God bless our PM Abiy & the First Lady! What an amazing leader👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿. Kindness matters! I don’t know of any other leader who literally serves the people on New Years or any other day. I believe he is the chosen one from above. May God Bless all my sisters and brothers 🙏🙏🙏
Abiy Ahmed is the reason for this continued flow of benevolence. He is rekindling our good culture in a very forceful manner. Ethiopians: we need to wake up and see what an excellent leader God has given us in Abiy Ahmed.
Dear fana zena first i wish you happy and prospeous new year next i always remember your vote for ethiopian prisoners in Saudi Arabia. Thank you for your cooperation.as it is known our government took around 70000 Ethiopian prisoners to their country. But more than 80000 prisoners are still under harsh prison life. Here in shumesi prison there is shortage of food , medication problem and no cloth to change. Due to this we are in exposed to different diseases like allergic, mental stress and constipation. It also cause us influenza and tuberclosis. So dear ...... please be on our side to take your part in voting for our realise from a prison. And if you get any information about our flight please write me in box. Please stand for our justice . we are considered and treated as no country.
Shame on you! Killing so many Ethiopian woman’s & kids😊by Bombarding & man made famines ( by yourself) now just photoshop. Dibble standard ppl. So shameful shameless. Just for one day🙈🙉🙊
War is war. Go and be angry with TPLF leaders. His only weakness is, he was not as strong from the beginning. He said love, and you laughed at him saying he is a pastor, look at you now so bitter.
@@kastieldev6732 you’re right his not strong😀 why? Because he’s not well educated, the 7th Grader fake phd… illusional big time LIER… he can’t be strong. Check what’s in the ground how many young ppl are dying even by the Devil 👿 Eritrean soldiers. When you wake up one day you’ll feel the real pain and truth! Until then is good for you to be “SHORT MEMORY PERSON! “I’m said you kind was said for you & ppl like you ! 🙈🙊🙉
@@deehope9477 lol 😀 did you go to school too? Now I know you’re real copy cat/FRASH ADASH. Instead of back & forth with me pls pray for those in 100,000 lost their lives, injured & Captured. Sitting & chewing chat & talking trash 🗑 is so Rabbis-he! THE GOOD THINGS ARE TIGRAY & TDF THEY WIN 🥇 EVEN IF AS HUAMAN BING IM SO SAD & 💔 the Dictators got good lessons.
መልካም እና አርአያነት ያለው ተግባር ነው። 🙏🇪🇹🙏 መልካም አዲስ ዓመት ለመላው ሰላም ወዳድ ኢትዮጵያውያን 🇪🇹🙏🇪🇹
አብቹን እና ቀዳማዊ እመቤትን ዝናሽን የሰጠን የሰማይ አምላክ እግዚያብሔር ይመስገን ይባረክ። እንዲህ በእድሜ የገፉ ባለወለታም ሆኑ ያልሆኑ ወገኖቻችንን እንዲህ መንከባከቡ እጅግ መንፈስን ደስ ያሰኛል እንኳን በስፍራው መገኘት ቀርቶ ማየቱም። እነኚህ ዜጎቻችን በሃዘን ህይወቸው አልፎ ፍርድ እንዳይሆንብን አተረፍከን። እንዲህ ደስ ብሏቸው በደስታ ህዝባቸውንና አገራቸውን መሪያቸውን እየመረቁ ተባርከን እግዚያብሔርም ደስ ብሎት ባርኮን በሰላም እንድንኖር ያደርገናል።
