The Right to Life and Revolution | Tim Crosland and Roger Hallam | Extinction Rebellion UK

  • Опубліковано 8 жов 2020
  • Imagine a warthog on the savannah as a cheetah approaches her young. The warthog lies still, impassive, as the cheetah hones in on its prey. Something is wrong. The warthog is badly injured, or ill or drugged, because the vigorous defence of life is the first law of life, without which there would be no life.
    What follows is an exploration of the moral, legal and political consequences of that natural law, in the context of the climate and ecological emergency.
    Recorded in London, July 2020.
    Help XR mobilise and donate:
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    Filmed and Edited by Jamie Lowe (
    [JL] ‎‎


  • @cindysoule
    @cindysoule 3 роки тому +17

    Roger is my hero ♥️

  • @Elasquantum
    @Elasquantum 3 роки тому +18

    We know we shouldnt have to have this talk, but the fact that we have to, is messed up.

    • @vladimir0700
      @vladimir0700 3 роки тому

      Pretty much inevitable, from the day homo sappiens first set foot upon the earth

  • @singingway
    @singingway 3 роки тому +1

    I would like to add to their discussion of Rights, that every living thing on Earth has the right to migrate away from a location which has become unlivable. Climate refugees should be given legal standing.

  • @musicspinner
    @musicspinner 2 роки тому +1

    Incredible discussion. 🌎⌛⚖

  • @jamessherburn
    @jamessherburn 3 роки тому +3

    Wonderful. I will now, directly after posting this, write to my Tory MP, Rebecca Pow, and advise her that if she wishes to avoid treason through deliberate or cowardly inadequate action, she should watch and digest this video fully. Many thanks Roger and Tim.

  • @greenfriends9438
    @greenfriends9438 3 роки тому +3

    Roger H, Legend.

  • @owlnationlegal4228
    @owlnationlegal4228 3 роки тому +6

    While discussions of rights, obligations, social contracts, criminal negligence and "Black Lives Matter" form the underlying foundations for the need, right and obligation to "respond to survive", as an Air Force Test Pilot/Business Partner reminded me "Everyone's got a plan, but the only one that matters is the one that's effective." Based on this principle and an audit of Progressive and climate movements to address exponentially accelerating catastrophes I find humanity on all levels fails. Govts have failed to lead and movements have failed to catalyze change fast enough.
    EXAMPLE: John Lewis, American Statesman who got his skull cracked during the Civil Rights Movement said "50 years later things are worse." proving the point protests are not as effective as jailing errant corrupt and inept government leaders.
    A different approach using a pen and legal document instead of a crayon and protest sign is to INDICT AND PROSECUTE political figures using Citizen Grand Juries. WHEN politicians find their own freedom to stay out of jail is threatened THEN they're far more likely to act SWIFTLY; the key adjverb/component to "effective" action on their part. Slow or no action won't cut it, and a violent response by governments, which is their default, is even worse.
    Today, most governments respond to critical citizen demands by macing, beating, shooting, fining amd jailing citizens. I believe this struggle to extract a proper, timely, effective response from governments will continue to be futile until we:
    1. Define the response expected; i.e. solarizing communities, taxing fossil fuels, subsidizing renewables, and
    2. When clear demands are not implemented quickly, identifying politicians with authority and indicting and prosecuting them.
    This will have an impact on all the other politicians. The Magna Carta wasn't born of a crayon sign and music festival, which do have value to assemble and educate a large group, but only when Kings see farmers sharpening pitchforks and hear of local politicians convicted and hung does change at the top begin in earnest.
    To avoid bloodshed, civil war and the insanity of mobs terrorizing politicians we have a legal framework and specific document; the Grand Jury Indictment, and to ensure it is "effectiive" we need Prosecutors willing to do their job, not against citizens demanding change, rather against politicians negligently thwarting it.
    Therefore, it is my prayer citizens will begin organizing by the millions to form 25 member Citizen Grand Juries and "terrorize" Prosecutors with RAPID RECALL AND REPLACE actions when they fail to heed demands in an Indictment, thereby providing the only component, the threat of jail time for gross criminal negligence, politicians will respond to SWIFTLY.. Breonna Taylor's case is a claesic example of a "Point of Failure" when a D.A. FAILED to prosedute a group of corrupt, murderous police officers and citizens FAILED to take effective action; not more protests, but demanding that D.A. either step down and a new D.A. return to the case, or face jailtime for gross criminal negligence. Only then could we expect a new D.A. to revisit the indictment and prosecution of the errant police officers. To simply throw a fit and a protest over the failure of the original D.A. to prosectute effectively is to abdicate the obligation of citizens to protect each other by engaging in ineffective actions.
    This is not unlike the XR protesters' collective failure. Yes; protest, unite, organize and educate, build a mass movement, but then LEVERAGE that power by forming hundreds of Citizen Grand Juries and indict and prosecute both politicians and the executives of the corporate giants who are killing our only planet. The alternative, which is action that is too slow, clearly will not end well or to be crystal clear, "ALL life including humans will be extinct in well under a decade, perhaps just a few years shortly after an ice free arctic or blue ocean event triggers an abrupt spike in temperatures and civilization implodes as billions begin to die".

