EP57 - The Eunuch Makers - With Eliza Mondegreen

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • Eliza is a graduate student researching online trans and detrans communities, with a focus on how these communities influence attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge about gender and expectations and intentions toward transition and/or detransition. She attended the WPATH SOC 8 launch conference in September 2022 and describes her some of her observations there.
    Her substack, Gender:Hacked - elizamondegree...
    Twitter - el...
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    For more information: www.genderdysp...


  • @John-tr5hn
    @John-tr5hn Рік тому +27

    The problem these days is that people are so open-minded that they're allowing their brains to fall out. I'm sure plenty of people at the conference were very uncomfortable with all kinds of things, but they've all been socialized never to criticize other people, lest they be accused of "punching down," so everyone keeps quiet, and then there's a false sense that people agree to a large extent, when they really don't.

  • @EvanWells1
    @EvanWells1 Рік тому +6

    Thank you so much for continuing to do these interviews. Eliza, thank you for attending the conference in person. It is great to hear someone report back on their experience.

  • @fuzzymath6240
    @fuzzymath6240 Рік тому +8

    Once I started looking for anything about this online.
    As Iwas considering taking T for years. It is so hard to get any facts. We have got to stop the stifling of free speech. That is NEVER the answer!!!

  • @miroirs-jumeaux
    @miroirs-jumeaux Рік тому +5

    This comment identifies as a groundbreaking, beloved novella. Please feel free to shower me with thumbs (up ones) and encouraging comments (sincere and detailed, please) about how great I am as an author. Thank you in advance for your supportive engagement. ❤

  • @robinwatkins8528
    @robinwatkins8528 Рік тому +15

    If they're on "the right side of history," why are so angry about/frightened of reporters??

    • @John-tr5hn
      @John-tr5hn Рік тому +6

      Exactly. I had this same reaction six or seven years back when there were those protests against racism at the University of Missouri. The activists occupied a huge part of an outdoor space of campus, but when student reporters would approach to interview people about the protests, there were activists who were physically surrounding the reporters to prevent them from doing their jobs. Hint: If you're trying to make things better, you must be open to a free press. If you're afraid of revealing what you're talking about (rather than individual identities, which can be hidden for good reason), then you're probably doing something really bad.

    • @irradiated_woman8016
      @irradiated_woman8016 Рік тому +1

      ​@@John-tr5hn oh hi classmate. Havent seen that debacle mentioned in a while!

    • @miroirs-jumeaux
      @miroirs-jumeaux Рік тому

      Because history is written by the victors, and the contest isn't over. The right and wrong side of history is inherently an aspirational notion.

  • @toshiyaar7885
    @toshiyaar7885 Рік тому +1

    These people have money, politics, the medical world, the media, science, academics, and power behind them. How has this happened? How can we bring real healthcare back?

  • @happynjoyousnfree
    @happynjoyousnfree Рік тому +6

    Wow I can't believe that the TRA's think that WPATH is restricting access! What insanity. Eliza is utterly brilliant thanks so much for interviewing her!

    • @insidiousmischka
      @insidiousmischka Рік тому

      I can believe anything and everything about TRA's because they are just a group of mentally unstable disturbed individuals that have warped concept of reality ...

  • @liberality
    @liberality Рік тому +7

    Great interview, I subscribed 🙂 I suspect the reason why specialists such as endocrinologists are being sidelined in organisations like WPATH is that we have moved from a medical model (curing problems with gender identity) to a transhumanist model (purposeful enhancement of the body). In the latter model, the individual seeking hormones is not sick; they are pursuing their full potential by becoming exactly who they want to be. Therefore the endocrinologist is seen as a problematic gatekeeper, delaying or entirely standing in the way of self-actualization.

    • @fuzzymath6240
      @fuzzymath6240 Рік тому +1

      Wow I really am amazed at how happy and fuzzy it feels knowing endocrine docs are out there who are sane.
      I'm just an old dyke who can't believe what is happening in this country.
      There isn't a gay community anymore.

    • @insidiousmischka
      @insidiousmischka Рік тому

      Just a year ago I would have written this comment off as a crazy conspiracy theory ... well, not anymore ... this is exactly what is happening and majority of the population is totally ignorant of it.

    • @DorianPaige00
      @DorianPaige00 Рік тому

      And what is wrong with "pursuing their full potential by becoming exactly who they want to be."? Why are you so jealous? How do you "cure problems with gender identity"? Let me guess. You frustrate the patient and make transition impossible by forcing natal puberty and making hormones illegal. Make no mistake; this is violence.

