"Adventures that are published aren't merely meant to be played; they're made to be read. And if you're going to make somebody read something, FOR FUCKSAKE MAKE IT ENTERTAINING." And in this moment I understood why Chris Perkins is a god among DMs.
I running ToA for some friends right now. How it played out was that they destroyed the flying swords and stole the loot. But ever since I read it, I still giggle every time I think of the eyepatches.
It’s called artistic license take this rule set & creat your own world! Populate it however you want! Just make it enjoyable for your players & get them involved & invested into your setting!
Another thing to add about the whole "there is no wrong way to solve an adventure: You will never be able to plan for every possible way. My players went through Murder in Baldur's gate by forgin a bunch of documents from one side and constantly aggressively confronting everyone. They had so many enemies and people who wouldn't trust them. They were in jail, about to be executed, about to be assasinated and I was constantly flying by the seat of my pants in this chaos but we had fun and they felt victorious in the end. So I consider it an adventure well played, even though the written text expected absolutely none of this :D
"The adventure shouldn't break because the characters made the wrong choice." - I played in a pre-published one-shot adventure once where there were some murders in town and we had to figure out who done it. We investigated the first house to ask some questions. A dog appeared and ran off as we noticed it. One of our players decided "I want to pet the dog." So he followed the dog into the woods directly to the final boss, a sloth demon. It wasn't a good adventure.
It's so strange when a DM does this. Why wouldn't the DM just have the dog sniff around a bit, relieve himself and go lay on the porch? When I run games if the dog as written was spying on the party as a familiar or whatever then if the party follows it around and it would ruin the adventure then the familiar is either smart enough to act like a dog or I would just make the dog a dog and the spy is actually a bird or invisible quasit etc... Not that I want to remove the agency of the players but if a lucky guess spoils the days gaming it's more fun for everyone to change it on the fly in my opinion.
You have to give your players the leeway to be stupid. If it's impossible for the players to lose then it doesn't feel heroic when they win. Would it have been memorable for the players to not follow the dog and defeat the sloth demon? Sure. But isn't it more memorable for someone to die because he wanted to pet a dog? Then you get that running gag _"Hey look! A dog! Want to go pet it?"_
Sadly that's actually a really good adventure if the dog doesn't head off as soon as it sees the PCs. I just had it bark at the characters, then hide under the house until closer to the end of the adventure.
I don't think the DM intended for us to chase the dog. He had it run away and when we followed it as a spur of the moment his response seemed to be "oops."
I remember as a kid in the early-to-mid 90's I was subscribed to Dungeon magazine. For a while, it seemed like almost every month they published an adventure module by Chris Perkins. I don't think he even worked for WotC (maybe it was stil TSR then) at the time, but was so good at writing them they always put them in. To hear him talk about this is cool. Back then it was my dream to have my adventures published in Dungeon and get hired to work on D&D. So Chris is living my dream, haha.
Those survival dungeons are what we used to do in my early days in the 80s as a fund raiser for the group as well as at cons. Our DM used to call them "Death Tests". It'd be things like someone has rope, someone has a bucket, someone has a bolt of cloth, etc. and all of the pieces would help get people out of the dungeon in someway, working together as much as possible.
As a dm this made me chuckle in White plume mountain: “will cause a stream of scalding water to rush into the corridor, hopefully burning the idiot who made the hole”
I've been thinking a lot about trying to post on the DMs Guild over the last year but I never really knew how to write an adventure for someone else, this was incredible and my love and respect for Chris Perkins just continues to grow! Thanks for the great video D&D Beyond!
I don't know why but I feel such a sympathy for Mr. Perkins, he seems like someone you could have awesome conversations with for eons lmao not to mention his work; awesome guy, honestly! cheers
Some useful stuff here, thank you. I just recently started DMing, I was going to run a pair of published adventures from level 1-3, then 3-5. Buuuut, when the party got to the boss in the first adventure, he was supposed to escape if they took him below half of what ended up being an even hundred health, and the second of the pair was to chase him down. Well, by the time he got his first turn, he was down to 56, I tried a chill touch cantrip, to feel out his attacks, but the party member easily saved. Next round, the warlock gets in a crit, and then my brother the paladin (I think his dice are loaded) doesn't even realize he has spells other than smite, but casts his divine smite, crits, max damage, and takes the boss exactly to zero. I thought about giving him more health, but wasn't comfortable with that, and I had a loose backup plan, so now they've gone to swap a famous musician's instrument for a fake.
Wow. This was the best video of D&D beyond so far. Please, more videos like this, it was a great insight into how to write an adventure and the mindset of the developers. Huge Chris Perkins fan here!
One of the best of these interview series so far. Plenty of advice, relevant anecdotes and character that made it unique. That Perkins f-bomb caught me off guard haha.
Chris often emphasises the importance of making an adventure adaptable to player choices. I wish he would say more about how to actually accomplish that.
