smiling, gets into encounters, while being protective, and gets her into the moods that she seemed provoked, I guess she is his. If he smells good, maybe has a small beard, is athletic, wears a nice shirt and is busy making money (not working in an office in a boring job) and has enough money, inspires freedom, she will get in love. All the tests will be passed, or, overpassed if she starts liking him.
Being "in your masculine" doesn't mean offering an alternative. It means "I've decided we're going to this restaurant and if you don't like it you can leave."
Public comment. In any relationship between two persons needs trust and respect and care and commitment by understanding the principles of life. It is important to have moral values and protect your dignity and character and respect. Fulfilling the true purpose in life in words and taught and deeds.
Must we test ourselves? And why play games? I connect to/with you and you do same. The future looks exciting to both of us, can we step into the future without games?
Funny you should say that I’ve just discovered that turning the tables so I start testing them at the same time omg it works I didn’t think it would but it does
Interesting...at the beginning she (my now ex gf) asked for more attention,i gave it to her..i was there for her in hard times,gave here attention,took her out, invited her to my home etc.then she started getting bored and cold.I pulled back a little,made no more plans and she critizised me for being so boring and uninspired.At the end she left me
Life is short, thus, do what you think is right and let the chips fall where they may. Testing people is a sign of neurosis and indicates a personality trait that will continue and grow until its obnoxiousness is obvious.
I’m confused I sort of seen it coming but didn’t it was a jellies test two days later she says good men don’t get jealous I said this is very true then she says I must be a bad woman because i get jealous what is she really saying please thanks
So basically this is all about playing "the game"? Screw that. I'd rather stay on my own. Pursue other things. If you do get her, you'll be "playing " to keep her. Something about that hits me wrong, makes me angry, but just wanted to say how I felt
Apollonia what am I or steps should I follow when a woman or SP you’ve been seeing tells you every morning she loves you and misses you and wishes you to have a good day but never follows up on her words ??
Incorrect very early on. "women won't give you ... their body if they think you'll just hit it and move on" Oh, yes they will, this is by far the easiest "relationship" to have with a woman.
How do you know if she is just testing and cares or really doesn't want anything to do with you? This shouldn't be so complicated but women make it so. If she really does care there is no need to Sh$$ test. Just make things progress positively.
I was just curious, what if the man starts testing the woman at the same time that she's testing him? At what point should a man test the woman to see if she's worth dating or getting into a relationship with?
Right away... How is this a question to ask bro? You gotta find out the body count right away and go from there. If she belongs to the streets, leave her in the streets!
Hi there! Thank you so much for your comment. I know our coaches would love to help you with your situation but in order for them to give you proper advice, they would need to know more information on your situation. I would highly suggest you book a 1 on 1 coaching session with any of our coaches using this link: www.apolloniaponti.com/private-coaching/ For any questions, concerns, or inquiries, please email team@apolloniaponti.com -AP Team
@ApolloniaPonti Thank you so much for getting back to me. Unfortunately I will not be able to afford it at this time, but I will stay in contact and let you know when I am able to. You are Awesome!
Imagine being married to a woman who constantly puts you through an emotional grinder like this, what a nightmare that would be. Why do some women completely avoid this and instead are loving, caring, affectionate and supportive partners? Have they ascended to the highest state of consciousness or were they just raised right or something?
if she keeps poking fun at you all the time, it's not a problem at all if you're the type of guy who is going to also poke fun at her too. But if you distinctly do not like it, chances are she's not a good personality match for you. All men are not the same. There are men who like poking fun at their friends and partners, there are men who don't like to do that too much. Likewise, all women are not the same. Some like poking fun and others do not. These videos seem to imply that she will only poke fun at you in the beginning, to get to know you, and if you stay calm and/or humorous, she will stop doing that. I don't think so. It just means she's the sort of person who likes that kind of interaction, and most likely, that's the style of interaction you're going to keep having with her in the future. If you don't like it, she's not a good match for you.