    • @lindenmanmax
      @lindenmanmax 11 місяців тому +1

      What stopped me from transitioning was, not coincidentally, my knowledge of the endocrine system. I knew my body had been programmed to operate a certain way, and that no chemical or surgical alterations were going to improve on the original, even if they did succeed in bringing its appearance more in line with my wishes. It just didn't make sense on the bottom line.
      Heaven help the young people who are being denied the information they would need to undertake that kind of cost-benefit analysis.

    • @liberality
      @liberality 11 місяців тому

      @@lindenmanmax I agree. Anyone who taught the endocrine system's role in puberty would be likely to be branded transphobic now.

  • @marieparker3822
    @marieparker3822 9 місяців тому

    What a heroine Eliza is!

  • @miroirs-jumeaux
    @miroirs-jumeaux Рік тому +1

    40:39 so what you're saying is, safety guards on power equipment are ableist?

  • @helendancelot
    @helendancelot Рік тому +2

    What did Lavigne say about parents and 6 months?

  • @miroirs-jumeaux
    @miroirs-jumeaux Рік тому +1

    38:57 Harm-reduction works great with other issues, just ask any of your neighbors who live in tents with their shopping carts.

  • @ebflegg
    @ebflegg Рік тому +1

    I wondered how come it's possible to do research like this at a Canadian university. Is she able to do it, attend seminars etc without harassment?

    • @miroirs-jumeaux
      @miroirs-jumeaux Рік тому

      Supposedly she's faced less hostility than one might have feared… can't remember which interview she mentioned that in, maybe a recent Benjamin Boyce calmversation (?)

    • @miroirs-jumeaux
      @miroirs-jumeaux Рік тому

      she talks about it here: 52:21

  • @miroirs-jumeaux
    @miroirs-jumeaux Рік тому

    16:08 TIL that Ouroboros sometimes identifies as a の rather than a circle.

  • @lewreed1871
    @lewreed1871 Рік тому

    Did either of you run into Marla Singer there?

  • @Cladina_Green
    @Cladina_Green Рік тому +1

    I sent this video to Stephen Hassan, the cult expert. Have any of you reached out to him?
    Do you know there is a cult recovery community? These are people who pay close attention to cultic and abuse dynamics. Although they aren't perfect and can still become captured themselves sometimes, I think this is a possible link that could be helpful.
    Hopefully he'll reach out to you after seeing the vid. I encourage you to reach out to Steven as well and introduce yourself and your work.
    He runs the "Freedom of Mind" center.

  • @miroirs-jumeaux
    @miroirs-jumeaux Рік тому +1

    42:24 in that environment, shouldn't it have been pretty easy for all your (Eliza) unusual behaviors to be explained away as neurodivergence? Not that you should've needed a cover, obviously, but failing to follow the crowd and taking notes could both be spectrumy.

  • @nastja33
    @nastja33 Рік тому +3

    the whole trans movement is just queer theory fandom

    • @HeathenGranny
      @HeathenGranny Рік тому

      No it isn't

    • @oliverhug3
      @oliverhug3 11 місяців тому +3

      @@HeathenGranny Yes it is. And it is creepy as hell.

  • @miroirs-jumeaux
    @miroirs-jumeaux Рік тому


  • @DorianPaige00
    @DorianPaige00 Рік тому

    Eunuchs are non-binary; it's as simple as that. I burned through 5 psychologists and around $10K to those gatekeepers in an attempt to get an orchiectomy and estrogen as HRT while identifying as my youthful male self. I finally got the orchiectomy to prevent masculinization which is common in trans-feminine presenters. I was already heavily restricting protein and calories so growth wouldn't occur. I identify as an adult boy as I just never changed and here's something you won't hear from a transgender; it's my birth right! Push us out at your own peril.

    • @balalaika852
      @balalaika852 10 місяців тому

      Why did you feel the need to go through castration to prevent full masculinisation and maturation? Fear of death? Feeling like the older you get the closer you are to death?