I generally come at it with an overarching plot. Some big bad already designed as a high level encounter, something you can drop foreshadowing towards throughout the campaign. Make sure you are a part of character creation with all of your players. Talk with them about their character's motivation, and just about the character in general. Did they leave you some spicy stuff you can make a quest out of? Players love when their backstories are incorporated into a game, and the best way to do that is to design your adventure around your characters. Now that you have an idea of some over arching plot and ideas that can spur your party on you just need to tie them together. Its impossible to be too specific here because this could be about literally anything, but I'll give an example. Let's say you decide you're going to do some sort of undead lich for the big bad, one who is running a necromantic cult that you will leave clues to throughout the campaign, maybe even very early pointing things toward this big bad lich. You have a cleric, a ranger, a paladin, and a thief. The cleric ranger and paladin should all be convinced quite easily to go after the lich, but what about the thief? Well you remember that in his backstory he has some tragic event listed, something about death of parents, but neglected to put a lot of details. Bam, gold mine. Some clue can appear pointing towards the rogues backstory, and noe you can flush it out a little. On investigating you find the rogues parents were specifically targeted by this group, maybe even members of the cult at some point, but was betrayed by other members. There you go, now even your rogue is fully motivated by avenging his parents to go after your big bad. Also since you are a part of character creation feel free to give tips. "Hey I see you put here your parents were murdered I can work this in really well if you say they were killed by skeletons." A player, in my experience, will almost always be willing to modify a backstory if it means their backstory will get special attention.
Plan less story and more environment. Make a city full of happenings. People with problems. Interesting things to learn and do and solve. Dont think what is the story and what do the players do. Think in terms of choice. Where can they go? Who can they meet? What happens over there if they do this or that? Its all about choices and consequences.
Dungeons are the same. Immediate divergent path. Catastrophic failure option. Massive success and a few in the middle outcomes. If they learn all the lore, get this race onside they get access to the treasury from behind, and surprise the endboss. If they smash and grab everyone knows they are there. Ballistae are put in place and they find steaming bowls of food from the recently retreated enemies. Lots of pathways. Think of the most emotional decisions you can and put them in. My guys found an evil dude who they were hunting. Except he had made a bomb and could disarm it if they let him go. Will they believe him? Do they trust him? Will more people die if they release him or kill him?
Even though it's a couple of years old now. It is very insightful hearing these things as a DM and some one who is currently writing a adventure i would like to consider having published in the future.
Ok guys so check it. There's this ring of power that's owned by this evil guy named Sooraun. This little Halfling finds this ring after its been gone for thous...... what? It's already been made? Wow. Okay. Someone is stealing ideas..... Sorry guys give me a week to start anew.
I like the ring and evil guy. Good jumping off point. But who wants to play a Halfling? I want to play a Dragonborn Paladin and smite that evil guy in the face!.... and that's why you don't write adventures like novels.
Motivation is an issue I've dealt with before, too. I wrote a module once to be handed out to other DMs, which was a very short one-shot adventure meant to be handled over the course of a single 2-3 hour session. Originally, I'd just had the basic adventure hook of "You're all staying in this inn together, and someone comes running in asking for help with a local bandit gang." but then realized that the party might not be comprised of many (or ANY) characters that care about a bandit gang, so I had to add a little note that said "If the party debates helping and they seem as if they may not want to bother, have the bandits launch an unexpected attack on the inn while chasing the person that came running in. If that doesn't kick them into gear, have the bandits actually harass the party directly." Of course, the actual adventure's plot was a bit more complicated than a simple bandit gang, but that had to come after the party went for what appeared to be a simple thug infestation.
Perkins' first published adventure, I think, was the old "you're shipwrecked on an island, defeat the villian to escape" hook. It was in Dungeon Magazine, issue 11.
I don't think you've seen The Third Wheel's playthrough of that module on their channel Stabbyness. They can get a laugh out of anything, and their characters are all so quirky and memorable.
For Curse of Strahd, I was doing too good of a job being Strahd. One PC wanted to kill herself, two wanted to betray the group and be werewolves and the other did not care about anything but herself. I started to give them glimmers of hope and they had more fun but I had substantially less fun.
omg! I have this character, (gnome rogue) that tries to talk their way out of every encounter. I LOVE that CP accounted for this kind of character! Props, my man!
I asked my players if they wanted to have a city adventure, go to the underdark, go to the jungles or to a far away realm. They chose a far away realm so we are playing Curse of Strahd. But I had Dragon Heist, Out of the Abyss and Tomb of Annihilation ready to go.
"If the motivation doesn't match with your character's it doesn't matter how good the rest of the adventure is, they're not gonna be interested in it" I curse the day when I wasted an amazing character, a firbolg bard on the Dragon Heist campaign...
S'taya`un DaWrelz, if said to quickly sounds like Stay on the Rails, S'taya is the kind but oddly powerful NPC guide leading them to their desired destination atm
I fuckin love that dude. Super down to earth guy. I'd love to be able to sit down with him and pick his brain, even for an hour. Chris Perkins you're a myth among men.
It's strange, I agree with what Chris is saying, but part of what makes Ravenloft the BEST adventure published is that the adventure is forced. You can't do it all the time, the some kind of compulsion, or an 'agreement' between the gm and players that the goal is to kill the big bad (the Hobbit), helps a lot in adventures. Give the PCs a clear overarching Goal, then let them solve it how they wish.
i have this idea in my head that most of Perkins time is making ADVENTURES and kind of shutting him self in a room most of the time i no its probably not try its just this image i have stuck in my head.