Good points there, Apollonia Most of my interaction with women is thru Argentine Tango Dancing in classes, dances and other events. You talk about being out of my comfort zone....formal Dancing would be it. It is taking me twice ( or longer) as long to do the basics [5 years] as everyone else [2 or 3]. I realize women are watching me as I struggle along. Before you say, "At least you are trying and are persistant. That is a plus for women." since you are on the outside looking in. I have not gotten any dates in tge 5vyears I have been doing Tango dancing...but I have quite a few friends, aquaintances and dance partners, and only once in a while get turned down. And the rejection does not bother me. Again, MIT durecuf sone if tge women are testing me....concentrating on the dancing part it...just being decent. Not going to sign up for a consultation. Just letting you know what is going on. (No ice baths forme)
It's OK for a woman to go long periods of time ghosting you and we men aren't suppose to call her out on it. But watch out if the man pulls the ghosting.
So they start fights with you, ignore you if you're actually acting genuinely interested in a relationship (because she still secretly desires one night stands with bad boys); "a woman wants to know if you have you options" translate: she wants to know if you're a male whore who is fucking other women while you date her; a man that's willing to get tortured by watching a rom-com would probably be a good catch for a woman (he's being selfless which is a rare trait of people these days); so she wants you to ignore her and act selfish? That's good advice, because many women desire bad boys. Women are just more emotional and can't keep their shit together like men can; this should be taught to boys when they are young; it's expected women to act unstable and unhinged. If you find this unappealing, buy a female cyborg you can program. So women want men to keep their commitments? Wouldn't that make them boring and predictable? Is it because women are very insecure? I think it's great to honor your word and follow through with commitments; an immature female whore will not appreciate this! Thanks Apollonia for reminding men that their wives and girlfriends will keep a very detailed record of the bad things their boyfriends and husbands do, will never forget, and bring past offenses up unexpectedly in arguments, even though the stated offense happened 20 years ago! "Women want a man that's reliable and dependable" - translate: Women want a man that has a steady job and brings home a paycheck at regular intervals so she can fill up her closet full of clothes and shoes may only wear one time. Testing men is immature; it's mind games. A man who has healthy self-esteem won't tolerate that shit. However, having a sense of humor and giving her shit back is good.
But you haven’t mentioned an important test that women do and this one I will never accept.. if they talk about a previous relationship to see how you would react then this is where things get blurry. If she does this to make you feel jealous then I will show her the exit door and tell her to go back to him and I am out immediately.. if she brings this in order to hear your opinion on how bad he treated her then I don’t know. Those are the true hard tests women do and you should bring out in these videos I believe
If she is doing any of these things, she doesn't like you as much as you think. I've literally watched women break their own rules, oaths and some even their moral codes for men that they REALLY like. If you're in a situation like this, don't be a douchebag or cheat, but don't expect a long term future unless you're willing to commit a lot of time to it. I've seen and experienced enough of both sides to this to know that it really is a case by case basis, and I'm not that good looking. As I said before, if she likes you, she'll jump through hoops to get to you.
Real men don't give a fk about tests. You don't care whether she comes, stays, lays, or prays. I mean whatever happens, your toes are still tappin'. Adios.
I disgrace....A truly masculine man should understand how to communicate effectively, or at least be committed to improving his communication skills. This is especially true for someone who is prayerful and humbles himself before a divine power (God).
This woman knows what she is talking about most of the time. However, it is easier when a woman is naturally in her feminine most of the time, to keep here there, then move a masculine woman into her feminine. Feminine energy reduces a man's anxiety and feelings of anger and tests men much less than masculine energy. It asks more questions out of curiosity than a need to test or find blame. Just date a woman who, outside of career and athletic persuits, is in her feminine. End of story, problem solved.
Men test women equally simple non monetary dates to weed out vain narcessistic materialistic 1 2 3 dates to know how much to invest silence or passive stances to see harse truth honesty test subtle approach to a woman being honest to herself and you and finally to be honest most women fail these tests without realizing they were being tested the very reason guy moves on
A real woman will not test you to lose you.
A real woman can make you go through tests to see how you handle situations, and still be supportive whether you pass or fail.
It's all about growing together with a constant respect towards each other because a real woman knows that she is not a goddess and she has her weaknesses too similar to a man or her significant other.
Anything other than that is not healthy and should not be tolerated for a longer period of time.
so accurate 🙏👍
I am a woman and I fully agree with your comment.