የሐገሬ እናቶችና የአባቶች ምርቃት መሬት ጠብ አትልም ።አሜን አሜን ሰላም ሰላም ፍቅር ደስታ አንድነት
Happy new year 🇪🇹❤️🇪🇷 Abech we love you ❤️❤️💪
አብቹ እንዳንተ አይነት መሪ ስለሰጠን እግዝአብሔር አመሰግነዋለሁ
ፈጣሪ ሙሉ ጤንነትና ሰላም ያርግላችሁ ። የናንተ ሰላም ለኛ ኤርትራውያን ጭምር ሰላም ነዉ።🇪🇷🇪🇹
ጀግኖቻችን የኢትዮጵያ ልጆች ናችሁ እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ኢትዮጵያን ይባርካት ይጠብቃት ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር 💚💛❤️🙏🙏🙏
በእውነቱ ወ/ሮ አዳነች ክብርት ከንቲባ ስራቸውን በክቡር እና በሰብአዊነት ; በማስታወስ ; በክብር የሚሰሩ ናቸው የሚሰጡት ቤት ለአቅመ ደካሞች ክብር እና ጤና ከረዥም እድሜ ጋር መልካም ስራ እንደ መልካም መአዛ ሽቶ ነውና በማህረሰብ አይረሴነትና ሰብአዊነት ነው እግዚአብሔር ሃያል ይክብርዎ ክብርት ከንቲባ ወ/ሮ አዳነች አበቤ ኢትዮጵያ ሃያል እግዚአብሔር ይጠብቅልን ; ሃገራችንን ይባርክልን
እንኳን አብሮ አደረሰን
ፈጣሪካንተጋር ይሁ መሪያቺን እንደምክር የምሰጥዎት መሪያቺን እሄንን ባህሪዎትን እንዳይቀይሩት በመላዉ አለም የምትገኙ ኢትዮጲያዊን እንኳን አደረሰን እንኻን አደረሳቺሁ
ኢትዮዽያን እገዚአብሄር ሰስለተመከተ አንተን የመሰለ መሪ ሰጥቶናል
መንገስትህ እንደፀሀይ ይብራ
ከደስታዬ የተነሳ እያለቀስኩ
ነው ያየሁት
አንተ የድሀ ተስፉ አንተ
የዛውነቶች ምርኩዝ
አንተ ለቆስቋሎች የምትራራ
የስደተኛ ሰብሳቢ……ኑርልን
ክፉ አይንካህ
ባለንበት እደአቅማችን እንገዝ ጎበዝ
የኔ ምርጥ ኢትዮጵያን እኳን አደረሳቹህ ሀገራችን ሰላም ፍቅር ደስታ ያድርግልን ፍትህ ለወሎ አማራ ጦሩን አቁምልን አብቾ
አሏህ እረጅም እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ይስጥህ መሪዬ
God bless our PM Abiy & the First Lady! What an amazing leader👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿. Kindness matters! I don’t know of any other leader who literally serves the people on New Years or any other day. I believe he is the chosen one from above.
May God Bless all my sisters and brothers 🙏🙏🙏
እግዚአብሔረ ዪእበአረኪ
ለመላው የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ መልካም አዲስ ዓመት 🙏🙏🙏💚💛❤🌼🌼🌼
እግዚአብሔር አምላክ የእመቤታችንን የቅድስት ማሪያም ልጅ እማማ ኢትዮጵያ ሀገራችን ይጠብቅልን 🙏🙏🙏💚💛❤🌼🌼🌼 ሰላሙን ይስጠን 🙏🙏🙏💚💛❤ 🌼🌼🌼የውስጥም የውጭም ጠላት ከኢትዮጵያ ሀገራችን ላይ ዓይኑንም እጁንም ያነሳል !!! 👈የውጭ ጠላቶች ሀገራችን ላይ ያሰቡት ጥፋት በእነሱ ይመለሳል !!!👈 👉እግዚእብሔር ይመስገን የኢትዮጵያ አምላክ አሜን፫ 🙏🙏🙏💚💛❤🌼🌼🌼👈👉 ክብርና ምስጋና ለጀግናው የኢትዮጵያ ሰራዊት ለጥምር ጦራችን እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ሀይል ፣ጉልበት ክለላ ይሁንላቹ አሜን፫ 🙏🙏🙏💚💛❤ 🌼🌼🌼👈
ኢትዮጵያ ታሸንፋለች 🙏🙏🙏💚💛❤🌼🌼🌼
ወያኔ አበርሮኝ አስከምሰደድ የመንግሰት ሰራ አየሰራሁ ጥሩ ኑሮ ነበረኝ ወደ 6 ኪሎ ለመሄድ ቤ/ መንግሰት ከአጥር ወጭ የአግር መሄጃው ተከልክሎ በታጠቀ ወታደር ያባርረን ነበር ጠ/ሚንስትር ደሀ አካለስንኩል አሮጊት ሽማግሌ ቤ/ መንግስት ውሰጥ ጋበዞ ከነሚስቱ ቆሞ የሚያበላ ነበእድሜየ አይቸ አላውቅምና በዓለም ዙርያ አንደ ጠ/ሚ አብይ ያለ መሪ ካለ መገረሜየ አና መደነቄ በልኩ ይሆናል አብየ ልጀ የኔ የኢትዮፕያ ህዝብ መሪ ተባረክ ዘላለም ንገሰ ❤😂😍😘
መገን ወገኔ የኔ አሳዘኞች ሆዳቸዉን ላድ ቀንም ቢሆን እዳረጠባችሁላቸዉ አላህ መንገዳችሁን ሁሉ ያለምልምላችሁ ይህ ለነሱ ብርቅ ነዉ አይይይይ ዱኒያ
አላሕ ይጠብቃችሁ አራች አላሕ ከፍ ያድርገት
በጥሮታ የሉ አባትና አናት ለበአሉ መጥራቱ ደስ ይላል መንገድ ተቀምጠው ለሚለምኑ ደሞዝ ይጨመር ።
Lol I hope & pray, you will be the first one to contribute for the homeless giving🙏
ማንም የኢትዮጲያ መሪ አድርጎት አያውቅም ሕዝብን በገያው ይዞ በአመት በዓል አብሮ የሚቋደስ
Abiy Ahmed is the reason for this continued flow of benevolence. He is rekindling our good culture in a very forceful manner. Ethiopians: we need to wake up and see what an excellent leader God has given us in Abiy Ahmed.