I'm currently trying to design a campaign that centers around something pretty different: the deities of the domain of death have tricked the gods of life and captured them all to take over the material plane. Having little life left in the planes, undead creatures ravage everything. It's the PC's jobs to find and break the seals that keep the gods of life imprisoned. So the motivation is a bit forced, but it puts the characters into a desperation filled adventure, where failure could mean the end of everything they know and love. However, I'm having trouble being able flesh out the story and make it more immersive.
I like having easily changed difficulty encounters. Let the party run into a scouting group from the main enemy's camp/dungeon. Look at the effectiveness of the party vs what is planned to be a 3 round combat. (easy to moderate difficulty) If the party walks over the encounter, the screams of the scouts brings another, larger group. If the party is severely taxed to deal with the combat, rethink the difficulty of all planned encounters in the adventure. Find the power balance by experiment. If it took the party 1 round to wipe the small test encounter because they abused their powerful spells... they will run out of those and you don't have to be nice and let them get a long rest. (dis-spell magic on their Leomund's hut and wake the up... OOOPS!)
Try taking a look at "The Kobold Fight Club". Just search for it on google, it'll calculate how hard a encounter will be for your players, it's really neat!
The TSR 32 pages adventures we great and minimalist with prep. Now WOTC give us 300 page text walls. I'm running our parties through TSR era stuff or homebrew now with 5e. Bring back the condensed format.
"if you're going to make somebody read something, for fuck's sake, make it entertaining." Perfect example of this is in Wild Beyond the Witchlight. "Here's a fantastic opportunity for you to explore your hidden talents as a mime."
Instead of using madness results in Out of the Abyss I would rather have players see crazy delusions and experience a loss of their surroundings except for moments of clarity when challenges arise but when they find out what is actually real they are able to get to the source of the problem. Than in Curse of Strahd I want to use the two horror parts. The Japanese horror verses the gothic horror experiences represented in and outside of the power core of evil.
Does anyone have any advice on which published modules a new dm should get to dissect to help with learning to write their own? Tomb of Annihilation is popular and seems fun but I'm worried it might be too open for modification for me to study well. Sunless Citadel was recommended by my DM but I'm looking for 5E not 3E. Thanks in advance!
"there's gold in a dungeon" and then proceed to have the party get framed or some other way indebted to need to pay things off(or have a huge political campaign.)
default There's a lot of tonal stuff there, because that's less serious, but equally engaging. I know it seems odd to say that it's less serious, but it WILL inevitably lead to a less serious campaign (assuming your players are even remotely genre-savvy), because that's a sitcom trope. "We need money fast! Oh look a risky way to get the money we need fast! Let's go!" is very sitcom. Like I said, less serious doesn't mean less engaging, because one of my favorite characters of all time was in a very silly campaign, and, when she died, I cried. For like an hour (that campaign had been going on for 6 years and she survived the whole thing up until then, I was very attached). So did a couple other people at the table. We were engaged, despite the silliness. In fact, I would say "dispite" is a bad word for it, because I think it's irrelevant to the amount the plot engages players.
Oh, I read this differently. Now I want to have an adventure where you go loot a dungeon then realize that was actually the vault for some kind of political power or some other dangerous people. Now you're indebted to them and have to work for them.
how do you write a hard cover adventure for 5e???? like ghosts of salt marsh etc...? level 10-20 I want to write or someone to write for a hard cover........
I want to play a game in Barovia before it was part of ravenloft. i think it would be cool to have strahd as a human threat not a vampire maybe it was a time travel thing so you can stop him from becoming evil or its about stoppng him from doing the most evil deeds that made him worthy of a dread domain.
Adventure modules are meant to be interesting interpretations of said module there is no hard or fast rule! They are lent to be modified to your players & DM’s rule of cool! You are not trying to kill your players first & for most! You are trying to creat a narrative that your players are invested in!
I kind of wish one of my former DMs would have seen this video. We were going by a rule where is you confirm a crit with a nat 20 it is an instant kill and i killed his boss battle he set up with a 30 minute monologue he had written out and i read it, so it was truly a beast of a monologue. But anyways back to what i was saying i insta killed it half way threw the first sentence and my DM lost it lol the game fell apart. After reading the game as he had written it was clear that boss was not really important at all just what she was saying explained the basic reason for the game. My characters motivation was ale and dwarves .