Yes women will test you. But its human nature…you want a discerning woman not overly critical or a woman that lets you get away with anything
Truth to this… tests should be about getting to someone to see where they may lack and help them grow if it is not a deal breaker. Knowing other stregths hold up of corse to keep. Agree tests shouldn’t go on long term or not healthy.
Yeh that true. I feel sorry for the men who has a gf that allways try to prove herself to her female friends!
That type of gf will drain her self, and her bf.
She will drag them both down.
A toxic relationship!
Remember you have your limits, no matter how masculin you are.
Set bounderies! After 1‐2 years the test should stop.
Unless shes insecure.
I needed this one. Girls will test you in a way that most men see as disrespectful. Got to draw boundaries, and play back unless that line is crossed.
I love the test thing. It’s told me accurately just when to walk away. Thankfully I found my life partner this way. I walked away for 4 years ,no contact and now we are back together with NO B.S. She admired and admitted, we both grew and are happy to not entertain the need for test. Thank God, I figured I’d be happily single but surprise surprise. Thankful
Amazing! Thanks for sharing.
U serioulsy think she wasnt doing egregious things when you were gone
Doesn’t really matter what that human did in that time. Fact is we both grew and are where we know we are supposed to be.
@@henryhoover3953she came back because she couldn’t replace him, but let bro be “ happily married” 🤷🏾♂️
What ive noticed is when a woman really likes me, she doesnt test, she opens up to me. She makes it easy. Tests are like her throwing construction cones at me and slowing traffic down lol
She will not play brain games or attempt s---t tests if she is really into a guy. If she does, then the question is if she is worth it
Precisely. Whole women don't test. They take the healthy ways of knowing you.
@@gabem6863 Words of truth. All women I encountered using shit test were not worth it. It is kind of a checklist for me now. Get out of the trap, brothers. It doesn't matter if it's a bit late when you realized the circumstances. Sooner the better.
Women are different individually just as guys are different individually. You guys shouldn't generalise that way. Why do you care if she tests you if you weren't interested in the first place. You know what you want, go get it. All this entitled bullshit won't get you anywhere.
@@emmanuelpeter6894 I was refering to women I would be interested in, as long as they are too testy. That lowers my interest.
Watching this captivating video stirs up painful memories of the recent end of my 4 year relationship. My beloved partner chose to depart, leaving me with an unyielding ache. Despite my relentless efforts to reconcile, I find myself grappling with frustration and an inability to envision a future without him. Despite attempts to purge him from my mind, I remain haunted by his absence, feeling compelled to express my longing here.
It's hard to let go of someone you love; I went through a similar experience when my 12-year relationship ended. I tried everything to get him back, and eventually I had to turn to a spiritual counselor for assistance.
Interesting! How did you locate a spiritual counselor, and how can I get in touch with him most effectively?
Sounds exhausting, to be honest.
Well newsflash being in a relationship with others or with yourself is a lot of work. Kindly keep that inind.
to me that means that games will always have to be played.
We think we are showing her true love and she is playing games to test us. So l see that no matter what you never stop playing the game.
Yup, that's women.
Join the club bro
I’m a woman & I agree with you. I avoid being friends with these women who plays mind games, controlling & manipulative. They’re not emotionally intelligent enough to be in a healthy & mature relationship.
If I want to be tested, I'll go back to high school!!!
Work on your emotional intelligence my friend. “ALL” women do it.
@@youngman8861 Not when women demonize men as the enemy. I trust no modern woman now.
@@youngman8861 nah bro. Sound women don't.
Thank you😂😂😂
Don't do that! You'll get arrested.
The one and only way to pass all the tests and put her in her place and get her respect you is ‘Just don’t care’. Have the attitude of there are plenty of fish. Now she has to win you over and do all the hard work
I love how it's all about what she wants and needs, not what the man wants and needs
Women, remember, just like YOU'RE trying to make a good impression, so are we. Maybe give him a little break. Dont let it be pass/fail. How about be nice, maybe he really likes you and has good intentions!