  • @dipakganguli2027
    @dipakganguli2027 3 роки тому +3

    I cry and cry every night thinking what we have done to ourselves with total disregard for Mother Earth. She loves me, Loves you and all that is in her bosom; and arrogantly like stupid children we turned our back on her.

    • @robertpoen5383
      @robertpoen5383 3 роки тому +4

      Actually it's a lot more likely that nature is entirely indifferent to our existence. Humans are just another evolutionary dead end. At least we got to be here, if only for a small and forgotten time.

    • @dipakganguli2027
      @dipakganguli2027 3 роки тому +2

      @@robertpoen5383 Nature is indifferent but according to her laws she cares , otherwise we nor any other life will be on Earth. Just study Photosynthesis or how from a single cell different organs in the body come about. Its no use delving into natures secrets, like how bees are there to pollinate. Every little item around us is a miracle. I ask myself who am I and why am here. I do not know why and yet you cuddle your pet dog it responds affably. Why, its pure unadulterated feeling of affection and love. Every animal plant flowers trees respond to LOVE. Nature desperately waiting for your, for my and for all creatures embrace. That is all she wants - and we fail miserably. We cut her to pieces causing incredible pain. She suffers silently and I cry. Lennon told us "Love Love Love" - but we don´t do we!.

  • @careynazyeustt8760
    @careynazyeustt8760 3 роки тому +3

    GREAT STUFF ☺️ TA☯️♒🎵🌷🗺️🍀

  • @henrybartlett1986
    @henrybartlett1986 3 роки тому +1

    A fascinating discussion. We are , I think beyond this; there is so much energy pushing towards a story that we have no control of,;a change beyond anything we have previously experienced. We now face the prospect of complete social implosion. The only option , will be self management of the inevitable collapse.

  • @vladimir0700
    @vladimir0700 3 роки тому +2

    I have a rather different perspective on this whole situation. As far as I’m concerned, the present climate disaster, as well as all the other environmental dilemma facing us, is the inevitable-emphasis on inevitable-result of uncontrolled breeding within the human species coupled with our unprecedented ability to exploit the resources of the planet, not corporations and governments, greedy and inept and corrupt as they are

  • @bigdaz7272
    @bigdaz7272 3 роки тому +4

    Interesting discussion.
    Its clear to see why the State tries to avoid Jury Trials whenever possible and i am sure that when they are on the Hook in a Court their is never a Jury but one of their _owned_ Judges they wheel out for such occasions.
    Even on occasions when a Judge has actually ruled and found the Government in the wrong they deliver said Ruling but it is never actually enforced against the Government when that Government ignores it, its all Kabuki Theatre.
    Latest one that springs to mind is the Gov were taken to Court and ordered to stop selling Arms to Saudi Barbaria because they were being used for the Genocide in Yemen, they still carried on selling Arms, they just didn't issue an New Licences but just carried on using and extending the Old Licences lol.
    And surprise surprise, nothing happened.

  • @michaelwiley1937
    @michaelwiley1937 3 роки тому +4

    I will defend myself and my rights.