Suddenly thinking about when my fiancé tried to run me and a few others Waterdeep and the, yeah, we’re not buying, at all, that there’s nothing wrong with this manner, particularly my friend who has been rping for years but this is her first ttrpg, threatening if it’s all a shame to Volo XD
Next time you publish an adventure send it to me so I can fix it before hand. That way other people can reap the benefit of my effort. Playing Storm Kings Thunder and changing Everything. Spoilers ahead...... The descriptions should be in italics so that a dm can read it easily without slipping into meta info. The option to be from Nightstone would give a party a huge reason to go on the adventure rather then being detached. Whisking the party a thousand miles away sucked for my group. They had built relationships and political intrigue. They had defended the town over and over, and were expecting the town to be attacked again by the snakes who had threatened them. Suddenly a month dissapears while they are in a tower with nothing to do apart from three weird encounters. Brynn Shander is literally a waiting room for a Giant attack. No battlemap, no inventory in the shops, being handed npcs for combat sucks. No real trigger for the attack. I added dozens of battlemaps. Filled the shops including eight market stalls with Npcs. Added a prison. Made the leader corrupt so they have an issue to solve, and they have to earn each npc's help on the battlefield. Also wrote proper description for each area. Fleshed out who was in the temple and what they wanted. Introduced the dragon they would save and had him drop them outside bryn shander. Had a crypt of the dragoon rider which was the dragons old rider. He is encased in ice and can be released. He had the ring of winter and defended the town from Iymrith who attacked with a golem dressed up as a Huge yeti. The ring of winter was taken from his corpse. They can free the dragoon and find out what happened. Take control of the golem and use it against the giants. Learn about the ring of winter, Iymrith, and the dragon, the Giant attack, and prepare. I also had a group of changelings who were after the ring of winter and had built ice tunnels underneath Brynn Shander. A Bomb of glyphs and a scaffold is under the temple ready to blow. They use weight as the trigger and drips from the roof of ice, means there is a ticking clock. The temple was full of healers so my party had sent npcs there and the priests would also be useful in the fight to come. With six access points around the town they have a good shot at finding it. I had the party find a man being hung by two shady characters, who they knew were changelings. The man wanted to stay with them, feeling unsafe. They trust him, the enemy of my enemy is ny friend. He is the leader of the changelings who informed the frost giants of the ring of winters last know location. The party can side with the giants, or the changelings or the people of Brynn. They can focus on the Dragoon. Learn about the fight and what the ring can do. They can plan and prepare and get help. Or they fly in dropped off to an unknown location. Sleep in three inns with no related hooks. Be handed npcs, to get killed, and not care, and have a random event of a giant attack. My players, are adults and sensible. Risking their lives for a town they dont know, or care about, wont happen. They would, quite rightly, sit on a hillside and watch it happen. The hooks from the npcs suck so bad I was shocked. Travel all the way back to a major city to not find the guys father and not get the ring. Are you insane? Describe miles of overland travel, make it feel like a month of walking happened. Flesh out the entire city (guess what no content) and then finally the quest is pointless. This just boogles the mind. Seeing the smug smile from a guy talking about how to put an adventure together triggered me, when I have spent over a hundred hours so far fixing the mess of SKT module. Went online due to the pandemic and hoped the module would be simple. It isnt. I have to understand someone else mind and then layer in my usual standard of homebrew, instead of just homebrewing it. I was dissapointed.
"Adventures that are published aren't merely meant to be played; they're made to be read. And if you're going to make somebody read something, FOR FUCKSAKE MAKE IT ENTERTAINING."
And in this moment I understood why Chris Perkins is a god among DMs.
TinnaMinor I laughed so hard when he said that because I totally didn't see that coming xD but it's totally true. I love the man's work!
I running ToA for some friends right now. How it played out was that they destroyed the flying swords and stole the loot. But ever since I read it, I still giggle every time I think of the eyepatches.
To be fair, that says more about DMs in general than it says about him ^^
Which is a bit sad but then again we get situations like this out of it :D
It’s called artistic license take this rule set & creat your own world! Populate it however you want! Just make it enjoyable for your players & get them involved & invested into your setting!
I could watch Chris Perkins talk about D&D for hours. Actually, honestly, all of the guests lately have been top notch.
Another thing to add about the whole "there is no wrong way to solve an adventure:
You will never be able to plan for every possible way. My players went through Murder in Baldur's gate by forgin a bunch of documents from one side and constantly aggressively confronting everyone. They had so many enemies and people who wouldn't trust them. They were in jail, about to be executed, about to be assasinated and I was constantly flying by the seat of my pants in this chaos but we had fun and they felt victorious in the end. So I consider it an adventure well played, even though the written text expected absolutely none of this :D
MeonProductions That’s some good DMing right there. Your group’s lucky to have you!
"The adventure shouldn't break because the characters made the wrong choice." - I played in a pre-published one-shot adventure once where there were some murders in town and we had to figure out who done it. We investigated the first house to ask some questions. A dog appeared and ran off as we noticed it. One of our players decided "I want to pet the dog." So he followed the dog into the woods directly to the final boss, a sloth demon. It wasn't a good adventure.
It's so strange when a DM does this. Why wouldn't the DM just have the dog sniff around a bit, relieve himself and go lay on the porch? When I run games if the dog as written was spying on the party as a familiar or whatever then if the party follows it around and it would ruin the adventure then the familiar is either smart enough to act like a dog or I would just make the dog a dog and the spy is actually a bird or invisible quasit etc...
Not that I want to remove the agency of the players but if a lucky guess spoils the days gaming it's more fun for everyone to change it on the fly in my opinion.
You have to give your players the leeway to be stupid. If it's impossible for the players to lose then it doesn't feel heroic when they win. Would it have been memorable for the players to not follow the dog and defeat the sloth demon? Sure. But isn't it more memorable for someone to die because he wanted to pet a dog? Then you get that running gag _"Hey look! A dog! Want to go pet it?"_
Tell me more about this dog.