The actual tests begin when she first sees you. Your dress, body language, grooming, body composition and of course height. If a relationship is established between you both. The tests such as AP points out here will continue for the rest of your relationship. Some could be glaringly obvious and some not so easy to pick up on. But you can be assured you will be tested in every way imaginable. Physical to emotional. Women forget nothing. They are constantly in their heads taking mental notes. Evaluating everything you do. This is part of a woman's hypergamous nature. Looking for the absolute best provider, protector, and a man with the best genetics. Her initial evaluation of you were based on these principles. The weaknesses she sees in you during the relationship makes you less, and less acceptable in her eyes. This fact is relevant no matter how long you've been in a relationship. Two months of dating, or ten years of marriage. If the relationship ends. She may not tell you exactly why she wanted it to end. But there is a good chance your value became lower than what she could expect from the next guy. As far as men testing women. Never accept the standard "Show up and allow access" Don't get caught up in the physical attraction. This happens a lot with men and it gives women much control in the relationship. Back in the early 1970's. Esther Vilar wrote in her book "The Manipulated Man" - "A man who wants to gain power over a woman must follow the example of women and condition his sex drive. If he succeeds in becoming as cold as she, she can no longer bait him with sex into the role of provider." So look past the physical. Every woman wants a good man until, that man requires her to be a better woman. A good woman can be a wonderful compliment to a man's life. A bad one can destroy in. Choose wisely men.
Get a pet, not a woman, unless you like constant nagging and drama. You can NEVER please a woman.
Yes, choose very wisely! You'll pay for it if you don't
they do this to use this as and excuse to divorce and take everything they can because they are just hoes in the first place and not women with value. fake nails fake love fake everything
Once you pass the honeymoon period and the atomic sex is over the "relay"tionship is finished.
How about women stop the BS games and stop disrespecting us? How about that for a solution? Guys like me have had enough of this crap, we don't need the hassle, the headaches, and the annoyance anymore.
For the info. I definitely wouldn't get defensive to that kind of "teasing" but those examples you gave would be such a turn off for me that I likely wouldn't want to invite her on a second date.
The issue is it never sounds like a joke. The shit tests are dry and out of place
If you are confident, she'll let you you know she's available. If you fail to pick up on the signal. You're probably toast.
Why are women so insecure that they have to rely on pointless, loveless games like this? They pull stuff like this and wonder why all the good guys walk away. Sad and ridiculous. Ladies: if you want an authentic, open, honest guy, STEP UP AND ACT THE SAME!
If I gotta pass a test and jump through hoops I’m walking away I don’t play games
Public comment. They play games alot . No games. No lust and greed and anger and false pride and attachments and jealous. Fallow your heart . Kindness and compassion and love and respect and commitment by understanding the principles of life in words and taught and deeds weather physical mental or emotional self realization is the key to success.
Men, just be yourself, if she dont like it, its for your own good.
EXACTLY!!! Boss level!
7:55 Emotional stability that she seeks out from a guy actually stems from her own weakness. This I found a little too late in my age. The more I watch these videos, the more I wonder why I should even spend energy for insecure women.
The problem with the "roasting" test is that most women just aren't funny enough to pull it off in a way that's endearing. There's a fine line between roasting and being an asshole and a lot of women can't stick the landing.
Men the best way to pass women test is to act like he doesn't bother you don't get emotional stay clam cool , collected
Very good videos. Thank you 👍
Your always welcome!
This is the problem with women and life in 2024. Not all women , but many .
Its not a game . men don't want games.
If a woman is going to make everything a game , I guess she's not worth knowing.
I'm 44 years old , and I'm only starting to understand this now .
Man it's really a mind game girl likes to play 😂😂😂, guy's when you focus on yourself and become a goal oriented individual. That's what makes us valuable, let's not waste our energy something worthless.
We men should love our family and become a supportive foundation for our family.
The problem with the guys that can't get a woman is that they lost themselves in the mid way between childhood and adulthood and for whatever reasons failed to become a man. Women don't want robots who can answer perfectly to anything, don't want geniuses - they may feel intimidating, they want a good looking man, respectable, capable of being bad and confront an adversary but good to her, with an acceptable social status and education, capable of making her feeling good, then loved.
You full of shit.
This feminist culture we live in has played its huge role in this problem. A big part of what makes a man a man is being a provider and when you take this away from a man what do you have?? Women are competing with men now as the top providers while simultaneously complaining that men arent men.. On top of this you women steal the kids away from their fathers, You know the ones THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO TEACH THEM TO BE MEN!!