    • @DorianPaige00
      @DorianPaige00 10 місяців тому

      @@balalaika852 I just don't like the way it physically looks. I wanted to stay a boy and not become a man. I still feel it's important to keep as many youthful traits as possible moving forward. I don't find masculinization as all that attractive. If I walk into a gay bar, they're all over me and most haven't even showered nevertheless are even close to being on-weight. There's an attractiveness and a jealousy concerning what I am doing and people want to cut my down because of their missed opportunity.
      Furthermore I'll argue that maturation under testosterone is the driver for violence and war. Men have a 20 times incarceration rate when compared to women concerning violent felonies. It's not social contagion or learned behaviors exclusively. Men feel anger more intensely during and after the mid teen years. All of these social constructs are rooted in biology and the biology is that men grow musculature to defend the family from threats of nature. Men get wide jaws, thick brows, and bushy beards so other men are not attracted them. T-Rex had a huge mouth of sharp teeth because T-Rex engaged in combat for prey and fought other T-Rex's. I'm the one asking if forced masculinization is exactly moral and I decided at a very young age to disengage the mechanisms that allowed such "werewolfing" of young males. If you don't tell Selective Service where you are, they can't come and get you. I don't see women or 12 year old boys starting or seeking active combat in wars. I believe in breaking down every male right of passage and throwing it in everyone's face and especially as a warning to those about to endure it. I strongly believe in sex education there should be mention of the wedding night as violent emphasizing that a force is needed to push through. And the gays are no better and are actually what I like to call "insult to injury". Let them sort it out and all those who want off the testosterone train should be allowed off and not held captive. When I made this decision, I said at least I have myself if no one else agrees or does something similar.
      Moreover it's never best to look old. I've actually been looking after elderly relatives since I was 11 so those issues were present at a young age. Many often played helpless and it was very draining yet they always wanted you to make them feel good. If I was in that situation, I'd want to be left alone because of shame. I'm dealing with someone right now in a business situation where the prior person who dealt with her in this capacity made no money in 6 years and now I haven't made any in 3 years. Endless discounts, demands, and complaints get thrown in my face daily! I treat people a lot better than that. There was a package that got lost and the seller sent tracking proving that. I'll let that slight go because in the future we can still do business. If I demand a refund when he technically did nothing wrong, he may not want to deal with me again. I have my health and youth and did a lot to make sure masculinization didn't happen. I was then asked to look after and show grace to the same people who wanted to work against me and convince me otherwise to "let my body go" as their bodies failed early and often. War, masculinization, early aging, sickness related to the capacity to reproduce can all be prevented by keeping the body the same. The child is the father to the man!

  • @persephonemartinez5520
    @persephonemartinez5520 Рік тому +1

    I experienced social contagion through fb groups i took too seriously.
    I didn't/don't have a lot of real life connections/relationships and I was buying in to this whole SISTERHOOD and self exploitation lies for several years. And turning your fb in to an online business after many years of collecting your now unwitting friend group and suddenly soliciting them for business(but by then probably everyone I was surrounded by had been tuening their trauma processing/healing in to money)
    For a short time I sold things to my FB friends and was slowly planning to turn it in to something more in the coaching realms or selling to coaches.
    But i was consumed day and night with Facebook.
    From all aspects. Bc i was there first, for a friend and then in search if friends....then in search of knowledge, then in search of therapy, then helping others, then business. The social media pipeline for life long customers and sheep. I realized i was addicted and i wasnt going to be able to moderate my social media input/output bc i took it all so seriously. I believed the people who didnt know me, telling me how great i was. I believed "my sisters" loving me etc. But after multiple situations of being pushed out i realized the facade i was working in.
    I lost 99.9% of all those "amazing friends/sister" after i quit social media bc i didn't realize we were pretty much all the same. Addicted .
    We needed to keep up appearances to feel connected. Time off always led to hints that you arent actually that important in a place of a billion people.
    And I started in my mid twenties.
    These are tweens and teens or even younger who are consuming so much of "that" content...
    And so long as they don't quit they are going to squeeze there way through the pipeline to the highest extreme of the "day ".
    I quit Facebook 2 1/2 yes ago and this may be my longest UA-cam comment.
    And I kept off commenting on 99.9% of YT vids....
    But these kids have to "keep up" or they will lose their "place"

    • @persephonemartinez5520
      @persephonemartinez5520 Рік тому +1

      I forgot to mention, in those "communities" most of your "sisters/friends" were only as close as the things you had in common from day to day, and if you changed your mind or changed your conversation topic, expect to lose your "sisters/friends".

  • @flip-phone_becky4655
    @flip-phone_becky4655 Рік тому +1

    Around 32:00. This is becoming a new Monty Python sketch...

  • @flip-phone_becky4655
    @flip-phone_becky4655 Рік тому

    2:18 - I feel that this wasn't a problem for me because I was thinking it all through back in the 2000s mainly. If I was doing it these days...... I'd never be able to figure out what was my idea or what was a 'brainworm'. I really feel for the gender dysphoric kids these days.

  • @flip-phone_becky4655
    @flip-phone_becky4655 Рік тому

    8:20 - I think evil people intentionally gaslight these kids into being like that as well. I think they encourage it because it's dangerous for them and they want to cause harm.