Sadly that's actually a really good adventure if the dog doesn't head off as soon as it sees the PCs. I just had it bark at the characters, then hide under the house until closer to the end of the adventure.
I don't think the DM intended for us to chase the dog. He had it run away and when we followed it as a spur of the moment his response seemed to be "oops."
I remember as a kid in the early-to-mid 90's I was subscribed to Dungeon magazine. For a while, it seemed like almost every month they published an adventure module by Chris Perkins. I don't think he even worked for WotC (maybe it was stil TSR then) at the time, but was so good at writing them they always put them in. To hear him talk about this is cool. Back then it was my dream to have my adventures published in Dungeon and get hired to work on D&D. So Chris is living my dream, haha.
I like his dungeon adventure with the plant infection in a ravenloft domain the best! He was Christopher Zarathustra at the time :)
Didn't ze send so many that at a certain time he competed with himself 🤣
That dude is one of my biggest inspirations. To truly enjoy what he does allows us to enjoy the benifits. Need more like him
Those survival dungeons are what we used to do in my early days in the 80s as a fund raiser for the group as well as at cons. Our DM used to call them "Death Tests". It'd be things like someone has rope, someone has a bucket, someone has a bolt of cloth, etc. and all of the pieces would help get people out of the dungeon in someway, working together as much as possible.
I'm a simple man. I see a video featuring Chris Perkins talking about D&D, I watch that video.
As a dm this made me chuckle in White plume mountain: “will cause a stream of scalding water to rush into the corridor, hopefully burning the idiot who made the hole”
I've been thinking a lot about trying to post on the DMs Guild over the last year but I never really knew how to write an adventure for someone else, this was incredible and my love and respect for Chris Perkins just continues to grow! Thanks for the great video D&D Beyond!
I found this useful. Being a new DM this really helps me ideas to plan for sessions. Thanks for the upload.
I don't know why but I feel such a sympathy for Mr. Perkins, he seems like someone you could have awesome conversations with for eons lmao not to mention his work; awesome guy, honestly!
"...And woe be to thee whom is stricken by a falling mummy..." True poetry right there. :D
Some useful stuff here, thank you. I just recently started DMing, I was going to run a pair of published adventures from level 1-3, then 3-5.
Buuuut, when the party got to the boss in the first adventure, he was supposed to escape if they took him below half of what ended up being an even hundred health, and the second of the pair was to chase him down. Well, by the time he got his first turn, he was down to 56, I tried a chill touch cantrip, to feel out his attacks, but the party member easily saved. Next round, the warlock gets in a crit, and then my brother the paladin (I think his dice are loaded) doesn't even realize he has spells other than smite, but casts his divine smite, crits, max damage, and takes the boss exactly to zero. I thought about giving him more health, but wasn't comfortable with that, and I had a loose backup plan, so now they've gone to swap a famous musician's instrument for a fake.
Still, In my opinion, the best Dungeon Master. Have had loads of inspiration and laughs watching and reading his campaigns.
Chris Perkins and matt Mercer are the best
Wow. This was the best video of D&D beyond so far. Please, more videos like this, it was a great insight into how to write an adventure and the mindset of the developers.
Huge Chris Perkins fan here!
Seriously; how do I get a job like these guys have?
One of the best of these interview series so far. Plenty of advice, relevant anecdotes and character that made it unique. That Perkins f-bomb caught me off guard haha.
Chris often emphasises the importance of making an adventure adaptable to player choices. I wish he would say more about how to actually accomplish that.
Do not prepare MORE than 1.5 sessions. That way your next session can be created organically.
You can have a plot, but with a choose your own path context to it.
I generally come at it with an overarching plot. Some big bad already designed as a high level encounter, something you can drop foreshadowing towards throughout the campaign. Make sure you are a part of character creation with all of your players. Talk with them about their character's motivation, and just about the character in general. Did they leave you some spicy stuff you can make a quest out of? Players love when their backstories are incorporated into a game, and the best way to do that is to design your adventure around your characters. Now that you have an idea of some over arching plot and ideas that can spur your party on you just need to tie them together. Its impossible to be too specific here because this could be about literally anything, but I'll give an example. Let's say you decide you're going to do some sort of undead lich for the big bad, one who is running a necromantic cult that you will leave clues to throughout the campaign, maybe even very early pointing things toward this big bad lich. You have a cleric, a ranger, a paladin, and a thief. The cleric ranger and paladin should all be convinced quite easily to go after the lich, but what about the thief? Well you remember that in his backstory he has some tragic event listed, something about death of parents, but neglected to put a lot of details. Bam, gold mine. Some clue can appear pointing towards the rogues backstory, and noe you can flush it out a little. On investigating you find the rogues parents were specifically targeted by this group, maybe even members of the cult at some point, but was betrayed by other members. There you go, now even your rogue is fully motivated by avenging his parents to go after your big bad. Also since you are a part of character creation feel free to give tips. "Hey I see you put here your parents were murdered I can work this in really well if you say they were killed by skeletons." A player, in my experience, will almost always be willing to modify a backstory if it means their backstory will get special attention.
Plan less story and more environment. Make a city full of happenings. People with problems. Interesting things to learn and do and solve. Dont think what is the story and what do the players do. Think in terms of choice. Where can they go? Who can they meet? What happens over there if they do this or that?