These tests are to see if you're a simp. Do what they act like they want and you fail the tests.
Tests are a sign of toxicity, and I'm starting to notice a pattern of these videos indoctrinating the younger people into believing this is normal and healthy behavior.
Absolutely. Unfortunately, it's like that since too looooong time, nobody Want to admit it. Yes i say Want...!!
Instead, for most people, if you see these behaviors as toxic, they will tell you it's weakness from you as a man...
Wich is... manipulation, toxicity...!! 🔄
Great video
For me to past the test, I must endure getting punched in the face
That and getting counseling which you so OBVIOUSLY NEED
Public comment. Good character and personality gives great energy. Discipline and self control allows you to achieve success in words and taught or deeds weather physical mental or emotional self realization powerful.
I just be my good self after doing the internal work,then I relax,
The tests are really irritating
Men should test similarly though. Don’t just take anyone at face value
Very good advice! Thanks!
Love your content Apollonia!!! I out of these 3 am proud to say I am one that does what he says he’ll do! Just have a hard time finding someone that also matches my needs and wants in a woman
when she cant handle conflict and she walksaway and sulks and refuses to talk,when she is confrontational and then changes to passive aggressive,and shouts at her man get out of her house and her street?she has outbursts of anger?
Yeah HIT & RUN! Woooo Hooooo!
Grow the F UP
What if a woman teases me? i dont know how to respond? usually i find the teases stupid and not funny.. so i dont know what to say and i go silent? How do i react to things that dont make me laugh or want to jump on the tease?
You are speaking here imagining a good woman, that had good marks in school, that is sociable, has a career, had a few boyfriends (didn't sleep with everyone "for fun", so she has some self appreciation), but it highly depends on the girl, as not all girls are the same. Some girls may even like a boy who is dirty, is rather alcoholic (like her), speaks dirty all the time, is rather crazy than rational, sometimes beats her, takes she with his friends to a pool, things like that. So, worrying that much, thinking about tests, well, if a man has self confidence, doesn't take it all that seriously, doesn't give her anything she wants, even is laughing at her, and doesn't seem to care that much of her personally, doesn't speak too much about him, only what is necessary, is sociable, smiling, gets into encounters, while being protective, and gets her into the moods that she seemed provoked, I guess she is his. If he smells good, maybe has a small beard, is athletic, wears a nice shirt and is busy making money (not working in an office in a boring job) and has enough money, inspires freedom, she will get in love. All the tests will be passed, or, overpassed if she starts liking him.
Being "in your masculine" doesn't mean offering an alternative. It means "I've decided we're going to this restaurant and if you don't like it you can leave."
Agree. A man must live with this mentality:
"These are my plans, whether you want to join me or not it's up to you, but I'm still doing it".
Where we go for 1 on 1 coaching? Website
Hi there! Here's the link: www.apolloniaponti.com/private-coaching/
Hi Apollonia ❤
If they take the chance of loosing you they don't love you!
Great information as always!
Thank you so much!
@@ApolloniaPontiLove your wisdom dear
Another great video and advice
Thank you so much for watching!
I am enjoying this video
Glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks, useful tips and data
Glad it was helpful!
You've gotta be kidding me ! 🤣🤣🤣
Test me, i’ll test you back girl..
Public comment. In any relationship between two persons needs trust and respect and care and commitment by understanding the principles of life. It is important to have moral values and protect your dignity and character and respect. Fulfilling the true purpose in life in words and taught and deeds.
Must we test ourselves? And why play games? I connect to/with you and you do same. The future looks exciting to both of us, can we step into the future without games?
Funny you should say that I’ve just discovered that turning the tables so I start testing them at the same time omg it works I didn’t think it would but it does
Great job
I like hit and run because women hit and run me. 😈😂😂😂
Interesting...at the beginning she (my now ex gf) asked for more attention,i gave it to her..i was there for her in hard times,gave here attention,took her out, invited her to my home etc.then she started getting bored and cold.I pulled back a little,made no more plans and she critizised me for being so boring and uninspired.At the end she left me
Facts 🔥🔥🔥
Apollonia share your zodiac sign with me? Thanks
Life is short, thus, do what you think is right and let the chips fall where they may. Testing people is a sign of neurosis and indicates a personality trait that will continue and grow until its obnoxiousness is obvious.