አይይይይ አቡቹ እደው እያናደድከኝም እወድካለሁ ግርማ ሞገስህኮ የሌለ ነዉ መሪየ
Melkam adis amet 🇮🇱❤🇪🇹
በቃ ይህ ነው የመሪ ሚናው ሥሩ በደንብ አረጋችሁ ገና ጀምር ላይ ናችሁ በርቱ
Lemerekachun hulu amen belenalr meriyachnenme ke kedamawit emebet gara edme tena yestelen lejochachu yebarrku. EGZABHER ETHIOPIAN ENA HEZBWAN YETEBEK YEBARK BEDEMU YEWAJATEN KIDIST BETEKRITYANEN YETEBEK AMEN 🙏 ♥
የህ ይሻላል ስራው
Mony is myen bank lalisa
ገና ታሪክ ትሰራለህ አሳያቸው እነዛ ጠብ መንጃ ተሸካሚዎችን
Dear fana zena first i wish you happy and prospeous new year next i always remember your vote for ethiopian prisoners in Saudi Arabia. Thank you for your cooperation.as it is known our government took around 70000 Ethiopian prisoners to their country. But more than 80000 prisoners are still under harsh prison life. Here in shumesi prison there is shortage of food , medication problem and no cloth to change. Due to this we are in exposed to different diseases like allergic, mental stress and constipation. It also cause us influenza and tuberclosis. So dear ...... please be on our side to take your part in voting for our realise from a prison. And if you get any information about our flight please write me in box. Please stand for our justice . we are considered and treated as no country.
ሰበር ሰበር ሰበር
ሰበር ዜና አስፈሪው የሞት መለአክ በሩሲያ በረዶውን አራግፎ ተነሳ
ሰበር ዜና አስፈሪው የሞት መለአክ በሩሲያ በረዶውን አራግፎ ተነሳ
Shame on you! Killing so many Ethiopian woman’s & kids😊by Bombarding & man made famines ( by yourself) now just photoshop. Dibble standard ppl. So shameful shameless. Just for one day🙈🙉🙊
War is war. Go and be angry with TPLF leaders. His only weakness is, he was not as strong from the beginning. He said love, and you laughed at him saying he is a pastor, look at you now so bitter.
@@kastieldev6732 you’re right his not strong😀 why? Because he’s not well educated, the 7th Grader fake phd… illusional big time LIER… he can’t be strong. Check what’s in the ground how many young ppl are dying even by the Devil 👿 Eritrean soldiers. When you wake up one day you’ll feel the real pain and truth! Until then is good for you to be “SHORT MEMORY PERSON! “I’m said you kind was said for you & ppl like you ! 🙈🙊🙉
Lol sham on you too!!
@@deehope9477 lol 😀 did you go to school too? Now I know you’re real copy cat/FRASH ADASH. Instead of back & forth with me pls pray for those in 100,000 lost their lives, injured & Captured. Sitting & chewing chat & talking trash 🗑 is so Rabbis-he! THE GOOD THINGS ARE TIGRAY & TDF THEY WIN 🥇 EVEN IF AS HUAMAN BING IM SO SAD & 💔 the Dictators got good lessons.
Junta go home cry on Debretsion
ጉማሬ ዘረኛ ከንቲባ እያፈናቀላችሁ ትመግባላችሁ ከቄያቸው አታፈናቅሏቸው ባለሐብቱን እናመሰግናለን ደጋጎች ባበረከቱት በረከት የብልግና ሰዎች ይሰየሙበታል ተረኞችን እግዚአብሔር ያስወግድልን!;
Lol Sure, God will destroy the bad evil, including you! No doubt...He is just🙏
Egzabher yeker yeblshe astewelshe tenagere