Its all about choices and consequences.
Dungeons are the same. Immediate divergent path. Catastrophic failure option. Massive success and a few in the middle outcomes. If they learn all the lore, get this race onside they get access to the treasury from behind, and surprise the endboss. If they smash and grab everyone knows they are there. Ballistae are put in place and they find steaming bowls of food from the recently retreated enemies. Lots of pathways. Think of the most emotional decisions you can and put them in.
My guys found an evil dude who they were hunting. Except he had made a bomb and could disarm it if they let him go. Will they believe him? Do they trust him? Will more people die if they release him or kill him?
Thanks Chris for coming through clutch for me! I needed to hear this again.
Amazing words of wisdom. I will absolutely be taking them to heart.
Even though it's a couple of years old now. It is very insightful hearing these things as a DM and some one who is currently writing a adventure i would like to consider having published in the future.
He's dropping gems that I didn't take on for years.
I could listen to Chris Perkins talk about D&D all day.
Ok guys so check it. There's this ring of power that's owned by this evil guy named Sooraun. This little Halfling finds this ring after its been gone for thous...... what? It's already been made?
Wow. Okay. Someone is stealing ideas..... Sorry guys give me a week to start anew.
well, its been a week... whatcha got for me?
I like the ring and evil guy. Good jumping off point. But who wants to play a Halfling? I want to play a Dragonborn Paladin and smite that evil guy in the face!.... and that's why you don't write adventures like novels.
Paladins are average but to destroy the evil guy we need PURE STRENGTH! RAAAAAAAGE
Or vice versa.
@@redfeildre349 Plot twist: the halfling is an NPC and the whole campaign is one huge escort quest of the players protecting the halfling.
Motivation is an issue I've dealt with before, too. I wrote a module once to be handed out to other DMs, which was a very short one-shot adventure meant to be handled over the course of a single 2-3 hour session.
Originally, I'd just had the basic adventure hook of "You're all staying in this inn together, and someone comes running in asking for help with a local bandit gang." but then realized that the party might not be comprised of many (or ANY) characters that care about a bandit gang, so I had to add a little note that said "If the party debates helping and they seem as if they may not want to bother, have the bandits launch an unexpected attack on the inn while chasing the person that came running in. If that doesn't kick them into gear, have the bandits actually harass the party directly."
Of course, the actual adventure's plot was a bit more complicated than a simple bandit gang, but that had to come after the party went for what appeared to be a simple thug infestation.
Perkins' first published adventure, I think, was the old "you're shipwrecked on an island, defeat the villian to escape" hook. It was in Dungeon Magazine, issue 11.
A lot of sillyness in Curse of Strahd? I'm sorry, but the ghost of Sir Tripalotsky is a very tragic character and shouldn't be made fun of!
Pallas_Ovidius I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh... I just stumbled over it
Is no fun, is no Blinsky!
Pallas_Ovidius guess what its a module write it out your not forced to write it in
I don't think you've seen The Third Wheel's playthrough of that module on their channel Stabbyness. They can get a laugh out of anything, and their characters are all so quirky and memorable.
Sir, you're Trip'n...
Oh my Lord I love this video. I find it super informative as I slowly construct a world of my own
For Curse of Strahd, I was doing too good of a job being Strahd. One PC wanted to kill herself, two wanted to betray the group and be werewolves and the other did not care about anything but herself. I started to give them glimmers of hope and they had more fun but I had substantially less fun.
Kevin Healy talk to your player out of the game i have a player simlar to that
He understood after I talked to him.
I’m currently in the process of writing my own personal adventure that I could have others play, and thus is very helpful.
Chris Perkins is a treasure.
omg! I have this character, (gnome rogue) that tries to talk their way out of every encounter. I LOVE that CP accounted for this kind of character! Props, my man!
He talked about Hankerin Ferinale’s L.O.G system ...location, obstacle, Goal for writing adventures, awesome!
This comment should be.... ANNIHILATED
I asked my players if they wanted to have a city adventure, go to the underdark, go to the jungles or to a far away realm. They chose a far away realm so we are playing Curse of Strahd. But I had Dragon Heist, Out of the Abyss and Tomb of Annihilation ready to go.
Thank you Chris!
Good video. Very informative for beginner DM's like me.
Chris Perkins is awesome. A big inspiration good knowledge here.
"If the motivation doesn't match with your character's it doesn't matter how good the rest of the adventure is, they're not gonna be interested in it"
I curse the day when I wasted an amazing character, a firbolg bard on the Dragon Heist campaign...
"For Fucks sake, make it Entertaining!" -Chris Perkins
Wow this was amazingly profound
He uses a magical Cap of the Adventure Creation.
Eminem out here giving great DM advice
This is great advice both for my West Marches community and general DM life advice 😁😄
I've been trying to get a West Marches community going for ages, but have had no luck!
I wasn't even surprised to see ProJared at at 15:53
S'taya`un DaWrelz, if said to quickly sounds like Stay on the Rails, S'taya is the kind but oddly powerful NPC guide leading them to their desired destination atm
i remember when chris was just a dude on the FR Mailing List who occasionally wrote to dragon mag.