I’m confused I sort of seen it coming but didn’t it was a jellies test two days later she says good men don’t get jealous I said this is very true then she says I must be a bad woman because i get jealous what is she really saying please thanks
I guess I pass because I have a I don’t care attitude or not putting up with it
So basically this is all about playing "the game"? Screw that. I'd rather stay on my own. Pursue other things. If you do get her, you'll be "playing " to keep her. Something about that hits me wrong, makes me angry, but just wanted to say how I felt
Apollonia what am I or steps should I follow when a woman or SP you’ve been seeing tells you every morning she loves you and misses you and wishes you to have a good day but never follows up on her words ??
I have been hearing your voice.
Incorrect very early on.
"women won't give you ... their body if they think you'll just hit it and move on"
Oh, yes they will, this is by far the easiest "relationship" to have with a woman.
How do you know if she is just testing and cares or really doesn't want anything to do with you? This shouldn't be so complicated but women make it so. If she really does care there is no need to Sh$$ test. Just make things progress positively.
I was just curious, what if the man starts testing the woman at the same time that she's testing him? At what point should a man test the woman to see if she's worth dating or getting into a relationship with?
Right away... How is this a question to ask bro? You gotta find out the body count right away and go from there. If she belongs to the streets, leave her in the streets!
You "test" them with vulnerability. Toxic people hate being vulnerable.
I met a Christian woman on on Facebook where are we going to get married soon I passed the test
The hell with them and their tests.
I had to let go of someone that tried to friend zone men. Can she be testing me to see if I'm serious? I would have to explain a bit more.
Hi there! Thank you so much for your comment. I know our coaches would love to help you with your situation but in order for them to give you proper advice, they would need to know more information on your situation. I would highly suggest you book a 1 on 1 coaching session with any of our coaches using this link: www.apolloniaponti.com/private-coaching/
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-AP Team
@ApolloniaPonti Thank you so much for getting back to me. Unfortunately I will not be able to afford it at this time, but I will stay in contact and let you know when I am able to. You are Awesome!
Im sort of currently seeing someine but she throws out so many tests i might just knock it all on the head
I cba for it.
Imagine being married to a woman who constantly puts you through an emotional grinder like this, what a nightmare that would be. Why do some women completely avoid this and instead are loving, caring, affectionate and supportive partners? Have they ascended to the highest state of consciousness or were they just raised right or something?
Men don't need help WOMEN DO!
if she keeps poking fun at you all the time, it's not a problem at all if you're the type of guy who is going to also poke fun at her too. But if you distinctly do not like it, chances are she's not a good personality match for you.
All men are not the same. There are men who like poking fun at their friends and partners, there are men who don't like to do that too much. Likewise, all women are not the same. Some like poking fun and others do not.
These videos seem to imply that she will only poke fun at you in the beginning, to get to know you, and if you stay calm and/or humorous, she will stop doing that. I don't think so. It just means she's the sort of person who likes that kind of interaction, and most likely, that's the style of interaction you're going to keep having with her in the future. If you don't like it, she's not a good match for you.
3 points with over loaded talks.
Pls try and make your oration brief and straightforward. Its so cute that way.
I don't mind if a woman tests me, as long as she gives me study materials ahead of time. But no essay questions, though.
Good points there, Apollonia
Most of my interaction with women is thru Argentine Tango Dancing in classes, dances and other events.
You talk about being out of my comfort zone....formal Dancing would be it.
It is taking me twice ( or longer) as long to do the basics [5 years] as everyone else [2 or 3].
I realize women are watching me as I struggle along. Before you say, "At least you are trying and are persistant. That is a plus for women." since you are on the outside looking in.
I have not gotten any dates in tge 5vyears I have been doing Tango dancing...but I have quite a few friends, aquaintances and dance partners, and only once in a while get turned down. And the rejection does not bother me.
Again, MIT durecuf sone if tge women are testing me....concentrating on the dancing part it...just being decent.
Not going to sign up for a consultation.
Just letting you know what is going on.