    • @FoxyCAMTV
      @FoxyCAMTV 3 роки тому +1

      Thats what they want you to think,that you will save yourself alone.Its either many of us or none of us.

  • @dr.robertt.mullaneiii1561
    @dr.robertt.mullaneiii1561 3 роки тому +1

    Wow there's sunny day there. We in the U. S. rarely have that, on account of daily aerial spraying... true enough!

  • @dystopiaeatsmoney
    @dystopiaeatsmoney 3 роки тому +2

    Book. “The New Human Rights Movement “ Peter Joseph

  • @roseheikkinen6643
    @roseheikkinen6643 2 роки тому

    Fantastic discussion: Realize this video was made a year ago but wonder if this is pertinent to legal and moral rights: Polly Higgins, an attorney who created dialogue about the rights of the earth and an organization called Ecocide, wants corporations to be held accountable for destruction of ecosystems.

  • @nansir
    @nansir 3 роки тому

    The most important thing to UNDERSTAND here is, we're not fighting ANYTHING, not even the STATE. The only thing we're fighting is IGNORANCE. #ResourceBasedEconomy

  • @petercricket
    @petercricket 3 роки тому

    like the shirt....never seen that one before,

  • @patrickmccormack4318
    @patrickmccormack4318 3 роки тому

    Magna Carta...more than enough controversy to be sorted before using it, either for or against, Extinction Rebellion. Reference the work of Fred Harrison (journalist/economist).
    Magna Carta: The Ugly Truth
    Thief - Tangerine Dream
    "Life is too short to not be cool." - Grandpa
    "Life is too long if too hot." - Grandson
    "Careful as we will, careful as we go." - Grandpa
    "Media exist to invest our lives with artificial perceptions and arbitrary values." - Marshall McLuhan

  • @davidslesinger7165
    @davidslesinger7165 3 роки тому

    Can't expect animals to use nonviolence. While I consider XR has been somewhat nonviolent, but unwilling to understand what is powerful about nonviolence. We need to have that general discussion.

  • @jpfrssnv
    @jpfrssnv 3 роки тому

    The right to not get on the Titanic when you know it will go down is the highest law....

  • @nansir
    @nansir 3 роки тому +1

    The 'State' is a by-product of the Monetary System. It exists because money does. So how does the State dissolve peacefully ? Over a period of time, after a transition period toward global Socialism. How does it happen ? Organised by Citizens Assemblies, local CA's, Area CA's National, CA's, a Global CA. It's all organised VERY peacefully. The priority ? Human wellbeing , the planet's health, sustainability.

  • @kirstinstrand6292
    @kirstinstrand6292 3 роки тому +2

    Interesting thoughts.

  • @petercricket
    @petercricket 3 роки тому +3

    Millions of people really don't know what's going on..

  • @veritastimes8904
    @veritastimes8904 3 роки тому

    Two totally floored people who set back this work joining together

    • @kerrynicholls3435
      @kerrynicholls3435 3 роки тому +1

      Do you mean flawed? They are helping open up discussion to help motivate us to save ourselves. Not so flawed. Heroes.

  • @peteredwards338
    @peteredwards338 3 роки тому +1

    Roger the job dodger.

  • @dr.robertt.mullaneiii1561
    @dr.robertt.mullaneiii1561 3 роки тому


  • @donavonwayne1102
    @donavonwayne1102 2 роки тому

    French rev was created by britia

  • @jahmah519
    @jahmah519 3 роки тому

    Don't speak on behalf of our race unless your willing to represent us as 1, no bullshit beyond a certain point, thats the cut off point, the door shuts in front of just that, not you, just that

  • @dipakganguli2027
    @dipakganguli2027 3 роки тому +2

    lots and lots of pontificating - like the Grenfell Tower Fire Inquiry: Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, ------ and so on!!! What a load of---.

  • @nansir
    @nansir 3 роки тому

    You are both culpable, both guilty as hell, why ? Because you both support the notion of private property, and that which facilitates the acquisition of such… MONEY. #ResourceBasedEconomy

  • @petercricket
    @petercricket 3 роки тому

    but really, I like the guy, but not the shirts.......

  • @petercricket
    @petercricket 3 роки тому

    The duty to revolution.. are the ignorant complices or treasanous.???