I fuckin love that dude. Super down to earth guy. I'd love to be able to sit down with him and pick his brain, even for an hour. Chris Perkins you're a myth among men.
A4 is such a fabulous adventure, it is when i learned to be creative with stuff!
This is phenomenal wisdom. Thanks!
It's strange, I agree with what Chris is saying, but part of what makes Ravenloft the BEST adventure published is that the adventure is forced.
You can't do it all the time, the some kind of compulsion, or an 'agreement' between the gm and players that the goal is to kill the big bad (the Hobbit), helps a lot in adventures.
Give the PCs a clear overarching Goal, then let them solve it how they wish.
Makes sense. A quote I heard years ago: lf you want to write it, you need to read it.
My players liked Snow Wight so much I used it in other adventures and made up similar tomes.
i have this idea in my head that most of Perkins time is making ADVENTURES and kind of shutting him self in a room most of the time i no its probably not try its just this image i have stuck in my head.
Great writing guide for this "true" RPG godfather game.
Chris is the best DM in the world!!!!
Bro Chris Perkins and I have the same jacket lol that is cool!
I'm currently trying to design a campaign that centers around something pretty different: the deities of the domain of death have tricked the gods of life and captured them all to take over the material plane. Having little life left in the planes, undead creatures ravage everything. It's the PC's jobs to find and break the seals that keep the gods of life imprisoned. So the motivation is a bit forced, but it puts the characters into a desperation filled adventure, where failure could mean the end of everything they know and love. However, I'm having trouble being able flesh out the story and make it more immersive.
Sage advice here 😎
Great video thank you! :)
I like having easily changed difficulty encounters.
Let the party run into a scouting group from the main enemy's camp/dungeon.
Look at the effectiveness of the party vs what is planned to be a 3 round combat. (easy to moderate difficulty)
If the party walks over the encounter, the screams of the scouts brings another, larger group.
If the party is severely taxed to deal with the combat, rethink the difficulty of all planned encounters in the adventure.
Find the power balance by experiment.
If it took the party 1 round to wipe the small test encounter because they abused their powerful spells... they will run out of those and you don't have to be nice and let them get a long rest. (dis-spell magic on their Leomund's hut and wake the up... OOOPS!)
This is perfect because I'm writing an adventure for Dmsguild.
this is helpful.. BUT, I have problems with grading the monsters to the level of the party.. needs to be simplified (5e)
Try taking a look at "The Kobold Fight Club". Just search for it on google, it'll calculate how hard a encounter will be for your players, it's really neat!
The TSR 32 pages adventures we great and minimalist with prep. Now WOTC give us 300 page text walls. I'm running our parties through TSR era stuff or homebrew now with 5e. Bring back the condensed format.
"if you're going to make somebody read something, for fuck's sake, make it entertaining."
Perfect example of this is in Wild Beyond the Witchlight. "Here's a fantastic opportunity for you to explore your hidden talents as a mime."
Can someone tell me where the thumbnail image is from? It’s rad!
That is artwork from the the adventure Curse of Strahd! www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/source/curse-of-strahd
Instead of using madness results in Out of the Abyss I would rather have players see crazy delusions and experience a loss of their surroundings except for moments of clarity when challenges arise but when they find out what is actually real they are able to get to the source of the problem. Than in Curse of Strahd I want to use the two horror parts. The Japanese horror verses the gothic horror experiences represented in and outside of the power core of evil.
I loved A4!
Does anyone have any advice on which published modules a new dm should get to dissect to help with learning to write their own?
Tomb of Annihilation is popular and seems fun but I'm worried it might be too open for modification for me to study well. Sunless Citadel was recommended by my DM but I'm looking for 5E not 3E. Thanks in advance!
"there's gold in a dungeon" and then proceed to have the party get framed or some other way indebted to need to pay things off(or have a huge political campaign.)
default There's a lot of tonal stuff there, because that's less serious, but equally engaging.
I know it seems odd to say that it's less serious, but it WILL inevitably lead to a less serious campaign (assuming your players are even remotely genre-savvy), because that's a sitcom trope. "We need money fast! Oh look a risky way to get the money we need fast! Let's go!" is very sitcom.
Like I said, less serious doesn't mean less engaging, because one of my favorite characters of all time was in a very silly campaign, and, when she died, I cried. For like an hour (that campaign had been going on for 6 years and she survived the whole thing up until then, I was very attached). So did a couple other people at the table. We were engaged, despite the silliness. In fact, I would say "dispite" is a bad word for it, because I think it's irrelevant to the amount the plot engages players.
Oh, I read this differently. Now I want to have an adventure where you go loot a dungeon then realize that was actually the vault for some kind of political power or some other dangerous people. Now you're indebted to them and have to work for them.
How can an individual such as myself write for publication a Dungeons and Dragons module adventure?
DnD is life. Esp. 1st Ed.
how do you write a hard cover adventure for 5e???? like ghosts of salt marsh etc...? level 10-20 I want to write or someone to write for a hard cover........
4:33 I choose space. Spelljammer forever.
I want to play a game in Barovia before it was part of ravenloft. i think it would be cool to have strahd as a human threat not a vampire maybe it was a time travel thing so you can stop him from becoming evil or its about stoppng him from doing the most evil deeds that made him worthy of a dread domain.