(No ice baths forme)
It's OK for a woman to go long periods of time ghosting you and we men aren't suppose to call her out on it. But watch out if the man pulls the ghosting.
Nothing on how to negotiate differences or debate and come to agreements.
So they start fights with you, ignore you if you're actually acting genuinely interested in a relationship (because she still secretly desires one night stands with bad boys); "a woman wants to know if you have you options" translate: she wants to know if you're a male whore who is fucking other women while you date her; a man that's willing to get tortured by watching a rom-com would probably be a good catch for a woman (he's being selfless which is a rare trait of people these days); so she wants you to ignore her and act selfish? That's good advice, because many women desire bad boys. Women are just more emotional and can't keep their shit together like men can; this should be taught to boys when they are young; it's expected women to act unstable and unhinged. If you find this unappealing, buy a female cyborg you can program. So women want men to keep their commitments? Wouldn't that make them boring and predictable? Is it because women are very insecure? I think it's great to honor your word and follow through with commitments; an immature female whore will not appreciate this! Thanks Apollonia for reminding men that their wives and girlfriends will keep a very detailed record of the bad things their boyfriends and husbands do, will never forget, and bring past offenses up unexpectedly in arguments, even though the stated offense happened 20 years ago! "Women want a man that's reliable and dependable" - translate: Women want a man that has a steady job and brings home a paycheck at regular intervals so she can fill up her closet full of clothes and shoes may only wear one time. Testing men is immature; it's mind games. A man who has healthy self-esteem won't tolerate that shit. However, having a sense of humor and giving her shit back is good.
I had met a girl but she's keeps staying away from me
Hey if you're not testing women as well, well thats really where you wind up with something youre not comfortable with.
But you haven’t mentioned an important test that women do and this one I will never accept.. if they talk about a previous relationship to see how you would react then this is where things get blurry. If she does this to make you feel jealous then I will show her the exit door and tell her to go back to him and I am out immediately.. if she brings this in order to hear your opinion on how bad he treated her then I don’t know. Those are the true hard tests women do and you should bring out in these videos I believe
If she is doing any of these things, she doesn't like you as much as you think. I've literally watched women break their own rules, oaths and some even their moral codes for men that they REALLY like. If you're in a situation like this, don't be a douchebag or cheat, but don't expect a long term future unless you're willing to commit a lot of time to it. I've seen and experienced enough of both sides to this to know that it really is a case by case basis, and I'm not that good looking. As I said before, if she likes you, she'll jump through hoops to get to you.
I like it
Thank you so much for watching!
“Too masculine” ??? Part of masculinity is having respect for feminine energy from women. Women need us to be masculine leaders and protectors.
Alternate answer: what could be more romantic than sharing my favorite spot with you? Maybe I'll let you pick next time 😎
What happened if you in the friendzone?
You don't have sex with her. Someone else has.
If a woman test me, I don't care about her. I'll just walk away.
Real men don't give a fk about tests. You don't care whether she comes, stays, lays, or prays. I mean whatever happens, your toes are still tappin'. Adios.
Now that you've quoted Damon from Fast Times, how about you get the MENTAL COUNSELING you so OBVIOUSLY NEED
620 - if a woman said thatt me, then it was goodbye from me.
She is just defending her immature video through video 😅
I disgrace....A truly masculine man should understand how to communicate effectively, or at least be committed to improving his communication skills. This is especially true for someone who is prayerful and humbles himself before a divine power (God).
Too much thinking !!
If there's atmosphere and smiles that's all that's needed
Fuck the rest
Test? Her head skills, next. ☝️🏼
This woman knows what she is talking about most of the time. However, it is easier when a woman is naturally in her feminine most of the time, to keep here there, then move a masculine woman into her feminine. Feminine energy reduces a man's anxiety and feelings of anger and tests men much less than masculine energy. It asks more questions out of curiosity than a need to test or find blame. Just date a woman who, outside of career and athletic persuits, is in her feminine. End of story, problem solved.
Men test women equally simple non monetary dates to weed out vain narcessistic materialistic 1 2 3 dates to know how much to invest silence or passive stances to see harse truth honesty test subtle approach to a woman being honest to herself and you and finally to be honest most women fail these tests without realizing they were being tested the very reason guy moves on