Chris did this in Dice Camera Action! It was awesome!
You know people love you when your vid has 600+ likes and only 1 dislike.
Wait I own that jacket... Well great minds think alike I guess???
Or even a massive castle people would totaly go on and dnd quest for that.
Wow ! Thats a real serious guy!
Ok* I´m paying attention ~
Adventure modules are meant to be interesting interpretations of said module there is no hard or fast rule! They are lent to be modified to your players & DM’s rule of cool! You are not trying to kill your players first & for most! You are trying to creat a narrative that your players are invested in!
Another mention of space...
Yeah man, when I write an adventure for my friends and I, I can just annihilate them no problem.
When did Eminem start playing D&D??
Can Perkins be my sugar daddy?
Or just like... my regular dad? Game night would be way fun.
Only if you fight me for him
I kind of wish one of my former DMs would have seen this video. We were going by a rule where is you confirm a crit with a nat 20 it is an instant kill and i killed his boss battle he set up with a 30 minute monologue he had written out and i read it, so it was truly a beast of a monologue. But anyways back to what i was saying i insta killed it half way threw the first sentence and my DM lost it lol the game fell apart. After reading the game as he had written it was clear that boss was not really important at all just what she was saying explained the basic reason for the game. My characters motivation was ale and dwarves .
Suddenly thinking about when my fiancé tried to run me and a few others Waterdeep and the, yeah, we’re not buying, at all, that there’s nothing wrong with this manner, particularly my friend who has been rping for years but this is her first ttrpg, threatening if it’s all a shame to Volo XD
.....what? Proofread, at all?
Got to say I disagree with Chris on one thing ....
My players will do anything for gold and magic items .... ANYTHING !
14:20 :^O
Next time you publish an adventure send it to me so I can fix it before hand. That way other people can reap the benefit of my effort.
Playing Storm Kings Thunder and changing Everything. Spoilers ahead......
The descriptions should be in italics so that a dm can read it easily without slipping into meta info. The option to be from Nightstone would give a party a huge reason to go on the adventure rather then being detached.
Whisking the party a thousand miles away sucked for my group. They had built relationships and political intrigue. They had defended the town over and over, and were expecting the town to be attacked again by the snakes who had threatened them.
Suddenly a month dissapears while they are in a tower with nothing to do apart from three weird encounters.
Brynn Shander is literally a waiting room for a Giant attack. No battlemap, no inventory in the shops, being handed npcs for combat sucks. No real trigger for the attack.
I added dozens of battlemaps. Filled the shops including eight market stalls with Npcs. Added a prison. Made the leader corrupt so they have an issue to solve, and they have to earn each npc's help on the battlefield. Also wrote proper description for each area. Fleshed out who was in the temple and what they wanted.
Introduced the dragon they would save and had him drop them outside bryn shander. Had a crypt of the dragoon rider which was the dragons old rider. He is encased in ice and can be released. He had the ring of winter and defended the town from Iymrith who attacked with a golem dressed up as a Huge yeti. The ring of winter was taken from his corpse.
They can free the dragoon and find out what happened. Take control of the golem and use it against the giants. Learn about the ring of winter, Iymrith, and the dragon, the Giant attack, and prepare. I also had a group of changelings who were after the ring of winter and had built ice tunnels underneath Brynn Shander.
A Bomb of glyphs and a scaffold is under the temple ready to blow. They use weight as the trigger and drips from the roof of ice, means there is a ticking clock. The temple was full of healers so my party had sent npcs there and the priests would also be useful in the fight to come. With six access points around the town they have a good shot at finding it.
I had the party find a man being hung by two shady characters, who they knew were changelings. The man wanted to stay with them, feeling unsafe. They trust him, the enemy of my enemy is ny friend.
He is the leader of the changelings who informed the frost giants of the ring of winters last know location.
The party can side with the giants, or the changelings or the people of Brynn. They can focus on the Dragoon. Learn about the fight and what the ring can do. They can plan and prepare and get help.
Or they fly in dropped off to an unknown location. Sleep in three inns with no related hooks. Be handed npcs, to get killed, and not care, and have a random event of a giant attack.
My players, are adults and sensible. Risking their lives for a town they dont know, or care about, wont happen. They would, quite rightly, sit on a hillside and watch it happen.
The hooks from the npcs suck so bad I was shocked. Travel all the way back to a major city to not find the guys father and not get the ring. Are you insane? Describe miles of overland travel, make it feel like a month of walking happened. Flesh out the entire city (guess what no content) and then finally the quest is pointless. This just boogles the mind.
Seeing the smug smile from a guy talking about how to put an adventure together triggered me, when I have spent over a hundred hours so far fixing the mess of SKT module. Went online due to the pandemic and hoped the module would be simple. It isnt.
I have to understand someone else mind and then layer in my usual standard of homebrew, instead of just homebrewing it. I was dissapointed.
Is his hat shrinking or is his head getting fatter over the years?
Biff the Understudy.
I would bait the players with 100 200 gp
Wow, this has aged nicely, like milk. OGL 1.1 is a dumpster fire 🔥
is he ever seen without a hat?
> World of Warcraft
Thank you UA-cam